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Maximum likelihood estimation for a bivariate Gaussian process under fixed domain asymptotics


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Maximum likelihood estimation for a bivariate Gaussian process under fixed domain asymptotics

Daira Velandia, Moreno Bevilacqua, François Bachoc, Xavier Gendre, Jean-Michel Loubes

To cite this version:

Daira Velandia, Moreno Bevilacqua, François Bachoc, Xavier Gendre, Jean-Michel Loubes. Maximum likelihood estimation for a bivariate Gaussian process under fixed domain asymptotics. Electronic Journal of Statistics , Shaker Heights, OH : Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2017, 11 (2), pp.2978- 3007. �10.1214/17-EJS1298�. �hal-01597076�


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Velandia, Daira and Bachoc, François and Bevilacqua, Moreno and Gendre, Xavier and Loubes, Jean-Michel

Maximum likelihood estimation for a bivariate Gaussian process under fixed domain asymptotics. (2017) Electronic Journal of Statistics, 11 (2). 2978-3007. ISSN 1935-7524


Vol. 11 (2017) 2978–3007 ISSN: 1935-7524


Maximum likelihood estimation for a bivariate Gaussian process under fixed

domain asymptotics

Daira Velandia, Fran¸cois Bachoc

Departamento de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas. Universidad de la Costa, Calle 58 No 55-66, (Barranquilla, Colombia) and Institut de Math´ematiques de Toulouse. Universit´e

Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France)


Moreno Bevilacqua, Xavier Gendre

Instituto de Estad´ıstica. Universidad de Valpara´ıso (Valparaiso, Chile) and Institut de Math´ematiques de Toulouse. Universit´e Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France)



Jean-Michel Loubes

Institut de Math´ematiques de Toulouse. Universit´e Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France)


Abstract: We consider maximum likelihood estimation with data from a bivariate Gaussian process with a separable exponential covariance model under fixed domain asymptotics. We first characterize the equivalence of Gaussian measures under this model. Then consistency and asymptotic nor- mality for the maximum likelihood estimator of the microergodic parame- ters are established. A simulation study is presented in order to compare the finite sample behavior of the maximum likelihood estimator with the given asymptotic distribution.

Keywords and phrases:Bivariate exponential model, equivalent Gaus- sian measures, infill asymptotics, microergodic parameters.

Received July 2016.


1 Introduction . . . . 2979

2 Equivalence of Gaussian measures . . . . 2981

3 Consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator . . . . 2984

4 Asymptotic distribution . . . . 2988

5 Numerical experiments . . . . 2995

The research work conducted by Moreno Bevilacqua was supported in part by FONDE- CYT grant 1160280 Chile.




6 Concluding remarks . . . . 2998 A Appendix section . . . . 2999 References . . . . 3005

1. Introduction

Gaussian processes are widely used in statistics to model spatial data. When fitting a Gaussian field, one has to deal with the issue of the estimation of its covariance. In many cases, a model is chosen for the covariance, which turns the problem into a parametric estimation problem. Within this framework, the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the covariance parameters of a Gaus- sian stochastic process observed in Rd, d1, has been deeply studied in the last years in the two following asymptotic frameworks.

The fixed domain asymptotic framework, sometimes called infill asymptotics [29,7], corresponds to the case where more and more data are observed in some fixed bounded sampling domain (usually a region ofRd). The increasing domain asymptotic framework corresponds to the case where the sampling domain in- creases with the number of observed data and where the distance between any two sampling locations is bounded away from 0. The asymptotic behavior of the MLE of the covariance parameters can be quite different in these two frameworks [37].

Consider first increasing-domain asymptotics. Then, generally speaking, for all (identifiable) covariance parameters, the MLE is consistent and asymptoti- cally normal under some mild regularity conditions. The asymptotic covariance matrix is equal to the inverse of the (asymptotic) Fisher information matrix.

This result was first shown by [22], and then extended in different directions by [8,9,24,4].

The situation is significantly different under fixed domain asymptotics. In- deed, two types of covariance parameters can be distinguished: microergodic and non-microergodic parameters [14, 29]. A covariance parameter is microergodic if, for two different values of it, the two corresponding Gaussian measures are orthogonal, see [14,29]. It is non-microergodic if, even for two different values of it, the two corresponding Gaussian measures are equivalent. Non-microergodic parameters cannot be estimated consistently, but misspecifying them asymp- totically results in the same statistical inference as specifying them correctly [26, 27, 28, 37]. On the other hand, it is at least possible to consistently esti- mate microergodic covariance parameters, and misspecifying them can have a strong negative impact on inference.

Nevertheless, under fixed domain asymptotics, it has often proven to be chal- lenging to establish the microergodicity or non-microergodicity of covariance parameters, and to provide asymptotic results for estimators of microergodic parameters. Most available results are specific to particular covariance models.

When d= 1 and the covariance model is exponential, only a reparameterized quantity obtained from the variance and scale parameters is microergodic. It is shown in [33] that the MLE of this microergodic parameter is consistent and



asymptotically normal. Whend >1 and for a separable exponential covariance function, all the covariance parameters are microergodic, and the asymptotic normality of the MLE is proved in [34]. Other results in this case are also given in [30, 1, 6]. Consistency of the MLE is shown as well in [21] for the scale co- variance parameters of the Gaussian covariance function and in [20] for all the covariance parameters of the separable Mat´ern 3/2 covariance function. Finally, for the entire isotropic Mat´ern class of covariance functions, all parameters are microergodic ford >4 [2], and only reparameterized parameters obtained from the scale and variance are microergodic for d3 [35]. In [17], the asymptotic distribution of MLEs for these microergodic parameters is provided, generalizing previous results in [10] and [31].

All the results discussed above have been obtained when considering a uni- variate stochastic process. There are few results on maximum likelihood in the multivariate setting. Under increasing-domain asymptotics [5] extend the re- sults of [22] to the bivariate case and consider the asymptotic distribution of the MLE for a large class of bivariate covariance models in order to test the independence between two Gaussian processes. In [11], asymptotic consistency of the tapered MLE for multivariate processes is established, also under increas- ing domain asymptotics. In [23], some results are given on the distribution of the MLE of the correlation parameter between the two components of a bivari- ate stochastic process with a separable structure, when the space covariance is known, regardless of the asymptotic framework. In [18], the fixed domain asymptotic results of [34] are extended to the multivariate case, ford= 3 and when the correlation parameters between the different Gaussian processes are known. Finally, under fixed domain asymptotics, in the bivariate case and when considering an isotropic Mat´ern model, [36] show which covariance parameters are microergodic.

In this paper, we extend the results of [33] (whend= 1 and the covariance function is exponential) to the bivariate case. Our main motivation to study this particular setting is that, on the one hand, its theoretical analysis remains tractable, as the likelihood function is available in close form, and as the number of covariance parameters to estimate remain moderate in the bivariate case. On the other hand, obtaining rigorous proofs in this bivariate setting is insightful, and is a first step toward the fixed-domain asymptotic analysis of more gen- eral multivariate settings. We discuss potential multivariate extensions in the conclusion section.

Note that bivariate processes observed along lines can occur in practical sit- uations. As mentioned in [10], spatial data can be collected along linear flight paths, see for instance the international H20 project, [32,19,25]. Furthermore, comparing two spatial quantities, for visualization, or for detecting correlations is very standard, see for instance Figure 9 in [32].

In this paper, we first consider the equivalence of Gaussian measures, that is to say we characterize which covariance parameters are microergodic. In the univariate case, [1] characterize the equivalence of Gaussian measures with expo- nential covariance function using the entropy distance criteria. We extend their approach to the bivariate case. It turns out, similarly as in the univariate case,



that not all covariance parameters are microergodic. Hence not all covariance parameters can be consistently estimated. Then we establish the consistency and the asymptotic normality of the MLE of the microergodic parameters. Some of our proof methods are natural extensions of those of [33] in the univariate case, while others are specific to the bivariate case. In particular, in the proof of Lemma3, we provide asymptotic approximations and central limit theorems for terms involving the interaction of the two correlated Gaussian processes, which is a novelty compared to the univariate case. Also, in the Proof of Theorem2, specific matrix manipulations are needed to isolate the microergodic parameter estimators in order to prove their asymptotic normality.

The paper falls into the following parts. In Section 2 we characterize the equivalence of Gaussian measures, and describe which covariance parameters are microergodic. In Section3we establish the strong consistency of the MLE of the microergodic parameters. Section4is devoted to its asymptotic normality. Some technical lemmas are needed in order to prove these results and, in particular, Lemma 3 is essential to prove the asymptotic normality results. The proofs of the technical lemmas are postponed to the appendix. Section 5 provides a simulation study that shows how well the given asymptotic distributions apply to finite sample cases. The final section provides a discussion and open problems for future research.

2. Equivalence of Gaussian measures

First we present some notations used in the whole paper.

IfA= (aij)1≤i≤k,1≤j≤n is ak×nmatrix andB= (bij)1≤i≤p,1≤j≤q is ap×q matrix, then the Kronecker product of the two matrices, denoted by AB, is thekp×nqblock matrix


a11B . . . a1nB ... . .. ... ak1B . . . aknB


In the following, we will consider a stationary zero-mean bivariate Gaussian process observed on fixed compact subsetT of R, Z(s) ={(Z1(s), Z2(s)), s T} with covariance function indexed by a parameterψ = (σ21, σ22, ρ, θ) R4, given by

Covψ(Zi(sl), Zj(sm)) =σiσj+ (1ρ)1i=j)eθ|slsm|, i, j= 1,2. (2.1) Note that σ21, σ22 >0 are marginal variances parameters and θ > 0 is a corre- lation decay parameter. The quantity ρwith |ρ|<1 is the so-called colocated correlation parameter [13], that expresses the correlation between Z1(s) and Z2(s) for each s. For i = 1,2, the covariance of the marginal processZi(s) is Covψ(Zi(sl), Zi(sm)) = σ2ie−θ|sl−sm|. Such process is known as the Ornstein- Uhlenbeck process and it has been widely used to model physical, biological,



social, and many other phenomena. Denote by Pψ the distribution of the bi- variate processZ, under covariance parameterψ. As we consider fixed domain asymptotic, the processZ(s) is observed at an increasing number of points on a compact setT. Without loss of generality we considerT = [0,1] and denote by 0 s1 < . . . < sn 1 the observation points of the process. Let us no- tice that the pointss1, . . . , sn are allowed to be permuted when new points are added and that these points are assumed to be dense in T when n tends to- wards infinity. The observations can thus be written asZn= (Z1,n , Z2,n ) with Zi,n = (Zi(s1), . . . , Zi(sn)) for i= 1,2. Hence the observation vectorZn fol- lows a centered Gaussian distributionZnN(0,Σ(ψ)) with covariance matrix Σ(ψ) =AR, given by


σ21 σ1σ2ρ

σ1σ2ρ σ22 , R=


1≤m,l≤n, (2.2) and the associated likelihood function is given by

fn(ψ) = (2π)n|Σ(ψ)|1/2e12ZnΣ(ψ)−1Zn. (2.3) The aim of this section is to provide a necessary and sufficient condition to warrant equivalence between two Gaussian measures Pψ1 and Pψ2 with ψi = i,12 , σi,22 , ρi, θi), i= 1,2.

Specifically let us define the symmetrized entropy In(Pψ1, Pψ2) =Eψ1logfn1)


fn1). (2.4) We assume in this section that the observation points are the terms of a growing sequence in the sense that, at each step, new points are added to the sampling scheme but none is deleted. This assumption ensures that In(Pψ1, Pψ2) is an increasing sequence.

Hence we may define the limitI(Pψ1, Pψ2) = limn→∞In(Pψ1, Pψ2), possibly infinite. Then Pψ1 and Pψ2 are either equivalent or orthogonal if and only if I(Pψ1, Pψ2)<or I(Pψ1, Pψ2) = respectively (see Lemma 3 in page 77 of [14] whose arguments can be immediately extended to the multivariate case).

Using this criterion, the following lemma characterizes the equivalence of the Gaussian measuresPψ1 andPψ2.

Lemma 1. The two measures Pψ1 and Pψ2 are equivalent on the σ-algebra generated by{Z(s), sT}, if and only if σi,12 θ1=σi,22 θ2,i= 1,2 andρ1=ρ2

and orthogonal otherwise.

Proof. Let us introduce Δi=sisi−1 fori= 2, . . . , nand note that n


Δi1 and lim

n→∞ max

2≤i≤nΔi= 0.

LetRj =


1≤m,l≤n,j= 1,2. By expanding (2.4) we find that In(Pψ1, Pψ2) = 1


1 (1ρ22)


σ1,22 2σ1,1σ2,1ρ1ρ2

σ1,2σ2,2 +σ22,1 σ22,2

tr(R1R−12 )



+ 1

(1ρ21) σ21,2

σ21,1 2σ1,2σ2,2ρ1ρ2 σ1,1σ2,1

+σ2,22 σ2,12



Ifσ2i,1θ1=σi,22 θ2 andρ1=ρ2fori= 1,2 we obtain In(Pψ1, Pψ2) = θ2

θ1tr(R1R−12 ) +θ1

θ2tr(R2R−11 )2n.

In order to computetr(R1R21) and tr(R2R11), we use some results in [3]. The matrixRj can be written as follows,


1 eθjΔ2 · · · eθj

n i=2


e−θjΔ2 1 · · · e−θj

n i=3


... ... . .. ... eθj

n i=2



n i=3


· · · 1

andR−1j can be written as

1 1e−2θjΔ2


1e−2θjΔ2 0 · · · 0

e−θjΔ2 1e−2θjΔ2


1e−2θjΔ2 + e−2θjΔ3


. .. . .. ...

0 . .. . .. 0


. . .. 1

1e−2θjΔn−1 + e2θjΔn


e−θjΔn 1e−2θjΔn

0 · · · 0 e−θjΔn


1 1e−2θjΔn


Since,tr(RjR−1k ) = n i=1

n m=1

(RjR−1k )im, j, k= 1,2, j=k, we have

tr(RjR−1k ) = −2 n i=2

e−(θjki 1ekΔi +

n i=2

1 1ekΔi +

n i=3


1e−2θkΔi + 1 1e−2θkΔ2

= n i=2

2ejki+ 1 +ekΔi 1e−2θkΔi + 1

= n i=2

(e−θkΔie−θjΔi)2 1ekΔi +

n i=2

1e−2θjΔi 1ekΔi + 1.

Then, we can writeIn(Pψ1, Pψ2) as In(Pψ1, Pψ2) = θ2




(eθ1Δieθ2Δi)2 1e−2θ2Δi +

n i=2

1e1Δi 1e−2θ2Δi + 1



+θ1 θ2



(eθ2Δieθ1Δi)2 1e−2θ1Δi +

n i=2

1e2Δi 1e−2θ1Δi + 1


Forj, k= 1,2,j =k, as is obtained by Taylor expansion, since maxiΔi tends to 0, we have



Δi(1e−2θkΔi) θj


=O(1) and max



Δi(1e−2θkΔi) =O(1) Since

iΔi tends to 1,

In(Pψ1, Pψ2) =θ2 θ1

(1 +O(1)) +θ1 θ2

(1 +O(1)) andI(Pψ1, Pψ2) = limn→∞In(Pψ1, Pψ2)<∞.

Then the two Gaussian measuresPψ1andPψ2are equivalent on theσ−algebra generated byZ if and only ifσ2i,1θ1=σ2i,2θ2,i= 1,2, andρ1=ρ2.

Note that sufficient conditions for the equivalence of Gaussian measures using a generalization of the covariance model (2.1) are given in [36]. A consequence of the previous lemma is that it is not possible to estimate consistently all the parameters individually if the data are observed on a compact setT. However the microergodic parameters σ12θ, σ22θ and ρ are consistently estimable. The following section is devoted to their estimation.

3. Consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator

Letψ= (ˆθ,σˆ12,σˆ22,ρ) be the MLE obtained by maximizingˆ fn(ψ) with respect to ψ. In the rest of the paper, we will denote byθ0, σi02, i = 1,2 and ρ0 the true but unknown parameters that have to be estimated. We letvar =varψ0, cov = covψ0 and E = Eψ0 denote the variance, covariance and expectation under Pψ0. In this section, we establish the strong consistency of the MLE of the microergodic parameters ˆρ, ˆθˆσ21 and ˆθˆσ22.

We first consider an explicit expression for the negative log-likelihood function ln(ψ) =−2 log(fn(ψ)) = 2nlog(2π) + log|Σ(ψ)|+Zn[Σ(ψ)]−1Zn. (3.1) The explicit expression is given in the following lemma whose proof can be found in the appendix.

Lemma 2. The negative log-likelihood function in Equation (3.1) can be written as

ln(ψ) =n

log(2π) + log(1ρ2) +

2 k=1

n i=2

log σ2k


+ 2 k=1

log(σk2) + 1 1ρ2



1 σ2k

zk,12 +

n i=2






z1,1z2,1+ n


z1,ieθΔiz1,i−1 z2,ieθΔiz2,i−1 1e−2θΔi


with zk,i=Zk(si)andΔi=sisi−1, i= 2, . . . , n.

The following theorem uses Lemma2in order to establish the strong consis- tency of MLE of the microergodic parametersρ,θσ21,θσ22.

Theorem 1. Let J = (aθ, bθ) ×(aσ1, bσ1) ×(aσ2, bσ2) × (aρ, bρ), with 0<

aθ θ0 bθ < ,0 < aσ1 σ012 bσ1 < ,0 < aσ2 σ022 bσ2 < and 1 < aρ ρ0 bρ <1. Define ψ= (ˆθ,σˆ21,ˆσ22,ρ)ˆ as the minimum of the negative log-likelihood estimator, solution of

ln(ψ) = min

ψJ ln(ψ). (3.2)

Then, with probability one, ψexists for nlarge enough and whenn+∞


ρ −→a.s ρ0, (3.3)

θˆσˆ12 −→a.s θ0σ201, (3.4) θˆσˆ22 −→a.s θ0σ202. (3.5) Proof. The proof follows the guideline of the consistency of the maximum like- lihood estimation given in [33]. Hence consistency results given in (3.3), (3.4) and (3.5) hold as long as we can prove that there exists 0< d < D <such that for every >0,ψandψ, withψψ>





→ ∞ a.s. (3.6)

where ψ= (θ,ρ2,σ12,σ22)J can be any nonrandom vector such that ρ=ρ0, θ σ21=θ0σ012 , θ σ22=θ0σ022 .

In order to simplify our notation, let Wk,i,n = zk,ie−θ0 Δizk,i−1

[σ20k(1−e−2θ0 Δi)]12, k = 1,2 and i= 2, ..., n. By the Markovian and Gaussian properties ofZ1 andZ2, it follows that for eachi2,Wk,i,n is independent of {Zk,j, ji1}, k = 1,2. More- over {Wk,i,n,2in}, k = 1,2 are an i.i.d. sequences of standard Gaussian random variables. Using Lemma 2we write,

ln(ψ) = 2 k=1

n i=2

log σ2k


+ 1

1ρ2 2 k=1

n i=2





(1ρ2) n i=2

z1,ie−θΔiz1,i1 z2,ie−θΔiz2,i1


+nlog(2π) +c(ψ, n),


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