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Effect of fertilization on flora, biomass and seed production and soil fertility in four natural pastures of the Mediterranean basin


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral


Systèmes sylvopastoraux. Pour un environnement, une agriculture et une économie durables

Zaragoza : CIHEAM

Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 12 1995

pages 87-90

Article available on lin e / Article dispon ible en lign e à l’adresse :

--- http://om.ciheam.org/article.php?ID PD F=96605493

--- To cite th is article / Pou r citer cet article

--- Martiniello P., D 'Agnano G., Padalino O., Nardelli F. Effect of fertilization on flora, biomass an d seed produ ction an d soil fertility in fou r n atu ral pastu res of th e Mediterran ean basin . Systèmes sylvopastoraux. Pour un environnement, une agriculture et une économie durables . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1995. p. 87-90 (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 12)





Effect of fertilization on flora, biomass and seed

production and soil fertility in four natural pastures of the

P. G. O. Padalinoz and F. Nardelli3 l

3 di Foggia.

Summary: 8 Latium, and Sicily) of Sout-

the is about 2.5 milions of This 63.9% of the national

The,8.6% of this is devoted to in Apulia. tlus is

estimated to be 0.86 t ha-l, with a high livestock the aim to assess the influence of

locations of the located in the

mountain-chain, the effect of the

effects of both in the composition of the



biomass yield,

and quality of

et of

2088/85 of to

et 1985;

1'989; et

in of the

is t h s


of on

l al., 1965; et al., 1989).



The at

of about 600 5 plots of 100 m2


on the b9 at

of 60 kgha-1; c) of 80 at of

at kg.ha-1

and 44 kg.ha-1 by to evaluate the effect of

on of

on each to

analyses of top


at the

to evaluate the field stand hay stock at the end of

to (19789, at (%9, and

on about 200 g of sample taken at to the

botanical family. On at

on two occasions and the species classification. The week of the

techniques of ANOVA.

in the effect of

to in the


that in

of the legume

to in

effect in the development of the

the in the


two be to

the case of the

to of the legume

species; by an in the legume species

A baldced development among species of


as much as

The stand hay stock available in in



by an


in in

17.2% 6.7%

6.8% S. Angelo.

in all locations and was not the

Celle S.

values in in S. in the

This-showed that to



the to in


an in the

in the soil. A

little in

Table 1. fertilizer treatments for dry matter production seed


S . Angelo

(e mZ) -nëëG


1993 1392 (307

1993 1994

1993 1994

130 260 193 389

162 338

312 340

412 396 362 368

403 502

393 514

315 325

558 425

437 375

108 367

576 478

492 423

3 52 391 172 475

112 412

1.9 0.8

7.8 1.3

18.5 2.8

1.7 1 .o


3.8 2.1 0.7

3. O 0.6

7.4 2.7

3.9 1.2

5.6 2.0


Burton G.W., 1987. science, A.A. F.V. Juska eds.,

14 in the of

Corral1 A.J., Fenlon J.S., 1978. A. method the of

of 91: 61-67;

1987. conditions. science, A.A.

F.V. Juska eds., n. 14 in the of

P., 1989. utilizzazione dei pascoli

economia 18(4): 61-68.

P., Barbato G., 1994. il dei pascoli

dauni. 50(45): 43-46.

1985. and

eds., The science of 4th edition, State

Goodall V.C., Jackman G.S., 1965. and soil The

influence of white and of clipping on of an

soil. New Zealand of 8: 270-283.

Trimarchi G. Ferruzzi G., Secchiari P., Berni P., Pistoia A., 1989. di pascolamento con ovini su

cotiche mediante 119: 344-348.

USA, pp 487-495.


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