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.2.8 Conformal Prediction

Dans le document The DART-Europe E-theses Portal (Page 118-130)

In the following section, the conformal prediction framework is presented. An entire section is devoted to this method given that: (i) it is used in the case study presented in chapter .6, (ii) it has been implemented in R, leading to the publication of the R packageconformal [Cortes-Ciriano, I, Bender, A, and Malliavin (2015)].

Assessing the reliability of individual predictions is foremost in machine learning to determine the applicability domain of a predictive model whatever is the modelling task: classification or regression. The applicability domain is usually defined as the amount (or the regions) of descriptor space to which a model can be reliably applied.

Conformal prediction is an algorithm-independent technique, i.e. it works with any predictive method such as Support Vector Machines or Random Forests, which outputs confidence regions for individual predictions in the case of regression, andP values for categories in a classification setting.

.2.8.1 Regression

In the conformal prediction framework [Norinder et al. (2014); Shafer and Vovk (2008)], the data-points in the training set are used to define how unlikely a new data-point is with respect to the data presented to the model in the training phase.

The unlikeliness(nonconformity) for a given data-point,x, with respect to the training set is quantified with a nonconformity score, α, calculated with a nonconformity measure, which here we define as:

α= |y−ey|

ρe (.2.24)

whereyis and eyare respectively the observed and the predicted value calculated with a point prediction model, and eρis the predicted error forxcalculated with an error model.

In order to calculate confidence intervals, we need a point prediction model, to predict the response variable, and an error model, to predict errors in prediction (eρ). The point prediction and error models can be generated with any machine learning algorithm. Both the point prediction and error models need to be trained with cross-validation in order to calculate the vector of nonconformity scores for the training set,Di={xi}Ni tr.

The cross-validation predictions generated when training the point prediction model serve to calculate the errors in prediction for the data-points in the training set, yi−eyi. The error model is then generated by training a machine learning model on the training set using these errors as the dependent variable. The (i) cross-validated predictions from the point prediction model, and (ii) the cross-validated errors in prediction from the error model, are used to generate the vector of nonconformity scores for the training set. This vector, after being sorted in increasing order, can be defined as:

αtr ={αtr i}Ni tr (.2.25) whereNtr is the number of data-points in the training set.

To generate the confidence intervals for an external set,Dext ={xext}Nj ext, we have to define a confidence level,. Theαvalue associated to the user-defined confidence level,α, is calculated as:

αtr i if i≡|Ntr∗| (.2.26) where≡indicates equality. Next, the errors in prediction, eρext, and the value for the response variable,yext, for the data-points in the external dataset are predicted with the error and the point prediction models, respectively.

Individual confidence intervals (CI) for each data-point in the external set are derived from:

CIext j =|yext j−eyext j|=α∗ρeext j (.2.27) The confidence region (CR) is finally defined as:

CR=eyext j+/−CIext j (.2.28)

The interpretation of the confidence regions is straightforward. For instance, it we choose a confidence level of 80% the true value for new data-points will lie outside the predicted confidence regions in at most20% of the cases.

.2.8.2 Classification

Initially, a Random Forest classifier is trained on the training set using k-fold cross-validation. In the case of classification, the nonconformity scores are calculated on a per class basis as the ratio between the number of trees in the forest voting for a given class divided by the total number of trees (label-wise Mondrian off-line inductive conformal prediction -MICP-) [Norinder et al. (2014)]. For instance, in a binary classification example, if 87 trees from a Random Forest model comprising 100trees classify a data-point as belonging to class A, the nonconformity score (or probability) for this class would be 0.87 (87%), whereas its value for class B would be0.13. This process generates a matrix (nonconformity scores matrix) which rows correspond to the data-points in the training set, and its columns to the number of distinct classes (two in the binary classification example) (Figure .2.4A). Here, we have implemented the pipeline proposed by [Norinder et al. (ibid.)] using Random Forest models. Nevertheless, other ensemble methods could be used to calculate the nonconformity scores.

Next, each column of the matrix is sorted in increasing order. These columns are called Mondrian class lists (MCL) (Figure.2.4A). As in regression, a confidence level, , needs to be specified. We define significance as 1−. The model trained on the whole dataset is used to classify the data-points comprised in the external dataset (Figure.2.4). Let’s consider one data-point from the external set, namelyxext j. The number of trees in the Random Forest voting for each class is computed, which enables the caculation of the nonconformity scores or probabilities (p) for that point, xext j. In the binary case, this is defined as:

p(xext j;A) = NtreesvotingA

Ntrees ; p(xext j;B) = NtreesvotingB

Ntrees (.2.29) To calculate the P values for each class, the number of elements in the corre-sponding Mondrian class list smaller than the probability values, i.e. p(xext j;A)and p(xext j;B), is divided by the number of data-points in the training set, Ntr:


How many elements in the corresponding Mondrian class list are smaller than p(A) and p(B)? :

1/7 for A, and 6/7 for B The p.values are thus:

p.value(A): 3/7 = 0.14; p.value(B): 6/7=0.86 p(A): 0.2; p(B): 0.8 Classification probabilities accross

the RF trees for x ext j :

Are these values higher than the significance level, 1-ε =0.2?

Figure .2.4: Calculation of conformal prediction errors (P values) in a binary clas-sification example considering a confidence level of0.80.

Pvalue(xext j;A) = |{MCL(A)< P(xext j;A)}|


Pvalue(xext j;B) = |{MCL(B)< P(xext j;B)}|



Finally, theseP values are compared to the significance level defined by the user (1−). For a data-point to be predicted to belong to a given class, theP value needs to be higher than the significance level. For instance, ifPvalue(xext j;A) =0.46and Pvalue(xext j;B) =0.18, with a significance level of0.2,xext j would be predicted to belong to class A, but not to B. If both Pvalue(xext j;A) andPvalue(xext j;B)were higher than the significance level,xext j would be predicted to belong to both classes.

Similarly, if bothP values were smaller than the significance level, xext j would be predicted to belong to neither class A nor to class B.


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Yabuuchi, H, S Niijima, H Takematsu, T Ida, T Hirokawa, T Hara, T Ogawa, Y Minowa, G Tsujimoto, and Y Okuno (2011). “Analysis of multiple

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