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<span class="mathjax-formula">$(S_3,S_6)$</span>-Amalgams VI


Academic year: 2022

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, S


)-Amalgams VI.



In this, the penultimate part of [LPR1], we analyse Case 3 (as de- scribed in [Section 12; [LPR1]). Our main result, Theorem 14.1, asserts that Case 3 does not occur. Since coreGaVbis so small, the core argument is, at times, especially deadly. Consequently we often end up in situa- tions, where the subgroups we are interested in have trivial action on all the non-central Gd-chief factors inQd for many vertices d2O(S3). This is especially unfortunate since, as Lemma 15.1 shows,Ud (ford2O(S3)) possesses at least four non-central Gd-chief factors. In fact the proof of Theorem 14.1 hinges upon overcoming just this type of situation. A significant step in dealing with this problem is made in Lemmas 16.3 and 16.4. It follows from these lemmas that there exists a critical pair (a;a0) andr2D(a0)n fa0 1g for whichFa\Qa06Qr. The groupFg and its accomplice Hd (where g2O(S3) and d2O(S6)) are defined in Sec- tion 14. These groups are ``small'' enough so as they fix many vertices yet are ``large'' from the point of view of the non-central chief factors they contain. Before the groupsFgandHdcan be successfully deployed we need to restrict the structure of the critical pairs inG. This we do in Section 15. Section 14, apart from definingFg andHb, is concerned with eliminating the possibilitybˆ3.

Finally, as before we continue the section numbering in [LPR1] and note that this paper only refers to results and notation contained in sec- tions 1, 2 and 12.

(*) Indirizzo dell'A.: Institute for Experimental Mathematics, University of Essen, Ellernstrasse 29, Essen, Germany.

(**) Indirizzo dell'A.: School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, United Kingdom.

(***) Indirizzo dell'A.: School of Mathematics, University of Manchester, Alan Turing Building, Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom.


14. bˆ3 and the groupsTdg.

Throughout this paper the following hypothesis is assumed to hold.

HYPOTHESIS 14.0. (i) For each (a;a0)2 C we have a2O(S3) and [Za;Za0]ˆ1; and

(ii) coreGaVbˆVb\Va 1ˆZa. Our objective is to show that

THEOREM14.1. Hypothesis 14.0cannot hold.

Before tackling the case bˆ3 we give some notation and define the groupsTdg.

Ford2O(S6) we set

Ld:ˆO2 Gd

; Yd:ˆCVd Ld

and Cd:ˆCQd Vd


We recall from Theorem 12.1 that ford2O(S6),h(Gd;Vd)ˆ1 andVd=Zdis a quotient of 4

1 1. Letg2D(d). IfVd=Zd4, then we define Tdg



otherwise we defineTdgto be a normal fours subgroup ofGdg with Zd<TdgYd:

Next we describe two groups which play a crucial role later in this section and in Section 16.


TdgGg Hd


The groupsFg andHd are similar to theFaandHbdefined in Section 12.

(Indeed ifjYdj ˆ22, then they are the same.) We will need a result analo- gous to Lemma 12.5.


LEMMA14.2. Let(a;a0)2 C. Then

(i) h(Ga;Fa)ˆ2with Zaˆ[Fa;Qa]andjFa=Zaj 2 f22;23g; and (ii) Vbc<VbFac<Hbandh(Gb;Hb=Vb)1.

PROOF. First we observe that if Vb=Zb4, thenZa Tba. While, if Vb=Zb64, thenZa\TbaˆZbby Lemma 1.1(ii). HenceTbaZaE(23) in either case. Since V1(Z(Qa))ˆZa by Lemma 12.2(i) and VbQa, 16ˆ[Tba;Qa]Za and hence [Fa;Qa]ˆZa. Because Za ˆcoreGaVb we clearly haveFac>TbaZaand now (i) follows.

Since [Vb;Qb]ˆZb, (i) implies thatVbc<VbFaHb. Also, from (i) and Lemma 12.2(ii), 22 j[Fa;Qb]j 23. Now suppose that h(Gb;Hb=Vb)ˆ0.

ThenHbˆVbFa. HenceKb:ˆ[Hb;Qb]ˆ[Vb;Qb][Fa;Qb]ˆ[Fa;Qb]/Gb. SincejKbj 23, [Kb;Lb]ˆ1 and soZa\KbˆZb. Therefore [Fa;Qa\Qb] [Fa;Qa]\KbˆZa\KbˆZb. Hence


and so Qa\QbCQb(Hb=Zb). SincejKbj 22, we deduce thatQa\Qbˆ

ˆCQb(Hb=Zb)/Gb, contradicting Lemma 12.4(i). This proves (ii).

And now to the main business of this section.

THEOREM14.3. b5.

We suppose the theorem is false and, in the following lemmas, seek a contradiction. So, by Lemma 11.1(iii),bˆ3.

For (a;a0)2 Cwe label vertices as indicated.

SoD(b0)ˆ fb;g;a0g.

LEMMA14.4. Let(a;a0)2 C.

(i) Vb=Zb4or 4 1 . (ii) R:ˆ[Vb;Va0]ˆZg.

(iii) There existsr2D(a0)n fb0gsuch that(r;b)2 C.


(iv) ZaQa0=Qa0 ˆVbQa0=Qa0is the central transvection of Gb0a0=Qa0on Va0=Za0and ZrQb=QbˆVa0Qb=Qbis the central transvection of Gbb0=Qbon Vb=Zb.

(v) CVb(Va0)ˆ[Vb;Qb0]ˆVb\Qa0<2Vband CVa0(Vb)ˆ[Va0;Qb0]ˆVa0\Qb<2 Va0:

(vi) There existsd2D(b)such that(d;a0)2 Cand Gdb;Va0

ˆGb: PROOF. First we note that





Vb\Va0 ˆZb0:

Since R is Gb0g-invariant, ZgR whence Va0 6Qb and so there exists r2D(a0)n fb0gsuch that (r;b)2 C. Also we haveZb0 ˆZbR[Vb;Gb] and therefore Vbˆ[Vb;Gb]. So (i) holds. Further, RYa0=Ya0ˆZb0Ya0=Ya0ˆ

ˆCVa0=Ya0(Gb0a0) together with Proposition 2.5(iii) yields that ZaQa0=Qa0ˆ

ˆVbQa0=Qa0 is the central transvection ofGb0a0=Qa0 onVa0=Za0proving the first part of (iv). The second part of (iv) follows similarly.

Because Qb0QbˆGbb0 and Vb\Qa0 is Qb0-invariant with, by (iv), ZbVb\Qa0<2 Vb we infer that Vb\Qa0 ˆ[Vb;Gbb0]. Then, by (iv), [Vb\Qa0;Va0]Zb\Za0 ˆ1 and thusCVb(Va0)ˆVb\Qa0 ˆ[Vb;Qb0] with a symmetric statement withbanda0interchanged, so we have (v). From (v) Va0 acts upon Vb as an involution and a transvection and sojRj ˆ2. Thus RˆZg.

Since Va06Qb, by Proposition 2.8(viii) we may choose d2D(b) such thathGdb;Va0i ˆGb. IfZd Qa0, thenZdVb\Qa0and so [Zd;Va0]ˆ1 by (iv). But thenZd/Gb, a contradiction. Hence (d;a0)2 C, as required.

In view of Lemma 14.4(vi) we may, and shall, assume that (a;a0) is a fixed critical pair for whichhGab;Va0i ˆGb. Also we setJbˆ h[Ua;Qa]Gbi.


(i) [Ua;Qa]Z(Ua).

(ii) VbHbJbCbGa0 and Ha0 Ca0 Gb. (iii) [Fa;Va0\Qb]ˆZb.

PROOF. From Lemma 14.4(v) Vb\Qa0ˆ[Vb;Qb0]ˆCVb(Va0), and Qb6Qb0 by Lemma 12.2(ii). Therefore, since [Vb;Qb0] is Qb-invariant we get Vb\Qa0ˆCVb(Vg) and thus Vb\Qa0 Z(Ub0). This in turn


implies that





; from which (i) follows.

Appealing to Lemma 14.4(i) and Proposition 2.5(i) givesTba[Vb;Qa] and hence Fa[Ua;Qa]. Consequently Hbˆ hFaGbi h[Ua;Qa]Gbi ˆJb. By part (i) [Ua;Qa]CbwhenceJbCb. EvidentlyCbQb0 Ga0 and it is also clear that we haveHa0 Ca0Gb.

Now we prove (iii). By Lemma 14.4(v) Va0\Qb centralizes Vb and so Va0\QbQa. Hence [Fa;Va0\Qb][Fa;Qa]ˆZa by Lemma 14.2(i).

Since FaGa0 by (ii), we then get [Fa;Va0\Qb]Za\Va0 ˆZb. If [Fa;Va0\Qb]ˆ1, then Fa centralizes a hyperplane of Va0 and so FaQa0ˆZaQa0 ˆVbQa0. Hence, using Lemma 14.4(ii),

Fa;Va0 Za0


ˆZa0Zg ˆZb0 Vb:

But thenVbFais normalized byhGab;Va0i ˆGbby the choice of the critical pair, against Lemma 14.2(ii). This shows that [Fa;Va0\Qb]ˆZb.

LEMMA 14.6. Vb=Zb4. In particular, Tbaˆ[Vb;Qa;Qa] and Faˆ[Ua;Qa;Qa].

PROOF. Assume thatVb=Zb 4

1 , and setD(a)ˆ fl;m;bg. Then by definition TbaˆYbE(22) and Faˆ hYl;Ym;Ybi. Put XˆVa0\Qb. By Lemma 14.4(v) X centralizes Vb and so XQaGl. Therefore [X;Yl]Zl. Since [X;Fa]ˆZbby Lemma 14.5(iii), [X;Yl]Zl\Zbˆ1.

Likewise [X;Ym]ˆ1 and thus [X;Fa]ˆ1, contrary to [X;Fa]ˆZb. Hence Vb=Zb6 4

1 and now the lemma follows from Lemma 14.4(i) and the definition ofTbaandFa.

LEMMA14.7. PutGa0 ˆGa0=Qa0. Then (i) [Jb;Jb]Zb; and

(ii) JbˆCbis the non-quadratic E(23)-subgroup ofGb0a0on Va0=Za0. PROOF. Put D(a)ˆ fl;m;bg, Ga0ˆGa0=Qa0 and XˆVa0\Qb. From Lemma 14.5(iii) [Fa;X]ˆZb. NowTbaVband [Vb;X]ˆ1 means we can assume, without loss of generality, that


ˆZb6ˆZl: (14:7:1)


From this and Lemma 14.6 we immediately deduce

(14.7.2) X6Ql and X does not centralize Tla=Zlˆ[Vl;Qa;Qa]=Zl; in particular,XQl=Qlis not contained in theE(23)-subgroup ofGla=Qlacting quadratically onVl=Zl.

By Lemmas 14.4(v) and 14.5(ii) we have JbCbQaGl and Jb[Ub0;Qb0][Va0;Qb0]ˆX. Combining these observations with (14.7.2) and Lemma 11.1(vii) yields

(14.7.3) Jb is not contained in the E(23)-subgroup of Gb0a0 acting quad- ratically onVa0=Za0.

Since Gb0a0 is a 2-group, F(Cb)ˆF(Cb)F(Gb0a0). By Lemma 14.4(v) F(Gb0a0)\Vbˆ1 and so F(Cb)\VbQa0. Because Vb=Zb is a Gb-chief factor we deduce that

F Cb



ClearlyF(Cb)\F(Ca0) is normalized byGb0g. IfF(Cb)\F(Ca0)6ˆ1, then F(Cb)\F(Ca0)V1(Z(Gb0g))ˆZg and henceZg F(Cb)\Vb which con- tradicts (14.7.4). Therefore we have

F Cb

;F Ca0

ˆF Cb

\F Ca0



Next, we assume thath(Gb;F(Cb))6ˆ0. Thenh(Ga0;F(Ca0))1 and thus F(Cb)Qa0 by (14.7.5). Hence [F(Cb);Va0]Za0. SinceVa0 6Qb by Lem- ma 14.4(iii), we then get [F(Cb);Va0]ˆZa0 whenceZa0 F(Cb)\Vb, again contradicting (14.7.4). So we have shown that

h Gb;F Cb



Now we suppose that F(Cb)6Qa0. Then F(Cb)ˆZ(Gb0a0)\O2(Ga0

E(2). Thus

Za0 F Cb



Va0;Qb0;Qb0 :

Clearly,Kb:ˆF(Cb)Vb/Gbwith, by (14.7.6),h(Gb;Kb=Vb)ˆ0. Therefore Vb[F(Cb);Va0]ˆVb[Va0;Qb0;Qb0] is normalized by Lb and hence by Q:ˆ[Lb;Qb]. Appealing to Lemma 12.4(i) we conclude that










ThusHbˆVbFb0 ˆVbFawhich is impossible by Lemma 14.2(ii), and so F Cb

Qa0: (14:7:7)


Now part (ii) is a direct consequence of Lemma 14.5(ii), (14.7.3), (14.7.7) and the fact thatJbandCbare normal subgroups ofQb0ˆGb0a0containing the central transvectionZa.

From part (ii) we infer that [Jb;[Va0;Qb0]]Zb0 and hence [Jb;[Ub0;Qb0]]Zb0. Since Jbˆ h[Ub0;Qb0]Gbi, we then obtain


ˆ Jb;




Noting that [Jb;Jb][Cb;Cb]F(Cb) an application of (14.7.4) yields that [Jb;Jb]Zb, so completing the proof of the lemma.

LEMMA 14.8. Put VbˆVb[Hb;Qb]. Then the following statements hold:

(i) h(Gb;Cb=Vb)ˆh(Gb;Hb=Vb)ˆ1and the only non-central Gb- chief factor within Cb=Vbis not isomorphic to Vb=Zb, as a Gb=Qb-module;

(ii) JbˆHbˆ[Hb;Gb]and Hb=Vb4or 4 1 ; and

(iii) VbˆVb[Fb0;Qb] and Vb\Ca0 ˆ[Vb;Qb0][Fb0;Qb] with [Vb:Vb]2and[Vb :Vb\Ca0]ˆ2.

PROOF. BecauseCa0Gb Ca0;Jb;Jb


ZbVa0; by Lemma 14.7(i). Therefore

(14.8.1) Jbacts quadratically onCa0=Va0and so (by Lemma 14.7(ii)) the non-centralGa0-chief factors withinCa0=Va0are not isomorphic toVa0=Za0as Ga0=Qa0-modules.

Using Lemma 14.7(ii) we see that E 23



ˆVa0\QbE 24 :

Now E(22)Zb0 Va0\Qb and so j[Cb=Vb;Va0]j 22. Then Lemmas 14.2(ii), 14.4(iv) and (14.8.1) force

h Gb;Cb=Vb



NowsetHbˆ[Hb;Gb],and note thath(Gb;Hb)ˆ2 andHb Vb.Also, by (14.8.1),j[Hb=Vb;Va0]j ˆ22 and thus [Va0;Qb0]ˆVa0\QbHb. Em- ploying Lemma 11.1(vii) gives Hb[Ub0;Qb0]. Since Jbˆ h[Ub0;Qb0]Gbi HbHbwe obtain

JbˆHbˆ Hb;Gb

: (14:8:3)


Ifh(Gb;Vb=Vb)6ˆ0, thenh(Gb;Hb=Vb)ˆ0 and soHbˆVb[Hb;Qb]Fa

which, commutating sufficiently often with Qb, forces the untenable HbˆVbFa. Thus h(Gb;Vb)ˆh(Gb;Vb)ˆh(Gb;Hb=Vb)ˆ1. Now [Fa:(Fa\Vb)[Fa;Qb]]2 means that we have jFaVb=Vbj ˆ2 with Hb=Vbˆ h(FaVb=Vb)Gbi. SinceHbˆ[Hb;Gb] andh(Gb;Hb=Vb)ˆ1 we easily see thatHb=Vb4 or 4

1 .

Fromh(Gb;Vb=Vb)ˆ0, we clearly haveVbˆVb[Fa;Qb]ˆVb[Fb0;Qb] with [Vb:Vb]2,

Vb\Ca0ˆ Vb\Ca0 Fb0;Qb


Vb;Qb0 Fb0;Qb and [Vb:Vb\Ca0]ˆ2. This completes the proof of the lemma.

We are now in a position to complete the proof of Theorem 14.3. Using Lemma 14.6 we see that

Qb=Cb Vb=Zb

Vb=Zb: (14:3:1)

So we have (Qb0\Qa0)=Ca0 E(23). Since, by Lemmas 14.7(ii) and 14.8(ii), HbQa0=Qa0 is the non-quadratic E(23)-subgroup of Gb0a0=Qa0 on Va0=Za0, (14.3.1) implies

(14.3.2) [(Qb0\Qa0)=Ca0;Hb]E(2); in particular [Hb\Qa0:Hb\Ca0]2 and therefore [Hb:Hb\Ca0]24.

We now observe from Lemma 14.8(iii) thatVb\Ha0ˆVb\Ca0 with [Vb :Vb\Ha0]ˆ2. Combining Lemmas 14.4(iii), (vi), 14.7(ii) and 14.8(ii) with Proposition 2.5(ii) gives



ˆ22; and consequently




Vb\Ha0 23:

Since Hb\Ha0Hb\Ca0, this clearly contradicts (14.3.2), so proving Theorem 14.3.

15. The structure of critical pairs.

The main result in this section is Theorem 15.7.

From Theorem 14.3 we have b5, and soUa is elementary abelian.

Our first result shows that there is an abundance of non-central chief factors inUa.


LEMMA15.1. Let(a;a0)2 C.

(i) h(Ga;Ua)4.

(ii) If h(Ga;Ua)ˆ4, then [Ua;Qa;3]ˆ[Vb;Qa;3]ˆZa and Vb=Zb4 or 4

1 .

PROOF. PutVb(i) ˆ[Vb;Qa;i] andUa(i)ˆ[Ua;Qa;i] fori2N[ f0g; let n2N be such that Vb(n)6ˆ1 and Vb(n‡1) ˆ1. By Lemma 12.2(i) V1(Z(Qa))ˆZa and sinceVb(n) is a Gab-invariant subgroup ofV1(Z(Qa)), Theorem 12.1 and Proposition 2.5(i) imply

n3 andZbVb(n)ZaˆUa(n): (15:1:1)

Now suppose thath(Ga;Ua(j)=Ua(j‡1))ˆ0 for somej2 f0;1;. . .;n 1g.

Then Ua(j)ˆUa(j‡1)Vb(j) and hence Ua(j‡1)ˆUa(j‡2)Vb(j‡1). So Ua(j) ˆ

ˆUa(j‡2)Vb(j)and consequentlyUa(j)ˆVb(j)coreGaVbˆZa. This implies Ua(n 1) Za whenceUa(n) ˆ1, a contradiction. Thus we have

h Ga;Ua(j)=Ua(j‡1)

1 forj2 f0;1;. . .;n 1g:


Clearly (15.1.1) and (15.1.2) give (i). Now assume thath(Ga;Ua)ˆ4. Then, by (15.1.1) and (15.1.2), ZbVb(3)Ua(3)ˆZa. Since Vb(3)6Zb, Vb(3)ˆUa(3)ˆZawhich establishes (ii).

LEMMA15.2. For(a;a0)2 C, Va0 6Ga; in particular Va06Qb.

PROOF. Let (a;a0)2 C, putD(a)ˆ fl;m;bgand assume by way of con- tradiction thatVa0 Ga. SinceZaGa0andZa 6Qa0, we have

Va0Gab with [Za;Va0]ˆZb6ˆZa0: (15:2:1)

Note that there existsr2D(a0) such thatZr6Qa; moreoverZracts as an involution onUa.

Ua6Ga0; in particular Ua6Qa0 1: (15:2:2)

Suppose thatUaGa0holds. Then, sinceUais abelian andVa0 Ga,Ua acts quadratically on Va0. Since h(Ga;Ua)4 by Lemma 15.1(i) and [Ua\Qa0:Ua\Qa0\Qr]2, we see that UaQa0=Qa0E(23) with h(Ga;Ua)ˆ4. Also, from j[Ua;Va0]j 24, Lemma 15.1(ii) and Proposition 2.5(ii) forceVa0=Za0  4

1 with [Ua;Va0]E(24).

Since Zr interchanges l and m, Zr normalizes V :ˆVlVm. Since Vl\VmˆZaandVa0 E(26),V :ˆV=ZaˆVlVmwithVlE(24)Vm


and hence [V;Zr]E(24). Now [Za;Zr]ˆZbandV Uayields E 25



; contrary to [Ua;Va0]E(24). So we have (15.2.2).

Becauseb5 andVl

ZrVm, [Vl;Va0 2]ˆ[Vm;Va0 2]Vl\VmˆZaand so [Ua;Va0 2]Za. From (15.2.2) and [Ua;Va0 2]CZa(Va0)ˆZbwe obtain

Ua;Va0 2

ˆZb: (15:2:3)

Ua6Qa0 2 (15:2:4)

Assume UaQa0 2 holds. Since Ua6Qa0 1 by (15.2.2) and Za0 1ˆ

ˆZa0 2Za0, [Ua;Za0]6ˆ1. Hence [Ua\Qa0 1\Qa0;Va0]ˆ1 and so Ua\Qa0 1\Qa0CUa(Zr). Now [Ua:Ua\Qa0 1]2 and h(Ga;Ua)4 forces (Ua\Qa0 1)Qa0=Qa0to be the quadraticE(23)-subgroup ofGa0 1a0=Qa0

onVa0=Za0and [Ua :Ua\Qa0 1]ˆ2. Also we note that [Ua\Qa0 1;Va0]Za0

has index 22 in Va0 and that [Ua\Qa0 1;Va0]Ua. So Ua centralizes [Ua\Qa0 1;Va0] and Ua6Qa0 1 whence, using the core argument, [Ua\Qa0 1;Va0]coreGa0 1Va0 ˆZa0 1. But this is impossible since (Ua\Qa0 1)Qa0=Qa0 in the quadratic E(23)-subgroup of Ga0 1a0=Qa0 on Va0=Za0. ThereforeUa 6Qa0 2.

(15.2.5) [Za;Va0]ˆ[Ua;Va0 2]ˆZbVa0 2\Va0ˆZa0 1andZa0 1ˆZa0 2Zb. By (15.2.3) and (15.2.4) Zb6ˆZa0 2. Now (15.2.5) follows from (15.2.1) and (15.2.3).

Put Vea0 2ˆVa0 2=Ya0 2 and Pa0 2ˆ hUa;Ga0 2a0 1i. Since Za0 1ˆ

ˆZa0 2Zb, Pa0 2 centralizes Za0 1 and, as Ua6Ga0 2a0 1 by (15.2.2), Pa0 2:ˆPa0 2=Qa0 2S4Z2 withVea0 2jPa0 2 1

21 0

@ 1

A. However, by (15.2.5), [Ua;Vea0 2]ˆZebˆZea0 1ˆCeVa0 2(Pa0 2) which implies UaO2(Pa0 2) Ga0 2a0 1. This contradiction completes the proof of Lemma 15.2.

LEMMA 15.3. Let (a;a0)2 C and Rˆ[Vb;Va0]. If h(Gb;Wb)ˆ2 or h(Gb;[Wb;Qb]Vb=Vb)ˆ0, then the following hold:

(i) RZa‡2\Za0 1 with RZbˆZa‡2 and RZa0ˆZa0 1. If, more- over, bˆ5, then RˆZa‡3ˆZa0 2;

(ii) Vbˆ[Vb;Gb]and so Vb=Zb4or 4 1 ;

(iii) VbQa0=Qa0 is the central transvection of Ga0 1a0=Qa0 acting on


Va0=Za0with a symmetric statement holding for Va0with the roles ofband a0interchanged; and

(iv) either WbQa0 2 or WbQa0 2=Qa0 2is the central transvection of Ga0 3a0 2=Qa0 2on Va0 2=Za0 2, and so[Wb:Wb\Qa0 2]2.

PROOF. Put Wb(1)ˆ[Wb;Qb] and WbˆWb(1)Vb. Note that h(Gb;Wb=Wb)6ˆ0 else WbˆWb(1)Ua which produces the absurd WbˆUa. So we haveh(Gb;Wb=Vb)ˆ0. Appealing to Lemma 12.7 gives RVa0 2\Va0 ˆZa0 1. Since Va0 6Qb by Lemma 15.2, there exists r2D(a0) such that (r;b)2 C, and likewise we deduceRVb\Va‡3ˆZa‡2. This proves (i)

Since Za‡2ˆRZb[Vb;Gb], the statements in (ii) and (iii) follow readily while (iv) is an easy consequence of (iii).

LEMMA15.4. Let(a;a0)2 C. If Za0Vb, thenjVa0Qb=Qbj ˆ2.

PROOF. Let (a;a0)2 C be such that Za0 Vb and assume that jVa0Qb=Qbj 6ˆ2. So, by Lemma 15.2, jVa0Qb=Qbj 22. Also Lemma 15.3 implies that

h Gb;Wb 3:


Clearly we haveWbGa0 2. Sinceb5,Za0VbZ(Wb) and soWb centralizes Za0 1ˆZa0 2Za0. Thus WbCGa0 2(Za0 1Ya0 2=Ya0 2) and thereforeX:ˆWb\Ga0 2a0 1 has index at most 2 inWb by the parabolic argument (Lemma 3.10). Note that XCGa0 1(Za0 1)ˆQa0 1Ga0, and setXˆ(X\Qa0)Vb. Then [X:X]23and





Hence, puttingWebˆWb=Vb, we haveXeCW~b(Va0). Using (15.4.1) we then get

24 eWb:CW~b(Va0)





Wb:X X:X

24 and consequently [Wb:X]ˆ2 and [X:X]ˆ23. In particular

Ga0 1a0ˆQa0X:


Since [X;Va0]X\Va0 Qb\Va0 and [Va0 :Qb\Va0]22, (15.4.2) together with Proposition 2.5(i) implies that

(15:4:3) X;Va0

ˆX\Va0ˆQb\Va0<4Va0 withVa0=Za0 14 or 1 4 1


It now follows from (15.4.3) that Za0 1ˆZa0 2Za0 Qb\Va0ˆ

ˆ[X;Va0][Va0;Ga0] whenceVa0ˆ[Va0;Ga0], which contradicts the struc- ture ofVa0 given in (15.4.3). Thus we infer thatjVa0Qb=Qbj ˆ2 must hold.

COROLLARY15.5. If(a;a0)2CandjVbQa0=Qa0j22, thenjVa0Qb=Qbj 22. PROOF. Suppose we have (a;a0)2 C with jVbQa0=Qa0j 22. Then Zb6Va0 by Lemmas 15.2 and 15.4. Hence [Va0\Qb;Vb]ˆ1. Since Vb

cannot centralize a hyperplane ofVa0, [Va0:Va0\Qb]22which proves the result.

LEMMA 15.6. Let (a;a0)2 C and suppose that jVbQa0=Qa0j 22, and hence by Corollary15.5 jVa0Qb=Qbj 22. Then the following statements hold.

(i) VbQa0=Qa0Va0Qb=QbE(22);

(ii) Wb\Ga0 1Ga0;

(iii) Pa0 2:ˆ hWb;Qa0 1i Ga0 2 ˆQa0 2Pa0 2 and Pa0 2La0 2; (iv) bˆ5; and

(v) if Gba0ˆGa0=Qa0, then Wba0 2E(23) and Wa0 2 acts quad- ratically on Va0=Za0 with


1 Va0=Za0 4

1 1:

PROOF. PutRˆ[Vb;Va0] andGba0ˆGa0=Qa0. By Lemmas 15.2 and 15.4 Za0 6VbandZb6Va0. Hence [Vb;Ya0]ˆ[Va0;Yb]ˆ1. Since [Va0:RYa0

ˆ[Vb:RYb]ˆ22we obtain (i). Noting thatR6Za0 1and [Wb;Vb]ˆ1, the core argument yields (ii).

Lemma 15.3 (iii) gives h Gb;Wb



VbQa0=Qa0 Wb\Ga0

Qa0=Qa0E 23 : (15:6:2)

SinceWb\Ga0centralizesRYa0=Ya0 E(22), Proposition 2.5(vi) implies that (Wb\Ga0)Qa0=Qa0 is elementary abelian, so giving (15.6.2).

We now establish part (iii). Suppose that Qa0 2Pa0 26ˆGa0 2. Then hWb;Ga0 2a0 1i 6ˆGa0 2 and so, by the parabolic argument, [Wb:W]2 where W:ˆWb\Ga0 2a0 1. By (ii) WGa0, and by (15.6.2) [W:Vb(W\Qa0)]2. Clearly [Vb(W\Qa0);Va0]RZa0. Putting Wbˆ

ˆWb=Vb we have [Wb:Vb(W\Qa0)]22 and j[Vb(W\Qa0);Va0]j 2.


Since Va0Qb=QbE(22), this gives h(Gb;Wb)1, contradicting (15.6.1).

This proves part (iii).

As a direct consequence of (iii), Proposition 2.5(ii) and Lemmas 12.7 and 15.2 we have

(15.6.3) (i)Za0Ris not normal inGa0 1a0andZbRis not normal inGba‡2. (ii) Either

(a) 4


41 andVbb hs1;tior (b) 4

1 Va0=Za0 4

1 1 and Vbb hs1;ti or hs2;ti (using the notation of Proposition 2.5).

Moving onto part (iv), we now assumeb>5 and derive a contradiction.

SetW0ˆWb\Qa0 2. By (ii)W0Ga0. SinceWbis abelian we observe that [Wb:W0]23[W0:W0\Qa0]. NowWbbeing abelian and (iii) imply that Za06Wb. Hence [W0\Qa0;Va0]ˆ1, and so [Wb:CWb(Va0)]26. Therefore, by (15.6.1),h(Gb;Wb)ˆ3, [Wb:CWb(Va0)]ˆ26andW0Qa0=Qa0E(23).

(15.6.4) The non central Gb chief factors inWb are isomorphic natural S6-modules.

Observe thatVa0acts quadratically uponWbsince [Wb;Va0]Wa0 2. By (15.6.3)(i)Va0Qb=Qb6Z(Gba‡2=Qb) from which (15.6.4) follows.

Since W0Qa0=Qa0E(23) withW0 acting quadratically on Va0, we may chooset2W0 so thatVbhtiQa0 ˆW0Qa0 withtacting as a transvection on Va0=Ya0. Hence t acts as a transvection on Va0=Za0 and, recalling that Za06Wb, we see thatC:ˆCVa0(t) has index 2 in Va0. ThereforeC6Qb. Now


Vbhti W0\Qa0


ˆ Vb;C


and consequently [Wb=Vb:CWb=Vb(C)]23. Since h(Gb;Wb=Vb)ˆ2, C must induce a transvection on at least one non-central Gb-chief factor withinWb=Vb. Appealing to (15.6.4) gives thatCinduces a transvection on Vb=Yband hence onVb=Zb. BecauseZb6Va0,Cinduces a transvection on Vb. But then [W0;C]ˆ[Vb;C]Z2 whereas [W0;C=Ya0]E(22). From this untenable situation we deduce thatbˆ5.

Finally we consider part (v). By (15.6.3)Vbb6/Gba0 1a0ˆQba0 1. So, since VbWa0 2 (as bˆ5) and Wba0 2/Qba0 1, Vebc<Wba0 2. Evidently we have [Vb;Wa0 2]Vb and consulting (15.6.3)(ii) we see thatVbb\(Gba0 1a0)0ˆ1.


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(**) Indirizzo dell'A.: School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, United Kingdom.. (***) Indirizzo dell'A.: School of