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EDOS-PRM: benefits

C.3 Information Enrichment

The PRM can be applied to multipleF/OSSdomains in order to cover the specific needs they have. The PRM helps enriching the information in order to give it more expressiveness. We explore in this section how this feature has been exploited in the scope of the EDOS project which is using the PRM: the differentiation between patching and versioning and advanced software dependency management based on software and hardware features.

C.3.1 Patching and versioning

The PRM uses the notion of Unit artifact to represent installable software content resources such as packages. Units are described using multiple attributes, indicating for instance the functionalities pro-vided by the Unit, its version or patching information. The PRM makes indeed a distinction between versions and patches.

While new versions of a unit denote major changes made to its predecessor such as design change for the content, dependencies changes, addition or removal of functionality, or any other behavioral change to the unit, patches are used to fix issues (which are denoted by defect artifacts) in specific units. All units are uniquely identified by a localization attribute indicating all possible places where they can be retrieved from. Patches are designed for a single unit, and their application results in the creation of a new unit with a new identifier. Two versions of a unit have thus two different identifiers and so does a unit to which two different patches have been applied.

This distinction allows to clarify version and patching trees, thus helping managing dependencies.

Indeed, a dependency may require a specific version with a patch applied to it. As patched units keep track of all previously applied patches for their version it is always possible to know if such a dependency

C.3. INFORMATION ENRICHMENT 149 is available. Further, as patches provide all information for being rollback-ed, it is always possible to revert to a previous state and apply another patch. Thus the PRM provides both expressiveness and flexibility for versioning an patching.

C.3.2 Advanced dependencies declaration

Unlike usual dependency declaration which are expressed as requirements for other content resources or conflicts with other content resources, the PRM provides multiple ways to express both software and hardware dependencies as well as conflicts. As such it follows the recommendations specified in [156].

The attribute based approach to describe attribute functionality adds expressive power to dependency description. Attributes and attribute expressions can be used to express generic properties of units. Then the PRM allows units to be matched to such sets of attributes. This is particularly useful to replace so calledvirtual packages as the latter are supposed to share a common set of properties. Further, as attributes define the properties of unit, and as attributes are substitutable, dependencies built on attributes ensure that as long as a unit offers the same attributes an older version was offering, the newer version can substitute the older one, if there is no dependency conflict with the local configuration.

As for patching and versioning, the PRM separates semantically different information to describe unit’s properties, and thus unit’s dependencies. Indeed, different attribute sets are provided to express different information. The elements of these sets are then separated depending on their usage context.

Thus the PRM acts as a safe-guard ensuring a correct definition of dependencies.

Software Dependencies. Software dependency information is expressed as Unit’s attributes. As men-tioned in [156], there are three main classes of software dependencies.

Therequireddependencies of a unit can be described in terms of localization attributes of other units or in terms of functionality attributes. For instance, a unit can depend on a specific library provided by another unit, but can also depend on a particular functionality such as a SQL compatible database. In the latter case, the dependency is independent of any particular unit (package); this is referred to as a virtual package in [156]. Required dependencies are separated in two further subgroups, the first one indicating required dependencies at compilation time, and the second one describing required dependencies at execution time. As content may be installed without being run (as this is the case with latex files that can be compiled to dvi and then pdf and then distributed without ever opening the dvi file with a viewer), this separation is needed.

The second class of dependency information relates to installation and runtimeconflicts. These can also be expressed in terms of localization attributes or in terms of functional attributes to be avoided in order to have a successful installation and execution. This implies that none of the listed units can be on the target computer at installation time, respectively at run time, and that none of the installed units should provide one of the specified functional attributes.

Finally, the third class of dependencies enumerates the units that have to bereplaced after having installed the unit. This dependency is expressed in terms of localization attributes of the units that have to be replaced.

Hardware Dependencies. Similarly to software dependencies, hardware dependencies can be sepa-rated in two subgroups indicating hardware devicesrequiredfor the Unit to work and hardware devices conflictingwith the Unit’s execution. This information is kept as sets of HardwareConfiguration artifacts which provide configuration related information for hardware devices. These can indicate for instance, the CPU type, the link type of a net connection, the print quality of a printer, etc or other information such as the IP address of an Ethernet card.

The functionalities provided by an unit are described using functional attributes. They are also used for describing runtime and compile-time dependencies and conflicts between units. In particular,

150 APPENDIX C. EDOS-PRM: BENEFITS elements fromAfunctionalities are used to abstractly denote the so-calledvirtual packagesin dependency management.

All dependencies are gathered using Directories. This allows to declare, through artifact expressions, alternatives for dependencies, be they hardware or software dependencies and unit or feature based dependencies or conflicts. For instance, it is possible to declare complex dependencies such as “Unitu2 is depending on Unitu1 having version comprised between v2 and v4 (preferred dependency), or any other Unit providing functionalities expressed by the setsdependency but not the setsconflict(alternative)”.

This approach provides flexibility for dependency and conflicts declaration, and allows their precise declaration in terms of units, functionalities and hardware.


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