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Dans le document 1 DATA ENTRY (Page 197-200)

3.0/18 Appropriate Computer Response Time

MS Shinar Stern Bubis Ingram 1985

Thompson 1971

See also: 1.1/12

3.1.3 SEQUENCE CONTROL: Dialogue Type - Menu Selection 3.1.3/5 + Large Pointing Area for Option Selection

_ __________________________________________________________________

If menu selection is accomplished by pointing, as on touch displays, design the acceptable area for pointing to be as large as consistently possible, including at least the area of the displayed option label plus a half-character distance around that label.

Comment: The larger the effective target area, the easier the pointing action will be, and the less risk of error in selecting a wrong option by mistake.


BB 2.12 EG 2.3.13 6.1.3 See also: 1.1/13

3.1.3 SEQUENCE CONTROL: Dialogue Type - Menu Selection 3.1.3/6 + Dual Activation for Pointing

_ __________________________________________________________________

If menu selection is accomplished by pointing, provide for dual activation, in which the first action designates (positions a cursor at) the selected option, followed by a separate second action that makes an explicit control entry.

Example: On a touch display, the computer might display a separate ENTER box that can be touched by a user to indicate that the cursor has been properly positioned.

Comment: The two actions of cursor placement and entering should be compatible in their design implementation.

If the cursor is positioned by keying, then an ENTER key should be used to signal control entry. If the cursor is positioned by lightpen, provide a dual-action "trigger" on the lightpen for cursor positioning and control entry.

Comment: This recommendation for dual activation of pointing assumes that accuracy in selection of control entries is more important than speed. In some applications that may not be true. Interface design will involve a trade-off considering the criticality of wrong entries, ease of recovery from wrong entries, and user convenience in making selections.


Foley Wallace 1974 See also: 1.0/9 1.1/4 3.0/5 6.0/9

3.1.3 SEQUENCE CONTROL: Dialogue Type - Menu Selection 3.1.3/7 Menu Selection by Keyed Entry

_ __________________________________________________________________

When menu selection is a secondary (occasional) means of control entry, and/or only short option lists are needed, then consider accomplishing selection by keyed entry.

Comment: An option might be selected by keying an associated code which is included in the displayed menu listing. Alternatively, if menu labels can be displayed near a screen margin, then an option might be selected by pressing an adjacent multifunction key.

3.1.3 SEQUENCE CONTROL: Dialogue Type - Menu Selection 3.1.3/8 + Standard Area for Code Entry

_ __________________________________________________________________

When menu selection is accomplished by code entry, provide a standard command entry area (window) where users enter the selected code; place that entry area in a fixed location on all displays.

Comment: In a customary terminal configuration, where the display is located above the keyboard, command entry should be at the bottom of the display, in order to minimize user head/eye movement between the display and the keyboard.

Comment: Experienced users might key coded menu selections in a standard area identified only by its consistent location and use. If the system is designed primarily for novice users, however, that entry area should be given an appropriate label, such as

| ENTER choice here: ___. | Reference:

MS PR 4.6.3

See also: 3.1.5/2 4.0/6

3.1.3 SEQUENCE CONTROL: Dialogue Type - Menu Selection 3.1.3/9 Feedback for Menu Selection

_ __________________________________________________________________

When a user has selected and entered a control option from a menu, if there is no immediately observable natural response then the computer should display some other acknowledgment of that entry.

Comment: An explicit message might be provided. In some applications, however, it may suffice simply to highlight the selected option label (e.g., by brightening or inverse video) when that would provide an unambiguous acknowledgment.



See also: 1.1/5 3.0/14 4.2/1 4.2/10

3.1.3 SEQUENCE CONTROL: Dialogue Type - Menu Selection 3.1.3/10 Explanatory Title for Menu

_ __________________________________________________________________

Display an explanatory title for each menu, reflecting the nature of the choice to be made.


(Good) (Bad)

| Organizational Role | | Select: |

| r = Responsible | | r = Responsible |

| a = Assigned | | a = Assigned |

| p = Performing | | p = Performing | Reference:

BB 1.9.1

3.1.3 SEQUENCE CONTROL: Dialogue Type - Menu Selection 3.1.3/11 Menu Options Worded as Commands

_ __________________________________________________________________

The wording of menu options should consistently represent commands to the computer, rather than questions to the user.

Example: For option selection by pointing, a "+" (or some other special symbol) might be used consistently to distinguish a selectable control option from other displayed items, as

(Good) | +PRINT | (Bad) | PRINT? |

Example: For option selection by code entry, the code for each option should be consistently indicated, as (Good) | p = Print |

(Bad) | Print? (Y/N) |

Comment: Wording options as commands will permit logical selection by pointing, will facilitate the design of mnemonic codes for keyed entry, and will help users learn commands in systems where commands can be used to by-pass menus.

Comment: Wording options as commands implies properly that the initiative in sequence control lies with the user.

Wording options as questions implies initiative by the computer.


PR 4.6.8

See also: 3.1.3/20 4.0/23

3.1.3 SEQUENCE CONTROL: Dialogue Type - Menu Selection 3.1.3/12 + Option Wording Consistent with Command Language

_ __________________________________________________________________

If menu selection is used in conjunction with or as an alternative to command language, design the wording and syntactic organization of displayed menu options to correspond consistently to defined elements and structure of the command language.

Comment: Where appropriate, display cumulative sequences of menu selections in a command entry area until the user signals entry of a completely composed command.

Comment: This practice will speed the transition for a novice user, relying initially on sequential menu selection, to become an experienced user composing coherent commands without such aid.


MS Badre 1984 See also: 3.1.3/35 4.0/15

3.1.3 SEQUENCE CONTROL: Dialogue Type - Menu Selection 3.1.3/13 Letter Codes for Menu Selection

_ __________________________________________________________________

If menu selections are made by keyed codes, design each code to be the initial letter or letters of the displayed option label, rather than assigning arbitrary letter or number codes.


(Good) | m = Male |

| f = Female | (Bad) | 1 = Male |

| 2 = Female |

Exception: Options might be numbered when a logical order or sequence is implied.

Exception: When menu selection is from a long list, the line numbers in the list might be an acceptable alternative to letter codes.

Comment: Several significant advantages can be cited for mnemonic letter codes. Letters are easier than numbers for touch-typists to key. It is easier to memorize meaningful names than numbers, and thus letter codes can facilitate a potential transition from menu selection to command language when those two dialogue types are used together.

When menus have to be redesigned, which sometimes happens, lettered options can be reordered without changing codes, whereas numbered options might have to be changed and so confuse users who have already learned the previous numbering.

Comment: Interface designers should not create unnatural option labels just to ensure that the initial letter of each will be different. There must be some natural differences among option names, and special two- or three-letter codes can probably be devised as needed to emphasize those differences. In this regard, there is probably no harm in mixing single-letter codes with special multiletter codes in one menu.


BB 1.3.6 MS Palme 1979

Shinar Stern Bubis Ingram 1985 See also: 4.0/13

Dans le document 1 DATA ENTRY (Page 197-200)