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Spectra on Schreier graphs via renormalization

The goal of this section is to provide another approach to compute the spectra of the adjacency operators∆ξon the Schreier graphsΓξof spinal groups withm= 1using a renormalization approach, in Theorem 4.2.8. Even though for∆ξit is a particular case of Theorem 4.1.10, the strategy is more elegant, and the result is valid not only for the graphsΓξ,ξ ∈XN, but also for thed-ended graphsΓπfrom Theorem 3.7.3, so for all graphs in the space of Schreier


ω,XN. This method was developed by Quint in [60] for a graph related with the Pascal graph. In that case, the renormalization maps are an example of a more general construction studied in [48] called the para-line graph. Nevertheless, such construction is not suitable for our case, so we use a different approach to define the renormalization maps.

LetGω be a spinal group withd ≥3, m = 1andω ∈ Ωd,1. Letξ ∈ XNandΓξ be its Schreier graph with respect to the spinal generating setS, and let us write`2ξ =`2ξ).

Recall that the shift mapσ :XN→XNremoves the first digit of any point inXN. This shift induces an operatorΠ :`2σξ →`2ξ, defined asΠf(η) =f(ση). Conversely, we consider as well the operatorΠ :`2ξ →`2σξ, defined asΠf(η) =P

i∈Xf(iη). As it turns out,Πand Πare adjoint operators, and we have the relationΠΠ=d.

Geometrically, we can think ofΓξas an inflated version ofΓσξ, where every vertex has been replaced by a graph ondvertices. Iff ∈`2σξassigns a certain value to a vertex inΓσξ, thenΠf assigns the same value to alldvertices replacing it. Conversely, iff ∈`2ξ, then Πf assigns to a vertex the sum of the values off at thedcorresponding vertices inΓξ. See Figure 4.3 for a description ofΠ.


βj γj

7−→Π Γσξ

α α

α α

α βj

βj βj


βj γj

γj γj

γj γj Γξ

Figure 4.3: The operatorΠ copies the value of the function at each vertexpinΓσξto the correspondingdverticesip,i∈X, inΓξ.

In a similar way, we may define the renormalization mapsΠandΠforΓπas well. Let Gω be a spinal group withd ≥ 3, m = 1andω ∈ Ωd,1. Letπ ∈ Epi(B, A) occurring infinitely often inω. Thed-ended Schreier graphsΓπ from Theorem 3.7.3 correspond to Schreier graphs of neighborhoods of the point(d−1)N∈XN(see Section 3.7).

Recall that the graphsΓπhave vertex setCof((d−1)N)×X, and can be decomposed asdcopies ofΓ(d−1)N joined by a copy ofΛπ. Let`2π =`2π)and∆π be the adjacency operator onΓπ. We can extend the renormalization mapsΠ andΠto the graphsΓπ in a natural way asΠ,Π :`2π →`2π asΠf(η, i) =f(ση, i)andΠf(η, i) =P

j∈Xf(jη, i).

These operatorsΠandΠare the renormalization maps that we will use in order to relate

ξwith∆σξand∆π with itself in order to find their spectra.

Lemma 4.2.1. LetGbe the quadratic polynomialG(x) =x2−2(d−2)x−2(d−1). We

This shows the first relation while the second one is its dual, as∆ξ,∆σξ are self-adjoint operators.

Remark 4.2.2. The mapGarising in Lemma 4.2.1 is the same as the mapGdefined in Remark 4.1.11 relating the mapsψandFfrom Theorem 4.1.10 form= 1. For spinal groups withm≥2, there does not exist any quadratic map playing the role ofGin Lemma 4.2.1, which limits this approach to spinal groups withm= 1.

We will now use the equalities in Lemma 4.2.1 to find a relation between the spectrum of

σξ(∆π) with that of∆ξ|H (∆π|H), the restriction of∆ξ(∆π) to a subspaceHof`2ξ(`2π).

In order to do that, we will need a general result from functional analysis. We only include its statement (Lemma 4.2.3), for its proof, see [60].

Lemma 4.2.3. Let H be a Hilbert space and T a self-adjoint bounded operator of H.

Let q ∈ R[x]be a quadratic polynomial. Let K ⊂ H be a closed subspace such that q(T)K ⊂ K andK and T K generateH. Thenq(sp(T)) = sp(q(T)|K). Moreover, if T−1K∩K= 0, thensp(T) =q−1(sp(q(T)|K)).

LetH =hΠ`2σξ,∆ξΠ`2σξi(alternativelyH=hΠ`2π,∆πΠ`2πi) be the subspace of`2ξ (`2π) generated by the images of the operatorsΠand∆ξΠ(∆πΠ). Now we are ready to establish the relation betweensp(∆ξ|H)andsp(∆σξ)(sp(∆π|H)andsp(∆π)).

Proposition 4.2.4. For everyξ∈XN,His invariant under∆ξ(∆π). Moreover, sp(∆ξ|H) =G−1(sp(∆σξ)),

sp(∆π|H) =G−1(sp(∆π)).

Proof. We provide again the proof only for∆ξ, as for∆π it is analogous. For anyf ∈`2σξ,

ξΠf ∈Hby definition and, by Lemma 4.2.1,

2ξΠf = Πσξf+ 2(d−2)∆ξΠf+ 2(d−1)Πf ∈H.

ThereforeHis invariant under∆ξ. LetK be the image ofΠ. 1

dΠ is an isometry from`2σξ toK, asΠΠ =d, which implies thatsp(G(∆ξ)|K) = sp(∆σξ)by Lemma 4.2.1. Now setL={f ∈`2σξ |∆ξΠf ∈ K}and letf ∈L. Letp∈Γσξ, and letqj,rj be itsAandB-neighbors, respectively, for j= 1, . . . , d−1. Letα,βjjdenote the values off atp,qjandrj, respectively, and set β = Pd−1

j=1βj andγ = Pd−1

j=1γj. Recall from the proof of Lemma 4.2.1 that, for every i∈X, we have

ξΠf(ip) =





β+ (d−1)α, i= 0 2(d−1)α, i6= 0, d−1 γ+ (d−1)α, i=d−1


Since∆ξΠf ∈ K, it must be constant over the vertices of Γξ of the form ip, i ∈ X.

This means thatβ = γ = (d−1)α. Similarly, for everyj = 1, . . . , d−1, we deduce (d−1)βj =β−βj +αand(d−1)γj =γ−γj+α. Equivalently, thatβjj =αfor

everyj = 1, . . . , d−1. Thusf is constant, and hencef = 0, soL= 0.

Now letg∈∆−1ξ K∩K, so bothg,∆ξg∈K. There existsh∈`2σξ such thatg= Πh, and so∆ξΠh= ∆ξg∈K. Consequently,h∈L, but thenh= 0and thereforeg= 0, so

−1ξ K∩K= 0. We may now use Lemma 4.2.3 to obtain

sp(∆ξ|H) =G−1(sp(G(∆ξ)|K)) =G−1(sp(∆σξ)).

Proposition 4.2.4 establishes a relation between the part of the spectrum of ∆ξ (∆π) which corresponds to the subspace H in `2ξ (`2π) to the whole spectrum on `2σξ (`2π), via the quadratic mapG. We now want to find the part of the spectrum corresponding to the orthogonal complement ofH, denotedH. Once we know both parts, we will be able to find an explicit description of the spectrum of∆ξ(∆π).

Lemma 4.2.5. sp(∆ξ|H) = sp(∆π|H) ={d−2,−2}.

αd−1 α0

α3 α1


(d1)p 0p

3p 1p

2p βj0

βj2 βj1 βj3

βd−1j γj0

γj2 γj1 γj3 γd−1j

Figure 4.4: Values of the functionf ∈Hat the verticesip,iqj andirj ofΓξ, fori∈X andj= 1, . . . , d−1.

Proof. Once again the proof for∆π is analogous so we do not include it. Letf ∈H. Let p ∈Γσξ, and letqj,rj be itsAandB-neighbors, respectively, forj = 1, . . . , d−1. For eachi∈X, setαi =f(ip),βji =f(iqj),γji =f(irj), as in Figure 4.4. Becausef ∈H, we have

0 =hf,Πδpi=hΠf, δpi= Πf(p) =X


f(ip) =X


αi. Likewise, we obtain, for everyj= 1, . . . , d−1,



βji =X


γji = 0.

As in the proof of Lemma 4.2.1, we will find∆ξf(ip)and∆2ξf(ip). In order to simplify notation, we will writeβ =Pd−1

j=1βj0andγ =Pd−1

j=1γjd−1. Using the equalities above, we


Furthermore, again using the equalities we have established,

2ξf(ip) = end, we need the following result.

Lemma 4.2.6. 2(d−1)and−(d−1)2−1are not eigenvalues of∆ξ(∆π).

Proof. The analogous proof for∆π is omitted. Letf ∈ `2ξ be an eigenfunction of ∆of eigenvalue2(d−1). Sincef ∈`2ξ,fmust be bounded and reach its maximum value on some vertices. LetΣbe the set of vertices ofΓξattaining that maximum. Ifp∈Σandqjare its neighbors,j= 1, . . . ,2(d−1)becauseΓξis2(d−1)-regular, then2(d−1)f(p) = ∆f(p) = P2(d−1)

j=1 f(qj). Butf(qj)≤f(p), and therefore,f(qj) =f(p)for allj= 1, . . . ,2(d−1), soqj ∈Σfor everyj = 1, . . . ,2(d−1). SinceΓξis connected,f must be constant, and sincef ∈`2ξ,f must be zero.

For the second claim, we know thatk∆k=|S|= 2(d−1), and since(d−1)2+ 1>

2(d−1)for everyd >2,−(d−1)2−1cannot be insp(∆).

Recall from Definition 3.2.3 thatΓ1η is the subgraphXσ(η)ofΓξ, forη∈Cof(ξ). We will call any such subgraph anA-piece. Similarly,Λnη is the subgraph(d−1)n0Xσn+2(η)of Γξ, forn≥0andη∈Cof(ξ). We will call such subgraph ann-piece, and, more generally, we will call anyn-piece aB-piece. Finally, for convenience, we will sometimes callA-pieces (−1)-pieces. In Figures 4.3 and 4.4,B-pieces are drawn in blue, whileA-pieces are drawn

in black.

Notice that every vertex belongs to exactly oneA-piece and every vertex not fixed by Bbelongs to exactly oneB-piece. Moreover, everyA-piece hasdvertices, joined together only byA-edges. More precisely, for everyk= 1, . . . , d−1, any vertexiηfrom anA-piece inΓξ has anak-edge to(i+k)η in the sameA-piece. Similarly, anyB-piece has alsod vertices, joined together by onlyB-edges. For everyb∈B\ {1}, any vertex(d−1)n0iη from aB-piece inΓξhas ab-edge to(d−1)n0(i+k)ηin the sameB-piece, ifωn(b) =ak.

For the graphsΓπ, we may extend these notions in a natural way.A-pieces (equivalently (−1)-pieces) are subgraphs of the form(Γ1η, i) = (Xση, i), for η ∈ Cof((d−1)N)and i∈X. n-pieces are subgraphs of the form(Λnη, i) = ((d−1)n0Xσn+2(η), i), forn≥0, η ∈ Cof(ξ) andi ∈ X. We define the subgraph ((d−1)N, X)to be the only ∞-piece.

Again, we call anyn-piece aB-piece, forn≥0orn=∞.

Intuitively,AandB-pieces inΓπare exactly those within thedcopies ofΓ(d−1)N, with the exception of the new∞-piece which joins thedcopies together.

Lemma 4.2.7. The eigenspaceE−2is trivial, whileEd−2is the subspace ofHgiven by

Ed−2={f ∈`2ξ|Πf = 0, f constant onB-pieces}.

Proof. Once more, we provide only the proof for∆ξ, as that for∆πis analogous. Let us first show that bothEd−2andE−2 are contained inH. Letf ∈Ed−2. Then, by Lemma 4.2.1,

σξΠf = ΠG(∆ξ)f =G(d−2)Πf = (−(d−1)2−1)Πf.

But Lemma 4.2.6 then impliesΠf = 0. In addition,Π∆ξf = (d−2)Πf = 0. Now, for as before,f ∈H. This shows thatH does not contain any eigenfunction of eigenvalue d−2nor−2. corresponds to the following system of equations:

all of whose solutions are constant vectors. Hence,f is constant onB-pieces.

Finally, let us showE−2 = 0. Letf ∈E−2. Again, we know thatΠf = 0. For every

But∆ξf =−2f, soP

j∈Xf(ipj) = 0, or equivalently thatf has zero sum on allB-pieces.

For the remaining part of the proof, we will consider the subgraphsΓnη =Xnσn(η)of Γξ, forn≥1,η ∈Cof(ξ)(see Definition 3.2.3). Notice that such subgraphs can only be connected toΓξnη by two vertices:(d−1)n−1n(η)and(d−1)nσn(η). We shall call them the extremes ofΓnη. We claim that for every subgraphΓnη ofΓξ,f is antisymmetric at its extremes, i.e., thatf((d−1)n−1n(η)) =−f((d−1)nσn(η)). Indeed, we proceed by induction onn.

Ifn= 1, the subgraphsΓ1η forη∈Cof(ξ)are preciselyA-pieces. SinceΠf = 0, the sum of the values off at itsdvertices is0. However,f vanishes on vertices whose first digit is different from0, d−1, as they are fixed byB, and is hence antisymmetric on the remaining two vertices, which are the extremes ofΓ1η.

Assume the claim to be true for n ≥ 1, and consider Γn+1η , for η ∈ Cof(ξ). We decompose Γn+1η as dsubgraphs Γnζ(i), i ∈ X, where ζk(i) = ηk for all k ∈ N\ {n}

and ζn(i) = i. Each of these subgraphs has extremes pi = (d−1)nn+1(η) and qi = (d−1)n−10iσn+1(η),i∈X, and theqiform aB-piece. Our goal is to show thatf(p0) =


Notice that the verticespi,i6= 0, d−1, are fixed byB, and sof(pi) = 0,i6= 0, d−1. By induction hypothesis we havef(pi) =−f(qi)for everyi∈X, so in particularf(qi) = 0, for i 6= 0, d−1. Finally, the qi form a B-piece, so P

i∈Xf(qi) = 0, which implies f(q0) =−f(qd−1). Now we conclude

f(pd−1) =−f(qd−1) =f(q0) =−f(p0).


0 0




α −α α −α

Figure 4.5: Any(−2)-eigenfunctionf is antisymmetric on the extremes of the subgraphΓnξ, for alln≥1andη ∈Cof(ξ). Therefore it must be zero.

Hence iff(p) =α6= 0for somep∈Γξ, we can find an infinite path onΓξon whichf has alternating valuesα,−α, which is a contradiction with the fact thatfis square summable.

Thenf = 0and soE−2 = 0.

Notice that ford= 2the eigenspaceEd−2 is also trivial. We may now conclude with the explicit computation of the spectrum of the adjacency operator∆ξ(∆π) on the Schreier graphsΓξπ).

Theorem 4.2.8. LetGω be a spinal group withd≥3,m = 1andω∈Ωd,1. Let∆be the adjacency operator on any Schreier graphΓin the space of graphsGGω,XN, i.e., eitherΓξ forξ∈XNorΓπforπ∈Epi(B, A)repeating infinitely often inω. Then,

sp(∆) = Λ∪ [


G−n(d−2), (4.3)

whereG(x) =x2−2(d−2)x−2(d−1)andΛis its Julia set, which is a Cantor set of zero Lebesgue measure. In particular,sp(∆)does not depend onξnorπ.

Proof. We only provide the proof for∆ξ, since for∆πit is analogous. By induction onn≥ 0, and in parallel for all the graphsΓξwithξ∈XN, let us show thatG−n(d−2)⊂sp(∆ξ).

The case n = 0 is a consequence of Lemma 4.2.5. Suppose thatSn

k=0G−k(d−2) ⊂ sp(∆σξ)for somen≥1. Then, by Proposition 4.2.4,Sn+1

k=0G−k(d−2)⊂sp(∆ξ). Hence S

n≥0G−n(d−2)⊂sp(∆ξ). Sincesp(∆ξ)is closed, andΛis the adherence of this set, Λ⊂sp(∆ξ)too.

Now letx∈sp(∆ξ)such thatx 6∈S

n≥0G−n(d−2). In that case, Proposition 4.2.4 and Lemma 4.2.5 imply thatGn(x)∈sp(∆σn(ξ))for everyn≥0. Therefore the sequence Gn(x)is bounded, which means thatx∈Λ.

Remark 4.2.9. The mapGis the same map from Remark 4.1.11, so it satisfiesG(x) = ψ(x) +d−2 =F(x−(d−2)) +d−2, whereψandFare the maps from Theorem 4.1.10 withm= 1.

As with Corollary 4.1.12, the Cantor spectrum in Theorem 4.2.8 allows us to conclude an immediate consequence about spectral measures.

Corollary 4.2.10. LetGωbe a spinal group withd≥3,m= 1andω∈Ωd,1. Let∆be the adjacency operator on any Schreier graphΓin the space of graphsSch(XN), i.e., either Γξforξ ∈XNorΓπ forπ ∈Epi(B, A)repeating infinitely often inω. Then any spectral measure of∆has trivial absolutely continuous part.

Proof. The support of any spectral measure of∆is contained insp(∆). Since the Lebesgue measure ofsp(∆)is zero, its absolutely continuous part must be trivial.