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Articles of Association for th establishment of an Economic Community of West Africa : Article 2


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral


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CN.14/.,"Ji;COP/ "P • 2

29 Ayril 1967

LC01JOHIC COh'l1,;IIu01JN 1'0_,__ i ..FrtIC_ii.

west African Sub-regional Conference on Economic Co-operation

Accra, 27 April - 4 May 1967



~;)T,J3LIS~IM.:J"T OF JI; .c;CJliOMIC ';DST iiFrlICA


(Cont. )

1. (c) within the Community, establish among themselves consultation on a continuous basis, carry out studies and, in their light, determine the areas and lines of economic development to be undertaken in common;

(d) eliminate progressl vely customs and other barriers to the expansion of trade between them as well as restrictions on current payment transactions and on capital movements,

(e) take measures which render thelr products relatively competitive with goods impcrtea. from outside tae Community drld seek to obtain more favourable conditions for their products in the world market,

(f) endeavour to formulate and adopt common policies, anu negotiate and conclude ~greements between themselves or throubh the medium 01 the Communi ty, desi",ned to serve tile achievement 01 its aims, including

the joint development of specific branches of industry and agriculture, the joint operation of specific transport and communications services, the development and the joint use of energy, joint research, trainin6 of manpower and the joint implementation of all other projects designed to promote the objectives of the Community, as well as

arrangements1 and

joint trade and payments

(g) ensure, wi t.mn the Community and without, that the common

policies that have been ado pte d and the .•greements tllat have been concluded lor the achievement of the aims of the Community are ca.rried out.



EjCN .14!Aji:,COPj"P. 2 Pai5e 2

2. Member States shall take all steps, particularly by the provision of budgetary and other resources, re~uired for the implementation of the Decisions and Recommendations of the Community, duly adopted.

"liTICLE 3

CO-OP~ILTIJN B.iLT"EE:i1i IIU;B2 "T__T"~3 .JT:0 .,ITH 01'£1\ BODIES

1. Nothine: in these .u-t ac Les of ;,ssociation shall im}lair the ri,;ht of individual Member St"tes to take, within the c.ommunity or without, measures of economic co-operation "ithout the agreement of other Member States, provided thd.t such measures dO not prejudice the aims of the Community.

2. Member :otd.tes which belone; to or join other systems of economic co-operd.tion shall inform the Community of their membership d.nd of those provisions in tneir constituent instruments thdt have a bearing on these Articles of association.


1. The Community, wIlen established shall have SUCll principal organs and subsidiary bodies as may De re~uired for the attainment of its objectives.



1. FendinlO the conclusion and entry into force of the Treaty an Interim Council of Ministers is hereby established.

2. Membership of the Interim Council of Ministers of the Economic Community of (,est Ji.frica shall be open to all such Members of the United Nations

Economic Commi.s si o n for l ..frica as fall wi tnin the area known as the iiest

Ji.fricd.ll sub-region, comprising Dahomey, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, the Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Md.uritania, the Niger, Nigeria, Seneedl, ~ierra Leone, Togo, and the Upper Volta.

3. The Interim Council shall have as its principal task the drafting of the Treaty governin;; the Economic Community of ,lest Africa, the submission of t!le Treaty to ilember Std.tes and the initiation of action as may be deemed necessary and appropriate to facllitate tile entry into force of' the Treaty.

4. The Interim Council shall have power to establish a Secretariat, an Interim Economic Committee and its subsidiary bodies.


Documents relatifs

The Interim Council of Ministers noted with interest the proposal to convene a moetinc of Heads of States of West African countries and requested the Provisional Secretariat to

r~ferred the Commission to the report of the second Conference of African Statistici~ns (document E/Ca.14/1l3) and to the report en regional co- operation in the field of

First, how are African countries likely to gain or lose as evidenced by the impacts on GDP, employment and other macroeconomic aggregates from a bilateral trade liberalization

First, how are African countries likely to gain or lose as evidenced by the impacts on GDP, employment and other macroeconomic aggregates from a bilateral trade liberalization

Given its limited industrial base, high population growth and rapid urbanization, it is expected that electricity consumption would increase in the future mainly from increased

Japan in consonance with article 8 <5F the present agreement as well as with the best, available scientific bases, measures to regulate the activities of Japanese fishing boats

104. As is seen from Section A, exchange rate depreciation has been used by a fairly large number of African countries, particularly in connection with Fund-supported programmes.

Requests the Executive Secretary to undertake forthwith a study of the possibility of and conditions for the establishment of sub-rogional offices of the Commission to deal