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Effects of different row spacing and seeding density on hay and grain yields of Hungarian vetch under rainfed conditions of Central Anatolia


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral


Systèmes sylvopastoraux. Pour un environnement, une agriculture et une économie durables

Zaragoza : CIHEAM

Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 12 1995

pages 79-82

Article available on lin e / Article dispon ible en lign e à l’adresse :

--- http://om.ciheam.org/article.php?ID PD F=96605491

--- To cite th is article / Pou r citer cet article

--- Munzur M., Kabakcy H., Tan A. Effects of differen t row spacin g an d seedin g den sity on h ay an d grain yields of H u n garian vetch u n der rain fed con dition s of Cen tral An atolia. Systèmes sylvopastoraux. Pour un environnement, une agriculture et une économie durables . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1995. p. 79-82 (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 12)





Effects.of on of

Conditions of Central Anatolia

Ali Tan P.O. Box.

Summary: long low and

fallow (Viciapannonica its value to the

the -as This study

was conducted to of be

seeding into

17.5, 35, 52.5 and 70 cm at 6, 9, 12 and 15 kg/O.lha seeding in

in in main plots spacing. Seed and hay yields

analysed by by

17.5 cm 12 kg/O.lha seeding plots when

the season was-less than 300 mm. in a 300

mm, seeding should be to 15 kg/O.lha. hay yields obtained plot with 52.5 cm spacing and 12 kg/O. lha seeding in of is concluded that

soil in that which is utilized by plants enhanced

vegetative of this soil in

and consequently to yield.

vegetative by shading effects of plants. A seeding of 12 kg/O.lha seems both high seed and hay yields.


feed deficit. Only about 3 % to whch can not fulfil1

(Vicia panonica to

et al, 1988, et al, 1989).

its high to

l e g h e in the soil to be

utilized by the run-

off and consequently soil losses due to This study was conducted to

in wheat-vetch two-



The at ,whch has a typical continental climate and is located at

in 1991, 92 and 93 mm,

(l-2%) and is high in clay content and Caco3.

in spacing and

6,9, 12, 15 kg/O. 1 ha. Stubble left

to in 2.5m X 15m plots

with in at 10 kg/O. lha was

applied at seeding.

in to in at the full


at (late at 70 OC

detennining hay yields on

as to see

this method, as

and used as that

shown in Table 1. Yields

Seed Production

that in any except in

combined analyses of on seed yields.

1, 1992 and combined) but not in that

Effect of

kg/O. lha used.

(87 kg/O. 1 spaced and

12 kg/O. lha 1)

it was difficult to was used to this


one of the t h s


the the


to 12 kg/O. lha to obtain maximum seed yields.


(( X in

in all hay yield

(292 kg/O. lha). kg/O. lha the


hay 52.5

in 17.5

cm kg/O. lha

at that plants in the

in spaced plotS.These

plants in the


yield, 12 kg/O. lha of if available

We conclude that in





h 80

$ 70 n



50 55 M) 65 70 75 80 85 90 95

Envimnmeatnl (kgm.lha)

Figure 1. of row space X seeding rates on Hungarian vetch seed yields across

environments (1991-1993)


420 400 380

4 3 4 0 -3M)

n g 2 8 0

X260 d 2 4 0 220 200 180

5140 1Y

150 170 190 210 230 250 2 Envimnment

O 290 310 I c12

S * 2

330 350 370 390 ha)

Figure 2. of row space X seeding rates on Hungarian vetch hay yields across environments 99





t value spacing means I value spacing X seeding ns none significant

values having the same not significantly at =

Avci Eyuboglu 1988. Annual in

Challenges in A on

Texas, U.S.A. 808-810.

a>., 1989. The possibilities of using fallow lands

Annual of Field 502-524.


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