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Seasonal changes of water potential, stomatal conductance and transpiration in the leaf of Cherry- trees grown in shelter


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral


Systèmes sylvopastoraux. Pour un environnement, une agriculture et une économie durables

Zaragoza : CIHEAM

Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 12 1995

pages 267-270

Article available on lin e / Article dispon ible en lign e à l’adresse :

--- http://om.ciheam.org/article.php?ID PD F=96605535

--- To cite th is article / Pou r citer cet article

--- Noitsakis B., Nastis A.S. Season al ch an ges of water poten tial, stomatal con du ctan ce an d tran spiration in th e leaf of Ch erry-trees grown in sh elter. Systèmes sylvopastoraux. Pour un environnement, une agriculture et une économie durables . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1995. p. 267-270 (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 12)





Seasonal Changes of Water Potential Stomata1

Conductance and Transpiration in the leaf of Cherry- Trees Grown in Shelter

Basile Noitsakis and Anastasios Nastis

Science of Thessaloniki 54006 Thessaloniki


Summary: Seasonal changes of

till the 1994, in the avium) the and planted at

densities: 100, 200, 625 and 1600 stems/ ha (10m X 10 m, 7m X 7m, 4m X4m and 2,Sm X 2,5m spacing)

The spacing not seem to affect the status of

of to the leaf The stomatal

conductahe and in the leaf of the the end of July, than that of the

to to the of

then to the of the leaf loss both the and


These findings the concept that the less adaptable to

these out of the

system, plant balance

in is in

the the adoption of new

wide spaced plantation (250 the in


The a

on wide spaced plantation. This method allows the to

in excluding the is

the need to investigate the the in

the et al 1985 ; Schulze, 1986 ;

witch is in the

This the physiology of the in in

the limiting

The in

avium in densities: 100, 200, 625 and 1600 stemsha, to spacing 1 0 s 10m, 7m X 7m, 4m X 4m and 2,5m X 2,5

them The establishment of the plantation took place

in 1992 on a native vegetation dominated by

and climatic the

the end of up to the end of in and out of by an

The following in OC,

humidity in %, O C , wet-bu1 in "C.



the at the

The by

3rd 4th at

1981a ; et al, 1991).

(24/5, 9/6, 4/7; 25/8, 22/9, of

was the

pratensis, Agropyron repens and glomerata).

40" a

The adoption of to of the

to the

in that in up to the


of and. that the

be in

fact, the leaf


the as as it would be expected.

This to

in turn

so ;

the on to

to to

to the leaf tissue.


in to et ~1,1975). fact, the

stomatal conductance as


the of. the the

that stomata have shown to to to

to may be




at the second line of defence, i.e. at to

to to to


to dispose of two distinct lines of defence against of July to both conditions inside to

as to

by as as



60.00 5 * 50.00 .-

40.00 n

-- m



Q 4


20.00 --

10.00 --

- _.

I 0.00 4 I

' Jun Jul Aug

Fig. ?%e seasonal pattern the vapour pressure deficit insite 7, 2X2.5), and outsite (out).


Y7,4X4 and




+j 200.00

f 100.00 E



I 1


L -



I Mav Jun Jul Au0

Fig. 4 The changes transpiration over the growth period for the trees grown in the shelter (l OX1 O, 7x7, 4x4 and 2X2.5), out the shelter (out) and forage .(For).

1986. balance plants. in Steward F.C., Sutclzfle JF., Dale eds,

physiolofi London, N. 154

T.C., Silk 5.1985. Leaf growth and deficits: in Baker

Danies W J Ong eds, controlof leaf growth, Seminar 27, 239 236

Jarvis P.G., 1981. Stomata conductance gaseous exchange and in and their atmospheric environment. 171-240

T. 1991 status,

capacitance. in W., J , W.

London: 16 1- 184

1986. offorestproduction. Academic 198p.

1986. Le et le feu outils efficaces dans 1' aménagement des

d' Alep. in 1986/1 e d , Le pin d'alep et le pin drutia dans la : 1 72- 199

Tenhunen J.O., 1981. to humidity phenomenon and mechanisms. in Jarvis

ï3iv. London, 197-162

T.A., 1982.Stomata and stomata1 mechanisms. Aspinall D., eds. 171e physiology and biochemistry drought resistance in plants. Sydney: 3 15-346

to .in Turner B.

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