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Articles of Association for the establisment of the Economic Community of West Africa


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Articles of Association for the establisment of the Economic Community of West Africa"


Texte intégral


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;;;/01'1.14/;,..!£;oop/"p.4 2 lv,ay 1967

OriD-na1: i;i~GLISH

;;;001'1C!\;10 00iilUI38ION cOi: .,.:D'RIo..

'ilest ..:~frican Sub-robional COnfJr8nC8 on Isco non.i c Co-oporation

.I.ccra, 27 ~.pri1 - 4 May 1967

J,RTIOlliS Oi' ••S3001..1'10i1

FOR Till: EST•..i3LIStkliBi'T O~ TK~ ECONOl.i10 COi'WIUN1TY OF -\:,EST ..'.iI'RIGJ..

The Signatories to these ~·,I,rticlEo3 of ..-~ssociatioYi hereby oo nt'Lrn their

GovcrDLler~ts' elesire to establish the Economic Con.iurn.t.y of -"Gst J.~f'rica and unde r t.ake to Df.,i..:;otiate a Treaty by which ths ConuunLty shall f'o rraa.lLy 001:16 into bei.nr., and to SGGk r-at i r.io . tion of this Trt-',e.ty by t hs IV18Llber Statos.

Femlinb rr...tificf<~tion of the Tr8aty by ths ihenber States, the 5i£natories bci.ng duly consti tuteci as t he Irrte ri.n Council of IliinistGrs do hereby accept on behalf' of their Govern.iLnts t.ne se "':l.rticlGs of ~,"s50ciation.

The Coruaurri ty notes that w.ithin t.ho sub-rq,ion the existin,.; inter- boverr...r:lf-ntal orbani.z~tions for co-eope r-ati.on on a b80craphical basis have uade a notable' contribution to the attainJ.lcnt of its objectives and daGUS i t

ne ccs s ar-y to co-ope ra te effectively with t.ho.. ..

These ~,.. rti.c.Les of ~..ssociation shall cons ta tu te a tr&.nsi tional arrange- nerrt Lov",rning the ncans of co-operation oo trx.en the uouber- States prior to

the fori.al GstablisiLent of the Connunity,


;.llilS Qj' TiL COW,i1J1nTY

1. Tho a i.ns of the COD';-::lUnity s ho.Tl be:

(a) to pr-ouo tc through 'the e co no.c i,c co-operati.o n of tho He:J.ber States

Et co-orclinated and equitable dcvo Iopuc nt of t.he t.r cconozu.es ,

cspe c.LaLl.y in industry, agricul turo , transport and conuurricat.Lo ns , traue and }.B..)7."lents, nanpo\,{cr, am::,rgy and na tu r'a.L res our-ces ;

(b) to furthGr t.hc r.iaxi.nun po s s ab Lc interchango of goods and services bc twe e n its 1"J.8;~b8r States;



L+l ..

~/~c0pl.}.4 1.:.1.68 20

(c) to contribute to t.18 orderly ex pan s i.cr; of trad.e between tae kember ;.;tates ....JEt. L18 rest 01 tl.e worLd ,

(d) by aLl. tue s e efforts cLnd en.re avours to contribute to tile economic d.eveto pment of tlL;; continent oi _..rr-ic a as a whole.

1. In order to achieve t.rie aims of tile Community, the Member States shall;

(a) wor-k. in close cc-eo pe ra t.i.on I'llt:;.1 ana another and endeavour to

co-ord..inate anu harrrloni~;e t.nei r' economic policies, both wita i.n and outBide tile Community]

('b) kee1J e ac h otner


nf o.rmeu ar;o, fur-ni eu tue Community VIith the informa.. tion re'luired. for t ....l.8 aoh.i evomerrt of its aims~

(c) 'VIithin 1;-'-1.8 Comrnuni.t.y, establisll amon., t.h erns e Lves consultation on a

contjnuous bJ..3l0, carry out studies arid , in tJ.l81r liblit, deterlnine

ti.!.~ a.r ear: a..« Li ne s ot econornic development to be unc.e rt aken jointl.y

01' 111 common~

(d) eliminate pl'oQ'ressi"'<rely GUStOlTI2 .ind other ba r ri e r e to tue expansion 01 trade bet-,,'g911 thea; 3,;5 ~:·.jll a s restrictions on current paymcnt

(8) tdK:.e measures l;'iIlich rencier tu ei r- pr-oduct s r-el at i.ve.ry competitive

1 r l i1 . : . . 1 goods La.por ted from ou t . si c . e t.ne Communl


a n d s e e K t o o o t a in

mor e l::t.voura..ble c ondi "vie'ns for their prociuots in th e wor Ld market, (f) enJ.eq,vour to r o r-muta't e anti ddOl": common j.ol rc i.e s , and neootiate and

conclude .t~breement~-) be twe en tn emse I ve s or t.hr-ou.jh t~le medium of the Community, designect to s e r ve the ac.nevement or 1.ts a i.ms , .inc Ludi ng the deY810,JmLnt jointl,Y: 01' i n common of s}'8cilic branches of industr;y ani abriculture~ the joint o pe r vti on of sj.eci ric t.r ancj.o r t cHlU.

communications services) tHe development arru t~J.8 JoiD.t use 01' enerbY, joint i'8S8r:;;,rCJ.l9 tr..linino 01 ffi::i1l!-'OW8.r ...inli the rmj.Lemen t ation JointlY' or in common 01 all other ~rojects desi~n~u to promote the objectives of t~18 (;omlf,unit~yr, 2.8 \"fell as common trade :1nJ. payments ci-rr..l-ntj8llJents, arid


ensur...e~ both 'dithin dna.. QUtsiU.8 tile Cornmuni t.y, tiLit tn e Common policies tl,..:Lt have been adopt eu c:tTICL t~·le "greements tn a.t have been cone Lude d for t':'18 ac ni evemcnt 01 tJ.:s ai.ms 0i tne Communi ty are carried. out ,


";/CN .14!",.!BCOP!.,P.4 Page 3a

2. f:lc.lbcr 3tGct8S s ha i.L take all st.cp s , pr.rti.cu Lar-Ly by the provision of

budE,et~j.r'yanc.. other ro sourcc.s , r0quirf;,:~ ':'01' the i~.lrlo':-.l€ntationof tnc Decisions -s.nd. ~{(,:;coLLlsndat~on.s of t.he Couuuruty, duly adoptEd•


1. l'~othinG in these ..·~rticl(;.C) of ...s so ciati.o n s nr.Ll. i<Jpair tne right of incl:i.vidu21 I'ilC;:~bGr St,:;ltcs to t8.ke, beth \,dt:-:in and outside the Cour.un.ity, 08a,3UrtiS of c c oncu.i,c co-oper.:::.tion \:it.hou t the atrs'"'.; ...o nt of othcr Me:Jber

States, pro v.i.dc d thEct such ncz.s ur-e s do not prejudice the e..iGS of the Coauurdty, 2. ileLber Stat(.,s wh.i c h beLo n., to or joi.n o the r s ysteras of ocononi c

co-operation sha.i.L .info ru the Cor.uurrit,Y oi' th:ir I:Gc.bcrship ami. of those provisions in th:,';ir const.itUL:.:Ilt .ins t.r-u.re n ts that l18_Vo::. a bear-Lng on these ...r-ti c Les of __s so c i.a'tri.o n,

1. The COLlDunity, when (£;taulishocl shall have such principal organs and subsidiary br)Jies 2.[; )".•ay DO rt;quir.;cl for ths at.t.ianuont of its objectives.




1. PcnJint; t.he cone Lus i.o n arid e ntry into force of the Treaty an Intcrin Council of Ministers is he r-eby cstab l i.s hcd,

2. !J'le:.lbcl·ship of thc: Tnt.cr-Iu Council of Hinist,:;:rs of the Eooro.rio Cou.ruruty of ':I'e;st ~...i ricE.. she.ll be 0;,1;n to c l.L such j;,~;._,b[.rs of the Dni t.c d Nations Zcono,.lic Co...•..Ls s Lor; 1"01' ..~fricC;.. <is 1"2.11 r/ithin the 2rca known as

the ·,:;cst .;.":..:!.'riccn sub-reGion, coupr-dsi n., D:-)10fKY, Gu. .bia , G-hi3.na, Cui.ne a , t h o Ivory C o a s t , Liberia, JIIie..li, n aur-it.a rria, thc H i ; c r , I - Y i g c r i a , Senegal, S i e r r a

Leone, Tl)(;O and the Lj.pe r Volta.


ThG Lrrtcr-i.r Council shrill have LS its principal task, tho draftin[;

or ti'L. TrcD.ty t,ov0rninb the ~con(;:...:ic Co:",~;-:uLlity of "i,'est 4'_f'ric<s, i t s s u b - r is s i . o n

to IvlOdbc.r SthtoS anJ tho initif:~tion o; Lccticn as ;~;::.;.y be de oned nc ce s s ar-y and appropriate to facilitc.tc the entry into l"OI'C€ u.f the Treaty.


B/C,': .14/,,;.ji!;cOp/iP.4 PagG 4

4. Tho Intcri:Ll Council of ui rri.s te.r-s shall have pcwe r to cs tab La.sh a provisional Secretariut, Q.D Lrrte riri ~conolJic CO;_~L:ittc e , and a.ny o ther- subsidiary bOQ:l03 2,8 nay be appr'oprLa te ,


I'he Intsr:L.l Council of Ministers, shall de te rzi.n; those aroas of

ccononic dcveLop.aont to be urider-taken jointly or in ccuuo n by Mouber Statos., the rianner- and d:::.'L:,rs8 of such dave Lcpr.ie rrt .::..:ncl thc ti.r;e requaro d therefor.

6. The IntGrL.l Council of l:iinisters, shall establish, through its subsiQiary bodies, links with existing intGr-60V8r~18ntalorbanizations

for c c onorric co-operation in t.ho sub-rosion, whose activities are restricted to that geogl'aphical area. In par-t.i cuLar-, t.he sc organizations shall

part i c.lp a t.c , in -.n ad.visory capac.i ty, in the wo r k of such Couruttc c s as Day be cstc'ulish(;d by t.he Lrrte rir; Council. The Lnt.o r iu Council of IViinisters

;.lay also cstab.Ii s h such relations as it dCG,_~s fit v,'ith any other ;..frican intcr-govern.lGntul ortanizatLons such as, the .:..frican DeveIcpuerrt Bank, and LLk:G and .Rivor Basin D8v510i-'~jC'ntOrf-)anizations, VlhOSG act.ivi t.i.e s are in line

v,'i~vh the o b jc cta.ves 0;· the Cor.uurrity ..


Tho Lrrte rin Council of lilinisters ;.isy invito to its nc.etLru.s , in an

obs c rv. r or cOrl3ultativG capacity, I'eprc.:sentativ8s of other J..Jrican sub- reGions E:..nd. 0:-:' [~ny no n-Lf'r-Lca.n donor countries or oI'bo.nizations in its consideration of nz.t.to rs in which su ch sub-rGbional ropr8sentatives and tho so of donor countries or orbanizations ro r t.ec hrri.c a.L ane.. financial aaei st ance __.ay be of particular assistctncs to the -\;est J'..fr-i.cc.n sub-region..

B" ~':.. qUOrti.;j for t.hc Gwctine;s of t!.18 Lntcrin Council of 1'1inistors Shall be a siuple iClcejority of the Ille"bcr St2tCS. In th~ event of its Lnabi Lity to attend, a l,ie::~bcr S'ta'te day authorise anoth0l' !'/ie:.l-ocr StClto to r-ep ros c rrt it.

No r.lO:"iber St2.t::;; Can rspresent 1101'8 than one cthc r S'tc tc ,



nlT"8RIM COm'lCIL OF lvlnrIJ'illRS - lliCISIONS

~•.ND }--::';CC1I:HffiND...TIONS

L, Eaoh nenber of the Interin Council of ui ru.s t.cz-s shall have one vote ..

2. Deoisions, resolutions and reco;:ll.:18ndatiOD...5 taken I'dthin t.hc f'r'aucwor'k hf the tc r..s of rGi'eronco of' the Lrrto r in Council of }~inist8rs as agreod. by these 1_rticlGs of ,"ssociation shall be taken by a s Lnp Le ua jo r-i.ty vote.



E/CN •







1. These ....rt.ic Les of ~~330ci:ltionilajlbo sib116cl by lHeL~b8r States of the .lost ,uirice.n sub-rocion arid sha Ll. Co:..16 into zc rce ';.he n signr:J. 'by c. si.up Le

2. The cri~;in.~.11of thE:5C ~~rticlc;s oi' ~.s3'JGi[~tionJ the Eng.Lis h and French texts of ';l:cich~rG equally authentic, s hs.Ll. be deposited with the Secretary Gdncral 0.( the Um te.I Nations who s ha l L forl,vard c2rtific:d true cop Le s to all the l':ie:.lbcr St:.::..t.::.s of thc sub-resiGn.

j. 'rhe L1tL.-ri:l Council of Ainistcr3 311a11 Cl~r..cSC to Lxist upon tho entry intu 1'01'00 of t he Treaty.

Ii:.f 'dT:rNESS ".rh0~OF, t.hc undc rs iEn,;d Pler.apot8Dti<lries, bGing duly autl:.orised tllcreto by the-ir r-cspc c t.Lvc C;ovGrn~:onts, hr:ve e.ppGndGd thGir si_,r'..::.turcG to these ....r-t.LcL.s of .l.~ssociQtion.

Done in the Cit.y of .I.-~ccr["~

this Tbird. clay 0f' );120'

l'-jimtcCll. Hundr-o d E~nci Sixty-soven.


Documents relatifs

new products made from theproccssed raw ma.~erials. Ob,iectiv.es for eponomic a.nd. The objectives of developing countries in economic co-opere.tion among themselves

and of the probable contribution of elements of monetary unification (common currencies, co-ordinated exchange rate policies, and monetary harmonisation, and of capital

The Committee shall appoi~t an Audit Commission which shall .udit the transactions and a.cOOl,Ults of th~ Clearing Houee yearl.,y and submit a report thereo,n to

Paragraph 14 - might be worded as fallowss &#34;The Interim Council shall have power V&gt; establish a provisional secretariat, an interim economic committee and its

The Interim Council of Ministers noted with interest the proposal to convene a moetinc of Heads of States of West African countries and requested the Provisional Secretariat to

which is tho supreme organ of tho Maghreb institutions for economic co-operation and is empowered to take decisions for the four countries, as a body ql.lalifi&#34;d

Japan in consonance with article 8 &lt;5F the present agreement as well as with the best, available scientific bases, measures to regulate the activities of Japanese fishing boats

auch regional organizations tended to blur the vider vision of Pan-A:f'ricanism. The present· 'decade, ·however, opened an entirely riew che.pter in West A:f'rican