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ارث تاريخي وجغرافيا فريدة تنتظر الاهتمام


Academic year: 2021

Partager "ارث تاريخي وجغرافيا فريدة تنتظر الاهتمام"


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:ةساردلا صخلم ينابببملا زارببط ىلع اببهؤانب مت ةببليمج ةيلحاببس ةببنيدم يه سنت ةببنيدم ةببيمهأب ىظحت ثيح ،ةببيرئازجلا ندملا مهأ نم ةدحاو يهو .ةيسلدنلا ندببملا رثببكأ نم ةدحاو اهنوك نع ًلضف ،ةريبك ةيخيراتو ةيراجتو ةيفاقث ضارببأغل مدختببست يببضاملا يف ةنيدملا تناك امك .رئازجلا يف ةرايز .نويسنرفلا اهمكح نأ ىلإ ةيراجت ثحبلا اذببه اللخ اببنقرطت دببقل مهأ ىلإ ةببيرثلا ملاببعملا سنت ةببنيدمب ،ةببميدقلا سنت دببيدحتلابو انأدببب ةببينيدلا اببهملاعمو اببهراثآ اببهيف اببنزربأو ةببماع ةببنيدملاب فيرعتلاببب مث ،اببيفارغج اهدببيدحتبو مهأ ىلع فرببعتلا تابقحلا .ةنيدملا اهب ترم يتلا ثحبلا اذه اللخ انيب امك سنت ةنيدم نأ يقاببب نع ةيمهأ لقت ل ىربببك جزمت يهف ،رئازجلا ندم نيب يحايببسلا عباطلا يرببثلا عباببطلاو يذببلا قيرعلا اهخيرات يوري . يرثلاو اببماتخو ءاببنتعلا ةرورببض ىلع اندببكأ يحايببسلا بناببجلاب يذببلاو سنتل ةببببببيلحملا ةببببببيمنتلا يف ةكراببببببشملل اببببببهلهؤي بناببببببجلا يفو يداببببصتقلا فحاببببتملاو حورببببصلاو ةبببببصقلاو دجاببببسملاك ةببببلباقلا ةرايزلل ةنيدملا ىلع دوعتو .ةدئافلاو عفنلاب Summary :


The city of Tenes is a beautiful coastal city that when constructed was inspired by the andalusian buildings style. It is one of Algeria’s most important cities, as it has much cultural, commercial and historical importance, as well as being one of the country’s most visited cities. In the past, the city was used for trading purposes until it was ruled by the French.

In this study, we dealt whith the most important monuments and sites in the city of tennis, Especially old tennis, we focused on the monuments and religious features, we started to introduce the city in general and to define it geographically, then to know the most important time periods that the city has witnessed.


e explained in this study that why the city of tennis is as important

as the rest of big cities in Algeria, that's because it is combining the tourist nature with the archeological nature of its rich and ancient history.

In conclusion, we have stressed the need to take care of the tourism in Tense, which qualifies the city to participate in local development and in the economic aspect, such as mosques, shrines, monuments and museums, which are beneficial to the city.


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