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Holomorphic one-forms on varieties of general type


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ABSTRACT. – It has been conjectured that varieties of general type do not admit nowhere vanishing holomorphic one-forms. We confirm this conjecture for smooth minimal varieties and for varieties whose Albanese variety is simple.

2005 Elsevier SAS

RÉSUMÉ. – Selon une conjecture connue, les variétés de type général n’admettent pas de 1-formes holomorphes partout non-nulles. Nous vérifions cette conjecture pour les variétés lisses minimales et pour celles dont la variété d’Albanese est simple.

2005 Elsevier SAS

1. Introduction

The impact of zeros of vector fields on the geometry of the underlying variety has been studied extensively, cf. [6,4,5,9,8,10,3,1,2]. For instance, it is known that the existence of a nowhere zero vector field on a compact complex manifold implies that all of its characteristic numbers vanish.

Carrell asked whether something similar is implied by the existence of a nowhere vanishing holomorphic one-form. He proved that this is the case for surfaces, namely ifS is a compact complex surface admitting a nowhere vanishing holomorphic one-form, thenc1(S)2 andc2(S) are zero [7]. On the other hand, he also gave an example of a threefoldX, aP1-bundle over an abelian surface, for whichc1(X)3= 0. This suggests that one needs to treat varieties with negative Kodaira dimension differently.

Having to pay attention to the Kodaira dimension of the variety makes it natural to approach the problem from the point of view of classification theory and first restrict to the case of minimal varieties. For a minimal varietyX,KX is nef, thereforec1(X)dimX= 0is equivalent toKXdimX>0which is equivalent toXbeing of general type.

We are also led to varieties of general type via a different path. If X admits a nowhere vanishing holomorphic one-form, then [16, Theorem 3.1] implies that for genericP∈Pic0(X), one hasHi(X,ΩjX⊗P) = 0for alli, j. In particular,χ(X, ωX) = 0. On the other hand, when Xis of maximal Albanese dimension (i.e.,dimX= dim albX(X)) andAlb(X)is simple, then X is a variety of general type if and only ifχ(X, ωX)>0.

All of these considerations naturally lead to the following conjecture.

1The author was partially supported by NSA grant MDA904-03-1-0101 and by a grant from the Sloan Foundation.

2The author was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0092165 and a Sloan Research Fellowship.

ANNALES SCIENTIFIQUES DE L’ÉCOLE NORMALE SUPÉRIEURE 0012-9593/04/2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved


CONJECTURE 1.1. – LetXbe a smooth projective variety of general type. ThenXdoes not admit a nowhere vanishing holomorphic one-form.

Once we focus on varieties of general type, restricting to the case of minimal varieties is the right thing to do according to a conjecture of Carrell:

CONJECTURE 1.2 (Carrell). – LetX be a smooth projective variety of general type. IfX admits a nowhere vanishing holomorphic one-form, thenX is minimal.

Remark 1.2.1. – This is known for surfaces and using the classification of extremal contractions one can easily see that it also holds for threefolds. This was explicitly checked in [24, Lemma 2.1].

Conjecture 1.1 has been confirmed for canonically polarized varieties (i.e., whose canonical divisor is ample) in [29] and for threefolds in [24].

An immediate consequence of this conjecture is that a variety of general type does not admit any smooth morphisms onto an abelian variety. For other applications the reader is referred to [29].

In this article we first prove Conjecture 1.1 for smooth minimal varieties.

THEOREM 1.3. – LetXbe a smooth projective minimal variety of general type. ThenXdoes not admit a nowhere vanishing holomorphic one-form.

This completely confirms Conjecture 1.1 assuming Conjecture 1.2. Using Remark 1.2.1 this also gives a new proof of the threefold case [24, Theorem 1].

Using different methods than the ones used to prove Theorem 1.3, we also confirm Conjecture 1.1 for varieties whose Albanese variety is simple.

THEOREM 1.4. – LetXbe a smooth projective variety of general type. If its Albanese variety is simple, thenXdoes not admit a nowhere vanishing holomorphic one-form.

Definitions and notation 1.5. – Let f:X →Y be a proper morphism. A line bundle L on X is called f-nef if deg(L|C)0 for every proper curve C⊆X such that f(C) is a point. L is called f-big if rankfLm> c·mn where c >0 is a constant and n is the dimension of the general fibre off. IfY = Speckfor an algebraically closed fieldk, thenf-nef (respectivelyf-big) is simply called nef (respectively big). Forθ∈H0(X,ΩX),Z(θ)denotes the zero locus ofθ. LetF be a torsion-free sheaf onX andι:U →X the locus whereF is locally free. ThenSm(F)denotes the reflexive hull of themth symmetric power ofF, i.e., Sm(F) =ιSm(F|U).

2. Smooth minimal models The main goal of this section is to prove the following.

THEOREM 2.1. – LetY be a projective variety with only rational singularities of dimension n, and let φ:X →Y be a resolution of singularities of Y. Letφ#Y = im[φY X].

Assume that there exists aθ∈H0(X, φ#Y)such that the zero locus ofθis empty. Then for any ample line bundleL onY,Hn(Y,L) = 0.

Before we can prove this theorem we need some preparation.

LetX be a smooth variety of dimensionn. LetΦbe the functor of regular functions andΨ the functor of Kähler differentials, i.e.,ΦX=OX andΨX= ΩX. Then any θ∈H0(X,ΩX) induces a morphismθX: ΦXΨX. In fact it induces a morphismθXi: ΦXiΨXi via pull


back for everyXithat admits a morphism,φi:Xi→X, toX. In other wordsθinduces a natural transformation fromΦtoΨin the category ofX-schemes. Then by [23, 2.6, 2.9] there exists a functorially definedQrθ

X Ob(D(X))for allr−1 such that for everyp∈Nthere exists a distinguished triangle,


X pXQpθ


−→+1 . ()


X0ifr > n−1andQn−1θ

X ωX.

SupposeZ(θ)is empty. Then by [14, Appendix B.3.4] the Koszul complex 0→OX θ

−→1X−→θ2X−→ · · ·θ −→θnX1−→θnX0,

induced by taking the wedge product withθis exact. LetE−1= 0, and Ei= ker(∧θ) : ΩiXi+1X

fori= 1, . . . , n1. ThenQrθ

XEr+1forr= 0, . . . , n2. In particularQ0θ


Next, results regarding the generalized De Rham complexes are summarized in the following theorem.

THEOREM 2.2 [11] [17, III.1.12, V.3.3, V.3.6, V.5.1]. – For every complex scheme Y of dimension n there exists an·Y Ob(Dfilt(Y))with the following properties:

(2.2.1) Letφ·:X·→Y be any hyperresolution ofY. Then·Y ·∗·X·.

(2.2.2) The definition is functorial, i.e., ifφ:X→Y is a morphism of complex schemes, then there exists a natural mapφof filtered complexes

φ: Ω·Y →Rφ·X.

Furthermore,·Y Ob(Dbfilt,coh(Y))and ifφ is proper, thenφ is a morphism in Dfilt,cohb (Y).

(2.2.3) Let·Y be the usual De Rham complex of Kähler differentials considered with the

“filtration bête”. Then there exists a natural map of filtered complexes

·Y ·Y

and ifY is smooth, it is a quasi-isomorphism.

(2.2.4) LetpY =GrFp·Y[p]. ThenΩpY ·∗pX

· for any hyperresolutionφ·:X·→Y. (2.2.5) IfY is projective andL is an ample line bundle onY, then


Y,pY ⊗L

= 0 forp+q > n.

To extend the definition ofQpθ

X to singular varieties we need the following.

LEMMA 2.3. – Letφ·:X·→Y be a hyperresolution ofY. Letφ#Y be defined as in (2.1).

Letθ∈H0(X0, φ#Y)andθXi:OXiXi be the morphism induced by the sectionθ. Then ·∗Qrθ

X· is independent of the hyperresolution chosen.


Proof. – Letαbe a morphism of hyperresolutions.



α X·


X idX X

Then by [23, 4.1] there exists a commutative diagram:


· ·pX

· ·QpθX




· ·pX

· ·QpθX




· pY ·pX

· by (2.2.4), and the statement follows from [11, 2.1.4] and () by descending induction onp. 2

DEFINITION 2.4. – LetY be a variety of dimensionn. Letφ·:X·→Y be a hyperresolution ofY and letθ∈H0(X0, φ#Y). We defineQrθ

Y =·∗Qrθ

X· forr−1. By the lemma, this is independent of the hyperresolution chosen, in particular if Y is smooth, it agrees with the previous definition ofQrθ


Proof of Theorem 2.1. – By() there exists a distinguished triangle,


Y pY Qpθ




for everyp∈N, so by (2.2.5), Hnp


Y ⊗L



is surjective for allp, and then H0


Y ⊗L

→ · · · →Hn Y,Q0θ

Y ⊗L is also surjective. NowH0(Y,Qnθ

Y ⊗L) = 0sinceQnθ

Y = 0, so we obtain that Hn

Y,Q0θY ⊗L

= 0.

On the other hand, the previous observation in the caseZ(θ) =∅, (2.2.2), (2.2.3), () and [23, 4.1] implies that the following diagram is commutative:

OY ρ

0Y Q0θY


0X Q0θX


Nowρhas a left inverse, and hence in turn the morphismOY Q0θY has a left inverse. Finally that implies thatHn(Y,L)Hn(Y,Q0θY ⊗L) = 0is injective. 2

The following lemma is a simple corollary of the Basepoint-free theorem. This fact is well known to experts in higher dimensional birational geometry, but since it seems not that well known otherwise we include a proof for the convenience of the reader.

LEMMA 2.5. – Let X be a projective variety with rational Gorenstein singularities and assume thatωX is nef and big. Then

m=0H0(X, ωXm)is a finitely generatedk-algebra and Y = Proj(

m=0H0(X, ωXm))has rational Gorenstein singularities andωY is an ample line bundle.

Proof. –

m=0H0(X, ωXm)is a finitely generatedk-algebra by [20, (3.11)]. The Basepoint- free theorem [20, (3.3)] (cf. [26]) implies that form 0,ωmX is generated by global sections.

Then the morphism given by the global sections ofωXmmaps toY, it is independent ofm 0 and is its own Stein factorization. I.e., there exist a birational morphismφ:X→Y and ample line bundlesMmonY such thatωmX=φMm. Hence

ωXωXm+1 ωmX−1


and soφωXMm+1⊗Mm−1is an ample line bundle. In particular, it is reflexive.Y is normal andφis birational, soφωXagrees withωY on an open subsetUsuch thatcodim(Y\U, Y)2.

They are both reflexive, soωY φωXis an ample line bundle.

This implies thatY has canonical singularities and then it has rational singularities by [13]

(cf. [22]). In particular,Y is Cohen–Macaulay and combined withωY being a line bundle that implies thatY is Gorenstein. 2

We are now ready to prove our main theorem.

Proof of Theorem 1.3. – Consider the Albanese morphism ofX, albX:X→Alb(X) and the natural morphism fromX to its canonical model

φ:X→Y = Proj



X, ωXm .

By a result of Reid (cf. [19, (8.1)])albX factors through φ. Therefore, using the notation of (2.1),H0(X,ΩX) =H0(X, φ#Y). By (2.5)Y has rational singularities andωY is an ample line bundle, so (1.3) follows from (2.1) and the fact thatHn(Y, ωY)= 0. 2

3. Varieties whose Albanese variety is simple

We are going to study the Albanese morphism ofXand employ different strategies depending on whether it is surjective or not.

Case I. –albXis not surjective.

PROPOSITION 3.1. – LetZAbe a proper closed subvariety of the abelian varietyA. IfA is simple, then for every holomorphic one-formθ∈H0(A,Ω1A),θ|Zhas a non-empty zero set.


Proof. – LetW ⊂H0(A,Ω1A)be the set of those holomorphic one-formsθ∈H0(A,Ω1A)such thatθ|Zvanishes at some pointz∈Z. It is easy to see thatWis closed and so it suffices to show thatWis dense inH0(A,Ω1A).

Letr= dimZ and letZ0be the set of smooth points ofZ. For anyz∈Z0, one has that the tangent spaceTz(Z)=Cg−r⊂Tz(A)=H0(A,Ω1A)=Cg. LetZ ⊂Pg−1 be the closure of the imageZ0of the corresponding projective bundleP:=P(T(Z0))under the corresponding map. One sees that ifZ=Pg−1, thenWis dense inH0(A,Ω1A).

Suppose thatZ =Pg−1, i.e.,dimZ< g−1. Letp∈ Zbe a general point, thendimZ< g−1 implies that the corresponding fiber Pp is positive dimensional. Consider now the projection π:P →Z0and the subvarietyZpgiven by the closure ofπ(Pp)∩Z0⊂A; one has


For general x∈Zp, one has for Lp the line corresponding to p that Lp ⊂Tx(Z) and so Tx(Zp)⊂Tx(Z)⊂Hp:=Lp. It follows thatZpgenerates a proper abelian subvarietyApA.

This is a contradiction, soW=H0(A,Ω1A). 2

COROLLARY 3.2. – LetX be a projective variety andα:X→Aa morphism to a simple abelian variety. IfZ:=α(X)=A, then every holomorphic one-form

θ∈αH0 A,1A

⊂H0 X,Ω1X

has a non-empty zero set.

Case II. –albXis surjective.

Notation 3.3. – LetX be a projective variety and letα:X→Abe a surjective morphism to an abelian variety. Let∆⊂Abe the locus whereαis not smooth.

PROPOSITION 3.4. – Under the assumptions of (3.3) assume thatcontains an irreducible divisorDof general type. Then every holomorphic one-formθ∈αH0(A,Ω1A)⊂H0(X,Ω1X) has a non-empty zero set.

Proof. – ConsiderW ⊂H0(A,Ω1A)the set of those holomorphic one-formsθ∈H0(A,Ω1A) such thatαθ∈H0(X,Ω1X)vanishes at some pointx∈X. As above,W is closed and so it suffices to show that it is dense.

ConsiderD0⊂Da (non-empty) open set such that for allz∈D0there is a pointx∈Xzwith rank(dαx) =g−1(cf. [18, III.10.6]) andDis smooth atz. Letx1, . . . , xgbe local coordinates ofAatzsuch thatDis defined byxg= 0andθ=θz∈H0(A,Ω1A)such thatθ(z) =dxg. Then, θspans the subspace Tz(D)⊂H0(A,Ω1A)andθ|D vanishes atzandαθ vanishes at some pointx∈X such thata(x) =z(in fact at any such point withrank(dαx) =g−1). SinceDis of general type, by [15] (cf. [25, (3.9)]), its Gauss map is generically finite and so one sees that the setz|z∈D0} ⊂ W is dense inH0(A,Ω1A). (Reasoning as in the previous proposition, we have thatP ∼=Z0andP →Pg−1is generically finite and so it is dominant.) 2

PROPOSITION 3.5. – Under the assumptions of (3.3) assume that there exists a positive integermsuch thatαX/Am )is big. Thenαis not smooth in codimension one, i.e.,contains a divisor.

Proof. – SinceαmX/A)is big, for any ample line bundleH onA there exists an integer a >0such thatSa⊗mX/A))⊗H−1 is big. Letmk:AkA→Abe multiplication by an integerk, somkis an étale map such thatmkH = (Hk)kwithHkan ample line bundle onAk.


Letg= dimA,r= dimX−dimA, andk= 3r(g1)ma. Further letHk be a divisor onAk such thatOA(Hk)Hk and finally let



mk Sa α



=Sa α


Hk3r(g1)−ma is big (cf. [25, (5.1.1) (d)]) and henceαmX/A)(Hk3r(g1)

)−m is also big. SinceHk is ample,3Hk is very ample. LetCbe a curve obtained by intersectingg−1general elements in

|3Hk|andA :=Hk3r(g−1)|C. Then

degωC= (g1)(3Hk)g and degA = 3r(g1)Hk·(3Hk)(g1)=rdegωC. LetY = (α)1(C)andh=α|Y :Y →C. Ifαis smooth in codimension one, thenαis smooth in codimension one and sohis smooth. Since

α ωXm/A

Hk3r(g−1)−mC=h ωY /Cm


it follows thathmY /C)⊗Amis also big and hence ample. By [28, Proposition 4.1] (with δ= 0,s= 0), one has

degA <dim(Y /C) degωC=rdegωC. This is impossible and henceαis not smooth in codimension one. 2

Proof of Theorem 1.4. – SinceAis simple, by [27, 10.9] (cf. [25, Theorem 3.7]) any proper subvariety ofA is of general type. By (3.2) we may assume thatalbX:X →A is surjective.

Then by (3.4), we may assume thatalbX is smooth in codimension one (again using [27, 10.9]

to see that every divisor is of general type).

Now let X →Z →A be the Stein factorization of albX. Then Z →A is smooth and hence étale in codimension one, so Z is birational to an abelian variety. It follows that Z is birational toA andalbX:X→A is an algebraic fiber space. Since X is of general type, (albX)X/Am ) = (albX)mX)is big for somem >0, but by (3.5) this is impossible. 2


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(Manuscrit reçu le 4 novembre 2004 ; accepté le 16 décembre 2004.)

Christopher D. HACON University of Utah, Department of Mathematics, 155 South 1400 East, Room 233,

Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA E-mail: hacon@math.utah.edu http://www.math.utah.edu/~hacon

Sándor J. KOVÁCS University of Washington, Department of Mathematics, 354350, Seattle, WA 98195, USA E-mail: kovacs@math.washington.edu http://www.math.washington.edu/~kovacs


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