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National Reports of the National Committees for the IHP


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National Reports

of the National Committees for the IHP

(February 1995 - August 1996)

IHP-V 1 Technical Documents in Hydrology 1 No. 12 UNESCO, Paris, 1997



The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout the publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status

of any country, territory, city or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.




The Secretariat of the International Hydrological Programme is very pleased to present the first volume of National Reports of the Member States of IHP under the Technical Documents in Hydrology Series. The National Reports were originally requested from the National Committees of the Member States by the IHP Secretariat for distribution at the Twelfth Session of the Intergovernmental Council of the IHP (Paris, 23-28 September 1996). It was then planned to ultimately publish the collection of National Reports and this volume represents the intended output.

The National Reports cover the activities for the intersessional period between the eleventh and twelfth sessions of the Intergovernmental Council (February 1995- August 1996). The Secretariat suggested a common structure for the report to facilitate the review and the sharing of experiences between Member States of the IHP and to have a more complete and systematic information of on going activities. In this volume there are 57 National Reports representing 61 countries (there is only one report for the five Nordic Countries); 43 are in English, 7 in French and 7 in Spanish.

The texts of the National Reports reproduced in this volume stand exactly as submitted by the Member States, except for minor editing in some cases, exclusively for presentation purposes. Thus, the contents of the reports have not been modified by the Secretariat of the IHP and remain the sole responsibility of the respective National Committees.

The Secretariat hopes to have put at the disposal of specialists and the general public a set of reports which will prove useful to learn about IHP activities of each country, within their confines and internationally. The Secretariat sincerely wishes that this publication will not only enhance the interest in the hydrological sciences and in water resources management issues, but that it will contribute to foster co-operative ventures in the subject at a national, regional and international level. It is expected that the volume of collected National Reports will become a biennial publication.



The following countries submitted reports, which are reproduced in this volume. All the reports are in English. except where otherwise indicated (F: French, S: Spanish). There is a combined Nordic Countries report for Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.The reports are presented in the order listed below.

Algeria (F) Argentina(S) Australia Austria Belgium Canada Chile (S) China

Colombia (S) Croatia

Czech Republic

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Denmark - See Nordic Countries

Egypt Estonia

Finland - See Nordic Countries France (F)

Georgia Germany Ghana Guinea (F) Hungary

Iceland - See Nordic Countries India

Indonesia Iran Israel Japan Jordan Kenya Lebanon (F)

Malaysia Mauritius Mexico (S) Namibia Nepal

The Netherlands Nordic Countries

Norway - See Nordic Countries Pakistan

Panama (S)

Papua New Guinea Peru (S)


Republic of Korea Romania

Sao Tome and Principe (F) Senegal (F)

Slovenia Spain (S) Sri Lanka The Sudan

Sweden - See Nordic Countries Syria

Thailand Tunisia (F) Turkey Uganda Ukraine

United Kingdom Viet Nam Yugoslavia




Notre pays suit avec un grand interit les activites qui sont menees dans Ie cadre du programme hydrologique international notamment celles relatives :

l L’evaluation du bilan hydrique et de la determination de ses composantes.

Notre pays. caracterise par un climat aride et semi aride ou I’hydrologie des regions steppiques et sahariennes demeure ma1 connue. Ceci est du essentiellement a la complesite des terrains et aux moyens inadequats pour effectuer des mesures de donnees hydro- pluviometriques .

Le developpement des villes, la fixation des populations et les activites agricoles dans ces regions font que la demande en eau ne cesse de croitre.

La connaissance des potentialites en eau dans ces zones est une necessite dans I’orientation et I’optimisation des investissements en amenagements hydrauliques (forages - retenues..).

C’est dans ce cadre que notre pays a lance une etude “d’ivaluation des ressources en eau dans les regions steppiques ” ou les processus hydrologiques, en particulier les conditions de realimentation. d’evaporation et d’evapotranspiration seront ttudiees.

De nouvelles techniques d’investigation seront utilisees telles que la teledetection, I’imagerie satellitaire et I’acquisition des donnees hydroclimatologiques.

La duke prevue du projet est de 5 annees

Cette etude peut constituer un cas du theme 5 ” Gestion integree des ressources en eau dans les zones arides et semi arides ” du programme hydrologique international ou I’AlgCrie peut se presenter comme un panenaire potentiel dans ce projet.

l Moyens de faire face a la penurie d’eau.

En general, le regime hydrologique en Algerie est celui des zones semi-aride mediterraneen a precipitations intenses et fortes en hiver et une longue periode de secheresse pratiquement sans pluie de Juin a Septembre.

Les oueds ont un regime torrentiel se caracterisant par un Ctiage prononce entre chaque true et prolonge aboutissant pour certains a un tarissement complet pendant fete.

Notre pays connait aussi des periodes de secheresse repetitives relativement longues et se\ &es.


Cette situation preoccupante a laquelle est confronte none pays pour une meilleure gestion de nos ressources en eau, nous incite d’une part : a effectuer a chaque fois une reactualisation de nos potentialites en eau aussi bien superficielles que souterraines. d’autre part a effectuer des previsions a I’echelle de I’evenement, a I’echelle mensuelle et aussi sur la prevision de la secheresse.

Des outils methodologiques de previsions hydrologiques ont

ete developpes et mis a la disposition des gestionnaires et des planificateurs pour une meilleur gestion de la ressource.

Ces outils, dans un grand nombre de cas. ont donne des resultats probants. cependant ils demeurent insuffisants par le manque d’information hydroclimatologique a temps reel et aussi par I’absence de donnees sur les variations atmospheriques.

Une collaboration avec les pays mediterraneen dans ce domaine est tres attendue.

l Etiages et leur regionalisation (FRIEND AMHY - theme II).

En effet I’irregularite interannuelle et saisonniere des ecoulements qui constitue une caracteristique des regions hydrologiques en zone semi aride a ete aggravee ces demieres annees par une secheresse pseudo persistante Cette situation incite de plus en plus le planificateur et le gestionnaire d’ouvrages hydrauliques a effectuer des previsions a court ou a moyen terme. des debits afm d’assurer une repartition optimale des ressources en eau entre les differents utilisateurs.

L’irrigation et I’alimentation en eau potable des populations constituent I’essentiel de la demande dont l’importance est beaucoup plus sensible en periode d’etiage.

Aussi s’avere t’il necessaire de disposer d’outils methodologiques de prevision des basses eaux dont les resultats de calcul serviront de criteres de choix et de prise de decision

C’est dans ce but que notre pays a manifeste son desir de s’integrer dans le group:

FRIEND AMHY theme11 “Regionalisation des Etiages”.

Le sujet ” Regionalisation des etiages dans la region Nord Ouest de I’Algerie ” a ete traite dans ce cadre.

Des tests methodologiques preliminaires ont Cte appliques: la predetermination des etiages a I’aide des concepts QDF ainsi que leur prevision a I’aide des tarissements.

Cette etude que nous comptons poursuivre pour toute I’AlgCrie du I\jord en collaboration avec le groupe FRIEND AMHY aura pour resultat une cartographic des caracteristiques d’etiages.

l L’trosion et envasement des barrages

Notre pays a entrepris durant la decennie 1980, un programme ambitieus de mobilisation des ressources en eaux superficielles . Cependant le phenomine de I’erosion et des transports en sediments est tres repandu en zone mediterraneenne. II touche particulierement I’Algirie au niveau des potentialites en eau et en sol.

- Degradation des sols.

- Encasement rapide des retenues et reduction de leur duke de vie.


Pour apprehender ce phenomene. il est necessaire :

- D’approfondir la connaissance des mecanismes de I’apport et du transport solide. en fonction des vpes de terrains, de vegetation et de I’utilisation des sols et de le quantifier.

- De detinir les interventions appropriees (amenagements) pour gerer I’apport en sediment a I’amont ou a I’aval des barrages.

- D’effectuer des previsions d’envasement de retenues.

C’est dans ce sens que notre pa)s a lance un projet d’etude de transport solide en collaboration avec le PNUD. intitule ” Modelisation des Transports Solides d’un tours d’eau en tant qu’outil de prevision de I’envasement d’une retenue “.

La duke prevue du projet et de 3 ans.

L’Algerie tres preoccupee par ce phenomene et de ses consequences graves sur les potentialites en eau et en sol. Elle est disposee a mettre son experience au service du PHI et a apporter sa contribution et sa collaboration dans le traitement de ce phenomene dans les regions semi-aride.

l Ressources en eau souterraines menacees.

Notre pays a connu ces dew demieres decennies un developpement important dans Ie domaine de I’urbanisme et industriel. aussi un accroissement notable dans la pratique des cultures intensives.

Ces activites conjuguees avec le probleme de la secheresse et les prelevements excessifs des eaux souterraines ont engendre une degradation dans la qualite de I’eau de nos ressources aussi bien superficielles que souterraines (presence de composes mineraux et orzaniques).

Pour assurer une suneillance optimale de nos ressources en eau un reseat1 d’obsewation a ete mis en place afin de pouvoir :

- effectuer un inventaire de contamination des eaux souterraines et suivre sa distribution spatiale,

- etudier les phenomtnes qui se produisent entre les eaux de surfaces et les eaux souterraines.

- determiner la vulnerabilite des ressources aux differentes composantes chimiques et organiques et la detection des tendances en cas de contamination des resenes d’eaux.

Un certain nombre de travaux ont ete realises dans le cadre de ce projet.

- quantification de la salinite et analyse des differentes composantes chimiques - evaluation de la qualite des eaux superficielles.



Comite National para et Programa Hidrologico lntemacronal de la Republica Argentina (CONAPHI)

Personal pennanente

Presidente Prof. MSC. Ing. Victor POCHAT

Secretano Tecnico Prof. Ing. J. Marcel0 GAVIN0 NOVILLO Coordinadora Prof. Geog. Maria Josefa FIORITI

Direcckn Hipolito Yrigoyen 250, piso 11, oficina 1110 1310 Buenos Aires -ARGENTINA

Tel: (+!X 1) 3497683/4/5 Fax: (+64.1) 349-7596

E-mail: conapi@meyosp.mecon.ar 1. Actividades realizadas en el period0 enero 1995 - aaosto 1996.

1.1 Reuniones del Cornit National para el PHI.

1.1.1 Decisiones concemientes a la composition del Comite National del PHI.

El Comite National esta integrado par los organismos que se ocupan de 10s recursos hidticos de las diferentes unidacles jurisdiccionales (Nadti y Provincias), entes interprovinciales e intemadonales.

Muchos de 10s miembms del Comite et-an empresas del Estado que fueron pnvatizadas, por ello este a considerad& la figure con la que serian incorporados los nuevos actores.

La Presidencia la ocupa un funcionario de la Subsecretaria de Recwsos Hidticos que es la institudbn del m&i alto nivel en la materia hid&a; la Vicepresidencia y la Secretan’a es ocupada par las pmvincias y los organismos nacjonales respectivamente. rotando anualmente entre esas institudones.

1.1.2 Estado de actividades del PHI - Cuarta Fase

1.1.3 Decisiones concemientes a ta contribu&n/participadon en el PHI-Quinta Fase El CONAPHI postul6 a 62 profesionates para integrar 10s grupos de trabajo (se amplia en 1.2.2.)

1.2 Actividades a nivel nacionat dentro del marw del PHI.

1.2.1 Certamenes cientificos y ttknicos nac.ionalesk=les.

1.2.2 Participaciti en Comites de DirecciixJGn@os de Trabajo del PHI.

l Partidpad(m de expertos argentinos

Provectoq.4. ‘E&tegias para la evaluation y gestitKl de los recursos hidrims en condiciones de cambio clim&ko mundial de ongen antropogenico’. Miembm de Enlake: Omar tucero

pmv&o 2.2. l pt-ocesos de sedimentation en acuiferos y deltas’. Miembro del Grupo de Trabajo: Atfonso Pujd

Provecto 8.1. ‘E$caciti formal a todos los niveles’. Miembro del Grupo de Trabajo:

Raljl Lopardo.

1.2.3 Proyectos de investigackjn o de apticacion apoyados o patrocinados.

Tema 2: Procesos ecohidmlr5gicos en el medio ambiente de superficie.

a) Provecto 2.1: Vegetation, UtilizacicKl d_e las Gems y procesos de erosion

. ‘Proyecto de sistematizacion de la wenca del Rio Grande’. Provincia de Jujuy.

Cc@ribuci6n aceptada coma estudio de Case paf’a la Quinta Fase del PHI 1


b) Provecto 2.3. lnteracclones entre Sistemas fluvlales. zonas de mundacron y humedales

l “Plan Drrector de la Cuenca del Lago L&x/Rio Hua-Hum”.

Contribution aceptada corn0 estudio de case para la Quinta Fase del PHI.

l ‘Reserva de Biosfera Parque Atlantiw Mar Chiquita” (Provincia de Buenos Aires)

Componente eco-hidrolcgica aceptada wmo estudio de case para la Quinta Fase del PHI.

Proyecto PHI/MAB.

c) Tema 4: Estrategias para la gestion de /OS recursos hidriux en situaciones de emergencia y conflicto.

Proyecto 4.1: Sistemas hidnws intemacionales.

l ‘Estudios y caractenzacion de 10s recursos hidriws wmpartidos con la Republica de Chile (entre paralelos 390 y 516~)”

Trabajo realizado con la Universidad National de La Plata.

Posible conttibucion al Proyecto FRIENDS - Sud America para la Quinta Fase PHI.

d) Sistema National de Information Hidrica.

l Implementackn de la base de datos alfanumerica y grtifica sabre 10s recursos hidnws de la Argentina (Escala 1:2.500.000) basado en un GIS.

e) Provecto 4.3: Medidas no esttucturales que pent-titan afrcntar 10s problemas de gestion del agua.

l “Plan Maestro de Gestion de 10s Rewrsos Hidriws en la Repliblica Argentina”.

Elaboration del Diagtistiw Preliminar con la participacicxl de 10s Gobiemos Nacionai y Provinciales:

1.2.4 Colaboracion con otras organizaciones o programas nacionales e intemacionales.

a) Asociacion de Ciencias Hidrologicas (IAHS-IUGG) 1. Secretano Tecniw del PHI de Argentina wmo

Vicepresidente de la Comision lntemacional de Erosion Continental (ICCE - IAHS) 2. Vicepresidencia ICGW Oswr Natale

3. Vicepresidencia ICWQ. Eduardo Usunoff

b) Comite lntemacional del Medio Ambiente Lacustre (ILEC) Adhesion con un Cat&go de Lagos y Embalses de la Argentina c) Comision lntemacional de Riego y Drenaje (ICID)

Se wnstituiti el Comite National de Argentina

d) Grupo lntergubemamental del Cambio Climatiw (IPCC)

e) lnstituto Europe0 del Agua, de 10s Recursos, del Acondicionamiento y del Desarrollo, para el Plan sabre Gestion de 10s Recursos Hidnws

1.2.5 Otras iniciativas.

. IX Congreso National del Agua. La Plats. 1995

. Red de Investigation y Gestiw Ambiental de la Cuenca del Rio de la Plats . Di&go Interamertcano so&e Administrackn de Aguas

1.3 Curses academiws o de adiestramiento.

1.3.1 Contribution a curses del PHI

VI Curso lntemacional de Hidrologia General con Aspectos Ambientales.

Perteneciente a la red de UNESCO.

Desanollado entre mayo y octubre de 1996.

Contb con 18 becarios: 5 argentinos, 1 italiano y 12 provenientes de distintos paises latinoamenwnos.

Las sedes academicas del Curso son:



Unrversrdad Nacronal del Litoral Universidad National de La Plata Unrversidad National de San Juan 1.3.2 Organizacion de curses especificos.

1.3.3 Participation en curses del PHI.

1.4 Publicaciones.

Cat&go de Lagos y Embalses de la Argentina*

1.5 Participation en certamenes cientificos intemacionales.

1.51 Certamenes realizados en el pais.

l Primer Seminano de Organismos de Cuencas Hidricas del Area Mercosur, Chile y Bolivia.

San Carlos de Bariloche. 22-24 de matzo de 1995. Asistencia del Presidente y Secretario Tecniw del CONAPHI.

1.52 Participation en certamenes en el extranjero

l Reunion del Comite Chileno pat-a el PHI sabre Regiones Aridas. Antofagasta. Matzo de 1995. Participation de la Coordinadora del CONAPHI

l “Application of Geographic Information Systems in Hydrology and Water Resources Management’, HYDRO GIS 96 Conference. Vienna, Austria, 1619 de abril de 1996.

Asistencia del Secretano Tecniw del CONAPHI.

l Conferencia sobre Evaluation y Estrategias de GestitKl de Recursos Hidricos en America Latina y El Caribe, 6-11 de mayo de 1996. OMMIBID. Participation del Presidente del CONAPHI.

1.6 Otras actividades a nivel regional.

1.6.1 RelacionesIwoperacion institutionales.

l Participaoion en 10s Proyectos Regionales PHI-UNESCO 0 Balance Hidriw de America del Sur

l Digitalizacion de 10s mapas tematiws del Balance Hidrico superficial de America Latina.

Proyecto ejecutado por el Centro lntemacional de Agricultura Tropial (CIAT) por Acuerdo UNESCOF’NUMA

l Mapa Hidrogedogiw de America del Sur

l Comite Academiw Aguas, de la Asociacitk de Universidades Grup de Montevideo (Merwsur)

l Directotio de Hidrdlogos e Hidrogeologos de America Latina y el Caribe UNESCO/ORCM

l Reuniones:

- Entre el lngeniero Humber-to Perk Torrealba (Presidente del Comite Chileno para el PHI y Director General de Aguas de Chile) y el lngeniem Marcel0 Gavifio Novillo (Secretario Tecniw CONAPHI - Argentina). Santiago, Chile (05/06/95).

1.6.2 Proyectos cientifiws wnctuidos y en marcha.

a) Balance Hidriw de la Reptiblica Argentina. Cartas 1:5.ooO.000: Precipitation Media Anual. Caudales Medios Mensuales, Evatranspiracion Media Anual y Temperatura media Anual.

b) Proyecto Regional Mayor para la Utilizacion y Consetvacion de Recursos Hidriws en las Areas Rurales de Amkica Latina y El Canbe.

’ http:/ti.mewn.ar/lagos/ind.htm


.----___- --



2. Actwdades futuras

2.1 Actividades previstas hasta diciembre de 1997

F r

r 1




4 L







!- 13/09/96

!3-28109t96 1248/10/96 wa/io/96

(196 I/l l/96 t-16/1 l/96 12-16/l l/96

u/96 Q/96

I I 97

07n I 1197 III I97

Actividad lnstituciones vinculadas

III Cur-so de Posgrado sobre Evaluation CONAPHI - Argentina

de Impactos Ambientales Facultad Latin0 Americana de Ciencfas Ambientales. Catedra UNESCO I UNITWIN Participation de la 121 Sesion del

Consejo lntergubemamental del PHI - Paris

Asistencia 6.4’ Reunion Anual del l ICOLD Comite lntemacional de Grandes . CoNAPHl Presas - Santiago, Chile

“Taller final del Proyecto de l Contribucitm al Proyecto 2.1 de la Quinta Sistematizackkt de la Cuenca del Rio Fase

Grande - Provincia de Jujuy” 9 Proyecto ICCE (IAHS) Eiaboracion del document0 de sintesis

‘Red Basica National de Informa&n Hidrica de la Republic-a Argentina”

lnicio de Proyecto

Celebrach de 10s SO adios UNESCO

VI Curso de Capacitackjn Tecnica en . INCyTH-CONAPHI Mediciones Hidrologicas y Tratamiento

de Datos

‘Participation en el Congreso National . Comite Permanente de los Congresos del Agua”. San Martin de 10s Andes, Nacionales del Agua

Pcia. del Neuquen l Direccirkr de Recunsos Hidrologiws

Seminario especial CONAPHI /DNRH (Provincia del Neuquen)

uTransporte de sedimentos en cuencas l Laboratorio de Hidtilica Aplicada - INCyTH de alta pendiente” l Proyecto ICCE (IAHS)

lnicio de Proyecto

*Estudio y caracterizacion de 10s . Municipalidad de San Martin de los Andes Recursas Hidricos wmpartidos con l Administrackn de Parques Nacionales

Chile” l Gobiemo de la Provincia de Santa Cruz

(a) Estudio Particular de la Fragilidad l Universidad National de La Plata de la Cuenca de! Lago L&x - Rio Hua- l

Hum (Neuquen) Proyecto ICCE - ICSW (IAHS)

(b) Estudio de 10s recunsos hidnws de la cuenca del Rio Vizcachas

lnicio de Proyecto

‘Reselva de Biosfera Paque Atlantiw l Laboratorio de Hidraulica Aplicada - INCyTH

Mar Chiquita’ . FlACAM

Estudios Hidr&.rlico-Hidrolhiws-Ecolfi l Universidad National de La Plata

gicos l Centro de Geologia de Costas

Celebraciw de 10s 20 atios del CONAPHI

“Reunion Final” - Plan Director de las l Municipalidad de San Martin de 10s Andes Subcuencas de 10s Arroyos Trabunw l Proyecto ICCE (IAHS)


San Martin de los Andes (Neuquen) 22 y 31103197 Celebration del Dia International y

National del Agua

I VI97 Taller intemo sobre el Evaluation del l IADO-IAPSO-CONAPHI impact0 del Ascenso del Nivel del Mar

v I 97 VII curso lntemacional de Hidrologia l Universidades Nacionales del Litoral. La General con Aspectos Ambientales Plata y San Juan

(mayo-octubre) lnicio



VII I97 4-8Nlll/97 IX/97 2713 1 lXJ97



“Taller sobre transporte de sedimentos . Laboratono de Hidraulica Apkada - INCyTH en cuencas con alta pendiente” l Univenstdad National de Jujuy

l Universidad National de Salta


l Univenidad de Padua (Italia) Reunion del Comite National Argentino l Miembros CONAPHI

para el PHI

Congreso lntemacional sobre Aguas l Asociacion Universidades Grupo de Montevideo

Presentation del Programa de Nieves y l lnstituciones varias Hielos - CONAPHI

7a. Conferencia lntemacional sobre l ILEC Conservacih y Manejo de Lagos, San . INC~TH

Martin de 10s Andes (NeuquCn) l lnstituto Argentina de Recursos Hidriws

l Municipalidad de San Martin de 10s Andes

‘Cur-so de tecnicas de modelacick de l Universidad National de La Plata lmpactos Ambientales” (1 semana) l Universidad National de Salta

l Laboratorio de Hidtiulica Aplicada

l Administrackk de Paques Naciona-les

“Conclusion del VII Cur-so International de Hidrologia con Aspectos Ambient&

2.2 Actividades planificadas para 1998 - 1999.

l Publication de actividades desarrolladas para la Quinta fase del PHI

l Cur-so Intemacional de Hidrologia General con Aspectos Ambientales ‘Ing. Mario Claudio Fuschini Mejia” (mayooctubre de 1999)

l IV Cur-so de Posgrado sabre Evaluackn de lmpactos Ambientales CONAPHI / FLACAM (1998)

l ImplementaciCKI de la Red Basica National de Informaciti Hidnca

l Evaluacibn integrada de los recursos hidricos de la Rep6Mica Argentina en escala 1500.000 (Balance Hidriw)

l Estudio particulanzado de la Cuenca del Rio Puelo

l Estudio de 10s recursos hidnws de la Tierra del Fuego

l Implementaci6n del Sistema Coordinado de Planificaciixl Hidrica (Gobiemo National - Gobiemos Prwinciales)

2.3 Actividades planifkadas para 2000 - 2001 Continuation de actividades item 2.2.

Nota: Lamentamos informar que el 4 de matzo de 1998 fallecio el Ing. Mario Claudia Fuschini Mejia, quien fuera durante varies adios Presidente del Comite National, habiendo ocupado la Vicepresidencia del Consejo Intergubemamental.




1. Activities undertaken in the period January 1995 to August 1996 1.1 Meetings of the IHP National Committee

IHP activities in Australia are carried out under the guidance of the national UNESCO Science and Technology Network. As Australia’s joint representatives on the IHP Council, Mr Tony Falkland and Mr Bruce Stewart are members of the Science and Technology Network. In order to facilitate the implementation of UNESCO activities in Australia. a national UNESCO IHP Australian network has been established and this in effect acts as the IHP National Committee for Australia.

1.1.1 Decisions regarding the composition of the IHP National Committee

The UNESCO IHP Australian Network, established in mid 1995, includes the following members:

Name Expertise

Tony Falkland Bruce Stewart Russell Mein Ian Cordery Ray Volker Peter Dillon Trevor Daniel1 Peter Martin

Island Hydrology

Water Resources Assessment Flood/Yield Hydrology Flood/Drought Hydrology Groundwater


Urban/Flood Hydrology Public Relations

Organization ACT Electricity and Water Bureau of Meteorology

CRC for Catchment Hydrology University of New South Wales University of Queensland Centre for Groundwater Studies University of Adelaide

CSIRO 1.1.2 Status of IHP-IV activities

Whilst Australia has had limited direct involvement in IHP-IV projects. the level of research carried out in Australia in many of the project areas is high. An evaluation of papers presented at the 1996 Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium held in Hobart. 21-24 May 1996. indicates some specific areas of research of direct relevance to the IHP-IV, Hydrological Research in a Changing Environment, themes:

Theme 1: Water Balance


Urban hydrology

The urban water balance - an approach to evaluating the potential uses of stormwater and wastewater, Mitchell, McAfahon and Me in.

Elements of the urban water cycle - a review, &gent and Langford.

Roof runoff data acquisition and analysis, Chapman and Salmon.


Feasibility of GPT construction in established urban catchments, Zaman and Kandasamy.

Effects of land use change on hydrological processes

On model identification for catchments undergoing land use change, Mroczkowski an’d Kuczera.

----___ - ---__-


Geomorphology of the Lower Hunter River, NSW, managing the legacy of the past, Thomas and Druery.

Dryland salinity management in South-west Western Australia - a hydrological and economic assessment of alternative land-use options, Gomboso, Ghassemi, Hercler and Jakeman.

Irrigation - of the brink?. .Schoj?eld.

Developing an optimal strategy for monitoring nutrients in an agricultural watershed. Bobbi and Fuller.

Determining key sediment sources within a rural catchment, Lloyd, Bishop, Goldrick and Wong.

Experimental observation of interception on the forest floor, Putuhena and Cordery.

Theme 2: Water related hazards


Groundwater contamination

Remediation of contaminated groundwater, Nataatmadja.

Groundwater quality: human impact on a hidden resource, Bauld.

Nutrient hydrogeochemistry of Lord Howe Island, Smith and Eyre; also relevant to hydrology of small islands (Theme 1 (f)).

Theme 3: Systems modelling


River water quality

A new daily model of flow and solute transport in the River Murray, Close.

Using neural networks to model the behaviour of water quality parameters, Wundke and Daniell.

Pesticides - an emerging issue for water and the environment, Schofield and Simpson.

Application of GIS and remote sensing in stream turbidity modelling, Sadek, Gippel, McMahon, Wang, Hart and Finlayson.


Drought analysis and forecasting

Arid zone hydrology: Pilbara region of Western Australia.


Development of a drought forecasting procedure to aid water supply management, Nathan and Erlanger.

Water supply risk and community losses - a drought management case study, Weinmann and Erlanger.

El-Nino/Southem Oscillation and the hydroclimatology of Australia, Chiew, McMahon, Dracup and Srikanthan.


Real time flood forecasting models

Rainfall based real-time forecasting using artificial neural networks, Pannell, Daniel1 and Walker.



1.1.3 Decisions regarding contribution to/participation in IHP-V

The establishment of the UNESCO IHP Australian Network has brought together most of the key hydrological research groups within Australia. As such. Australia will be able to contribute towards IHP-V through the research programs currently existing in Australia. Already, the CRC for Catchment Hydrology has agreed to provide copies of their publications direct to UNESCO for use in associated projects. Some examples of the publications produced to date include:

A review of the methods for estimating area1 reduction factors for design rainfalls, Srikanthan, 9513.

A bibliography of urban stormwater quality, Duncan, 95/S.

Soil and litter evaporation beneath re-growth and old-growth Mountain Ash forest, McJannet et al, 96/l.

A review of scale hydrology, Lacey, 95/l.

Survey into perceptions of codes of forest practice, 0 ‘Shaughnessy, 9512.

Comparison of two adaptive unit hydrograph methods for real-time flood forecasting, Srikanthan, Sooriyakumaran. Elliott and Hill, 9612.

13 .- Activities at a national level in the framework of the IHP 1.2.1 National/local scientific and technical meetings

The 23rd Institution of Engineers, Australia, Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium with the theme, Water and the Environment, was held in Hobart, Tasmania from 2 l-24 May 1996. The proceedings, comprising 90 papers and 25 poster papers, were pre-published in two volumes. Some of the papers presented are identified above. The next (24th) Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium will be held 24-28 November 1997 in Auckland, New Zealand and its theme will be, Focusing on Urban Development and a Sustainable Environment.

1.2.2 Participation in IHP Steering Committees/Working Groups

The following Australian experts have been included on IHP-V Steering Committees/Working Groups:

Dr Tom Hatton Project 2.1 Vegetation, land use and erosion processes

Dr V Snow Project 3.3 Role of unsaturated zone

processes in groundwater supply quality Dr Munna Sharma Project 3.5 Agriculture Threats to Groundwater Resources Dr Ian Corder-y Project 5.4 Coping with water scarcity

Dr David Lamb Project 6.1 Hydrological processes and water management in the humid tropics environment and other warm humid regions.

Prof. Bob Wasson Project 6.2 Land use, deforestation, erosion and sedimentation in the humid tropics

Mr Peter Martin Project 8.4 Public Awareness issues related to Hydrology


12.3 Research/applied projects supported or sponsored

Three hydrology projects (i) catchment deforestation, (ii) a fresh groundwater-lens recharge study and (iii) a groundwater pollution study are currently being or about to be implemented in the South Pacific Islands. The first study, which is in the planning stage, will look at the effects of logging on a water catchment in the Solomon Islands.

Training of national and regional counterparts and community development are major features. Mr Bob Curry, NIWA, New Zealand prepared the initial project outline and Mr DOM Tolia, Ministry of Energy, Water and Mineral Resources is the senior local counterpart. Current activity includes the selection of sites to be studied.

The second project will help to estimate more accurately the recharge to groundwater in an atoll environment. The location of the study area is Bonriki Island. Tarawa, Kiribati. Dr Ian White, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia is the main consultant for UNESCO, with assistance from Mr Tony Falkland, ACTEW, Canberra. Mr Taboia Metutera of the Ministry of Works and Energy is the senior national counterpart.

Under a UNESCO contract, SOPAC will arrange equipment and additional technical support with the main field work to be undertaken in mid 1996. The Australian IHP contributed financially to this project through the purchase of some equipment and computer software.

The third project is investigating groundwater flow and pollution and develop better guidelines for the spacing of latrines and groundwater wells for Pacific Island communities. Lifuka Island, Haapai group, Tonga is the study site. Input to the project will be from Dr Peter Dillon, CSIRO, Adelaide, Australia and Mr Lindsay Fumess.

Douglas Partners. Brisbane, Australia, with Saomone Helu, Tonga Water Board the senior local counterpart. Both of the latter two projects concern trial applications of science in the field and include training and community education components.

Specific hydrological issues being addressed include salt-water intrusion, land-use and Lvaste management. Also, community attitudes to water are important and thus social science components of the projects have been included.

12.4 Collaboration with other national and international organizations/programmes Internationally developed guidelines on water resources assessment were published by UNESCO and WMO in 1988, in the form of the document K’uter-Resource Assessment Activities, Handbook for National Evaluation (the English version was

issued in 1988 and the French and Spanish versions in 1993). It was proposed that the use of this guidance could lead to a certain degree of uniformity in approach between countries, something that would be very helpful in the development of regional and international cooperation with regard to water resource assessment. Since this time the methodology has been applied extensively, in particular in Latin American and African countries.

The recent developments in water resources assessment and management, in particular following the International Conference on Water and Environment and UNCED, have resulted in the need to review and revise the existing publication and in particular to make it a more user friendly handbook. In July 1995, UNESCO and WMO established a group of experts charged with the responsibility of revising the UNESCO/WMO Water Resources Assessment - Handbook for review of national capabilities. Mr Bruce Stewart of Australia is a member of thisgroup of experts. The update was also been requested as supporting background material to the activities on the Global



Water Resources Assessment being undertaken in response to a request by the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD). As part of this process, the methodology has been revised and updated on the basis of applications of the old methodology and increased hydrological knowledge and associated reference material.

The draft revised handbook was sent to a number of WMO and UNESCO member countries in June 1996 seeking review comments by mid-August 1996. The final meeting of the Experts Group has been organised for 2-4 September 1996. at the WMO Secretariat in Geneva. This meeting will address the review comments and suggest final amendments to the current draft.

As one of Australia’s members of the WMO Commission for Hydrology. Mr Stewart provides a link between the UNESCO IHP and WMO’s Operational Hydrology Programme.

1.2.5 Other initiatives

Australia contributed details on two river systems (the Burdekin and Pioneer Rivers in Queensland) for inclusion in the Catalogue of Rivers for Southeast Asia and the Pacific - Volume 1, published by the UNESCO-IHP Regional Steering Committee for Southeast Asia and the Pacific in October 1993. Currently details on two additional rivers (the Todd and East Pinniss Rivers in the Northern Territory) are being compiled for inclusion in the Volume 2.

1.3 Educational and training courses 1.3.1 Contribution to IHP courses

Professor Ray Volker, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Queensland, lectured on hydrological and hydrogeological aspects of groundwater at a computer aided training workshop on Groundwater Contamination held in Manila. Philippines.

l-8 December 1995.

1.3.2 Organization of Specific Courses Nil response.

1.3.3 Participation on IHP courses

A number of international students attended the UNESCO accredited post graduate courses in hydrology and water resources at the following universities/institutions:

University of New South Wales. School of Civil Engineering.

Monash University, Department of Civil Engineering, Victoria

Joint Universities Masters Program (JUMP), Adelaide, South Australia 1.4 Publications

In addition to the CRC for Catchment Hydrology publications provided direct to the UNESCO Secretariat, the following publications have been produced or contributed to:


Report on the IHP Eleventh Session of the Intergovernmental Council, Paris.

30 January to 4 February 1995, A.C. Falkland and B.J. Stelvart, February 1995.

Contribution to the Catalogue of Rivers for Southeast Asia and the Pacific - Volume 1, Takeuchi, Jayatvardena and Takahasi, The UNESCO-IHP Regional Steering Committee for Southeast Asia and the Pacific, October


Rivers and People in Southeast Asia and the Pacific - Australia, B.J. Stewart and A.C. Fulkland, in International Symposium on Rivers and People in Southeast Asia and the Pacific - Partnership for the 21st Centu?. Tokyo.

Japan. 23-27 October 1995.

Proceedings of the IJNESCOISOPACKJNDDSMS Workshop on Pacitic Water Sector Planning. Research and Training, Honiara, Solomon Islands, l-8 June 1994.

1.5 Participation in international scientific meetings 1.5.1 Meetings hosted by Country

Mr B.J. Stewart participated in an Experts Meeting on Advances in Data Collection.

sponsored by the WMO and hosted by the Bureau of Meteorology in Melbourne, November 1995. The meeting provided an opportunity for interaction between international experts, with connections to both WMO and UNESCO, and Australian hydrologists on issues associated with future trends in hydrological data collection.

1.52 Participation in meetings abroad

The UNESCO IHP International Symposium on Rivers and People in Southeast Asia and the Pacific - Partnership for the 2 1st Century was held at the United Nations University, Tokyo. Japan, 23-25 October 1995. The symposium \vas attended by approximately 80 participants from over 12 countries, predominantly from southeast Asia. A paper on Rivers and Water Use in Australia was presented by Mr B.J.


As Chairperson of the Pacific Island UNESCO Hydrology Projects (described in Section 1.2.3 abov,e), Mr A.J. Falkland attended a planning meeting in Suva. Fiji 22- 24 April 1996. The status of the hydrology projects was reviewed at this meeting.

An International Symposium on Comparative Research on Hydrology and Water Resources in Southeast Asia and the Pacific will be held in Yogyakarta. Indonesia. 18- 22 November 1996.

1.6 Other activities at a regional level 1.6.1 Institutional relations/co-operation

The Third Meeting of the IHP Regional Steering Committee for Southeast Asia and the Pacific \vas held at the Yamanashi University, Kofu, Japan, 26-27 October 1995.

Specific issues discussed included the publication of Volume 1 of the Catalogue of Ri\crs for Southeast Asia and the Pacific and the potential for the establishment of an



Asian FRIEND type project. The fourth meeting of the IHP Regional Steering Committee is planned for Yogyakarta. Indonesia, in November 1996.

1.6.2 Completed and ongoing scientific projects

Details of activities under this topic have been covered in the text provided ab0L.e.

These include the Catalogue of Rivers for Southeast Asia and the Pacific and the projects being implemented in the Pacific Island Countries.

3 -. Future Activities

2.1 Activities foreseen until December 1997 Activities foreseen until December 1997 include:

The UNESCO/WMO Water Resources Assessment - Handbook for review of national capabilities will be reviewed by a number of countries. amended accordingly and published by early 1997.

Australia will continue to provide input for additional volumes of the Catalogue of Rivers for Southeast Asia and the Pacific (Volume 2 is due for release in early 1997).

Australia will continue to provide input to the hydrological research projects underway in the Pacific Island countries as required

The UNESCO-IHP Australian Network will make a presentation on IHP activities at the 24th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium to be held 24-28 November 1997 in Auckland. New Zealand.

13 -.- .4ctivities Planned for 1998- 1999

Whilst no specific activities have been identified, Australia will continue to provide input to IHP V as outlined in the report on the Eleventh Session of the IHP Intergovernmental Council, January-February 1995, Paris.

2.3 Activities envisaged for 2000-200 1 Xs per section 2.2 above.



The work of the Austrian National Commit- tee for the International Hydrological Pro- gramme (IHP) of UNESCO is based on the fifth phase of this global scientific research programme. With respect to IHP-V the sci- entific projects, evaluated by foreign experts and financed according to the available budget. are promoted. In addition the Na- tional Committee feels the obligation to promote common h>,drolopical activities in the framwork of the Danube countries.

Scientific projects

Hij 1: Runoff formation in alpine catch- ments

Project /c&r. Prof. R. KIRNBAUER.

Technische Universittit, Vienna

l-10 3: Hydrological functions of partial11 human impacted forest ecosystems Project /e&~: Prof. IH. HAGER. Uniter- sittit fiir Bodenkultur. Vienna

Hii 5: bitrate leaching and ground\\ater recharge - simulation and region- alization

Project leader. Prof. E. KLAGHOFER, Bundesinstitut fir Kulturtechnik und Boden\\asserhaushalt. Petzenkirchen

l-lo 7: Determination of soil erosion pa- rameters

/‘/*r,j~c./ /L’L~&: Prof. A. KLIK. Universitit tiir Bodenkultur. Vienna

Working group

“Regional Co-operation of the Danube Countries in the Field of Hydrology in the

Frame of IHP-UKESCO”

In its third phase the working group is pro- moting a series of projects on the basis ot commonI>, accepted principles. These proj- ects are presented in publications of hi+

qualit,,. At the moment Austria is co- ordinating these activities (Prof. F. Sobilib.

Dr. 0. Behr).


Long-term fluctuations of precipitation iii the Danube basin

Coincidence of the flood flo\~ of the Danube river and its tributaries

Actualisation of the Hydrological ,Llono- graph of Danube ri\,er basin (it ith sub- projects)

Morphological conditions of the Danube channel (\vith sub-projects)

Regional anal>xis ofannual peak discharges H>,drological biblioyaph> related to the Danube ri\,er basin

Contact for requests:

Dr. Gerlinde Schrammel. 6terreichischc Akademie der Wissenschafien. Referat fiil nationale und internationale Forschunzspro- gramme, Dr.-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 3. A- IO 10.

Vienna. Austria: tel.: +43-l-5 15s 177 I. fal:

+43-l -5 15s 1275. e-mail: zer- linde.schrammel/oea\\. ac.at



French and Dutch Versions are available on request 1. Committee Activities during the period January 1995 - August 1996

1.1 Meetings of the Belgian National Committee of the IHP (BNC IHP) 1.1.1 Decisions on the composition of the Committee

The Committee has always, since being in existence, been composed of representatives from scientific laboratories and university laboratories:

from federal or regional ministries and administrations and from organisations and companies with activities related to water. During the period 199596, the Committee consisted of 38 members under the chairmanship of two co-presidents: Mr. ir. D. Brumagne (French- speaking) and Prof. A. Van der Beken (Dutch-speaking). At the Committee meeting on 12 September 1996, Mr. ir. J. Laurent \tas elected as new French-speaking co-president for a period of 3 years.

Mr. J. Laurent is general Inspector of the “Division Etudes et Programmes du Ministere wallon de I’Equipement et des Transports”, responsible for hydraulic and hydrological studies. Professor A. Van der Beken was re-elected for the Dutch-speaking members.

The secretariat of the BNC is supported by the office of the non-profit making European association TECHWARE (TECHnology for WAter REsources) which is based at the Brussels Intercommunal Water Company (C.I.B.E.)

At this meeting, the Committee decided to review it’s composition and to open up the Committee to representatives of interdisciplinary bodies.

1.1.2. Account of activities of IHP-IV

Apart from the individual activities of the Members of IHP-IV, the BNC has been most prominent in IHP-IV on an intermediary basis in the two Postgraduate Hydrology courses and in training courses in Belgium. It must also be noted that during IHP-IV, Belgium \vas a member of the Intergovernmental Council.

1.1.3. Decisions on the contribution to IHP-V

Several Members replied to the appeal to contribute to the IHP-V.

Some Members of the BNC were held back by the IHP-V Bureau for certain themes of the IHP-V.


1.2. National Activities within the framework of IHP

Collaboration with other national or international organisations or programmes

The BNC also channels information from the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and from the European network EurAqua (European Network of freshwater research organisations).

1.3 Education and Training Course

1.3.1. Contribution to the IHP courses

The BNC sponsors two Postgraduate Hydrology courses which are part of the IHP network.

* Le Diplame SpCcial Interuniversitaire en Hydrologie (D.S.I.H.) started in 198 1 and has progressively grovvn, from only having 2 students in it’s first year, to around 30 students in 1990, finally to 50 students currently on the course.

Approximately 80% of these students come from developing countries and the remaining 20% come from European countries.

In relation to the standardisation of European degrees. it was granted that the degree be classified as a Degree in Specialised Studies giving the title D.E.S. in Hydrology.

The programme consists of 4 15 compulsory teaching hours spread over the different parameters of the vvater cycle:

- Hydrometeorology - Agrohydrology

- Hydrology of the unsaturated zone - Surface hydrology

l physiography t runoff

l sediment transport

l hydrometry and metrology . floods and low flows - Hydrogeology

- Hydrochemistry

- Balances and water management models - Legislation


As a follow-on, the students must take 150 optional hours of the course in the fields of:

- Study and prospection of groundwater, including geophysical methods

- Recharge of aquifers

- Mathematical modelling and geo-informatics - Agrohydrology (including irrigation and drainage) - Hydraulic constructions, surface reservoirs, darns....

- Urban hydrology, sewer networks, flood and low flow forecasting - Water supply networks

- Pollution and water treatment - Coastal zones and estuaries - Land use

At the end of the course a dissertation ,of a minimum of 200 hours.

must be presented.

The programme is organised by the Universite de Liege, the Universite Libre de Bruxelles, the Universite Catholique de Louvain and the Faculte des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux, which share among themselves various courses. The Polytechnic Faculty of Mons participates in the programme in the area of optional courses and/or the dissertation.

The degree was recognised from the beginning as 3rd cycle training by the National Foundation of Scientific Research. The programme may be completed in 1 year but is usually carried out over 2 years. It is accessible by university graduates of Faculties of Applied Sciences. of Faculties of Science and of Faculties of Agronomic Science. The acceptance of other graduates may be possible in agreement wit the Scientific Committee responsible for the management of the programme. Possibly, pre-requisite courses may be initiated.

The D.S.I.H. is co-ordinated by the Laboratoires de geology de I’ingenieur, of hydrogeologie et de prospection geophysique de IUniversity de Liege, Facultt des Sciences appliquees.

* The “Interuniversity Programme in Water Resources Engineering” (IUPWARE)

This programme was established in 1994 when the Postgraduate in Hydrology, taught at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) since 1979, and the Postgraduate in Irrigation, taught at the Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven (KUL) since 1981, decided to join together on a single programme. The programme is taught in English with a duration of 2 years: the first year is general for everyone, and is taught at Leuven giving a diploma of advanced studies in “water resources engineering”.

For the second year, the students can choose between the options of

“hydrology”, “irrigation” or “water quality management” The courses are taught in Brussels and Louvain. A research thesis is obligatory and



the student must achieve an MSc degree in Water Resources Engineering. The other Flemish universities work together on the programme. The number of students enrolled for the academic year 1995/96 was 35 in the first year and 25 in the second year of the course.

Each year the percentage of students who come from developing countries is around 80 to 90%.

Furthermore, IUPWARE has agreements of co-operation with A. the

“Posfgrado Interuniversitario “Diploma en Recursos Hidricos” at the Universidad Mayor San Simon (UMSS), Cochamba, Bolivia. The programme is part of a long-term agreement in which the Diploma Recursos Hidricos is a mirror-programme of the first year of IUPWARE. The aim is to develop a complete MSc programme, equivalent to the IUPWARE programme, in the second stage of the co- operation agreement;

B. “International Post-graduate Course on Hydrological Methods of Developing Environmental Management” organised by VITUKI in Budapest (Hungary). The agreement was initiated in 1995/96 and includes 1” funding for participants of countries of Central and Eastern Europe and of the new states of the former Soviet Union, 2” exchanges of teachers and researchers, 3” placements for thesis work, 4” CAL (Computer Aided Learning).

1.3.2. Organisations of specific courses

For the third time the “International Training Course on Management of Information in Science and Technology (hIIST3) with an emphasis on information related to water and the environment” was organised from December 1995 until March 1996 with twelve participants from Africa and Asia. MIST3 is organised by Dr. P. Nieuwenhuysen of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) with the support of the Administration G&r&ale de Cooperation au Developpement (AGCD).

IUPWARE also organised a summer course for the third time. from mid-July to mid-September, entitled “Micro-computer applications in water resources engineering”. This course is particularly geared towards the Alumni IUPWARE. In 1995196 there were 25 participants on this course.

1.5. Participation in international scientific meetings

Dr. G; Demarle, Member of the BNC organised the international conference

“Tropical Climatology, Meteorology and Hydrology - in memoriam F.

Bultot (19241995)“, Brussels, 22-24 May 1996.

This international conference was attended by 150 science experts from Europe, Africa, North, Central and South America and Asia. It was a contribution to the 6th Theme of the IHP: “Hydrology in an humid tropical zone”.



1.6. Other activities at a regional level

The Royal Institute for the sustainable Management of natural resources and the Promotion of clean Technology (IRGT / KINT) was recently created and sponsored a thorough study of floods in Belgium over the past years. Several Members of the BNC took part in this study. In this context it must be pointed out that the Dienst Hydrologisch Onderzoek (DIHO) of the Department Environment / Infrastructure of the Ministry of the Flemish Region as well as the Service d’Etudes hydrologiques (SETHY) of the Ministere wallon de 1’ Equipement et des Transports (M.E.T.) have a constant warning service giving hydrological information working 24 hours a day during flood periods.

Those responsible for these services have recently created, with their counterparts from France and the Netherlands, a “Work Group for the prevention of Floods in the Meuse basin” (G.T.I.M.), notably planned for a large operational programme of European interest.

2. Future Activities

An international symposium on the “Floods of the Meuse” will probably be held in Spring 1998. A second international conference “Tropical Climatology, Meteorology and hydrology (TCMH-2000)” will take place in Brussels, May 2000.

5 --- -








ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN IN THE PERIOD JANUARY 1995 - AUGUST 1996 Meetings of the IHP National Committee

Following the transfer of IHP Secretariat responsibilities to the National Hydrology Research Institute in Saskatoon, progress has been made in organizing the Secretariat, setting-up communications, and carrying out the preliminary steps for re-establishment of the IHP National Committee.

Activities at a national level in the framework of IHP

Canadians are participating on two task forces within the IHP Working Group on Northern Research Basins. Dr. Philip Marsh of the National Hydrology

Research Institute is the Canadian representative on the NRB Task Force on Hydrologic Processes in Climate Models. The objective of the this group is to assess the current land surface/hydrologic schemes in existing models and make recommendations concerning their utility and future development for use in northern regions. Dr. Robert Van Everdingen is the Canadian representative on the NRB Task Force on Water Movement in Frozen Ground

Professor Slobodan Simonovic has completed his contribution to a book to be published as the product IHP-IV project M.4.3. Last revisions will be submitted to the editor and the final draft delivered to the publisher, November 1996.


Selected papers from the IHP Working Group on Northern Research Basins 10th Symposium held at Svalbard were published in the international journal


Hydrology in 1996. Canadian papers made up approximately 45% of the volume. Topics include general northern hydrology, environmental effects of river ice, and thermal processes.

Participation in international scientific meetings

Canada hosted informal meetings with IHP-NRB members in 1995 and 1996.

Dr. K Sand and Dr. A. Killingtveit from Norway attended the Canadian

Geophysical Union - Hydrology Section annual meeting in Banff, before

travelling to the National Hydrology Research Institute to discuss IHP-NRB

activities with Dr. Terry Prowse. Dr. Killingtveit is preparing a course in cold-


regions hydrology and was interested in publications held in the Institute’s research Ii brary.

W ith Dr. Rod Allen of the National Water Research Institute in Burlington,

Ontario taking the lead, Canada is organizing an international workshop as part of the effort to develop an integrated approach to the assessment of global atmospheric deposition of pollutants to lake sediments (Theme 2.4). Initial contacts have been made and a preliminary programme drawn up. The Workshop is planned for 1998/g.

Research conducted on the environmental aspects of river ice through the IHP- NRB has generated considerable international interest as evidenced by a

request to Dr. Terry Prowse , chief Canadian delegate to IHP-NRB to give an invited lecture in Beijing to the IAHR -ICE international meeting on that subject.

The IAHR- ICE Committee is interested in forming a working group on the theme.


2.1 Activities foreseen until December 1997

The Eleventh International Symposium and Workshop of the Working Group on Northern Research Basins will be held in Alaska in August 1997. Results from the two task force committees (see 1.2) will be presented.

W ith the support of Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science,(fellowship program) Professor Slobodan Simonovic will attend the International Conference on Water Resources and Environmental Research: Towards the 21 st Century (supported by IHP) in October 1996 , Kyoto. The participation will involve visits to three Universities, attending the Symposium, presenting an invited lecture at the Workshop on Decision Support for Sustainable Management of Water

Resources, and communications with the working group preparing a special monograph on Criteria for Sustainable Reservoir Development and

Management. Professor Simonovic is invited speaker for the next IAHS Symposium sponsored by IHP in Rabat, Morocco, April 1997.

Under IHP- V, Professor Barbara J. Lence, University of Manitoba (University of British Columbia from January 1997) will participate as a working group member in project 2.1. Professor Slobodan Simonovic, University of Manitoba will participate as a member of a working group in project 4.3, Non-structural Measures for Water Management Problems.

2.2 Activities planned for 1998-1999

International Workshop on Global Atmospheric Deposition of Pollutants to Lake Sediments. (See 1.5 above)

Disponible en franGais sur demande 2





El Comite Chileno del PHI ha desarrollado periodicamente reuniones de trabajo dentro de las cuales se han abordado diferentes temas que se detallan a continuation:

1.1.1 Composition de1 Comite Chileno de1 PHI

En este tema se ha impulsado fuertemente la incorporation de instituciones publicas y academicas al Comite Chileno, desde hate aproximadamente unos dos atios, habiendose logrado incorporar exitosamente diversas instituciones. En la actualidad componen el Comite Chileno 25 instituciones, de las cuales 15 corresponden a organismos que se han integrado recientemente, existiendo un porcentaje importante representativo de Universidades. En Anexo I se presenta la composition actual de1 Comite Chileno del PHI.

1.1.2 Acciones concemientes a la Fase V

En este marco se identificaron siete proyectos en 10s cuales el Comite Chileno ha expresado que existe interis en participar activamente (Proyectos I. I, 1.2, 2.1 , 2.2, 7.1, 7.2 y 7.3)

Vinculadas a estos programas se encuentran en desarrollo diversas investigaciones desarrolladas por Universidades, tal coma se indica en el punto 1.2.3 siguiente.

Por otra parte se han incorporado tres expertos a 10s Grupos de Trabajo, correspondientes a 10s proyectos Contamination de aguas subterrineas debido al desarrollo urbano; Amenazas de origen auicola a 10s recursos hidricos y Procesos hidrologicos en zonas aridas y semiaridas.

Dentro del context0 de la fase V de1 PHI se iniciaron estudios aplicados relacionados con investigation y modelacion recursos hidricos en zonas kidas y semiaridas, asi coma investigaciones especificas dentro de las cuales se intenta mejorar el conocimiento sobre 10s efectos del riego sobre las aguas subterraneas en zonas iidas.

1.2 ACTIVIDADES A NIVEL NACIONAL DENTRO DEL MARCO DEL PHI 1.2.1 Eventos cientificos y tecnicos

Se han organizado diversas actividades atendiendo a las necesidades que surgen en tomo al tema de 10s recursos hidricos; es asi coma en Enero de 1995 el Comite Chileno organizo el Seminario- Taller “La Sequia. Un Enfoque Multidisciplinario” en el cual participaron especialistas del sector


publico. privado y universitario con el proposito de analizar distintos aspectos del problema y proponer lineas de action para prevenir o mitigar sus efectos nocivos.

Por otra parte en Agosto de 1995 se llevaron a cabo las Cuartas Jomadas de Trabajo PHI

“Gesth de Recursos Hidricos en Zonas Aridas” la cual tuvo amplia participation de representantes del sector minero, public0 y academico. En dicho evento se abordaron diversos temas en mas de 30 presentaciones.

En otro orden de ideas se han desarrollado la celebration del Dia Mundial del Agua (22 de Marzo) en el cual se ha contado con la presencia de autoridades nacionales. Dicha celebration se materializa con una exposition audio-visual, realizada en lugares de alta afluencia de publico, donde se presentan aspectos relevantes de labores y actividades relacionadas con el tema.

1.2.2 Participation de Comitis de DirecciWGrupos de Trabajo del PHI

En lo referente a 10s proyectos de la Fase V denominados Contaminacidn de aguas subterraneas debido al desarrollo urban0 (3.4); Amenazas de origen agricola a 10s recursos hidricos (3.j) y Procesos hidroldgicos en zonas aridas y semiaridas (5. I) se han incorporado tres expertos coma miembros en cada uno de 10s respectivos Grupos de Trabajo.

1.2.3 Proyectos de Investigation o Aplicacion

A traves del patrocinio y apoyo de la Comision National de Investigation Cientifica y Tecnologica se encuentran en desarrollo diversas investigaciones que se vinculan estrechamente con las actividades y objetivos del Programa Hidrologico Intemacional. Entre estas destacan 10s siguientes proyectos de investigation (iniciados en 1995 o 1996):

Variaciones recientes de glaciales en el Hielo Patagdnico Sur y su relacidn con cambios climaticos Estudio regional defrecuencia de crecidas

Predictibilidad estacional de anomalias pluviomenicas y termicas en las regiones Norte y Central de Chile.

Variabilidad interanual de1 forzamiento atmosferico de la surgencia en la costa occidental de Sudamerica. Perspectivas para un cambio climatico global.

Como se indico anteriormente se iniciaron estudios aplicados referentes a evaluation y modelacion recursos hidricos en zonas aridas y semiaridas en las cuencas de 10s rios San Jose y Aconcagua, asi coma investigaciones especificas relativas en parcelas experimentales en la cuenca del rio San Jose orientadas al estudio sobre 10s efectos del riego sobre las aguas subterrineas en zonas aridas y proponer recomendaciones para un uso mas eficiente del agua; por otra parte se encuentra en desarrollo un estudio orientado a la evaluation de 10s impactos economicos de sequias hidrologicas.

Por otra parte se encuentra en su fase de termino un programa orientado a proponer tecnicas de disposition de aguas Iluvias urbanas.



Documents relatifs

“superorganisms” controlled by hydrological processes which to a great extent might be modified by biotic responses and interactions, Integrating our understanding of biotic

Several meetings were held at the Department of Agricultural and Water Research (MMAA), for co-ordination of scientific activities in the field of water

7.2 According to study of groundwater regime and analysis of groundwater resources calculation, because groundwater has been strongly and concentrately exploited in

Potential impacts of climate change on various water quality processes (nutrient and volatile toxic contaminants) has been derived based on probable changes in the

Other ideas for management could be given through the Internet, where civil engineers and bioengineers could share their knowledge between similar systems, For

2) el llamamiento hecho por los dirigentes mundiales en la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo (CNUMAD) para reforzar considerablemente

They include socio-cultural - lake waters and aquatic resources vital in supporting the social-cultural systems (including beliefs, rituals, folklore, local

Table 2.2 Status of the hydrometric network in Zambia 15 Table 2.3 General information on the available monthly streamflow data 15 Table 2.4 Summary of simulation results for