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Spectra on finite Schreier graphs

3.7 Space of Schreier graphs

4.1.1 Spectra on finite Schreier graphs

Since the Schreier graphsΓnare finite, let us start by computing the matrix of∆n. The set of vertices ofΓnisXn, let us order them lexicographically. The matrix of∆nis a matrix of sizedn×dn. We will usually write it as ad×dblock matrix where each block is a matrix of sizedn−1×dn−1. A block denoted by a scalar is the corresponding multiple of the identity matrixIdn−1.

Proof. In order to write the adjacency matrix ofΓn, let us first write the adjacency matrices associated with each of the generators inSwe consider. For a generators∈S, we denote its associated adjacency matrix forΓnbysn, and ifu, v∈Xn, its coefficient(u, v)is1if s(u) =vand0otherwise.

Recall thatais the generator ofA, and it permutes the subtrees of the first level cyclically.

This means that, for everyi∈Xandv∈Xn−1,a(iv) = (i+ 1)v. We can therefore write the adjacency matrix of this generator as

a0 = 1, an=

Now, for anyb∈Bandk≥0, if we write the matrix

Recall that these matrices have sizedn×dn, so every block is itself a matrix of size dn−1×dn−1, and scalars denote the corresponding multiple of the identity matrixIdn−1.

Now notice that, for everyn≥0, The former is clear, and, for the latter, we have, for everyk≥0,


The sum in the first block does not depend on k, since ωk is an epimorphism and all elements ofAhave exactlydm−1preimages inB. Hence we can inductively conclude that


If we now try to find the characteristic polynomial of∆n, we will not find any explicit relation with that of∆n−1. Instead, we consider the matrix

Qn(p, q) :=Bn+pAn−q.

These additional parameters will allow us to find a relation between the determinant of Qn(p, q)and Qn−1(p0, q0), for some differentp0 andq0. According to Lemma 4.1.1, by settingp = 1, q = 0, we recover the matrix of∆n, so more specifically we want to find sp(∆n) ={q| |Qn(1, q)|= 0}.

As mentioned above, the strategy consists of two steps. First, we will provide the relation between the determinants ofQn(p, q)andQn−1(p0, q0)(Proposition 4.1.4). Second, we will solve this recurrence to find a factorization of the determinant ofQn(p, q)(Proposition 4.1.6).

Our computations involve matrices of the formrAn+s, withr, s∈R, so let us start with the following result, which will be useful later on.

Lemma 4.1.2. Letr, s, r0, s0∈R. Then, diagonal andd−2ones for the rest, which shows the claim.

For(2), we have For(3), we can verify, using(1), that

(rAn+s) (rAn−(d−2)r−s) =r2A2n−(d−2)r2An−(d−2)rs−s2=

=r2((d−2)An+d−1)−(d−2)r2An−(d−2)rs−s2= (r−s)(s+ (d−1)r).

Claim(4)can be checked directly, again using(1).

Proposition 4.1.3. Forn= 0andn= 1, we have

Proposition 4.1.4. Forn≥2, we have

|Qn(p, q)|= (αβd2−3d+1γd−1)dn−2

Qn−1(p0, q0) , withαandβas in Proposition 4.1.3,

p0 := dm−1β

Proof. We start computing the determinant of|Qn(p, q)|directly, performing elementary transformations of rows and columns in determinants.

|Qn(p, q)|=


We continue the computation of the determinant by taking the first Schur complement.

Namely, whenever a matrixP is invertible, we have equality

Let us now compute these two determinants. First, using Lemma 4.1.2 with r = dm−1(α−p)ands=γ+dm−1(α−p), we obtain


(s−r)d−1(s+ (d−1)r)idn−1

= (αβγd−1)dn−1, as well as

Cn−1= −1 αβγ

dm−1(α−p)(An−(d−1))−γ . Similarly, again by Lemma 4.1.2 but now with

r= (d−2)dm−1, s= (d−1) β−(d−2)dm−1 , r0 =dm−1(α−p), s0 =−(γ+ (d−1)dm−1(α−p)), we find

DnCn−1 = −1 αγ

dm−1βAn−(d−1)δ . Indeed,


= (d−2)rr0−r(γ+ (d−1)r0) +r0(d−1)(β−r) =

=−drr0−rγ+ (d−1)βr0 =

=dm−1[(d−1)β(α−p)−(d−2)(γ+dm(α−p))] =

=dm−1β[α−(d−1)p] =dm−1β2, and

(d−1)rr0+ss0 =

= (d−1)rr0−(d−1)(β−r)(γ+ (d−1)r0) =

= (d−1)(drr0+rγ−β(γ+ (d−1)r0)) =

= (d−1)(r(γ+dr0)−β(γ+ (d−1)r0)) =

= (d−1)(rαβ−β(γ+ (d−1)r0)) =

=−(d−1)β(γ+ (d−1)dm−1(α−p)−(d−2)dm−1α) =

=−(d−1)β(γ+dm−1(α+ (d−1)p)) =

=−(d−1)β(γ+dm−1β) =−(d−1)βδ.


Bn−1−q−p2Dn−1Cn−1−1 = Bn−1−q+ p2





αγ p2An−1

q+(d−1)δ αγ p2


=Bn−1+p0An−1−q0 =

=Qn−1(p0, q0).

Finally, we conclude the computation of the determinant ofQn(p, q):

|Qn(p, q)|= (βd−3)dn−1|Cn−1|

Bn−1−q−p2Dn−1Cn−1−1 =

= (βd−3)dn−1(αβγd−1)dn−2

Qn−1(p0, q0) =

= (αβd2−3d+1γd−1)dn−2

Qn−1(p0, q0) .

This concludes the first part of the strategy, finding a recurrence relation between the de-terminants ofQn(p, q)andQn−1(p0, q0). For the next part, we need to unfold this recurrence relation to get a factorization of|Qn(p, q)|. Proposition 4.1.3 provides it forn= 0,1. Let us inductively compute it forn≥2.

Proposition 4.1.5. Forn= 2, we have

|Q2(p, q)|= (α+p)β(d−2)d+1H0d−1, where

Hx :=Hx(p, q) =q2−((d−2)p+dm−2)q−((d−1)p2+ (dm−1x+d−2)p+dm−1).

Proof. Letα0 :=α(p0, q0)andβ0 :=β(p0, q0)following the definition in Proposition 4.1.3.

Then, by that Proposition and Proposition 4.1.4,

|Q2(p, q)|=αβd2−3d+1γd−1

Q1(p0, q0)

=αβd2−3d+1γd−10+p00d−1. We can verify the following relations

α0+p0= β

α(α+p), β0 = β γH0. Therefore,

|Q2(p, q)|=αβd2−3d+1γd−1β

α(α+p) β

γH0 d−1


= (α+p)β(d−2)d+1H0d−1.

The motivation for the definition of the polynomials Hx from Proposition 4.1.5 will become apparent in Proposition 4.1.6. They form a family of polynomials inpandqindexed by the pointx∈R. For different values ofx ∈R, the equationHx = 0defines different hyperbolas inpandq.

Proposition 4.1.6. For anyn≥2, we have the factorization

|Qn(p, q)|= (α+p)β(d−2)dn−1+1

withαandβas in Proposition 4.1.3,Hxas in Proposition 4.1.5 andF being the map F(x) =x2−d(d−1).

Proof. The case n = 2is shown in Proposition 4.1.5. We use again the recurrence in Proposition 4.1.4 to show the result forn≥3inductively. LetHx0 :=Hx(p0, q0). We can

The relation between the determinants ofQn(p, q) and Qn−1(p0, q0) is given by the substitutionp7→p0,q 7→q0. ForQ2, one of the factors of the determinant is the polynomial we calledH0. To compute the determinant ofQ3, we have to developH00. It is in this analysis that the polynomialsHxand the mapF arise. They are the link betweenHx0 and Hy that allows us to unfold the recurrence.

From the factorization in Proposition 4.1.6 we can extractsp(∆n), as we mentioned above, by settingp= 1. Recall that|S|=dm+d−2.

Theorem 4.1.7. LetGωbe a spinal group withd≥2,m≥1andω∈Ωd,m, and let∆nbe the adjacency operator for the spinal generating setSon the Schreier graphΓn, forn≥0.

We have

sp(∆0) ={|S|}, sp(∆1) ={|S|,|S| −d}, and, forn≥2,

sp(∆n) ={|S|,|S| −d} ∪ψ−1





! ,

whereF(x) =x2−d(d−1)andψ(x) = dm−11 (x2−(|S| −2)x−(|S|+d−2)).

Proof. We already established thatsp(∆n) ={q| |Qn(1, q)|= 0}. By Propositions 4.1.3 and 4.1.6, the determinant vanishes in the following cases:

• α+ 1 = 0. Then|S| ∈sp(∆n)with multiplicity1, for everyn≥0.

• β = 0. Thendm−2 =|S| −d∈sp(∆n)with multiplicity(d−2)dn−1+ 1, ifn≥1.

• Hx = 0, for somex∈F−k(0)with0≤k≤n−2. This implies that

|S| −2

2 ±


|S| −2 2


+|S|+d−2 +dm−1x∈sp(∆n)

each with multiplicity(d−2)dn−k−2+1. These two eigenvalues are the two preimages ofxby the mapψdefined above.

Remark 4.1.8. Note that, for spinal groups withm = 1, we have the equalityψ(x) = F(x−(d−2)). In that case, we can rewrite

sp(∆n) ={|S|} ∪




G−k(d−2), ∀n≥1, withG(x) =ψ(x) +d−2 =F(x−(d−2)) +d−2.

−2 2

−2 2



−2 2

−2 2



Figure 4.1: Construction of the preimages of0byF ford= 2. The set of all preimages is dense in the interval[−2,2].

−3 3

−3 3


F−1(0) −3−3 3




Figure 4.2: Construction of the preimages of0byF ford= 3. The set of all preimages accumulates on a Cantor set.

Remark 4.1.9. The mapψis symmetric about its minimal point |S|−22 , and satisfies

ψ−1(d) ={|S|,−2}, ψ−1(−d) =

|S| −2

2 ±


|S| −2 2


+ 2(d−2)

 ,

ψ−1(−d(d−1)) ={|S| −d, d−2}.

The preimages of 0 by the mapF are contained in[−d, d], as shown in Figures 4.1 and 4.2 ford= 2,3, and they accumulate on its Julia set, which is the entire interval[−2,2]

ifd= 2or a Cantor set ifd >2.