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Critical behaviour of the thermal conductivity near the Curie point of gadolinium


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Critical behaviour of the thermal conductivity near the Curie point of gadolinium

J.B. Sousa, R.P. Pinto, M.M. Amado, M.F. Pinheiro, J.M. Moreira, M.E.


To cite this version:

J.B. Sousa, R.P. Pinto, M.M. Amado, M.F. Pinheiro, J.M. Moreira, et al.. Critical behaviour of

the thermal conductivity near the Curie point of gadolinium. Journal de Physique, 1980, 41 (6),

pp.573-578. �10.1051/jphys:01980004106057300�. �jpa-00209281�


Critical behaviour of the thermal conductivity

near the Curie point of gadolinium (*)

J. B. Sousa, R. P. Pinto, M. M. Amado, M. F. Pinheiro, J. M. Moreira and M. E. Braga

Centro de Fisica da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal

(Reçu le 23 août 1979, révisé le 24 janvier, accepté le 29 février 1980)



Une nouvelle technique de mesures relatives de la conductivité thermique (K resolution 1 : 104) au voisinage des points critiques a été appliquée au Gd. Les résultats sont discutés en relation avec les contributions :

électronique, des phonons et de la conduction bipolaire. Des résultats très precis sur la résistivité (p) et sa dérivée d03C1/dT dans le Gd sont utilisés pour analyser la dépendance de la conductivité thermique en fonction de la tem- pérature, K(T).



High resolution data (1 : 104) is presented on the behaviour of the thermal conductivity (K) of Gd

near the Curie point. The results are analysed in terms of electronic, lattice and bipolar conduction. Previous information on the electrical resistivity (p) and the temperature derivative dp/dT is also used to understand the temperature dependence of K. Detailed reference is made on the experimental method used.

Classification Physics Abstracts


1. Introduction.


Previous work on the thermal

conductivity (K) of polycrystalline Gd failed to reveal any anomaly at the Curie temperature 7c [1, 2].

However, well below Tc some anomalous behaviour

was found, but the experimental results were incon-

sistent. Whereas in ref. [1] a minimum is observed in K around 230 K and a sharp increase occurs in dK/dT near 270 K in ref. [2] both features appear

practically together, at around 270 K.

For monocrystalline samples, the c-axis thermal conductivity exhibits a minimum near 270 K, but no anomaly was found at the Curie temperature [3].

For the a-direction, a change in the slope of the

thermal conductivity (dK/dT; from negative to posi-

tive values) was observed, but at a temperature (T*) slightly above the Curie point, T*


T, + 1 K [3].

In spite of such results, the anomaly in the elec- trical resistivity (p) occurs consistently at the same temperature (Tc), both for poly- and monocrystalline samples. Therefore, K-anomalies observed well below

Tc are probably associated with secondary effects,

not directly linked to the ferro-paramagnetic transi-

tion in Gd.

(*) Work financially supported by INIC (Portugal) and a NATO

Research Grant (no. 1481).

From this previous work [1-3] we can simply

conclude that the K-anomaly near the Curie point

is very weak, and so far detected only along the a- axis, where it is linked to a slight increase in the slope dKIdT as the sample enters the paramagnetic state.

The apparent discrepancy T* =1= Tc remains an unexplained feature.

In view of this state of affairs, we started a detailed study of the thermal conductivity of Gd near the

Curie point. The recent improvement of an experi-

mental method to detect minute changes in K near

a transition point [4, 5] enabled us to observe a small

but well defined anomaly in K, precisely located

at 7e (not T*), and in good agreement with the elec- trical resistivity data (p, dpIdT) obtained in the same sample. Besides the observed change in the slope dK/dT, more complex features appear in the imme- diate vicinity of Tc, where a slight depression is observ-

ed in K. This suggests the existence of extra scattering

for the heat carriers very near Tc. On the other hand,

our results enabled (for the first time, we believe)

the experimental observation of a Curie point K- anomaly in polycrystalline Gd.

The results are discussed in terms of electronic, phonon and bipolar contributions to K in Gd. Physi-

cal arguments are also advanced to understand pre- vious K-anomalies well below Tc, and the apparent discrepancy between T* and Tc values.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01980004106057300



2. Experimental method. q In a thermal conducti-

vity measurement (K = f.Q.ð.T-1), apart from a form factor f, we must accurately measure the small temperature difference ð.T and the heat flow inside

the sample (Q ).


The accurate measurement of Q is very difficult, because it involves the estimation of all heat losses from the sample; this explains the usual difficulty

in achieving even 0.1 % accuracy in standard mea- surements. However, significant progress can be made in the case of critical phenomena, since the important changes occur here over a very restricted range of temperature, within which the non critical

K-contributions hardly change. Therefore, if we are able to keep Q and heat losses constant over such reduced range we can write :

i.e. it becomes unnecessary to measure Q (simply a constant) in order to obtain relevant information for critical phenomena studies (changes in K).

According to (1), high K-resolution requires high

resolution in AT. For a typical value AT


0.5 K,

and thermocouple thermometry with a sensitivity

S ‘ 10 AV.K-’, we must measure a small voltage



S.AT ~ 5 gV. To achieve K-resolutions of a

few parts in 104, as it is usually required in phase

transition studies, nanovolt resolution becomes impe-

rative. In addition, the proper study of the critical

region usually requires a period of several hours.

Thus it becomes also essential to ensure an intrinsic

stability of the measuring equipment down to the nV

level over a fairly long period of time.

By using very stable digital nanovoltmeters (Teke-

lec 925; 4 1/2 digits ; 1 nV resolution), a tight control

on the room temperature, and by taking exceptional precautions in the design and setting up of the measur-

ing equipment, sample assembly and experimental

chamber (shielding, thermal anchoring, 5 1 oil-bath to increase thermal stability; reduced heat losses),

we succeeded in obtaining the required resolution

and stability to perform the measurements. For

example, with the sample heater on (AT rr 0.5 K),

the emf. e corresponding to AT could be kept vir- tually constant (to within I nV) over very long periods

of time :

In order to check the reproducibility, we intentionally produced transient perturbations of the temperature of the oil-bath. As shown in figure 1, the emf. 8 always

returns to the same initial value (to within 1 nV),

even for E-departures from equilibrium as high as

200 nV.

With such high degree of intrinsic stability, resolu-

tion and reproducibility, we could safely avoid the

check on zeros between consecutive points. In the

Fig. 1.


Stability of the thermal emf. (E) in the differential ther-

mocouple (AT). A-B : bath in thermal equilibrium; e stable to

within 1 nV over periods of 1 h. B-C : transient perturbation of the

bath produces a sharp departure of 8 from equilibrium (150 nV).

However, the system recovers stability. (C-D) and E reaches practi- cally the same initial value (to within 2 nV). Repetition of the

transient perturbations gives practically the same results (E-F- G-H).

standard technique, this means switching-off the sample heater (Q


0) and waiting until a new equi-

librium is reached (zero readings). Unfortunately,

this very process alters the temperature distribution in the experimental chamber (and heat losses) beyond

an acceptable limit under our present aims of accu;

racy (1 : 104). In our method, we keep in turn Q

constant all the way through the transition region, using a d.c. power supply ( I : 104 stability) perma-

nently switched on to the sample heater.

The temperature difference AT 0.5 K) is measur- ed directly on a differential Cu-constant thermo-

couple with its junctions in good thermal contact with

the sample, by a special method which uses metallic solder but avoids electrical contacts. The mean tem-

perature T of the sample is measured with a Cu- constantan thermocouple; absolute precision in T

is of the order of 0.03 K (1 : 104 in relative terms,

for Tc & 300 K).

The reproducibility of K-data in different experi-

mental runs is of the order of a few parts in 10’, but by scaling the corresponding K-values to K at a cer-

tain temperature, e.g. K(T,), the experimental curves

can be reproduced to within a few parts in 104. Further details have been published elsewhere [4], and a

more extended version will be given in due course [6].

3. Thermal conductivity of Gd ( T = yj.



mal conductivity data in the vicinity of the Curie temperature of gadolinium (T/Tc - I ;5 10- 2) is presented for a fairly pure sample with a resistivity

ratio p(300)Jp(4.2 K) = 86 and p(4.2)


1.47 pH. cm.


The available sample was a polycrystal with dimen- sions appropriate to this type of measurements



1.5 cm, 0 - 4 mm). The temperature rate used

to span the transition region was slightly below

0.005 K . min. -1, and the vacuum was better than 10-6 torr.

Figure 2 shows K in the transition region, with

data taken at 0.08 K intervals, giving a total of

Fig. 2. Temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity (K) of Gd in the vicinity of the critical point T,


292.92 K.

50 points in a temperature range where K changes only by 0.7 %. The Curie temperature, as determined from accurate dp/dT measurements (Fig. 3), is

Fig. 3.


Lower curve : critical behaviour of (1/ Pc) (dp/dT) compared with (K - Klin) ; see text for Klin. Inset : (K - Ke) vs. T.

marked by an arrow at Tc


292.92 K. The absolute value of K in our polycrystalline sample at the critical point (0.124 W.cm-’.K-’) compares favourably

with the available data for polycrystalline Gd (0.140 W. cm - 1 . K - 1; ref. [1]) and mono- crystalline samples (Ka


0.103 W . cm-1. K-1, K,


0.108 W . cm-’ . K-1; ref. [3]). In this

context the data given in [2] appear rather low

(K = 0.07 W. cm-’. K- 1).

An important feature in the results of figure 2 is the

clear increase in the slope dK/dT as gadolinium enters

the paramagnetic state. As shown in section 4, this is mainly due to a mean-free-path effect on the elec-

tron contribution to the thermal conductivity.

Besides the change in slope, our K-results indicate

a more complex behaviour very near Tc. A better insight can be obtained from (K - Klin), where Klin is the extrapolation of the linear part of K in the

ferromagnetic phase; this is shown in figure 3. It

becomes clear that the thermal conductivity is depres-

ed in the transition region, possibly due to extra scattering caused by the critical fluctuations. This

seems consubstantiated by the behaviour of the tem-

perature derivative of the electrical resistivity, as also given in figure 3 : the sharp peak in dp/dT at Tc


292.92 K indeed coincides with the minimum in (K - Klin).

A relevant result from our investigation is that it

appears not legitimate to identify the Curie point

with the intersept of the linear extrapolations of K

from the ferro- and paramagnetic phases ; in our case

one would get T*


Tc + 0.9 K. This may explain why T*


T, + 1 K in previous results for gadoli-

nium [3], where the scarcity of data-points naturally prevented the subtle but relevant deviations from

linearity near Tc to be experimentally observed.

In an attempt to pin the relevant contributions to K, let us estimate the order of magnitude of the electro- nic contribution (Ke), as derived from the electrical resistivity data (p) and the use of the Wiedemann-

Franz law :

with Lo


2.45 x 10-8 W.Q.K-l. For rare earth metals, this procedure is justified both at low tempe-

rature [7] and at high temperatures (T > 0 z 150 K;

see ref. [3]). In absolute terms, at T


300 K we have p


126 J.I!l.cm, so that Ke = 0.06 W . cm -1. K -1.

Since K = 0.12 W .cm - 1 . K -1 experimentally, we

conclude that (extra) important K-contributions do exist in Gd, a fact to keep in mind when interpreting

the critical behaviour of K near Tc.

4. Discussion.





Let us consider first what would be

expected from the electronic contribution only. Since

K, is proportional to the electronic specific heat



(Ce oc T) and mean free path (/.) we can write imme- diately :

Below the Curie point, A increases rapidly with decreas-

ing T, due to the increasing order in the system

(d2/dT 0); in the paramagnetic phase one has

instead d£/dT = 0 (complete disorder). An increase in the slope then follows from eq. (3) when the sample

enters the paramagnetic state, in qualitative agree- ment with the results of figure 2. In addition, since À

above Tc is practically constant (spin-disorder domi- nance) and C, oc T, one should expect a quasi-linear increase of K with T in the paramagnetic state, which appears consistent with the experimental results.

Further information can be gained if we extract

from K(T) the electronic contribution Ke(T). As expected, the difference in the slopes above and below

Tc is reduced. However, a significant mismatch still persists, as can be seen from the curve (K ; Ke)

in the inset of figure 3, where the positive slope above

the Curie point (3.5 x 10-4 W.cm-1.K-2) is clearly bigger than below T,. We should notice that a positive slope has also been found by Nellis and Legvold [3] in

the (K- Ke) curve for Gd above Tc, precisely with the

same order of magnitude ( N 10-4 W . cm-1. K- 2).

These results suggest an intrinsic feature in Gd, possibly associated with extra contributions to K which appear enhanced above Tc.



An impor-

tant contribution to K comes, of course, from pho-

nons (Kg), but unfortunately the corresponding tempe-

rature dependence (dKgldT 0) cannot explain the

observed positive slope in (K - Ke).

An interesting effect which increases with T has been invoked for rare earth metals, due to the bipolar

electronic contribution (Kb) to the thermal conduc-

tivity [8, 9]. In principle this appears when several electronic bands overlap near the Fermi level (e.g.

5d and 6s bands in Gd). The idea is that whereas for conduction in one band only, the boundary condition imposed in K-measurements (zero electrical current) permits no net particle flux, when carriers of both signs are present, equal particle currents in the two

bands are allowed. There is still no net transfer of

charge (electron-hole) but the pairs do carry an energy equal to the sum of the two transport energies

relative to the Fermi level [8], and this increases with the thermal excitation KT. Of course, the Kb contri-

bution is expected to be small at low temperatures.

We can now write for the total thermal conductivity :

In doing so, we are ignoring possible contributions from magnons, an assumption which seems justified

for temperatures rather close and above T, [10, 11].

It would be of interest to estimate the relative impor-

tance of Kg and Kb in Gd. As pointed out by Kle-

mens [12], the accurate thermal conductivity separa- tion is difficult at high temperatures. Therefore we will be satisfied with an approximate value of Kg itself,

for which more reliable information exists.

For such order of magnitude estimate, we consider

the lattice conduction not much different among all

heavy rare earths. We then choose elements which do not exhibit complications due to magnetic transi-

tions neither (anomalous) positive slopes in (K - Ke)

at high temperatures. The elements Yb and Lu are

in such favourable conditions ; indeed, K-data for both elements are remarkably close over the range of temperatures where the phonon contribution dominates (T 100 K ; [13]).

Since we are interested in Kg at high temperatures,

we use available K-data for Lu in the range 200- 300 K (b-axis ; [14]), assuming it to be rather close to Kg.

The following temperature dependence is then obtain- ed :



6.34 W.cm-1 and B


0.02 W.cm-1.K-’.

We interpret the T-1 term as due to phonon-

electron scattering, and B due to phonon-phonon scattering; this gives Kg = 0.04 W . cm -1. K -1 at T


300 K, and from (2) and (4), Ke


0.06, Kb = 0.02 W . cm -1. K -1. In absolute terms, we then conclude that an appreciable part of the K- contribution in Gd near Tc is due to phonons. How-

ever, in terms of slope we expect from (5),

for T


300 K. From our experimental value

it necessarily follows that a significant positive slope

is expected for the extra contribution in (3), of the order dK/dT = + 3.2 x 10-4 W .cm-1 K-2.



We must be

aware that the localized depression of K near Tc is

not eliminated by subtraction of Ke from K, as the inset of figure 3 clearly shows. In view of the smallness of the effect, it could be argued that minute differences in absolute temperature (or reproducibility) in the independent p(T) and K(T) measurements could

produce a Ke(T)-curve slightly mismatched with K,

so as to cause an apparent minimum in the difference K - Ke. Such reasoning appears inconsistent in the present case, since Ke(T) is a monotonically increasing

function of T near T,(K,,


LT/p; dp/dT positive,

see Fig. 3). Therefore it cannot produce by itself a

minimum in the difference K - Ke ; we believe that

the slight and localized depression of K near T,

has a true physical origin.

A similar depression in K has been observed in the

ferromagnetic compound TbZn [15], and in Fe


near T, [16]; it also appears to be present in Ni [17].

Since these metals have an appreciable electrical resistivity, the role of phonons is here enhanced.

Near T, the large spatial inhomogeneities due to

critical fluctuations should affect, in principle, the propagation of the long wavelength phonons. A depression in the phonon conductivity is in fact predict-

ed near the Curie point [18-20]. As explicitly shown by Papoular [20], such effects become only relevant

in the immediate vicinity of Tc, an observation which links well with the localized character of the depres-

sion experimentally observed in K.

The reason why the K-depression appears rather small in the metals referred above probably derives

from the fact long wavelength phonons give a rela- tively small contribution to the energy transport (then K) at high temperatures, and also because the

coupling between lattice (phonons) and spins is usually rather weak in metals. For insulating mate-

rials however, a severe reduction in the phonon pro-

pagation is readily observed near magnetic phase

transitions [21, 25], particularly in the case of low Tc materials where long wavelength phonon heat trans- port dominates [23-25].



On the light of the

considerations presented above, it would be appro-

priate to comment on the puzzling differences observ- ed in the behaviour of K for Gd at temperatures well below Tc [1-3].

In particular one would like to understand why the

c-axis dK/d T derivative changes sign at - 270 K

whereas along the a-axis such change occurs slightly

above Tc ; in both cases, the ferromagnetic transition

as given by dp/dT - data precisely occurs at the

same temperature, Tc


293 K.

We can understand these features in terms of the

peculiar behaviour of dKe/dT, with Ke given by the

Wiedemann-Franz law (see ref. [26]) :

According to our recent c-axis resistivity measure-

ments on single crystals of Gd (Fig. 4); (see also

ref. [27]), at T = 200 K we have

so that negative values are expected for dKe/dT, in

agreement with K-data [1, 3]. However, for T = 220K the p-derivative shows a dramatic decrease which is particularly enhanced around 270 K, where

According to (6) this favours the onset of positive (dKIdT), at temperatures considerably lower than T,.

Along the a-axis, (1/p).(dp/dT)a exhibits apprecia-

ble values up to the Curie point, so that dK/dT keeps

the negative sign. However, just above Tc, dp/dT

has a sharp break and rapidly reaches a sufficiently

low value to produce a reversal in the sign of dK/dT.

Such an interpretation is, again, consistent with the

experimental facts.

Fig. 4.


Temperature dependence of dp/dT in monocrystalline

Gd samples, along a- and c-directions. The anomaly at T = 225 K corresponds to the spin reorientation transition in Gd.

The case of polycrystals is more complex, depend-.

ing on the particular sample investigated. However,

one can safely claim that (1/p) (dp/dT) in polycrystal-

line samples [28] should be depressed with regard to

the corresponding a-axis value, due to the sharp

reduction in (1/p) (dpldT)c which occurs at temperatu-

res still well below Tc. Therefore, the inversion in the

sign of dK/dT is likely to occur definitely below Tc,

as has been observed in all polycrystalline Gd samples

so far investigated [1-2].



The authors are deeply indebt-

ed to Prof. C. S. Furtado for the loan of the Gd sam-

ple, to Prof. J. M. Araujo for valuable comments

and help, and to Eng. J. Bessa for technical aid.




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