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guide d’ondes en plastique

Florian Voineau

To cite this version:

Florian Voineau. Systèmes communicants haut-débit et bas coûts par guide d’ondes en plastique.

Electronique. Université de Bordeaux, 2018. Français. �NNT : 2018BORD0178�. �tel-02094374�






Par Florian VOINEAU

Systèmes communicants haut-débit et bas coûts par guide d’ondes en plastique

Sous la direction de : Éric KERHERVÉ Soutenue le 11 Octobre 2018

Membres du jury :

M. VERDEYME, Serge Professeur XLIM Limoges Président du jury M. BOURDEL, Sylvain Professeur Grenoble INP Rapporteur M. PERSON, Christian Professeur IMT Atlantique Rapporteur M. BUSSON, Pierre Docteur STMicroelectronics Examinateur M. KERHERVÉ, Éric Professeur Bordeaux INP Directeur de thèse M. GHIOTTO, Anthony Maître de Conférences Bordeaux INP Co-encadrant M. MARTINEAU, Baudouin Docteur CEA Leti Co-encadrant Mme SIÉ, Mathilde Docteur STMicroelectronics Co-encadrant

M. LARIE, Aurélien Docteur Membre invité

M. BELOT, Didier Ingénieur HDR STMicroelectronics / CEA Leti

Membre invité


guide d’ondes en plastique Résumé :

L’évolution actuelle de la société vers un monde de plus en plus numérique et connecté nécessite des liens de communication à la fois haut-débit et bas coûts. A cette fin, les guides d’ondes en plastique proposés ces dernières années visant les bandes de fréquences millimétriques (mm) offrent un compromis performance / coût très attractif.

Profitant ainsi de larges bande-passantes de l’ordre de plusieurs gigahertz (GHz), des performances des technologies CMOS avancées aux fréquences mm mais également de tolérances d’assemblage relâchées, des systèmes de communication avec de tels guides d’ondes en plastique pourraient offrir des débits de plusieurs gigabits par seconde (Gb/s) sur des distances de plusieurs mètres de manière abordable.

Dans ce travail, la conception d’un guide d’ondes en plastique est tout d’abord présentée en se basant à la fois sur des résultats théoriques et de simulation électromagnétique. Bien que les promesses de faible atténuation aient effectivement été confirmées, certaines limitations du confinement et de la robustesse aux contacts extérieurs sont également apparues. L’ajout d’une mousse protectrice est brièvement investiguée, mais une géométrie innovante de guide présentant des caractéristiques améliorées est principalement détaillée.

Des thématiques « systèmes » sont ensuite explorées afin de construire un système de communication utilisant ce nouveau canal de propagation. Une architecture combinant la modulation de phase en quadrature (QPSK) et le multiplexage en fréquence est ainsi introduite. L’interface entre le circuit et le guide d’ondes a par ailleurs été identifiée comme une limitation potentielle à la bande-passante globale du système. Par conséquent, une transition très large-bande a été conçue et testée pour lever ce verrou. De même, en raison des inconvénients des techniques usuelles de démodulation de signaux mm QPSK, une topologie originale utilisant les non-linéarités des oscillateurs à injection a été développée.

Enfin, la conception d’un émetteur mm en technologie silicium avancée (CMOS 28 nm FD-SOI) est décrite. Les contributions majeures incluent l’introduction de coupleurs hybrides intégrés à haute-performance ainsi que la réalisation d’un circuit de synchronisation. Celui-ci présente une large plage de capture et permet un fonctionnement à faible bruit de phase lorsque le système est verrouillé sur la cinquième harmonique du signal de référence. Des mesures sur signaux modulés ont également permis de mettre en évidence la capacité de l’émetteur à transmettre des débits très élevés de plusieurs Gb/s.

Mots clés : Faibles coûts, Guides d’ondes, Guides d’ondes en plastique, Haut-

débit, Millimétrique, Plastique, QPSK, RF, Transitions


Title: Plastic Waveguides for High Speed Communications Abstract:

In a world willfully transitioning to the

Digital Age, the thirst for connectivity demands

high-speed communication links at low cost. In this context, affordable plastic waveguides have been proposed as a disruptive propagation channel in the millimeter- wave (mmW) range. Benefiting from multi gigahertz (GHz) bandwidths and mmW capabilities of advanced CMOS technologies as well as relaxed assembly tolerances requirements, cost-effective communication systems based on plastic waveguides could offer multi gigabits per second (Gb/s) data rates over several meters distances.

In this work, the design of plastic waveguide channels is first discussed using both a theoretical approach and Electromagnetic (EM) simulations. Although low attenuation promises have been confirmed, some limitations are also highlighted, especially as regards confinement ability and robustness to external contacts. Solutions involving foam coating are briefly investigated and an innovative plastic waveguide design demonstrating improved characteristics is introduced.

System-level topics are then explored in order to build a communication system using the previously presented channel. A new architecture, which combines Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) and frequency multiplexing, is found to be much more suitable. The transition from the circuit to the plastic waveguide has also been identified as a potential bandwidth bottleneck. Consequently, a wideband microstrip to WR-12 transition has been designed. Another limitation concerning the demodulation of QPSK mmW signals is investigated and an original topology using the non-linearities of Injection Locked Oscillators (ILO) has been developed.

Finally, the design of a mmW transmitter in an advanced silicon technology node (CMOS 28 nm FD-SOI) is described. Major contributions include the introduction of high-performance integrated hybrid couplers and the realization of a wide locking range synchronization circuit enabling low phase-noise operation when locked on the fifth harmonic of a reference signal. Measurements on modulated signals have validated the transmitter high data-rate capability of several Gb/s.

Keywords: High data rate, Low-cost, Millimeter-wave, Plastic waveguides, QPSK, RF, Transitions, Waveguides

Unité de recherche

Université de Bordeaux, Laboratoire IMS, CNRS UMR 5218, Bordeaux INP, 351 cours de la Libération, Bâtiment A31, 33405 Talence



A l’heure d’écrire ces lignes, je mesure le nombre conséquent de personnes m’ayant apporté leur aide ou leur soutien que ce soit au sein du laboratoire IMS, du CEA Leti ou de STMicroelectronics, où les différents épisodes de cette thèse se sont tour à tour déroulés. Je profite de ces quelques lignes pour leur adresser ici toute ma reconnaissance.

Je remercie tout d’abord Monsieur Serge Verdeyme pour avoir accepté de présider le jury de cette thèse, ainsi que Messieurs Sylvain Bourdel et Christian Person pour en avoir été les rapporteurs. Je remercie aussi Messieurs Pierre Busson, Aurélien Larie et Didier Belot pour leur participation en tant qu’examinateur et membre invité. Merci à tous pour l’intérêt que vous avez témoigné à mon travail !

Je remercie également mes encadrants de thèse pour tout ce qu’ils m’ont transmis pendant plus de 3 ans, tant sur le plan technique qu’humain. Merci à Baudouin Martineau pour sa bonne humeur, ses conseils toujours avisés et son sens pratique dans les expérimentations. Je réalise qu’il a bien fait de me pousser à faire une thèse, moi qui ne partais pourtant pas convaincu ! Merci à Mathilde Sié pour son énergie, son implication inébranlable et sa ténacité (« on ne lâche rien ! »). Merci à Anthony Ghiotto pour ses connaissances et son aide précieuse dans la conception d’une transition large-bande. Merci enfin à Eric Kerhervé pour avoir accepté d’être le directeur de cette thèse et pour m’avoir accueilli au sein de l’équipe CSH du laboratoire IMS.

Je remercie l’ensemble des thésards de l’IMS qui ont fait de mon séjour à Bordeaux un vrai moment de « plaisiriance » : Aurélien Larie, David Polge, Yoan Veyrac, Manuel Potereau, Jérémie Prades, Boris Moret, Florent Torres, Fabien Mesquita, Romain Berges, Raphaël Guillaume. J’ai également une pensée toute particulière pour Magali De Matos dont la bonne humeur et les compétences ont rendu possible un grand nombre des résultats expérimentaux présentés dans ce travail. Je réalise a posteriori qu’il faut une grande ouverture d’esprit pour accepter de déployer plus d’une dizaine de mètres de câble plastique dans un laboratoire RF ! Je remercie aussi Mickaël Perchicot pour son aide dans la recherche d’un partenaire industriel capable de fabriquer la Magic Wheel. Mickaël a de plus contribué, avec l’aide de Nhu Huan Nguyen et d’Anthony Ghiotto, à la validation expérimentale du prototype. Merci à Nathalie Deltimple pour sa bienveillance à la tête de l’équipe CSH et à Yann Deval (alias Super Breton !) pour la bonne humeur qu’il distille dans son laboratoire.

Je remercie le laboratoire LAIR du CEA Leti qui m’a chaleureusement accueilli pendant plus de 2 ans et fourni de précieux moyens de caractérisation. Merci à son chef Eric Mercier ainsi qu’à Pierre Vincent, son supérieur, ce dernier ayant aussi joué le rôle d’encadrant officiel au début de cette thèse au sein du Leti. Je tiens par ailleurs à remercier spécifiquement Alexandre Siligaris, Clément Jany et José Luis González Jiménez dont les discussions passionnantes, et souvent passionnées, concernant la conception de circuits aux fréquences millimétriques et leurs différentes architectures ont nourri ce travail. Je souhaite aussi remercier Cédric Dehos pour sa maîtrise du démonstrateur à 60 GHz « Eagle » et de l’oscilloscope temps réel (Sans maîtrise la puissance n’est rien), ainsi que pour ses connaissances pointues en matière de Systèmes Electroniques. Merci d’avoir également porté la casquette d’encadrant officiel CEA à un moment… enfin je crois ! Je voudrais rendre hommage à l’esprit


associée ne se seraient probablement pas concrétisés pour moi, et qui a œuvré pour le montage de projets de recherche en lien avec la thématique. Pour compléter ce tour d’horizon au sein du LAIR, je remercie l’ensemble des personnes avec lesquelles j’ai eu la chance de tisser des relations à la fois professionnelles et amicales, notamment grâce à une équipe soudée de thésards (et assimilés) : Guillaume Waltener, Raphaël Vansebrouck, Baptiste Grave, Jennifer (Zaini) Desèvedavy, Anthony Goavec, Marguerite Marnat, David Buffeteau, Zoltan Nemes, Tu Vo Tien, Saad Boutayeb, Abdessamad Boulmirat, César Vásquez.

Je remercie aussi bien évidemment l’entreprise STMicroelectronics pour m’avoir permis, par sa confiance et sa recherche de pointe, de réaliser un stage de fin d’études puis une thèse qui ont changé ma vie. A cet effet, je remercie Daniel Gloria, Luc Garcia et Jacky Uginet pour m’avoir accueilli successivement dans leur équipe respective. J’adresse de même un remerciement particulier à Delphine Maury pour m’avoir accordé sa confiance alors que la fin de mon contrat approchait. A Baudouin Martineau et Mathilde Sié, présents depuis le tout début de cette aventure, s’ajoute Romain Pilard dont la pédagogie et l’encadrement exceptionnels en tant qu’encadrant de stage m’ont permis d’acquérir un grand nombre de ses compétences en simulation électromagnétique en l’espace de quelques mois. Il est très clair que cette maîtrise a été déterminante dans l’obtention des résultats présentés aujourd’hui dans le second chapitre de ce document. Par ailleurs, la bonne ambiance rayonnante au sein de la désormais célèbre Mich’ RF Team a été un élément essentiel dans mon engagement à accepter de faire une thèse. Je remercie ici ses dignes représentants actuels ou passés : Simon Bouvot, Alice Bossuet, Sandrine Oeuvrard, Jean-Marc Boucaud, Audrey Michard, Cybelle Bellem Goncalves, Arun Bhaskar, Elsa Lacombe, Joao Azevedo Goncalves, Cédric Durand, Yohann Solaro, Frédéric Gianesello, Sébastien Jan, Thomas Quemerais, Romain Debroucke, Michel Buczko, Hervé Petiton, Metig Hello, Jeff Nowakowski, José Lugo, Françoise Baille, Gérard Haury, Dimitri Goguet. Bienvenue aussi aux petits nouveaux : Ophélie Foissey, Vincent Gidel, Francesco Filice, Victor Fiorese, Thomas Capelli et Alexandre Flete !

Je remercie par la même occasion Florence Sonnerat d’œuvrer en la qualité de Party Rock Manager de l’équipe. Merci pour ta gentillesse, ta bonne humeur, ton altruisme, et bien plus encore !

Merci aussi à la bande des thésards de la Team Galy (Thomas Bédécarrats, Louise De Conti, Renan Lethiecq, Mohammed Tmimi) pour m’avoir accueilli à leur table tout en transformant mes repas à la cantine en moments de pure convivialité . Un grand merci à mes autres compagnons de bonne fortune : Mathieu Vallet, Hani Sherry, Réda Kasri, Hanae Zegmout, Sotiris Athanasiou, Matteo Causo, Hani Malloug, Mirjana Videnovic-Misic, David Gaidioz, Robin Benarrouch, Jérémie Forest, Clément Beauquier.

Je remercie enfin toutes les personnes très compétentes qui m’ont apporté leur aide au sein de STMicroelectronics. Même si une liste exhaustive est malheureusement impossible, je remercie spécialement Vincent Knopik, Benoit Butaye, Lionel Vogt, Nicolas Pelloux, Clément Charbuillet, Philippe Cathelin et Thierry Schwartzmann pour leur contribution. De plus, je remercie tous mes collègues de l’équipe Design pour leur accueil bienveillant : Emmanuel Rouat, Patrice Garcia, Raphaël Paulin, Denis Pache, Christophe Arricastres, Valérie Danelon, Raffaele Bianchini, Jérôme Lajoinie, Jasmina Antonijevic, Laurent Chabert.

Pour finir, je remercie du fond du cœur ma famille et mes parents pour leur soutien indéfectible (à travers tous les sens que peut revêtir ce mot), leur amour intarissable et leurs valeurs exemplaires.


“Compassion has no limit. Kindness has no enemy.”

Yogi Tea


Table of Contents

List of Tables ... v

List of Figures ... vi

List of Abbreviations ... xvi

Chapter 1: Introduction ... 1

1.1.Motivation ... 1

1.2.State of the Art ... 2

1.2.1.Twisted Copper Pairs ... 2

1.2.2. Optical Fibers ... 3

1.2.3. Millimeter-wave Free Space Propagation ... 4

1.2.4. Plastic Waveguide Systems... 5

1.3.Thesis Outline ... 6

References ... 7

Chapter 2: Building a Plastic Waveguide Channel ... 9

2.1.Review of the State of the Art ... 9

2.1.1.Historical Perspective and Current Applications of Metallic Waveguides ... 9

2.1.2.From D. Hondros and P. Debye to P. Reynaert: A Century of Progress ... 11 Historical Perspective ... 11 Latter developments and current state of the art review ... 12

2.2. Waveguide Basics ... 17

2.2.1.The Existence of Modes in Waveguides ... 17

2.2.2.The Rectangular (Metallic) Waveguide ... 18

2.2.3.Optical Fibers and Useful Approximations in Geometrical Optics ... 22

2.3.Understanding Dielectric Waveguides: The Dielectric Slab Example ... 28

2.3.1. Problem Description ... 28

2.3.2. Propagating Modes ... 28

2.3.3. Fields Confinement and Dispersion Relation Diagram ... 30

2.3.4. Attenuation ... 35

2.4.Choosing Design Parameters ... 35

2.4.1.Operating Frequency ... 35

2.4.2.Materials Choice ... 36

2.4.3.Footprint Consideration ... 38

2.4.4. Confinement and Environmental Considerations ... 39

2.4.5. Costs Considerations ... 42

2.4.6. Plastic Waveguides Design Guidelines ... 44

2.5.The Surrounding Environment and Contact Sensitivity Issue: An Innovative Design Proposal ... 45


2.5.1. Contact Sensitivity Issue ... 45

2.5.2.Magic Wheel: An Innovative Design Proposal ... 47

2.6.Excitation Conditions: On the Importance of Couplers ... 48

2.7.Measurement Results ... 53

2.7.1.Measurement Setup ... 53

2.7.2.Tubular Geometries ... 54 Low-Loss / Cow-Confinement Design ... 54 Maximum Confinement at the Edge of Single-Mode Operation ... 57

2.7.3. Magic Wheel Design ... 59

2.8.Conclusions and Comparison with the State of the Art ... 63

2.9.Perspectives ... 67

2.9.1.Orthogonal Polarization Modes Characterization ... 67

2.9.2.Micro-structured Millimeter Wave Plastic Waveguides ... 68

References ... 71

Chapter 3: Building a Millimeter-wave System around the Channel ... 75

3.1. System Level Specifications ... 75

3.2. Millimeter-wave System Basics ... 78

3.3. Application to Plastic Waveguide Systems ... 84

3.3.1.System Overview ... 84

3.3.2.Interconnects Challenges ... 86

3.3.3.Broadband Microstrip Line to Waveguide Transition ... 89

3.3.4.Comparison with the State of the Art ... 94

3.4. Link Budget Analysis ... 94

3.5. Analysis of Millimeter-wave QPSK Modulators and Demodulators ... 97

3.5.1.Canonical Demodulation of M-ary PSK Constellations ... 97

3.5.2.D-QPSK Demodulation Using Time-Delay Comparison ... 98

3.5.3.Carrier and Data Recovery with a Costas Loop ... 99

3.5.4.Limitations Summary of Millimeter-wave QPSK Demodulators ... 100

3.6.ILO Based Demodulation for High-Speed QPSK Systems ... 101

3.6.1.ILO Theoretical Basics ... 101

3.6.2. ILO Demodulation Concept: Frequency-domain Presentation ... 106

3.6.3. Demodulation Illustration in the Time-domain ... 108

3.6.4. Design Considerations ... 109

3.7.Demonstration at 60 GHz ... 111

3.8.Conclusions ... 113

3.9.Perspectives ... 114

3.9.1.Low Loss Interconnects ... 114

3.9.2. ILO Based Demodulation Further Investigations and Improvements ... 115 Pulse Shaping Impact ... 116 Feedback loop ... 117

References ... 118

Chapter 4: Designing a Millimeter-wave RFIC Targeting Multi-Gigabit Operation ... 121

4.1. Transmitter Architecture ... 121

4.2. Overview of STMicroelectronics 28 nm CMOS FD-SOI Technology and Comparison with the State of the Art ... 122

4.2.1. Front End of Line Performance ... 123


4.2.2. Back End of Line Performance ... 125

4.3.Low Power Oscillator ... 126

4.4.Injection Circuit for Locked Operation ... 128

4.5.Quadrature Signal Generation ... 131

4.6.QPSK Modulator ... 132

4.7.Low Power and High Efficiency Power Amplifier ... 135

4.8. Dual Band Combiner using Differential Vertical Hybrid Coupler ... 138

4.9. Optimized Low Capacitance RF Pads for Wideband Applications ... 140

4.10. Measurement Results ... 142

4.10.1.Preliminary Validation of the DVHC Component ... 143

4.10.2.Measurement Setup ... 144

4.10.3.Injection Locking Measurements ... 145

4.10.4.Modulated Signals Measurements... 146

4.11. Conclusions and Comparison with State-of-the-Art Realizations ... 149

4.12. Perspectives ... 150

4.12.1. Dual-Band Implementation and Integration of the External Signal Reference ... 150

4.12.2.Serial Interface Integration and EVM Calibration ... 151

4.12.3.Versatile Multi-Modulation Compliancy ... 152

4.12.4.Dual Polarization Investigation... 153

References ... 155

Chapter 5: Conclusions ... 157

3.10. Summary and Contributions ... 157

3.11. Future Work... 158

3.12.List of Publications ... 159

Appendix A: Foam-coated Waveguide Study ... 161

Appendix B: Reflections in Low Loss Waveguides ... 167

Appendix C: Influence of Bends in Plastic Waveguides ... 173

C.1.Impact on Transmission Parameters ... 174

C.2.Impact on Reflection Parameters ... 175

C.3.Impact on Polarization Isolation ... 176

C.4.Impact of the Dielectric Constant of the Cladding ... 177

C.5. Conclusion ... 178

Appendix D: The Energy - Bandwidth Trade-off in Digital RF Modulations ... 181

D.1.Introduction ... 181

D.2.On-Off Keying (OOK) ... 182

D.3.Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) ... 183

D.4. Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) ... 183

D.5. Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) ... 184

D.6. M-ary Phase Shift Keying (MPSK) ... 185

D.7. Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) ... 186

D.8.Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)... 187


D.9. BER Summary ... 187

References ... 190

Appendix E: Closed-Form Derivation of Adler’s Equation ... 191

Appendix F: Demonstrator Comparison with the State of the Art ... 195

References ... 195

Appendix G: Frequency Plan ... 197


List of Tables

Table 2-1: Summary of 𝑇𝐸𝑚𝑛 and 𝑇𝑀𝑚𝑛 modes main characteristics in rectangular

metallic waveguides. ... 20 Table 2-2: Comparison of circular dielectric waveguides with respect to rectangular, square and circular metallic waveguides in terms of fundamental and lowest higher order mode cut-off frequencies. ... 25 Table 2-3: Dielectric properties of ordinary polymers and crystalline materials provided for comparison... 37 Table 2-4: External diameter comparison of some widespread transmission standards. .. 39 Table 2-5: Summary of excitation schemes reported in the literature along with their respective advantages and drawbacks. ... 49 Table 2-6: Measured dimensions of tubular HDPE waveguide samples... 54 Table 2-7: State of the Art comparison of plastic waveguides. ... 66 Table 3-1: Comparison of the most promising standards for consumer, professional and automotive markets. ... 77 Table 3-2: Summary of the ideal performances of the mmW plastic waveguide system. .. 77 Table 3-3: Summary of dimensions [in millimeters] for the proposed microstrip line to waveguide transition. ... 91 Table 3-4: State of the art comparison of PCB transmission lines to waveguide

transitions. ... 94 Table 3-5: Millimeter-wave QPSK demodulation techniques summary... 100 Table 3-6: QPSK convergence criterion assuming a 3 dB SNR penalty. ... 110 Table 3-7: Link performance summary for different modulations (Magic Wheel – 4 m).

Note that QPSK is achieved using both Tx and Rx circuits while 16QAM and 64QAM are obtained with the Tx and a real-time oscilloscope as a demodulator. ... 112 Table 4-1: ILO transistors sizing and associated biasing and supply voltages. ... 127 Table 4-2: DVHC Performance comparison with state-of-the-art mmW hybrid

couplers. ... 139 Table 4-3: Circuit comparison with state-of-the-art realizations featuring wideband mmW frequencies combining (only on-chip CMOS considered). ... 150 Table C-1: Considered radii of the PE plastic waveguide rods under scrutiny. ... 174 Table D-1: Summary of SER and BER closed-form formulas for different modulations. 188 Table D-2: Required SNR or ENb

0 to satisfy a BER of 10-12. ... 189 Table F-1: Demonstrator comparison with the state of the art. ... 196


List of Figures

Figure 1-1: Theoretical data rate specifications of the different generations of USB and Thunderbolt standards as a function of their release year. ... 2 Figure 1 2: Transmission rate records per year, illustrating Keck’s law in optical

transmission, reproduced from [Hecht, 2016]. ... 3 Figure 1-3: Free space path loss assuming a 1 m-long line-of-sight propagation. ... 4 Figure 2-1: Figures taken from [Fukuda, 2011] presenting the proposed plastic

waveguide system at 0.12 m (a) and 1 m (c). A close-up view of the antennas-based excitation is reported in (b) and an EM simulation is shown in (d). ... 12 Figure 2-2: Figures taken from [Dolatsha, 2013] presenting the proposed polarization- multiplexed scheme (a) and associated plastic waveguide interconnect (b). ... 13 Figure 2-3: Figures reproduced from [Tytgat, 2013] illustrating the proposed on-chip bondwire antenna as a cost-efficient interface between a plastic waveguide (a) and a mmW receiver based on a long plastic waveguide (b). ... 13 Figure 2-4: Figures reproduced from [Kim, 2013]. A new coupler to in-package antennas and a tubular low-loss waveguide are presented on the left and on the right sides

respectively. ... 14 Figure 2-5: Figures from [Volkaerts, 2015] showing a tubular PTFE waveguide excited by different couplers on Rx/Tx sides in (a) and (b), and the operating system in (c)

respectively. ... 14 Figure 2-6: Figures from [Van Thienen, 2016] introducing a novel coupler at both Tx/Rx levels combining flip-chip and SIW technologies in (a). The SIW to plastic waveguide connector exhibit only 3.4 dB loss at 120 GHz (b) so that the total loss between the chip and the waveguide is 3.4 dB (c). ... 15 Figure 2-7: Figures from [Reynaert, 2017] showing a solid PTFE core waveguide coated with a 6 mm diameter PTFE foam to improve immunity to external contact in (a). The impact of the foam regarding attenuation and group delay is presented in (b) and (c). .... 15 Figure 2-8: Figures from [Nickel, 2014] presenting a novel dielectric waveguide assembly made of a rectangular dielectric waveguide supported by embedded thin strings placed periodically. A protective tube prevents detrimental contacts and limits bending. ... 16 Figure 2-9: ISI in an overmoded waveguide due to mode-dependent group velocities. ... 18 Figure 2-10: Canonical design description of rectangular metallic waveguides. ... 19 Figure 2-11: Propagation constants diagram in a WR-12 standard air-filled metallic

waveguide. ... 19 Figure 2-12: Fundamental TE10 mode in a WR-12 metallic waveguide. This mode is

vertically polarized in the cross-section (a). E-field is distributed homogeneously in the vertical direction and has a sinusoidal distribution horizontally (b – log scale). ... 20 Figure 2-13: Theoretical conductor loss as a function of frequency for different metallic waveguide standards. Reproduced from [Microwaves101, 2015]. ... 21 Figure 2-14: Propagation constant and GDPUL in a standard WR-12 waveguide for the fundamental TE10 mode. ... 22 Figure 2-15: An optical fiber made of a circular core surrounded by a cladding

medium. ... 22


Figure 2-16: Cylindrical dielectric waveguide with non-magnetic materials. ... 23 Figure 2-17: Section comparison of the circular dielectric waveguide with respect to various metal counterparts. All waveguides are designed to have a 90 GHz maximum single-mode frequency. The dielectric material has 𝜀𝑟 = 2.3. ... 25 Figure 2-18: Fundamental HE11 mode EM fields simulation in cylindrical dielectric

waveguides (𝜀𝑟1 = 2.3, 𝜀𝑟2= 1): (a) E-field in a 60 GHz maximum single-mode frequency (represented at 120 GHz), (b) E-field in a 120 GHz maximum single-mode frequency (represented at 180 GHz), (c) Ey field component normalized at waveguide center (linear scale) and (d) Ey field component normalized at waveguide center (logarithmic scale).

Blue curves and red curves represent Ey at 60 GHz in design (a) and Ey at 120 GHz in design (b) respectively. Solid lines and dot lines refer to Ey in y-direction and x-direction respectively. ... 26 Figure 2-19: Symmetrical slab dielectric waveguide with non-magnetic materials. ... 28 Figure 2-20: Graphical resolution of (𝑝, 𝑞) couples for TM modes in slab dielectric

waveguides (a) and impact of different 𝜀𝑟1 𝜀𝑟2

⁄ ratios on fields confinement (b). ... 30 Figure 2-21: Slab waveguide half-thickness in the maximum single TE1 / TM1 mode regime versus frequency for different dielectric materials (𝜀𝑟2 = 1). ... 31 Figure 2-22: Dispersion diagram of the dielectric slab waveguide (𝜀𝑟1= 2.3, 𝜀𝑟2 = 1) for the first 4 TM (solid) and TE (dotted) propagation modes (a). The Poynting confinement factor is also computed for the TM1 mode (b). Thickness is chosen to have a 90 GHz maximum single TE1 / TM1 mode frequency (𝑓𝑐1). ... 32 Figure 2-23: Poynting confinement factor 𝛤𝑇𝑀1 as a function of normalized cross-

section 𝐴𝑛𝑜𝑟𝑚. ... 33 Figure 2-24: Dispersion diagram of the dielectric slab waveguide (𝜀𝑟1= 2.3, 𝜀𝑟2 =

2.3⁄1.05) for the first 4 TE and TM propagation modes (a). The Poynting confinement factor (b) is also computed for the TM1 mode (green) and compared to the configuration in Figure 2-22 (blue). Thickness is chosen to have a 90 GHz maximum single TE1 / TM1

mode frequency (𝑓𝑐1). ... 34 Figure 2-25: (a) Normalized E-field in the x-direction for the TM1 mode (𝜀𝑟1 = 2.3, 𝜀𝑟2= 1). (b) Cross-sectional representation of the propagation in the geometrical optics

framework. ... 34 Figure 2-26: Plane wave attenuation (dB/m) for different unbounded dielectric mediums computed @100 GHz. ... 38 Figure 2-27: Radius of a cylindrical dielectric waveguide as a function of its maximum single-mode frequency assuming 𝜀𝑟1= 𝜀𝑟 and 𝜀𝑟2= 1. Red (𝜀𝑟 = 2) and blue (𝜀𝑟 = 3) curves are representative of typical bounds for usual polymers. ... 39 Figure 2-28: Simulated E-field in dielectric waveguides (𝜀𝑟1 = 2.3 𝑡𝑎𝑛(𝛿) = 3.8 ∙

10−4, 𝜀𝑟2 = 1) with different maximum single-mode frequencies: 60 GHz (a) and 120 GHz (b). Only the fundamental 𝐻𝐸11 mode is excited. Note that fields intensity are plotted using a log scale... 40 Figure 2-29: Poynting confinement computed from the models presented in Figure 2-28 (a) (triangles) and Figure 2-28 (b) (circles). (a) Poynting confinement as a function of frequency and (b) Poynting confinement as a function of the normalized cross-sectional area. ... 40 Figure 2-30: Attenuation as a function of frequency (a) and illustration of the attenuation / confinement trade-off (b) from the models presented in Figure 2-28 (a) (triangles) and Figure 2-28 (b) (circles). ... 41 Figure 2-31: Normalized attenuation as a function of confinement from the models

presented in Figure 2-28 (a) (triangles) and Figure 2-28 (b) (circles). ... 41


Figure 2-32: Figures taken from [Fukuda, 2011] illustrating the sensitivity to bends

(bending radius is estimated to 255 mm). ... 41 Figure 2-33: Figure taken from [Reynaert, 2017] illustrating the sensitivity to bends. ... 42 Figure 2-34: Resin cost reported in France in March 2017 [FrCustoms, 2017] (left scale) and plastics converters demand in Europe in 2016 [PlasticsEurope, 2018] (right scale). .. 43 Figure 2-35: Proposed plastic waveguide design methodology for fast prototyping. ... 44 Figure 2-36: Semi-infinite water slab surrounding a 2 mm diameter Teflon waveguide. (a) side view with symmetry conditions enforced and E-field computed at 120 GHz

(logarithmic scale). (b) impact on transmission parameters in blue. Undisturbed

propagation is provided for comparison in dash black. ... 45 Figure 2-37: Semi-infinite water slab surrounding a foam-coated 2 mm-diameter Teflon waveguide. (a) isometric view of the simulation model with E-field computed at 120 GHz for a 2 mm-thick foam (not represented since it is made of pure air) and (b) impact of the foam thickness on transmission parameters at different frequencies. ... 46 Figure 2-38: Description of the Magic Wheel waveguide as presented in

[Voineau, 2018]. ... 47 Figure 2-39: Description of the coupler to excite a dielectric rod waveguide (grey) from a WR-12 metallic waveguide using a conically tapered section placed at the center of a large pyramidal horn antenna (not represented for visibility). An isometric view is presented in (a), a top view in (b) and a lateral view in (c). Orange lines indicate metallic conditions imposed by the horn while green lines indicate “radiation boundaries”

around the “open” dielectric waveguide. ... 50 Figure 2-40: Simulated propagation constants at WR-12 port (left) and dielectric rod port (right) of the coupler. ... 50 Figure 2-41: Field description of possible modes at input and output ports of the coupler.

At input, (a) shows that only the fundamental 𝑇𝐸10𝑉 mode can propagate. At output, (b) and (c) correspond to the degenerated 𝐻𝐸11𝐻 and 𝐻𝐸11𝑉 modes respectively. The following higher order mode (d) is the centrally symmetric TM01 mode. ... 51 Figure 2-42: E-field complex magnitude (phase-independent) investigation in the coupler presented in Figure 2-39. Fields are plotted at 90 GHz assuming an input excitation from the WR-12 TE10 mode: (a) isometric view, (b) top view, (c) lateral view. Note that all E- field scales are logarithmic. ... 52 Figure 2-43: S-parameters simulation of the coupler. (a) Reflection parameters and (b) transmission parameters. Mode indices convention is the same as in Figure 2-41. ... 52 Figure 2-44: Plastic waveguides measurement setup. ... 53 Figure 2-45: Propagation constants of the first three modes in MOREL 1 waveguide. ... 55 Figure 2-46: Attenuation (a) and Poynting confinement factor (b) of the dominant HE11

mode in MOREL 1 waveguide. ... 55 Figure 2-47: Measurement results of a 77 cm-long MOREL 1 waveguide. Transmission parameters as measured (black) and gated on the first transmission peak (red) are plotted on the left graph. On the right side, S-parameters are represented in the time domain. ... 56 Figure 2-48: Gated transmission parameters of a MOREL 1 waveguide for different lengths (except 2 m – as measured). ... 56 Figure 2-49: Group delay per unit length in a MOREL 1 waveguide. Simulation (dashed line) and measurement (solid lines) results show good agreement. ... 57 Figure 2-50: Propagation constants of the first three modes in the MOREL 2 waveguide.58 Figure 2-51: Attenuation (left) and Poynting confinement factor (right) of the dominant HE11 mode in MOREL 2 waveguide... 58 Figure 2-52: Gated transmission parameters of MOREL 2 waveguide for different

lengths. ... 59


Figure 2-53: Description of the fabricated PTFE Magic Wheel waveguide prototype.

Indicated dimensions are derived from accurate measurements provided by the

supplier. ... 59

Figure 2-54: Simulated propagation constants (left) of the lowest order modes in the Magic Wheel design (Figure 2-53) and associated fields maps (right). ... 60

Figure 2-55: Attenuation (left) and Poynting confinement factor (right) of the dominant HE11 mode in Magic Wheel waveguide. ... 60

Figure 2-56: Gated transmission parameters of Magic Wheel waveguides for different lengths. ... 61

Figure 2-57: Extracted length dependency using Magic Wheel prototypes reported in Figure 2-56. ... 61

Figure 2-58: GDPUL for the Magic Wheel waveguide samples shown in Figure 2-56. Measurements (solid lines) are perfectly in-line with the simulation (dash line). ... 62

Figure 2-59: Compared transmissions of disturbed / undisturbed Magic Wheel waveguides (red / blue) with respect to disturbed / undisturbed MOREL 2 waveguides (black / green) respectively. Solid lines correspond to waveguides as fabricated while dotted lines represent waveguides surrounded by a 1 mm-thick PTFE foam. ... 63

Figure 2-60: Simulated normalized attenuation (with respect to attenuation at maximum single-mode frequency) versus Poynting confinement. Black, blue and red lines correspond to solid HDPE core, MOREL 1 and MOREL 2 tubes (HDPE) respectively while the green line is related to the Magic Wheel waveguide design (PTFE). ... 64

Figure 2-61: Description of a dual-polarization coupler between a square metallic waveguide and a conically tapered plastic waveguide (conductors not shown for visibility). An isometric view is presented in (a), a top view in (b) and a lateral view in (c). Orange lines indicate metallic conditions imposed by the horn while green lines indicate “radiation boundaries” around the “open” dielectric waveguide. ... 67

Figure 2-62: Figures from [Limpert, 2004] showing the difference between conventional optical fibers and PCF (a), the wavelength dependent effective cladding index (b), the resulting “band-diagram” (c) and some examples of PCF with 1, 3 and 7 missing holes (d- e). ... 69

Figure 2-63: “Holey” fibers leveraging total internal reflection (a) and “Hollow core” fibers featuring an equivalent Bragg mirror (b). Figures reproduced from [Cherif, 2009]. ... 69

Figure 3-1: Plastic waveguides applications have been classified in three main categories. ... 76

Figure 3-2: Time domain and frequency domain description of a 2T-periodic digital clock by means of Fourier series. ... 78

Figure 3-3: Time domain and frequency domain description of a random data sequence by means of Power Spectral Density. ... 79

Figure 3-4: Integrated power (absolute value on the left and relative value on the right) as a function of the considered bandwidth. Note that the DC component of the spectrum represents 50% of the total signal power. Besides, the bandwidth defined in Equation (3-6) contains 86% of the total power. ... 80

Figure 3-5: Representation of a basic amplitude modulation Tx. ... 80

Figure 3-6: Representation of a basic amplitude demodulation Rx. ... 81

Figure 3-7: Wireless system interfacing Tx and Rx circuits thanks to antennas. ... 81

Figure 3-8: Through-air attenuation measured at sea level from 10 to 400 GHz. Attenuation peaks are attributed to molecular resonances. Figure taken from [TU- Berlin, 2015]. ... 83


Figure 3-9: Comparison of propagation loss mechanisms. The FSPL is computed at 60 GHz (red) and shows a logarithmic increase while attenuation in dielectric medium is linear (blue, green, orange, rose and purple lines correspond to 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 dB/m respectively). ... 83 Figure 3-10: Wireline system interfacing Tx and Rx circuits through a plastic

waveguide. ... 84 Figure 3-11: 3D overview of the proposed system based on plastic waveguides,

illustrating the use of two QPSK-modulated frequency-multiplexed carriers per

direction. ... 85 Figure 3-12: Proposed PCB to plastic waveguide connector composed of a large-band PCB to WR-12 transition (a) and a WR-12 to plastic waveguide transition (b). This latter is taken from Chapter 2. ... 86 Figure 3-13: Typical examples of patch-coupled PCB to waveguide transitions. (a) Slot aperture coupling as proposed in [Artemenko, 2011] and (b) double patch resonance reproduced from [Zhang, 2016]. ... 87 Figure 3-14: Probe-coupled PCB to waveguide transition. The probe is placed at an

appropriate distance from a “back-short” metallic wall to radiate inside the waveguide in the other direction. Illustration taken from [Lou, 2008]. ... 87 Figure 3-15: GaAs chip to WR-1.5 waveguide transitions (back-to-back). The transition operates from 500 to 725 GHz [Hurm, 2012]. ... 88 Figure 3-16: Smooth PCB to waveguide transitions. (a) An antipodal fin-line design taken from [Mozharovskiy, 2013] and (b) a tapered-ridge waveguide design from

[Han, 2012]. ... 88 Figure 3-17: Isometric split-view of the proposed microstrip to WR-12 transition

composed of a (green) PCB housed in a (transparent) metal case with (colored) double ridges. Inset view: zoom on the PCB region showing the dielectric tip. ... 89 Figure 3-18: Different views of the proposed metal case made of top and bottom parts: (a) isometric view of bottom part, (b) isometric view of top part, (c) top view of bottom part, (d) top view of top part. ... 90 Figure 3-19: Different views of the proposed PCB showing bare dielectric areas (green), copper coated areas (orange) and metallized through vias (blue): (a) top isometric view, (b) bottom view, (c) zoom on bottom view. ... 90 Figure 3-20: On the left, profiles in the metal housing for top (positive values) and bottom (negative values) parts are presented. On the right, the impedance is simulated at 75 GHz along the section and it is compared with theoretical results. ... 91 Figure 3-21: Simulated impact on S-parameters of an over-etching on 𝐿2 design variable.

(a) Transmission and (b) reflection parameters. Port 1 and port 2 correspond to the

microstrip line and WR-12 waveguide respectively. ... 92 Figure 3-22: E-field magnitude simulated at 75 GHz around the dielectric tip confirming TE10 operation only. ... 92 Figure 3-23: Back-to-back transitions: (a) fabricated prototype with PCB ground plane visible, and (b) measured and simulated S-parameters. ... 93 Figure 3-24: Measured and simulated group delays of back-to-back transitions. ... 93 Figure 3-25: Link budget of the proposed system exhibiting a SNR of 22 dB. ... 95 Figure 3-26: Illustration of data rate and length limitations potentially encountered in plastic waveguide systems. ... 96 Figure 3-27: Constellations of QPSK and M-ary PSK and associated invariants. ... 98 Figure 3-28: Conceptual schematic of D-QPSK non-coherent demodulation based on time delay. ... 98


Figure 3-29: Illustration taken from [Huang, 2011] of a mmW Costas Loop QPSK

demodulator, containing a frequency locking loop (FD) and a phase locking loop (PD). . 99 Figure 3-30: Demodulation sensitivity to PRBS length in BPSK (a) and QPSK (b) Costas loops from [Huang, 2011]. ... 100 Figure 3-31: ILO schematic made of a LC-tank (a) and time-domain illustration of the phase locking process (b). ... 101 Figure 3-32: Representations of Adler’s equation. (a) Phase space and (b) time-domain evolutions (assuming 𝜙𝑠𝑠 = 0). In this latter, solutions obtained with different methods are compared showing perfect agreement with each other. ... 103 Figure 3-33: Time-domain evolution of the solution of Adler’s equation (a) and associated convergence times plotted as a function of initial phase offset (b). Injection at the free- running frequency is considered in both plots. ... 104 Figure 3-34: Numerical simulations of convergence times for different values of 𝜙𝑠𝑠 as a function of the initial phase offset 𝜑0 ... 106 Figure 3-35: Schematic of the proposed ILO based QPSK demodulation architecture, featuring a variable-gain LNA, an ILO, a phase-shifter, an I/Q mixer and feedback loop for static and dynamic absolute phase compensation. ... 107 Figure 3-36: The occupied bandwidth of the incoming modulated signal (blue) largely exceeds the locking range of the ILO (green). ... 107 Figure 3-37: Illustration of the demodulation operation in the time domain for a random symbol sequence and arbitrary design parameters. (a) Schematic and relevant node designations, (b) injected and output phases, (c) demodulated data on I/Q paths. ... 108 Figure 3-38: SNR penalty as a function of the constellation rotation angle. ... 109 Figure 3-39: Convergence time constants associated to QPSK phase changes as a function of steady-state phase offset. ... 110 Figure 3-40: Versatile millimeter-wave propagation using the same transceivers: wireless for short ranges (top) and guided through plastic waveguides for longer ranges

(bottom). ... 111 Figure 3-41: Demonstration of a 4 m link with modulated signals. Face view of the setup (a), waveguide fixation on the ceiling (b) and side view of the setup (c). ... 112 Figure 3-42: Measured OFDM after propagation in a 4 m-long Magic Wheel plastic

waveguide showing 16QAM capability (SNR > 20 dB). ... 113 Figure 3-43: Single ridge waveguide to PCB transition in D band. (a) 3D view

(transparent metal case for clarity), (b) simulated reflection parameters and (c)

transmission parameters. Port 1 and Port 2 are assigned to the microstrip and the WR-6 sides respectively. ... 115 Figure 3-44: Comparison of two different pulse shapes. Solid lanes are related to perfect

“square” modulation while dashed lines correspond to a trapezoidal approximation.

(a) input and (b) output phases are given. ... 116 Figure 3-45: Data-assisted demodulation scheme (dashed line) is compared to normal demodulation (solid line) assuming that compensation occurs with a two symbol-time delay. (a) schematic, (b) injected and output phases over time, (c) output phase close-up view. ... 117 Figure 4-1: Overall schematic of the proposed dual-band QPSK transmitter. ... 121 Figure 4-2: Overall schematic of the realized 83.3 GHz QPSK transmitter. ... 122 Figure 4-3: Superior FD-SOI transistor performance. Cross-section comparative view of a Bulk transistor (a) and a FD-SOI transistor (b) respectively. Transition frequency fT (c) and Maximum Available Gain at 60 GHz (d) as measured in 28 nm FD-SOI (including full back-end of line parasitics). Data reproduced from [Shopov, 2014]. ... 123


Figure 4-4: Summary of peak fT (a) and fmax (b) for different technological processes as a function of the critical lithography dimension (i.e., emitter width or channel length). Note that red squares represent the results of the DOTSEVEN project (SiGe HBT), while the brown crosses are the best InP HBT data available. Figures reproduced from [Rinaldi, 2018]. ... 124 Figure 4-5: FinFET high-frequency behavior investigation. (a) fT and fmax comparisons between the 28 nm (planar) and 14 nm (FinFET) technologies. (b) fmax and gate resistance evolution as a function of the channel length in the 14 nm FinFET process. Figures

reproduced from [Singh, 2018]. ... 124 Figure 4-6: BEOL stacks comparison for advanced technology nodes available from STMicroelectronics (standard processes). ... 125 Figure 4-7: Transmission lines simulations for different technology nodes. (a) simulation model and (b) simulated attenuations. Orange, red, green and blue refer to BiCMOS 55 nm, CMOS 28 nm FD-SOI, CMOS 40 nm and CMOS 65 nm respectively. ... 126 Figure 4-8: Schematic of the realized Injection-Locked Oscillator featuring four tuning bits (biasing components not shown). ... 126 Figure 4-9: Different layout views of the realized ILO. ... 127 Figure 4-10: Simulated ILO main electrical metrics. (a) Oscillation frequency and output power for all 4-bit tuning states in free-running (dot) and injected (solid) modes. (b) Detailed ILO power consumption as a function of the oscillation frequency. ... 128 Figure 4-11: Schematic of the realized injection circuit. ... 129 Figure 4-12: Layout view of the realized 17 GHz input matching circuit. ... 129 Figure 4-13: Simulated input matching circuit. (a) Equivalent matching network and (b) simulated S-parameters... 129 Figure 4-14: Layout view of the realized 17 GHz DVHC. ... 130 Figure 4-15: Simulation results of the 17 GHz DVHC. ... 130 Figure 4-16: Resistance-feedback inverter design. (a) Realized differential inverters and (b) simulated impact of the resistance feedback on the generation of the fifth harmonic at 83.33 GHz and the power consumption (considering a single-ended feedback

inverter). ... 131 Figure 4-17: Layout view of the realized 83 GHz DVHC used as a quadrature signal generator. ... 131 Figure 4-18: Simulation results of the realized quadrature signal generation implemented thanks to an appropriately scaled DVHC: (a) reflection parameters, (b) outputs isolation, (c) transmission parameters, (d) amplitude imbalance (grey) and phase quadrature (brown). For simplicity, all ports are loaded by 70 Ω differential loads and dummies are not simulated. Port numbers are taken from Figure 4-17. ... 132 Figure 4-19: Realized QPSK modulator. The proposed schematic allows phase reversal operation (a) as well as strong amplitude cancellation (c) depending on applied voltages.

Simulated maximum gain versus frequency for these two operating modes are shown in (b). In (d), gain compression at 83.3 GHz is visible above 0 dBm, assuming a 70 Ω

differential input impedance and an optimum output load impedance. All simulations include full-layout parasitics. ... 133 Figure 4-20: Layout of the realized modulator, including top metal accesses. Note that transistors are split for symmetry reasons. ... 134 Figure 4-21: Overall layout view of the realized quadrature signal generation and QPSK modulator. ... 134 Figure 4-22: Modulator Load-Pull analysis at 83.33 GHz showing large output matching tolerance. ... 135


Figure 4-23: Realized PA schematic made of two neutralized common-source stages and integrated transformers. Biasing and supply voltages are fed by center-taps. Decoupling capacitances and biasing resistances not shown for clarity. ... 136 Figure 4-24: Harmonic Balance simulations of the realized PA plotted with respect to the output power for different biasing conditions at 83.3 GHz. (a) Gain, (b) PAE and (c) Total power consumption. ... 136 Figure 4-25: S-parameters analysis of the realized PA. (a) Reflection parameters, (b) gain and reverse isolation, (c) Edwards-Sinsky parameters and (d) Rollet factor and

magnitude of the S-matrix determinant. ... 137 Figure 4-26: Layout of the realized PA with inset views of the driver and power

stages. ... 137 Figure 4-27: Layout view of the realized 75 GHz center frequency DVHC. ... 138 Figure 4-28: Simulation results of the realized DVHC centered at 75 GHz assuming 70 Ω differential impedance on all 4 ports. (a) Reflection and isolation parameters, and

(b) transmission parameters and phase quadrature. ... 139 Figure 4-29: Layout of (a) shielded and (b) unshielded RF pads compatible with standard FC44S 100 µm-pitch assembly rules in 28 nm CMOS FD-SOI. Z-scale x10 for visibility. . 140 Figure 4-30: Impedance matching bandwidth analysis. (a) Typical use-case of a non-ideal balun with a pad parasitic capacitance, (b) odd mode analysis, (c) simplified analysis assuming an ideal transformer (k = 1) and (d) return loss as seen from the transformer to the LC resonator for different (CPAD, LS) couples. ... 141 Figure 4-31: Output balun overview. (a) Layout top view, (b) primary and secondary inductances as well as the coupling factor, (c) primary and secondary quality factors. .. 142 Figure 4-32: Output matching network bandwidth simulation. (a) Layout overview, (b) reflection parameters, (c) equivalent circuit and (d) transmission parameter. Port 1 and Port 2 correspond to the 70 Ω differential DVHC port and the 50 Ω single-ended output port respectively. ... 142 Figure 4-33: DVHC validation measurements. (a) Through configuration circuit view, and associated (b) reflection and (c) transmission parameters. (d) Coupled configuration circuit view, and associated (b) reflection and (c) transmission parameters. Measurements (solid lines - 5 measured dies) are compared to Momentum simulations (dotted lines). 143 Figure 4-34: Illustration of the measurement setup. (a) Probe station seen from the left side, (b) right side view and (c) schematic view of the setup. V.A. and Mix. stand for variable attenuator and harmonic (down-converter) mixer respectively. ... 144 Figure 4-35: Locking range measurements for the 24 = 16 configurations of the Kiri 75G circuit. ... 145 Figure 4-36: Measured phase noise at 77 GHz (blue) in the injection-locked regime

compared to the 15.4 GHz reference phase noise (red – scaled to 77 GHz) from the

E8257D signal generator. ... 146 Figure 4-37: QPSK demodulation at 100 MS/s. ... 147 Figure 4-38: QPSK demodulation at 4.5 GS/s. ... 147 Figure 4-39: BPSK demodulation at 4 GS/s. ... 148 Figure 4-40: BPSK demodulation of a 5.5 GS/s clock signal. ... 148 Figure 4-41: Simulation of a variable load on the ISO port of the 83 GHz DVHC as

presented in Figure 4-17. (a) Phase quadrature contour plots with a 0.2° step, (b) amplitude imbalance contour plots with a 0.02 dB step, (c) phase quadrature contour plots (colored) with a 0.2° step and delimited 0 – 0.1 dB amplitude imbalance area (black), (d) schematic illustration of the modulated load on the ISO port. All simulations are carried out at 83 GHz assuming a 70 Ω differential impedance on other ports. ... 151


Figure 4-42: Segmented gates modulator. (a) OOK capable modulator and (b) PAM capable alternative design. ... 152 Figure 4-43: Schematic of a possible wideband FSK configuration relying on the proposed synchronized dual band architecture... 153 Figure 4-44: Illustration of a circular polarization excitation scheme using a hybrid

coupler. The 75 GHz DVHC is proposed in this case (simulation results). ... 153 Figure 5-1: Typical S-curves describing usual innovation cycles. ... 158 Figure A-1: Computation of the Poynting confinement factor for the fundamental HE11

mode. (a) Representation of the z-component of the real part of the Poynting vector and (b) 3D-surface plot of the computed Poynting confinement factor as a function of the frequency and the foam thickness. ... 162 Figure A-2: Impact of a 2 mm-thick semi-infinite water slab on transmission. E-field envelope is computed at 120 GHz (log scale) when the slab is directly in contact with the waveguide (a) and when the slab is in contact of a 2 mm-thick air foam (c). Reflection and transmission parameters are provided in (b) and (d) respectively for different foam thicknesses. Undisturbed propagation represented in black dashed lines for reference.

Besides, simulation resolution is estimated at – 40 dB. ... 163 Figure A-3: Foam-thickness impact on transmission parameters for 3 different

frequencies (left scale) and cross-section area (right scale). ... 164 Figure A-4: Simulation of a simplified water drop positioned on the waveguide. (a) simulation model and (b) complex magnitude of the E-field computed at 120 GHz. ... 164 Figure A-5: Simulated S-parameters of the model presented in Figure A-4 (a). Reflection (a) and transmission (b) parameters are presented for a 0, 1 and 2 mm foam thickness in red, green and blue respectively. ... 165 Figure B-1: Network resulting from the imperfect excitation of a waveguide. ... 167 Figure B-2: Illustration of Equation (B-14) for different values of 𝑍𝑍𝐿

0 with a transition insertion loss of 1 dB per end. Propagation losses are neglected. ... 170 Figure B-3: Transmission ripples amplitude RipA as a function of the impedance

mismatch for different attenuation conditions. ... 172 Figure B-4: Relation between Waveguide Loss Budget and impedance ratio (left) and corresponding Return Loss (right). All data are computed assuming RipA = 1 dB. ... 172 Figure C-1: Illustration of the simulation setup at 120 GHz for a 20 mm radius of

curvature. Simulated bends are embedded with 10 mm straight waveguides at both ends.

Waveports are used as excitation sources and radiation conditions are applied on all faces. ... 173 Figure C-2: Simulated transmission parameters of the HE11 modes as a function of the normalized radius of curvature. (a) Transmission at 60 GHz and 120 GHz maximum single-mode frequencies represented in blue and red respectively. (b) Transmission at half maximum single-mode frequencies (30 GHz and 60 GHz in blue and red

respectively). ... 174 Figure C-3: Simulated reflection parameters for the 60 GHz (blue) and 120 GHz (red) configurations already introduced in Figure C-2. Results are below simulation resolution limit. ... 176 Figure C-4: Curvature-induced mode couplings. (a) HE11 polarization rotation and (b) HE11 horizontal (solid lines) and vertical (dotted lines) modes couplings to TM01 mode.

Red and blue lines refer to 60 and 120 GHz plastic waveguides already introduced in Figure C-2. ... 177


Figure C-5: Transmission through a bended plastic waveguide featuring a low dielectric permittivity step between the core and the cladding. Simulations at 60 GHz are presented in (a) and (c) with a 15 mm radius of curvature using linear and logarithmic scales

respectively. (b) and (d) show similar simulations at 120 GHz with a 7.5 mm radius of curvature. All designs are scaled appropriately to operate at the maximum single-mode frequency. ... 178 Figure D-1: Illustration of OOK operation. (a) Time-domain representation of transmitted bits (red) and symbols (grey), and (b) constellation diagram (blue and red points). In the latter, Gaussian distributions are superimposed showing possible demodulation

errors. ... 182 Figure D-2: Illustration of ASK operation. (a) Time-domain representation of transmitted bits (red) and symbols (grey), and (b) constellation diagram (blue and red points). In the latter, Gaussian distributions are superimposed showing possible demodulation

errors. ... 183 Figure D-3: Illustration of PAM4 operation. (a) Time-domain representation of

transmitted bits (red) and symbols (grey), and (b) constellation diagram (colored points).

In the latter, Gaussian distributions are superimposed showing possible demodulation errors. ... 184 Figure D-4: Illustration of BPSK operation. (a) Time-domain representation of

transmitted bits (red) and symbols (grey), and (b) constellation diagram (blue and red points). In the latter, Gaussian distributions are superimposed showing possible

demodulation errors. ... 184 Figure D-5: Illustration of 16-PSK operation. (a) Time-domain representation of

transmitted bits (red) and symbols (grey), and (b) constellation diagram (colored points).

In the latter, points are broaden to illustrate the impact of noise. ... 185 Figure D-6: Illustration of QPSK operation. (a) Time-domain representation of

transmitted bits (red) and symbols (grey), and (b) constellation diagram (colored points).

In the latter, points are broaden to illustrate the impact of noise. ... 186 Figure D-7: Illustration of 16-QAM operation. (a) Time-domain representation of

transmitted bits (red) and symbols (grey), and (b) constellation diagram (colored points).

In the latter, points are broaden to illustrate the impact of noise. ... 187 Figure D-8: BER performance for different modulation schemes as a function of SNR (a) or ENb

0 (b). ... 189


List of Abbreviations

ABS Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene

AOC Active Optical Cable

AWG Arbitrary Waveform Generator

ACLR Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio

BER Bit Error Rate

BGA Ball Grid Array

CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

DC Direct Current (also meaning “0 Hz frequency”) D-QPSK Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying DVHC Differential Vertical Hybrid Coupler

EM Electromagnetic

EVM Error Vector Magnitude

FD-SOI Fully Depleted Silicon on Insulator

FEM Finite Elements Method

FSPL Free Space Path Loss

GbE Giga Bit Ethernet

GDPUL Group Delay Per Unit Length

HBT Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors

I/O Inputs / Outputs

ICSP Identical Consecutive Symbols Patterns

InP Indium-Phosphide

IP Internet Protocol

IPs Intellectual Properties

ISI Inter-Symbol Interference

ILO Injection Locked Oscillator

LO Local oscillator

MAN Metropolitan Area Network


MIM Metal-Insulator-Metal

mmW Millimeter-wave

MOM Metal-Oxide-Metal

MOST Media Oriented Systems Transport

NRW Non-Radiative Waveguide

OFDM Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing

OMT Ortho-Mode Transducer

OOK On-Off Keying

PA (material context) Polyamide – also known as Nylon PA (circuit context) Power Amplifier

PAE Power Added Efficiency

PAM Pulse Amplitude Modulation

PC Polycarbonate

PCB Printed Circuit Board

PCF Photonic Crystal Fiber

PE Polyethylene

PE-HD Polyethylene High Density grade

PE-LD Polyethylene Low Density grade

PET Polyethylene terephthalate – also known as Mylar

PLL Phase-Locked Loop

PMF Polymer Microwave Fiber

PMMA Poly(methyl methacrylate) – also known as acrylic or Plexiglas

PP Polypropylene

PRBS Pseudo Random Bit Sequence

PS Polystyrene

PSD Power Spectral Density

PSK Phase Shift Keying

PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene – also known as Teflon

PU Polyurethane

PVC Polyvinyl chloride

PVT Process - Voltage – Temperature

QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying


RF Radio Frequency

RFIC Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit

Rx Receiver

SiGe Silicon-Germanium

SIW Substrate Integrated Waveguide

SNR Signal to Noise Ratio

Tx Transmitter

UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair

WAN Wide Area Network


Chapter 1


1. Introduction

1.1 Motivation

Like a groundswell, the emergence of digital communications is deeply, and indisputably, modifying all aspects of our societies. People’s thirst for mobile (wireless) connectivity keeps growing and growing, fed by the advent of new use cases such as music and video streaming, cloud-based storage or computing, 3D video contents, mixed-reality games, etc. In parallel, it is interesting to note that countless consumer products are turning into connected objects to deliver new services or more added value. In the industry, digitalization and uberisation are becoming ubiquitous trends and result in a necessary proliferation of communication technologies. The objective is to leverage on unused capacities to maximize customer satisfaction or experience. Assisted by artificial intelligence and remote diagnostics, healthcare will significantly change as well. Similarly, transports are currently at the edge of a profound revolution driven by the simultaneous integration of environment-friendly motorizations, advanced driving automation and advertisement functions. All of these imply a remarkable proliferation of embedded electronic circuits (sensors, actuators, microcontrollers, etc.) along with appropriate wired connections for both power supply and communication. Ultimately, even religion is already affected in spite of its traditional opposition to changes brought by scientific or technological progress. In fact, high-tech devices can now commonly help people in the practice of their faith and contactless e-payments are being deployed in worship places to simplify donations. Finally, as it is definitely not possible to find any single part of the society that will remain unchanged, the global mutation obviously seems inevitable.

From the specific hardware point of view, such a (r)evolution occurred thanks to tremendous progress in various applied physics topics, mainly solid-state physics, optics and microfabrication, that successfully fueled the industry. Node after Node, semiconductor technologies have kept on reinventing themselves every two years approximately, as stated by famous Moore’s laws. Because of such a rapid innovation pace, transistors performances have progressed significantly in a few decades, thus offering higher and higher operating frequencies. Although progresses seem slower today due to Moore’s law deceleration, mass- market Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) nodes can still enable radiofrequency (RF) and millimeter-wave (mmW) circuits in addition to multi GHz digital circuits. Moreover, higher integration possibilities through System-On-Chip architectures also offer an attractive path. To sum up, the availability of low-cost technologies with mmW capabilities pave the way to innovative high-speed systems offering disruptive cost / performance trade-offs.


1.2 State of the Art

Although performant circuitry is mandatory for high-speed communication, suitable transmission channels are also required. In general, ideal candidates would mainly offer low loss and wide bandwidth along with manufacturing and deployment costs as low as possible.

It is the purpose of this section to summarize the performance of existing communication channels and highlight how they compete with each other. Innovative plastic waveguide systems are then proposed as an alternative.

1.2.1. Twisted Copper Pairs

Twisted Copper Pairs (TCP) exploit the concept of differential signaling to transmit baseband data over one pair of copper conductors (or several pairs in parallel). It is therefore a very straightforward transmission medium. One of the most widespread links, which is the very popular Universal Serial Bus (USB), uses TCP in different combinations depending on the considered release. Theoretical data rates are reported in Figure 1-1 from corresponding standards.

Figure 1-1: Theoretical data rate specifications of the different generations of USB and Thunderbolt standards as a function of their release year.

However, the intrinsic low-pass behavior in TCP drastically limits available bandwidths, and therefore achievable data rates. Resulting from the cable construction, distortions are yet predictable and possibly mitigated using active baseband transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) circuits. This workaround solution is usually referred to as Active Cables and is implemented in Thunderbolt standards for example (Figure 1-1). It results in a definitely more expensive and power-hungry solution, and should be favored only when data rate or distance are the most relevant figures of merit.

Finally, another major limitation in TCP is high-frequency radiations. For frequencies above 100 MHz, conductors radiated power actually grows as the square of the frequency [Datwyler, 2013]. Because of electromagnetic compatibility reasons encountered in harsh

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

2000 2008 2011 2013 2015 2017

Release Year

Theoretical Data Rate (Gb/s)

USB 2.0

USB 3.0

USB 3.1

USB 3.2 Thunderbolt 3

Thunderbolt 2 Thunder

bolt 1


environments, like automotive or industrial applications, permitted emission levels are actually extremely low. External noise sensitivity from external sources is also increased at higher frequencies. Combining these constraints together, TCP may have to operate at reduced symbol rates, thus increasing circuit complexity. Shielded TCP may also be considered if extra cost and weight are acceptable. For example, USB 3 typically rely on such cables.

Although TCP cost and complexity may be increased, and additional active circuitry may be used to mitigate high-frequency limitations, such solutions are not desirable. Moreover, their scalability is arguable when considering future data rate requirements evocated before.

1.2.2. Optical Fibers

In parallel to Moore’s law, optical fiber communications have been experiencing exponential progress for several decades as well. This trend is actually known as Keck’s law and is represented in Figure 1-2. It represents transmission speed records over optical fibers, which typically lead to commercial products a few years later. Note that the introduction of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) in 1992 enabled major improvements. More recently, phase-shift encoding and coherent demodulation increased data rates even further [Hecht, 2016]. Therefore, aggregated data rates in the order of 1 Pb/s (= 106 Gb/s) are now obtained. On top of that, benefiting from very small cross-sections, optical fibers can be bundled in parallel up to several hundred per cables.

Figure 1-2: Transmission rate records per year, illustrating Keck’s law in optical transmission, reproduced from [Hecht, 2016].

Propagation distances are also very long thanks to extremely low attenuation constants (as low as only 0.15 dB/km [Ten, 2016]) that makes it possible to reach several hundreds of kilometers. Combined together, above advantages have allowed optical solutions to become undisputable technologies for long-haul communications, like transoceanic cables, Wide Area Networks (WAN), Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN) or data centers core networks.

Introduction of WDM


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