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G. Gavoille, J. Hubsch

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Colloque C8, Suppl6ment au no 12, Tome 49, dhcembre 1988

SPIN WAVES IN REENTRANT SPIN GLASS Fe0.gTi0.55Mg1.5504 G. Gavoille and 3. Hubsch

Laboratoire d7Electricite' et dJAutomatique et Laboratoire de Mine'ralogie et Cristallographie, Universite' de Nancy

I, B.P. 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre les Nancy Cedex, France

A b s t r a c t . - Strong thermoremanent magnetization appears a t below 25 K in low magnetic fields. At any temperature

below 57 K t h e high field magnetization satisfies the spin wave theory but the magnetization does not follow the T ~ / ~

law. That suggests a mixed-phase which appears before the strong irreversibility region.


If reentrance is usually considered as the breakdown of a ferromagnet into, domains [I], one expects the long range order to be restored in sufficiently high magnetic fields, consequently a reentrant magnet should satisfy the linear spin-wave theory in high magnetic fields at low temperature. Our aim is to check that assumption on a reentrant ferrimagnet which behaves as a ferro- magnet as long as optical modes are not concerned. The magnetization is given by [2]









(T) x


(HIT) (1) with

and where X (H (kG) /T (K)) may be expanded for HIT


5 as

D is the spin wave stiffness constant and other symbols have their usual meaning.


The [Feo.rMg0.,], [ T i ~ . s s M g ~ . , ~ F e ~ . s l ~ 0 4 compound

was prepared by a ceramic method. It has a spinel

Fig. 1. - Field cooled and zero field cooled magnetization curves in a 50 Oe magnetic field.

Fig. 2.


Plots of t h e magnetization in terms of the mag- netic field function X a t different temperatures. a: 4.2 K; b: 7 K; c: 12 K; d: 27 K; e: 47 K; f: 57 K. Only a few plots are given in order t o preserve the legibility of the figure.

structure in which the Fe3+ ions occupy both the A

and B sites of the lattice. The cation distribution was determined by X-ray diffraction. The concentration of magnetic ions is above the percolation threshold for the A-B interactions [3] and a ferrimagnetic behavior is expected for an unfrustrated compound.

The magnetic measurements were carried out with a vibrating sample magnetometer operating between 4.2 and 300 K in fields ranging from 0 to 20 kOe. Low field experiments are reported in figure 1. The field cooled magnetization curve shows a strong increase of the ferrimagnetic correlations below 160


followed by

Fig. 3. - Plots of t h e bulk magnetization M (T) and of

T A ~ / ~


D , the spin wave stiffness constant, versus ~ ~ 1 ~ .



a decrease below 25 K. Thermorernanent magnetiza- tion grows very slowly below 100 K and increases very quickly below 20 K. High field measurements have been carried out between 4.2 and 57 K. For each tempera- ture the magnetization is recorded in fields decreasing from 20 t o 5 kOe. Plots of M (X) given figure 2 are linear as is expected from equation ( 1 ) . The extrapo- lation of these plots t o X = 1 yields the bulk magne- tization M ( T )


The spin wave stiffness constant D is related t o the slope of the plots as

Both M ( T ) and T / A ~ ' ~ are plotted figure 3 against

~ 3 / 2

Z .

For a collinear magnetic structure one expects a lin- ear decay of M ( T ) with T 3 / * and a constant value of T / A ~ / ' % long as the linear spin wave theory ap- plies. That behavior is ruled out by the data given figure 3. M (T) increases very slowly at low temper- atures, shows a broad maximum a t 22 K and then decreases. One may notice that the maximum is very close to 25 K, the temperature of reentrance observed in low field cooled experiments. The spin wave stiffness constant continuously increases with T with a change of slope around 20 K.


.4t a given temperature, the magnetic field depen- dence of the magnetization agrees with the linear spin wave theory of a collinear system but the thermal de- pendence of the magnetization does not. We suggest that the magnetic structure is not collinear at any tem- perature below 57 K. The coexistence of a longitudi- nal ferromagnetic phase and of a transverse spin-glass phase (mixed-phase) a t low temperature has been the- oretically proved for short range [4] as well as for long range interactions 151. The properties of that mixed

phase have been theoretically studied for long range interactions only and the results are somewhat contro- versial [5, 61. Mossbauer studies on MgFeTi04 [7] and others reentrant spin glasses [8-101 have shown a mixed phase. A similar decrease with temperature of the spin wave stiffness in reentrant spin glass, was observed by neutron studies [ I , 111. Our data suggest the existence of a mixed phase below 57 K a t least. On the other hand, low magnetic field experiments show a crossover from weak t o strong magnetic irreversibility a t 25 K. That behavior agrees with the Cragg, Sherrington and Gabay conclusions 161.

[ I ] Aeppli, G., Shapiro, S. M., Birgeneau, R. J., Chen, H. S., Phys.

Rev. B

28 (1983) 5160; B 29 (1984) 2589.

121 Turov, E. A., Physical Properties of Magneti- cally ordered crystals (Academic Press New York)


[3] Scholl, F., Binder, K., 2. Phys. B 39 (1980) 239.

[4] Villain, J., 2. Phys. B 33 (1979) 31.

[5] Gabay, M., Toulouse, G., Phys. Rev. Lett. 47 (1981) 201.

[6] Cragg, D. M., Sherrington, D., Gabay, M., Phys. Rev. Lett. 49 (1982) 158.

[7] Brand, R. A., Georges-Gibert, H., Hubsch, J.,

Heller, J. A.,


Phys. F. 15 (1985) 1987. [8] Brand, R. A., Lauer, J., Keune, W., Phys. Rev.

B 31 (1985) 1630.

191 Mirebeau, I., Jehanno, G., Campbell, I. A., Hip- pert, F., Hennion, B., Hennion, M., J. Magn. Magn. Muter. 54 (1986) 99.

[lo] Dormann, J. L., el Harfaoui, M., Nogues, M., Jove, J., J. Phys.


20 (1987) L161.


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