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Academic year: 2022



Texte intégral



A lo /25


May 1957



At its fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth meetings, held on 22 1-Jay 1957, th« Committee on Programme and Budget decided to recommend to the Tenth Morid Health Assembly the adoption of the following resolutionsí

1. Malaria eradication

The Tenth World Health Assembly,

Having considered the report of the Director-General on the implementation of resolutions WHA8.30 and WHA9.61,

Having noted with satisfaction the ever-increasing number of countries and territories which have adopted malaria eradication as the objective of their antimalaria policy.

Considering that with the progress of malaria eradication programmes in some areas, it becomes more and more desirable that countries bordering en the eradication areas should also either carry out a programme of

eradication, or at least cover with efficient control an adequate zone near the borders,

Realizing that international implications of re-importation of

malaria in countries which have eliminated or nearly eliminated the sources of the infection become a matter of concern, and that it is important that timely and adequate information be available to all governments concerned,

Recognizing that malaria is one of the major obstacles to improving the standard of health throughout the world,




I . Considering that malaria eradication may not be implemented unless extraordinary financial assistance is available to many countries over a period of time;

Noting that, the contributions received to date for the Malaria Eradication Special Account are inadequate to provide such financial assistance as is envisaged in resolutions WHA.8,30 and WHA9«6l;

1, BELIEVES that methods of fund-raising other than inviting contributions from Governments should be explored and utilized;

2. REQUESTS the Executive Bpard and the Director"General to take definite and specific steps with a view to obtaining contributions to the Malaria Eradication Special Account from all possible sources so as to enable the Organization to provide increased assistance towards achieving world-wide malaria eradication,

I I . REQUESTS the Director-General:

(1) to stimulate inter-country arrangements with a view to minimizing the danger of importation of sources of infection; and

(2) to request all governments to supply information not less frequently than once a year as regards development of their malaria eradication or malaria control programmes, so that up to date relevant data may be centralized in WHO and circulated to other interested governments,

I I I . Being aware of the necessity of developing research on problems which are or may become actual in malaria eradication,

1, INVITES governments to offer the collaboration of appropriate institutes for the investigations which would be indicated by expert opinions, and

2. REQUESTS the Director-General to stimulate and co-ordinate this research.

2• Procedure for technical discussions at future World Health Assemblies The Tenth World Health Assembly,

Having considered resolution EB19.R62 of the Executive Board on Technical Discussions at future World Health Assemblies;


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Having reviewed the experience in technical discussions at previous World Health Assemblies;


(1) that the objective of the technical discussions should be to provide an opportunity for an informal exchange of views and experience amongst the members of the Health Assembly, with the participation, as appropriate, of non-governmental organizations in official relationship with TOO;

(2) that the subject for discussion should be (a) of international interest, (b) of a general character suitable for group discussion by public health administrators and (c) clearly defined;

(3) that the selection of the subject should be made two ÿears in advance by the Executive Board at its session immediately after the World Health Assembly;

(4) that appropriate documentation shoúld be prepared in advance by the

Secretariat and should be distributed to Member States about one year in advance to allow discussions by specialized professional groups at the national level which discussions could be used in the preparation and conduct of the technical


(5) that appropriate non-governmental international organizations and, through governments, national organizations, be asked to participate in the preparation for the discussions.

(6) that the Executive Bos&rd at its meeting immediately after the World Health Assembly should appoint a General Chairman to be nominated by the President of

» '

the Health Assembly which has just ended;

(7) that group discussions should be encouragod, without however the total time allotted exceeding the equivalent of two working days; and

(S) that an account of the proceedings as well as the report of the technical discussions should be submitted by the General Chairman to a plenary meeting of the Health Assembly and published later.


3. Technical discussions at the Twelfth World Health Assembly The Tenth World Health Assembly,

Having noted resolutions EB18.R18 and EBÍ9.R63, and

Considering the decision taken in paragraph 8 of resolution WHA10.

DECIDES to postpone to the Twelfth World Health Assembly the technical discussions on "Health Education of the Public".

4. Organizational 3tudy on regionalization by the Executive Board The Tenth World Health Assembly,

Having considered resolution EB19.R59 of the Executive Board at its nineteenth session together with the report of the Director-General on the Organizational Study on Regionalization including the comments and observations of Regional Committees;

Concurring with the reasons given by the Executive Board at its nineteenth session, and

Having regard to the existence of differentiated areas within a single region in certain parts of the world,

1. DECIDES that the Study on Regionalization, as requested by the Ninth World Health Assembly, be deferred until the whole matter can be reconsidered by the 2 Executive Board after the Eleventh World Health Assembly in the light of the Ten Years Report to be prepared as part of the Tenth Anniversary Celebration;

2. DECIDES that, if it is found necessary, each regional committee may meanwhile study for itself the delineation of areas having uniform geographical, sanitary or social characteristics within a single region, with a view to better

utilization of the available resources; and

3. DECIDES that any such study shall be communicated to the Executive Board as a contribution to the organizational study concerned.

The number will be inserted later.

2 Resolution WHA9.30


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Futurs organizational studies by the Executive Board The Tenth World Health Assembly,

Having considered the report of the Director-General relating to future organizational studies,'*’ to the nineteenth session of the Executive Board, and resolution EB19.R60 adopted by the nineteenth session of the Executive Board,

DECIDES that the organizational studies by the Executive Board should be bontinued.

Progress in the evaluation and production of typhoid, smallpox and triple diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccines

The Tenth World Health Assembly

1.' NOTES the report of the Director-General on the progress in the evaluation and production of typhoid, smallpox and triple diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccines



2. RECOMMENDS that in countries where' the use of dried smallpox vaccine would be advantageous for climatic or other reasons advantage should be taken of the availability of a method of producing consistently a stable vaccine, and

3. REQUESTS the Director-General to continue studies on these and other vaccines as outlined in the report, bearing in mind the desirability of conferring


effective protection against t.ie greatest possible number of diseases in the smallest possible number of dosor,

**" Off* Rec« Wld Kith Qrg, A n n e x 21 2 Document АЮ/Р&В/5


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URGES Member States to accord adequate priority in their health policies and development plans to actions that will prevent mental retardation and provide necessary care and

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PAYS TRIBUTE to the memory of Professor Jacques Parisot and expresses its gratitude to Madame Jacques..