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Texte intégral



W O R L D H E A L T H O R G A N I Z A T i O N




EB9/54 ^ 28 December 1951 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH




The United Nations adopted,, in November 1950,a plan for the condensation of members of. commissions or similar bodies suffering injury or death

attributable to service with the United Nations, the expenditure being charged to the regular budget. The Director-General} acting on the authority of the Second World Health Assembly^ took out a collective personal accident insurance policy covering the r i s k s of travel accidents,, in order to cover the possible liabilities of the Organization towards members of expert oommittees^ faculty members of seminars and persons representing the Organization at meetings of congresses etc. This document gives details of the insurance policy and

contains also information on action taken b y other specialized agencies in this fields The Annexes reproduce in full the insurance policy and the notice

distributed to the interested persons acquainting them of the insurance coverage•

1 . The compensation plan approved by the General Assembly of United Nations provide for the payment of compensation to members of commissions^ committees or similar bodies, whose service to the United Nations Organization is recognized, to the extent that they receive subsistence allowance from the Organization.

Such compensation is payable only in the event of injury or death and the

’ V

maximum compensation to be paid to a claimant is to be awarded in case of death or total disability. A n y expenditure arising under this compensation' plan is a charge to the regular annual budget of the United Nations•

1 Resolution A/1522 у November 1950


insurance not specifically provided for here in > provided that any such insurance is reported to the Executive Board at its next meeting" •

Ji The Second Y/orld Health Assembly decided that the World Health Organization does not accept any liability for travel risks of delegates or representatives


to Health Assemblies, nor of members of the Executive Board, In accordance with instructions contained in the same resolution; this decision was

communicated to the governments of Member States• As regards fellowships^ it has been made plain, in the Fellowships Information Booklet issued to governments and in the letters of instruction issued to fellows> that the Organization is under no obligation and has entered into no undertaking to pay sickness or accident expenses for fellows. Provisions have been made^ howeverд to enable the Organization to pay such part of sickness and accident expenses incurred during the period for which the fellowship "was awarded as cannot be paid from the stipend, subject to appropriate conditions,

4* The above provisions do not take into consideration the possible liabilities Tivhiôh the Organization may incur with respect to the classes of persons

mentioned in the United Nations resolution* Since the YÍH© financial

resources are much smaller than those of the United Nations, it is considered that the Organization would not bo justified in acting as a self-insurer in respect of a similar compensation plan applied to WHO for the benefit of the same classes of persons^ Such persons are riot covered by the staff insurance plan which includes only persons in receipt of a remuneration from the .

Organization, The persons váiose services to the Organization are recognized to the extent that they receive subsistence allowance from the Organization comprise members of expert committees^ and in some instances faculty members of seminars and persons representing the Organization at meetings or congresses, possibly members of medical and teaching missions (if not in receipt of

remuneration) and perhaps some other categories.

" T h i s problem has engaged the attention o f other specialized agencies and the situation for those from whom information is presently avaiXable appears to be as follows:

1 Off, Rec, World Hlth Org. 13^ 311

2 Off^t Rec> Yforld Hlth Org, 21x 31


ÈB9/54 page 3

UNESCO has taken out a public liability policy covering not only bodily injury and death to persons acting for UNESCO and in receipt of travelling and subsistence allowances^ but also any damage which such persons may do to property belonging to third parties. In addition, the policy covers persons acting on the instructions of UNESCO whether or not they are in receipt of a travelling or subsistence allo-wance « The principal features of this insurance policy are as followst

- ( i ) Covers (a) Bodily injury^ fatal or non-fatal, ând illness and/or damage to property resulting from any accident or accidents occurring as tJie result of Educational and Cultural Activities anywhere in the worlds

(b) The fault of negligence of the assured or any of their employees "whilst engaged in Educational^ Scientific and Cultural activities, (A special clause states "it is agreed to cover injury to any person who at the time of sustaining such injury is engaged in the service of and/or acting on behalf of the assured or of any subcontractor of the assured"»)


(ii) Ceilingi $300j000 in respect o f any one accident or series of accidents arising out of any ône event and unlimited cover in respect of any and all accidents occurring during the duration of the policy•

(iii) Costf 0.13 per cent of the yearly budget plus 10 per cent administrative costs»

UNESCO admits no liability for compensation; if^ hcrwever, a claim is made against it, notification is given to the under-

•writers who subrogate themselves to the Organization and either admit or refuse the claim according to the circumstances» Ihe scheme covers UNESCO a gainst claims "which may be made against it in respect of accidents, and consequently it is necessary for tha injured or his heirs to claim against UNESCO and they w i l l only receive compensation if they establish the responsibility of the Organization*

ICA0 takes out an individual personal accident insurance policy for cases

"which in their view require such insurance^ but these are infrequentf

ILO at the meeting of their Governing Body in November 1951 decided that it should admit liability for providing compensation on lines similar to the scheme adopted by the United Nations; for members of the Governing Body and members of committees whose travelling and subsistence allowances are

chargeable to the budget of the Organization/ in the event of death, injury


or other disability arising out of or in the course of performing official duties on behalf of the Organization, It was further decided that the method cf providing compensation should be a policy of insurance with a commercial insurance cocpany effective^ if possible, 1 January 1952> or failing that a s soon as possible thereafter» It "was also decided that total compensation per aircraft flight should be limited to a figure

providing full compensation for a maximum of eight persons, this limitation to be r e ^ n s i d e r e d later w h e n precise information becomes available as to additional cost if the limitation were to be removed• As regards

compensation resulting from sickness^ the Organization as from 1 January 1952 should act as a self-insurer on the basis that disbursements would be financed from the Working Capital Fund^ reijiibursement taking place through the regular procedure of inclusion of the appropriate amount in a subsequent b u d g e t • .

• • , »

6 , For reasons stated in paragraph 4 above, the Director-General has taken out a collective personal accident insurance policy (reproduced as Annex 1),

originally effective for the period 15 September 1951 to 3 1 December 1951 arid now extended for the calendar year 1952, covering the risks of accidents, -whilst travelling either by surface or b y air> incurred b y all persons (other than members of the Executive Board) whose service to the Organization is recognized to the extent that they receive subsistence аНотапсе- from the Organiza tion •

The existence of this policy replaces the previous arrangements Thereby the cost of travel accident insurance taken out individually was refunded by the

Organization. The premium rates are appreciably lower under the collective policy, and the existence of insurance coverage is no longer dependent on t h e individual action of the persons affected^

7» The main provisions of the policy are as follows:

The Company agrees^ subject to the conditions of the policy, that if during the period of insurance any member of an expert committee sustains bodily injury while travelling to or from the place of the meeting of the export committee, the Qonrpany w i l l refund to ТШО all sums paid by the Organization to the member or the legal personal representatives of the member} not

exceeding the amounts specified in the schedule annexed to the policy, the


EB9/50 page 5

maximum compensation being ^25^ООО in caso of death or total disability0'.

The same cover is extended to other catogoriec of persons referred to in paragraph 4 above Tdiilst travelling at the request of and upon the 'business оГ the Organization^

There are the customary exclusions from the policy in respect of accidents arising from certain specified causes such as suicide® taking part in certain sports> etc,,, Mombars over 7 0 years of age are excluded from the benefits of the p o l i c y s u c h persons having to be covered by a special insurance о There is a I m i t a t i o n of liability to the sum of

¿150 sООО per aircraft which is increased to $200^000 provided notice is given to the Company as soon as particulars are available to the

Organizationa Should it be necessary to extend this limit beyond ^200s000j the prior written a{^eement of the Company for any particular flight must first be obtained о Travel accidents "which do not result in total

disablement of the тезпЪег from engaging in his profession cr occupation are not covered Dxcept to the extent that such accident m y entail the total loss cf a hand foot., eye, eteo;» as specifically covered in the policy^

The policy has been arranged upon the basis that an estimated prenviiim is paid ашиа].1у at the c o m e n c e m e n t oí each year and particulars of travel of the persons covered are lodged m t h the Company monthly. At the end of each year? s insurance j an adjustment of the estimated premium 7/Í31 be made « Premiums are calculated on the nunber of dc.ys travel and the outr;;ard and return journeys are considered as one for the purposes of the premium calculation^ Premiim rates are on a sliding scale varying m t h t he total travel time” Particulars of travel tine are ascertained primarily f.rom the travel clains vrtiich should provide GOir«plete and accurate details c.f itinerary.. In the event of the itinerary providing icr lengthy deviatiens from the direct route> the Organization may inform tho member concerned that he Yvill only be covered by this insurance for the ¡main return .journey homer In the event of a change c.f travel plans aftor a person has lodged his travel claim, particulars of the changes in the itinerary raust be notified to the Organization by cable or by post; prior to couiinancing the variation in route j failing "vfaich the member vdll no longer be covered under the ir»sarancG policy fron tha point where the variation in route c o m e n c e s for the rihole of the remainder cf his return journey h o m e0


8» A l l persons affected Ъу this insurance p o l i c y are being notified of its existence (copy cf the notice is reproduced as Annex 2 ) and will be informed that the compensation payable under the policy constitutes the sole compensation

•which the Organization is prepared to pay in case of injury or death, except that in the case of travel accidents "which do not result in total disablement of the member from engaging in his profession or occupation the Organization, acting as a self-insurer^ w i l l bear the reasonable cost of medical assistance and h o s p i t a l i z a t i o n P e r diem allo"wance would be payable at the full rate where no hospitalization is invQlvedj one-third of the per diem allowance being payable in cases involving hospitalization。

9, It is difficult to estimate in advance the total cost involved since factors such as the normal places of residence of the persons concerned, the location of meetings of expert committees and seminars and the period of duration of medical teaching missions; e t c ” are not normally known with any accuracy for long in advance» Based on calculations made in respect of previous periods夕 it is estimated that the oost of this insurance should be in the vicinity of ¿2,500 to 払0 0 0 per annuiru

The current insurance policy, taken out with the Northern Assurance Company Limited., London^ was based on the best offer received from several

companies. It will be noted that the policy does not provide complete accident coverage, since it is restricted to cases of death; total disability^ loss of certain limbs^ e t c ” occurring during the travel period» Nevertheless it is considered that the Organization does obtain protection against the heavier financial risks, and valuable accident coverage is extended to persons coming within the scope of the policy0


E B 9 / 5 4 ANNEX I


applicable to and foiming part of the C o m p a n y ^ Policy Ko, PA.60205 in the name of WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION

Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary it is expressly under- stood and agreed that as from the 2nd day of November, 1951 the limit of the

Ccmpanj“s liability per aircraft of 150^000 contained in Condition 3 of 七his Policy is increased to §150,000 per aircraft it being agreed that this fiture shall be tb.3 maximum liability regardless of the number of Members travelling therein, It is further agreed that in respect of flights for which the Company^s liability under* this Policy would otíierwise exceed the said limit of ^ 5 0 ^ 0 0 0 but would not be more than $200^000 the Company agrees to hold the insurance in force for their actual liability up:七о the said $200,000 pîovided the Insured shall give notice to the Company of such f L i g h t . as soon as particulars of the flight and the Members involved are available to the Insured, For flights involving the Comparer under this policy in a liability which would otherwise exceed the aforesaid limit of

$200^000 per aircraft i t is expressly understood that this limitation of

liability per aircraft shall only Ъе amended for any particular flight by written consent of the Company sought and granted before the commencement of the flight in question.

Subject otherwise to the terms provisions and conditions of this P olicy,

Hated in London this 6th day of November^ 1951.

(Sgd,) Ce Barr Manager

Overseas Accident Department


Annex I


applicable to and forming part of the C a m p a n a s Policy N o , PA.60205 in name of WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION .

Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary it is herely agreed that ttie insurance provided b y this policy shall apply to all persons Tihose services to the Insured are recognised to the extent that they receive from the Insured subsistence allowance and whsro appropriate travel expenses, but

excluding persons in the regular service or employment of the Insured and also excluding members of the Executive Board and delegates or representatives to Health Assemblies, The definition of "member" appearing in the policy is amended accordingly.

Subject otherwise to the terms provisions and conditions of this Policy.

Dated in London this 31st day of December, 1951.



Overseas Accident Department,


E B 9 / 50 page 3

Annex I

Policy N o . PA.60205 First Premium U.S. ^900 Amount Insured _


丽R E A S the Insured has applied to THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY (hereinafter called "The Comparer") of Moorgate, L o n d o n , b y a proposal and deolaration dated as stated in the Schedule "which is the basis of this corrbract and is deemed to be incorporated herein and has paid or agreed to pay the premium as consideration for the insurance hereinafter contained•

NOW THIS POLICY OF INSWiANGE WITNESSETH that the Company hereby agrees

(subject to the Provisoes and Conditions hereto or the terras endorsed or othervri.se e ^ r e s s e d herein which Provisoes Conditions or Endorsements are to be read as part of this policy) that if during the period of insurance stated in the Schedule any member of an Expert Committee of the Insured (hereinafter individually called the

"Member") shall sustain bodily injury while travelling to or from the place of meeting of the committee, the Company will refund to the Insured all sums paid b y

the Insured to such Member or to the legal persónal representative of such Member as the case may require b u t not exceeding the amount as provided in ihe Schedule of Compensation hereto in respect of such Member,

PROVIDED ALWAYS that the due observance and fulfilment of the Provisoes and Conditions of this policy and any Endorsements hereon shall so far as the nature of them respectively will permit be a condition precedent to any liability of the Company under this Policy.

Dated in London the 20th day of September, 1951

For the Northern Assurance Company Limited Overseas Accident Superintendent


30DILÏ INJURY sustained solely and independently of any other cause by accidental violent external к visible means esuiting in:-

Death " . " “ • " U . S . v 25,000 2,. Total and irrecoverable loss of all sight in both eyes rendering the Member absolutely

lOLind beyond remedy by surgical or other treatment 25^000 и Total loss by physical severance of both hands or both feet or one hand and one foot 25дООО

” T o t a l loss by physical severance of one hand or one foot together with the total and irrecoverable loss cf all sight in one eye rendering the Member absolutely blind in that

eye beyond remedy by surgical or other treatment 25^,000

“ 5 , T tal and irreccverable loss of all si动t in one eye rendering the МшЛег absolutely-

blind in that eye beyond remedy by surgical or other treatment 12,500

T tal loss by physical severance of one hand or one foot •••••• 12,500

“ 7 . Permanent total and absolute disablement from engaging in or giving attention to profession

or occupation of any kind (other than less of limb or eye) 25,000 MEDICAL ШМЬЕЭ

8а The Company will refund to the Insured the Medioal Expenses (including operation fees^ cost of medicine, sur gical appliances and nursing home charges) necessarily incurred and expended in connection with and within one year from the date of an accident within the scope of this policy and which accident shall result in temporary total disable- ment of the Member from engaging in or giving attention to profession or occupation up to an amount per Member not exceeding 晷1000, any single accident. It is expressly understood and agreed that tha liability of the Company under this Item is limited to Medical Expenses as herein defined incurred and expended for treatment of the Member while totally disabled from engaging in profession or occupation, In the case (f hospital and nursing home charges a third of the normal charge per day shall be regarded as cost of maintenance and shall be borne by the Member, the Company only being liable to refund the balance. It is a condition precedent to the payment of such Medical Expenses that the medical attendantes detailed account shall if the Company so requires be submitted to and approved by the Company,

. PROVISQj^S (a) No compensation shall be payable:-

Under Items 1 to 6 unless the death or less takes place within one year after the date of the injury•

Under Item 7 unless the disablement ocôurs within one year from the date of the injury and in all probability will continue for the remainder of the Member1 s life,

(b) Compensation shall not be payable under more than one of It^ns 1 to 7 in respect of the same injury»

(c) Upon payment of any claim under Items 1 to 7 for bodily injury to a Member all further liability of the Company hereunder in respect of the said Member shall cease.



E B 9 / 44 page 5

Annex I


Policy No, РЛ,60205

The Insured:


Address Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

Date of signature of proposal and declaration - instructions by letter dated 27th June, I95I

Period of Insurance t

a) From the 15th September 1951 to 31st December 1951, both dates inclusive b) Ащ subsequent period for which the Insured shall pay and the Company-

shall agree to accept a renewal premium,

Renewal date s 1st January-

Provisional First Premium ÍJ900

Provisional Annual Premimi ILS, 3500

London Foreign Agencies ~ 11-/3545



shall be read together and any word or expression to been attached in any part of this Policy* or of the meaning Tvherever it m a y appear•

lf This policy does not apply to bodily injury "whether fatal or non-fatal, directly or indirectly, caused b y arising or resulting from or traceable tos-

ía) A n accident happening when the Member is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or of a drug mental disease or psychological disorder including

neurasthenia; or

(b) Suicide or attempted suicide war invasion act of foreign enemy hostilities (whether war be declared or not) civil war rebellion riot civil commotion revolution insurrection or military or usuiped power; or

(c) îhe Member motor cycling (whether as driver or passenger), or (d) Pregnancy confincmcnt or menopause or their complications^ or

(e) A n accident happening other than while the Member is travelling from his normal place of residence to the town where the Insured^s Expert Committee of which he is a member is to m e e t and while he is returning from the latter place to the f o m e r . It is agreed that the cover under this policy córame nee s when the Member leaves his residence and continues until he reaches his temporary- residence at the town of meeting for the outward journey and vice versa for the return journey^

2f No claim shall be payable under this Policy

(a) If the Member is under 16 o r over 70 years of age

(b) If the death or disablement is caused or accelerated by or traceable to any pre-existing physical defect or i n f i m i t y .

3 , This policy shall not extend to cover the risk of bodily injury A e t h e r fatal o r non-fatal to the Member while in or upon or ente ring or descending f m n Aircraft of any kind or caused b y or resulting from a descent or fall from such Aircraft, This exclusion shall not apply to tho Member whilst visiting inspecting or working upon aircraft stationary on land or water nor whilst the Member is travelling as a

fare paying passenger over established Air Routes in any fully licensed standard type aircraft cumed and/or operated by any recognized A i r Line. It is further agreed that the liability of the Company under this extension shall be limited to the amount of $50^000 per aircraft and this figure shall be the maximum liability' regardless of tho number of Members travelling therein. If the smis otherwise payable in respect of the Members involved total more than the said limit the said

$50,000 shall bo paid bo the Insured who shall apportion it among the Members as the Insured deems suitable• It is esprçssly understood that this limitation of

liability per aircraft shall only be amended for any particular flight by written consent of the Company sought and granted before coïnmencement of tho flight in question»

This Policy and the Schedule

•which a specific meaning has Schedule shall bear the saine


EB9/4 8

page 7 Annex I

4 . No alteration in the terms of this policy and no endorsement hereon shall be valid unless signed or initialled by the attorney of the Company or by an authorised official of the Company,

5t The Company shall not be affected b y notice of any trust charge lien assignment or other dealing with this policy and the receipt of the Insured for any compen-

sation payable hereunder shall in all cases be an effectual discharge to the Company*, 6 . If a Member shall sustain any* injury in respect of ?/hich a claim is or may be made under this policy written notice shall be given to the Company as soon as possible and in any event within three calendar months after the date of the injury but if the Member shall die notice of death shall be given forthwith. Uie Insured shall at his expense funiish to the Comparer such certificates information and

evidence as the Company may from time to time reasonably require in the foim and of the nature prescribed b y the Company. The Company shall be allowed a t its own expense upon reasonable notice to the Insured to have a medical examination of the Member from time to time or in the case of death upon reasonable notice to the Insured to have a post mortem examination of the body. No claim under this policy shall be payable unless the Insured has complied with the terns of this condition,

7 . The first premium and all renewal premiums that may be accepted are deposit premiums and are to be regulated by the number of Members travelling to and from Committees during each period of insurance and the travel time involved. The name of each Member making a journey insured under this policy shall be duly recorded by the Insured together with a note for each of the time of the outvrard and re turn

journeys s e p a r a t e l y , îhe I n s u r e d s h a l l a t a l l tijiies a l l o w the Company i t s a t t o r n e y

or authorised official to inspect sucb record and shall supply to the Comparer a correct account of all such journeys during each calendar month^ the said account being supplied to the Company at the latest within 30 days of the end of the month

to which i t refers., Víhen the ассотш七 i s s u p p l i e d the premium f o r each journey therein shall be calculated in accordance with a rating schedule agreed by the Company# For the purposes of premium calculation the outward and return journeys for the same Member shall be added together and rûted on the total period involved.

A t the end of each period of insurance the total of the p r e m i m s on the monthly accounts for the said period shall be set against the provisional premirai actually paid for that period and any difference thereon shall be paid b y the Insured or the Ccsmparçr as the case m a y require,

8# All differences arising out of this policy shall be referred to the

arbitration of some person to be appointed by both parties, or, if they cannot

agree upon a s i n g l e a r b i t r a t o r ^ to the d e c i s i o n of t;/o Arbitrators,, one to bo

appointed in writing by each parly,and in case of disagreement be tare en the

Arbitrators^ to the decision of an liripire who shall have been appointed in writing b y the Arbitrators before entering on the reference, and an award shall be a

condition precedent to any liability of the Company or any right of action against the Company, If the Company shall disclaim liability to the Insured for ацу claim hereunder and such claim shall not within 12 calendar months from the date of such disclaimer have been referred to arbitration under the provisions herein contained then the claim shall for all purposes be deemed to have been abandoned and shall not thereafter be recoverable hereunder.




In order to ensure that all persons porfoiming services for the World Health Organization as members of expert committees^ faculty members of seminars or as representatives of the World Health Organization at meetings or conferences, anci which are recognized 么。the extent that they receive subsistence allowance and

travelling expenses from the Organization, have some protection against the major risks of accidents occurring whilst in travel status on behalf c^ the Organization, an insurance polioy has been.taken outt The existence of this policy npw replaces the previous arrangements whereby the cost of^ travel accident insurance taken cut individually was refunded by the Organization, In future, therefore^ travel accident insurance will not be refunded, since it would constitute a duplication of the insurance,

The action of the Organization in taking out this insurance policy is purely- voluntary and does not conmiit the Organisation beyond payment of compensation as provided for under the insurance policy, the main provisions of Which' are the^"

following i ~ … — — 一 一—一 一

1 . Compensation provided for under the Insurance Policy:

Bodily injury sustained solely and independently of any other cause by accidental^ violent, external and visible means resulting in:

Death, total and permanent loss of all sight in both eyes, total loss b y physical severance of both hands or both feetA or one hand and ane

fcot> or total loss by physical severance, of one hand or one foot, together with total and permanent loss of all sight in one eye, up to

a maximum of US $25,000 Total and p e m a n e n t loss of all sight in one eye or total loss by , physical severance of one hand or one foot, up to a maximum of US ^12,500

Immediate permanent total disablement from engaging in or giving attention to profession or occ.upation of any kind,up to a

maximum of . . , US $25,000 Medical and hospitalization expenses necessarily incurred in connection

therewith within one year from the date of an accident resulting in total disable- m e n t from engaging in or giving attention to profession or occupation are covered, up to an amount not exceeding US ^ 1 , 0 0 0 por a c c i d e n t .

In the case of hospital and nursing-home charges, only tvvo-thirds of the n o m a l charge per day are refunded under the policy.

2 . Limitative Clauses :

This policy does not apply to bodily injury whether fatal or non-fatal, directly or indirectly caused b y , arising or resulting from, or traceable to:


page 2 Annex II

(a) A n accident happening when the Member is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or of a drug mental disease, or psychological disorder including neurasthenia; or

(b) Suicide or attempted suicide, w a r , invasion, act of foreign enemy- hostilities (whether w a r be declared or not), civil w a r , rebellion, riot, civil commotion, revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power; or

(c) Ihe member m o t o r cycling (whether as driver or passenger) ; or (d) Pregnancy, confinement or menopause or their complications; or .(e) An accident happening other than while the Member is travelling from

his nv)rmal plaôe of residence to the town where his duties for the Organization are to be perfoimed, and while h e is returning from the' latter place to the former. It is agreed that the cover under this policy commences when the Member leaves his residence a n d continues until he reaches his temporary residence a t thé town where his duties for the Organization are to be performed for the outWard journey, and vice vei-sa for the return journey.

It must be expressly understood that periods of interruption in travel b y a Member a t any point during the journey, f o r any cause or any length of time, are not covered tmcter the insurance policy.

No claim shall be payable under this Policy

(a) If the Member is u n d e r 16 or over. 70 years of age;

(b) If the death or disablement is caused or accelerated by or traceable to any pre-existing physical defect or infirmity.

In air travel, the member will be covered b y the insurance policy only whilst the Member is travelling as a fare paying passenger over established, air routes in any fully licensed standard type aircraft owned anchor operated b y any recognized air line.

3 . Per Diem Allowance paid by the Organizations

In üis case of accidents resulting in temporary total disablement of the

individual from engaging in his profession or occupation, the Organization will pay per diem allowance in fall where no hospitalization is involved, one-third of the per diem being payable in cases involving hospitalization, for a reasonable period, of time but in no event to exceed 52 weeks,

4, Procedure as to Claims t

(a) A Member sustaining an injury which m a y involve arty claim under the insurance policy shall immediately inform the Chief of Conference and General Services of the Organization who vdll send to the Member an insurance form to be completed by him and the medical practitioner attending h ú n . The form is to be returned to the Chief of Conference and General Services, the medical practitioner's statement to the Medical Rsferee of W H O , both for onward transmission to the

insurance company.


A n n e x I I

( b ) A l o n g w i t h the above form the O f f i c e o f C o n f e r e n c e and G e n e r a l S e r v i c e s w i l l send to the member a s e c o n d form to be f i l l e d i n b y him when he h a s r e c o v e r e d from the a c c i d e n t s I h i s w i l l c o n s t i t u t e t h e b a s i s o f the c l a i m w h i c h the

O r g a n i z a t i o n i s to p r e s e n t to the i n s u r a n c e c o m p a r e Tîïhen r e t u r n i n g the second form the member s h a l l a t t a c h a l l vouchers such a s doctors^ y chomists丨 a n d n u r s i n g b i l l s p a i d by hlme The b i l l s s h o u l d i n d i c a t e the e x a c t d a t e s o f c o n s u l t a t i o n s , I f and when the c l a i m i s a d m i t t e d , the amounts vd.ll b e r e f u n d e d t o the member a s a n d when t h e y have b e e n c o l l e c t e d from the i n s u r a n c e company by the O r g a n i z a t i o n . 5t T r a v e l d e t a i l s to be f u r n i s h e d !

Ihe i n s u r a n c e p r o v i d e d u n d e r the p o l i c y covers the p e r i o d of a c t u a l t r a v e l u n d e r t a k e n i n consequence o f the s e r v i c e s b e i n g p e r f о m e d f o r the O r g a n i z a t i o n .

The insurance premiums to be paid by the Organization are calculated on a scale computed b y numbers o f days o f t r a v e l t A c c o r d i n g l y ^ i n order to r e n d e r to the

i n s u r a n c e company true r e t u r n s o f p e r i o d s o f t r a v e l f o r c a l c u l a t i o n of premiums,

and moreover to be sure that members continue to be covered under the policy,

i t i s most i m p o r t a n t ttiat members s h o u l d s t a t e on t h e i r t r a v e l c l a i m s the complete i t i n e r a r y of t h e i r outward a n d r e t u r n j o u r n e y s , accompanied b y d e t a i l s o f d a t e s .

This applies particularly where members may not be travolling by -the most direct

r o u t e , s i n c e i n tho absence o f i n f o m a t i o n to the c o n t r a r y i t w i l l be assumed t h a t t r a v e l i s by t h e most d i r e c t r o u t e .

Should a member д after he has lodged his travel claim^ vary his i tine га ly in

such a way as to e n t a i l a d d i t i o n a l t r a v e l time^ he s h o u l d n o t i f y the O f f i c e of Conference a n d General S e r v i c e s b y c a b l e or b y p o s tp r i o r to commencing the v a r i a t i o n i n route ^ f a i l i n g w h i c h the member w i l l no l o n g e r be c o v e r e d u n d e r the i n s u r a n c e p o l i c y from the p o i n t where the v a r i a t i o n i n route с orme ne e s f o r the

w h o l e o f She теш^п^г" oí- ' M s r á t u r n j o u r n e y home . ,


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