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Some small refactoring case studies

Dans le document Dave Crane Eric Pascarello (Page 107-121)

Introducing order to Ajax

3.2 Some small refactoring case studies

The following sections address some issues in Ajax development and look at some common solutions to them. In each case, we’ll show you how to refactor to ease the pain associated with that issue, and then we’ll identify the elements of the solution that can be reused elsewhere.

In keeping with an honorable tradition in design patterns literature, we will present each issue in terms of a problem, the technical solution, and then a dis-cussion of the larger issues involved.

3.2.1 Cross-browser inconsistencies:

Façade and Adapter patterns

If you ask any web developers—be they coders, designers, graphics artists, or all-rounders—for their pet peeves in relation to their work, there’s a good chance that getting their work to display correctly on different browsers will be on their list. The Web is full of standards for technology, and most browser vendors imple-ment most of the standards more or less completely most of the time. Sometimes the standards are vague and open to different interpretations, sometimes the browser vendors extended the standards in useful but inconsistent ways, and sometimes the browsers just have good old-fashioned bugs in them.

JavaScript coders have resorted since the early days to checking in their code which browser they’re using or to testing whether or not an object exists. Let’s take a very simple example.

Working with DOM elements

As we discussed in chapter 2, a web page is exposed to JavaScript through the Document Object Model (DOM), a tree-like structure whose elements corre-spond to the tags of an HTML document. When manipulating a DOM tree pro-grammatically, it is quite common to want to find out an element’s position on the page. Unfortunately, browser vendors have provided various nonstandard methods for doing so over the years, making it difficult to write fail-safe cross-browser code to accomplish the task. Listing 3.2—a simplified version of a func-tion from Mike Foster’s x library (see secfunc-tion 3.5)—shows a comprehensive way of discovering the pixel position of the left edge of the DOM element e passed in as an argument.

function getLeft(e){


return 0;


var css=xDef(e.style);

if (css && xStr(e.style.left)) { iX=parseInt(e.style.left);

if(isNaN(iX)) iX=0;

}else if(css && xDef(e.style.pixelLeft)) { iX=e.style.pixelLeft;


return iX;


Different browsers offer many ways of determining the position of the node via the style array that we encountered in chapter 2. The W3CCSS2 standard sup-ports a property called style.left, defined as a string describing value and units, such as 100px. Units other than pixels may be supported. style.pixelLeft, in contrast, is numeric and assumes all values to be measured in pixels. pixelLeft is supported only in Microsoft Internet Explorer. The getLeft() method discussed here first checks that CSS is supported and then tests both values, trying the W3C standard first. If no values are found, then a value of zero is returned by default.

Note that we don’t explicitly check for browser names or versions but use the more robust object-detection technique that we discussed in chapter 2.

Writing functions like these to accommodate cross-browser peculiarities is a tedious business, but once it is done, the developer can get on with developing the application without having to worry about these issues. And with well-tested libraries such as x, most of the hard work has already been done for us. Having a reliable adapter function for discovering the on-page position of a DOM element can speed up the development of an Ajax user interface considerably.

Making requests to the server

We’ve already come across another similar cross-browser incompatibility in chap-ter 2. Browser vendors have provided nonstandard mechanisms for obtaining the XMLHttpRequest object used to make asynchronous requests to the server. When we wanted to load an XML document from the server, we needed to figure out which of the possibilities to use.

Internet Explorer will only deliver the goods if we ask for an ActiveX compo-nent, whereas Mozilla and Safari will play nice if we ask for a native built-in object. Only the XML loading code itself knew about those differences. Once the

Listing 3.2 getLeft() function

Some small refactoring case studies 79

XMLHttpRequest object was returned into the rest of the code, it behaved identi-cally in both cases. Calling code doesn’t need to understand either the ActiveX or the native object subsystem; it only needs to understand the net.Content-Loader() constructor.

The Façade pattern

For both getLeft() and newnet.ContentLoader(), the code that does the object detection is ugly and tedious. By defining a function to hide it from the rest of our code, we are making the rest of the code easier to read and isolating the object-detection code in a single place. This is a basic principle in refactoring—don’t repeat yourself, often abbreviated to DRY. If we discover an edge case that our object-detection code doesn’t handle properly, then fixing it once rolls that change out to all calls to discover the left coordinate of a DOM element, create an XML Request object, or whatever else we are trying to do.

In the language of design patterns, we are using a pattern known as Façade.

Façade is a pattern used to provide a common access point to different imple-mentations of a service or piece of functionality. The XMLHttpRequest object, for example, offers a useful service, and our application doesn’t really care how it is delivered as long as it works (figure 3.1).

In many cases, we also want to simplify access to a subsystem. In the case of getting the left-edge coordinate of a DOM element, for example, the CSS spec provided us with a plethora of choices, allowing the value to be specified in pixels, points, ems, and other units. This freedom of expression may be more than we need. The getLeft() function in listing 3.2 will work as long as we are using pix-els as the unit throughout our layout system. Simplifying the subsystem in this way is another feature of the Façade pattern.

The Adapter pattern

A closely related pattern is Adapter. In Adapter, we also work with two subsystems that perform the same function, such as the Microsoft and Mozilla approaches to getting an XMLHttpRequest object. Rather than constructing a new Façade for each to use, as we did earlier, we provide an extra layer over one of the subsystems that presents the same API as the other subsystem. This layer is known as the Adapter. The Sarissa XML library for Ajax, which we will discuss in section 3.5.1, uses the Adapter pattern to make Internet Explorer’s ActiveX control look like the Mozilla built-in XMLHttpRequest. Both approaches are valid and can help to integrate legacy or third-party code (including the browsers themselves) into your Ajax project.

Let’s move on to the next case study, in which we consider issues with JavaScript’s event-handling model.

3.2.2 Managing event handlers: Observer pattern

We can’t write very much Ajax code without coming across event-based program-ming techniques. JavaScript user interfaces are heavily event-driven, and the introduction of asynchronous requests with Ajax adds a further set of callbacks and events for our application to deal with. In a relatively simple application, an event such as a mouse click or the arrival of data from the server can be handled by a single function. As an application grows in size and complexity, though, we may want to notify several distinct subsystems and even to expose a mechanism whereby interested parties can sign themselves up for such notification. Let’s explore an example to see what the issues are.

Calling code

loadXML() function

Implicit XMLHttpRequest interface Implicit XMLHttpRequest interface

Native XMLHttpRequest ActiveX XMLHttpRequest

Figure 3.1 Schematic of the Façade pattern, as it relates to the XMLHttpRequest object across browsers. The loadXML() function requires an XMLHttpRequest object, but doesn't care about its actual implementation. Underlying implementations may offer considerably more complex HTTP Request semantics, but both are simplified here to provide the basic functionality required by the calling function.

Some small refactoring case studies 81

Using multiple event handlers

It’s common practice when scripting DOM nodes using JavaScript to define the script in the window.onload function, which is executed after the page (and there-fore the DOM tree) is fully loaded. Let’s say that we have a DOM element on our page that will display dynamically generated data fetched from the server at reg-ular intervals once the page is loaded. The JavaScript that coordinates the data fetching and the display needs a reference to the DOM node, so it gets it by defin-ing a window.onload event:




All well and good. Let’s say that we now want to add a second visual display that provides alerts from a news feed, for example (see chapter 13 if you’re interested in implementing this functionality). The code that controls the news feed display also needs to grab references to some DOM elements on startup. So it defines a window.onload event handler, too:




We test both sets of code on separate pages and find them both to work fine.

When we put them together, the second window.onload function overwrites the first, and the data feed fails to display and starts to generate JavaScript errors.

The problem lies in the fact that the window object allows only a single onload function to be attached to it.

Limitations of a composite event handler

Our second event handler overrides the first one. We can get around this by writ-ing a swrit-ingle composite function:





This works for our current example, but it tangles together code from the data display and the news feed viewer, which are otherwise unrelated to each other. If we were dealing with 10 or 20 systems rather than 2, and each needed to get ref-erences to several DOM elements, then a composite event handler like this would become hard to maintain. Swapping individual components in and out would become difficult and error prone, leading to exactly the sort of situation that we

described in the introduction, where nobody wants to touch the code in case it should break. Let’s try to refactor a little further, by defining a loader function for each subsystem:





function getDisplayElements(){



function getFeedElements(){



This introduces some clarity, reducing our composite window.onload() to a single line for each subsystem, but the composite function is still a weak point in the design and is likely to cause us trouble. In the following section, we’ll examine a slightly more complex but more scalable solution to the problem.

The Observer pattern

It can be helpful sometimes to ask where the responsibility for an action lies. The composite function approach places responsibility for getting the references to DOM elements on the window object, which then has to know which subsystems are present in the current page. Ideally, each subsystem should be responsible for acquiring its own references. That way, if it is present on a page, it will get them, and if it isn’t present, it won’t.

To set the division of responsibility straight, we can allow systems to register for notification of the onload event happening by passing a function to call when the window.onload event is fired. Here’s a simple implementation:

window.onloadListeners=new Array();




When the window is fully loaded, then the window object need only iterate through its array of listeners and call each one in turn:


for(var i=0;i<window.onloadListeners.length;i++){

var func=window.onlloadListeners[i];


} }

Some small refactoring case studies 83

Provided that every subsystem uses this approach, we can offer a much cleaner way of setting up all the subsystems without tangling them up in one another. Of course, it takes only one rogue piece of code to directly override window.onload and the system will break. But we have to take charge of our codebase at some point to prevent this from happening.

It’s worth pointing out here that the newer W3C event model also implements a multiple event handler system. We’ve chosen to build our own here on top of the old JavaScript event model because implementations of the W3C model aren’t consistent across browsers. We discuss this in greater detail in chapter 4.

The design pattern into which our code here is refactored is called Observer.

Observer defines an Observable object, in our case the built-in window object, and a set of Observers or Listeners that can register themselves with it (figure 3.2).

With the Observer pattern, responsibility is apportioned appropriately between the event source and the event handler. Handlers take responsibility for registering and unregistering themselves. The event source takes responsibility for maintaining a list of registered parties and firing notifications when the event occurs. The pattern has a long history of use in event-driven UI programming, and we’ll return to Observer when we discuss JavaScript events in more detail in chapter 4. And, as we’ll see, it can also be used in our own code objects independ-ently of the browser’s mouse and key event processing.

For now, let’s move on to the next recurring issue that we can solve through refactoring.

3.2.3 Reusing user action handlers: Command pattern

It may be obvious to say that in most applications, the user is telling (through mouse clicks and keyboard presses) the app to do something, and the app then does it. In a simple program, we might present the user with only one way to


Responsibility of Observer Responsibility of Observable Observer

Figure 3.2

Division of responsibility in the Observer pattern. Objects wishing to be notified of an event, the Observers, can register and unregister themselves with the event source, Observable, which will notify all registered parties when an event occurs.

perform an action, but in more complex interfaces, we will often want the user to be able to trigger the same action from several routes.

Implementing a button widget

Let’s say that we have a DOM element styled to look like a button widget that per-forms a calculation when pressed and updates an HTML table with the result. We could define a mouse-click event-handler function for the button element that looks like this:

function buttonOnclickHandler(event){

var data=new Array();




var newRow=createTableRow(dataTable);

for (var i=0;i<data.length;i++){


} }

We’re assuming here that the variable dataTable is a reference to an existing table and that the functions createTableRow() and createTableCell() take care of the details of DOM manipulation for us. The interesting thing here is the calculation phase, which could, in a real-world application, run to hundreds of lines of code.

We assign this event handler to the button element like so:


Supporting multiple event types

Let’s say that we have now supercharged our application with Ajax. We are poll-ing the server for updates, and we want to perform this calculation if a particular value is updated from the server, too, and update a different table with the data.

We don’t need to go into the details of setting up a repeated polling of the server here. Let’s assume that we have a reference to an object called poller. Internally, it is using an XMLHttpRequest object and has set its onreadystatechange handler to call an onload function whenever it has finished loading an update from the server. We could abstract out the calculation and display phases into helper func-tions, like this:

function buttonOnclickHandler(event){

var data=calculate();



function ajaxOnloadHandler(){

var data=calculate();

Some small refactoring case studies 85



function calculate(){

var data=new Array();


for (var i=0;i<data.length;i++){


} }



A lot of the common functionality has been abstracted out into the calculate() and showData() functions, and we’re only repeating ourselves a little in the onclick and onload handlers.

We’ve achieved a much better separation between the business logic and the UI updates. Once again, we’ve stumbled upon a useful repeatable solution. This time it is known as the Command pattern. The Command object defines some activity of arbitrary complexity that can be passed around in code easily and swapped between UI elements easily. In the classic Command pattern for object-oriented languages, user interactions are wrapped up as Command objects, which typically derive from a base class or interface. We’ve solved the same prob-lem in a slightly different way here. Because JavaScript functions are first-class objects, we can treat them as Command objects directly and still provide the same level of abstraction.

Wrapping up everything that the user does as a Command might seem a little cumbersome, but it has a hidden payoff. When all our user actions are wrapped up in Command objects, we can easily associate other standard functionality with them. The most commonly discussed extension is to add an undo() method.

When this is done, the foundations for a generic undo facility across an applica-tion are laid. In a more complex example, Commands could be recorded in a stack as they execute, and the user can use the undo button to work back up the stack, returning the application to previous states (figure 3.3).

Each new command is placed on the top of the stack, which may be undone item by item. The user creates a document by a series of write actions. Then she selects the entire document and accidentally hits the delete button. When she invokes the undo function, the topmost item is popped from the stack, and its

undo() method is called, returning the deleted text. A further undo would dese-lect the text, and so on.

Of course, using Command to create an undo stack means some extra work for the developer, in ensuring that the combination of executing and undoing the command returns the system to its initial state. A working undo feature can be a strong differentiator between products, however, particularly for applications that enjoy heavy or prolonged use. As we discussed in chapter 1, that’s exactly the territory that Ajax is moving into.

Command objects can also be useful when we need to pass information across boundaries between subsystems in an application. The network, of course, is just such a boundary, and we’ll revisit the Command pattern in chapter 5, when we discuss client/server interactions.

Command stack

Select all

Write para 2

Write para 1 Delete selected

Command stack

Select all

Write para 1 Write para 2 Delete selected

Document preview

Blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah rhubarb blah

Document preview Interactions


Figure 3.3 Using the Command pattern to implement a generic undo stack in a word

Figure 3.3 Using the Command pattern to implement a generic undo stack in a word

Dans le document Dave Crane Eric Pascarello (Page 107-121)