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Inertial Automorphisms of an abelian Group


Academic year: 2022

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Inertial Automorphisms of an Abelian Group


ABSTRACT- An automorphismsgof a group is inertial ifX\Xghas finite index in bothXandXgfor any subgroupX. We study inertial automorphisms of abelian groups and give characterization of them. In particular, if the group is periodic they have property thatXhgi=Xhgiis bounded. We also study finitely generated groups of inertial automorphisms.

1. Introduction

Recently there has been some interest in groups whose subgroups are inert, that is commensurable to their conjugates (see [1], [7]). Here two subgroups X and Y of a group are told commensurable iff the index of X\Y in bothXandY is finite. Commensurability is an equivalence re- lation.

The study of the above groups yields to the consideration of inertial automorphisms, that is automorphisms mapping subgroups to commen- surable subgroups. In this paper we give characterization of these auto- morphisms of an abelian groupA. In Theorem 1 we show that whenAis torsion they reduce to so-calledalmost power automorphisms, that is au- tomorphisms with property (ap) below, which have been studied in [3] by Franciosi-de Giovanni-Newell. Further, we show that even in the non- periodic case almost power automorphisms coincide with automorphisms with the property (bp), which have been studied in [2] by Casolo.

(*) Indirizzo dell'A.: Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni ``R.Caccioppo- li'', UniversitaÁ di Napoli ``Federico II'', Via Cintia - Monte S. Angelo, I-80126 Napoli,

E-mail: dardano@unina.it

(**) Indirizzo dell'A.: Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, UniversitaÁ della Basilicata, Via dell'Ateneo Lucano 10 - Contrada Macchia Romana, I-85100 Potenza, Italy.

E-mail: silvana.rinauro@unibas.it


More precisely, we consider following properties for an automorphismg of an abelian groupA. IfG is a group acting on a groupGandXG, as usual we denoteXG :ˆ \g2GXgandXG :ˆ hXg jg2Gi.

(ap) 8XA jX=Xhgij51 (gis almost power);

(bp) 8XA jXhgi=Xj51;

(in) 8XA jX=X\Xgj jXg=X\Xgj51(gis inertial);

(bin)9k2N 8XA jX=X\Xgj jXg=X\Xgj k.

By Theorem 1 we see that in the periodic case they correspond to the factthatgacts on a finite index subgroup (or modulo a finite subgroup) either as a power (elementary case) or pseudo-power automorphism (see Definition 1). Furthermore the above properties are equivalent to each of the following:

(d) there existsd2Nsuch thatjX=Xhgij dfor allXA.

(d) there exists d2Nsuch thatjXhgi=Xj d for allXA.

Thus such ag is inertial in a ``bounded'' way. Moreover, all the relevant indeces are bounded each in terms of any other. We give also several ex- amples to show that many given bounds are best-possible.

Theorem 2 identifies inertial automorphisms of torsion-free abelian groups, while Theorem 3 treats the mixed case. It follows a characteriza- tion of ``bounded'' inertial automorphisms.

In the final section we apply the above results to finitely generated groups of inertial automorphisms.

Notation and Terminology

We use multiplicative notation for abelian group operation, except in Section 3. Most of our notation is standard and refers to [4] and [6]. In particular D(A), T(A), exp (A), Aut(A) denote the maximum divisible subgroup, the torsion subgroup, the exponent, the automorphism group of the abelian groupA, resp. Also, ifn2Z,A[n] is the subgroup of the ele- ments such thatxnˆ1 andp(n) denote the set of prime divisors ofn. Ifpa setof primes we denote byApthep-componentofAwhile byQpwe denote the group of rationals whose denominators can be written by a product of primes inponly.

Recall that a power automorphism is an automorphism mapping each subgroups into itself. Power automorphisms of an abelian non-periodic group are just the identity or the inversion map. Futher, power auto- morphisms of an abelianp-group are universal, that is have formx7!xa, whereais an invertiblep-adic number.


If g2Aut(G) and CBA are such that g induces a power auto- morphism corresponding to the p-adic a on the p-group B=C we write gjB=Cˆa. Clearly,Bg aC.

2. Periodic case

Let us start recalling that when dealing with torsion groups we can reduce top-groups.

PROPOSITION1. Let GˆDriGibe the direct product ofcoprime torsion groups andg2Aut(A). Thengis either(ap),(bp),(in)or(bin)iff it acts this way on finitely many Gi's and as a power on all the others. p Letus pointoutan easy factwhich involves some inertial automorphism that we can callelementary.

PROPOSITION2. Let A be an abelian group andg2Aut(A). Then:

i) Ifgis power on a finite index subgroup B, thengis power on a factor A=C withjCj jA=Bj.

ii) Ifgis power on a factor A=C with C finite, thengis power on a subgroup B withjA=Bj jCj.

PROOF. IfAis periodic, we can assumeAis ap-group and consider the p-adica such thatgˆa onBor on A=C, accordingly we are in the hy- potheses of statement (i) or (ii). For the non-periodic case in the same way let aˆ 1. Now denote by K and I the kernel and the image of the homomorphism g a, respectively. Then gˆa on BA iff BK and gˆaonA=Cif and only ifIC. ClearlyA=K'gI. p Let us give a definition which will simplify statements and whose idea is in [2] and [3] already. It deals with non-elementary almost power auto- morphism, as we see in Proposition 3.

DEFINITION1. Let p be a prime, r;e2N and eˆpe. An abelian p- group A is told(r;e)-bounded iff the largest divisible subgroup DˆD(A)of A has rankr and A=D has exponent dividing e.

Ifg2Aut(A)we say thatga pseudo-power automorphism ofA ifit is non-power and AˆDE where:


i) D is divisible with finite rank r, ii) E is infinite but has finite exponent e,

iii) gacts as a power automorphism on both D and E.

PROPOSITION3. Let p be a prime, r;e2Nand eˆpe.

(i) Ifgis a pseudo-power automorphism ofan abelian(r;e)-bounded p-group, then for each XA we have

jXhgi=Xj erandjX=Xhgij er:

(ii) Ifp>2, there exists a pseudo-power automorphismgofan abelian (r;e)-bounded p-group A with a subgroup XA such that

jXhgi=Xj ˆ jX=Xhgij ˆer:

PROOF. i) In the same notation as in Definition 1, ifX:ˆDX\XE, X:ˆ(D\X)(X\E) we have that X and X are g-invariantwhile the groupsX=X'X=X'(A\XB)=(A\X)'(AX\B)=(X\B) have rank rand exponente.

ii) Let A1:ˆDV, where D is a PruÈfer p-group and Vˆ hvi has order pe. Define g by gjVˆ1 and gjDˆa61 (mod p). Let X1:ˆ hvdi, where d2D has order pe. Write yˆvmdmˆvndan2X1\Xg1, with 0m;n5pe. Then nm and nma (mod pe). Hence m(a 1)0 (mod pe), so thatvmˆ1 andX1\X1gˆ1.

LetnowAbe the direct product ofrcopies ofA1by an infinite abelian group Y of exponent eand define gon each copy of A1 as above and by gjY ˆ1. Thengis pseudo-power onAand the statement holds whenXis the subgroup generated by thersubgroups corresponding toX1. p Notice that, even tough it is plain thatAsplits onDˆD(A), the fact thatgacts as a power on bothDandA=D(with finite rank and exponent, resp.) is not enough to guarantee thatgis either power or pseudo-power on A. To see this consider a groupAˆD hbiwhereDis a PruÈferp-group andbhas orderpwith 16ˆgjDˆa1 (modp) andbg ˆab, wherea2D has orderp. Clearlyg acts as a power on both Dand A=D. However, if AˆDEwithEˆEg, thengacts trivially onE'g A=Dand therefore on the socleha;biofA, a contradiction.

On the other hand, if (i), (ii) and (iii) in Definition 1 hold with onlyA=D in the place ofE, thengis neverthless an almost power automorphism and there is a finiteCA and a subgroup Bsuch that g is either power or pseudo-power on bothA=C(see Theorem 2.11 in [2]) andB. The order ofC and the indexA=Bare restricted, as in the following statement.


PROPOSITION4. Let p be a prime, r;e2N, eˆpe, s2Z anda a p- adic. IfA is an abelian(r;e)-bounded p-group andg2Aut(A)is such that gjDˆa,gA=Dˆs with D:ˆD(A), then

i) g acts as a power or pseudo-power on A=C where CˆD[pn], with pnˆexp (kerA=D(a s))and in particular

jCj ˆpnrer;

ii) gacts as a power or pseudo-power on a subgroup B, with jA=Bj er:

The above bounds are best-possible, as there exist abelian(r;e)-boun- ded p-groups A andg2AutA acting as power on DˆD(A)and A=D such that

iii) ifg acts as a power or pseudo-power on a factor A=C, then C contains D[pn], wheregjDˆaand pnˆexp (kerA=D(a g)), hence

jCj pnr;

iv) ifg acts as a power or a pseudo-power on a subgroup BA, then

jA=Bj er:

PROOF. i) LetKandEbe the kernels of the endomorphismsa sand g s of A, resp. Clearly ne and, even in case nˆe, we may assume K\DˆE\DˆD[pn], as we can substitute s by s‡pe. Obviously DAg s, and since gˆs on no nontrivial images of D, we have that Ag sˆD. As A=E'Ag s, we get AˆED. Thus g is pseudo-power on A=D[pn].

ii) Let AˆDE and let A1ˆA[e]ˆD[e]E. Then gˆs on A1=D[e]'gA=D, so that gˆsonE1A1with index at mostjD[e]j ˆer. The statement holds withBˆD(E\E1), asjA=Bj ˆ jE:E\E1j er. iii) Let AˆA1 ArE, where for 0ir, AiˆDi heii, withDia PruÈferp-group,eiof ordereandEan infinite elementary abelian p-group. Letdibe an elementof ordereinDifor eachiandg2AutAsuch thatgˆaonDˆD1 Dr,gˆsonEandegiˆesidi.

Letnow C be a g-invariantsubgroup of A such that A=Cˆ DC=CV=C and gˆs on V=C. For 1ir, there exist vi2V and zi2Dsuch thateiˆvizi. Observe thatvei 2C, asA=Dhas exponente, and so zei 2C. Now, as gˆs on V=C, we get dizsi a2C and so dipe n2C.



iv) Let A1:ˆPV, where P is a PruÈfer p-group and Vˆ hvi has ordereˆpe. Definegbygˆ1‡ponPandvgˆvd, wheredis an element ofPof orderpe. LetA0be the direct product ofrcopiesAiofA1and define gonA0in the natural way componentwise. We show that:

() 8z2A0n1 zgˆz) hzi \D6ˆ1:

In fact, ifrˆ1 we have that ifzˆvndmis such that the order ofdmis not bigger than that ofvn. Thennˆpnn1andmˆpmm1, withp62p(n1m1) andm n. As zgˆz, we getdn‡pmˆ1, which impliespedividesnhence vn ˆdmˆ1 andzˆ1, a contradiction.

In the general case, zˆa1. . .ar, with aiˆagi 2Ai 8i, which implies thataiˆ1 or a nontrivial powerasiiofaiis inD, by the above. Choosing the biggestsiwe getthatzsiis inDn1. Thus () is proved.

LetnowAˆA0EwhereEis an infinite elementary abelianp-group and extendgbygˆ1 onE. Thengis power on bothDˆD(A) andA=D.

LetBbe a subgroup of finite index ofAsuch thatgacts as a pseudo- power on B. Then BˆDZ and gˆ1 on Z. By () we have that Z\A0ˆ1. Letzˆa0h2Zwitha02A0andh2E. Thenzp2A0\Zˆ1.

Then a02D has order p. Hence z2DE and so BDE. Itfollows

jA=Bj er. p

Now we pointouta property of pseudo-power automorphisms corre- sponding to that in Proposition 2.

PROPOSITION 5. Let p be a prime, r;e2N, eˆpe, A be an abelian (r;e)-bounded p-group andg2Aut(A), then

i) If g is pseudo-power on a finite index subgroup B, then g is pseudo-power on a factor A=C with bothjCj jA=BjerandjCj jA=Bj2. ii) If g is pseudo-power on a factor A=C with C finite, then g is pseudo-power on a subgroup B withjA=Bj jCjer.

Consideration of the group in the proof of Proposition 4.ivshows that in Proposition 5.ii jA=Bj cannotbe bounded in terms of jCj only (take C:ˆD[p]).

PROOF. i) Let BˆDE where g is power on bothDand E. Also, AˆDE1 for someE1E. LetE2:ˆEhgi1 andC2:ˆD\E2ˆC2g. By applying Proposition 2 to the the groupE2=C2, we know thatgis power on a factorE2=Csuch thatjC=C2j jA=Bjand thereforegis pseudo-power on A=C.


On one hand, C2'E2=E has rank atmostr and exp (E2=E)ˆ exp (E1=E) divides e hence jC2j er. On the other hand, by applying Proposition 2 to the groupA=Ewe have thatgis power on a factorA=C3

withjC3=Ej jA=Bj. HenceE2E1C3, so thatjC2j ˆ jE2=E1j jC3=Ej jA=Bj.

ii) LetA=CˆD0=CE=C, where D0=C is divisible, Ehas finite ex- ponentand g is power on both D0=C and E=C. Observe that D0ˆDC.

Hence AˆDE and jD0=Dj jCj. Moreover g acts as a power on A=D0'gE=C, then by Proposition 2,gacts as a power automorphisms on a subgroup A1=D of index atmostjCj in A=D. The statement holds by

Proposition 4.ii. p

Let's recall now a key result, basically due to D. Robinson [7].

LEMMA1. Let a2A an abelian group andgan inertial automorphism.


i) gacts as a power automorphism on any divisible torsion sub- group ofA;

ii) ifa is periodic, then ahgiis finite.

LEMMA 2. Let A be an abelian p-group, g2Aut(G) and m2N. If jX=(X\Xg)j pm for all finite XA, thenjXhgi=Xj p2m for all finite XA.

In Theorem 1 we will see that a similar statement holds even if the word

``finite'' is omitted.

PROOF. Fix X with order pe. We first prove the statement when Xˆ haiis cyclic. Ifeˆ1, that isXhgiˆ haihgi is an elementary abelianp- group, consider the epimorphismg2Zp[x]7!ag(g)2 haihgiofZp-modules.

By Lemma 1,haihgihas finite orderpnand so there isf 2Zp[x] with degree nsuch that


(f) 'ghaihgi:

Ifn2m‡1 the statement is true. Assume false by contradiction. Then Xˆ ha;ag2;. . .;ag2mi has order pm‡1. It follows that there is b2X\ Xgn f1g. Thus there are polynomialsg;h2Zp[x] with degreem such that bˆag(g2) ˆagh(g2). Thereforef(x) dividesg(x2) xh(x2) which is not the constant 0 and has degree2m‡1, a contradiction.


If e>1, B:ˆ hape 1ihgi has order atmostp(2m‡1), by case eˆ1, and haihgi=Bhas order atmostp(e 1)(2m‡1), by induction. The claim holds.

In the general case let Xˆ ha1i hariwith ai of order pei and e1‡ ‡erˆe. By the above, for each iwe have jhaiihgij p(2m‡1)ei and

jXhgi=Xj p2me. p

Let's show that for periodic abelian groups all properties (ap), (bp), (in), (bin) are equivalent. Recall that (ap) and (bp)-automorphisms of abelian groups have been independently characterized in [3] and [2], respectively.

THEOREM1. Let A be a periodic abelian group andg2Aut(A). Then the following are equivalent to the fact thatgis inertial:

i) X=(X\Xg)is finite for all XA;

a) there exists a2Nsuch thatjX=(X\Xg)j a for all XA;

b) there is subgroup BA with finite index b, such thatgis power on all but finitely many primary components of B and pseudo-power on the other ones;

c) there is a subgroup CA with finite order c, such that g is power on all but finitely many primary components of A=C and pseudo- power on the other ones;

d) there exists d2Nsuch thatjXhgi=Xj d for all XA;

d) there exists d2Nsuch thatjX=Xhgij d for all XA.

Moreover, there are functions (depending on A) bounding each of a, b, c, d, d in terms ofany other.

PROOF. Ifpis a prime greater that one among the abovea;b;c;d;d, then the corresponding statement tells thatgacts as a power automorphism on thep-componentofA. Thus, according to Proposition 1, we assume that Ais ap-group. LetDˆD(A) andrandethe rank ofDand the exponent of A=D, respectively (where this cardinals are possible infinite).

First of all recall that:

(c),(b) by Propositions 2 and 5. On the other side, ifAis periodic, (b) is equivalentto (ap) (by Theorem 2.8 of [3] with Gˆ hgi) and (c) is equivalentto (bp) (see Theorem 2.11 of [2]).

(i))(ap) Assume first Ahas exponentp. We show thatgis periodic (and so an almost power automorphism). By Lemma 1, the orbits induced by g are finite. Assume, by contradiction, they have unbounded orders.

Let's show that for all finite XA such that X\Xgˆ1 there exists X1>X with the same property. Note thatXhgi is finite by Lemma 1 and


choosea2AnXhgiwhose orbit under the action ofghas length larger than the order ofK:ˆ haiXhgi. Thusag62K otherwisehaihgiK contradicting the choice ofa. LetnowX1:ˆ haiX. We will show thatX1\X1gˆ1. Let y2X1\X1g. Hence9n;s2Z,9x;x02Xsuch thatyˆanxˆasgxg0. Then asg2 haiXhgiˆK while ag62K. Thereforeasˆ1 and itfollowsan2Xhgi while ag62Xhgi. Therefore anˆ1 as well. Itfollows yˆxˆxg02X\ Xg ˆ1, as claimed. Now we define by induction a sequence of finite sub- groupsXisuch thatXi\Xigˆ1 andXi5Xi‡1. ThusXv:ˆS

iXiis infinite andXv\Xvg ˆ1, a contradiction. Thusgacts as an (ap)-automorphism on the socleA[p] ofA.

Let X be any subgroup of A. To show that X=Xhgi is finite, we may suppose Xhgiˆ1. Thus, sinceg acts as a power automorphism onD(see Lemma 1), we haveD\Xˆ1 andXis reduced. On the other hand, since we have seen thatgis almostpower onA[p] we getthatX[p] is finite. It follows thatXis finite.

(a))(d) Apply Lemma 2 to the groupA=Xhgi and getthat jXhgi=Xj a2:

(d))(c) Trivially (d) implies (a). Therefore g is (ap) and, ifA is re- duced, by the above there is a power automorphismaofAsuch thatAg a has finite order. In order to find a bound forcdepending ond, letus show that:

ifA is reduced, then jAg aj de2‡3e2 or d, according to the fact that exp (A)ˆpe51orˆ 1, respectively.

Letfirstexp (A)51. By contradiction, fix the smalleste2Nfor which the statement is false, where clearlye>0. We have thatgis power on no factorA=CwithjCj c(d;e):ˆde2‡3e2 . Then fix the largestn2Nsuch that

9AnA : jAnj ˆpen and jAhgin =Anj pn

where the above holds fornˆ0, at least. DenoteCn:ˆAhgin . We have p(e‡1)n jCnj jAnjdpend and pnd:

The subgroup A#ˆ fa2Ajape 12Cng is such that exp (A#=Cn)5pe. Thus, by the choice ofe, there existsCsuch thatCnCA#,gacts as a power onA#=Cand

jCj ˆ jCnj jC=Cnj pendc(d;e 1)de‡1c(d;e 1)ˆc(d;e) Letus show now thatgacts as a power on A=C, that is for alla2Awe have


ag 2Chai. Ifa2A#, then the thing is true by the above. Otherwiseahas order pe even modulo Cn, by definition of A#. In particular hai \Cnˆ hai \Anˆ1 andAn‡1:ˆAnhai ˆAn hai has orderpn‡1. If ag62Chai, thenag62Cnhaiso that

pn jCn=Anj ˆ jCnhai=Anhaij5jAhgin‡1=An‡1j contradicting the choice ofn.

Letnow exp (A)ˆ 1andA be residually finite. We see that there is an Xsuch that

X\Ag aˆ1 and Ag a Xhgi

whencejAg aj jXhgi=Xj d. To do this, proceed by induction and assume that for a maximal subgroup C1 of C:ˆAg a there exist X1 such that X1\Cˆ1 andC1Xhgi1 . Letag a2CnC1. AsAis residually finite andgis (ap) onA, by the abovegˆais power on a subgroupBˆBhgiwith finite index inAand such thatB\CX1hai ˆ1. AsAas infinite exponent, the same holds forBand we can pick and elementb2Bwith the same order asa. We have then ag aˆ(ab)g a, thus CˆC1hag ai Xhgi where X:ˆX1habi.

Further ifc2X\C, t hen cˆx1ambm for somex12X1, m2N, so t hat bm2B\CX1hai ˆ1. By the choice ofb, we haveamˆ1 as well. Itfollows cˆx12X1\Cˆ1, as desired. The case A is residually finite is now complete.

In the caseA is reduced, butperhaps notresidually finite, letBbe a basic subgroup ofAandB1ˆBhgi. ThenB1=Bis finite, so thatB1 is residually finite andA=B1is divisible. By the above there exists a subgroupCB1with ordercde2‡3e2 ord(according to exp (A)ˆpe51orˆ 1), such thatgˆa onB1=C. Then the kernel ofg aonA=CcontainsB1=C, so that the image is divisible. On the other handA=Cis reduced, so thatgˆaonA=C.

In the general case, let AˆDR, where R is reduced. Then C1ˆRhgi\Dhas order atmostd. On one hand, by the above, the reduced groupRhgi=C1has a subgroupC=C1of order atmostthe abovecsuch thatg is power onRhgi=C. On the other hand g is power on the divisible group DC=Cas well, so thatgis either power or pseudo-power onA=C. Clearly, according to exp (A)ˆpe51orˆ 1,Chas order

cde2‡3e‡22 or d2:

(b))(d). Let X be any subgroup of A. Then by Proposition 3, j(X\B)=(X\B)hgij er. Thus (d) holds with

jX=Xhgij ber:

(d))(a) This is trivial. p


In the notation of Theorem 1, d is bounded by ber and clearly d is bounded bycer. Let us show that these bounds are best possible.

PROPOSITION6. For each prime p6ˆ2, r;e2N, eˆpe, there exists an abelian(r;e)-bounded p-group such that:

i) there is an inertial automorphismgacting as a pseudo-power on a finite index subgroup B and a subgroup X of A such that

jX=Xhgij ˆ jA=Bjer:

ii) there is an inertial automorphismgacting as a pseudo-power on a factor A=C where C is finite and a subgroup X of A such that

jXhgi=Xj ˆ jCjer:

PROOF. Let AˆDECC0 be a p-group where D is divisible with rankr,Eis the product of infinitely many copies of a cyclic group with ordereˆpe,C0ˆ hc0iandCelementary abelian with orderspandpe, resp.

Define, for the moment,gDEC bygjDˆa,gjEˆ1,gjCˆg1whereaap-adic 61 (mod p), g1 is an irreducibile automorphism of C and a such that Cˆ haihg1i. By Proposition 3 there isX0DEsuch thatjX0=X0hgij ˆerand jX0hgi=X0j ˆer.

i) Define g on the whole Aby gjC0ˆ1. Clearlyg is pseudo-power on B:ˆDEC0. LetX:ˆX0M whereM is a maximal subgroup of C0C con- taining neither C0 norC. We haveXhgiˆX0hgiMhgi, so thatjX=Xhgij ˆ jA=Bjer.

ii) Definegon the wholeAbycg0ˆc0a. Clearly gis pseudo-power on A=C. IfX:ˆX0C0we havejXhgi=Xj ˆ jCjer. p

3. Torsion-free case

Recall (ap) and (bp)-automorphism of abelian torsion-free groups are just the identity or the inversion map (see [3] and [2] or just later). The picture is different for (in)-automorphisms. In this section we use additive notation for the abelian group operation inA.

Notice that if 06ˆn;m2Z, for each a2A, a torsion-free abelian group, there is at most oneb2Asuch that

() nbˆma:


If such a uniquebexists, we writebˆm

na. Thus whenm;nare coprime, () defines an automorphisma7!b if and only ifAˆmAˆnA. We say that this isthe rational power automorphismm


The following result describes the structure of the groupIAut(A) of all inertial automorphisms of Ain terms ofA, in the caseA is torsion-free.

Denotep(A) the set of primespsuch thatpAˆA.

THEOREM2. Let(A;‡)be an abelian torsion-free group.

If g2 IAut(G), then g:x7!m

nx with m;n coprime integers and p(mn)p(A):

IfIAut(A)6ˆPAut(A)ˆ f1g, then A has finite rank r and ha1;. . .;asihgi'Qp. . .Qp (stimes)

where pˆp(mn), whenever the ai's are Z-independent elements ofA.

Further, ifp(mn)p(A)thenm

n 2 IAut(A)so that IAut(A)' f‡1; 1g Dr


PROOF. For anya2A, sincejhai:hai \ hagij ˆm2N, there exists an m2Z such that maˆnag. As A is torsion-free, m;n can be choosen coprime. Letus show thatm

n does notdepend on a. Let a12A. If ha1i\hagi 6ˆ f0g, thena1ˆh

kafor someh;k2Z. Therefore ag1ˆh

kagˆh k

m naˆm


Similarly, ifha1i \ hagi ˆ f0g, there will existm1;m2;n1;n22Zsuch that m


n1 a1ˆag‡ag1ˆ(a‡a1)gˆm2

n2(a‡a1)ˆm2 n2 a‡m2

n2a1: Itfollows m

n ˆm2

n2 ˆm1

n1 and g7!m

n is a monomorphismIAut(A)!Q, the multiplicative group of the rationals.

Observe now that for each XA, by applying the monomorphism x7!nx we have X=X\Xg'nX=nX\mX. The latter has exponent at


most mand is finite if X has finite rank. Conversely, if the rank of the wholeAis infinite, we get a contradiction by takingXto be free of maximal rank.

Finally, if the rank ofAisr, thenAis isomorphic to a subgroupBof Q. . .Q(rtimes) containingZ. . .Z(rtimes). SinceBisp-divisible, itis clear thatBcontainsQp. . .Qp(rtimes), wherepˆp(A). p Recall that in Theorem 1 we have seen that X=(X\Xg)51for each XAimpliesgis inertial indeed, providedAis periodic. However, this is no longer true if A is non-periodic, a counterexample being the map g:x7!1

2xin the product of infinitely many copies ofQ(see Theorem 2).

4. Mixed case

We start by observing that, by Theorem 2, if A is non-periodic with torsion subgroupTandgis inertial then there exist coprimem;n2Zsuch that

gjSˆgjA=Tˆm n

for each torsion-freeg-invariantsectionSofA. Definep(g):ˆp(mn).

Now we prove a generalization of Lemma 1. Recall that a p-group has finite exponent iff it has no nontrivial divisible quotients.(see Cor.

35.4 in [4]).

LEMMA 3. Let gan inertial automorphism ofan abelian group A. If a2A, then the torsion subgroup T ofVˆ haihgiis finite. Thus there is e2N such that Ve'Qp(g)has finite index in V, provided a is aperiodic.

PROOF. We can assumeAˆV. Letgˆm

n onA=T. Define inductively A0:ˆ haiandAi‡1:ˆAiAgiAgi 1. ThenAˆ S

i5vAiwhere, for eachi,Ai‡1=Ai

is generated by its elementsagiAiandag iAiwith order dividingmandn, respectively. ThusT'TA0=A0andp(T)p(A=A0) consists of divisors of mn. In particularp(T)p(mn) is finite.

Suppose now A splits on T, that isAˆTBfor some B. Letthen B1ˆBBgBg 1and note thatB1=Bis finite. ThenB1ˆT1B, whereT1is finite subgroup ofT. Thus by Lemma 1,KˆT1hgi is finite as well. More- over (BK)gˆBgKB1KˆBK and similarly (BK)g 1BK. ThusBKis


g-invariant. ThereforeT=K'A=BK is finite, by Lemma 1 again. ThusT is finite, in this case, which applies ifThas finite exponent.

If, by contradiction,Thas infinite exponent there is a factorT=Rwhich is a PruÈferp-group. SinceRhgi=Ris finite, by Theorem 1, thenT=Rhgiis a PruÈfer group andA=Rhgisplits on its torsion subgroupT=Rhgiwhich turns out to be finite, by the above, a contradiction.

Finally, ifeis the order ofT, we haveAeˆ haeihgiis torsion-free and has

finite index inAby Lemma 1. p

We come now to a characterization of inertial automorphisms of an abelian group. Before we state some elementary facts as a Lemma.

LEMMA4. Let B a subgroup ofan abelian group A andpa set ofprimes.

i) IfA=B is ap'-group, then A isp-divisible iff B isp-divisible.

ii) IfA iftorsion-free, A=B periodic and B isp-divisible then A=B

is ap'-group and A isp-divisible. p

THEOREM 3. Let g be an automorphism ofan abelian non-periodic group A. Thengis inertial ifand only ifone ofthe following holds:

(a)there ag-invariant finite index subgroup B of A on whichgacts as a power.

(b) there are finitely many elements aisuch that:

1. the subgroup V ˆ ha1;. . .;arihgiis torsion-free andginduces on it a rational power automorphismm

n where m, n are coprime integers;

2. the factor group A=V is torsion andginduces an almost power automorphism on it;

3. thep(mn)-component ofthe torsion subgroup T ofA has finite exponent.

Further, Ang mis periodic. It has finite exponent iff () there exists k2Nsuch thatjX=(X\Xg)j k;8XA.

In case (b), V 'Qp. . .Qp (r times), where pˆp(mn), and g is almost power iff V is free abelian.

Aboutcase (a) see also Corollary 2 above. Condition (2) is characterized in Theorem 1 while (3) is always true ifgis almostpower, aspˆ ;in this case.


PROOF. LetTbe the torsion subgroup ofA. Suppose thatgis inertial.

By Theorem 1,gacts as an almost power automorphism on each periodic g-section ofA. In particular,gis almostpower onTand rational powerm onA=T (withm;ncoprime integers). n

If m

n ˆ 1, then g is an almost power automorphism ofA. To see this, letSbe a maximal independentsubsetof elements of infinite order of A. Then Yˆ hSi ˆDrs2Shsiis free abelian and A=Y is periodic. Let s2S. By Lemma 3, the torsion subgroup R of hsihgi is finite and so hsihgi=hsi is finite too, since g is power on hsihgi=R. Hence hsi has a subgroup of finite index Ys which is g-invariantand so the subgroup ZˆDrs2SYsis free abelian andg-invariant,A=Zis periodic andgacts as a power automorphism on Z. If Z has finit e rank we are in case (b) of Theorem 2.10 of [3] (withGˆ hgi) andgis almostpower onAand (b) in the statement holds. On the other hand, ifZhas infinite rank, then (a) holds. This can be shown by the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 2.10 of [3], keeping in mind that g act s as an almost power automorphism already on each periodic factor ofA. The claim is proved.


n 6ˆ 1, by Theorem 2 a maximal independentsubsetfs1;. . .;srg of elements of infinite order ofAhas finite cardinality. Thus by Lemma 3 there ise2Nsuch thatV :ˆ hse1;. . .;serihgiis torsion-free of rankr. Thus (1) and (2) hold.

Let us show that the p(mn)-componentof T has finite exponent.

Assume, by contradiction, thatThas an imageT=Xisomorphic to a PruÈfer p-group, withp2p(mn). By Theorem 1,Xhgi=Xis finite. Thus, without loss of generality, we may assume that Xhgiˆ1 and AˆVT. Also we can take 16ˆv2V and assumeV ˆ hvihgi has rank 1 and isp-divisible. Then AˆVT where Tˆ hcnjn2N0;c0ˆ1;cn‡1p ˆcniis a PruÈfer p-group.

Consider then the subgroupL1ofAgenerated by all elementsvpici, with i2N (recall thatV is torsion-free and p-divisible, thus vp i is uniquely identified). ClearlyL1=hviis the ``diagonal subgroup'' of thep-component of A=hvi, which is the direct product Vp=hvi Thvi=hvi of two PruÈferp- groups. Also letL2=hvibe thep0-componentof the wholeA=hviand finally LˆL1L2. This is easily verified to be torsion-free, that isL\Tˆ1. On one hand,L'LT=TˆVT=T'VandLisp-divisible. On the other hand, A=L'Tis ap-group, so thatL=(L\Lg) is ap-group, which is finite asgis inertial. It follows LˆLg. Thereforehvi ˆL\Vˆ(L\V)gˆ hvig, con- tradicting the fact thatm

n 6ˆ 1.


Finallysuppose that()holdsand assume, by contradiction, that there existsa2Asuch thatb:ˆang mhas order greater thatk. We can assume a has infinite order (otherwise substitute withavwhere 16ˆv2V). Let X:ˆ hai. Thusb2XXgand thereforejXXg=Xgj>k, a contradiction.

Conversely, note that if (a) holds then g is (ap). Thus suppose that conditions (1), (2), (3) hold. Notice that gˆm

n on A=T, that is Ang m is periodic.

We have to show that for eachXAitholdsXXg(where bywe denote commensurability). We immediately notice that this is true ifX is periodic. In fact, in such a case XVXgV and X=(X\Xg)' XV=(XV\XgV) is finite, that isXXg. Thusgacts as an inertial auto- morphism onT.

Letus show thatwhen Ang mhas finite exponent ethen jX=(X\Xg)j k:ˆdjmjrer

wheredis the bound given by Theorem 1.d. In factfor eacha2Awe have aeng ˆaem. So that XengˆXemX\Xg. AlsoShgiX\Xg, where Sis the torsion subgroup of X and jS=Shgij d. Now, on one hand jX=XemSj (ejmj)r, asX=Sis torsion-free with rank at mostr. On the other handXemS=XemShgiis isomorphic to a factor ofS=Shgi which has order at mostd. ThusjX=XemShgij d(ejmj)r, as claimed.

Let us treat the general case, whereTis possibly unbounded. We show thatXXg. We claim thatwe may reduce to the case X is torsion-free, as ifSis the torsion subgroup ofX, thenS=Shgiis finite, by the above. So, we may factor out byShgi(as conditions (1), (2), (3) are inherited by factors by torsionhgi-subgroups). Then we may assume thatShas finite ordersand Xsis torsion-free. SinceXXs,from now on assume X is torsion-free.

We claim thatwe may factor out by anyg-invariant subgroup E with finite exponent e. In fact, ifuˆ jXXgE=XEjis finite, then for anyx2X, (xg)u2XE. On the other hand xng m2T by the above. Thus xu(ng m)2XE\TˆE, asXis torsion-free. Thereforexeu(ng m)ˆ1 that is xeungˆxeum. Hence (Xeun)gˆXeum. Itfollows Xg (Xeun)g ˆXeumX, as wished.

By takingEˆTp,we may assume that T is ap0-group. Moreover there are only finitely many primespfor which the action ofgon thep-compo- nentTpofTis notpower (Theorem 1). However, for each of these primes p1;. . .;plthere is ag-invariantsubgroup of finite exponentEpiofTpisuchg acts as a power automorphism on Tpi=Epi. So again we can take RˆEpl Epl and, by the above, assume that g acts as a power auto- morphism on T.


Proceed now by induction onr, the torsion-free rank ofA. Letrˆ1.

LetK=Xbe thep-componentofA=X. ThenKis is torsion-free, asTis ap0- group. By applying Lemma 4.(ii) to the groupA=T and to the subgroup VT=T, we getA=Tisp-divisible. Moreover, sinceA=KTis ap0-group by Lemma 4.(ii) we getK'KT=Tisp-divisible. Letb2K\V. Then for any prime p2p there exist k2K and v2V such that kpˆbˆvp. Hence (k 1v)pˆ1 so thatkˆv2K\V, asTis ap0-group. Itfollows thatK\V isp-divisible and so has finite index in V, asV has rank 1.

ThenVK=Kis finite. AsVKis inertized byg, so isK. ThereforeKKg\Tis finite and soXXg\Tis finite, too. NowXXg=(XXg\XT)'XXgT=XT is finite, and (XXg\XT)=X'XXg\Tis finite as well. HenceXXg.

Letnowr>1 and letr1be the rank ofX. Ifr15r, thenXhgiThas rank r1, andXXg, by induction onr. IfXhas rankr,Xcan be written asX1X2, where bothX1andX2have rank5r. Thusginertizes bothX1andX2, then XXg.

The last part of the statement follows from Theorem 2.10 of [3] and

Theorem 2. p

COROLLARY1. Let Abe abelian group with torsion subgroup T and g2Aut(A). Then the following are equivalent:

i) gis (ap), that is almost power, ii) gis (bp),

iii) gis inertial on A and power on A=T.

Consideration ofV in the statement of previuos theorem is necessary, even whenAsplits on its torsion subgroup as we see in next Proposition.

PROPOSITION 7. There is an abelian group A with a non-inertial automorphism g which is inertial on both T and A=T, where T is the torsion subgroup ofA.

PROOF. Consider AˆDT with D'Q6, T'Z21, gjTˆ1 and gjDˆ3. Then there isV ˆVgDwithV 'Q3. Hencegis notinertial on A=V, which is periodic and divisible, as itis notpower on it. p Observe that there exist almost power automorphisms that are not boundedly inertial.

COROLLARY2. There exists an inertial automorphism ofan abelian groupAsuch thatjX=(X\Xg)jis unbounded whenXA.


PROOF. Letn,many coprime integers, withm

n 6ˆ1, letpˆp(nm) and consider the groupAˆVT, where V is isomorphic toQp andT is a periodicp0-group with infinite exponent. Letg2Aut(A) such thatgjV ˆm and gjTˆ1. By Theorem 3, g is (in) and even (ap) when m n

n ˆ 1. Also Ang mTng mˆTn m has infinite exponent. Thus jX=(X\Xg)j is

unbounded. p

5. Groups of inertial automorphisms

Properties corresponding to (ap) and (bp) can be stated for a groupGof automorphisms of an abelian group, instead than for a singularg2Aut(A), as in [3] and [2], resp. So we define the following properties forG.

(AP) 8XA jX=XGj51;

(BP) 8XA jXG=Xj51;

(CP) 8XA9YˆYG Asuch thatXandY are commensurable.

Obviously both (AP) and (BP) imply (CP). From results in [3] (resp. [2]) itfollows thatgis (ap) (resp. (bp)) iffhgiis (AP) (resp. (bp)). We will see in Proposition 9 that these three properties coincide ifGis finitely generated.

On the other hand they are in fact different, as next Proposition 8 shows.

Observe also that any of (AP), (BP) or (CP) for G implies that G IAut(A), where the latter is the subgroup of Aut(A) filled by all inertial automorphism.

PROPOSITION8. There exist infinite p-groups A andGAutA which are:

(a) AP, not BP;

(b) BP, not AP;

(c) CP, neither AP nor BP.

PROOF. (a) LetBˆDri2Nhbii, where anybihas orderpand letCˆ hci a group of orderp. LetAˆBCand consider, for anyi2N, the auto- morphism gi of Afixing any elementof Band such that cgiˆbic. Then Gˆ hgiji2Ni AutAis power on the subgroupBof finite index inA, but is notBP, asCGˆA.

(b) Let AˆBC as in (a) and for any i2N consider the auto- morphismdiofAfixing any elementofCand anybj, ifj6ˆiand such that


bdiiˆbic. The subgroup Dˆ hdiji2Ni of AutA is power on the group A=C, butis notAP, asBDˆ1.

(c) LetAˆA0A00, withA0ˆB0C0andG as in (a) (withB0 andC0 instead ofBandC, respectively) andA00ˆB00C00andDas in (b) (withB00 andC00instead ofBandC, respectively). The groupPˆGDAutAis power onB0A00=C00and hence isCP, butis neither AP nor BP. p PROPOSITION9. Letg1;. . .;gn automorphisms ofan abelian group A.


i) ifg1;. . .;gnare(ap), thenhg1;. . .;gni AutA is(AP).

ii) properties (AP), (BP) and (CP) are equivalent for finitely generated groupsGˆ hg1;. . .;gni.

PROOF. (i) In the caseAis periodic, we may assumeAis ap-group and atleastone ofgiis notelementary. ThenAˆDR, whereDˆD(A) has finite rank andRhas finite exponent. For 1inthere exists EiR with finite index on whichgiis power. So that eachgiis power onE:ˆ \iEi andB:ˆDEhas finite index inA. By Theorem 2.8 of [3],Gis (AP) onA, as wished. For the general case, note that for 1inthere existsViA which is free abelian such thatgiis power onViand (ap) on the torsion group A=Vi. So thatGis power onV :ˆ \iViand (AP) on the torsion groupA=V, by the above. Thus by Theorem 2.10 of [3],G is (AP) onA.

(ii) IfGis (CP), then its elements are (ap) and (bp), by Theorem 1 and Corollary 1. By the aboveGis (AP). It remains to show that if allgiare (bp), thenGis (BP). Again, in the periodic case we may supposeAis ap-group and atleastone ofgiis not elementary, so thatDˆD(A) has finite rank and exp (A=D)ˆ:e51. Then for 1inthere existsKiˆKgiiAsuch that Ki=Dis finite and giis power onA=Ki. ThenK:ˆK1. . .Kn isG-in- variantandK=Dis finite. ThusK[e] is finite and, by Theorem 2.11 of [2],G is (BP) onA. In the caseAis notperiodic, recall thatby Theorem 3 for 1inthere existsViAsuch thatA=Viis torsion andgiis power on Vi. ThenV:ˆ \iViisG-invariant. By the aboveG is (BP) on the periodic quotientA=V and by Theorem 2.12 of [2],G is (BP) on the wholeA. p THEOREM 4. Let A an abelian non-periodic group A and G ˆ hg1;. . .;gsi AutA. Then eachgiis inertial iff one of the following holds:

(a) there a finite index subgroup B of A on which each gi acts as a power automorphism.

(b) there are finitely many elements ai2A andg2G such that:


1. the subgroup V ˆ ha1;. . .;arihgi is torsion-free and each gi in- duces on it a rational-power automorphismmi

ni (mi, nicoprime);

2. the factor group A=V is torsion and each gi acts as an almost- power automorphism on it;

3. thep(m1n1 msns)-component ofthe torsion subgroup T ofA has finite exponent.

PROOF. For eachg2 IAut(A) denotep(g):ˆp(mn)wheregjA=T ˆm n. If allgi's are (ap), thenG is (AP) by Proposition 9. Thus the statement holds by Theorem 2.10 of [3].

Otherwise, by Theorem 3, A has finite torsion-free rank r and for 1isthere is a torsion-free subgroupViwhich is the closure underhgii of r linearly independent elements such that giˆmi

ni onVi (with mi,ni coprime integers) and gi is (ap) on the periodic factor group A=Vi. Put piˆp(mini) andpˆp(m1n1 mrnr). Then by Theorem 3 thepi-compo- nentofThas finite exponent and hence (3) in the statement holds.

Actually, there is g2G such that p(g)ˆp(g1)[ [p(gs)ˆp. This can be seen by induction ons, where it is enough to treat the casesˆ2.

Letjˆ1‡maxfi2Njpidividesm1m2n1n2; pprime numberg and put gˆg1gt2. Then gˆm1mt2

n1nt2 on A=T and the choice of t ensures p(g)ˆ p(g1)[p(g2).

PickZ-independentelementsb1;. . .;br ofV1\. . .\Vs. By Lemma 3 there existsai2 hbiisuch thathaiihgiis torsion-free with rank 1. Thus we obtain a torsion-free subgroupV ofAwith shape

V :ˆ ha1;. . .;arihgi:

Letus show thatVisgi-invariantfor eachi. Letabe any elementofVand eˆexp (Tp). By Theorem 2,V=Viis ap-group andVisp-divisible. Letb2V such thatbeˆa. There is ap-numberusuch thatbu 2Vi. SinceViˆVigiand giˆmi

ni on A=T we have b(nigi mi)u2T\Viˆ1. Itfollows bnigi mi2Tp. Thereforeanigi miˆbe(nigi mi)ˆ1. ThusVgiˆVnigiˆVmiˆV, as claimed.

Thus (1) holds, while (2) is trivial asVhas maximal torsion-free rank.

Conversely, suppose that conditions (1), (2), (3) hold. By Theorem 3, to show that gi is inertial, we only have to prove that gi is inertial on the periodic groupA=Vi, whereViˆ ha1;. . .;arihgii. Letpˆp(m1n1 msns) and letBp0=Vibep0-componentofA=Vi. ThenBp0=Vi'gi Bp0V=V, which is


thep0-componentofA=V and sogiis inertial on it. Letp2pand letBp=Vi

bep-componentofA=Vi. SinceA=TV is ap0-group,Bpis contained inTV.

Sogiis power on a subgroup of finite index ofBp=Bp\V'giBpV=Vwhich has finite exponent. Moreover gi is power onBp\V=Vi, which has finite rank. So by Theorem 2.12 of [2],giis (bp) and hence inertial onA=Vi. p


[1] V. V. BELAYEV- M. KUZUCUOGÏLU- E. SECKIN,Totally inert groups, Rend.

Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova,102(1999), pp. 151-156.

[2] C. CASOLO, Groups with finite conjugacy classes of subnormal subgroups, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova,81(1981), pp. 107-149.

[3] S. FRANCIOSI- F.DEGIOVANNI- M. L. NEWELL,Groups whose subnormal subgroups are normal-by-finite, Comm. Alg.,23(14) (1995), pp. 5483-5497.

[4] L. FUCHS,Infinite Abelian Groups, Academic Press, New York - London, 1970 - 1973.

[5] D. J. S. ROBINSON,Finiteness conditions and generalized Soluble Groups, Springer V., Berlin, 1972.

[6] D. J. S. ROBINSON, A Course in the Theory ofGroups, Springer V., Berlin, 1982.

[7] D. J. S. ROBINSON,On inert subgroups ofa group, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ.

Padova,115(2006), pp. 137-159.

Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 12 luglio 2011.


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