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We solve the Dirichlet problem

−∆p(x)u=f(x, u) in Ω

u= 0 on,

where p C+(Ω), Ω is a bounded domain in RN and f : Ω×R R is a Carath´eodory function. Especially, the existence of two sequences of weak solu- tions for the problem is obtained.

AMS 2000 Subject Classification: 47H05, 46E35, 35B38.

Key words: p(x)-Laplacian, generalized Lebesgue-Sobolev space, critical point.


The aim of this paper is to discuss the existence and multiplicity of weak solutions inW01,p(x)(Ω) of thep(x)-Laplacian equation


−∆p(x)u=f(x, u) in Ω

u= 0 on

in a bounded domain, ΩRN wherep: ΩRis a continuous function with p(x) >1 for any x∈Ω and f : Ω×RR is a Carath´eodory function. This kind of problem was studied especially in recent years (see [1], [3]);p(x)-growth conditions can be regarded as a very important class of nonstandard growth conditions. Thep(x)-Laplacian possesses more complicated nonlinearities, for example, it is inhomogeneous, so in the discussion some special techniques will be needed. In this article we will use two variational methods, namely

“Fountain Theorem” and “Dual Fountain Theorem” (see [4]). In this manner we will obtain the existence of two different sequences of weak solutions of problem (P).

REV. ROUMAINE MATH. PURES APPL.,52(2007),6, 639–653


The hypotheses under we work are listed below:

(1.1) p+= max

x∈Ω p(x)< p= inf


(1.2) f(x,−t) =−f(x, t) forx , t∈R; (1.3) |f(x, t)| ≤c|t|α(x)−1+h(x) forx∈, t∈R,

where c 0 is constant, α C+(Ω) with α(x) < p(x) for all x Ω, h Lβ(x)(Ω) and β ∈C+(Ω) is the conjugate function of α;

(1.4) 0< θF(x, t)≤tf(x, t) forx∈, t∈R with |t| ≥M, whereM >0,θ∈(p+, p), andF(x, t) =t

−∞f(x, s)dsforx∈Ω, t∈R;

(1.5) α > p+.

The functionp: ΩRis defined by p(x) =


N−p(x) ifp(x)< N +∞ ifp(x)≥N.

The results obtained are generalizations of well-known results for p-Laplacian equations in a bounded domain.


In this section we will present the basic properties of generalized Lebesgue- Sobolev spaces W01,p(x)(Ω). Write

C+(Ω) =

p∈C(Ω)|p(x)>1 for any x∈, p= min

x∈Ω p(x), p+= max

x∈Ω p(x) for any p∈C+(Ω), M ={u: ΩR|u is a measurable real-valued function},

Lp(x)(Ω) =

u∈M |

|u(x)|p(x)dx <∞

with the norm

up = inf

λ >0|

u(x) λ

p(x)dx≤1 ,


W1,p(x)(Ω) =

u∈Lp(x)(Ω)| ∃∂u

∂xi ∈Lp(x)(Ω) for all 1≤i≤N


with the norm

uW1,p(x) =up+|∇u|p, where|∇u|=

N i=1



2 .

Also, onLp(x)(Ω) we introduce the functionϕp :Lp(x)(Ω)Rdefined by ϕp(u) =


The connections between ϕp and p are established by the next result.

Proposition2.1 (Fan and Zhao [2]). a)We have the equivalencesup<

(>,=)1 ⇐⇒ ϕp(u)<(>,=)1, up =α ⇐⇒ ϕp(u) =α when α= 0.

b)If up >1 then upp ≤ϕp(u)≤ upp+. If up <1 then upp+ ϕp(u)≤ upp.

c)A⊆Lp(x)(Ω)is bounded if and only if ϕp(A)Ris bounded.

d)For a sequence (un)n∈N⊆Lp(x)(Ω) and an element u∈Lp(x)(Ω), the statements below are equivalent:

(1) lim

n→∞un=u in Lp(x)(Ω);

(2) lim

n→∞ϕp(un−u) = 0;

(3) un→u in measure inand lim

n→∞ϕp(un) =ϕp(u);

e) lim

n→∞unp = + if and only if lim

n→∞ϕp(un) = +∞.

The generalized Lebesgue-Sobolev space W01,p(x)(Ω) is the closure of C0(Ω) inW1,p(x)(Ω). We have

Proposition2.2 (Fan and Zhao [2]). a)The spacesLp(x)(Ω),W1,p(x)(Ω) andW01,p(x)(Ω)are separable and reflexive Banach spaces.

b) If q C+(Ω) and q(x) < p(x) for any x Ω, then the imbedding fromW1,p(x)(Ω)into Lq(x)(Ω) is compact.

c)There is a constant C >0 such that

up≤C|∇u|p for all u∈W01,p(x)(Ω).

Using Proposition 2.2 (c), we get that|∇u|p and uW1,p(x) are equiv- alent norms on W01,p(x)(Ω). Hence, from now on, we will use the space W01,p(x)(Ω) equipped with the normu1,p =|∇u|p.

Remark 2.1. Ifq∈C+(Ω) andq(x)< p(x) for anyx∈Ω, the imbedding fromW01,p(x)(Ω) intoLq(x)(Ω) is compact.


In order to discuss problem (P), we need also some theory on Nemytskii operators. For a Carath´eodory functionf : Ω×R Rand u∈M we know that the functionNfu: ΩRdefined by (Nfu)(x) =f(x, u(x)) forx∈Ω is measurable in Ω. So, with the Carath´eodory functionf we can associate the operator Nf : M M which is called the Nemytskii operator. Concerning the properties ofNf, we have

Proposition 2.3 (D. Zhao and X.L. Fan [5]). Assume (1.3). Then Nf(Lα(x)(Ω))⊆Lβ(x)(Ω)and, moreover, Nf is continuous fromLα(x)(Ω)into Lβ(x)(Ω)and maps bounded sets into bounded sets.

Proposition 2.4. Assume (1.3). Let F : Ω×R R be the function defined byF(x, t) =t

−∞f(x, s)dsfor x∈Ω,t∈R. Then

(i) F is a Carath´eodory function and there exist a constant c1 0 and σ∈L1(Ω)such that

|F(x, t)| ≤c1|t|α(x)+σ(x) for x∈, t∈R;

(ii) the functional Φ :Lα(x)(Ω) R defined by Φ(u) =

F(x, u(x))dx is continuously Fr´echet differentiable and Φ(u) =Nf(u) for all u∈Lα(x)(Ω).

The restrictionα(x)< p(x) for anyx∈Ω from hypothesis (1.3) ensures that the imbeddingW01,p(x)(Ω)→Lα(x)(Ω) is compact. Hence the diagram

W01,p(x)(Ω)I Lα(x)(Ω) Nf Lβ(x)(Ω) I

W01,p(x)(Ω) shows thatNf :W01,p(x)(Ω)


is strongly continuous.

Moreover, with the same argument, we get that the functional Φ : W01,p(x)(Ω)R defined by

Φ(u) =

F(x, u(x))dx

is strongly continuous onW01,p(x)(Ω) and Φ(u) =Nf(u) for allu∈W01,p(x)(Ω).

3. EXISTENCE AND MULTIPLICITY RESULTS For simplicity, throughout this section we denoteX=W01,p(x)(Ω).

As in the case p(x)≡p(a constant), we consider the p(x)-Laplace oper- atorp(x):X →X defined by

p(x)u, v


|∇u|p(x)−2∇u· ∇vdx


for allu, v ∈X. The functional Ψ :X→Rdefined by Ψ(u) =



is continuously Frechet differentiable and Ψ(u) =p(x)u for all u∈X. Also, p(x) is a mapping of type (δ+), i.e., if un u in X and lim sup


p(x)un, un−u

0, then un→u inX.

Definition 3.1. A functionu∈Xis said to be a weak solution of problem

(P) if

|∇u|p(x)−2∇u· ∇vdx=

f(x, u)vdx for allv∈X.

We remark that u ∈X is a weak solution of problem (P) ifp(x)u = NfuinX. On account of the potentiality of thep(x)-Laplace and Nemytskii operators,u∈Xis a weak solution of problem (P) if and only if Ψ(u) = Φ(u).

Consider the functionalH :X→Rdefined by H(u) =



F(x, u(x))dx.

Consequently, H ∈C1(X,R) and u∈X is a weak solution of problem (P) if and only ifH(u) = 0 in X.

We shall prove that theC1-functional H has two different sequences of critical points using two variational methods, namely the “Fountain Theorem”

and the “Dual Fountain Theorem”.

Remark 3.1. As X = W01,p(x)(Ω) is a reflexive and separable Banach space, there exist (en)n∈N X and (fn)n∈N X such that fn(en) = δnm for all n, m∈N, X = Span{en|n∈N}, X = Span{fn|n∈N}w.

Fork∈N denote

Xk= Span{ek}, Yk= k


Xj, Zk= j=k


Proposition 3.1 (“Fountain Theorem”, see [4]). Let X be a reflex- ive and separable Banach space, H C1(X,R) an even functional and the subspaces Xk, Yk, Zk defined in Remark 3.1. If for each k N there exist ρk> rk>0 such that

x∈Zkinf,x=rkH(x)→ ∞ as k→ ∞, max



andH satisfies the (PS)c condition for everyc >0, then H has a sequence of critical values to+∞.

Proposition 3.2 (“Dual Fountain Theorem”, see [4]). Let X be a re- flexive and separable Banach space, H∈C1(X,R) an even functional and the subspaces Xk, Yk, Zk defined in Remark3.1. Assume there is a k0N so as to for eachk∈N, k≥k0, there exists ρk> rk>0 such that

x∈Zkinf,x=ρkH(x)0, bk = max

x∈Yk,x=rkH(x)<0, dk= inf

x∈Zk,x≤ρkH(x)0 as k→ ∞

and H satisfies the (PS)c condition for every c [dk0,0). Then H has a sequence of negative critical values converging to 0.

Recall thatHis said to satisfy the (PS) condition if any sequence (un)n∈N

⊆X for which (H(un))n∈N Ris bounded and H(un) 0 as n→ ∞, has a convergent subsequence. Also, H is said to satisfy the (PS)c condition for c∈R if any sequence (un)n∈N ⊆X for whichH(un) →c and H(un) 0 as n → ∞, has a convergent subsequence. It is obvious that if H satisfies the (PS) condition, thenH satisfies the (PS)c condition for all c∈R.

Definition 3.2. Let X be a reflexive and separable Banach space, H C1(X,R), c R and the subspacesYn defined in Remark 3.1. H is said to satisfy the (PS)c condition if any sequence (un)n∈N⊆X for whichun∈Ynfor any n∈N,H(un) →c and (H |Yn)(un) 0 as n→ ∞, has a subsequence convergent to a critical point ofH.

We first deal with the (PS) and (PS)c conditions for H.

Proposition 3.3. Assume (1.4). Then the functional H : X R de- fined by

H(u) =



F(x, u(x))dx satisfies the(PS) condition.

Proof. Let the sequence (un)n∈N X be such that (H(un))n∈N R is bounded and H(un) 0 as n → ∞. Then there exists d R such that H(un)≤dfor alln∈N. For eachn∈N, denote Ωn={x∈| |un(x)| ≥M},n= ΩΩn.Without loss of generality, we can suppose that M 1.

Ifx∈n then|un(x)|< M and, by Proposition 2.4 (i), F(x, un)≤c1|un(x)|α(x)+σ(x)≤c1Mα+ +σ(x),


hence (1)

nF(x, un)dx≤



=c1Mα+meas(Ω) +

σ(x)dx=k1. Ifx∈n then|un(x)| ≥M and, by (1.4),

F(x, un) 1

θf(x, un(x))un(x) which gives



F(x, un)dx≥ 1 θ


f(x, un(x))un(x)dx=

= 1 θ

f(x, un(x))un(x)dx−

nf(x, un(x))un(x)dx

. By the growth condition (1.4) again,

nf(x, un(x))un(x)dx


c|un(x)|α(x)+h(x)|un(x)| dx≤

≤cMα+meas(Ωn) +M

nh(x)dx≤cMα+meas(Ω) +M

h(x)dx=k2, which yields

(3) 1



f(x, un(x))un(x)dx≤ k2

θ. Next, we have





F(x, un(x))dx+

nF(x, un(x))dx≤



F(x, un(x))dx.

By (1), (2), (3) and (4), we get (5)


p(x)|∇un|p(x)dx−1 θ

f(x, un(x))un(x)dx≤k, wherek=d+k1+kθ2.

On the other hand, becauseH(un)0 asn→ ∞, there isn0Nsuch thatH(un)1 for n≥n0. Consequently, for alln≥n0 we have

H(un), un

≤ un1,p



p(|∇un|)− Nfun, un| ≤ un1,p, hence

(6) 1

θNfun, un ≥ −1


θϕp(|∇un|). It follows from (5) and (6) that


1 p+ 1



θun1,p≤k for all n≥n0. Consider the setsA=

n∈N|n≥n0 and un1,p1

and B = n∈ N|n≥n0 and un1,p >1

. It is obvious that the sequence (un)n∈A⊆X is bounded. Ifn∈B thenun1,p >1 and we have the inequality

(8) ϕp(|∇un|)≥ unp1,p. Finally, by (7) and (8) we get

1 p+ 1


unp1,p 1

θun1,p≤k for alln∈B.

We know that θ > p and the last inequality shows that the sequence (un)n∈N ⊆X is bounded. By the Smuljian theorem, we can extract a subse- quence (unk)k∈Nof (un)n∈N weakly convergent to someu∈X. As H(unk) 0, we have

(9) lim


H(unk), unk−u

= 0.

The Nemytskii operator Nf is strongly continuous, so that lim

k→∞Nf (unk) = Nf(u) in X and the weak convergence unk u inX gives

(10) lim

k→∞Nfunk, unk−u= 0. From (9) and (10) we conclude that


p(x)unk, unk−u

= 0

and, since−∆p(x) is a mapping of type (δ+), we have unk →u inX. Proposition 3.4. Assume (1.3) and (1.4). Then the functional H : X→Rdefined by

H(u) =



F(x, u(x))dx satisfies the(PS)c condition for any c∈R.


Proof. Let the sequence (un)n∈N ⊆X and c∈R be such thatun∈Yn

for all n∈N, H(un)→c and (H |Yn)(un)0 as n→ ∞. Similarly to the proof of Proposition 3.3, we get the boundedness of the sequence (un)n∈N X. Consequently, by the Smuljian theorem, we can extract a subsequence (unk)k∈N of (un)n∈N weakly convergent to some u X. Next, as X =

n∈NYn, we can choose a sequence (vn)n∈N X such that vn Yn for all n∈N and lim

n→∞vn=v inX. We then have


H(unk), unk −u


H(unk), unk −vnk


H(unk), vnk−u . As

H |Ynh

(unk) 0 ask → ∞, unk−vnk 0 inYnh and vnk →u in X, we deduce that


H(unk), unk −vnk

0 and

H(unk), vnk−u

0 as k→ ∞.

From (11) and (12), we conclude that


H(unk), unk−u

0 as k→ ∞

We know that under our hypotheses, the Nemytskii operator Nf :X X is strongly continuous while the p(x)-Laplace operator is a mapping of type (δ+). So, H : X X is a mapping of type (δ+). From (13) and the weak convergenceunk →u inX we obtain that lim

k→∞unk =u inX. Taking arbitrarilywi∈Yi, notice that when nk≥j we have

H(u), wi


H(u)−H(unk), wi +

H(unk), wi



H(u)−H(unk), wi +


(unk), wi

Lettingk→ ∞ we deduce thatH(u), wi= 0 for allwi ∈Yi, henceH(u) = 0. This shows thatH satisfies the (PS)c condition for every c∈R.

Before giving our main results we state several lemmas that will be used later.

Lemma3.1. Ifα∈C+(Ω)andα(x)< p(x)for anyx∈Ω, then for each k∈N there exists βk = sup

uα |u ∈Zk,u1,p = 1

<+∞. Moreover,

k→∞lim βk= 0.

Lemma3.2. Assume thatΨ :X→Ris strongly-continuous and Ψ(0) = 0. Then for each γ >0 and k∈N there exists

αk= sup

|Ψ(u)| |u∈Zk,u1,p< γ

<+∞. Moreover, lim

k→∞αk= 0.


Lemma3.3. Assume that the Carath´eodory function f satisfies hypothe- ses (1.3) and (1.4). Then there exist k1, k2 > 0, σ L1(Ω) and γ L(Ω) withγ(x)>0 for all x∈such that

F(x, t)≥γ(t)|t|θ−k1−k2σ(x) for x∈, t∈R.

Now, we are able to prove the main results of this paper.

Theorem3.1. If hypotheses (1.1), (1.2), ( 1.3), (1.4), (1.5)are satisfied, then problem (P) has a sequence of weak solutions (±un)n∈N X such that H(±un)+ as n→ ∞.

Proof. The C1-functionalH:X→Rdefined by H(u) =



F(x, u(x))dx

is even and, by Proposition 3.3, it satisfies the (PS) condition. It follows that H satisfies the (PS)c condition for all c >0.

First, we prove that for each k∈N there exists rk>0 such that

u∈Zk,uinf1,p=rkH(u)→ ∞ ask→ ∞. From the inequalities

H(u) 1


F(x, u(x))dx,

F(x, u(x))dx

|F(x, u(x))|dx≤


dx we deduce that

H(u) 1


for allu∈X,u1,p 1, where c2=


We know that ϕα(u) 1 if uα 1 and ϕα(u) ≤ uαα+ ifuα > 1.

From Lemma 3.1 we haveuα≤βku1,p for all u∈Zk. Thus, (14) H(u) 1

p+up1,p−c1βkα+uα1,p+ −c2 for all u∈Zk,u1,p1.

Choose the real numbers rk=

c1α+βkα+p 1

−−α+ , k∈N. Hypothesis (1.5) ensures that lim

k→∞rk = +. Without loss of generality, we can suppose thatrk1 for all k∈N.


Ifu∈Zk and u1,p=rk, inequality (14) gives H(u) α+−p+


c1α+βkα+p p

−−α+ −c2

for allu∈Zk, u1,p=rk. Consequently,

(15) inf

u∈Zk,u1,p=rkH(u) α+−p+


c1α+βkα+p p

−−α+ −c2. From (15) and (1.5), it is obvious that

u∈Zk,uinf1,p=rkH(u)+∞ask→ ∞.

Second, we prove that for eachk∈N there existsρk> rk>0 such that


The functional θ:X→Rdefined by uθ =

γ(x)|u(x)|θdx 1θ

is a norm on X. The norms θ and 1,p being equivalent on the finite dimensional subspaceYk, there is a constant δ >0 such that

(16) uθ≥δu1,p for all u∈Yk. By Lemma 3.3 we have

F(x, u(x))dx≥ uθθ−c3, wherec3 =

(k1+k2σ(x)) dx. On the other hand, we have

H(u) 1

p up1,p+

F(x, u(x))dx for allu∈X,u1,p 1, which yields

(17) H(u) 1

p up1,p+ − uθθ+c3 for all u∈Yk,u1,p1.

By (16) and (17), we conclude that (18) H(u) 1

p up1,p+ −δθuθ1,p+c3 for all u∈Yk,u1,p1.

Becauseθ > p+, we have

t→+∞lim 1

p tp+−δθtθ+c3



and we can chooseρk> rk>0 such that (19) 1

p up1,p+ −δθuθ1,p+c3 0 3 for all u∈Yk,u1,p=ρk. It is obvious from (18) and (19) that


We now apply Proposition 3.1 to theC1-functional H and obtain a se- quence of critical values of H converging to +∞. Consequently, there is a sequence (±un)n∈N of critical points for H such that H(±un) + as n→ ∞, and the proof is complete.

Theorem3.2. If hypotheses (1.1), (1.2), (1.3), (1.4), (1.5) are satisfied, then problem (P) has a sequence of weak solutions (±vn)n∈N X such that H(±vn)0 for alln∈N and H(±vn)0 as n→ ∞.

Proof. The functionfbeing odd in its second argument, theC1-functional H is even. By Proposition 3.4, theC1-functionalH satisfies the (PS)c condi- tion for allc∈R, in particular for allc∈[dk0,0).

First, we prove that for each k∈N there exists rk>0 such that


The functional θ:X→Rdefined by uθ =

γ(x)|u(x)|θdx 1


is a norm on X. The norms θ and 1,p being equivalent on the fi- nite dimensional subspace Yk, there is a constant δ > 0 such that uθ δu1,p for all u∈Yk. Similarly to Theorem 3.1, we have the inequality

H(u) 1

p up1,p+ −δθuθ1,p+c3 for all u∈Yk,u1,p1.

Butθ > p+ and it is obvious that

t→+∞lim 1

p tp+ −δθtθ+c3

=−∞. So, there existst0(1,+∞) such that


p tp+−δθtθ+c3 <−1 for all t∈[t0,+).


The last two inequalities show that H(u) < 1 for all u Yk, u1,p = t0. Choosingrk =t0 for all k∈N, we have

u∈Yk,umax1,p=rkH(u)≤ −1<0.

Second, we prove that there existsk0Nsuch that for eachk∈N, k≥ k0, there exists ρk> rk>0 for which


Similarly to Theorem 3.1 we have the inequality H(u) 1

p+up1,p −c1βkα+uα1,p+−c2 for all u∈Zk,u1,p 1.

We also have


α+−p+ α+p+

c1α+βkα+p p

−−α+ = +. There existsk0N such that

α+−p+ α+p+

c1α+βkα+p p

−−α+ −c2 0


c1α+βkα+p 1

−−α+ > t0

for all k≥ k0. Choose ρk =

c1α+βkα0+p 1

−−α+ for k ≥k0. It is obvious that ρk > rk >0 for all k∈N, k≥k0. Ifu ∈Zk with u1,p =ρk, from (14) we obtain that

H(u) α+−p+


c1α+βkα0+p p

−−α+ −c20 which gives



bk= max

u∈Yk,u1,p=rkH(u), dk= inf


BecauseZk∩Yk=and 0< rk < ρk, we have (20) dk ≤bk<0 for all k≥k0. Hypothesis (1.3) helps us to prove that

|F(x, t)| ≤ c


forx∈Ω, t∈R. Let Ψ1 :X→R, Ψ2 :X→Rbe the functionals defined by Ψ1(u) =


α(x)|u(x)|α(x)dx, Ψ2(u) =



Obviously, Ψ1(0) = Ψ2(0) = 0.

The imbedding from X into Lα(x)(Ω) is compact. A straightforward computation shows that the functionals Ψ1 :X→R,Ψ2 :X→Rare strongly continuous. Denote

γk = sup

|Ψ1(u)| |u∈Zk,u1,p1

, εk= sup

|Ψ2(u)| |u∈Zk,u1,p1

. Lemma 3.2 implies that lim

k→∞γk= lim

k→∞εk= 0. Considerv∈Zk withv1,p = 1 and 0< t < ρk. Then

H(tv) =



F(x, tv(x))dx≥

≥ −

F(x, tv(x))dx≥ −Ψ1(tv)Ψ2(tv).


Ψ2(tv) =

|tv(x)|h(x)dx=tΨ2(v) and

Ψ1(tv) =


α(x) |tv(x)|α(x)dx≤tα+Ψ1(v).

Combining the last three assertions yields

H(tv)≥ −ραk+Ψ1(v)−ρkΨ2(v)≥ −ραk+γk−ρkεk for allt∈(0, ρk) and v∈Zk withv1,p= 1.

It is now obvious that

(21) dk≥ −ραk+γk−ρkεk. Recall thatρk=

c1α+βαk0+p 1

−−α+ is constant and lim

k→∞γk= lim

k→∞εk= 0.

Lettingk→ ∞in (21) and taking into account that dk <0 for allk≥k0, we get lim

k→∞dk = 0.

The C1-functional H satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 3.2. We conclude that there exists a sequence of negative critical values converging to 0. Consequently, there is a sequence (±vn)n∈N X of critical points for H such thatH(±vn)0 for all n∈Nand lim

n→∞H(±vn) = 0.



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Received 5 October 2006 University of Bucharest

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Str. Academiei 14

010014 Bucharest, Romania ilias@fmi.unibuc.ro


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