• Aucun résultat trouvé

Suppose we wish to write and specify a simple counter module. There are several ways of writing it and specifying it.

The simplest way is to write the following three functions mk counter =λ .ref(0) inc counter =λx.x←!x+ 1 read counter = !x

and prove the following three specifications

{True}mk counter(){v.v ,→0}

{` ,n}inc counter`{v.v= ()` ,n+ 1} {` ,n}read counter`{v.v=n` ,n}.

Exercise 4.31. Prove the above three specifications. ♦

The above specification is unsatisfactory since it completely exposes the internals of the counter, which means that it is not modular: if we verify a client of the counter relative to the above specification and then change the implementation of the counter, then the specification will likely also change and we will have to re-verify the client. A more abstract and modular specification is the following, which existentially quantifies over the “counter representation predicate”C, thus hiding the fact that the return value is a location.


{True}mk counter(){c.C(c,0)}∗

c.{C(c, n)}inc counterc{v.v= ()C(c, n+ 1)}∗

c.{C(c, n)}read counterc{v.v=nC(c, n)}.


This approach is not ideal either, because the code, consisting of three separate functions, does not provide any abstraction on its own (a client of this code would be able to modify directly the contents of the reference cell reprensenting the counter rather than only through the read and increment methods) and is not the kind of code that realistically would be written. In a typed language, the three functions would typically be sealed in a module, and the return type of the mk counter method would be abstract, only supporting read and write operations.

In our untyped language, we can also hide the internal state and only expose the read and increment methods as follows:

counter =λ .letx=ref(0)in(λ .x←!x+ 1, λ .!x)

The idea is that the counter method returns a pair of methods which have a hidden internal state variablex. The specification of this counter needs nested Hoare triples. One possibility is the following. To aid readability we usev.inc in place ofπ1vand analogously forv.read.



v.`. ` ,n.{` ,0n}v.inc(){u.u= ()` ,(n+ 1)}

n.{` ,n}v.read(){u.u=n` ,n}


A disadvantage of this specification is, again, that it exposes the fact that the internal state is a single location which contains the value of the counter.

Exercise 4.32. Show that the counter method satisfies the above specification. ♦ A better, modular, specification completely hides the internal state in an abstract predicate:



v.C:NProp. C(0)n.{C(n) }v.inc(){u.u= ()C(n+ 1)}




Exercise 4.33. Show this specification of the counter method. Can you derive it from the pre-vious one? What about conversely? Can you derive the prepre-vious specification from the current one? Hint: Think about another implementation of counter which satisfies the second

specifi-cation, but not the first. ♦

Exercise 4.34. Define the counter method with the help of the methods mk counter, inc counter and read counter and derive specification (5) from specification (4). ♦ Ideally we would want to use this combination of code and specification. However, it has some practical usability downsides when used in the accompanying Coq formalization. Chief among them is that it is easier to define,e.g.,anis counterpredicate, and use that instead of always having to deal with eliminating an existentially quantified predicate. To make the proofs more manageable, we will therefore usually write modules and specifications in the style of (4) and understand that we let go of abstraction at the level of the programming language.

As long as we are only using the specifications of programs it does not matter that the actual implementation exposes more details. And as we will see in examples, this is how we prove clients of modules. When working in Coq, for instance, we can ensure this mode of use of code and specifications using Coq’s abstraction features.

4.3.1 Abstract Data Types and Ownership Transfer: a Stack Module

We wish to specify a stack module with three methods, mk stack for creating the stack, and push and pop methods for adding and removing elements from the top of the stack. Drawing

inspiration from the previous section, we might come up with the following specification of the stack module.

∃isStack :Val→listVal→Prop.

{True}mk stack(){s.isStack(s,[])}∧

s.x, xs.{isStack(s, xs)}push(x, s){v.v=inj1()∧isStack(s, x::xs)}∧

s.x, xs.{isStack(s, x::xs)}pop(s){v.v=inj2x∧isStack(s, xs)}


Here isStack(s, xs) is an assertion stating thatsis a stack, which contains the list of elementsxs (in the specified order). The specifications of push and pop are self-explanatory. This specifi-cation is useful for verifispecifi-cation of certain clients, namely those that push and pop pure values, such as numbers, strings, and integers, to and from the stack. However, it is not strong enough to verify clients which operate on stacks of,e.g.,locations.

Exercise 4.35. Using the stack specification above, show that the programedefined as lets= mk stack()inpush(1, s); push(2, s); pop(s); pop(s)

satisfies the specification


The reason the stack specification above suffices for reasoning about stack clients that push and pop pure values is that all relevant information about a pure value is contained in the value itself. In contrast, the meaning of other values, such as locations, depends on other features, e.g., for the case of locations, the heap. Thus to be able to reason about clients that push and pop other values than pure values, we need a specification which allows us to transfer this additional information to and from the stack. To this end, we change the specification such that the isStack predicate does not specify a list of values directly but rather their properties, in the form of Iris predicates which hold for the values stored in the stack.

The new specification of the stack module is thus as follows.

∃isStack :Val→list(Val→Prop)→Prop.

{True}mk stack(){s.isStack(s,[])}∧

s.∀Φ.∀Φs.{isStack(s,Φs)∗Φ(x)}push(x, s){v.v= ()∧isStack(s,Φ::Φs)}∧



There are several things to notice about this specification. First is the universal quantification over arbitrary predicatesΦand lists of predicatesΦs, this makes the specificationhigher-order.

The second thing to notice is the ownership transferin the specifications of push and pop methods. This is related to the ownership reading of assertions explained in Section3.1above.

The idea is that, when pushing, the client of the stack transfers the resources associated with the elementx(the assertionΦ(x)) to the stack. Conversely, when executing the pop operation the client of the stack gets the valuevand the resources associated with the value (the assertion Φ(v)).

An example of a resource that can be transferred is the points to assertion ` ,→3. In this case, theΦpredicate would be instantiated withλx.x ,→3.

Exercise 4.36. Derive specification (6) from the more general specification (7). ♦

To see where this more general specification is useful let us consider an example client.

lets= mk stack()in letx1=ref(1)in letx2=ref(2)in

push(x1, s); push(x2, s); pop(s);

lety= pop(s)in matchywith


|inj2` ⇒!` end


Exercise 4.37. Show the following specification of the program (8).

{True}(8){v.v= 1}.

The stronger specification also gives us additional flexibility when specifying functions working with stacks. For instance, we can specify a functionf which expects a stack of lo-cations pointing to prime numbers and returns a prime number as follows.

{isStack(s,Φs)∗PrimeLoc(Φs)}f s{v.isPrime(v)}

where PrimeLoc(Φ) asserts that all predicates inΦsare of a particular form, namely that they hold only for locations which point to prime numbers. And isPrime(v) asserts thatvis a prime number. We omit its definition here.

The assertion PrimeLoc(Φs) can be defined by recursion on the listΦsby the following two cases.


PrimeLoc(Φ::Φs)≡(Φ(v)−∗ ∃n. v ,n∗isPrime(n))∗PrimeLoc(Φs)

Such a use case where we want a certain property to hold for all elements of a stack is common. Thus it is useful to have a less general stack module specification tailored for the use case. The specification we have in mind is

∃isStack :Val→listVal→(Val→Prop)→Prop.


{True}mk stack(){s.isStack(s,[],Φ)}∧

s.xs.{isStack(s, xs,Φ)∗Φ(x)}push(x, s){v.v= ()∧isStack(s, x::xs,Φ)}∧

s.x, xs.{isStack(s, x::xs,Φ)}pop(s){v.v=x∧isStack(s, xs,Φ)∗Φ(x)}


The idea is that isStack(s, xs,Φ) asserts thatsis a stack whose values arexsand all of the values xxssatisfy the given predicateΦ. The difference from the specification (7) is that there is a uniform predicateΦ which allthe elements have to satisfy, as opposed to having a list of predicates, one for each element of the stack. We can derive the specification (9) from the specification (7) as follows.

Let isStackg :Val→list(Val→Prop)→Prop be the predicate associated with the general stack specificaton (7). We define isStacku:Val→listVal→(Val→Prop)→Propas

isStacku(s, xs,Φ)≡isStackg(s,Φs(xs)) where the listΦsis defined recursively from the listxsas


Φs(x::xs)≡(λy.x=y∧Φ(y)) ::Φs(xs)

Exercise 4.38. Using isStacku derive the specifications of mk stack, push and pop as stated

in (9). ♦

5 Case Study: foldr

In this section we will use the logic introduced thus far to give a very general higher order spec-ification of thefoldrfunction on linked lists. We then use this specification to verify two clients using thefoldrfunction, thesumListfunction, which computes the sum of all the elements in the linked list, and thefilterfunction, which creates a new list with only those elements of the original list which satisfy the given predicate.

The implementation of thefoldrfunction is as follows.

rec foldr(f , a, l) =matchlwith inj1x1a

|inj2x2⇒leth=π1!x2in lett=π2!x2in f(h,foldr(f , a, t)) end

The first argumentf is a function taking a pair as an argument, the second argumentais the result offoldron the empty list, andlis the linked list.

The specification of thefoldrfunction is as follows.

P , I.fVal.xs.l.


isListl xs( allP xsI[]a

xVal.a0Val.ys.{P xI ys a0}f(x, a0){r.I(x::ys)r})


foldr(f , a, l) {r.isListl xsI xs r}

where the predicate allP xs states that P holds for all elements of the list. It is defined by induction on the list as

allP[]≡True allP(x::xs)P x∗allP xs We want the specification offoldrto capture to following:

• The third argumentl needs to be a linked list implementing the mathematical sequence xs. This it captured by isList l xsin the precondition.

• We do not want foldr to change the list. This is captured by having isListl xs in the postcondition.

• Some clients may not want to operate on general lists but only on subsets of those (e.g.,only on lists of odd natural numbers or lists of booleans). This is captured by letting the client choose a predicateP and then having allP xsin the precondition force the specification to only hold for listxs, whereP xholds for allxinxs.

• We want to be able to relate the return valuerto the listxswe have folded. This is done by an invariantI xs r. In the case werefoldris applied to the empty list the return value is simply theaprovided, henceI needs to be chosen such thatI[]aholds. This is expressed by the assertionI[]ain the precondition.

The last assertion in the precondition is the specification of the functionf which is used to combine the elements of the list, we remark more on its specification below.

The specification offoldris higher-order in the sense that it involves nested Hoare triples (here in the precondition). The reason being thatfoldr takes a function f as argument, hence we can’t specifyfoldrwithout having some knowledge or specification for the functionf. Different clients may instantiatefoldrwith some very different functions, hence it can be hard to give a specification forf that is reasonable and general enough to support all these choices. In particular knowing when one has found a good and provable specification can be difficult in itself.

The specification forf that we have chosen is

x.a0.ys.{P xI ys a0}f (x, a0){r.I(x::ys)r}

We explain the specification by how it is used proof offoldr, which is detailed below. In the proof offoldrwe are only going to use the specification forf whenl represents the sequence (x::xs), where the sequencexsis represented by some implementationt. In this case we are going to instantiate the specification off withfoldr(f , a, t) asa0,xsasysandxasx.

In this sense the specification forf simply says that ifxsatisfiesP and the resulta0of folding f over the subsequencexssatisfies the invariant, then applyingf to (x, a0) (which is exactly what foldrdoes on the sequence (x::xs)) gives a result, such thatIrelates it to the sequence (x::xs).

Remark 5.1. The only place, where our concrete implementationlof the list (as a linked list) is used is in isListl xswhere it is linked to a mathematical sequencexs. The predicates P , I and all are all defined on mathematical sequences instead. In this sense we may say that the mathematical sequences are abstractions or models of our concrete lists andP , I and all oper-ate on these models, hence the distinction between implementation details and mathematical

properties becomes clear.

Proof of the specification

Let P , I, f , xs andl be given. As Hoare triples are persistent and persistence is preserved by quantification we may move

x.a0.ys.{P xI ys a0}f(x, a0){r.I(x::ys)}

into the context i.e. we may assume it. We thus have to prove

x.a0.ys.{P xI ys a0}f(x, a0){r.I(x::ys)}`

{isListl xs∗allP xs∗I[]a} foldr(f , a, l)

{r.isListl xsI xs r}

We proceed byHt-Reci.e. we have to prove the specification for the body offoldrin which we have replaced any occurrence offoldrwith the functiongfor which

xs.l.{isListl xs∗allP xs∗I[]a}g(f , a, l){r.isListl xsI xs r} is assumed.

By the definition of the isList predicate we have that the listlpoints to is either empty [] or has a headxfollowed by another listxs0.

In the first case we need to show

{isListl[]∗allP[]∗I[]a}matchlwith...{r.isListl[]I[]r} and in the second

{isListl(x::xs0)∗allP(x::xs0)∗I[]a}matchlwith...{r.isListl xsI xs r} In both cases we proceed by the derived match rule from Exercise4.10.

In the first case we have isListl[]≡l =inj1() hence the first case is taken (follows by Ht-frame,Ht-Pre-EqandHt-ret), thus we have to prove

{isListl[]I[]a}a{r.isListl[]I[]r} After framing isListl[] we are left with proving

{I[]a}a{r.I[]r} AsI[]rfollows fromr=aI[]ait suffices byHt-csqto show

{I[]a}a{r.r=aI[]a} which follows byHt-frameandHt-ret.

In the second case we have isListl(x::xs0)≡ ∃hd, l0. l=inj2hdhd ,→(x, l0)∗isListl0xs0. By exercise4.21we get that the second case is taken, thus we need to prove

{isListl0xs0∗allP(x::xs0)∗I[]a∗l=inj2hdhd ,→(x, l0)} leth=π1!x2in

lett=π2!x2in f(h,(g(f , a, t)))


By simple applications ofHt-let-det,Ht-frame,Ht-bind,Ht-load,Ht-ProjandHt-retwe need to show:

{isListl0xs0∗allP(x::xs)I[]al=inj2hdhd ,→(x, l0)} f(x, g(f , a, l0))

{r.isListl(x::xs0)I(x::xs0)r} ByHt-bind-detwe have to show:

1. f(x,−) is an evaluation context.

2. the specification

{isListl0xs0∗allP(x::xs0)∗I[]al=inj2hdhd ,→(x, l0)} g(f , a, l0)

{r.isListl0xs0I xs0rP xl=inj2hdhd ,→(x, l0)} 3. the specification

{isListl0xs0I xs0vP xl=inj2hdhd ,→(x, l0)} f(x, v)


1. Asf is a value by assumption it follows thatf Eis an evaluation context, whenEis. Now asxis a value we have that (x,−) is an evaluation context hence it follows thatf(x,−) is an evaluation context.6

2. Follows by unfolding the definition of allP(x::xs0) =P x∗allP xs0, framingP xl=inj2hdhd ,→(x, l0) and then using our assumption ong.

3. As isListl0xs0l=inj2hdhd ,→(x, l0)⇒isListl(x::xs0) then it suffices byHt-csqto show {isListl(x::xs0)P xI xs0v}

f x v


which follows by framing isListl(x::xs0) and using our assumption onf. Client: sumList

The following client is a function that computes the sum of a list of natural numbers by making a right-fold on +, 0 and the list. The code below is a slightly longer as it has to take into account thatf takes the arguments as a pair.

sumListl= letf = (λp,letx=π1pin lety=π2pinx+y) in foldr(f ,0, l)

The specification of thesumListfunction is as follows.

l.xs.{isListl xs∗all isNatxs}sumListl{r.isListl xsrxxsx} where






True ifx∈N False otherwise is a predicate stating that the argument is a natural number.

The specification of the sumList function states that given a list of natural numbers im-plemented byl, the result ofsumListl is the sum of all the natural numbers in the list. The isListl xsin the postcondition again ensures thatsumListdoes not change the list.

6If we hadn’t letftake the arguments as a tuple then we would have been stuck here asf(x,) is not an evaluation context. To get past this, we would need to change the specification, such thatf xwould return a functiong, that when applied toa0would satisfy the current specification forf i.e.,we would have to specifyf using a nested Hoare triple and the specification forfoldrwould then involve a nested triple inside a nested triple.

Proof of thesumListspecification Letlandxsbe given. ByHt-let-detit suffices to show {isListl xs∗all isNatxs}

foldr((λp,letx=π1pin lety=π2pinx+y),0, l) {r.isListl xsrxxsx}

Using the specification forfoldr, with isNat asP,a0yysyasI ys a0, 0 asa, (λp,letx=π1pin lety=π2pinx+y)

asf,lasl, andxsasxswe get


x, a.ys.




(λp,letx=π1pin lety=π2pinx+y)(x, a)




isListl xs∗all isNatxs∗0 =Σx[]x


foldr((λp,letx=π1pin lety=π2pinx+y), a, l) {r.isListl xsrxxsx}

which is almost what we want. The difference being the precondition. ByHt-csqit suffices to show

isListl xs∗all isNatxs





x, a.ys.




(λp,letx=π1pin lety=π2pinx+y)(x, a)








∗isListl xs∗all isNatxs∗0 =Σx[]x i.e.,it is suffices to prove

1. ∀x, a.ys.




(λp,letx=π1pin lety=π2pinx+y)(x, a)




2. 0 =Σx[]x

without assuming anything.

The second item is immediate, and we leave the first as an exercise.

Exercise 5.2. Prove the specification (1) above. ♦

Client: filter

The following client implements a filter of some boolean predicatepon a listl,i.e.,it creates a new listwhose elements are precisely those elements oflthat satisfyp.

filter(p, l) = letf = (λy, letx=π1yin letxs=π2yin ifp x

then inj2(ref(x, xs)) elsexs)


foldr(f ,inj1(), l)


P .l.xs.{(x.{True}p x{v.isBoolvv=P x})∗isListl xs} filter(p, l)

{r.isListl xs∗isListr(listFilterP xs)} where







(x:: (listFilterP xs)) ifP x=true listFilterP xs otherwise The specification

x.{true}p x{v.isBoolvv=P x}

in the precondition of the specification offilterstates thatpimplements the boolean predicate P. The specification offilter states that given such an implementation p and a listl, whose elements corresponds to the mathematical sequencexs, thenfilterreturns (without changing the original list) a listrwhose elements are those that satisfyP.

Proof of the specification offilter LetP , landxsbe given. ByHt-let-detit suffices to show {(x.{True}p x{v.isBoolvv=P x})∗isListl xs}

foldr((λy,letx=π1yin letxs=π2yin ifp xthen inj2(ref(x, xs))elsexs),inj1(), l) {r.isListl xs∗isListr(listFilterP xs)}

By applying the specification forfoldrwithTrueasP x, isLista(listFilterP xs) asI xs a, (λy,letx=π1yin letxs=π2yin ifp xthen inj2(ref(x, xs))elsexs)

asf,xsasxsandlaslwe get that


(x0.a0.ys.{TrueisLista0(listFilterP ys)}p0(x0, a0){v.isListv(listFilterP(x0::ys))})

∗isListl xs∗all(λx.True)xs∗isList(inj1()) (listFilterP[])


foldr(p0,inj1(), l)

{r.isListl xs∗isListr(listFilterP xs)} wherep0is a shorthand notation for

λy,letx=π1yin letxs=π2yin ifp xthen inj2(ref(x, xs))elsexs.

ByHt-csqwe are done if we can show that (∀x.{True}p x{v.isBoolvv=P x})∗isListl xs

(∀x0.a0.ys.{True∗isLista0(listFilterP ys)}p0(x0, a0){v.isListv(listFilterP(x0::ys))})

∗isListl xs∗all(λx.True)xs∗isList(inj1()) (listFilterP[]) Since isListl xsclearly implies isListl xswe only need to show.

1. ∀x.{True}p x{v.isBoolvv=P x}

⇒ ∀x0.a0.ys.{True∗isLista0(listFilterP ys)}p0(x0, a0){v.isListv(listFilterP(x0::ys))} 2. True⇒all(λx.True)xs

3. True⇒isList(inj1()) (listFilterP[])

Exercise 5.3. Prove the preceding three implications.

Hint: use induction for the second item. ♦

6 The Later Modality

Thelater modalityis an essential feature of Iris. It will be used extensively in connection with invariants which we introduce in Section8. However it can also be used for other things, chiefly for specifying and reasoning about higher-order programs using higher-order store. We show a more involved example of this in Section9. In this section we introduce the later modality and its associated powerful L¨ob induction principle by a small, and rather artificial, example which has the benefit that it is relatively simple and only involves one new concept.

Recall that in untyped lambda calculus one can define a fixed-point combinator which can be used to express recursive functions. In ourλref,conclanguage we have a primitive fixed point combinatorrecf(x) =ebut, for the purposes of introducing the later modality, we will show how to define a fixed-point combinator and prove a suitable specification for it.

To this end, we assume the following specification forλterms.

S`{P}e[v/x]{u.Q} S`{P}(λx.e)v{u.Q}

Given a valueF, the call-by-value Turing fixed-point combinatorΘF is the following term

Given a valueF, the call-by-value Turing fixed-point combinatorΘF is the following term