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(Etude 3)

Tableau 1. Marqueurs biochimiques et charge d’entraînement de joueurs de football professionnels en périodes de matchs enchaînés et non-enchaînés.


Figure 1. Quelques facteurs contribuant au succès et à l’amélioration de la performance en match (Hughes & Bartlett, 2002).

Figure 2. Influence des postes de jeu sur le nombre total de sprints et le nombre de sprints complétés sur différentes distances (Di Salvo et al., 2009).

Figure 3. Déterminants de la performance en football en référence aux mécanismes physiologiques (Drust et al., 2012).

Figure 4. Rapport de FC d’un match de football.

Figure 5. Rythme circadien de la température rectale (Reilly et al., 1997).

Figure 6. Probabilité de gagner, nombre de buts marqués et encaissés selon la différence entre l’altitude du match et l’altitude de résidence d’une équipe (McSharry, 2007).

(Etude 2)

Figure 1. Distances parcourues et temps passés à accélérer et décélérer lors de périodes de matchs professionnels de football rapprochés et non-rapprochés.

(Etude 3)

Figure 1. Evolutions de créatine kinase au cours d’une semaine d’entraînement de joueurs de football professionnels.

Figure 2. Evolutions de cortisol au cours d’une semaine d’entraînement de joueurs de football professionnels.

Figure 3. Cinétiques des concentrations plasmatiques de créatine kinase lors de périodes de matchs enchaînés et lors de périodes de matchs non-enchaînés.


Photo 1. Séances d’entraînement physique dissocié (à gauche) et intégré (à droite) avec GPS. Photo 2. Exemple de rapport athlétique d’un match de Ligue 1.

Photo 3. Exemple de rapport d’accélérations (en vert) / décélérations (en rouge) à haute intensité d’un match de Ligue 1.

Photo 4. Exemple de comparatif athlétique entre les deux mi-temps d’un match de Ligue 1. Photo 5. Joueur qui remplit son questionnaire RPE quotidien sur tablette.

Photo 6. Mise en place d’une ceinture cardio-fréquencemètre sur un joueur avant une séance d’entraînement.

Photo 7. Prise de sang et processus d’analyse dans un club de football de Ligue 1. Photo 8. Exemple de prélèvement salivaire.

Photo 9. Test urinaire pour calculer l’osmolarité.

Photo 10. Joueur en conditions chaudes cherchant à se rafraichir.

Annexe 1. Questionnaire POMS (Profile Of Mood States) Annexe 2. Questionnaire Rest-Q (Recovery-Stress)

Annexe 3. Questionnaire DALDA (Daily Analysis of Life Demands for Athletes)

Annexe 4. Etude n°1 complète : publiée dans Asian Journal of Sports Medicine (2014)

Annexe 5. Etude n°2 : mail de confirmation de soumission dans Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (2017)

Annexe 6. Etude n°3 : mail de demande de révision pour publication dans Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (2017)


Nov 25, 2017 Dear Mr Djaoui,


Our editors will review your manuscript within the next four to six weeks and will send their reviews back to our office. Reviewers do volunteer their time to complete the reviews of your article, and are very dedicated to getting reviews back as soon as possible. You will receive your reviews as quickly as possible. For updates, please check your status on this website, http://jscr.edmgr.com/.

Your username is: leo.djaoui


The purpose of this memo is to let you know that we have your paper and it is in the editorial process.

Please use the title, revision state, first author, corresponding author, and your R number when communicating with our office. It is important that R-number is always used in reference to this paper.

Please remember to properly format your paper so as to reduce time and mistakes in the redactory if accepted. Attention to detail is important. We certainly appreciate your help in this matter. We thank you for your support of the journal. We are now accepting email submissions and communications and will be increasing pages to decrease in press time. Spread the word.

Thank you for your contribution to the JSCR. Sincerely,

Joan M. Kraemer, BA Managing Editor

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research has been a PUBMED, Medline journal since 2001. A full archive of all papers is on the NSCA web site at www.nsca-lift.org .


Sep 09, 2017


Expert reviewers carefully evaluated your manuscript. The comments are included below. We ask that you address the points in their reviews and send in a revised manuscript. Each point must be addressed before it can be considered for publication in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

Of primary concern is that you also take care of the experimental concerns of the reviewers but the impact for the end user appears to be there and thus we want to give you a chance to revise and address the experimental concerns. You need to take care of the presentation style and issues of formatting and enhance the writing style. This has made less clear as to the understanding of the impact of the paper and its role in moving the field forward. After much AE deliberation it was decided that the paper must be considered to be within the top 25% or higher of papers in that field for impact and

importance. Thus, you and your research team need to really revise your paper with this in mind. You need to address these concerns.

Pay attention to the list of things to check below, especially IRB and informed consent notation and need for this or it will delay your review and/or publication process.

Make sure you clearly develop your practical question in the introduction of the paper and verify what it means to the strength and conditioning professional in the practical applications section.


If the following is not done it will be sent back to you delaying its review process or eventual publication. Everything should be in English USA, even all title affiliations and references.

1. Make sure your human use informed consent is worded per author instructions and that if you include anyone who is under the age of 18 years of age, parental or guardian consent has been given and noted in this section. Please give the age range if your mean and SD suggest the subjects may have been under the age of 18 years. You need to say that subjects were informed of the risks and benefits of the study and then gave written informed consent to participate. Also note that the study was approved by an institutional review board or an ethics committee, this is important to have in the Subjects Section of the paper.

2. Make sure that your affiliation information or contact information for the corresponding author are on the title page of the paper as the title only page is used for the blinding;

3· Make SURE you have all your tables and figures attached and noted in the paper both text and where it should be placed. 4· Very IMPORTANT ---Table files must be MADE in Word NOT copied into Word!

5. No PDFs submitted just Word and appropriate files e.g.,PPT for figures as a final pdf will be produced by EM for your approval.

6. Check all formatting and titling and make sure it is correct or this can delay publication in the process. Please read carefully the newest author instructions as well and comply.

7. Make sure you cite each figure or table in the text and that it is part of the revision, not just with the original submission 8. No black eyes or masks over subject pictures face or eyes

9. Make sure your references are in proper format. You can down load End Note with JSCR style. ---

Each point must be addressed in a separate document in your responses to the reviewers. Do not use red type in the manuscript to show your changes or tracking. Meeting with several other journal editors in the field we know that the number of papers and the ability for gaining enough qualified reviewers has diminished this has put a stress on all journal editorial offices.

Thus, having a paper with no fatal flaws is no longer the minimal level that must be met. In our case, the findings must have an important impact on practices in the field. Thus, the AE Board understands that with each study a great deal of work goes into it and while we respect this fact, it is just not possible for us or other journals to publish the number of papers that are being submitted so you need to really make a case for your study.

The Editor wants to give you this chance. WE can still reject it as we are now rejecting 65 to 70% of papers, so it is not a rare occurrence. OK

Therefore, understanding the demands of the revision process and with the perceived feeling by the reviewers that it "might" be possible to make this paper meet such demands, I invite you to respond to the reviewers' comments and submit a revision if you believe you can adequately address their concerns. Again, please note that this request for revision does not imply that the manuscript will ultimately be accepted, but that the manuscript must be revised before further consideration is provided. The revisions should be completed by Mar 08, 2018 to avoid being considered as a new submission.

Your revised submission must include an itemized, point-by-point response to each the comments of the reviewers. The revised manuscript will be sent to the original reviewers for another evaluation before a decision is made. You also need to carefully check your JSCR journal format as this will just delay publication if it is not correct.

You must make sure you send the response, manuscript (with R number and revision number on it), figures, tables, and copyright (if you have not already sent it in with your initial submission).


If you would like your submission, if accepted, to be open access, please complete the following steps. An information sheet is available at http://links.lww.com/LWW-ES/A48.

1. A License to Publish (LTP) form must be completed for your submission to be made open access. Please download the form from http://links.lww.com/LWW-ES/A49, sign it, and submit the file as part of your revision (using the Attach Files submission step in Editorial Manager).

2. Upon acceptance of your submission, within your Acceptance decision letter will be a payment link to complete the open access process. The cost for publishing an article as open access can be found

at http://edmgr.ovid.com/jscr/accounts/ifauth.htm.

To submit a revision, go to http://jscr.edmgr.com/ and log in as an Author. You will see a menu item called "Submission Needing Revision." Please click on this item to obtain your submission record and begin the revision process.

Your username is: leo.djaoui click here to reset your password

We thank you for your contribution and look forward to more studies from your laboratory in the near future. Sincerely,

The Editorial Office

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research has been a PUBMED, Medline journal since 2001. A full archive of all papers is on the NSCA web site at www.nsca-lift.org.