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Actes et documents de la Dix-septième session (1993) - Matières diverses - Centenaire


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Actes et documents de la Dix-septième session

Proceedings of the Seventeenth Session


Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé Hague Conférence on private international law

Actes et documents

de la Dix-septième session 10 au 29 mai 1993


of the Seventeenth Session 10 to 29 May 1993

Tome I - Première partie - First Part Matières diverses

Miscellaneous matters


Avis au lecteur Notice to the reader

L a p r é s e n t e publication est la p r e m i è r e d'une série de deux tomes intitulés Actes et documents de la Dix-sep- tième session (1993).

Le tome I I , Adoption-coopération, contient tous les do- cuments concernant l ' é l a b o r a t i o n de la Convention sur la protection des enfants et la coopération en matière d'adoption internationale.

L a première partie d u p r é s e n t tome, Matières diverses, contient tout d'abord des informations g é n é r a l e s telles que la composition des d é l é g a t i o n s , puis les procès-ver- baux des Séances d'ouverture et de c l ô t u r e . O n trouvera ensuite le texte complet de l ' A c t e final de la Dix-sep- t i è m e session. Suivent les documents p r é l i m i n a i r e s , les conclusions de la Commission spéciale de j u i n 1992 sur les affaires g é n é r a l e s et la politique de la C o n f é r e n c e ainsi que les documents p r é p a r a t o i r e s , documents de travail et p r o c è s - v e r b a u x de la P r e m i è r e commission qui a é t é c h a r g é e de ces questions à la Session p l é n i è r e . A la f i n de la p r e m i è r e partie du tome se trouve une biblio- graphie reprenant e n t i è r e m e n t toutes les p r é c é d e n t e s bib iographies é d i t é e s par la C o n f é r e n c e et enrichie des r é f é r e n c e s aux ouvrages et articles nouveaux parus jus- qu'au 15 j u i n 1995.

Le projet de convention et les décisions ont é t é a r r ê t é s en textes français et anglais é q u i v a l e n t s . C o n f o r m é m e n t à la pratique habituelle, les interventions faites par les d é l é g a t i o n s lors des r é u n i o n s ont é t é rendues en f r a n ç a i s ou en anglais selon la langue e m p l o y é e par l'orateur.

L'organisation des séances et la r é d a c t i o n des docu- ments préliminaires sont des activités qui exigent un grand soin et des connaissances approfondies des ma- tières t r a i t é e s . Nous savons gré à M M . Pehchet et D y e r , secrétaires g é n é r a u x adjoints de la C o n f é r e n c e et M . Van L o o n , premier secrétaire au Bureau Permanent, pour y avoir mis de leur meilleur. Quant aux p r o c è s - verbaux les noms des s e c r é t a i r e s - r é d a c t e u r s responsa- bles de leur r é d a c t i o n figurent dans la composition du Secrétariat reproduite ci-après. I l arrive souvent que ces jeunes spécialistes a c c è d e n t à des postes importants dans leur pays et se retrouvent parmi es d é l é g a t i o n s .

L a deuxième partie du tome est c o n s a c r é e à la Célébra- tion du Centenaire de la Conférence de La Haye.

L ' é d i t i o n des ces Actes et documents a é t é à nouveau assurée par M m e F r a n ç o i s e Franck, assistée de M m e Gerda Boerman. L a qualité de la composition et de la

This publication is the first in a séries of two volumes entitled Proceedings of the Sixteenth Session (1993).

Tome I I - Adoption-co-operation contains ail the docu- ments concerning the drafting of the Convention on Pro- tection ofChildren and Co-operation in Respect of Inter- country Adoption.

The first part of this volume, Miscellaneous matters, i n - cludes at the start g ê n e r a i i n f o r m a t i o n , such as member- ship o f the d é l é g a t i o n s and then the minutes o f the Opening and Closing Sessions. The c o m p l è t e text of the Final A c t of the Seventeenth Session appears thereafter.

Following are the preliminary documents f o r and the conclusions of the Spécial Commission of June 1992 o n g ê n e r a i matters and policy o f the C o n f é r e n c e , as well as the preparatory documents, working documents and minutes of the First Commission, which dealt w i t h thèse questions at the Plenary Session. A t the end of the first part of the volume w i l l be f o u n d a bibliography entirely incorporating ail of the preceding bibliographies edited by the C o n f é r e n c e , enriched by r é f é r e n c e s to new works and articles which have appeared up to 15 June 1995.

The d r a f t Convention and the décisions have been set out in é q u i v a l e n t English and French texts. I n accor- dance w i t h the usual practice, the remarks made by del- egates during the meetings were rendered i n French or English depending on the language employed by the speaker.

The organization of the sessions and drafting of t h è s e preliminary documents are activities which require great care and p r o f o u n d understanding o f the subjects under discussion. W e are most grateful to Messrs Pehchet and Dyer, Deputy Secretaries General of the C o n f é r e n c e , and to M r V a n L o o n , First Secretary at the Permanent Bureau f o r having put their hearts into their w o r k . W i t h regard to the minutes, the names of the recording secre- taries responsible f o r their drafting appear in the list of members of the Secrétariat set out hereafter. I t o f t e n happens that thèse young specialists attain important positions i n their countries and are f o u n d among the d é l é g a t i o n s .

The second part of the volume is devoted to the Célébra- tion of the Hague Conférence's Centenary.

Editing of the Proceedings has again been carried out by Mrs F r a n ç o i s e Franck with the assistance of M r s Gerda Boerman. The quality of the layout and the typescript

Avis au lecteur Notice to the reader


typographie t é m o i g n e de leur e x p é r i e n c e et de leur m i - nutie.

give witness of their professionalism and their attention to détail.

La collection c o m p l è t e des Actes et documents de la Dix- septième session (1993) est la suivante:

Tome I - Matières diverses Tome II - Adoption-coopération

Le p r é s e n t tome peut ê t r e c o m m a n d é , s é p a r é m e n t ou avec l'autre tome, à S D U Servicecentrum, B o î t e postale 20014, 2500 E A L a Haye, Pays-Bas, ou par l ' i n t e r m é - diaire des librairies.

The c o m p l è t e collection of the Proceedings ofthe Seven- teenth Session (1993) is as foUows:

Tome I - Miscellaneous matters Tome II - Adoption-co-operation

This volume may be ordered, separately or w i t h the other volume, f r o m S D U Servicecentrum, P.O. Box 20024, 2500 E A The Hague, Netherlands, or through professional booksellers.

Le Secrétaire g é n é r a l de la C o n f é r e n c e ,

Le P r é s i d e n t

de la D i x - s e p t i è m e session,

The Secretary General of the C o n f é r e n c e ,

The P r é s i d e n t

of the Seventeenth Session,

G . A . L . D R O Z . J . C . S C H U L T S Z . G . A . L . D R O Z . J . C . S C H U L T S Z .


Liste des participants List of participants

Etats représentés States represented


M . V. Habibasi, spécialiste des droits de l'homme, M i - nistère des Affaires E t r a n g è r e s , Tirana

M m e K. Begeja, professeur, Tirana AIlemagne/Germany

M . K. J. Pirrung, Ministerialrat, Ministère f é d é r a l de la Justice, B o n n

Mr R. Scholz, Referatsleiter; Ministerialrat, F é d é r a l M i n - istry f o r W o m e n and Y o u t h , B o n n

M r R. F. Wagner, Judge, F é d é r a l Ministry of Justice, B o n n

M r F. K. Geyer, Counsellor, Embassy of the F é d é r a l Republic of Germany, The Hague


H . E . MTA. Boggiano, P r é s i d e n t of the S u p r ê m e Court;

Professer of private international law at the University of Buenos Aires

M r A. E. Dojas, Counsellor, Embassy of Argentina, The Hague

Listel List - participants


M r G. Griffith, Solicitor-General of Australia, Barton M r R. J. Morgan, Senior Government Counsel, Family and Administrative L a w Branch, Attorney-General's Department, Barton

M r / . R. Prent, Program Manager Intercountry A d o p - tion, Department of Health and Community Services, Fitzroy


M r A. Duchek, Advocate General, F é d é r a l Ministry of Justice; Lecturer on private international law at the Vienna Economie University

M r W. Schutz, Director, F é d é r a l Ministry of Justice, Vienna


M r V. A. Sokolovski, Deputy Chief, Légal Department, Ministry of Foreign A f f a i r s , Minsk

M r s T. A. Petrova, First Secretary, Consular Depart- ment, Ministry of Foreign A f f a i r s , Minsk


M . P. G. Stiénon, premier conseiller. M i n i s t è r e de la Justice, Bruxelles

M . M. J. P. Verwilghen, professeur ordinaire à la Facul- té de droit. U n i v e r s i t é cathoHque de Louvain

M m e D. Gevaert-Delatte, premier conseiller, Direction d'Administration de l'aide à la jeunesse, Ministère des Affaires sociales de la C o m m u n a u t é f r a n ç a i s e de Bel- gique, Bruxelles

M m e M.-F. Thomas, conseiller juridique f f . Administra- tion de l'aide à la jeunesse. Ministère des Affaires so- ciales de la C o m m u n a u t é f r a n ç a i s e de Belgique, Bruxel- les

M m e J. Milquet, conseiller juridique. Cabinet du Minis- tre de l'enseignement s u p é r i e u r , de la recherche scienti- fique, de l'aide à la jeunesse et des relations internatio-

ListelList - participants 7


nales de la C o m m u n a u t é f r a n ç a i s e de Belgique, Bruxel- les

M m e K. Mangeleer, conseiller juridique, Vlaamse Ge- meenschap, Bruxelles


M m e A. Bossou-Lawin-Ore, administrateur de l ' A c t i o n sociale; chef du Service de la famille et de la promotion de la femme, Direction des Affaires sociales, Cotonou M m e F. C. Talon-Ahouandogbo, magistrat; conseiller p r è s la Cour d'appel de Cotonou; s e c r é t a i r e g é n é r a l de D E i- B é n i n


Mrs S. Avila Seifert, C h a r g é d'Affaires, Embassy of Bolivia, The Hague

Mrs A. M. Martînez, Organismo Nacional del Menor, Mujer y Familia, La Paz

M r / . Alvarado, First Secretary, Embassy of Bolivia, The Hague

Mrs C. Torres, Ministry of Foreign A f f a i r s , La Paz Brésil/Brazil

H . E . M r A. A. de Mello-Franco, Ambassador of Brazil, The Hague

Ms D. Flusser, Minister-Counsellor, Embassy of Brazil, The Hague

M r H. Povoas Jr., First Secretary; A c t i n g Head of the Consular D i v i s i o n , Ministry of Foreign A f f a i r s , Brasilia M r R. Ramos, Director, Department of Citizenship A f - fairs, Ministry of Justice, Brasilia

M r / . R. Figueiredo Santoro, Public A t t o r n e y , Attorney General's O f f i c e , Brasilia

Mrs H. Lewin, D e p u t y Director, Department of Social P r o m o t i o n , Center for Childhood and Adolescence, M i n - istry of Social W e l f a r e , Rio de Janeiro

M r J. A. Duarte, F é d é r a l Police Department, Brasilia Bulgarie/Bulgaria

Mrs V. Stancheva, Chief Expert, Department on Inter- national Légal Co-operation, Ministry of Justice, Sofia M r O. Bakalov, H e a d of the Department on Interna- tional Relations and Judicial Services, Ministry of Jus- tice, Sofia

Burkina Faso

M m e H. Tapsoba, chef du Service de la sauvegarde de l'enfance en danger. Direction de l'Enfance, M i n i s t è r e d é l é g u é c h a r g é de l ' A c t i o n sociale et de la Famille, Ouagadougou

M . J. Bado, magistrat; conseiller technique du Ministre de la Justice, Ouagadougou


M m e C. Verdon, avocat g é n é r a l principal, D r o i t consti- tutionnel et international. M i n i s t è r e de la Justice, Ottawa

M r T. B. Smith, Q C, Ottawa

M r R. Perozzo, Assistant D e p u t y Minister, Department

M m e L. Lussier, conseillère juridique. M i n i s t è r e de la Justice, Ottawa


Mrs M. Carrizo Inostroza, Director Social D é f e n s e D i v i - sion, Ministry of Justice, Santiago

M . / . Burmester, avocat. Direction des Affaires j u r i - diques, M i n i s t è r e des Relations E x t é r i e u r e s , Santiago Chine/China

M r Tang Chengyuan, D e p u t y Director, Department of Treaty and L a w , Ministry of Foreign A f f a i r s , Beijing M r Zhang Shengzu, Director, Department of Politics and Law, Law-making Bureau of the State Council, B e i j i n g

M r Xu Jian, Deputy Director, Department of Notariza- t i o n , Ministry of Justice, Beijing

Mrs Zhang Xiaoqing, Division Chief, Department of Administration f o r M a r i t a l A f f a i r s , Ministry of Civil A f - fairs, Beijing

M r Duan Jielong, D e p u t y Division Chief, Department of Treaty and L a w , Ministry of Foreign A f f a i r s , Beijing M r Wu Xian, Second Secretary, Embassy of the People's Republic of China, The Hague

Mrs Hu Xing Lan, T h i r d Secretary, Department of Treaty and L a w , Ministry of Foreign A f f a i r s , Beijing Chypre/Cyprus

M r A.N. Loizou. P r é s i d e n t of the S u p r ê m e Court of Cyprus, Nicosia; Judge at the European Court of H u - man Rights


M r s M. Ripoll de Urrutia, D i r e c t o r General of the Co- lombian Institute f o r Family Welfare, Bogota

Mrs M. Jaramillo de Marin, Subdirector, Colombian Institute f o r Family W e l f a r e , Bogota

République de Corée/Republic of Korea

H . E . M r / n i o Lim, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, The Hague

M r Byung-Kil Han, First Secretary, Embassy of the Re- public of Korea, The Hague

M r Suk San Kim, Deputy Executive Director, Korea Children's Foundation, Séoul

Costa Rica

M m e A. Camacho de Chavarrîa, r e p r é s e n t a n t e du Gou- vernement de Costa Rica a u p r è s de l'Institut i n t e r a m é r i - cain de l ' E n f a n t ; p r é s i d e n t e du Patronato Nacional de la Infancia, San J o s é

Ms M. Romero-Royo, Consul General of Costa Rica, M o n t r é a l


M r 5. Danielsen, Judge, Eastern H i g h Court, Holte M r J. K. A. Dinesen, Head of Division, Department of Private Law, Ministry of Justice, Copenhagen


E l Salvador

Miss A. E. Villalta Vizcarra, Légal Adviser of the Minis- ter of Foreign A f f a i r s ; Prof essor of private international law; Lawyer; Notary pubUc, San Salvador

Miss y . Novoa, Consul General of E l Salvador, M i l a n , Italy


S.E. M . A. Posso-Serrano, Ambassadeur de l'Equateur, La Haye

M . E. Baus-Palacios, s e c r é t a i r e . Ambassade de l'Equa- teur, La Haye


S.E. M . A.J. Fournier Bermejo, Ambassadeur d'Espa- gne, L a Haye

M m e A. Borrâs, professeur de droit international p r i v é . U n i v e r s i t é de Barcelone

M m e E. Garcia Gômez, chef de la Section d ' A d o p t i o n , M i n i s t è r e des Affaires sociales, M a d r i d

M m e C. Canadas Perez-Ugena, juriste au Ministère des Affaires sociales, M a d r i d

Etats-Unis d'Amérique/United States of America M r P. H. Pfund, Assistant Légal Adviser f o r Private International L a w , Department of State, Washington,


M r J. L. Ward, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State f o r Consular A f f a i r s , Department of State, Washington, D C Miss R. Boie, Senior Immigration Examiner, us I m m i - gration and Naturalization Service, Washington, D C Mrs B. Cooper, Attorney-Adviser, Office of Citizens Consular Services, Bureau of Consular A f f a i r s , Depart- ment of State, Washington, D C

Ms G. F. DeHart, Deputy A t t o r n e y General California;

R e p r é s e n t a t i v e of the American Bar Association, San Francisco

Mrs C. Fails, Adoptive M o t h e r , Little Rock

Mrs S. A. Freivalds, Executive Director, Adoptive Fam- illes of America, Inc., Minneapolis

M r S. M. Kirsh, P r é s i d e n t , American Academy of A d o p t i o n Attorneys, Indianapolis

Ms V. A. Laird, Attorney-Adviser, Office of the Légal Adviser, Department of State, Washington, D C

Mr A. T. von Mehren, Story Professor of Law, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, M A

M r W. L. Pierce, P r é s i d e n t of the National Council for A d o p t i o n , Washington, D C

Mrs B. Rosenbaum, Director, Family and Child Welfare Services, American Public Welfare Association, Wash- ington, D C

Mrs S. Sweitzer, Secretary to Senator H o w a r d M . Metzenbaum; Member Board of Directors, A d o p t i o n Service Information Agency, Washington, D C

M r P. D. Trooboff, Attorney-at-Law, Partner Coving- ton & B u r l i n g , Washington, D C


Mrs R. K. Buure-Hàgglund, Director of Législation, Ministry of Justice, Helsinki

Mrs E. T.-M. Riihinen, Counsellor of Législation, Ministry of Justice, Helsinki


M . H. Rethoré, conseiller diplomatique du Gouverne- ment; Ambassadeur, M i n i s t è r e des Affaires E t r a n g è r e s , Paris

M . B. Sturlese, magistrat; chef du Bureau du droit inter- national et de l'entraide judiciaire internationale en ma- tière civile et commerciale, Ministère de la Justice, Paris Mlle C. Jacob, chef de la Division de la C o o p é r a t i o n internationale en droit de la famille. Ministère des A f - faires E t r a n g è r e s , Paris

M m e A. Deletang-Bap, magistrat. Service des Affaires e u r o p é e n n e s et internationales. M i n i s t è r e de la Justice, Paris


M . J. Voulgaris, professeur de droit international privé à l'Université « D é m o k r i t o s » de Thrace, K o m o t i n i ; prési- dent du C o m i t é hellénique de droit international privé M r E. Krispis, Professor of Law, University of Athens M . S. Vrellis, professeur. Faculté de droit. Université d ' A t h è n e s


M . D. Régis, directeur général du M i n i s t è r e des Affaires et des Cultes; professeur de droit international privé à l'Université d'Etat d ' H a ï t i , Port-au-Prince

M m e M. Durocher Bertin, avocate, Port-au-Prince Honduras

M . A.-G. Saavedra Muguelar, chargé d'Affaires, A m - bassade de la R é p u b l i q u e du Honduras, L a Haye M r L. O. Mejia Murillo, Lawyer; Director of the D i v i - sion of Adoptions at the Junta Nacional de Bienestar Social, Tegucigalpa


M r T. Ban, Director, International Law Division, Ministry of Justice, Budapest

Mrs K. Benedek, Senior L é g a l Counsel, International Law Department, Ministry of Justice, Budapest Inde/India

M r K. P. Sethy, Secretary, Central A d o p t i o n Resource Agency, Ministry of Welfare, New D e l h i


Mrs C. F. G. Sunaryati Hartono, Head, National Law Development Agency, Department of Justice; Professor of private international law, Faculty of Law, Padjadja- ran University, Bandung

Mrs E. Sofwan Syukrie, Judge, Court of Appeals; Secre- tary of the Chairman of the S u p r ê m e Court, Jakarta Miss Rofita, O f f i c i a i of Légal and Treaties A f f a i r s , De- partment of Foreign A f f a i r s , Jakarta


M r W. R. Duncan, Professor, University of D u b h n ; Member of the Law R e f o r m Commission of Ireland M r B. Carey, Assistant Principal Officer, Child Care Division, Department of Health, D u b l i n


M r C. Goldwater, Director of Légal Advice in Private International Law, Ministry of Justice, J é r u s a l e m Mrs N. Maymon, Légal Adviser, Ministry of Labour and Welfare, J é r u s a l e m


M . P. Picone, professeur ordinaire de droit internatio- nal à l'Université de Naples

Listel List - participants Listel List - participants


M . G. Magna, magistrat. Bureau de la Justice des M i - neurs, Ministère de la Justice, Rome


Mrs J. Torii, Professer, Faculty of Law, Seijo Universi- ty, T o k y o

M r /. Terada, Director, F o u r t h Division, Civil A f f a i r s Bureau, Ministry of Justice, T o k y o

M r S. Hashimoto, Judge, T o k y o Family Court M r M. Hara, First Secretary, L é g a l Section, Embassy of Japan, The Hague

M r H. Shimizu, Staff A t t o r n e y , Civil A f f a i r s Bureau, Ministry of Justice, T o k y o ; O f f i c i a i , Treaties Bureau, Ministry of Foreign A f f a i r s


M r H. B. N. Gicheru, Counsellor, Embassy of the Re- public of Kenya, The Hague


M . G. Nehmé, chef du Bureau des Centres sociaux, M i n i s t è r e des Affaires sociales, Beyrouth

M m e S. Medawar, assistante sociale au Ministère des Affaires sociales, Beyrouth


M m e M.-A. Ketter, a t t a c h é de Gouvernement premier en rang, Ministère de la Justice, Luxembourg

M m e M . Goniva, premier substitut du Procureur d'Etat, Palais de Justice, Luxembourg

M m e A. Clemang, a t t a c h é de Gouvernement premier en rang, M i n i s t è r e de la Justice, Luxembourg

M . C. Nicolay, avocat g é n é r a l . Cour s u p é r i e u r e de Jus- tice, Luxembourg

M m e C. Konsbruck, a t t a c h é d'Administration, Minis- t è r e de la Justice, Luxembourg


S.E. M . C.R. Richard, Ambassadeur de la R é p u b l i q u e de Madagascar, Bruxelles

M m e Y. Pasea, chef du Service Europe, Direction des Relations bilatérales. M i n i s t è r e des Affaires E t r a n g è r e s , Antananarivo

M m e B. D. Rasoanirina, chef de division au Service A s i e / A f r i q u e , Direction des Relations bilatérales, Ministère des Affaires E t r a n g è r e s , Antananarivo Maurice/Mauritius

Mrs A. K. Bâcha, P r é s i d e n t , National A d o p t i o n Coun- cil, Ministry of Women's Rights, Child Protection and Family Welfare, Port-Louis


M r J. L. Siqueiros, Légal Adviser to the Mexican For- eign O f f i c e , Mexico

M r E. Pena Haller, Director f o r the Légal Assistance of Mexican Citizens A b r o a d , Ministry of Foreign A f f a i r s , Mexico

M r K. R. Steenberg, Director, Government A d o p t i o n O f f i c e , Oslo

M r H. Bull, L é g a l Adviser, Department of Législation, Ministry of Justice, Oslo


H . E . M r H. Jirôn-Soto, Ambassador of Panama, Brus- sels; Professer of international law at the University of Panama


M . J. C. Schultsz, avocat; professeur à l'Université d'Amsterdam; p r é s i d e n t de la Commission d'Etat néer- landaise pour la codification du droit international privé M. A. V. M. Struycken, professeur à la F a c u l t é de droit de l'Université catholique de N i m è g u e

M . F.J.A. van der Velden, conseiller au Ministère de la Justice, La Haye

M . P. A. M. Meijknecht, conseiller au Ministère de la Justice, La Haye

M r F. G. A. ten Siethoff, Deputy Head Légal A f f a i r s Division, Y o u t h Protection and Probation Department, Ministry of Justice, The Hague

M m e D. van Iterson, administrateur. M i n i s t è r e de la Justice, L a Haye


M r A. Padilla Bendezû, Director of International Trea- ties, Ministry of Foreign A f f a i r s , L i m a

M m e M. de L. Loayza Gàrate, r e p r é s e n t a n t e du Colegio de Abogados de Lima, M i n i s t è r e public, L i m a


Mrs L. Balanon, Assistant Director; Officer-in-Charge of the Bureau of Child and Y o u t h Welfare, Department of Social Welfare and Development, Manila

M r H. S. Bensurto Jr., A c t i n g Director, Treaties D i v i - sion, Office of L é g a l A f f a i r s , Department of Foreign A f f a i r s , Passy City


M . A. Zielihski, professeur de droit civil à l'Université de Varsovie; juge de la Haute Cour administrative Portugal

S.E. M . A. Cascais, Ambassadeur du Portugal, La Haye M m e /. M. de Magalhàes Collaço, professeur de droit international privé à l'Université de Lisbonne

M . R. M. Moura Ramas, professeur de droit interna- tional privé à la F a c u l t é de droit de l'Université de Coimbra


S.E. M . /. M. Anghel, Ambassadeur de Roumanie, La Haye

M m e A. Zugravescu, p r é s i d e n t e du C o m i t é roumain pour l ' A d o p t i o n , Bucarest

M . S. Staica, premier s e c r é t a i r e , Ambassade de Rouma-


M r M . F. Brennan, Administrator, Department of Health, L o n d o n

M r R. P. S. Hughes, Assistant Secretary, Department of Health, L o n d o n

Mrs E. Matthews, Government Légal Adviser, L o r d Chancellor's Department, L o n d o n

M r W. Ferrie, Scottish Courts Administration, Edin- burgh

Fédération de Russie/Russian Fédération

H . E . M r L. A. Skotnikov, Ambassador of the Russian F é d é r a t i o n , The Hague

M r V. Pavlovski, Counsellor, Embassy of the Russian F é d é r a t i o n , The Hague

M . /. Berestnev, a t t a c h é du D é p a r t e m e n t juridique, M i - nistère des Affaires E t r a n g è r e s , Moscou

Mrs A. Dzougaeva, Chief Légal Specialist, Department of Child Protection, Ministry of Education, Moscow M m e N. Liachenko, expert du C o m i t é parlementaire sur les questions des femmes, de la famille, de l'enfance et de la d é f e n s e de m a t e r n i t é , Moscou

M m e A. Udalova, d é p u t é de Soviet S u p r ê m e , membre du C o m i t é parlementaire sur les questions des femmes, de la famille, de l'enfance et de la d é f e n s e de m a t e r n i t é , Moscou

Saint-Siège/Holy See

M g r . O. Antonini, conseiller de la Nonciature Aposto- lique, L a Haye

M . / . W. Schneider, professeur, Tilburg, Pays-Bas Sénégal/Senegal

S.E. M . F. Kane, Ambassadeur de la R é p u b l i q u e du S é n é g a l , Bruxelles


Mrs T. Petricek, Counsellor to the Minister f o r Labour, Family and Social A f f a i r s , Ljubljana

Mrs M. Émit, Counsellor to the Minister f o r Foreign A f f a i r s , Ljubljana

Mrs M. Koncina Peternel, Assistant f o r Family Law at the Faculty of Law, Ljubljana

Sri Lanka

H . E . M r G. Karunasiri, Ambassador of Sri Lanka, The Hague

Mrs P. Ranasinghe, Commissioner of Probation and Child Care Services, Colombo


Mrs C. Hagelberg, Associate Judge of Appeal, Ministry of Justice, Stockholm

M r G. Hâkansson, Permanent Under-Secretary, Minis- try of Health and Social A f f a i r s , Stockholm

Mrs M. Camving Gillberg, Légal Adviser, Ministry of Justice, Stockholm

M r L . B. Svensson, Senior Administrative Officer, Na- tional Board f o r Intercountry Adoptions, Stockholm Suisse/Switzerland

M m e M. Jametti Greiner, chef de la Section de droit international privé, Office f é d é r a l de la Justice, Berne M . A. Bûcher, professeur à l'Université de G e n è v e République tchèque/Czech Republic

M r M. Holub, Doctor of Law, Judge; Chairman of the Chamber of the H i g h Court, Prague

M r T. Vacek, Doctor of L a w , International Légal De- partment, Ministry of Justice, Prague


M r S. Chuasukonthip, First Secretary, Royal Thai E m - bassy, The Hague


M r S. Gôkkaya, Head of Department, Ministry of Jus- tice, A n k a r a


H . E . M r D. Opertti Badân, Ambassador and Permanent R e p r é s e n t a t i v e of Uruguay to the Organization of A m e - rican States, Washington, D C; Professor of private inter- national law at the Faculty of Law and Social Science, Montevideo


M r G. Parra-Aranguren, Law Professor at the Universi- dad Central de Venezuela and at the Universidad Catô- lica Andres Bello, Caracas

Viet Nam

M r Truong Xuan Thanh, Director's Assistant of the Consular Department, Ministry of Foreign A f f a i r s , Hanoi

M r Trinh Duc Hai, Légal O f f i c i a i , Consular Depart- ment, Ministry of Foreign A f f a i r s , H a n o i

Listel List - participants Listel List - participants 11


Observateurs d'organisations intergouvernementales

Observers for intergovernmental organizations

Observateurs d'organisations non gouvernementales

Observers for non-governmental organizations

Organisation des Nations Unies United Nations

M r G. Herrmann, Secretary, U n i t e d Nations Commis- sion on International Trade L a w (U N C I T R A L) , Vienna Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Ms C. M . O'Connor, Légal Adviser, General Légal A d - vice Section, Division of International Protection,

U N H C R , Geneva

Organisation internationale de police criminelle International Criminal Police Organization Mrs 5. Manke, Specialized O f f i c e r I n t e r p o l , L y o n Institut interaméricain de l'enfant

Inter-American Chiidren's Institute

M . U. Calvento Solari, chef des A f f a i r e s juridiques U N , Montevideo

Commission internationale de l'état civil International Commission on Civil Status

M . J.-M. Bischoff, professeur; secrétaire g é n é r a l de la c i E C , Strasbourg

M. F.W. Hondius, s e c r é t a i r e g é n é r a l adjoint de la C I E C ,


Association internationale du barreau International Bar Association

Ms G. M. Beckman, Professor, Georgia State Universi- ty, A t l a n t a

M r J. D. Tenenbaum, W i l m i n g t o n , D E Service social international

International Social Service

Mrs C. Saclier, Programme Director, General Secré- tariat, I S S , Geneva

Mrs P. C. T. M. van Eeuwijk, Director iss Netherlands Branch, The Hague

Mrs 7. Conradi, Social W o r k e r , iss-Germany, Kronberg Association internationale de droit de la famille International Society on Family L a w

M . R. Frank, professeur à l ' U n i v e r s i t é de Fribourg en Brisgau; directeur de l'Institut de droit c o m p a r é et de droit international privé

Mrs M. Jàntera-Jareborg, Associate Professor, Faculty of L a w , Uppsala University

Association internationale des magistrats de la jeunesse et de la famille

International Association of Juvénile and Family Court Magistrates

M . J. J. van der Goes, s e c r é t a i r e g é n é r a l de I ' A I M J F; vice- p r é s i d e n t du Tribunal d'arrondissement de Breda Fédération interaméricaine des avocats

Inter-American Bar Association

M r / . M. Videla del Mazo, Permanent Council Member,

I A M L , Buenos, Aires

Fédération Internationale Terre des Hommes International Fédération Terre des Hommes

M r P. Eisenbldtter, Head of the Department f o r A b a n - doned Children, O s n a b r û c k

D é f e n s e des enfants - International Defence for Children International


M m e A. H. M. de Jong, notaire à Haarlem M . F. A. A. Duynstee, notaire à La Haye International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers M r W. Vomberg, A t t o r n e y ; Notary, F r a n k f u r t am M a i n M r / . B. Ben Or, Lawyer, J é r u s a l e m (Observer) International Association of Voluntary Adoption Agen- cies and N G O S

M r D. H. Kim, Chairman of I A V A A N, E u g è n e , O R

Mrs F. van Praagh, Director of International A d o p - tions, Spence-Chapin Services, New Y o r k

Mrs M. Ripley, Executive Director, A d o p t i o n A d v o - cates International, Washington State


Mrs O. Molteni Piro, Italian Centre for International A d o p t i o n , M i l a n

Ms F. Pastor, Director of Sourires d'Enfants Belgium, A y w a i l l e

M r Z. Hendriks, Executive Director Nicwo, The Hague Committee for Coopération within the Nordic Adop- tion- and Parent Organizations


M r L. von der Lieth, Professor at the University of Copenhagen


M r M. Luther, Vice-Chairman, Nordic A d o p t i o n Com- mittee, Soif


M r K. Lehland, Director, Adopsjonsforum Norway, Oslo


Mrs E. Sandberg, Director, A d o p t i o n Centre Sweden, Sundbyberg

North American Council on Adoptable Children Ms S. Cox, Chair of N A C A C ' S International Adoptions Committee, E u g è n e , O R

Bureau de la Dix-septième session Officers of the Seventeenth Session

Présidents d'honneur - Honorary Présidents

S.E. M . P. H. Kooijmans, Ministre des Affaires Etran- gères du Royaume des Pays-Bas

S.E. M . E. M. H. Hirsch Ballin, Ministre de la Justice du Royaume des Pays-Bas

Président de la Dix-septième session Président of the Seventeenth Session M . J. C. Schultsz (Pays-Bas/Netherlands) Vice-présidents de la Dix-septième session Vice-Presidents of the Seventeenth Session M m e /. M. de Magalhàes Collaço (Portugal) M . T. Ban (Hongrie/Hungary)

M . Tang Chengyuan (Chine/China) M . J. L. Siqueiros (Mexique/Mexico)

M . P. H. Pfund (Etats-Unis d ' A m é r i q u e / U n i t e d States of America)

C O M M I S S I O N I - A F F A I R E S G É N É R A L E S / G E N E R A L A F F A I R S

Président - Chairman

M m e R. K. Buure-Hàgglund (Finlande/Finland) Vice-président - Vice-Chairman

S.E. M . D . Opertti Badân (Uruguay) Rapporteur - Reporter

Les membres du Bureau Permanent/The members of the Permanent Bureau

C O M M I S S I O N I I - A D O P T I O N

Président - Chairman M . r. B. Smith (Canada) Vice-président - Vice-Chairman

M . K.J. Pirrung (Allemagne/Germany) Rapporteur - Reporter .

M . G. Parra-Aranguren (Venezuela) Rapporteur consultant - Consultant Reporter M m e L. Balanon (Philippines)

Liste/List - participants Liste/List - participants 13


Secrétariat de la Dix-septième session Secrétariat of the Seventeenth Session

Secrétaire général - Secretary General M . G. A. L. Droz

Secrétaires généraux adjoints - Deputy Secretaries General

M . M . L . Pelichet Mr C.A. Dyer

Premier secrétaire au Bureau Permanent de la Confé- rence - First Secretary at the Permanent Bureau of the Conférence

M . J.H.A. van Loon

Secrétaires rédacteurs - Recording Secretaries

M . G. Carducci, c h a r g é de cours à l'Université de Paris I et Paris I I

M m e A'. Meyer-Fabre, collaboratrice au Cabinet Jeantet et Associés, Paris

M m e C. van den Muijsenbergh-Cissé, juriste; ex-expert a u p r è s de la Commission des C o m m u n a u t é s e u r o p é e n - nes; ex-chargée d ' é t u d e s a u p r è s du Centre national de la recherche scientifique

M r T. G. Portwaad, Lecturer in L a w , University of Bristol

Miss S. E. Roberts, Lecturer i n L a w , Faculty of L a w , University of Bristol

M l l e A. Valiez, t r o i s i è m e secrétaire à la Cour Perma- nente d'Arbitrage, L a Haye

M . W. P. Vogt, collaborateur scientifique. Institut fur Internationales Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung der

Universitât Osnabriick

Mrs K. S. Williams, Lecturer i n L a w , University Collège of Wales, Aberystwyth

Secrétaires adjoints - Assistant Secretaries

M l l e C. Gonzalez Beilfuss, assistante droit international p r i v é . Université de Barcelone

M m e C. Lima Marques, professeur à l'Université f é d é - rale de Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brésil


Séances d'ouverture

et de clôture

Opening and

Closing Sessions


Procès-verbal de la Séance d'ouverture Minutes of the Opening Session

Lundi 10 mai 1993 (matin) Monday 10 May 1993 (morning)

S . E . M . R . F . M . Lubbers, Premier Ministre du Royau- me des Pays-Bas, ouvre la séance à 11 heures en p r é - sence des D é l é g u é s des Gouvernements de l'Allemagne, de l'Austrahe, de l ' A u t r i c h e , du B é l a r u s , de la Belgique, de la Bolivie, du Brésil, de la Bulgarie, du B u r k i n a Faso, du Canada, du C h i l i , de la Chine, de la Colombie, de la R é p u b h q u e de C o r é e , du Costa Rica, du Dane- mark, de l'Egypte, d ' E l Salvador, de l'Equateur, de l'Espagne, des Etats-Unis d ' A m é r i q u e , de la Finlande, de la France, de la G r è c e , d ' H a ï t i , du Honduras, de la H o n g r i e , de l ' I n d o n é s i e , de l'Irlande, d ' I s r a ë l , de l'Ita- lie, du Japon, du Kenya, du L i b a n , du Luxembourg, de Madagascar, de Maurice, du Mexique, de la N o r v è g e , de Panama, des Pays-Bas, du P é r o u , des Philippines, de la Pologne, du Portugal, de la Roumanie, du Royaume- U n i de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du N o r d , de la F é d é r a t i o n de Russie, du Saint-Siège, du S é n é g a l , de la Slovénie, du Sri Lanka, de la S u è d e , de la Suisse, de la R é p u b l i q u e t c h è q u e , de la T h a ï l a n d e , de la Turquie, de l'Uruguay, du Venezuela et du V i e t N a m . Assistent à titre d'Observateurs, le H a u t Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les R é f u g i é s , l'Institut i n t e r a m é r i c a i n de l'enfant, l'Association internationale du barreau, le Ser- vice social international, l'Association internationale de droit de la famille, la F é d é r a t i o n i n t e r a m é r i c a i n e des avocats, la F é d é r a t i o n Internationale Terre des Hommes, D é f e n s e des enfants-International, l ' U n i o n internationale du Notariat latin. International Associa- tion of Voluntary A d o p t i o n Agencies and N G O S, Eura- dopt, le Committee f o r C o o p é r a t i o n within the Nordic A d o p t i o n and Parent Organizations, l e N o r t h A m e r i - can Council on Adoptable Children.

Sont é g a l e m e n t p r é s e n t s des R e p r é s e n t a n t s de chacune des Missions diplomatiques des Etats invités. Chefs de Missions, C h a r g é s d'affaires, S.E. M . S. Oda, Vice-pré- sident de la Cour internationale de Justice, S.E. M . E . Valencia-Ospina, G r e f f i e r de la Cour internationale de Justice, M m e H . E . Breman-Smedes, S e c r é t a i r e g é n é r a l adjoint de la Cour permanente d'Arbitrage et M . W . A . H a m e l , Directeur général de la Fondation Carnegie.

Sont p r é s e n t s en outre, nombre d ' a u t o r i t é s n é e r l a n - daises, dont notamment M . T . M . T . M . Kasteel, Direc-

S.E. M . R. F. M . Lubbers prononce le discours suivant:

Y o u r Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to The Hague, and to this impressive building, which symbol- izes the Netherlands' close involvement with the de- velopment of international law. International law is first and foremost the law governing relations between na- tions, and this building houses an international court whose judgments have played a major rôle in shaping that law. International law is also embodied to a great extent in the many international conventions whose c r é a t i o n was made possible only by the realization that civilized States, acting in the spirit of 'comitas gentium', must talk in order to define their interests, settle dis- putes and harmonize their laws.

The Hague C o n f é r e n c e on private international law re- alized this f r o m its very inception and has remained true to this philosophy throughout its 100-year existence.

The spirit in which the C o n f é r e n c e performs its w o r k has always been one of good w i l l , willingness to co-operate, respect f o r one another's opinions, high idealism and the f i r m conviction that it must be possible, through joint effect, to achieve results which are acceptable to ail countries. The world-wide récognition and acceptance of many of the Hague Conventions must be regarded as a product of this philosophy, which is so f i r m l y rooted in the 'comitas gentium'.

Accordingly, it is no coïncidence that the final sessions of the Hague C o n f é r e n c e should be opened in this build- ing. The a t m o s p h è r e of the Peace Palace, in whose i m - m é d i a t e vicinity the discussions are customarily held, is certain to have a positive effect on the w o r k of the Con- f é r e n c e . The delegates are bound to be irhbued w i t h i t . Peace, which this Palace is intended to serve, is reflected in a common résolve to reach a g r e e m é n t which will again resuit in texts to which States will voluntarily com- mit themselves and which will become part of interna- tional law.

Over the next few weeks you w i l l be closely involved in the drafting of a convention on international child adop- tion. This is not the first time the Hague C o n f é r e n c e has concerned itself w i t h the welfare of children. One of the first Hague Conventions concerns the law applying to custody of children.

The Convention in question has regulated this area f o r more than half a century now. I t even gave rise to a famous International Court of Justice judgment in a dis- pute between Sweden and the Netherlands over custody of the child Elizabeth B o l l . This Convention was f o l - lowed in 1961 by the Convention on the protection of children, which is also due f o r amendment. This matter should have priority over ail other matters on the Con- ference's future agenda, at least in the view of the D u t c h Government.

I n 1980 the Hague C o n f é r e n c e turned its attention to the problem of the civil law aspects of international child abduction. The resulting Convention can be seen as one of the Conference's great successes. W i t h i n a few years of drafting, the Convention had come into force and had been ratified by a large number of States. Given the


constructing a permanent f r a m e w o r k f o r international co-operation, aimed at enabling practical measures to be taken to prevent children f r o m becoming victims of con- flict between their parents. Humanitarian interests were clearly paramount, while the private international law aspect was a secondary c o n s i d é r a t i o n . The success of the Convention is undoubtedly due i n part to its large meas- ure of 'human interest' and the pragmatic, effective way i n which it seeks to address a tragic and dramatic human problem.

It is clear that international adoption, although very dif- f é r e n t f r o m child abduction, displays certain basic sim- ilarities. I n both cases, the interests of the child are para- mount. The aim w i t h both is to f i n d solutions to tragic and dramatic issues i n which children ail too often fall victim to misunderstandings and the irresponsible be- haviour of aduhs. Surely the only solution to the prob- lem of abduction must be to institute permanent co- operation between governments to ensure that great care is taken both before and after adoption and to put an end to international child trafficking. The emphasis here must also be on pragmatic and practica pro- c é d u r e s , w i t h private international law coming second. I should like i n this connection to express my sincère hope that i n thèse few weeks you w i l l succeed in producing a convention i n the same spirit as that on child abduction, that is, one embodying a pragmatic approach which aims to produce rapid results in the interests of the child.

The p r é p a r a t i o n s f o r and drafting of the Convention on child abduction involved only the Member States of the C o n f é r e n c e , working as it were 'en famille'. The p r é s e n t issue is one with which many States outside the 'family' are also struggling. I should like to extend a particularly warm welcome to the r e p r é s e n t a t i v e s of those countries.

I trust that the C o n f é r e n c e will welcome them into the family, not as adopted children but as adults and fully- fledged partners i n international co-operation on child protection. I think that this would do justice to the ideals of the founder of the C o n f é r e n c e , Tobias Asser.

This meeting of the Hague C o n f é r e n c e also gives us an opportunity to pause and mark its lOOth anniversary, which will be celebrated w i t h suitable splendour. The C o n f é r e n c e w i l l also be remembering its founding fa- ther, Tobias Asser, whose name I have just mentioned.

The Hague C o n f é r e n c e has made history during the p r é s e n t century. I t has had many successes and endured many trials. A f t e r the Second W o r l d W a r it rose like a phoenix f r o m the ashes, thanks to Asser and to Matthijs van Hoogstraten, who holds a place of honour in the history of the C o n f é r e n c e . History is fuU of successes and challenges. The f u t u r e is shaped by the w i l l to per- f o r m new deeds, travel new roads and open up new perspectives. The C o n f é r e n c e is certainly no has-been! I am i n no doubt that it will continue its work i n the spirit of Asser, w i t h courage and patience. The future looks good.

But duty calls. I should like to close by expressing the hope that you will be inspired by the f i r m belief that, i n drawing up a convention on international adoption, you w i l l be p e r f o r m i n g a great deed, f u l f i l l i n g a pressing need and brightening the f u t u r e of the world's children - our f u t u r e . I am now pleased to déclare the Seventeenth Session of the Hague C o n f é r e n c e on private internation- al law open.

There is just one more agreeable task f o r me to carry out. I should now like to request you to proceed to the élection of the P r é s i d e n t of your Diplomatie C o n f é r - ence. A r e there any nominations?

Mr Pfund (United States of A m e r i c a ) took the floor and expressed his wish to nominate M r J. C. Schultsz, Chair- man of the Netherlands Standing Government Commit-

18 Séance d'ouverturelOpening Session

tee on Private International Law to serve as P r é s i d e n t of the Seventeenth Session. M r Schultsz had already ren- dered long and distinguished service to the C o n f é r e n c e as P r é s i d e n t of f o u r regular Plenary Sessions, the Thir- teenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth, as well as the Extraordinary Session of 1985. N o one could lead the C o n f é r e n c e better i n meeting the arduous tasks fac- ing i t , and it was a pleasure to nominate M r Schultsz.

Mme Borrâs (Espagne) désire soutenir la proposition de la d é l é g a t i o n des Etats-Unis. L ' e x p é r i e n c e et les qualités personnelles de M . Schultsz le qualifient toiit particu- i è r e m e n t pour remplir la mission difficile de P r é s i d e n t de la Session.

M. Schultsz est élu Président par acclamation et prend le siège de la Présidence.

M . Schultsz (Pays-Bas) prononce alors le discours sui-

vant: _ Monsieur le Ministre, Excellences, Mesdames et Mes-


Vous venez de me faire l'honneur de me nommer Prési- dent de la D i x - s e p t i è m e session de votre C o n f é r e n c e . J'accepte cette tâche avec d'autant plus de satisfaction que cette Session est en m ê m e temps celle du Cente- naire. Permettez-moi de ne plus é v o q u e r ce sujet i c i . Nous, c'est-à-dire la C o n f é r e n c e et le Gouvernement n é e r l a n d a i s , serons heureux de vous p r é s e n t e r un pro- gramme a d a p t é à cette occasion" surtout pendant la deuxième semaine de cette Session.

Je voudrais tout d'abord au n o m de la C o n f é r e n c e m'as- socier à la bienvenue sincère et chaleureuse s o u h a i t é e par M . le Premier Ministre aux d é l é g u é s des pays non membres qui ont bien voulu accepter notre invitation et qui ont, en très grande m a j o r i t é , d é j à participé aux tra- vaux p r é p a r a t o i r e s en Commission spéciale. Egalement nous nous réjouissons de la p r é s e n c e de r e p r é s e n t a n t s d'organisations intergouvernementales ou non gouver- nementales qui ont d é j à a p p o r t é un soutien e x t r ê m e - ment valable à nos discussions.

Si, i l y a quelques instants, j ' a i m e n t i o n n é le Gouverne- ment n é e r l a n d a i s , ce n ' é t a i t pas par hasard. E n effet, dans le courant de la p é r i o d e qui s'est é c o u l é e depuis notre d e r n i è r e Session, la C o n f é r e n c e a eu la chance de pouvoir inaugurer un nouveau bâtiment comme siège du Bureau Permanent. Bien entendu, tous les Etats mem- bres ont bien voulu voter les fonds nécessaires, mais c'est surtout grâce au Gouvernement n é e r l a n d a i s que l ' o p é r a t i o n a p u ê t r e e f f e c t u é e .

Ceci é t a n t , et v u l'intérêt particulier dont la C o n f é r e n c e peut se r é j o u i r de la part du Gouvernement n é e r l a n d a i s , j ' a i l'honneur de vous proposer de nommer Présidents d'honneur de notre Session, M . le Ministre des Affaires E t r a n g è r e s et M . le Ministre de la Justice des Pays-Bas, M M . Kooymans et Hirsch B a l l i n .

Cette proposition est adoptée à l'unanimité.

Je vous remercie. V o t r e consentement m'encourage à faire une autre proposition. Je me permets de vous sug- gérer quelques noms de p e r s o n n a l i t é s qui m é r i t e n t la reconnaissance de la C o n f é r e n c e et dont la nomination comme V i c e - p r é s i d e n t s me paraît tout à fait a p p r o p r i é e : il s'agit de M m e de M a g a l h à e s C o l l a ç o , M . B a n , M . Tang Chengyuan, M . Siqueiros et M . P f u n d .

Cette proposition est adoptée à l'unanimité.

It is a tradition that I spend a few minutes to look at the events which marked the life of the C o n f é r e n c e during the preceding f o u r years' period. This time, of course, the period was somewhat longer, because, by way of

Séance d'ouverturelOpening Session


exception, we delayed the Session which normally should have taken place i n 1992 in order to have our Session i n the year 1993, one hundred years after 1893.

I n the Personal s p h è r e , the C o n f é r e n c e had to register the passing away of many delegates w h o , apart f r o m being recognized as great authorities in the field of the science of private international law, played an important rôle i n the C o n f é r e n c e i n the period after the Second W o r l d War. I t is with great sorrow that I must limit myself to mentioning the names of those w h o m we lost without being able to specify in any amount of détail their exceptional qualities nor to do more than just men- tion my feelings sometimes even of close personal friendship: Messrs A m r a m , B a t i f f o l , Cavin, Cigoj, Francescakis, Graveson, Gutzwiller, H e r m è s , Kearney and Reese. M a y I invite you to j o i n me i n commemorat- ing them w i t h a few moments of silence. Thank you.

D u r i n g the last period we were happy to be joined by a few States who became Members of the C o n f é r e n c e . Some of them, viz. Romania and Latvia, had already participated in earlier Sessions. Others, viz. Slovenia and the Czech Republic, are successors to Member States. T o ail we extend a warm welcome.

W i t h respect to the work of the C o n f é r e n c e during this Seventeenth Session, apart f r o m discussing its future policy and f u t u r e activities, little need be said because the greater majority of those p r é s e n t i n this r o o m par- ticipated i n the larger part of i t , viz. the Spécial Commis- sions on A d o p t i o n . The same, by the way, applies to the meeting of the Commission which a few months ago convened i n order to evaluate the results and the ap- plication of the Convention on Child A b d u c t i o n . This meeting was opened up to r e p r é s e n t a t i v e s of States which had not yet ratified that Convention, but which may be considering the possibility of doing so.

Meanwhile our existing Conventions continued to regis- ter increased numbers of ratification. Here, again, the Child A b d u c t i o n Convention w i t h nine ratifications and nine accessions should be mentioned. Four Conventions entered into force: the Matrimonial Property R é g i m e s Convention, the Marriage Convention, the Agency Convention and the Trust Convention.

I may, perhaps, end this short speech w i t h the following observation. Particularly i n my opening address at the Sixteenth Session, I discussed the issue of the number of subjects which the C o n f é r e n c e could conveniently take up at any one Session. Clearly there is no rule dictating that we should necessarily limit ourselves to one subject.

I f , as I think is indeed the case, there is more than one subject which is suitable and worthy of our i m m é d i a t e attention, we should, in my personal view, not unduly restrict ourselves by choosing one subject only.

Thank you very much f o r your attention.

qu'ils forment pour la prospérité de Sa famille et de Son Pays.

A u c u n autre d é l é g u é ne demandant la parole, le Prési- dent suspend la séance à 11 h. 30.

La séance est reprise à 15 h. 05 dans la grande salle de l ' A c a d é m i e de droit international.

L e Président donne la parole au Secrétaire général pour des communications d'ordre pratique.

A p r è s un long e x p o s é du Secrétaire général, le Prési- dent, constatant qu'aucun d é l é g u é ne demande la pa- role, d é c l a r e close la S é a n c e d'ouverture de la Dix-sep- t i è m e session.

La S é a n c e plénière est levée à 15 h. 30.

M . Verwilghen (Belgique) prend la parole pour expri- mer la reconnaissance de la C o n f é r e n c e envers les Pays- Bas, pays h ô t e de cette Organisation qui accueille de- puis 100 ans ses Sessions diplomatiques. I l propose de manifester cette reconnaissance sous la f o r m e d'un télé- gramme qui sera e n v o y é à Sa M a j e s t é la Reine des Pays- Bas.


Pouvoirs généraux des Présidents

Règlement intérieur des Sessions plénières

Annexe au Procès-verbal de la Séance d'ouverture

Article 6

Outre l'exercice des pouvoirs qui lui sont confiés en vertu d'autres dispositions du présent règlement, le Pré- sident en exercice maintient l'ordre pendant les débats, donne la parole, met les questions aux voix et proclame le résultat des votes. I l statue sur les motions d'ordre et peut proposer la limitation du temps de parole, la limita- tion du nombre d'interventions de chaque représentant sur une même question, la clôture de la liste des orateurs ou la clôture des débats. I l peut également proposer la suspension ou l'ajournement du débat sur la question en discussion.

Règlement intérieur des Sessions plénières Quorum

Article premier

Le quorum des séances plénières, ainsi que des commis- sions, est constitué par les délégations de la majorité des Etats participant à a Session plénière.

Droit de vote Article 2

Chaque délégation dispose d'une voix. Une délégation ne peut en représenter une autre, ni voter pour celle-ci.

Majorité requise Article 3

Les décisions de la Conférence sont prises à la majorité des voix émises par les délégations présentes lors du vote; les abstentions ne sont pas considérées comme des voix émises.

Scrutin Article 4

La Conférence vote à main levée ou, si le Président l'ordonne ou si une délégation en fait la requête, par appel nominal. L'appel sera fait dans l'ordre alphabé- tique des noms français des Etats participant à la Confé- rence, en commençant par la délégation de l'Etat dési- gné par le Président. Dans le vote par appel nominal, on appelle chaque délégation et un de ses membres répond par «pour» ou «contre» ou «abstention», ou dit son choix lorsque deux propositions sont opposées l'une à l'autre.

Règles à observer pendant le vote Article 5

Lorsque le Président a annoncé que le vote commence, aucun représentant ne peut interrompre le scrutin, sauf s'il s'agit d'une motion d'ordre ayant trait à la manière dont il s'effectue. Le Président peut permettre aux re- présentants d'expliquer leur vote, soit avant, soit après, mais jamais pendant le scrutin.

Interventions Article 7

Personne ne peut prendre la parole sans avoir au préala- ble obtenu l'autorisation du Président. Le Président peut rappeler à l'ordre un orateur dont les remarques n'ont pas trait au sujet en discussion.

Limitation du temps de parole Article 8

La Conférence peut décider de limiter le temps de paro- le de chaque orateur et le nombre des interventions de chaque représentant sur une même question. Lorsque les débats sont limités et qu'un représentant dépasse le temps qui lui est alloué, le Président le rappelle immé- diatement à l'ordre. Si le besoin s'en fait sentir, le Prési- dent peut décider que chaque délégation n'aura droit qu'à une seule intervention pour exposer son attitude vis-à-vis du problème en discussion.

Clôture de la liste des orateurs Article 9

Au cours d'un débat, le Président peut, avec l'assenti- ment de la Conférence, déclarer la liste des orateurs close. I l peut cependant accorder le droit de réponse à un représentant quelconque, lorsqu'une intervention prononcée après la clôture de la liste des orateurs rend cette décision souhaitable.

Motions d'ordre Article 10

Au cours de la discussion d'une question quelconque, un représentant peut présenter une motion d'ordre et le Président statue immédiatement sur cette motion con- formément au règlement.

Tout représentant peut en appeler à une décision du Président. L'appel est immédiatement mis aux voix; la décision du Président est maintenue, à moins qu'elle ne soit annulée par la majorité des délégations présentes lors du vote. Un représentant qui présente une motion d'ordre ne peut, dans son intervention, traiter du fond de la question en discussion.

Ajournement du débat Article 11

A u cours de la discussion, un représentant peut deman- der l'ajournement du débat sur la question en discus- sion. Outre l'auteur de la motion, un orateur peut pren-

20 Règlement intérieur Règlement intérieur


General powers of Chairmen

Rules of Procédure for Plenary Meetings

Annex to the Minutes of the Opening Session

Rules of Procédure for Plenary Meetings Quorum

Article 1

For both plenary and committee meetings, délégations of the majority of the States participating at the Plenary Session shall constitute a quorum.

Voting rights Article 2

Each délégation shall have one vote. A délégation may not represent and vote for another délégation.

Majority required Article 3

Décisions of the Conférence shall be made by a majority of the votes cast by délégations présent at the time of the vote; abstentions shall not be counted as votes.

Method of voting Article 4

The Conférence shall vote by show of hands or, if the Chairman or any délégation so requests, by roll-call.

The roll-call shall be taken in the alphabetical order of the French names of the States participating in the Con- férence, beginning with the délégation of the State des- ignated by the Chairman. The name of each délégation shall be called in any roll-call vote and one of its mem- bers shall reply 'for', 'against' or 'abstention', or shall make known his choice if two opposing proposais are put before the Conférence.

Conduct during voting Article 5

After the Chairman has announced the beginning of

Article 6

In addition to exercising the powers entrusted to him by virtue of the other provisions in thèse rules, the person presiding over each meeting shall maintain order over the proceedings, shall accord the right to speak, shall put questions to the vote and shall announce the results of the voting. He shall rule on points of order and he may propose the limitation of the time to be allowed to speakers, the hmitation of the number of times each représentative may speak on any one item, the closure of the list of speakers or the closure of the proceedings.

He may also propose the suspension or the adjournment of the debate in the item under discussion.

Speech es Article 7

No one may take the floor without having previously obtained the permission of the Chairman. The Chair- man may call a speaker to order if his remarks are not relevant to the subject under discussion.

Time-limit on speakers Article 8

The Conférence may décide to limit the time to be al- lowed to each speaker and the number of times each représentative may speak on any one item. When de- bate is limited and a speaker has exceeded his allotted time, the Chairman shall call him to order without de- lay. The Chairman may, if need be, décide that each délégation may only speak once on a point in discussion.

Closing of list of speakers Article 9

During a debate, the Chairman may, with the consent of the Conférence, déclare the list of speakers closed. He may nevertheless accord a right of reply to any représen- tative if an observation made after the closure of the list of speakers makes such a course of action désirable.

Points of order Article 10

During the discussion of any matter, a représentative may raise a point of order and the Chairman shall give a ruling thereon without delay in accordance with the présent rules of procédure.

Any représentative may appeal against a ruling of the Chairman. The appeal shall at once be put to the vote.

The ruling of the Chairman shall stand unless it is over- ruled by a majority of the délégations présent at the vote. A représentative who raises a point of order may


dre la parole en faveur de l'ajournement, et deux contre, après quoi la motion est immédiatement mise aux voix.

Clôture du débat Article 12

A tout moment, un représentant peut demander la clô- ture du débat sur la question en discussion, même si d'autres représentants ont manifesté le désir de prendre la parole. L'autorisation de prendre la parole n'est alors accordée qu'à un orateur appuyant la proposition et à deux orateurs opposés à la c ôture, après quoi la motion est immédiatement mise aux voix. Si la Conférence ap- prouve la motion, le Président prononce la clôture de la discussion. Le Président peut à tout moment clore la dis- cussion sur une matière déterminée, lorsqu'il constate que le point en question a été suffisamment élucidé.

Ordre des motions de procédure Article 13

Sous réserve de l'article 10, les motions suivantes ont priorité, dans l'ordre indiqué ci-après, sur toutes les autres propositions ou motions présentées:.

a ajournement du débat sur la question en discussion;

b clôture du débat sur la question en discussion.

Propositions et amendements Article 14

Les propositions et les amendements sont, en règle gé- nérale, remis par écrit au Secrétariat de la Conférence, qui les communique aux délégations. En règle générale, toute délégation peut s'opposer à ce qu'une proposition soit discutée ou mise aux voix à une séance que conque si le texte n'en a pas été communiqué par écrit.

Vote sur les propositions Article 15

Si la même question fait l'objet de deux ou plusieurs propositions, la Conférence, à moins qu'elle n'en décide autrement, vote sur ces propositions, selon l'ordre dans lequel elles ont été présentées.

Si la Conférence décide d'opposer dans un seul vote deux propositions, celle qui aura obtenu la majorité des voix sera retenue et l'autre sera censée être rejetée.

Elle vote ensuite sur l'amendement qui, après celui-ci, s'éloigne le plus de ladite proposition, et ainsi de suite jusqu'à ce que tous les amendements aient été mis aux voix. Toutefois, lorsque l'adoption d'un amendement implique nécessairement le rejet d'un autre amende- ment, ce dernier n'est pas mis aux voix, sauf décision contraire de l'assemblée. Si deux amendements peuvent être opposés l'un à l'autre, on applique l'article 15 par analogie. Si un ou plusieurs amendements sont adoptés, on vote sur la proposition modifiée. Une motion est considérée comme un amendement à une proposition si elle comporte une addition, une suppression ou une mo- dification intéressant une partie de ladite proposition.

Pour ce qui est du nouve examen d'un amendement adopté ou rejeté l'article 16 s'applique par analogie.

Partage égal des voix Article 18'

En cas de partage égal des voix, la motion, la proposi- tion ou l'amendement est mis une seconde fois aux voix.

Si, lors de ce second vote, il y a de nouveau un partage des voix, la motion, la proposition ou l'amendement est considéré comme repoussé.

Remise en discussion des propositions Article 16

Lorsqu'une proposition est adoptée ou rejetée, elle ne peut être réexaminée que sur décision prise à la majorité absolue des délégations présentes lors du vote. L'autori- sation de prendre la parole à l'occasion d'une motion tendant à un nouvel examen n'est accordée qu'à deux orateurs appuyant la motion et à deux orateurs opposés à celle-ci, après quoi elle est immédiatement mise aux voix.

Vote sur les amendements Article 17

Lorsqu'une proposition fait l'objet d'un amendement, l'amendement est mis aux voix en premier lieu. Si une proposition fait l'objet de deux ou plusieurs amende- ments, la Conférence vote d'abord sur celui qui s'éloi- gne le plus, quant au fond, de la proposition primitive.

22 Règlement intérieur Règlement intérieur


against, the motion, after which the motion shall be immediately put to the vote.

Closure of debate Article 12

A représentative may at any time move the closure of the debate on the item under discussion, even if other représentatives have signified their wish to speak. Per- mission to speak shall be accorded only to one représen- tative seconding, and two opposing, the closure, after which the motion shall be immediately put to the vote. I f the Conférence is in favour of the motion, the Chairman shall déclare the debate closed. The Chairman may close the debate on a given matter at any moment, if he détermines that the point at issue has been discussed sufficiently.

Order of procédural motions Article 13

Subject to the provisions of Article 10, the following motions shall have priority, in the order indicated here- after, over ail proposais and motions submitted:

a to adjourn the debate on the item under discussion;

b to close the debate on the item under discussion.

amendment next furthest removed, and so on, until ail the amendments have been put to the vote. However, where the adoption of one amendment necessarily im- plies the rejection of another amendment, the latter amendment shall not be put to the vote, unless it is decided otherwise by the délégations présent. It may occur that two amendments are opposed to each other.

In this case Article 15 shall be applied mutatis mutandis.

If one or more amendments are adopted, a vote shall be taken on the proposai as amended. A motion is consid- ered to be an amendment to a proposai if it adds to, deletes from or revises part of such proposai.

Article 16 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the recon- sideration of an amendment which has been adopted or rejected.

Equally divided votes Article 18

If a vote is equally divided, the motion, proposai or amendment shall be put once more to the meeting. I f on a second vote there is an equal division, the motion, proposai or amendment shall be regarded as rejected.

Proposais and amendments Article 14

Proposais and amendments shall in principle be handed in writing to the Secrétariat of the Conférence which shall circulate them to the délégations. As a gênerai rule, any délégation may object to a proposai being dis- cussed or put to the vote at any meeting if the text thereof has not been circulated in writing.

Voting on proposais Article 15

If two or more proposais relate to the same question, the Conférence shall, unless it décides otherwise, vote on the proposais in the order in which they have been sub- mitted.

Where the Conférence décides to have one vote on two opposing proposais, the one having obtained the major- ity of votes shall be adopted and the other shall be held to have been rejected.

Reconsideration of proposais Article 16

Once a proposai has been adopted or rejected, it may only be reconsidered if the Conférence makes a décision to do so by an absolute majority of the délégations prés- ent at the vote. Permission to speak on a motion to reconsider shall be accorded only to two speakers in favour of, and to two speakers opposing, the motion, after which it shall be immediately put to the vote.


Documents relatifs

• One might contemplate, for example, the employment of additional légal experts, able to work in Spanish (in view of the large number of Spanish-speaking Member States Parties

agree with that suggestion. The suggestion is inconsistent with the entire concept of a "safe harbor" test to provide ex ante certainty. Asking whether the maintenance of a

Enforcement of judgments 191.. D'autres experts, en revanche, ont contesté toute valeur à l'analo- gie qui a été faite avec la Convention de New York de 1958. U n consensus a

This text, which is an identical reproduction of A r - ticle 9, paragraph 1, of the 1961 Convention, attributes to the authorities of each Contracting State on the terri- tory

39 Troisièmement, il existe une tendance, en Europe spécialement, à appliquer le droit national de l'enfant aux questions de consentement de l'enfant et de ses pa- rents ou, au

The undersigned, Delegates of the Governments of Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, the Arab Republic of Egypt, Finland, France,

Nationals of the Contracting States and persons who are habitually résident within those States shall be entitled in matters concerned with the application of this Con- vention

Pero esta definición parece muy amplia; de hecho, el cuarto párrafo del artículo 1 del Anteproyecto de la Comisión Especial es a los efectos de que una estipulación sobre elección