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L'Underground à la Loupe


Academic year: 2021

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Texte intégral


It was the first day of Michael Blum’s research residency. We were walking through the collection discussing publications that might be of interest when Michael told me that art documents, the kind held in the Artexte collection, had never been the starting point for the development of his previous artworks. He identifies research questions and subjects of historical interest in sources outside art — municipal, national, personal archives and news articles — and then works his way back to an artwork. And so it began, a residency that offered an unfamiliar challenge to his working methods and proposed a new art-to-art research equation to consider.

L’underground à la loupe is also a new direction for Artexte. We are accustomed to supporting research that mines the textual information in the collection and traces the circulation and publication histories of the holdings. Michael Blum’s work in the Artexte collection is an investigation into the visual culture of a selection of periodicals in circulation from the 1960s to the 1980s. This amalgam of images, presented here in magnified formats, without the presence of the original print documents, represents for Artexte, a new means of questioning the nature, function and reception of these publications now.

During his research, Michael Blum sought out small-circulation magazines created for special interest publics. He selected handmade publications with a DIY aesthetic and attitude that comprise varied forms of societal critique.


Many of these also provided information not widely available at the time of circulation.


Images and fragments of texts from these magazines have been cropped, reframed, assembled and magnified here in the form of cinematic, denatured pages that expose the specific materiality of these publications.

Halftone dots loom large as markers of the inexpensive reprographic techniques employed.

Tendrils of ink from felt-tip pen drawings bleed into grainy paper stock. A predilection for the use of visually concise images such as content appropriated from conservative media, caricatures, defaced portraiture, reworked photographs and surrealist collage, establishes aesthetic and activist affinities within and between the three projected image loops.

These projections form a composite, albeit selective, representation of attitudes, political stances and information comprised in these special interest publications. The multiple layers of appropriation and citation inherent in the photographing and reworking of these images suggest multiple ways to trace the gaps in history between then and now. The reframed portraits — group and individual — confront one another in sidelong glances and frontal gazes. The art historical references point back to the reframed images, the artistic interests of their editors and the unsteady divides between fine and popular art cultures.

The visual repetition of the permanently unsettled subjects of gender equality, race relations, LGBTQ rights, religious conservatism, violence, monarchy and colonialism, force a compressed time-lapse reconsideration of the function and methods of specialized publications in our here and now. At a time when publications like these, and what they stand for, is necessary; how can a history from below, or from the outside, be written and circulated? What are its forms? What are its ends?

Sarah Watson

General and Artistic Director



Some of the magazines such as FILE (Toronto, ON), FLUXUS Magazine (New York, NY) featured well-known artists and operated with financial support from public and private sources and thus circulated more widely than others. They are included in the selection based on their editorial ethos and special interest content.



Many of these periodicals shared information that was censored or not widely available to their publics at the time of circulation. The Body Politic (1971-1987) was a monthly magazine and one of Canada’s first significant gay publications. It was instrumental in sharing public health information and resources about AIDS. Allez chier (1969) published by the editor of Sexus (1967-1968), a magazine censored by the Montreal morality squad. Allez chier, published, among other subjects, interviews with incarcerated activists, articles about accessibility to abortion and featured pages by Quebec artists.

Al lez c hi er (M on tr ea l, Q C) Ar ti ch ok e ( C alg ar y, A B) Be aux-A rt s (M on tr ea l, Q C) Bo d y P ol it ic ( To ro nt o, O N) Bo x o f W at er (Sa n F ra nc is co , C A) C en te rf ol d ( C alg ar y, A B) D AV IN C I (M on tr ea l, Q C) Fa nzi ni (B ro ok lyn, N Y) FI LE ( To ro nt o, O N) Fi ne A rt P re ss FL U XU S M ag azi ne (N ew Y ork, N Y) Ga sp (M on tr ea l, Q C) H er es ie s (N ew Y ork, N Y) H om og en iu s ( To ro nt o, O N) In te rv en ti on ( Qu eb ec, Q C) Is su e (V an co uv er , B C) K . (V an co uv er , B C) La st I ss ue ( C alg ar y, A B) Le Sa b or d ( Tr oi s-R iv iè re s, Q C) Lu bi e (Sa gu en ay-La c St-J ea n, Q C) M id co nt in en ta l (W in ni peg , M B) N EX (M on tr ea l, Q C) O VU L ( O tt aw a, O N) Pa pe rs ( Ch ic ag o, I L) Pa ra ch ut e (P et er b or ou gh, O N) Sa lm on H ut ( To ro nt o, O N) So us l e m an te au (M on tr ea l, Q C) Sp in ni ng Off (Lo s An ge le s, C A) Sp ir al e (M on tr ea l, Q C) Sp lin te r ( To ro nt o, O N) St amm er (Lo nd on, O N) St am p A xe (M on tr ea l, Q C) St ea ck h ac hé (M on tr ea l, Q C) ST R IK E ( To ro nt o, O N) su b-T ER R AI N (V an co uv er , B C) Th e A ct (N ew Y ork, N Y) Va ng ua rd (V an co uv er , B C) Vé hi cu le (M on tr ea l, Q C) vi ca ri ou s T H R ILL Vi ce V er sa (M on tr ea l, Q C) Vi ru s (M on tr ea l, Q C) Xe ro (M on tr ea l, Q C)

Li st o f p er io di ca ls Th an k Yo u I w ou ld lik e to th an k th e p ub lis he rs , ar tis ts an d do no rs w ho re co gn iz ed th e hi st or ic al im p or ta nc e of th es e p ub lic at io ns — or ju st w an te d to cl ea n up th ei r at ti cs an d b as em en ts — an d en tr us te d th es e do cu m en ts in ou r ca re so th at w e m ay s ha re t he m w it h r es ea rc he rs . I t ha nk M ic ha el Bl um f or h is r es ea rc h, a rt is ti c a cu it y a nd c ar e o f t he c ol le ct io n. I t ha nk ev er yo ne at Ar te xt e fo r th ei r de di ca te d an d co lla b or at iv e w or k an d ou r te ch ni ci an s C hr is Ll oy d a nd Ol iv er L on gp ré f or t he ir t im e a nd e xp er tis e. La stl y, t ha nk yo u to D H C/ AR T Fo un d at io n fo r C on te m p or ar y Ar t an d O B O R O fo r t he ir e qu ip m en t l oa ns . Sa ra h W at so n G en er al a nd A rt is ti c D ir ec to r Cr ed it s - C ov er I m ag e : Bo os te r Cl ev el lin i, i n An na Ba na na a nd M ic ha el Sc ot t a nd Be rn ar d K el ly e t a l.

A Book About VILE: Mail Art, News & Photos from the Eternal Network

. V an co uv er , B C: Ba na na P ro du ct io ns , 1 98 3, p . 3 6.



21.0 3.18 - 19.0


IS B N 9 78-2-9 23 0 4 5-3 1-3 21 .0 3. 18 - 19 .0 5. 18

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01 e Ste-C 2, ru

ath eri ne E st

Mon tréa l, Q C, H2X 1K4

M ic ha el Bl um: L’u nd er gr ou nd à l a l ou p e M IC H AE L BL U M is an ar tis t b or n in Je ru sa lem , e du ca te d in Pa ris , b as ed , a m on g ot he rs , in Am st er da m an d Vie nn a, bef or e m ov in g to M on tr ea l in 20 10 , wh er e he is a Pr of es so r at Éc ole de s ar ts vis ue ls et m éd ia tiq ue s (U Q AM). H is pr oje ct s in cl ud e Ex od us 204 8 , wh ic h st ag ed a p os sib le fu tu re in th e M id dle Ea st (V an Ab bemu seu m , E in dh ov en, 20 0 8, N ew M us eu m , N ew Yo rk, 20 0 9), O ur H ist or y || N otr e his to ire , a p air of m oc k na tio na l mu seu m s de dic at ed to th e pr es er va tio n an d pr es en ta tio n of re sp ec tiv ely C an ad ia n an d Qu éb éc ois his to ry an d cu ltu re (Ga le rie de l’U Q AM , M on tr ea l, 20 14), an d Pa la zz o Ch up i , an inv es tig at io n of th e re la tio n be tw ee n ar t an d re al es ta te ar ou nd p ain te r an d fil mm ak er Ju lia n Sc hn ab el’s ar ch ite ct ur al la nd m ark in N ew Yo rk’ s W es t Vil la ge (O p tic a, M on tr éa l, 20 15). In 20 16 , he pr od uc ed R em or ia l A rn he m (So nsb ee k’16 , Ar nh em , N L), a se rie s of 12 co mm em or at ive sit es th ro ugh ou t Ar nh em ch all en gi ng th e ov er wh elm in gly sin gle m em or y of 19 4 4 an d op en in g a mu ltip lic ity of na rr at ive s ro ot ed in th e cit y fa br ic, as w ell as Th e Sw ap , t he la te st ep iso de of th e Po lE c Tr ilo gy , wh ic h w as sh ot in Sh an gh ai. In 20 17 , h e pr od uc ed th e b oo k Gr ea t a nd Le ss Gr ea t F ire s in G la sg ow d ur in g a re sid en cy at th e C en te r fo r C on tem p or ar y Ar ts , G la sg ow . Af te r a R es ea rc h Fe llo w sh ip at th e C an ad ia n Ph ot ogr ap hy In st itu te , O tta w a, wh er e he re vis ite d th e ic on ic N at io na l Fi lm Bo ar d St ill Ph ot ogr ap hy D ivi sio n co lle ct io n, he’ s no w w ork in g on a p ub lic at io n w ith th is m at er ia l, Ca na dia na R em ix .


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