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Academic year: 2022

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Isotope hydrology for better management of Isotope hydrology for better management of

groundwater in the arid zone groundwater in the arid zone

A.L. Herczeg and K.M.

A.L. Herczeg and K.M. KulkarniKulkarni

Isotope Hydrology Section, IAEA Isotope Hydrology Section, IAEA

Case studies from central Australia and northern India Case studies from central Australia and northern India


The arid zone

Rainfall is low or intermittent and unreliable

The need for water research is greatest because of water scarcity and growth in world population





Discharge (reduced)

Groundwater Balance Groundwater Balance

Pumping New water level Pre-development




Post--development (T1)

Post--development (T2)

Impact in response to change

Impact in response to change


Australia has low Australia has low

topography and topography and

large rainfall large rainfall

deficit deficit

Recharge and Recharge and runoff are low runoff are low and intermittent and intermittent


Australias arid zone: annual rainfall arid zone: annual rainfall defecit defecit


Groundwater development


Water Allocation in Australia - GL (1996/97)

Surface Water

Groundwater Total Actual use

Tot-Act % Diff NSW 9 825 2665 12 490 10 004 2486 25 VIC 5 469 780 6249 5 788 461 7 QLD 3 202 983 4 185 4 591 -406 -9 WA 855 1138 1 993 1 796 197 10 SA 740 630 1 370 1 266 104 8

TAS 403 20 423 471 -48 -11

NT 53 73 126 179 -53 -42

ACT 76 7 83 73 10 12

TOTAL 20 623 6 296 26 919 24 071 2 848 11


Economic value of irrigation of different crops


Sustainable water management

Environmental, economic, social and engineering criteria for assessing development proposals.

Irrigation efficiency gains.

Improved and coordinated management of groundwater.

Significant provisions for groundwater dependent ecosystems.

Urban demand management.


Isotopes in the arid zone

• Widely used since the 1950’s

• Environmental tracers have produced their most useful results in the arid zone

• Isotopes often provide unique information in

such regions – recharge rates, flow rates


Many fresh groundwaters recharged

during a wetter climate


TiTi--Tree basin, central AustraliaTree basin, central Australia


Isotopes tell us recharge is by intermittent

heavy floods

-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0

-14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2

δ18O (‰, SMOW)

Weighted-Mean Rainfall Groundwater Samples Mean Rainfall

0-50 mm/month

>200 mm/month 150-200 mm/month

100-150 mm/month

50-100 mm/month LMWL: δ2H = 6.9 δ18O + 4.5

Groundwaters: δ2H = 4.0 δ18O - 27.3

Example – Ti-Tree basin, central Australia


Groundwater dating

Great Artesian basin

flow rates of 0.2 to 0.5 m/yr

• Groundwaters up to 250,000 years old!

Groundwater Dating Groundwater Dating

SW Great Artesian Basin SW Great Artesian Basin

Love et al. (2000)

Love et al. (2000) Water Resources ResearchWater Resources Research, vol. 36(6): 1561-1574., vol. 36(6): 1561-1574.

Northern Transec t Southern Transect

Distance (km)

36Cl x 106 (atoms/L)

0 0.5 1

0 300,000 600,000 900,000

Time (years)

36 Cl/36 Cl0


Location and topography – Haryana State Location and topography – Haryana State

Groundwater flows from wet high areas to low dry areas


Fresh: < 2000 μS/cm

Brackish: 2000 – 6000 μS/cm Saline: > 6000 μS/cm

Salinity of groundwater – Haryana state

Irrigation drainage is mobilising salty

groundwater to the surface in the interior arid zone


Stable isotopes of groundwater – Haryana stae

Isotopes tell us the fresh and saline ground- water is all from rainfall – not old




Groundwater extraction WILL lower water tables and reduce discharge to ecosystems

The amount of exploitation must consider an acceptable level of impact and response times

Isotopes are a valuable tool in providing critical

quantitative information for groundwater managers

Water quality and pumping costs limits groundwater availability before amount considerations


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