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A global existence result in Sobolev spaces for MHD system in the half-plane


Academic year: 2022

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A Global Existence Result in Sobolev Spaces for MHD System in the Half-Plane.


ABSTRACT- The main result of this paper is a global existence theorem in suitable Sobolev spaces for 2D incompressible MHD system in the half-plane. The existence result derives by the existence of a global classical solution in Hölder spaces, by proving some a-priori estimates in Sobolev spaces and, finally, by applying the Banach-Caccioppoli fixed point theorem. Hence, the uniqueness of the solution follows.

1. Introduction.

Let V be the half-plane R21»4 ](x1,x2)R2: x1D0(, and let G be the boundary of V. In QT»4V3( 0 , T), with TD0, we consider the equations of magneto-hydrodynamics for 2D incompressible ideal fluid

ut1(uQ˜)u1˜p1 1

2˜NBN22(BQ˜)B40 in QT, (1)

Bt1(uQ˜)B2(BQ˜)u2mDB40 in QT, (2)

divu40 in QT, (3)

divB40 in QT, (4)

(*) Indirizzo degli AA.: Dip. di Matematica, Università di Brescia, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Via Valotti 9, 25133 Brescia.


uQn40 on G3( 0 ,T), (5)

BQn40 on G3( 0 ,T), (6)

rotB40 on G3( 0 , T), (7)

u(x, 0 )4u0(x) in V, (8)

B(x, 0 )4B0(x) in V. (9)

Here u4u(x,t)4(u1(x,t),u2(x,t) ), B4B(x,t)4(B1(x,t), B2(x,t) ) andp4p(x,t) denote the unknown velocity field, the magnetic field and the pressure of the fluid respectively. The functionsu04(u01(x),u02(x) ) andB04(B01(x),B02(x) ) denote the given initial data,n the unit outward normal on G and m a real positive constant. Moreover, we use the notation

ft4 ¯f

¯t , ¯i4 ¯


, ˜4(¯12), uQ˜4u1¯11u2¯2,

¯2ij4 ¯2

¯i¯j , D112222 .

In case the magnetic fieldBis identically equal to zero, i.e. in the case of Euler equations, such a problem for global classical solutions was stu- died by many authors, starting from Lichtenstein [10] and Wolibner [15].

The existence of global solutions in Hölder spaces in bounded domains has been proven by Kato [6]. This result was extended to the exterior do- main case by Kikuchi [8]. On the other hand, the existence of a classical solution for MHD system was shown by Kozono [9] and by Casella, Sec- chi and Trebeschi [5] in the bounded and unbounded case, respectively.

Existence results in Sobolev spaces were proved by several authors.

For the Euler equation we refer to Temam [14], Kato and Lai [7] and Beira˜o Da Veiga [3], [4]. Existence and uniqueness results inWk-spaces for the equations of magneto-hydrodynamics, when m40 , have been proved by Alexseev [1]. Moreover, in this case, Secchi [12] and Schmidt [11] proved not only existence and uniqueness results, but also the con- tinuous dependence on the data. In this paper we prove a global exis- tence result in suitable Sobolev spaces for MHD system in the half-plane case. To prove this result, firstly, we show a local existence theorem in Sobolev spaces. Then we derive some a-priori estimates, global in time, which come from the all-time existence of classical solution of system (1)-


(9) in Hölder-spaces. We underline that energy-method works well, since the classical solution (u,B) is such that Vu(t)VLQ(V), VB(t)VLQ(V), V˜u(t)VLQ(V),V˜B(t)VLQ(V)andVBt(t)VLQ(V)are uniformly bounded in time on the whole interval [ 0 ,T].

We observe that the main result obtained in the present paper is a necessary first step in the analysis of slightly compressible MHD fluids, which will be the object of a forecoming work.

The plan of the paper is the following. In next section we fix some no- tations and we introduce some preliminary results and the main theo- rem. In Section 3 we show some a-priori estimates, and finally in Section 4 we prove the main result.

2. – Notations and results.

For a scalar-valued function f, we set Rotf4(¯2f,1f) ,

for a vector-valued function u4(u1,u2), we use the notation rotu1u22u1 and divu4˜Qu1u12u2.

We denote the norm ofLp(V), 1GpG Q, byVQVLp.Hm(V) denotes the usual Sobolev space of ordermF1 , andVQVHmdenotes its norm. For sim- plicity we use the abbreviated notation Lp,Hm. We also use the same symbol for spaces of scalar and vector-valued functions.

Moreover, if X is a normed space, then Lp(0,T;X), with 1GpE1Q, denotes the set of all measurable functionsu(t) with values inXsuch that:



0 T



1 /pE 1Q,

where VQVX is the norm in X.

GivenTD0 arbitrary, the set of all essentially bounded (with respect to the norm ofX) measurable functions oftwith values inXis denoted by LQ( 0 , T; X). We equip this space with the usual norm

VfVLQ(X)4 sup

t[ 0 ,T]


In particular, the norm of LQ( 0 ,T;Lp), 1GpE 1Q, is denoted by VQVLQ(Lp).


Let Cm( [ 0 , T];X) denote the set of allX-valued m-times continuou- sly differentiable functions of t, for 0GtGT.

We define Xm(T)»4mk4


201Ck( [ 0 ,T];Hm2k) equipped with the usual norm


[ 0 ,T]


k40 m21


We denote by B(V) (resp. B(QT)) the Banach space of all real valued continuous and bounded functions on V (resp. QT), with the usual norm.

For 0EaE1 , Ca(V) denotes the usual space of functions in B(V), uniformly Hölder continuous onVwith exponenta; the norm ofCa(V) is VQVLQ1[Q]a, where

[f]a»4 sup


Nf(x)2f(y)N Nx2yNa


For 0EaE1 and integerk,Ck1a(V) denotes the space of functions f with DbfB(V) forNbN Gk, and DgfCa(V) forNgN 4k. The norm is


NbN Gk


NgN 4k[Dgf]a.

WithCk,j(QT) for integersk,jF0 we mean the set of all functionsffor which every ¯xq¯trf exists and is continuous on QT, for 0G NqN Gk, 0GrGj.Ck1a,j1b(QT), for integersk,jF0 and 0Ga,bE1 is the sub- set of Ck,j(QT), consisting of Hölder continuous functions with expo- nents a in x and b in t.

For every function fCk1a,j1b(QT), we consider the following seminorm:

[f]a,b»4 sup

xcy,t[ 0 ,T]


Nx2yNa 1 sup


Nf(x,t)2f(x,s)N Nt2sNb

, and the norm

NfNk1a,j1b»4 max

NqN Gk,rGj sup


qx¯rtf(x,t)N 1max

NqN 4kqx¯jtf]a,b. We shall denote by C and by Ci,iN, some real positive constants which may be different in each occurrence, and byCQ(t) a real function in LQ( 0 , T) depending on Vu(t)VLQ,VB(t)VLQ,V˜u(t)VLQ, V˜B(t)VLQ, VBt(t)VLQ and some their suitable powers.


We now set Z»4rotu,j»4rotB,Z0»4rotu0 and j0»4rotB0. By applying rot to both sides of equations (1) and (2), we get

Zt1uQ˜Z2BQ˜j40 , (10)

jt1uQ˜j2BQ˜Z12¯1u1DB12¯2B2Du2mDj40 , (11)

whereDu4¯1u22u1, andDB4¯1B22B1. Finally, letF,f,F,c be defined as

F4 2uQ˜j1BQ˜Z22¯1u1DB22¯2B2Du, f(s)»4


k40 3

tkj(s)VH21, F(s)»4


k40 3

tkF(s)VH232k, c(s)»4


k40 3


We now recall a result (see [5]) which will be fundamental to prove that, under suitable assumptions on initial data, the classical solution of problem (1)-(9) belongs to suitable Sobolev spaces.

THEOREM 2.1. Let TD0 be arbitrary. Let u0C11u(V), rotu0 L1(V), B0C21u(V)OH1(V) for some 0EuE1, such that divu04 4divB040 inVand u0Qn4B0Qn40 onG. Then there exists a positive constant C

* such that, ifVB0VH11NB0N21uGC

*,then there exists a solu- tion ]u,B,p(C1 , 1(QT)3C2 , 1(QT)3C1 , 0(QT)of system (1)-(9). Such a solution is unique up to an arbitrary function of t which may be added to p.

REMARK 2.2. In [5] Kozono’s result obtained in [9] and Kikuchi’s re- sult, see [8], are extended to the exterior domain case and to the half- plane case, and to the MHD equations, respectively. In [5] the existence of the global classical solution for MHD system in Hölder spaces is proved by applying the Schauder fixed point theorem. The authors fol- lowed the idea of Kato [6], Kikuchi [8], Kozono [9]. The crucial step is the definition of a map, defined on a suitable class, the same already consid- ered by Kozono in [9], which satisfies the conditions of the Schauder fixed point theorem. The uniqueness of the solutions of the studied pro- blem is obtained by following standard tecniques, see Temam [13].

The main result, we are going to prove, is:


THEOREM 2.3. Let TD0 be arbitrary. Let the couple (u0,B0) H5OL1,rotu0L1, divu04divB040inVand u0Qn4B0Qn40onG.

Assume also that, for some 0EuE1 , VB0VH11 NB0N21uGC

*, where C

* is the constant obtained in Theorem 2.1.

Then problem (1)-(9) has a unique solution (u,B,p) such that uX5(T), BX5(T)OL2( 0 ,T;H6), ˜pX4(T).

3. Some a-priori estimates.

We devote this section to prove

LEMMA 3.1. The following energy-type estimate 1

2 d










holds in [ 0 ,T].

Note that Theorem 2.1 ensures us that the time functionsVu(t)VLQ(V), VB(t)VLQ(V), V˜u(t)VLQ(V),V˜B(t)VLQ(V), and VBt(t)VLQ(V) are uniformly bounded in time on the whole interval [ 0 ,T]. Consequently, the real functionCQ(t) (appearing in (12) and in some preliminary lemmata given below) belongs to LQ( 0 ,T). We shall prove (12) for regular sol- utions.

LEMMA 3.2. The couple (u,B) satisfies the following energy-type estimate





1VB0VL22. (13)

PROOF. We multiply equations (1) and (2) by u and B respectively.

By standard calculations and by summing the resulting expressions, we get easily the thesis. r

LEMMA 3.3. The following inequality holds VZVL2Q(L2)


1 m 2





PROOF. We multiply equations (10) and (11) by Z and j respectively.




(BQ˜)jQZ dx4



by summing the resulting expressions, we obtain (14) 1

2 d





40 . SinceV˜u(t)VL2GCVZ(t)VL2andV˜B(t)VL4GCVj(t)VL1 /22V˜j(t)VL1 /22, we easily obtain that

(15) 2


N(¯1u1DB1¯2B2Du)jNdxG m 2


1CVZ(t)VL22Vj(t)VL22. By collecting (14) and (15), we get

1 2



1Vj(t)VL22)1 m




The thesis follows by using Lemma 3.2 and the Gronwall lem-

ma. r

The next step is to estimate theLQ( 0 ;T; L2)-norm of¯aZ, wherea is a multi-index such that 1G NaN G4 . We get the following result.

LEMMA 3.4. Let eD0 . Then the following inequality 1

2 d dt



1eVj(t)VH25, holds in [ 0 ,T], where CQ depends also on e.

PROOF. By applying ¯a to both sides of equation (10), we get

¯aZt1(uQ˜)¯aZ4 2[¯a,uQ˜]Za( (BQ˜)j), (16)

where [Q,Q] denotes the commutator operator. We now multiply (16) by

¯aZ and we estimate term by term. We use the Hölder and Young in- equalities and some suitable interpolation inequalities (obtained by the


well-known Gagliardo-Nirenberg one). More precisely, VD2uVL4GCV˜uVL1 /2QVZVH1 /22, (17)

VD2BVL4GCV˜BVL1 /2QVjVH1 /22, (18)

VD3uVL4GCV˜uVL1 /2QVZVH1 /24, (19)

VD3BVL4GCV˜BVL1 /2QVjVH1 /24, (20)

VD4uVL4GCV˜uVL1 /6QVZVH5 /64, (21)

VD4BVL4GCV˜BVL1 /6QVjVH5 /64, (22)

VD2BtVL4GCVBtVL1 /2QVjtVH1 /23. (23)

By using (17)-(23), we easily obtain the thesis. r LEMMA 3.5. The following estimate

1 2


dtf(t)1C1c(t)GC2(F(t)1f(t) ) holds in [ 0 ,T].

PROOF. We write (11) in the form ¯tj2mDj4F. For each integer k41 ,R, 4 , we take (k21 ) time derivatives and we obtain the follow- ing problems

. /´

¯tkj2mD¯kt21jkt21F in V,

¯tk21j40 on ¯V. (24)

For each fixedk, we multiply the first equation of (24) by¯tk21j and by 2tk21

j. By using the Hölder inequality one has (25) 1

2 d













. We now write (24) in the form of the elliptic problem

. /´

2mD¯k21t j4 2¯tkjk21t F in V,

¯tk21j40 on ¯V. (26)

By well-known results on the regularity of the solutions of problems


(26), we get



We now sum (25) fork41 ,R, 4 , and we add to both sides of the re- sulting expression the term









By observing that Vjttt(t)VH2 is equivalent to Vjttt(t)VH11VDjtttVL2, we get

1 2









We use inequality (27) firstly fork41 , 2 , 3 and m442k, and again in the casesk41 , 2 and m41 . By summing the resulting expressions we obtain the thesis. r

We now estimate each term appearing in F(t). The result we are go- ing to show is

LEMMA 3.6. The following inequality

F(t)GCQ(t)(f(t)1VZ(t)VH24) holds in [ 0 ,T].

PROOF. We split the proof of the previous statement in several steps.

As first step we write explicity VF(t)VH3. By using the Hölder and Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities, we easily obtain




By using (27) in the following cases (k,m)4( 1 , 2 ), (k,m)4( 2 , 0 ), and finally (k,m)4( 1 , 0 ), one has









By straightfull calculations, we get VF(t)VH22



1VZ(t)VH24), VFt(t)VL22








In order to estimate VFt(t)VH2,VFtt(t)VH1 and VFttt(t)VL2, we follow the same lines as in the previous step, and we consider the following interpo- lation inequalities

VD2BVL8GCV˜BVL3 /4QVjVH1 /44, (28)

VD2uVL8GCV˜uVL3 /4QVZVH1 /44, (29)

VD3BVL8GCVBVL5 /16QVjVH11 /164 , (30)

VD3uVL8GCVuVL5 /16Q VZVH11 /164 , (31)

VD4BVL4GCV˜BVL3 /8QVjVH5 /85, (32)

VD4BVL8 /3GCV˜BVL1 /4QVjVH3 /44, (33)

VD5BVL8 /3GCV˜BVL3 /16Q VjVH13 /165 , (34)

VD3BtVL8 /3GCVBtVL1 /4QVjtVH3 /43. (35)

By virtue of the Hölder inequality, of (17)-(23) and of (28)-(35) we get



GCQ(t)(f(t)1VZ(t)VH24), VFtt(t)VH21






By (35), by recalling that BtLQ(V), and by using again (27), we get









1Vjt(t)V2H11 1Vjtt(t)V2H11VFt(t)V2H1)G






Hence, the claim follows. r

By collecting Lemmata 3.3-3.6 we obtain inequality (12).


4. – Proof of Theorem 2.3.

The first topic which we treat is a local existence result in Sobolev spaces for system (1)-(9). Obtained that the classical solution of (1)-(9) belongs locally to H5(V), from the a-priori estimates (12) and (13) we can extend such a solution on the whole time interval [ 0 ,T].

PROOF. In order to show the local existence of a solution in Sobolev spaces, we apply the Banach-Caccioppoli theorem. In particular, let 0EtA

GT be sufficiently small and let

S»4 ](u,B)LQ( 0 ,tA;H5(V) ) : V(u,B)VLQ( 0 ,tA;H5)G2A(, whereAis a real positive constant such thatADC0(Vu0VH25

1VB0VH25) for a suitable constant C0, which will be fixed later.

Given the couple (u,B) in S and satisfying (3)-(9), let L:SKL(S)

be the map defined by

U»4(u,B)KUA»4(uA,BA) ,

where UA»4(uA,BA) is the solution of the following linear system uAt1(uQ˜)uA 2(BQ˜)BA


2˜NBN2 in QT, (36)



2(BQ˜)uA 2mDBA

40 in QT, (37)

divuA 40 in QT, (38)


40 in QT, (39)

uAQn40 on G3( 0 , T), (40)

BAQn40 on G3( 0 , T), (41)


40 on G3( 0 ,T), (42)

uA(x, 0 )4u0(x) in V, (43)

BA(x, 0 )4B0(x) in V. (44)


We now show that the mapLsatisfies all the assumptions of the Banach- Caccioppoli theorem. We now apply to both sides of equation (36)-(37) rot and¯a, wherea is a multi-index with NaN G4 . We multiply the re- sulting expressions by the test functions¯aZAand¯ajA, whereZA»4rotuA andjA»4rotBA. By suitable integrations by parts, and by using the Höld- er and Young inequalities, an application of the Gronwall lemma yields that


t[ 0 ,tA]




C0VU( 0 )VH251C

0 tA




eC0stA( 11VU(t)VH5)2dt,

where VU( 0 )VH25


1VB0VH25. Since U belongs to S, we get max

t[ 0 ,tA]


G(A1C tA( 2A)4)eC tA( 112A)2.

Consequently, iftA is small enough, Lmaps the setSinto itself. We now show that L is a contraction with respect to LQ( 0 ,tA; L2)-norm. Let UA


1) and UA


2) be solutions of system (36)-(44). We now consider the difference between equations (36), written fori41 , 2, and equations (37), again written for i41 , 2 . We use as test functions uA12uA2 and BA


2 respectively. By standard arguments, we get VUA


2VL2Q( 0 ,tA;L2)

GC tAe4A2tAVU12U2VL2Q( 0 ,tA;L2).

IftA is sufficiently small,Lis a contraction and the unique fixed point of the map L is a solution of system (1)-(9). The thesis follows by the uniqueness of the classical solution and by using (12) and (13). r


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Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 17 aprile 2002.


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