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The big picture: common server-side designs

Dans le document Dave Crane Eric Pascarello (Page 194-200)

The role of the server

5.3 The big picture: common server-side designs

Server-side frameworks matter to all Ajax applications. If we choose to generate the client code from a sever-side model, it matters a great deal. If we hand-code the client code and serve it as static HTML and JavaScript pages, then the frame-work isn’t involved in delivering the app, but the data that the application will consume still has to be dynamically generated. Also, as we noted in the previous section, the server-side framework typically contains a domain model of some sort, and the presentation tier framework stands between that model and our Ajax application. We need to be able to work with the framework in order for our application to function smoothly.

Web application servers can be unkindly characterized as developers’ play-grounds. The problem of presenting a coherent workflow to a user through a series of web pages, while interfacing to back-end systems such as database serv-ers, has never been adequately solved. The Web is littered with undernourished, ill-maintained frameworks and utilities, with new projects popping up on a monthly, if not weekly, basis.

Fortunately, we can recognize discrete families within this chaotic mixture.

Reducing this framework soup to its essentials, there are possibly four main ways to get the job done. Let’s examine each in turn and see how it can be adapted to the Ajax model.

5.3.1 Naive web server coding without a framework

The simplest kind of framework is no framework at all. Writing a web applica-tion without a framework defining the key workflow elements, or mediating access to the back-end systems, doesn’t imply a complete lack of order. Many web sites are still developed this way, with each page generating its own views and performing its own back-end housekeeping, probably with the assistance of some shared library of helper functions or objects. Figure 5.2 illustrates this pat-tern of programming.

Modifying this approach for Ajax is relatively straightforward, if we assume that the client is hand-coded. Generating client code from the server is a big topic that’s beyond the scope of this book. To deliver the client, we need to define a master page that will include any necessary JavaScript files, stylesheets, and other resources. For supplying data feeds, we simply need to replace the

The big picture: common server-side designs 165

generated HTML pages with XML or the other data stream of our choice (more on this topic later).

The key shortcoming of this approach in a classic web app is that the links between documents are scattered throughout the documents themselves. That is, the Controller role is not clearly defined in one place. If a developer needs to rework the user flow between screens, then hyperlinks must be modified in sev-eral places. This could be partly ameliorated by putting link-heavy content such as navigation bars inside include files or generating them programmatically using helper functions, but maintenance costs will still rise steeply as the app becomes more complicated.

In an Ajax application, this may be less of a problem, since hyperlinks and other cross-references will typically not be embedded in data feeds as densely as in a web page, but includes and forwarding instructions between pages will still pose a problem. Includes and forwards won’t be required in a simple XML docu-ment, but larger applications may be sending complex structured documents assembled by several subprocesses, as we will see in section 5.5. The early gener-ation of web frameworks used MVC as a cure for these ills, and many of these frameworks are still in use today, so let’s look at them next.

Web browser

Web server


Database server Views/pages

Figure 5.2 Web programming without a framework. Each page, servlet, or CGI script maintains its own logic and presentation details. Helper functions and/or objects may encapsulate common low-level functionality, such as database access.

5.3.2 Working with Model2 workflow frameworks

The Model2 design pattern is a variation of MVC, in which the Controller has a single point of entry and a single definition of the users’ possible workflows.

Applied to a web application, this means that a single Controller page or servlet is responsible for routing most requests, passing the request through to various back-end services and then out to a particular View. Apache Struts is probably the best-known Model2 framework, although a number of other Java and PHP frameworks follow this pattern. Figure 5.3 illustrates the structure of a Model2 web framework.

How can we apply this design to a server application talking to an Ajax client, then? Model2 has relatively little to say about the delivery of the client applica-tion, which will typically occur at startup as a single payload, identical for all authenticated users. The centralized controller may be involved in the authenti-cation process itself, but there is little merit in expressing the delivery of the application itself through anything other than a single endpoint of the controller.

It provides a workable solution for delivery of data feeds, though. The Views returned by Model2 are essentially independent of the framework, and we may

Web browser

Web server

Action Handlers

Views/pages Controller

Database server Business tier

Figure 5.3 Model2 web framework. A single controller page or servlet accepts all requests and is configured with a complete graph of user workflows and interactions.

The request will be handed to one of a number of ancillary classes or functions for more specialized processing and finally routed out to a View component (for example, a JSP or PHP page) before being sent to the browser.

The big picture: common server-side designs 167

easily swap HTML for XML or other data formats. Part of the Controller respon-sibility will be passed to the client tier, but some Controller functions may still be usefully expressed through server-side mappings.

Model2 for classic web apps provides a good way of expressing much of the Controller responsibility at a high level of abstraction, but it leaves the implemen-tation of the View as a hand-coding task. Later developments in web frameworks attempted to provide a higher-level abstraction for the View, too. Let’s examine them next.

5.3.3 Working with component-based frameworks

When writing an HTML page for a classic web application, the page author has a very limited set of predefined GUI components at hand, namely the HTML form elements. Their feature set has remained largely unchanged for nearly 10 years, and compared to modern GUI toolkits, they are very basic and uninspiring. If a page author wishes to introduce anything like a tree control or editable grid, a calendar control or an animated hierarchical menu, he needs to resort to low-level programming of basic document elements. Compared with the low-level of abstraction available to a developer building a desktop GUI using component toolkits such as MFC, GTK+, Cocoa, Swing, or Qt, this seems like a poor option.

Widgets for the web

Component-based frameworks aim to raise the level of abstraction for web UI programming, by providing a toolkit of server-side components whose API resembles that of a desktop GUI widget set. When desktop widgets render them-selves, they typically paint onto a graphics context using low-level calls to gener-ate geometric primitives, bitmaps, and the like. When web-based widgets render themselves, they automatically generate a stream of HTML and JavaScript that provides equivalent functionality in the browser, relieving the poor coder from a lot of low-level drudgery. Figure 5.4 illustrates the structure of a component-based web framework.

Many component-based frameworks describe user interaction using a desk-top-style metaphor. That is, a Button component may have a click event handler, a text field component may have a valueChange handler, and so on. In most frameworks, event processing is largely delegated to the server, with a request being fired for each user interaction. Smarter frameworks manage to do this behind the scenes, but some will refresh the entire page with each user event.

This leads to a decidedly clunky user experience, as an application designed as a

widget set will typically have lots of fine-grained interactions compared to one designed as a set of pages, using Model2, say.

A significant design goal of these frameworks is to be able to render different types of user interface from a single widget model description. Some frameworks, such as Windows Forms for .NET and JavaServer Faces (JSF), are already able to do this.

Interoperating with Ajax

So how do Component-based frameworks fare with Ajax, then? On the surface, both are moving away from a document-like interface toward a widget-based one,


Widget/component model Web server

Business tier

Database server

Web browser


Action handlers


Figure 5.4 Architecture of a component-based web framework. The application is described as a collection of widgets that render themselves by emitting a stream of HTML and JavaScript into the browser. Each component contains its own small-scale Model, View, and Controller, in addition to the larger Controller that fields browser requests to individual components and the larger domain model.

The big picture: common server-side designs 169

so the overlap ought to be good. This type of framework may have strong possi-bilities as far as generating the client application goes, if pluggable renderers that understand Ajax can be developed. There is a considerable appeal to doing so, since it avoids the need to retrain developers in the intricacies of JavaScript, and it leaves an easy route for providing an alternative to older browsers through a plain-old HTML rendering system.

Such a solution will work well for applications that require only standard wid-get types. A certain degree of flexibility, however, will be lacking. Google Maps, for example (see chapter 1), is successful largely because it defines its own set of widgets, from the scrollable map to the zoom slider and the pop-up balloons and map pins. Trying to build this using a standard set of desktop widgets would be difficult and probably less satisfactory in the end.

That said, many applications do fit more easily within the conventional range of widget types and would be better served by these types of framework.

This trade-off between flexibility and convenience is common to many code generation–based solutions and is well understood.

To fully serve an Ajax application, the framework must also be able to supply the necessary data feeds. Here, the situation may be somewhat more problem-atic, as the Controller is heavily tied to the server tiers and is tightly defined through the desktop metaphor. A responsive Ajax application requires more freedom in determining its own event handlers than the server event model seems to allow. Nonetheless, there is considerable momentum behind some of these frameworks, and solutions will undoubtedly emerge as Ajax rises in popu-larity. The CommandQueue approach that we will introduce in section 5.5.3 may be one way forward for JSF and its cousins, although it wasn’t designed as such.

For now, though, these frameworks tie the client a little too closely to their apron strings for my liking.

It will be interesting to see how these frameworks adapt to Ajax in the future.

There is already significant interest in providing Ajax-enabled toolkits from within Sun and from several of the JSF vendors, and .NET Forms already support some Ajax-like functionality, with more being promised in the forthcoming Atlas toolkit (see the Resource section at the end of this chapter for URLs to all these).

This raises the question of what a web framework would look like if designed specifically for Ajax. No such beast exists today, but our final step on the tour of web frameworks may one day be recognized as an early ancestor.

5.3.4 Working with service-oriented architectures

The final kind of framework that we’ll look at here is the service-oriented archi-tecture (SOA). A service in an SOA is something that can be called from the net-work and that will return a structured document as a reply. The emphasis here is on data, not content, which is a good fit with Ajax. Web services are the most com-mon type of service currently, and their use of XML as a lingua franca also works well with Ajax.

NOTE The term Web Services, with capital letters, generally refer to systems using SOAP as transport. The broader term web services (in lower case), encompasses any remote data exchange system that runs over HTTP, with no constraints on using SOAP or even XML. XML-RPC, JSON-RPC and any custom system that you develop using the XMLHttpRequest object are web services, but not Web Services. We are talking about the broader category of web services in this section.

When consuming a web service as its data feed, an Ajax client achieves a high degree of independence, similar to that of a desktop email client communicating to a mail server, for example. This is a different kind of reuse from that offered by the component-based toolkits. There, the client is defined once and can be exported to multiple interfaces. Here, the service is defined once and can be used by numerous unrelated clients. Clearly, a combination of SOA and Ajax could be powerful, and we may see separate frameworks evolving to generate, and to serve, Ajax applications.

Exposing server-side objects to Ajax

Many SOA and web service toolkits have appeared that make it possible to expose a plain-old server-side object written in Java, C#, or PHP directly as a web service, with a one-to-one mapping between the object’s methods and the web service interface. Microsoft Visual Studio tools support this, as does Apache Axis for Java.

A number of Ajax toolkits, such as DWR (for Java) and SAJAX (for PHP, .NET, Python, and several other languages) enhance these capabilities with JavaScript-specific client code.

These toolkits can be very useful. They can also be misused if not applied with caution. Let’s look at a simple example using the Java DWR toolkit, in order to work out the right way to use these tools. We will define a server-side object to represent a person.

Dans le document Dave Crane Eric Pascarello (Page 194-200)