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Automorphisms fixing every Normal Subgroup of a Nilpotent-by-abelian Group


Academic year: 2022

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Automorphisms Fixing Every Normal Subgroup of a Nilpotent-By-Abelian Group.


ABSTRACT- Among other things, we prove that the group of automorphisms fixing every normal subgroup of a (nilpotent of classc)-by-abelian group is (nilpotent of classc)-by-metabelian. In particular, the group of automorphisms fixing every normal subgroup of a metabelian group is soluble of derived length at most 3. An example shows that this bound cannot be improved.

1. Introduction and results.

IfGis a group, we write Aut(G) for the group of all automorphisms ofG.

An automorphism W2Aut(G) is said to be normal if W(H)ˆHfor each normal subgroupHofG. These automorphisms form a normal subgroup of Aut(G), denoted by Autn(G). Obviously, Autn(G) contains the subgroup Inn(G) of all inner automorphisms ofG. These subgroups can coincide, for instance when Gis a nonabelian free group [5]. We have a similar result whenGis a nonabelian free nilpotent group of classcˆ2, but ifc3, then the quotient Autn(G)=Inn(G) is infinite [2]. Also one can find in [3] a de- scription of the normal automorphisms of a free metabelian nilpotent group. In general, the structure of Autn(G) can be quite diverse since for an arbitrary finite group F, there is a finite semisimple group Gsuch that Autn(G)=Inn(G) has a subgroup isomorphic withF [7]. Nevertheless, as one can expect, it is possible to obtain some information about Autn(G) whenGbelongs to certain classes of groups. For instance, whenGis nil- potent, the group Autn(G) is nilpotent-by-abelian [4]. In the same paper, the authors show that Autn(G) is polycyclic whenGis. In particular, ifGis a finite soluble group, then so is Autn(G). We do not know if this assertion

(*) Indirizzo dell'A.: C.M.I-Universite de Provence, 39, rue F. Joliot-Curie, F-13453 Marseille Cedex 13, France.

E-mail: endimion@gyptis.univ-mrs.fr


remains true without the term ``finite''. In other words, is Autn(G) soluble whenGis soluble ? Here we respond to this question in the positive whenG is soluble of derived length2, and more generally whenGis nilpotent- by-abelian.

THEOREM1. The group of all normal automorphisms of a (nilpotent of class c)-by-abelian group is (nilpotent of classc)-by-metabelian.

Whencˆ1, we obtain:

COROLLARY1. The group of all normal automorphisms of a metabe- lian group is soluble of derived length at most 3.

As usual, denote byS4the symmetric group of degree 4 and byA4 its alternatingsubgroup. Then Autn(A4)ˆAut(A4) is isomorphic toS4. Since A4 is metabelian and S4 is soluble of derived length 3, the bound of the derived length given in the corollary above cannot be improved.

We shall see that the proof of Theorem 1 also leads to the following result.

THEOREM2. Let G be a (nilpotent of class c)-by-abelian group. Sup- pose that its abelianization G=G0 is either finite or infinite non-periodic (that is the case for example when G is finitely generated). Then the group of all normal automorphisms of G is virtually (nilpotent of classc)-by- abelian.

In particular, the group of normal automorphisms of a finitely gener- ated metabelian group is virtually metabelian.

Since a supersoluble group is nilpotent-by-abelian and finitely gener- ated, it follows from Theorem 2 that its group of all normal automorphisms is virtually nilpotent-by-abelian. In fact, we have a stronger result.

THEOREM 3. The group of all normal automorphisms of a super- soluble group is finitely generated and nilpotent-by-(finite and super- soluble).

2. Proofs.

LetGbe a group and letG0denote its derived subgroup. Clearly, each normal automorphismf 2Autn(G) induces inG=G0a normal automorphism


f02Autn(G=G0). Consider the homomorphism F:Autn(G)!Autn(G=G0) defined byF(f)ˆf0 and putKˆkerF. In other words, K is the set of normal IA-automorphisms ofG(recall that an automorphism ofGis said to be anIA-automorphismif it induces the identity automorphism inG=G0).

Before to prove Theorem 1, we establish a preliminary result regarding the elements ofK.

LEMMA1. Let k be a positive integer. In a group G, consider an element a2gk(G0), wheregk(G0)denotes the kth term of the lower central series of G0. If f and g are normal IA-automorphisms of G (i.e. f;g2K), we have:

(i) for all u2G, f(u 1au)u 1f(a)u modgk‡1(G0);

(ii) g 1f 1gf(a)a modgk‡1(G0).

PROOF. (i) We havef(u)ˆuu0for someu02G0, whence f(u 1au)ˆu0 1u 1f(a)uu0ˆu 1f(a)u[u 1f(a)u;u0];

where the commutator [x;y] is defined by [x;y]ˆx 1y 1xy. Since [u 1f(a)u;u0] belongs togk‡1(G0), the result follows.

(ii) Since f and g preserve the normal closure of a in G, there exist elements u1;. . .;ur;v1;. . .;vs 2G and integers l1;. . .;lr;m1;. . .;ms such that






Notice that in these products, the order of the factors is of no consequence modulogk‡1(G0). Using(i), one can then write



g(ui1aliui) Yr












[vj;ui] 1vj1ui1alimjuivj[vj;ui] modgk‡1(G0):


[vj;ui] 1vj1ui1alimjuivj[vj;ui]vj1ui1alimjuivj modgk‡1(G0);


we obtain





vj1ui1alimjuivjfg(a) modgk‡1(G0):

It follows g 1f 1gf(a)a modgk‡1(G0), which is the desired

result. p

PROOF OFTHEOREM1. Thus we suppose now thatGis (nilpotent of class c)-by-abelian, and sogc‡1(G0) is trivial. Recall thatKis the kernel of the the homomorphismF:Autn(G)!Autn(G=G0) defined above. The groupG=G0 beingabelian, each normal automorphism of G=G0 is in fact a power au- tomorphism, that is, an automorphism fixingsetwise every subgroup of G=G0. Since the group of all power automorphisms of a group is always abelian [1], so is Autn(G=G0). The group Autn(G)=Kbeingisomorphic with a subgroup of Autn(G=G0), it is abelian, and so Autn(G)=K0is metabelian. It remains to see thatK0 is nilpotent, of class at mostc. For that, we notice thatK0stabilizes the normal series (of lengthc‡1)

1ˆgc‡1(G0)/gc(G0)/ g2(G0)/g1(G0)ˆG0/G:

Indeed, the induced action ofK0 on the factorG=G0is trivial since every element of K is an IA-automorphism. On the other factors, it is a con- sequence of the second part of the lemma above. By a well-known result of KaluzÏnin (see for instance [8, p. 9]), it follows thatK0is nilpotent of classc,

as required. p

PROOF OFTHEOREM2. First notice that in an abelian group which is either finite or infinite non-periodic, the group of all power automorph- isms is finite. That is trivial when the group is finite. In the second case, the group of power automorphisms has order 2, the only non-identity power automorphism beingthe inverse functionx7!x 1(see for instance [1, Corollary 4.2.3] or [6, 13.4.3]). Therefore, comingback to the proof of Theorem 1 when G=G0 is either finite or infinite non-periodic, we can assert that Autn(G)=K is finite. Since K is (nilpotent of class c)-by- abelian, the result follows.

PROOF OF THEOREM 3. Let G be a supersoluble group. Since G is polycyclic, so is Autn(G) [4]. Thus Autn(G) is finitely generated. Let us prove now that Autn(G) is nilpotent-by-(finite and supersoluble). By a


result of Zappa [6, 5.4.8], there is a normal series 1ˆGm/Gm 1/ /G1/G0ˆG …1†

in which each factor is cyclic of prime or infinite order. For any k2 f0;1;. . .;mg, we denote byGk the set of all normal automorphisms of G which stabilize the series Gk/Gk 1/ /G1/G0ˆG (we put G0ˆAutn(G)). Clearly, G0;G1;. . .;Gm forms a decreasingsequence of normal subgroups of Autn(G). Usingonce again the result of KaluzÏnin [8, p. 9], we can assert thatGmis nilpotent (of class at mostm 1) since Gmstabilizes the series (1) above. It remains to prove that Autn(G)=Gm

is supersoluble and finite. For each integer k (with 0km 1), consider the homomorphism Ck:Gk!Aut(Gk=Gk‡1), where for any f 2Gk,Ck(f) is defined as the automorphism induced byf onGk=Gk‡1. We observe that Aut(Gk=Gk‡1) is finite cyclic and that kerCkˆGk‡1. Consequently, the factor Gk=Gk‡1 is finite cyclic, since it is isomorphic to a subg roup of Aut(Gk=Gk‡1). It follows that

1ˆ…Gm=Gm†/…Gm 1=Gm†/ /…G1=Gm†/…G0=Gm† ˆ…Autn(G)=Gm† forms a normal series in which each factor is finite cyclic. Thus Autn(G)=Gm is supersoluble and finite and the proof is complete. p


[1] C. D. H. COOPER,Power automorphisms of a group, Math. Z.,107(1968), pp.


[2] G. ENDIMIONI, Pointwise inner automorphisms in a free nilpotent group, Quart. J. Math.,53(2002), pp. 397-402.

[3] G. ENDIMIONI,Normal automorphisms of a free metabelian nilpotent group, http://arxiv.org/abs/math.GR/0612347.

[4] S. FRANCIOSI and F. DE GIOVANNI, On automorphisms fixing normal subgroups of nilpotent groups, Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. B,7(1987), pp. 1161-1170.

[5] A. LUBOTZKY,Normal automorphisms of free groups, J. Algebra,63(1980), pp. 494-498.

[6] D. J. S. ROBINSON,A course in the theory of groups, Springer-Verlag, 1982.

[7] D. J. S. ROBINSON,Automorphisms fixing every subnormal subgroup of a finite group, Arch. Math.,64(1995), pp. 1-4.

[8] D. SEGAL,Polycyclic groups, Cambridge University Press, 1983.

Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 2 aprile 2007.



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