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The Cauchy problem for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation


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The Cauchy problem for the Gross–Pitaevskii equation

P. Gérard

Université Paris-Sud, Mathématiques, Bât. 425, 91405 Orsay cedex, France Received 15 July 2005; accepted 27 September 2005

Available online 2 February 2006


We prove global wellposedness of the two-dimensional and three-dimensional Gross–Pitaevskii equations in the natural energy space.

©2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


On établit que le problème de Cauchy pour l’équation de Gross–Pitaevskii est bien posé dans l’espace d’énergie naturel, en dimensions deux et trois.

©2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

MSC:35Q55; 35BXX; 37K05; 37L50; 81Q20

Keywords:Nonlinear Schrödinger equation; Dispersive equations

1. Introduction

The Gross–Pitaevskii equation onRd i∂u

∂t +u=


u (1.1)

is the Hamiltonian evolution associated to the Ginzburg–Landau energy E(u)=



2∇u(x)2+1 4


dx (1.2)

defined on the space E=

uHloc1 Rd

: ∇uL2 Rd

, |u|2−1∈L2 Rd

. (1.3)

Eq. (1.1) arises naturally in several contexts, in particular superfluidity and Bose–Einstein condensates, see [18,13,5,19]. The formal Madelung transformation

u=√ ρeiφ/2

E-mail address:patrick.gerard@math.u-psud.fr (P. Gérard).

0294-1449/$ – see front matter ©2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.



provides a link with a system close to the one describing compressible irrotational fluids, and the question of turbulence effects for this equation has been recently addressed in [17]. On the other hand, existence of progressive waves solutions was recently studied in [2,1,10–12].

It is therefore natural to seek for a theory of the Cauchy problem in the energy spaceE. Notice that, because of the special form of the potential energy, functions in the energy spaceEdo not cancel at infinity, therefore the classical theory of the Cauchy problem for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation developed in [7,8,15,4] does not apply. To our knowledge, the only results of global wellposedness for (1.1) on the whole spaceEare due to Zhidkov [20,21] and are restricted to one space dimension, without using dispersive properties of the Schrödinger group. However, in an appendix to [2], the strategy of Kato [15] is used to derive global wellposedness in the smaller space 1+H1(Rd)for natural dimensionsd=2,3.

The purpose of this paper is to show how Strichartz estimates can also be used to obtain global wellposedness of the Cauchy problem for (1.1) in the whole energy spaceEford=2,3. Before stating our result more precisely, let us introduce a natural structure of metric space onE. We recall that Zhidkov introduced in [20] the space


uL(R): uL2(R)

and proved that the Cauchy problem for (1.1) is well-posed in uX1(R): |u|2−1∈L2(R)


In fact, it can be shown that this space coincides withE. More generally, we shall show in Section 2 that, in any space dimensiond,

EX1 Rd

+H1 Rd


where we have set, for every positive integerk, Xk



uL Rd

: αuL2 Rd

, 1|α|k

, (1.4)

equipped with the natural norm uXk= uL+



It is then easy to endow our energy spaceEwith a structure of complete metric space by introducing the following distance function,

dE(u,u)˜ = u− ˜uX1+H1+ |u|2− | ˜u|2

L2. (1.5)

Recall that, given two Banach spacesX, Y of distributions onRd, the Banach norm on the spaceX+Y is defined by vX+Y =inf

v1X+ v2Y: v=v1+v2, v1X, v2Y .

Our result can now be stated as follows.

Theorem 1.1.Letd∈ {2,3}. For everyu0E, there exists a unique solutionuC(R, E)of Eq.(1.1)with the initial conditionu(0)=u0. Moreover, the flow of(1.1)onEenjoys the following additional properties:

If moreoveru0L2(Rd), thenuC(R, L2(Rd)).

For every timet,E(u(t ))=E(u0).

IfuL(t )=eit u0denotes the solution of the linear Schrödinger equation with the same Cauchy data,uuLC(R, H1(Rd)).

For everyR >0, for everyT >0, there existsC >0such that, for everyu0,u˜0E such thatE(u0)R and E(u˜0)R, the corresponding solutionsu,u˜satisfy




u(t ),u(t )˜

C dE(u0,u˜0).


Let us mention that local existence results in the spacesXk(Rd),k > d/2, were already proved by Gallo [6], and that a global existence result inX2(R2)has been obtained recently by Goubet [9] using logarithmic estimates as in Brezis–Gallouët ’s contribution to cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation on plane domains [3].

In the special cased=3, it is in fact possible to describe the energy space in a simpler way. Denote by H˙1


=D1,2 R3

= vL6


: ∇vL2 R3

the completion of the spaceC0(R3)for the Dirichlet norm∇vL2. Then one can prove that E=

u=c+v: c∈C, |c| =1, v∈ ˙H1 R3

,|v|2+2 Re c1v

L2 R3

. Moreover, the distance functiondEis equivalent to

δE(c+v,c˜+ ˜v)= |c− ˜c| + ∇v− ∇ ˜vL2+ |v|2+2 Re c1v

− |˜v|2−2 Re

˜ c1v ˜

L2 (1.6)

and the dynamics of (1.1) keepcinvariant. No such simple description is available in two space dimensions, since elements ofEmay have complicated oscillations at infinity, for instance

u(x)=ei(log(2+|x|))α, α <1 2.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we prove the inclusion EX1+H1 and we establish that the linear Schrödinger group acts nicely on the nonlinear energy spaceEifd=2,3. Section 3 is devoted to the proof of Theorem 1.1 by a contraction argument. An important point consists in observing that the nonlinear driftw=uuL belongs toC(R, H1(Rd)). Finally, in Section 4 we prove the above-mentioned description of the dynamics on the spaceEin the special cased =3. We also discuss the role of the dimension in studying how the energy functional measures the distance to the circle of constants of null energy. Finally, we sketch a generalization of Theorem 1.1 to small energy solutions in four space dimensions.

2. The energy space and the linear Schrödinger equation

In this section, we prove some preliminary results concerning the structure of the energy spaceEand the action of the Schrödinger group onE.

2.1. The energy space, Sobolev spaces and Zhidkov spaces

Recall that the energy spaceEis defined in (1.3) and that the Zhidkov spaceX1(Rd)is defined in (1.4). Our first result is the following observation.

Lemma 1.In any space dimensiond, we have EX1

Rd +H1


and there existsC >0such that, for everyuE, uX1+H1C

1+ E(u)

. (2.1)

Proof. LetχC0(C)such that 0χ1,χ (z)=1 for|z|2, andχ (z)=0 for|z|3. Let us decompose u=u1+u2, u1=χ (u)u, u2=

1−χ (u) u.

We have


and, since|u|2 on the support ofu2,

|u2||u|2−1, thus

u2L2 |u|2−1

L2 2 E(u).


On the other hand,


χ (u)+u∂χ (u)

u+u∂χ (u)¯ ∇ ¯u; ∇u2=

1−χ (u)u∂χ (u)

uu∂χ (u)¯ ∇ ¯u.

This implies easily, for someA=A(χ ),

u1L2+ ∇u2L2AuL2√ 2A



u1X1+ u2H13+(2+√ 2A)


The proof is complete. 2

Remark 2.1.Notice that, in the special case of dimensiond=1, the above lemma readsEX1(R).

We close this subsection by an elementary lemma which will be useful in the sequel.

Lemma 2.Ifd=2,3,4, we haveE+H1Eand, for everyvE,wH1, |v+w|2−1

L2 |v|2−1

L2+C 1+


wL2+ wL4

+ w2L4. (2.2)

Moreover, for everyvE,v˜∈EandwH1,wH1, dE(v+w,v˜+w) C

1+ wH1+ wH1 dE(v,v)˜ +C



E(v)˜ + wH1+ wH1


Proof. GivenvE, wH1, trivially∇(v+w)L2. Then we expand

|v+w|2−1= |v|2−1+2 Re(vw)¯ + |w|2

and this quantity belongs toL2sincevL+L4andwL2L4by Lemma 1 and the Sobolev inequality. This gives estimate (2.2). Moreover,

v+w− ˜vwX1+H1v− ˜vX1+H1+ wwH1.

Finally, the estimate of|v+w|2− |˜v+w|2L2 can be established along the same lines as (2.2). 2 2.2. Action of the linear Schrödinger group on the energy space

We start with a general statement about the spacesXk+Hk. Denote byS(t )=eit the linear Schrödinger propa- gator.

Lemma 3.Letdbe a positive integer. For every positive integerk, for everyt∈R,S(t )mapsXk(Rd)+Hk(Rd)into itself, with the estimates

S(t )f


1+ |t|1/2

fXk+Hk, and S(t )ff

L2C|t|1/2fL2. (2.3)

Moreover, iffXk(Rd)+Hk(Rd), the map t∈R→S(t )fXk

Rd +Hk

Rd is continuous.


Proof. SinceS(t )acts isometrically onHk(Rd), it is enough to assumefXk(Rd). We just write S(t )f=f +S(t )ff

and we are led to prove thatS(t )ffHk(Rd)with S(t )f−f


1+ |t|1/2

fXk and S(t )f−f

Hk →0

asttends to 0. For 1|α|k, it is clear that∂α(S(t )ff )=(S(t )−1)∂αfL2(Rd)with ∂α

S(t )ff

L2C ∂αf

L2 and ∂α

S(t )ff


asttends to 0. Moreover, introducingχC0(R)such thatχ=1 near the origin, we can write eit|ξ|2−1=



gj(t, ξ )ξj


gj(t, ξ )= −it χ t|ξ|2


1 0

eist|ξ|2ds+1−χ (t|ξ|2)

|ξ|2 ξj



|t|1/2 .

Consequently, S(t )ff=i



gj(t, D)∂jfL2 Rd

and this yields (2.3). The last assertion is a simple consequence of (2.3) and of the continuity oftS(t )fL2if fL2. 2

Remark 2.2.In the casek > d/2, we haveHk(Rd)Xk(Rd)and we recover the fact thatS(t )acts onXk(Rd)(see Gallo [6] for the original proof).

Combining the previous lemmas, it is now possible to show that the energy space is kept invariant by the Schrödinger group if the dimension is not larger than 4.

Proposition 2.3.Letd∈ {2,3,4}. For everyt∈R,S(t )(E)Eand, for everyu0E, the map t∈R→S(t )u0E

is continuous. Moreover, for everyR >0, for everyT >0, there existsC >0such that, for everyu0,u˜0Esuch that E(u0)RandE(u˜0)R,



S(t )u0, S(t )u˜0

CdE(u0,u˜0). (2.4)

Finally, ifd=2,3, for everyR >0there existsT (R) >0such that, for everyu0Esuch thatE(u0)R, we have sup

|t|T (R)

E S(t )u0

2R. (2.5)

Ifd=4, there existsA >0such that, for everyu0Esuch thatE(u0)1, we have sup


E S(t )u0

AE(u0). (2.6)

Proof. Writing again S(t )u0=u0+

S(t )u0u0 ,


and using Lemmas 2 and 3, we have easilyS(t )(E)E, while the continuity property S(t )u0−→

t0u0 inE

is a consequence of the second estimate in Lemma 2 and of Lemma 3. Finally, estimates (2.5) and (2.6) are conse- quences of (2.2). Indeed, ifd=2,3, the combination of (2.3) and of the interpolation inequality


for someθ∈ ]0,1[, allows to make theL4norm ofS(t )u0u0uniformly small forE(u0)Rand|t|T (R). If d=4, 4 is exactly the Sobolev exponent and we must be content with the linear estimate (2.6). 2

3. Proof of the main theorem

In this section, we prove Theorem 1.1, thusd∈ {2,3}. We start by observing that the nonlinear drift belongs to H1(Rd)at every time. Then we solve the equation by a contraction argument in the spaceC([−T , T], E)forT small enough with respect to the energy of the data. Finally we establish propagation of the regularity of the solution and conservation of the energy, which leads classically to global existence of the solution.

3.1. Estimates on the nonlinear drift

Letu0E. As in the previous section, we denote byuLthe solution of the linear Schrödinger equation such that uL(0)=u0. Then Eq. (1.1) is, at least formally, equivalent to

u(t )=uL(t )−i t


S(tτ )

|u|2−1 u(τ )


Therefore it is natural to study first the map uF (u)=

|u|2−1 u

foruE. The following lemma is an elementary consequence of Lemma 1 and of the Sobolev inequalities.

Lemma 4.Assumed ∈ {2,3}. Then, for everyuE,F (u)L2+L3/2 and(F (u))L2+L6/5. Moreover, for everyR >0, there existsC(R)such that, for everyu,u˜inEsuch thatE(u)R,E(u)˜ R, we have

F (u)F (u)˜

L2+L3/2+ ∇ F (u)

− ∇ F (u) ˜

L2+L6/5C(R)dE(u,u).˜ (3.1) Proof. SinceuX1+H1andd3, we haveuL+L6. Since|u|2−1∈L2, Hölder’s inequality then implies F (u)L2+L3/2. Moreover,

F (u)F (u)˜ =

|u|2− | ˜u|2

u+(u− ˜u)

| ˜u|2−1 , therefore

F (u)F (u)˜

L2+L3/2 |u|2− | ˜u|2

L2uL+L6+ | ˜u|2−1

L2u− ˜uL+L6C(R)dE(u,u).˜ As for the gradient, we have

F (u)



u+u2∇ ¯u.

Using that 2|u|2−1 andu2belong toL+L3, and that∇uL2, we conclude∇(F (u))L2+L6/5. Moreover,

F (u)

− ∇ F (u)˜

=2(u− ˜u)u¯∇u+2u(u˜ − ˜u)u+

2| ˜u|2−1

(u− ∇ ˜u) +(u− ˜u)(u+ ˜u)u+ ˜u2(u− ∇ ˜u).

This yields


F (u)

− ∇ F (u) ˜


uL+L6+ ˜uL+L6

uL2u− ˜uL+L6


1+ ˜u2L+L6

u− ∇ ˜uL2

and (3.1) follows. 2

Next we recall the nonhomogeneous generalized Strichartz estimates [8,16]. We denote byrthe conjugate expo- nent ofr. We shall say that a pair(p, q)of positive numbers is admissible if

2 p+d

q =d

2, p2, (p, q)=(2,). (3.2)

Notice thatq <∞can be as large as we want ifd=2, whileqis limited by the Sobolev exponent 2=(2d)/(d−2) ifd3. For every admissible pair(p1, q1), for everyT >0, for everyfLp1([−T , T], Lq1(Rd)), the function

w(t )= t


S(tτ )f (τ )

satisfieswLp2([−T , T], Lq2(Rd))for every admissible pair(p2, q2), with the estimate

wLp2([−T ,T],Lq2(Rd))CfLp1([−T ,T],Lq1(Rd)). (3.3) Combining these estimates with Lemma 4, we infer

Lemma 5.Letd∈ {2,3}. For everyuC([−T , T], E), the quantity Φ(u)(t )= −i



S(tτ ) F

u(τ )

dτ (3.4)

belongs toC([−T , T], H1(Rd)). Moreover, ifT 1, for everyR >0there existsC(R) >0such that, ifu,u˜satisfy

t∈ [−T , T], E u(t )

R, E

˜ u(t )


then, ifT 1,


Φ(u)(t )Φ(u)(t )˜

H1C(R)T1/2 sup



u(t ),u(t )˜

. (3.5)

Proof. From Lemma 4, we know thatF (u)L([−T , T], L2+L3/2), hence, applying (3.3) withq2=2 andq1=2 orq1=3, we obtainΦ(u)C([−T , T], L2(Rd)). Observing that

Φ(u)(t )= −i t


S(tτ )


u(τ )

we argue similarly withq1=2 orq1=6, and this gives∇(Φ(u))C([−T , T], L2(Rd)). Estimate (3.5) similarly follows from (3.1), the factorT1/2coming from the fact thatp1 2 in estimates (3.3) and thatT 1. 2

3.2. Local wellposedness

As a first classical step, we shall solve the Cauchy problem for (1.1) locally in time. Denote byuLthe solution of the linear Schrödinger equation,

uL(t )=S(t )u0.

The Duhamel equation forureads

u(t )=uL(t )+Φ(u)(t ), (3.6)

whereΦwas defined in (3.4).


Proposition 3.1.Letd=2,3. For everyR >0, there existsT >0such that, for everyu0EwithE(u0)R, there exists a unique solution


[−T , T], E

of Eq.(1.1)withu(0)=u0. Moreover, ifu˜0EsatisfiesE(u˜0)Randu˜is the corresponding solution of (1.1), then we have the Lipschitz estimate,



u(t ),u(t )˜


Proof. Denote byXT the complete metric space of functionsuC([−T , T], E)such that sup|t|T E(u(t ))3R.

We shall prove that, forT small enough, the map uuL+Φ(u)

is a contraction ofXT. Givenu0Esuch thatE(u0)R, Proposition 2.3 implies that, forT small enough with respect toR,


E uL(t )


On the other hand, applying estimate (3.5) in Lemma 5 in the special case whereu˜is a constant of modulus 1, sup


Φ(u)(t )


It remains to apply Lemma 2 to conclude, forT small enough with respect toR,



uL(t )+Φ(u)(t )


henceuuL+Φ(u)acts onXT. Then we combine the second estimate of Lemma 2 with estimate (3.5) of Lemma 5 to obtain, ifu,u˜∈XT,




uL(t )+Φ u(t )

, uL(t )+Φ

˜ u(t )

C(R) sup


Φ(u)(t )−Φ u(t ) ˜


C(R)T1/2 sup



u(t ),u(t )˜ .

Choosing T small enough with respect to R completes the proof of the contraction argument. The proof of the Lipschitz estimate is similar. 2

Remark 3.2.An equivalent approach would consist in solving the equation w=Φ(uL+w)

in the spaceC([0, T], H1(Rd))forT =T (R)small enough.

3.3. Regularity and conservation of the energy

We now come to the regularity of the solution constructed in the previous subsection.

Assume thatu0L2(Rd),d=2,3. Then u0X2+H2=X2

by taking into account thatd3. Therefore it is classical that the map u

|u|2−1 u

leavesX2invariant, and is Lipschitz continuous on the bounded subsets ofX2. Consequently, Eq. (1.1) has a maximal solution belonging toC(]−T, T[, X2), which blows up inX2ast approaches a boundary point−TorTif this point is finite. Let us show that]−T, T[ =R. As a first step, we shall prove that, for everyR >0, there exitsT1>0


depending only on R such that, ifE(u0)R andu0L2, then[−T1, T1] ⊂ ]−T, T[. Denote byT the time constructed in Proposition 3.1, so thatu(t )stays bounded inEfor|t|T by a constant depending only onR. Then, fort∈ [−T , T] ∩ ]−T, T[, we have



|u| +2|u||∇u|2

so that, for everyTsuch that[−T, T] ⊂ [−T , T] ∩ ]−T, T[,

|u|2−1 u

L([−T,T],L2+L6/5)C(R)uL([−T,T],L2). By estimate (3.3), we conclude



henceustays bounded inX2for|t|T1(R)small enough, and thus −T1(R), T1(R)

⊂ ]−T, T[ as claimed.

SincetuL([−T1, T1], L2), we can compute, using Eq. (1.1), d

dtE u(t )



Re(∇ ¯u· ∇tu)+


Re(u∂¯ tu) dx=0.

Consequently we haveE(u(t ))=E(u0)R on[−T1, T1], and, by iterating this argument and Proposition 3.1, we conclude thatucan be extended as a global solution withuC(R, X2)andE(u(t ))=E(u0)for everyt∈R.

Let us come back to the general caseu0E, and let us prove global existence and conservation of energy in this case. By iterating Proposition 3.1, it is enough to show that the energy is constant on the time interval[−T , T]. In view of conservation of energy for regular solutions, it is enough to prove that every datau0Ecan be approximated in the sense ofdEby a sequenceuε0of elements ofEsuch thatuε0L2. Indeed, by Proposition 3.1, we shall have




uε(t ), u(t )

→0, therefore, for everyt,

E uε(t )

E u(t )

and conservation of energy foruε will imply conservation of energy foru. Therefore the proof of Theorem 1.1 is completed by the following lemma.

Lemma 6.Letd=2,3. For everyuE, defineuε=ρεu, where ρε(x)=εdρ

x ε

is a classical mollifier onRd, withρC0. ThendE(uε, u)→0asεtends to0.

Proof. We have to show thatuεconverges touinX1+H1, and that|uε|2−1 converges to|u|2−1 inL2. Writing u=χ (D)u1+

1−χ (D)

u1+u2, u1X1, u2H1, withχC0(Rd)satisfyingχ=1 near the origin, we have

uε= ˆρ(εD)χ (D)u1+ρε

1−χ (D)

u1+u2 ,

and the first term in the right-hand side converges toχ (D)u1inX1, while the second one converges to(1χ (D))u1+ u2inH1. This proves the first convergence. The second one is a little more tricky. We write



ρ xy


ρ xy


u(y)u(y¯ )−1 dydy






rε(x)= 1 0



ρ xy


ρ xy


u(y)(yy)· ∇ ¯u

y+θ (yy)


Notice that|yy|εin the above integral, therefore we sety=y+εaand we obtain rε(x)Cε

1 0




εdρa xy


u(y)∇u(y+εθ a)dy


withρa(z)=ρ(z)ρ(za). SinceuL+L6and∇uL2, the function y→u(y)∇u(y+εθ a)

has a uniform bound inL2+L3/2asε,θ,avary. Consequently, by the Young inequality, rεL2Cεεd/6→0,

which completes the proof. 2 4. The three-dimensional case

In this section, we show that the description of the energy space and of the dynamics of (1.1) can be simplified in the cased=3.

4.1. On the structure of the energy space

For every complex number of modulus 1, we introduce Fc=

v∈ ˙H1 R3

: |v|2+2 Re c1v

L2 R3

, and, forvFc,v˜∈Fc˜, we set

δc,c˜(v,v)˜ = ∇v− ∇ ˜vL2+ |v|2+2 Re c1v

− |˜v|2−2 Re

˜ c1v ˜

L2. In particular,δc,cis a distance function onFc.

Proposition 4.1.The spaceEis exactly the set of functions of the form u=c+v

wherecis a complex number of modulus1andvFc. Moreover, the distance functiondEgiven by(1.5)is equivalent to

δE(c+v,c˜+ ˜v)= |c− ˜c| +δc,c˜(v,v).˜

Proof. Since|c+v|2−1= |v|2+2 Re(c1v), it is trivial thatc+vEfor anycof modulus 1, for anyvFc. The converse will be a consequence of the following lemma.

Lemma 7.LetuHloc1 (R3)such thatuL2(R3). Then the familyUr of functions defined on the unit sphereS2by Ur(ω)=u(rω)

converges inL2(S2)to a constantc(u)asrgoes to infinity. Moreoverubelongs toH˙1(R3)if and only ifc(u)=0.

Proof. The assumption∇uL2(R3)reads


r2rUr2L2(S2)+ ∇ωUr2L2(S2)dr <+∞. (4.1)


Consequently, by the Schwarz inequality,


rUrL2(S2)dr <+∞

which implies the existence of a limitUforUr inL2(S2). Moreover, inD(S2),ωUis the limit, asRgoes to∞, of FR= ∇ω

R+1 R


R+1 R




R+1 R


which goes to 0 in view of (4.1). This shows thatUis a constantc.

Ifu∈ ˙H1, then, by Hardy’s inequality,





|x|2 dx <+∞

which impliesc(u)=0. Conversely, ifc(u)=0, then Ur= −



implies, by the Schwarz inequality, Ur2L2(S2)1

ru2L2(|x|r)=o(1) r ,

asrgoes to infinity. LetχC0(R3)be supported in{|x|2}withχ=1 for|x|1, and let un(x)=χ

x n


so thatunconverges touinD(R3)asngoes to infinity. We have

un(x)− ∇u(x)=

χ x



u(x)+1 nu(x)χ

x n

from which we infer, asn→ ∞,

un− ∇u2L2o(1)+ C n2



in view of the above estimate onUr2L2(S2). Using the Sobolev inequality, we conclude that(un)is a Cauchy sequence inL6, henceu∈ ˙H1. This completes the proof of Lemma 7. 2

Remark 4.2.The above proof easily extends to functionsusatisfying

uLp Rd

withp < d.

A consequence of this result is the well-known fact that, for every usuch that ∇uLp(Rd),p < d, there exists c∈Csuch thatucLp(R3), wherepis the Sobolev exponent; see e.g. Theorem 4.5.9 of Hörmander [14] for a different proof. The casep=2,d=2 is more problematic, as suggested by the following example,

u(x)=exp i


2+ |x|α

, α <1 2.


It is now easy to complete the proof of Proposition 4.1. GivenuE, denote byc(u)the constant given by Lemma 1.

Since|u|2−1∈L2, we have +∞>


r2 |Ur|2−1 2


R+1 R

|Ur| −1 2


and the right-hand side is equivalent to 4π R2||c(u)| −1|2asR→ ∞, which imposes|c(u)| =1. It remains to set v=uc(u)

and to observe thatc(v)=0, hencev∈ ˙H1, and finally inFc(u).

Let us prove that the distance functionsdEandδEare equivalent. It is enough to establish that there existsA >0 such that, for complex numbersc,c˜of modulus 1, for functionsv,v˜inH˙1(R3),

1 A

|c− ˜c| + ∇v− ∇ ˜vL2

c+v− ˜c− ˜vX1+H1A

|c− ˜c| + ∇v− ∇ ˜vL2

. (4.2)

IfχC0(R3)withχ=1 near the origin, then it is clear thatχ (D)mapsH˙1intoX1, while 1−χ (D)mapsH˙1 intoH1. Consequently, writing

c+v− ˜c− ˜v=c− ˜c+χ (D)(v− ˜v)+

1−χ (D) (v− ˜v),

we obtain the second inequality in (4.2). Conversely, ifubelongs toX1+H1, then, by Lemma 7, c(u)2= lim


1 4π



|x|2 dx, which implies

c(u)AuL+L2AuX1+H1, and therefore

|c− ˜c|Ac+v− ˜c+ ˜vX1+H1. Since, on the other hand, we have trivially

v− ∇ ˜vL2c+v− ˜c− ˜vX1+H1, this completes the proof of (4.2). 2

One advantage of the structure provided by Proposition 4.1 arises when studying how the energy functional mea- sures the distance inEto the circle of constants,


uE: E(u)=0 .

It turns out that the situation is quite different in dimension 2 and dimension 3.

Proposition 4.3.Ifd=3, there existsA >0such that, for everyuE, A1dE

u, S12

E(u)AdE u, S12

. Ifd=2, there exists a sequence(un)inEsuch that

E(un)→0 but d un, S1


Proof. First assumed=3. In view of the expression ofδE, we have, for everycS1, δE(u, c)2c(u)−c2+E(u)


therefore, by Proposition 4.1, dE

u, S12


Ifd=2, we consider un(x)=exp

i nφ(x)

, φ(x)= log

2+ |x|α

, 0< α <1 2. Then it is clear that|un| =1 and

unL2=1 nφL2

so thatE(un)tends to 0. On the other hand,un(x)tends to 1 uniformly forx in the unit discD, while, uniformly for xyn+D, with

|yn| =e(θ n)1/α, θ >0 we have

un(x)→e. Since

dE(f, g)fgX1+H1sup


we conclude thatdE(un, S1)stays away from 0. 2 4.2. Description of the dynamics

It is now easy to describe the dynamics of (1.1) in terms of the decomposition provided by Proposition 4.1.

Proposition 4.4.Letu0=c+v0withcof modulus1andv0Fc. Then the solutionuC(R, E)of (1.1)is given by u(t )=c+v(t )

wherevC(R, Fc)is the unique solution of i∂tv+v=

|v|2+2 Re c1v

v. (4.3)

Proof. For everyt, we decompose u(t )=c(t )+v(t )

withcC(R,C)andvC(R,H˙1). Proposition 4.3 then reduces to the fact thatc(t )=cfor everyt. For everyt, observe that, by Theorem 1.1 and Proposition 2.3,

u(t )=uL(t )+H1=u0+H1=c+ ˙H1. This completes the proof. 2

Remark 4.5.Of course it is possible to solve directly Eq. (4.3) by using Strichartz estimates on the gradient, providing a slightly different proof of Theorem 1.1 in the special cased=3.

5. The four-dimensional case

In this last part, we sketch the proof of the following generalization of Theorem 1.1 to the four-dimensional case.

Since the cubic nonlinearity is critical, existence is only obtained for small energy data.


Theorem 5.1.Assumed=4. There existsδ >0such that, for everyu0Esuch thatE(u0)δ, there exists a unique solution of (1.1)uC(R, E)withuL2loc(R), L4(R4))andu(0)=u0. Moreover, the energy ofuis constant, and the flow map such defined enjoys the properties of regularity and Lipschitz continuity stated in Theorem1.1and in Proposition4.4.

Proof. According to Remark 4.2 and Proposition 4.4, we shall lookuunder the form u(t )=c+v(t ),

wherecS1andv(t )belongs to Fc=

v∈ ˙H1 R4

: c+vE .

The specificity of dimension 4 is that the spaceFcis a (real) vector space. Indeed, because of the Sobolev inclusion H˙1(R4)L4(R4), we have

Fc= v∈ ˙H1

R4 : Re


L2 R4 and, ifE(c+v)is small enough,

E(c+v)v2L2+ Re c1v 2


In particular, the approximation Lemma 6 still holds, though the proof we gave in Section 3 breaks down ifd =4.

The main argument for local existence is the following estimate of the Duhamel term (3.4), which is a consequence of the nonhomogeneous Strichartz estimates (3.3),


Φ(c+v)(t )

H1+ ∇Φ(c+v)



T sup



c+v(t ) +√

T + ∇vL2





c+v(t ) .

IfE(c+v0)δ, it is then possible to solve the Duhamel equation v(t )=S(t )(v0)+Φ(c+v)(t )

by a contraction argument in the space YT ,δ=


[−T , T], Fc

: ∇vL2

[−T , T], L4 R4




c+v(t )



forδandT small enough. 2 Acknowledgements

I am grateful to J.-C. Saut and to D. Smets for having drawn my attention to this problem. I wish to thank C. Gallo for a careful reading of the manuscript and a remark which led me to a simpler proof of Propositions 2.3 and 4.4.


[1] F. Béthuel, G. Orlandi, D. Smets, Vortex rings for the Gross–Pitaevskii equation, J. Eur. Math. Soc. 6 (2004) 17–94.

[2] F. Béthuel, J.C. Saut, Travelling waves for the Gross–Pitaevskii equation I, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Phys. Théor. 70 (1999) 147–238.

[3] H. Brezis, T. Gallouët, Nonlinear Schrödinger evolution equations, Nonlinear Anal. 4 (1980) 677–681.

[4] T. Cazenave, Semilinear Schrödinger Equations, Courant Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 10, New York University, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2003.

[5] T. Frisch, Y. Pomeau, S. Rica, Transition to dissipation in a model of superflow, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69 (1992) 1644–1647.

[6] C. Gallo, Schrödinger group on Zhidkov spaces, Adv. Differential Equations 9 (2004) 509–538.

[7] J. Ginibre, G. Velo, On a class of nonlinear Schrödinger equations, J. Funct. Anal. 32 (1979) 1–71.

[8] J. Ginibre, G. Velo, The global Cauchy problem for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 2 (1985) 309–327.


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