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Formation of periodic crack structures in polydiacetylene single crystal thin films


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1989

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Formation of periodic crack structures in polydiacetylene single crystal thin films

J. Berréhar, C. Lapersonne-Meyer, M. Schott, J. Villain

To cite this version:

J. Berréhar, C. Lapersonne-Meyer, M. Schott, J. Villain. Formation of periodic crack struc- tures in polydiacetylene single crystal thin films. Journal de Physique, 1989, 50 (8), pp.923-935.

�10.1051/jphys:01989005008092300�. �jpa-00210968�


Formation of periodic crack structures in polydiacetylene single crystal thin films

J. Berréhar (1), C. Lapersonne-Meyer (1), M. Schott (1) and J. Villain (2,*)

(1) Groupe de Physique des Solides de l’ENS, Université Paris VII, Tour 23, 2 place Jussieu,

75251 Paris Cedex 05, France

(2) I.F.F., K.F.A., D-5170 Jülich, F.R.G.

(Reçu le 8 septembre 1988, accepté sous forme définitive le 19 décembre 1988)

Résumé. 2014 Nous décrivons ici les conditions d’apparition d’un réseau de fractures périodiques

dans des films monocristallins de polydiacétylène. Les films dont l’épaisseur est supérieure à une

certaine épaisseur critique présentent ces fractures, tandis que les plus minces ne sont pas fracturés. Un modèle basé sur la théorie élastique linéaire rend compte de cette épaisseur critique.



The formation of a regular pattern of periodic cracked ridges on single crystal polydiacetylene films is described. Films thicker than a certain critical thickness are cracked while thinner ones are not. A model in the framework of linear elasticity theory is developed, which

accounts for this transition as a function of the film thickness.


Physics Abstracts



68.60 - 82.35


Many molecular crystals of substituted diacetylenes undergo a solid state polymerization, according to reaction (1), under various possible agents such as heat, UV light, X, y or e- irradiation.

In several cases, the material remains single crystal throughout the polymerization which proceeds through a monomer-polymer mixed crystal state of continuously increasing polymer


Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01989005008092300


Fully oriented conjugated chains are obtained by formation of covalent bonds between the

diacetylene monomer molecules. The polymerization process thus leads to macroscopic polymer single crystals presenting highly anisotropic properties and which can be modelised

as quasi one-dimensional solids. A typical example is the well-known bis(p-toluenesulfonate)

of 2,4-hexadiyne-l,6-diol (abbreviated name TS-6) for which the side-groups R and

R’ are identical, with R : -CHZ-0-SOZ- 0 -CH3. A large amount of experimental

data are available for this diacetylene and for the corresponding polymer. In particular, the crystal structure of the monomer [1] and of the polymer [2] is known. Both crystals are monoclinic, of space group P2 1 / and the polymeric chains grow along the b crystal axis. It can

be stressed that the main relative difference ( ’" 5 %) between unit cell parameters of the

monomer and of the polymer is observed along the chain direction : at room temperature,



5.178 À and bpolymer


4.910 Â, the relative differences along a and c axis being less

than one percent. Elastic properties of TS-6 during polymerization are also known. The stiffness components were determined from sound velocity measurements [3] : the longitudi-

nal stiffness (along the chain direction) increases by a factor 6.5 during polymerization

whereas the shear components are only weakly affected by the polymerization.

The present work mainly concerns the polymerization of TS-6 in a geometry specific to our

own experimental method : the polymerization, induced by low energy electron irradiation, is limited to a certain thickness of the monomer crystal. A polymer film is thus obtained on its

monomer substrate and must accomodate both the unit cell parameters discrepancies and the

elastic properties modifications.

In this paper, we wish to describe first the experimental conditions of formation of quasi- periodic arrays of cracks over the whole film surface. A critical film thickness Rc exists and

films thicker than Rc are cracked while thinner ones are not. A model in the framework of linear elasticity theory is presented in the second part which accounts for most of the experimental results, in particular for the transition « uncracked-cracked » as a function of the film thickness.

1. Expérimental part.

1.1 EXPERIMENTAL METHOD. - Single crystal thin films of poly-TS-6 are obtained using monoenergetic electron irradiation as the polymerizing agent [4]. When the polymeric chains

grow parallel to the irradiated surface, which is the case of TS-6 cleaved along the

b . c plane, the polymer film thickness is given by the range of penetration of the électrons in the sample and thus related to the incident electron energy [5]. Electron energy is chosen between 0.5 and 5 keV, typical current densities are kept in the range 1-100 nA/cm2. The

polymerization carried at room temperature is monitored by the optical transmission of the

crystal (analyzing wavelength corresponding to the maximum absorption of long chains).

Doses needed for complete polymerization of the film are in the order of 1 C/cm3. It must be noted that these doses are a hundred times less than the typical doses for which radiation

damage is observed on poly-TS-6 crystals [6]. The same experimental method can be applied

to film preparation of other polydiacetylenes. Some of them are even more reactive to electron polymerization than TS-6, so that the polymerization dose is three orders of

magnitude less than the radiation damage threshold. Thus the formation of periodic crack

structures observed in polydiacetylene thin films under certain experimental conditions as

described and studied below must not be interpreted as a radiation damage effect.

By the experimental method itself, starting from a single crystal monomer plate M 100 ....m thick), single crystal polymer films P of thicknesses R ranging from 500 to 5 000 Â

are easily obtained by adjusting the incident electron energy. In all cases studied up to now,


the films remain on their monomer substrate, no spontaneous splitting occurs (if wanted, they

can be separated from the substrate by selective dissolving of the monomer). These films are

thus prepared in a sort of epitaxial situation and one could expect them to be in a stretched

state since the preferred unit cell parameters are those of the monomer substrate at least at the monomer-polymer interface.

1.2 OBSERVATION OF PERIODIC CRACK STRUCTURES. - How strain is relaxed in the film is a

question of interest and the film thickness appears to be an important parameter in the strain

relaxation process.

The films were observed under electron and optical microscopy (for a few films,

observation of the sample surface with an optical microscope was made at every stage of the film préparation : freshly cleaved monomer, partially and totally polymerized film on its substrate, and polymer film alone after dissolving the monomer).

When films are prepared with an incident electron energy below 2 keV (film thicknesses R = 1 500 Â) the sample surface is very smooth, showing no observable alteration : the only

defects seen on the optical or electron micrographs (see photo 1) preexisted on the cleaved

monomer surface. But when thicker films are prepared (R 2:: 2 000 Â, electron energy

2:: 2.5 keV), their surfaces present a very different aspect (photos 2 and 3) : a regular pattern

Scanning electron micrographs of a 1500 Â (photo 1) and of a 2 500 À (photo 2) thick film. Optical

microscope pictures of 4 400 Â thick films in a one step (photo 3) and in a two steps (photo 4)

polymerization procedure. b axis is horizontal for all photos.


over the whole sample surface of rows of cracked ridges, quasi-periodically spaced (in the order of 1 to 20 m apart) and perpendicular to the chain direction. In the case of TS-6, we

have stressed that the chain direction coïncides with the direction of greatest discrepancy

between the monomer and the polymer lattices. It will be argued in the discussion below (cf.

Sect. 3.2) that this last direction is indeed the one of importance to predict the direction of cracks.

These ridges or cracks appear after an irradiation dose in the order of 6-8 x 10 - 2 C/CM3 i.e.

12 to 16 times less than the dose needed for complete polymerization. This dose could be evaluated for each sample since a reproducible accident (a small slope rupture) appears on the

polymerization kinetics, as seen in the insert of figure 1. This accident coïncides with the cracks formation (it has been checked that the sample’s surface is smooth before this accident and ridged immediately after).

Fig. 1.


Polymerization kinetics (followed in transmission) for 4400 A thick films. (A) One step polymerization with 4.5 keV e - => cracked sample. Insert : initial part of curve A, magnified. Crack

formation occurs between the two arrows. (B) Two steps polymerization with 2 then 4.5 keV e =>

uncracked sample.

Cracks thus appear long before the polymerization is achieved (polymer content less than 10 %) when the sample is microscopically heterogeneous since it consists mainly in the

monomer matrix containing short polymer chains [7] in low concentration. Then the cracks formation does not require (from an energetic point of view) the breaking of many covalent bonds.

We have now prepared thick films (R > 3 000 À ) with no surface alteration. Polymerization

must then necessarily be achieved in at least two steps. The first one is the polymerization of a partial thickness R, using electrons of incident energy low enough to be sure that no crack

formation occurs (R! s 1 500 Á, Ei s 2 keV). The final polymerization conditions can then be chosen in function of the final wanted film thickness, determined by the highest electron

energy used. Figure 1 shows the polymerization kinetics of 4 400 A thick films. A one step

polymerization (A) with 4.5 keV electrons leads to a cracked sample whereas a two-steps


polymerization (B) gives a film with a very good surface quality (photo 4). After the first

polymerization with 2 keV electrons, a - 1 500 À coating of uncracked polymer prevents the final polymer film (4 400 À thick) from cracking. Though the total dose needed for complete polymerization is notably higher in this last case, the absence of surface alteration proves

again that when cracks occur (at lower doses) they should not be assigned to radiation damage.

To summarize, the main experimental facts that should be accounted for are :


the possible formation of periodic crack structures over the whole film surface ;

- the existence of a critical thickness Re under which films are uncracked ;


and the fact that to prevent a thick film from cracking, an uncracked film coating is


2. Model.

2.1 CRACKS. - We consider (Fig. 2a) a film of polymer P on its monomer substrate M. Both materials are single crystals and are assumed to be in epitaxy for small thickness R

(R - 1500 Â). However, this epitactic state becomes unstable for large R because the

preferred unit cell size parallel to the surface is bo in the « substrate » M and b, «-- bo in the film. We assume for simplicity that this discrepancy occurs only in one direction x,

the direction x being the b axis of the crystal for which, as mentioned above, the main discrepancy between unit cell parameters is observed. Then it can occur that the state of minimum energy is constituted by a periodic array of macroscopic, straight cracks perpendicular to x (Fig. 2b). This is the effect we wish to study below.

Fig. 2. - (a) The (polymer) film P and the (monomer) substrate M. (b) The cracked structure.

It is worth recalling the case of epitactic layers of, say, a metal chemisorbed by another

metal. In that case the natural misfit is compensated by « misfit dislocations » (Fig. 3a) which

allow the density to be different at the external surface and in the substrate. This model is

hardly applicable here since diffusion of such large molecules is presumably negligible, so that

the total mass of an atomic layer parallel to the surface is independent of its depth. The

presence of misfit dislocation would therefore imply a global shrinkage of the layer (Fig. 3b).

A detailed comparison of the free energy of figure 2b and figure 3b will not be presented, but

several mechanisms can make the structure of figure 3b unfavourable.

2.2 ASIMPLIFIED CALCULATION. In this section, the free energy of figures 2a and 2b are compared. It is assumed that figures 3a and 3b have a higher free energy or cannot be realized.

Neglecting for the moment interactions between cracks, the structure is expected to crack if

the free energy of a crack is negative. The exact calculation of this energy would involve the calculation of the strains around the crack. In order to avoid this tedious exercise, a

variational method will be used. We shall assume a certain form of the strain which depends

on a limited number of parameters. The energy should then be minimized with respect to


Fig. 3. - (a) Misfit dislocations. This configuration is possible in an epitaxial layer, but not in a polymerized film. (b) A possible effect of polymerization. The contribution of vertical bonds to the surface energy is larger than in figure 2a because the number of unsatisfied bonds at the top of the P film is the same, but there are additional unsatisfied bonds at the top of the M substrate. Thus, if vertical bonds have a high energy, this structure is not favoured.

these parameters. The two parameters (Fig. 4a) are the range fbo of the strain and the maximum angular distortion 0. At a distance larger than Qbo from the crack, the strain is assumed to vanish. In the strained region the strain parallel to the surface is assumed to

depend only on the height, and to be a linear function of the height (Fig. 4a).

Fig. 4. - (a) In an (unstable) configuration where atomic layers are not curved by cracks, the energy is

given by (6) if strains are small. (b) A pair of cracks. In section 3.1, this pair is supposed to be in its

ground state.

Let L be the length of the sample in the crack direction, and let h be the height of the crack.

Then crack formation implies an energy increase

which essentially corresponds to broken horizontal van der Waals interactions. There is also a

shear energy increase

where A, as well as C, is a constant.

Finally there is a free energy decrease due to shortened horizontal bonds. It will be assumed

to be a quadratic function of the lattice mismatch Ab. The free energy change due to cracks is

thus written as


where K is a constant. At a height hx above the origin of the crack, bo - b


(hxlt) tg 0 -w

hx9/P. Inserting the mean value x


1/2 and X2= 1/3 into (3), one obtains :


The problem is to minimize

with respect to 0 and f. Cracks occur at equilibrium if the absolute minimum of (6) (as a

function of f. Cracks occur at equilibrium if the absolute minimum of (6) (as a function of f and 0) is negative.

In principle (6) should also be minimized with respect to the depth h of the cracks, but it

will be seen that this depth coincides with the film thickness. A, C, K, b are assumed to be

uniform within the film, and this is of course only approximately true in the problem

considered here since the degree of polymerization should vanish continuously at some depth

in the order of R under the surface.



We minimize with respect to 8, and then the resulting function of f with respect to f.

Minimization with respect to 0 yields

Insertion into (6) yields

Since this is a decreasing function of h, h should be as large as possible, i.e. equal to the film

thickness R of the polymerized film. Expression (8) should be minimized with respect to f.

The minimum of (8) satisfies dw/d(l/f)


0, or

Insertion into (8) yields

Cracks will form if this energy is negative, i.e., using (5)


Thus, for a given degree of polymerization, a transition is expected when the depth R of the polymerized film is varied : for R - hc no cracks are present. For R :> hc there are.

3. Discussion.



The free energy of a system of n parallel cracks (Fig. 2b) is equal to n times the energy of a single crack (approximately given by (10)) plus a correction. This correction is the interaction between

cracks, which is calculated in the appendix and shown to be repulsive. This can be seen also by

the following simple argument. Consider a pair of cracks (Fig. 4b) in its state of lowest free energy 2 EÓ 0. The uncracked state is assumed to have zero energy. We need two

assumptions :

a) that the system has a symmetry plane (whose cross-section is the dash-dotted line) ; b) that the strain perpendicular to the surface is negligible. This is correct in the polymerization experiments described in part 1.

In that case one can replace one half of the system (for instance that on the right hand side

of the symmetry plane) by a system without crack. The result is a system with one crack with a free energy EÓ (Fig. 4a). Now, this system is certainly not in its lowest energy state. Therefore the lowest energy of a single crack is Eo EÓ and the interaction energy is

2 Eo - 2 Eo > 0.

Now, it is difficult to explain the formation of a periodic array of cracks if the interactions

are repulsive as will be argued now. The first crack will form at a place where polymerization

turns out to be stronger. The next cracks will form, under the effect of increasing polymerization, very far from the first one (since the interaction certainly vanishes with

distance) and again their location is determined by fluctuations of the degree of polymeri- zation, and presumably random. One thus reaches a state where the sequence of cracks has

essentially random distances Ll, L2, L3, ..., Ln,


Then the repulsive interaction will dominate fluctuations and the next crack will appear halfway between both cracks whose distance is the longest. One may expect this process to continue until complete polymeri-

zation. Then the distance between cracks will be close to the value which minimizes the free energy, but important fluctuations are unavoidable since crack formation is initially a random

process. In fact, each interval Ln will divide into 2p’ interval, where pn is the integer which

minimizes the free energy density ¡(À), defined as a function of the distance À between cracks. Thus

These relations generally determine Pn unambiguously when f and the function f(f) are known. The structure will be rather irregular. The observed structures are not

perfectly regular and therefore not inconsistent with this scheme.

However, the whole array of cracks appears very abruptly at a polymer content of

10 % and this seems inconsistent with the above description. On the other hand, this feature

might easily be understood if there were an interaction U between 2 consecutive cracks of the type displayed in figure 5 (full line). Indeed the first crack appears as before when the

polymerization is sufficiently developed for the crack free energy Eo to be zero. But then, 2

cracks will at once appear at distance fo since the corresponding energy is

is negative. These 2 cracks will generate 2 new cracks and the chain reaction produces very


Fig. 5.


Interaction energy U between cracks as a function of the distance. Dashed line : positive, repulsive interaction, which probably arises if A, C, K and bl are fixed (see Sect. 3.1). Full line : interaction needed to explain the formation of a periodic structure. Such a shape probably arises from increased polymerization in the neighbourhood of a crack (Sect. 3.2).

soon a periodic structure with period Qo, where Qo minimizes U(f). In reality, the cracks

appear before Eo vanishes, so that the period is not exactly fo.


section the degree of polymerization has been assumed to be fixed. This is correct if crack formation is much faster than polymerization. Since our description fails to account for rapid cracking it will be argued here that crack formation favours polymerization, while development of polymerization hinders the formation of further cracks.

Formation of a polymer involves several steps [8-10]. The first step is the creation of a

dimer. It is an endothermic process, which occurs essentially only under the effect of irradiation. Now, the dimer has a free radical at each end. These free radicals are chemically

active and act at once on the « next » monomers, producing formation of a trimer, a tetramer,

etc. This chain reaction is fast, but, if polymer content is still small, stops after polymerization

of a few monomers, say about 20 [7]. The oligomer formed is a stable molecule [9]. Plausible

chain termination reactions can be written but none has been experimentally demonstrated up

to now. When the first crack appears, strain is relaxed and the lattice parameter in the direction of the crack is reduced in the vicinity of the crack. The chain initiation (dimer formation) and termination processes are not much dependent upon crystal strain but the chain propagation rate is greatly enhanced when strain is relaxed. This was shown by y-rayes

polymerization studies [11] and since y-rays act through Compton secondary electrons, the polymerization process induced by low energy electrons is not expected to be very different.

Polymerization thus speeds up producing a further increase of (bo - hl) in the vicinity of

the crack, so that condition (11) becomes satisfied and new cracks form on both sides of the first one. A chain reaction similar to that described at the end of the previous section produces

the appearance of the whole crack array in a short time. Neglecting any spatial fluctuation of the polymer concentration, the location of each crack depends only on the previous one, so

the structure is periodic. However, some random fluctuations should be present.

While crack formation facilitates polymerization, increasing polymerization hinders crack formation. And indeed we have shown in part 1 that, if polymerization is first induced in a layer thinner than Rc and later in a thicker layer, cracks do not occur. We attribute this effect to the fact that a completely polymerized crystal can no longer be cracked since this would

require breaking covalent bonds. The relation with the previous algebra is that C becomes very large with a high polymerization. Indeed we have mentioned above that the longitudinal

stiffness increases by a factor 6.5 upon polymerization. For a weak degree of polymerization,

there are few polymer chains and they are fairly short. Presumably, they are not broken by


cracks, which obliges the crack edge to be irregular to accommodate the local length of the polymer. Thus, C is rather small at the beginning of the polymerization process, and this makes cracking possible. To summarize, polymerization has two opposite effects : it increases

(bo - bl ), and this favours cracking, but it also increases C, and this makes cracking impossible. Thus, detailed predictions are certainly difficult.

The mismatch (bo - bl) between the monomer and the polymer lattices is indeed a relevant parameter. We have a few preliminary results on another diacetylene IPUDO (for which the

lateral group R is -(CHz)4-OCONHCH (CH3)z) of a different crystal structure [15]. The

direction of greatest mismatch upon polymerization in unit cell parameters is the c axis of the

crystal which is perpendicular to the chain direction. In IPUDO films prepared with our method, cracks appear perpendicular to the c direction and parallel to the polymer chains.

Though the longitudinal stiffness along the chain direction surely increases ùpon polymeri- zation, it seems impossible up to now to prevent the film from cracking, except parallel to the

chain direction.

(bo - bl ) depends on the degree of polymerization and also on temperature. The variation of the unit cell parameters with temperature is known for TS-6 [12-14] : bo - bl decreases with temperature. It can then be checked whether Rc as predicted by equation (11) also depends

on temperature. Film preparation at low temperatures (77 K,-5 T room temperature) using

the same experimental method is started now and the first results indeed show that a higher

value of Rc is observed when the polymerization is carried at low temperature (T

200 K).

Because of the interaction between polymerization and crack formation, it is also difficult to predict the period À (Fig. 2b). A plausible guess is that À is of the order of magnitude of the

interaction range 2 f of cracks, given by (9)

It is interesting to note that this length is proportional to h and does not depend on (bo - bl) nor C. A and K are presumably more weakly dependent on the polymer


From our first experimental observations the prediction seems quite correct but an analysis

of the inter-cracks distances distribution (mean value À, dispersion) is required to bring some

more quantitative information.


The formation of approximately periodic arrays of cracks is a novel phenomenon since, in

contrast with other defect ordering phenomena in irradiated materials [16, 17], it involves irreversible effects and diffusion does not occur.

With assumptions all supported by what is known about the studied material, the model developed here has shown that for a film thickness lower than the critical thickness

Re a stable uncracked structure existed and that /P > Rc was a sufficient condition of stability

of the cracked structure. And this of course accounts for the experimental results reported


Most of the model predictions could be tested experimentally at least qualitatively. They all

show that the relevant microscopic parameter is the main mismatch bo - bi between the

monomer and the polymer lattices. Since it depends on the chosen diacetylene itself, on the degree of polymerization and usually on temperature, control of crack formation seems thus

possible in this system.



Interaction between cracks.

The long range behaviour of the interaction between cracks can be obtained if it is assumed that the strain arises from a periodic array of dipoles of edge dislocations perpendicular to the

surface and centred on the surface (Fig. 6). In this scheme, a fictive crystal symmetric of the

real one with respect to the surface is added and the dislocation dipoles introduce additional,

fictive atoms inside the cracks. The dipoles are formed by dislocations below the surface and

image dislocations with opposite Burgers vector above the surface. The image dislocations are

¡1ecessary to avoid large strains below the surface and a logarithmic divergence of the energy.

fhe Burgers vector is equal to the atomic distance and parallel to the surface. If the height of

he crack is h and if 2 0 is the angle between the edges of the crack (Fig. 2b) the number of additional fictive atoms at the surface is 2 h 8 per crack, and this is also the number of dislocations below the crack. Thus, 2 0 is the density of dislocations along the symmetry plane

of the crack.

Fig. 6.


Cracks seen as produced by edge dislocations. The upper part of the crystal is fictive as well as

the atoms in the cracks. The fictive atoms allow the dislocation dipoles to be introduced and thus a

divergence of the energy to be avoided which would otherwise occur for uncompensated dislocations.

The energy contains :


1) the same term Ch per unit length of crack as before (Eq. (1)) ;

2) the elastic energy gain due to crack formation in the irradiated region. The energy gain

per unit length of crack is proportional to the number 2 h 0 of dislocations and to the thickness h’ of the irradiated zone, assumed to be smaller than h. Thus it is equal to - K’ hh’ 0, where

K’ is a constant. For h’ :::. h this energy saturates to - Kh2 0. These formulae are easily

checked if one remarks that the volume below a dislocation dipole contributes nothing to this part of the energy because the integral on the coordinate x parallel to the surface vanishes, namely

Here, 2 d is the distance between the two dislocations of the dipoles and y is the distance to

the surface. The calculation of the energy involves integration over x, y and d ;


3) an elastic energy loss which can be regarded as the energy of the system of dislocations inside each crack. For the sake of simplification this system can be approximately replaced by

2 dislocations at distance h with Burgers vectors h B and - h 0 (the exact calculation would

give the same result). The corresponding interaction [18] may be approximated by

A’h 202(j + p In h ), where the coefficients A’ and p depend on the elastic constants. The constant 1 between the brackets is generally omitted when only the long distance behaviour is of interest. Thus, the interaction has not the form (2), where not only the logarithm is missing,

but h2 is replaced by hi. The Ansatz which has been used to obtain (2) is certainly not correct if hli becomes too small, but is hopefully reasonable when (9) is satisfied ;

4) the interaction between dislocations from different cracks. This interaction is of elastic

origin as all other contributions except the lst one. The dislocations of a given crack will again

be replaced by 2 dislocations at distance h, and this is now a good approximation if

flh is large. The interaction energy between two nearest neighbours is [18]

which has also not the same form as the f-dependent term in (4). The four contributions can

be collected to write the energy per unit surface area of a periodic array of cracks with period

2 f and depth h as

For h h’, h’ should be replaced by h in this formula.

Minimisation with respect to 0 yields


(A.1) is an increasing function of h, and therefore the minimum of the energy does not

correspond to h > h’. When K’ is small, w is always positive as found in the text by another approximation, and for a certain value K,’ the minimum of w vanishes. As seen from (A.2), K,’ can be obtained as follows. Let the curves Fe of the (h, Y) plane be defined by

Then Kc is the smallest value of K’ for which the line Ai of equation

has a common point with a curve Fe for some value of f. Since all curves Fi are above FOO , this value is f


oo in agreement with the discussion o f section 3.1. The intersection point corresponds to the largest allowed value of h, which is the thickness h’ of the irradiated film.

Thus the present approximation yields the same qualitative results as the simpler approximation

of section 2, in spite of serious differences in the details.



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4: Mechanical behaviour of Cu films on Cu substrates: (a) Normalized hardness and stiffness curves as a function of normalized indentation depth; and (b) stress-strain curves

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amlysed as variations of the mobile dislocation density. Thus, a strong increase in the dislocation density was observed both in traction and compression at the