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1. EmONC

- numerator = number of functioning EmONC health facilities;

- denominator = number of designated EmONC health facilities in the considered area (in the programmatic cycle(s)) Criteria for functioning EmONC health facility (for a quarter but should also be measured over a semester and over a year):

- criteria for functioning BEmONC health facility: 7 signal functions performed (over the last quarter for quarterly analysis; or over two quarters to be functioning for the semester; or over at least three quarters including the last quarter to be functioning for the year) + opening 24h/7d

- criteria for functioning CEmONC health facility: 9 signal functions performed (over the last quarter for quarterly analysis; or over two quarters to be functioning for the semester; or over at least three quarters including the last quarter to be functioning for the year) + opening 24h/7d

This indicator can be disaggregated for BEmONC and CEmONC.

Number of deliveries in functioning EmONC facilities; in non functioning EmONC health facilities; in other maternities (= number of institutional deliveries calculated using the institutional delivery rate - number of deliveries in EmONC health facilities); outside any health facility (= number of expected birth - estimated number of institutional deliveries)

Yes Yes

INDICATORS DEFINITIONS and graphs with the indicators for all the EmONC health facilities of the region at a specific time)?

Part I: EmONC result indicators

1. EmONC

‘- numerator = number of deliveries in functioning EmONC facilities; in non functioning EmONC health facilities;

in other maternities (= number of institutional deliveries calculated using the institutional delivery rate - number of deliveries in EmONC health facilities);

outside any health facility (= number of expected birth - estimated number of instituional deliveries)

- denominator = expected number of deliveries in the considered area in the programmatic cycle(s) (= population * crude birth rate/1000)

- numerator = number of designated EmONC health facilities with less than 30 deliveries per month;

- denominator = number of designated EmONC health facilities in the considered area (in the programmatic cycle(s))

Yes Yes

Analysis of the performance of a signal function should be done in the past 3

months. No Yes

1.6. Number of EmONC facilities with gaps in each signal functions

Number of EmONC facilities with gaps

(per signal function) Yes Yes


Part I: EmONC result indicators

1. EmONC availability and


1.7. Number of major direct obstetric

Number of major direct obstetric complications treated in functioning EmONC facilities; in non functioning EmONC health facilities

- numerator = number of major direct obstetric complications treated in functioning EmONC health facilities - denominator = expected number of major direct obstetric complications in the considered area (in the

programmatic cycle(s)) - corresponding to 15% of expected births in the

considered area

Yes Yes

1.9. Proportion of the population able to access the closest designated EmONC health facility within 2 hours of travel time in the considered area

Calculated using AccessMod (https://www.accessmod.org/). Can be disaggregated by national and regional levels (with and without the contribution from neighbor regions) and the travel time can be reduced to less than 2h (eg. 1h or 30 min) according to the context

Yes Yes

1.10. Proportion of the population able to access the closest functioning EmONC health facility within 2 hours of travel time in the considered area

Calculated using AccessMod (https://www.accessmod.org/). Can be disaggregated by national and regional levels (with and without the contribution from neighbor regions) and the travel time can be reduced to less than 2h (eg. 1h or 30 min) according to the context

Yes Yes

INDICATORS DEFINITIONS and graphs with the indicators for all the EmONC health facilities of the region at a specific time)?

Part I: EmONC result indicators

1. EmONC travel time in the considered area

Calculated using AccessMod (https://

www.accessmod.org/). Can be disaggregated by national and regional levels (with and without the contribution from neighbor regions) and the travel time can be reduced to less than 2h (eg. 1h or 30 min) according to the context.

Only functioning EmONC health facilities with a DOCFR below 1% are considered for this indicator.

- numerator: number of regions or

provinces reaching a sufficient coverage of the population by functioning EmONC (to be set at national level but should aim to be at least 80% with intermediate realistic targets of 50%, 60% and 70%, according to the context)

- denominator: number of regions or provinces in the country

- numerator = number of caesareans in functioning EmONC facilities

- denominator = number of expected births in the considered area

Minimal threshold for c-section rate of 5%.

Yes Yes

- numerator = number of maternal deaths in designated EmONC health facilities notified through the MPDSR system - denominator = number of maternal deaths in designated EmONC health facilities

- numerator = number of maternal deaths in designated EmONC health facilities reviewed through the MPDSR system - denominator = number of maternal deaths in designated EmONC health facilities

Yes Yes


Part I: EmONC result indicators

2. Quality

Number of maternal deaths in the

designated EmONC health facilities Yes Yes

2.2. Direct Obstetric

- numerator = number of maternal deaths due to major direct obstetric complications in designated EmONC facilities of the considered area - denominator = number of women treated for major direct obstetric complications in the same EmONC facilities over the same period Maximum threshold of 1%

(international recommendation). The DOCFR should be measured on a quarterly basis in designated EmONC health facilities with an important obstetric activity. For health facilities with lower obstetric activity, the calculation period should be extended (eg. calculated based on semester or annual data)

- numerator = number of intrapartum deaths (fresh stillbirths; ≥ 2.5 kg) and very early neonatal deaths (< 24 h; ≥ 2.5 kg) in the EmONC facilities of the considered area

- denominator = number of deliveries in the same EmONC facilities over the same period

- numerator = number of basic neonatal resuscitations (with bag and mask) - denominator = number of fresh stillbirths ≥ 2.5 kg in the same EmONC facilities over the same period

No Yes