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Return to a High School Diploma and the Decision to Drop Out: New Evidence from Canada


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Return to a High School Diploma

and the Decision to Drop Out:

New Evidence from Canada



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Return to a High School Diploma and the Decision

to Drop Out: New Evidence from Canada


Daniel Parent

Résumé / Abstract

Cette étude se penche sur le processus de transition de l'école vers le

marché du travail et l'examine dans le contexte de l'évolution dans la valeur de

détenir un diplôme d'études secondaires depuis 1981. Les principaux résultats

découlant de l'analyse des données de recensement nous indiquent que bien que

les diplômés du secondaire aient conservé un avantage en terme de taux d'emploi

par rapport aux sortants depuis 1981, l'avantage salarial est demeuré beaucoup

plus faible qu'aux États-Unis et ce, pour tous les groupes d'âge. Quant aux

données du Suivi de l'Enquête sur les sortants, elles nous indiquent qu'il n'y a pas

de différence majeure dans le processus de transition vers le marché du travail

entre les sortants et les diplômés, outre le fait que les diplômés aient une

probabilité plus grande d'avoir occupé un emploi à temps complet. Ayant établi

que la valeur d'un diplôme d'études secondaires est substantiellement plus faible

au Canada qu'aux États-Unis, la seconde étape de l'étude montre que le fait de

diplômer ou non s'avère très sensible aux conditions économiques locales. Ces

conditions opèrent par le biais de la probabilité d'avoir occupé un emploi dans les

douzes mois précédant la fin des études secondaires, soit comme diplômé, soit

comme sortant.

The objective of this paper is to analyze the process by which young

Canadians decide to leave high school and to situate it in the context of the value

of a high school diploma over the 1981-1998 period, conditional on not pursuing

post-secondary education. Evidence from the 1981-96 Canadian Censuses, the

1998 Canadian Labour Force Survey, and the 1981-1998 March Current

Population Surveys shows that the wage premium to holding just a high school

diploma in Canada is substantially lower than in the United States over the whole

sample period and for all age groups. Turning to Statistics Canada’s School

Leavers Survey and its Follow-up, it is shown that high school graduates’ labour

market outcomes are essentially no better than those of dropouts, except perhaps

in terms of employment rates. Finally, having established that the labour market


Corresponding Author: Daniel Parent, CIRANO, 2020 University Street, 25


floor, Montréal, Qc, Canada

H3A 2A5

Tel.: (514) 398-4846

Fax: (514) 985-4039

email: parentd@cirano.qc.ca

I would like to thank Nathalie Viennot-Briot for providing excellent research assistance. Thanks also to David Card,

Thomas Lemieux, Claude Montmarquette, Craig Riddell, and seminar participants at Berkeley and the 2000

Canadian Economics Association Meeting for helpful comments and suggestions. Very special thanks to the late

Marcel Dagenais in part for the GAUSS programs used in this paper, but mostly for having been such an inspiration

for generations of students and, above all, such a beautiful man. Financial support from Human Resources

Development Canada is gratefully acknowledged.


value of holding just a high school diploma in Canada is rather low, I go back to

the individuals’ decision to leave school either as dropouts or graduates and find

that they were very sensitive to the conditions of the local labour market. Those

conditions affected their graduation decision through their impact on the

probability of having a job in the twelve months preceding the date they left

school either as graduates or as dropouts.

Mots Clés :

Abandon scolaire, conditions économiques locales, rendement d'un diplôme

d'études secondaires


High school non-completion, local labour market conditions, return to a high

school diploma


High school dropout rates have historically been higher in Canada than in

the United States. Although the gap between the two countries has been

partiallyclosedinrecentyears, thedropout rateinCanadaisstillsomewhat

higher than in the U.S., at least for men, and especially so when we limit

the comparisontothestatesthatare neighbouringCanada. Toperhapsgain

some insight as to why this discrepancy in high school dropout rates has existed, itmaythenbeusefultostudy thelabour marketoutcomes ofyoung

Canadians in relationto their schooling level.

Thus, oneofthemainobjectivesinthispaperistoexaminetheprocessof

decidingwhether toquithigh schoolbeforegraduation,inthe contextof the

valueof graduating fromhigh schoolrelativeto droppingout conditionalon

not pursuing the schooling process beyond highschool. The interestof

focus-ingonthatsegmentofthe labourmarketmadeofindividualswithrelatively

low levels of education is twofold: rst, they make a sizeable proportion of

the population, even among the young. Evidence from Statistics Canada's

Follow-up tothe School Leavers' Survey (SLS) indicatesthat about 30% of all individuals aged 22-24 in 1995 had at most a high school degree.

Sec-ondly, if the marginal value of completing high school (excludingthe option

value of eventually obtaininga university degree) is low, then we would

ex-pectindividualswho, atthe margin,havetodecidebetweencompletinghigh


present themselves while in school, which may in turn have aneect of the

decision to drop out. To study the school-to-work process in the context of

how thepremiumtoahigh schooldegreemay have changedovertime, I use data fromthe Canadian Censuses (1981, 86, 91 and 96) as well asthe 1998

Labour Force Survey. For comparison purposes I also show the return to a


March Supplements tothe Current PopulationSurvey. In additionI exploit


It is generally believed that individuals with low levels of schooling will

have greater diculties thriving in today's environment compared to what

previous generationsof loweducation individualsexperienced, whichshould

have the eect ofinducing people tostudy beyond high school. 1



high school (the high school non completion rate was estimated at around

18% for Canada in 1991 using the School Leavers' Survey). It may be that

for those individuals who do not plan to go to university after high school, the value of nishing high school hinges on whether doing so brings large

enough benetsand if, as the Canadian data show, those benets appear to

havebeenverylow, thenwe maynd ourselves withasituationinwhichwe

have both a relatively high dropout rate from high school and a large

frac-tion ofyoungpeople enrollingand completinguniversityeducation. Inother

words, for highschool dropouts, the marginatwhichschooling decisionsare

made is dierent from that of people who hesitate between stopping after

high school graduation and going to university. If the university to high

school premium increases while the high school completion to high school

non-completion premium decreases, then the result may be that those who arehesitatingbetweenhighschoolanduniversitywillbemorelikelytoenroll

inuniversity whilethe others willbemorelikelytodropout, given that they

heavily discount any potentialbenetfrom a university education.

The main conclusion drawn from the Canadian data is that the wage

premiumtoholdingjustahigh schooldegree, has beensubstantiallysmaller

than in the United States for all age groups. Given that holding just a

high school diploma in Canada seems to provide little advantage in terms

of wages, 2

I then take a step back to study the decision to complete high 1

Evidencein Canada (BeaudryandGreen (1997))showsthat, in fact, recent cohorts of low education individuals havesuered real wage losses. However,this is truefor all educationcategories.



education. We would expect those individuals to be particularly sensitive

to labour market opportunities that present themselves while they are in

school. Exploitingthe fact that the SchoolLeavers Survey data set includes

hours worked in the twelve month period prior to leaving school either as

a graduate or as a dropout, I estimate the impact that working while in

schoolmighthaveonthe probabilityofgraduationusinglocallabour market

conditions as an exogenous determinant of work activity. The results show

that both men and women, but more particularlymen,are very sensitive to job opportunities and thatthose job opportunities inturn lead toasizeable

reduction in the probability of graduating from high school. This contrasts

with thesimplerawcorrelationbetween workincidence orhours worked and

graduation incidence, both of which are positive. In addition, results from


questionable forwomen,thereisstrongevidencethatthe instrumentisvalid

for men.

Thepaperisstructuredasfollows. First,somedescriptivestatisticsonthe

rate of high school non-completion inboth countries are presented, followed

with data from the Canadian Censuses, the Labour Force Survey and the U.S.CurrentPopulationSurveyshowing theevolutionovertime ofthe wage

premium of high school graduates compared to dropouts. Then I use the

SchoolLeaversSurveyand itsFollow-uptoprovidesomeadditionalevidence


section then examines how sensitive to labour market conditions are young

students who have to decide between graduating from high school or not.


Figure 1shows the high schoolnon completion rate among individualsaged

20-21. Those numbers represent annual averages computed using the basic

CPS monthlyles and the LFS monthlyles. 3

As wecan see, the dierence

formenatthe startofthe decadewasabout4%,roughlythesameasin1997

while it was smaller for women. Indeed women's dropout rates essentially

convergedovertheninetieswhilethegapclosedsomewhatformen. However, once wecompare Canada withthe neighbouringU.S.states, wecan see that

even in the case of women there is still a higher fraction of Canadians not

completinghighschool. Formenthegapin1997wasstillabout5%compared

with roughly 7% at the start of the decade.


rate in Canada and the United States stems from the fact that while the

twelve years of schooling criterion is uniformally applied in the U.S., it is

not in Canada. The two largest canadian provinces, Ontario and Quebec,

have until recently required thirteen and eleven years of schooling

respec-tively, while the others require twelve. 4

Also, individuals in both countries have ways other than the regular schooling process to acquire their high

schooldiploma. IntheUnitedStatesindividualscangetcerticationthrough

an equivalency exam such as the General Educational Development (GED)

(see, e.g.,CameronandHeckman (1993)). AsarguedbyCameronand

Heck-man, individuals getting GED certication may be closer to dropouts than 3

Sincequestionsoneducationalattainmentweredierentinthepre-1990LFS,itisnot possibleto computeadropoutratebefore1990withthat dataset.


Ontariohasbeenimplementingnewstandardsfor high schooleducation since1999. Likestudentsinotherprovinces,studentsenteringthesysteminOntariowillnowcomplete high schoolin fouryearsinsteadofve. Newfoundlandchangeditsrequirementfrom 11 to 12 years of schooling beginning with students entering grade 10 in September 1981. That is, those that completed their 11th gradein thespring of 1983 had to go through another year of schooling instead of graduating. See Sweetman (1999) for an analysis of theNewfoundland experience and ofits useasa naturalexperiment to identify the returntotheextrayearofschooling.


totrue highschoolgraduates. ThismayconsequentlyinatetheU.S.high school completion rate. In Canada, more or less similar alternative routes

of completing the requirement for a high school diploma exist. For

exam-ple, in Quebec individuals who left high school without a diploma may get

their certication through night classes. InOntario a GED-likecertication

process is available for people aged at least 18 and who have been out of

high school for at least a year. It is dicult to judge the relative diculty

of these dierent institutionalarrangementsin terms of gettingcertication

as the requirements are likely to vary across countries. 6

In summary, it ap-pears that Canada is catching up to the United States in terms of the rate

at which atwhich young individuals complete high school,especially in the

case of women. Yet, there still are dierences when we compare the

aver-age completion rate across canadian provinces with that of their immediate



doubtplaysarole,otherevidencesuggests thatitcannotreallybethewhole

story behind the historical dierences in dropout rates in Canada and the

United States. In a recent paper, Card and Lemieux (1997) show that the

fraction ofmen and womenaged 20-24who are enrolledinschoolisactually higher in Canada than in the United States, and especially so for women.

They alsoshowthe reverse is true for individualsaged 16-17.

3 The Return to a High School Degree in Canada

and the United States, 1981-1998.

In this section,Idocumentthe evolutionof thereturn toholdingjustahigh

school diploma in both countries using the 1981, 86, 91, and 96 Canadian 5

Individualsmayalsoachievecerticationthroughnightclasses. 6

Theymayevenbediculttocompareevenwhentheyhavethesamelabels. Formore details,seeGovernmentofOntario(2000).


1998 March Supplements of the Current Population Survey (CPS). Except

for the LFS, whose earnings measure refers to the job held at the time of

the interview, both the CPS and the Census ask questions on earnings and

weeks worked during the previous calendar year. 7

Tomeasurethe returntoahighschooldegree, I followKatzandMurphy

(1992), Murphy, Riddell, and Romer (1998), and others, in focusing on

in-dividuals with a strong degree of labour market attachment. Consequently,

I only used individuals who worked full-timefor at least 39 weeks the year before the respective surveys. For 1998 I cannot impose quite the same

re-strictions with the LFS. I use only individualsworking full-timeat the time

of the interview. Note that all self-employed individuals are excluded from

the analysis. I also exclude people attending school, when possible. 8


next step wastorun aseriesaregressionsbysexand byage groupofthe log


grad-uation. Note that all wage observations in the bottom and top percentiles

were excludedtoeliminateoutliers. 9


reported in Figure 2. An overall look atthese guresreveals that while the

return toahigh school diplomain Canadaisvery smallfor the youngest in-dividuals comparedtotheir U.S.counterparts, thereturn isactuallysmaller

forall agegroups. Thisstronglysuggeststhat whateverfactoriscausingthe

wage premiumtobesmallerinCanadaappears toaectallindividualswith 7

Inaddition, theCPS(but nottheCanadian Census)asksaquestiononusualhours workedperweekin thepreviousyear.


The1986Censusdoesnotinclude aquestiononschoolattendance overtheprevious months. For 1998with theLFS,I alsoexcludethe summermonthssoasnotto include summerjobs. Thesamplerestrictionsmadelittledierencein theresults.


Althoughthe1971Censuscouldhavebeenusedaswell,thequestionsoneducational attainmentmadenoattemptattryingtodeterminewhethertherespondentswhosehighest level of schooling was between grades 11 and 13 had actually graduated. It was thus impossibletodirectlymeasure thereturntohavingcompletedhighschoolrelativeto not completing. SeeFreemanand Needels (1993)and Bar-Or,Burbidge, Magee, and Robb (1995)forsimilaranalyseswith(in part)earlierdata.


high schooldiploma isthe largestfor workers aged 25and above. As for the

youngest individuals, the return is consistently atmost half of what it is in

the UnitedStates. Also,althoughithas been shown recently thatthereturn

toahigh schooldegreeinthe UnitedStateshas increased markedlyoverthe

last twenty years for workers aged 25 and over (Krueger (1997)),it appears

that much of that increase isin fact the result of compositioneects. Older

workers' return has indeed increased somewhat over that time period but

the overall rise in the average return stems from the increasinglyimportant demographic weight of the older workers.

Such persistent dierences beg for an explanation, such as perhaps the

ways in which the dierent institutional arrangements in Canada like the

minimum wage and the unionization rate interact with the operation of the

labour market for individualswith low levels of education. Perhaps alsothe

fact that Canada has a much higher proportion of individuals with some

post-secondary education than inthe United States (Riddelland Sweetman

(1999)) and that those individuals may be close substitutes to high school

graduates in the labour marketmightdepress the wages paid tohigh school

graduates. However, I leavethis topicfor ongoing research.

Overall, then, there is littlein the Canadian data that suggests that the

value of holding ahigh school diplomahas increased over time or even that

itis substantial. Again, itisworth reiterating thatthis statementapplies to

people who do not envision pursuing university education; infact the real

value of holding a high school diploma would include the expected added

return from higher (university) education. However, it is still the case that

high school graduates in 1998 have a larger employment rate compared to

high school dropouts, even though there is very littleadvantage in terms of

wages, conditional on havingfound a job. 10


Perhapsabetterwayto put itwould beto saythatconditional onemployment,the value of holding a high school diploma has been very small over the years in Canada comparedto theUnited States.



In 1991, Statistics Canada collected information on the school and

post-schoollabourmarketexperiencesof9,460youngpeopleaged18to20. Oneof

the mainpurposes ofthat surveywastoestimatethe highschoolcompletion

rate. TheoriginalsamplewasdrawnfromtheFamilyAllowancesFile,asthey

were themostcompletelistingsofindividualsunderthe ageof15inCanada.

FiveyearsofFamilyAllowancesFileswereusedtogenerateasamplingframe of18-20year-oldsandofthe18,000individualsthatwereselectedtobeinthe

sample 10,782were successfully tracedand 9,460 responded. The interviews

tookplace between Apriland June of 1991.


Canada to re-interview the same individuals in 1995. For that interview,

the response rate was 66.8% as 6,284 individuals provided information on

their schooling and labour market experiences. These individuals were thus

aged 22to24atthe timeof there-interviewand, asaconsequence,the data are best suited for studying the early labour market experiences of the less

educated among them.

Given the retrospectivenature of the Follow-up,the identicationof the

most important job experiences of respondents relied on the notion of a

reference job. Such a job had to last at least six months and individuals

had to work at least 20 hours per week in it. Two such jobs (at most) are

documentedinthe data set, therst one that theindividualshad since they

were lastinschool(inhighschool,juniorhigh,orelementary), andthe most

recent one. In addition, respondents were probed about the job they held

the weekbeforethe interview. Thatjobmaybetherst referencejob,orthe most recent one, or another job if, for example, the individual has worked

full time in it for less than six months. Data on all those jobs are collected


reference job is calculated from the self-reported ending date of school and

the startingdate of the job.

The samples considered in the analysis are made of a larger one which


descriptive evidenceonfamily background and schoolperformance variables

by educational attainment. The main sample used for the analysis of the

impact of working on the decision tocomplete high school is made of 2,051

individuals who lefthigh schooleither as graduates oras dropouts and who did not pursuepost-secondaryeducation.


4.1 Summary Statistics

Table 1shows somesimple descriptivestatisticsdocumenting the dierences

in individual characteristics by schooling attainment. In terms of family

background variables, it seems clear that high school graduates come from

families with better educated parents than is the case for dropouts (with

no post-secondary education)and, also, they performedsubstantially better

when they attended school, as reected by the much higher proportion of

individuals with a B grade point average or better. They also were

signi-cantly less likelyto have faileda gradein elementaryschool. This lastpiece


precede the process by whichstudents start tocontemplatedropping out of highschool,insteadofthe ideaofdropping outsubsequentlyaectingschool

performance. 11

1,408 records were eliminated because the respondents were still enrolled in school at the time of the follow up interview, the other deletions being due to missing data on key variables. Also excluded from the sample are individuals who do not reside in oneof thetenprovinces. Although40%ofthe individualspresentin the SchoolLeavers SurveyFollow-uphaveatmostahighschooldiploma,usingthesampleweightsbringsthe estimatedpopulationproportiontoabout30%,which,bytheway,correspondscloselyto thepercentageofindividuals aged25-26in the(much larger)1998LabourForce Survey whoreporthavingat mostahighschooldiploma.


terms of employment rates 12

, the same cannot be said for labor earnings

(or wages): both groups earn approximately the same on average and the

distributionsoflogweeklywages showninFigure3providenoevidencethat

highschoolgraduatesaredoinganybettercomparedtodropouts. Naturally,

the wage evidence comes from the subsample of individuals who worked at

least 20 hours perweek in a jobthat lasted at least 6 months or is ongoing.

This mayimpartsomeselectivityeects. Butthis istruealsoofthesamples

used to compute the rate of return to ahigh school diplomain the previous section.

It is interesting to note that the characteristics of the dropouts who did

pursue post-secondaryeducation are dierent fromthe characteristicsof the

real dropouts on one important dimension: they are more likely to come


In fact,theirparentsare moreeducatedthan thoseof highschoolgraduates.


schooling aredoingjustaswellashighschoolgraduates. Therefore, itseems

appropriate to separate them out from the other dropouts if one wants to

evaluatethedierencesinlabourmarketperformancebetweengraduatesand dropouts.


earn-ings a much better wage, conditionalon employment,than either one of the

other groups. What might be surprising is the fact that a lower percentage

of university graduates declare ever holding a reference job. However, this

just serves to illustrate the limitsof the SLS data in terms of analyzing the

school-to-work transition of more educated people. First of all, they have

beenout of schoolfor ashortertime, thussome ofthem maystillbe

search-ing. Second, they may be in full-timejobs that began less than six months 12

BasicallyALLofthedierenceinemploymentratesbetweengraduatesanddropouts isdrivenbywomen. Thereisverylittledierenceformen.


ence jobs. But mostimportantly,the question abouteverhavingareference

jobissimplyill-suitedforstudyingthelabour marketoutcomes ofuniversity

graduates as it specically makes reference to jobs that began after the

in-dividual lefthigh school. Therefore, formany universitystudents, the wages

fromthosejobsare likelytobesimplyasourceof fundstonance university

studies. 13

Finally, if we look at the incidence of work while in high school and its

relation to completion rates, we can see that in fact high school graduates were morelikely tohaveworked than wasthe case fordropouts. Turning to

hours worked while in school, Table 1 shows no evidence that, on average,

more hours are associatedwith a lower incidence of completing high school.


worked. Thisjustservestohighlightthe likelyimportanteectofselectivity

in the joint determination of hours worked while in school and high school


5 Local Labour Market Conditions and the

De-cision to Complete High School.

In this section, I analyze the decision tocomplete high school and the

inu-ence that local labour market conditions have through the decisionto work

whileinschool. Inotherwords,Itakeintoaccountthefactthatnishinghigh

school and having a job inthe twelve months preceding the end of full-time

schooling are both endogenous variables and I use the localunemployment

rate as an exogenous determinant of work while in school to determine

im-pact of such work on the decision to graduate. The unemployment rate I 13

Althoughnotshownhere,thedistribution oftime betweenthebeginningoftherst referencejobandthedatelastinUniversityrevealsthatthemajorityofobservationshave negativedurations,whichagainissuggestiveofthosejobsbeingusedtonanceschooling.


Area if the individual studiedin a CMA; otherwise I use the province

aver-age excluding the CMA's. 14

The analysis is carried out for both men and

women. 15

To help organize one's thoughts, consider Figure 4 which shows optimal

schooling choices for two types orindividuals. The gurehas been drawn so

that individual 1 is indierent between dropping out and graduating from


high school of getting a university degree. If the return to completing high school stays the same while the premiumto completing a university degree

increases just slightly, individual1 will stillbe indierent between dropping

out and graduating but individual 2 will now strictly prefer to enroll in

university. In fact, an increase in the slope of the linear segment between

point B and Point C, even if it is accompanied by a slight reduction in the

premiumtocompletinguniversity,willhavethe eect ofcausing anincrease

in university enrollments (with a possible decrease in university completion

rates). As for type 1 people, even the slightest reduction in the return to

nishing high schoolwill causean increase in dropout rates.

To model both the decisionto complete high school and the decision to work in the twelve months preceding the end of going full-timeto school, I

rst use a bivariate probit model which allows for the error terms of both

choice equations to be correlated, as would be expected if some unobserved

factors whichinuence thedecisiontodropoutalsoinuencethe decisionto 14

Forthosethatdonotcompletehighschool,Iusetheunemploymentratethatprevailed at thetime (month)theyquit school. Forthose thatgraduate,I usethe annual average computedoverthelastfouryearsbyCMA'sorprovince. Whethertheaverageiscomputed overashorterperiodoftimeinsteadoffouryearsdoesnotmakeanyqualitativedierence. The eect of local labour market conditions on the probability of graduation was also studied using the full 1991 School LeaversSurveysample byDagenais, Montmarquette, Parent,Durocher,and Raymond(1998).


See also Beaudry, Lemieux, and Parent(1999) for ananalysis using aggregatetime series dataoftheeect oflocallabourmarketconditionsonCanadian schoolenrollment ratesfortheperiod1976-1998.


Let C  i =X i +ÆW i + i (1) C i =1(X i +ÆW i + i >0) W  i =Z i + i (2) W i =1(Z i + i >0) whereC i

denotes completionofhighschool,W i


school, X i

andZ i

are exogenous variablesand ( i

;  i

)followa bivariate

nor-maldistributionN(0;0;1; 2 

,)whereisthe correlationcoecientbetween

 and . The exclusion restriction imposed is that the localunemployment rate aects the graduating decisiononly through its eect on working while

in school.

Note that the raw data (see Table 1) indicate a positive correlation

be-tween working while in school and high school completion. Also, the same

positivecorrelation exists between hours worked while in school and

gradu-ation. A priori, if we thought that work while in school isbad for schooling

attainmentwewouldexpect anegativecorrelation. However, thisjustserves

tohighlighttheimportanceofmodelingboth decisionsjointlyasunobserved characteristics are likely to be behind such a positive correlation. For

ex-ample, more motivated individuals might be more likely to work as well as

to graduate. To modeljointly the decision to complete high school and the

choice of hoursworked we alsouse ajointprobit-tobit specication.

Resultsare reportedinTables 2and 3forthe bivariateprobitmodel. As


the labourmarket. Inturn,working whileinschoolisfoundtohaveastrong

eect on the probability of graduation, for both men and women, although

the men's decisionto workappear tobeslightly moreresponsive tochanges

in the unemployment rate. Also, results in Table 3 suggest that women's

response tolocallabourmarket conditions issensitivetothe unemployment

rate measure used: in both cases where we use either the provincial

unem-ployment rate of women aged 25-44 or the overall provincialunemployment

rate asinstruments,working whileinschooldoesnot appear todecrease the probability of graduation.


As we can see from the correlation coecients

shown in Table 2 and, for men, in Table 3 as well, the positive correlation

betweenunobservables thataect both decisionsisquitestrong,asthe

sum-mary statisticsin Table 1 seemed tosuggest: those that graduate and work

are not a random sample of the population of young students. Excluding

local labour market conditions from the graduation equation and allowing

correlation between unobservables reverse what simple descriptive statistics

would lead us, infact,toconclude: workingdoesseemtohavethe causal

ef-fectofmakingyoungstudentsdropoutofhighschool. Interestingly,although

Cameron and Heckman (1994)showthat young people inthe United States (using the NLSY)exhibitsome sensitivitytoanalternativemeasure of local

labour market conditions, recent attempts by Ruhm (1997) and Oettinger

(1999) attrying touse the localrate of unemployment asan instrumentfor

work while inschoolto explaineither educationalattainmentorhigh school

performance have failed in that the instrument appears to be of poor

qual-ity. Here again, if there is a substantial wage advantage to completing high

school, as all the evidence in the U.S. indicates, then that may not come as

a totalsurprise. In any event, itseems clear that the canadian experienceis

strikinglydierent. 16

Althoughnotshownhere,estimatingtheequationforhighschoolgraduation indepen-dentlyproducesapositiverelationshipbetweemworkingandgraduating,whichessentially


of jointnormality,Iestimatedalineartwo-stageleastsquare modelinwhich

the localunemploymentrate isusedasaninstrumentforwork activity. Itis

well-knownthatalinearprobabilitymodelisawed asaneconometricmodel

for discretechoice problems, but it does provide consistent estimates of the

parameters of interest. Although the results are not shown here, I get the

same qualitative conclusions.

Finally, to assess whether excluding the local unemployment rate from

the outcomeequationisacceptable,Iperformedanoveridenticationtest by using all three local labour market measures as instruments. More

speci-cally, I regressed the residualsobtained from the structural equation (using

the parametersestimatedbyIV) andregressed themontheexcluded

instru-mentsinadditiontotheotherexogenousvariables. Underthenullhypothesis


timesthe numberofobservations convergestoa 2


of freedom equal to the dierence between the number of instruments and

the numberofparameters estimated(see e.g. DiNardoand Johnston (1997),

pp. 336-338).

Asitturnsout,thevalueofthe 2

statisticisequalto1.39formen,which easily passes the overidentication test. For women, though, it is equal to

30.97, whichmakessuspicious the identicationstrategy. 17

5.1 The Impact of Hours Worked While in School

While the fact of being employed does seem to increase the probability of

dropping out of high school, it would also be of interest to know how that 17

As emphasized in DiNardo and Johnston (1997), the test is not aboutwhether all instrumentsarevalidbut onlyaboutwhethergiventhatoneisvalid,aretheadditionnal ones valid too. In this case, however, the fact that the instruments all try to measure the samething impliesthat ifthe additionalones are deemedappropriate then onecan probablybemorecondentaboutthevalidityofeitheroneofthethreeinajust-identied model. Theconverseappliesinthecaseofwomen.


locallabour market conditions as an instrument for hours worked and then


the estimation iscomplicated somewhat by the factthat not every students

worked withintwelvemonths ofgettingoutof highschool. Therefore, Ihave

to take into account the censoring at zero hours. To do this, I estimate a

bivariate model in which one outcome is high school graduation, as before,

and the otheris hours worked, modeled asa censored regression.

More specically, let the latent propensity to complete high school and the numberof hours worked berepresented as:

C  i =X i +ÆH i + i (3) H i =Z i + i i RHS>0 (4) H i =0 otherwise

whereHrepresentthenumberofhoursworked,XandZare thesamevectors

of exogenous variablesasintheprevious model,and theerror terms and 

are againassumed tofollowabivariatenormalN(0;0;1; 2 

,). Inestimating

equations (3) and (4), we make the assumption that local labour market

conditions aect the decision to complete high school only through their eect on the number of hours worked (just as in the case of the bivariate

probit). 18

Results are reported in Table 4. As we can see, we obtain the same

qualitative conclusion as the one obtained from the bivariate probit model:

working more hours causes an increase in the probability of not graduating

from high school and the eects are very similar forboth sexes. 18


The point of departure for this paper was to note that although we keep

hearingabouthow importantit istopursue post-secondaryeducation given

the new requirements of today's jobs, there is still a sizeable proportion of

the populationwhich does not complete high school. The natural question

that arisesthen iswhy? Thepossibilityexploredinthis paperis thatitmay

just be the case that for those people whose margin of decision is between high school graduation and dropping out, people who do not really plan to

gotouniversity,the advantage ofcompletinghigh schoolmayhavebeenlow

overtheyears. CanadiandatafromtheCensusand theLabourForceSurvey

suggest thatthis has been the case,in contrast towhat has happened inthe

United States. Also, using data from the Follow-Up to the School Leavers

Survey, it seems that graduates have noparticular advantage over dropouts

except in terms of employment rates.

Then, taking a step back to look at the decision process by which high

schoolstudentschoosetocompletehigh schoolornot, Ind, usingStatistics

Canada's School Leavers Survey that they were are sensitiveto the state of the locallabourmarketand thatthe jobsthey takeup whilethey are stillin

school cause a signicant decrease in their graduation probability. In other

words, giventhattheredoesnot seemtobeamajoradvantagetocompleting


they get a jobduring school, many of them drop out beforegraduation.

One puzzle left unexplained in this paper is why iss the monetary value

of ahigh schooldegreesodierentfromthatintheUnites States. Whilethe

relationship between education and log-earnings inthe United States is ap-proximatelylinear(Card(1999)),thatappearsnottobethecaseinCanada.


Although not shown here, usingmid-pointsof all the educational categories

included in the Census data to estimate the relationship between log


vexity is producedby the attening of logearnings-schooling relationshipat

lowerlevelsof education. One avenue for future research would be to tryto

determine whether a dierent institutional environment, such as the higher

minimumwages inCanada, haveinasenseperhapshadthe eect of

censor-ing the lower part of what may otherwise be a linear relationship, as in the

U.S.Oritmaybethatthetrue returnstoahighschooldiplomaare,infact,

lowerthaninthe U.S.and thismay triggersomepeculiarselectioneectsin

that the quality of the pool of dropouts relative tothat of the graduates in Canada ishigherthan inthe U.S.andthis selectioneectmay tendtomake

the cross-sectionalreturn toa high schooldiploma lower thanit actually is.


Bar-Or, Y., J.Burbidge, L. Magee,and A. L. Robb (1995, October). The

wage premium to a university education in canada. Journal of Labor

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Beaudry, P. and D. Green (1997, August). Cohort patterns in canadian

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youth. Working Paper no. 386, Princeton University, Industrial

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Let the bivariate normaldensity functionbeexpressed as:

f( i ; i )= 1 2 p 1  2  exp " 1 2(1  2 ) v 2 i 2v i  i  +  2 i  2 !# (5)


by examiningallpossiblecases,whereC i


H i

: represents the hours worked by individual i:

P(C i =1;H i >0)= Z 1 xi ÆHi f(v i ; i )dv i (6)


P(C i =1;H i >0)= 1 x i ÆH i 1   2 (v i ;  i )dv i ; (7) where 2

corresponds tothe standardizeddensity and   i = H i z i  : In similarfashion: P (C i =0; H i >0)= Z x i ÆH i 1 1   2 (v i ;  i )dv i : (8)

The lasttwo cases are:

P (C i =1; H i =0)= Z 1 x i Z z ii  1  2 (v i ;  i )dv i d  i ; (9) and P (C i =0;H i =0)= Z x i 1 Z z i  1  2 (v i ;  i )dv i d  i = 2  x i ; z i   ; (10) where  2

corresponds tothe standardizedcumulative bivariate


Letting n j

(j =1;4) represent the number of observations in each

sub-sample corresponding to the cases just described, we obtain the following

log-likelihood function which is maximized with respect to the parameters

;Æ; ; and : logL= n 1 X i log Z 1 xi ÆHi 1   2 (v i ;  i )dv i + n 2 X i log Z x i ÆH i 1 1   2 (v i ;  i )dv i (11) + n 3 X i log Z 1 x i Z z ii  1  2 (v i ;  i )dv i d  i + n 4 X i log 2  x i ; z i  


Table 1. Mean Sample Statistics


H.S. Dropouts

with no

Post-sec. Educ.

H.S. Dropouts

with some

Post-sec. Educ.

High School


H.S. Graduates

with some

Post-sec. Educ.

B.A. Degree or


Father went to Coll/Univ.






Mother went to Coll/Univ.






% Males






GPA of A in H.S.






GPA of B in H.S.






GPA of C in H.S.






GPA of D in H.S.






Failed in Primary School






Collected UI in Last 12 Months






Collected Welfare in Last 12 Months






With a Child






Hours Worked while in School






Had a Job while in H.S.






Had at least one Reference Job






N (in the sample)






N (in the population)*







Table 2. Impact of Having a Job while in School on Graduation

Bivariate Probit Model Specification, Standard Errors in Parentheses

A. Men

B. Women


H.S. Graduation Equation

Job while in H.S. Equation

H.S. Graduation Equation

Job while in H.S. Equation

Had a job






Local unemployment rate







Father went to coll/univ.









Mother went to coll/univ.









Difficulty in maths.









Difficulty in lang.









Went to private school









GPA of A in H.S.









GPA of B in H.S.









GPA of C in H.S.









Failed in primary school









With a child









Regional dummies





Correlation coefficient





Log likelihood







Table 3. Impact of Having a Job while in School on Graduation

Alternative Measures Local Labour Market Conditions

Standard Errors in Parentheses

A. Men

Specification 1

Specification 2


H.S. Graduation


Job while in

H.S. Equation

H.S. Graduation


Job while in

H.S. Equation

Had a job






Provincial unemployment rate





Provincial unemployment rate





of 25-44 year-old men


Correlation coefficient





Log likelihood






B. Women

Specification 1

Specification 2


H.S. Graduation


Job while in

H.S. Equation

H.S. Graduation


Job while in

H.S. Equation

Had a job






Provincial unemployment rate





Provincial unemployment rate





of 25-44 year-old men


Correlation coefficient





Log likelihood







Table 4. Impact of Hours Worked while in School on Graduation

Bivariate Probit-Tobit Model Specification

Standard Errors in Parentheses

A. Men


H.S. Graduation Equation

Hours Worked Equation

Hours worked



Local unemployment rate



Correlation coefficient



Mean log likelihood




B. Women


H.S. Graduation Equation

Hours Worked Equation

Hours worked



Local unemployment rate



Correlation coefficient



Mean log likelihood





Liste des publications au CIRANO *

Cahiers CIRANO / CIRANO Papers (ISSN 1198-8169)


Les Expos, l'OSM, les universités, les hôpitaux : Le coût d'un déficit de 400 000 emplois

au Québec — Expos, Montréal Symphony Orchestra, Universities, Hospitals: The

Cost of a 400,000-Job Shortfall in Québec / Marcel Boyer


Peut-on créer des emplois en réglementant le temps de travail? / Robert Lacroix


Anomalies de marché et sélection des titres au Canada / Richard Guay, Jean-François

L'Her et Jean-Marc Suret


La réglementation incitative / Marcel Boyer


L'importance relative des gouvernements : causes, conséquences et organisations

alternative / Claude Montmarquette


Commercial Bankruptcy and Financial Reorganization in Canada / Jocelyn Martel


Faire ou faire faire : La perspective de l'économie des organisations / Michel Patry

Série Scientifique / Scientific Series (ISSN 1198-8177)


Leader and Follower: A Differential Game Model / Hassan Benchekroun et Ngo

Van Long


Emission Taxes and Standards for an Asymmetric Oligopoly / Ngo Van Long et

Antoine Soubeyran


Risque de modèle de volatilité / Ali Alami et Éric Renault


The Effect of Pay-per-Performance Contracts on Wages /Daniel Parent


Incentive Pay in the United States: Its Determinants and Its Effects / Daniel Parent


Testing and Comparing Value-at-Risk Measures / Peter Christoffersen, Jinyong

Hahn et Atsushi Inoue


Empirical Assessment of an Intertemporal Option Pricing Model with Latent

Variables / René Garcia, Richard Luger et Éric Renault


Asymmetric Smiles, Leverage Effects and Structural Parameters / René Garcia,

Richard Luger et Éric Renault


Technological Paradigms and the Measurement of Innovation / Bernard



Taxpayers’ Response to Tax Rate Changes: A Canadian Panel Study / Robert

Gagné, Jean-François Nadeau et François Vaillancourt


Competition and the Reform of Incentive Schemes in the Regulated Sector /

Marcel Boyer et Jean-Jacques Laffont


Law versus Regulation: A Political Economy Model of Instrument Choice in

Environmental Policy / Marcel Boyer et Donatella Porrini


Table 1. Mean Sample Statistics Variable H.S. Dropoutswith no Post-sec. Educ. H.S. Dropoutswith some Post-sec
Table 2. Impact of Having a Job while in School on Graduation Bivariate Probit Model Specification, Standard Errors in Parentheses
Table 3. Impact of Having a Job while in School on Graduation Alternative Measures Local Labour Market Conditions
Table 4. Impact of Hours Worked while in School on Graduation Bivariate Probit-Tobit Model Specification


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