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Sanitary status and certification of citrus in Egypt Abdel-Salam A.M. in


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Sanitary status and certification of citrus in Egypt

Abdel-Salam A.M.


Martelli G.P. (ed.), D' Onghia A.M. (ed.).

Proceedings of the Mediterranean network on certification of citrus. 1995-1997 Bari : CIHEAM

Options Méditerranéennes : Série B. Etudes et Recherches; n. 21 1998

pages 95-97

Article available on lin e / Article dispon ible en lign e à l’adresse :

--- http://om.ciheam.org/article.php?ID PD F=99001634

--- To cite th is article / Pou r citer cet article

--- Abdel-Salam A.M. San itary statu s an d certification of citru s in Egypt. In : Martelli G.P. (ed.), D 'Onghia A.M. (ed.). Proceedings of the Mediterranean network on certification of citrus. 1995-1997.

Bari : CIHEAM, 1998. p. 95-97 (Options Méditerranéennes : Série B. Etudes et Recherches; n. 21) ---




A. Abdel-Salam Department Faculty Agricultzrre

.-Cairo University Giza



of the known and diseases of have been detected so in Egypt. The incidence of and to be high in some Although a

is being by the of and the

GTZ and to be taken a

of the



- La plupart des maladies à virus et de type viral connues chez les agrumes ont été détectées jusqu'à présent en L'incidence de la tristeza et du stubborri semble être très élevée dans certaines régions. Bien qu'un programme de certification soit actuellement appliqué par le de l'Agriculture en collaboration avec la GTZ, des mesures de

certification et dérudication supplémentaires doivent être adoptées le plus tôt possible afin d'assurer l'amélioration sanitaire du matériel de multiplication des agrumes.

agrumes, virus, virus similaires, certification,

The is the Egyptian economy in

Table shows the main in

Table Z


Cultivated with species in Egypt in to of

of Egypt, 1996).

Cultivated species Cultivated areas

(Tons) (TonlFeddan) (Feddan*) Total production Productivity

411,134 5.95


3 17,567 36,060 7.6


1,555,024 235,646 7.6

413 5.72 1978

'Feddan = 4200 516 = 0.4

Options Méditerranéennes, Série B/no21, - Proceedings of the Mediterranean Network on Certification of Citrus

CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes


96 A. Abdel-Salam

infectious agents known to affect the

et al., 1988). These pathogens devastating effects on the life span of as well as on the quality and quantity of yield.

Egypt, as infectious

and concave the

As can be seen Table the all species in Egypt is low

to the the low

and life span of the out of infectious agents

as well as the use of (Citrus aurantium L.) as a the of in

Egypt. This of disease per se, in addition to

the absence of sanitation and

of in the (old valley)

concave has quite often been seen in old been

located on in addition to its on sweet

(C sinensis (L) Osbeck), (C. paradisi), (C. reticulata) in the old valley

is on (C. aurantifolia Swing),

sweet and shaddock (C. grandis L.), (Abdel-Salam et al., has been detected

Gummy disease of sweet was found to affect on

it was found to affect sweet

including Valencia, Navel, White, and Egyptian blood. than 50 % of the of this disease (Childs et al., 1956).

disease of caused by the Spiroplasma citri was Egypt by the symptoms of the disease and suggested that the causal agent it was isolated and by Abu-Zeid et al., (1988). Table

incidence in in the old valley.



of disease of in at to visual


90 120

64.40 58

53.33 32


81.61 49

El-Qualubia 60

66.66 80

No. of trees


et al. (1988).

CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes


Sanitary status and certification of citrus in 97

(1961) found 41 in in the

the These Eid et al. (1984b)

detected, though, 3 of of in the of

on the Symptoms of the honeycombing type of pitting below the

publication, Eid et al. two of stem pitting .

in the of the of in

the on the

in the second type the to the Naval scion. Out of 270

33 two types of CTV and the

in the by Eid et al. in the disease

on Navel All to CTV-Ab of the

No. 512

the above, it that the need the of

and agents has become a must in Egypt.

is a by the Egyptian of

the GTZ the National Academy of Science is

the and indexing of in to select Though it

have be

accompanied with laws and necessitate the use of

Abdou, Y.A., Abou-Zeid, A.A. and A. Abou-Elfotouh (1997). Studies on

(CEV) in 4 th meeting of the on Certijïcatìon

Citrus 1-4 1997.

Abu-Zeid, A.A., A.A. and (1988). and of Spìroplasma citri

associated with disease of in Egypt. 20 (2), pp. 139-140.

Childs, El-din, F. and N. (1956). on Egyptian diseases. Citrus

37 (lo), pp. 11-16.

Eid, S.A., Abu-Zeid, A.A. and isolates in Egypt.

6 th Cong. Un. Egypt.

Eid, S.A., Abu-Zeid, A.A., and F. (1984b). a location of

in 62 pp. 287-392.

L.C. (1961). diseases affecting to the of the United

El-din, F. (1956). of sweet 46, pp. 238-239.

F. (1967). A agent associated with infected with disease in 57, pp. 108-113.

Whiteside, J.O. Gamsey, LW. (1988). Compendium of citrus diseases, USA, 80

CIHEAM - Options Mediterraneennes


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