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<span class="mathjax-formula">$(S_3,S_6)$</span>-Amalgams V


Academic year: 2022

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, S


)-Amalgams V.



In part IV of this present series the commuting case for (S3;S6)- amalgams was examined when a2O(S6) for (a;a0) a critical pair. This paper and the succeeding two parts are devoted to the commuting case when, for (a;a0) a critical pair,a2O(S3). In fact the bulk of our work is concerned with the situation h(Gb;Vb)ˆ1, where b2O(S6). Unlike Part IV, for this situation, there appear to be no subamalgams which can be exploited early on. Although a very precise description ofVbis obtained in Theorem 12.1 for our subsequent analysis we need to consider five sub- cases. This subdivision, given in Section 12, is done according to the size of coreGaVb(a2D(b)) and also whetherVb=Zbis an orthogonal module or not.

Of the five possibilities three, as it were, are the ``mainline'' cases - Cases 1, 3 and 4. We briefly discuss and compare each of these cases.

Case 3 is concerned with the smallest possibility for coreGaVb, namely coreGaVbˆZa. This case has the most complicated possibilities forVb=Zb, withVb=Zb being a quotient of

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1. For this case the core argument (Lemma 9.9) is especially valuable as it often enables us to restrict the size of certain commutators. Our scrutiny of Case 3 takes place in Part VI - the end result being that this case cannot arise! For all the other cases we obtain bounds on the parameterbwhich are pursued further in [LPR2]. At the other end of the scale we have Case 1 with [Vb :coreGaVb]ˆ2 (and then Vb=Zb is a natural module). This, from the outset, is a very tight configuration (for example,Vbacts as a central transvection onVa0=Za0for

(*) Indirizzo dell'A.: Institute for Experimental Mathematics, University of Essen, Ellernstrasse 29, Essen, Germany.

(**) Indirizzo dell'A.: School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, United Kingdom.

(***) Indirizzo dell'A.: School of Mathematics, The University of Manchester, P.O. Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, United Kingdom.


(a;a0)2C), which nevertheless requires a delicate analysis. By contrast with Case 3 the core argument is no use here whatsoever. Case 4 (when [Vb:coreGaVb]ˆ22 and Vb=Zb is a natural module) lies somewhere be- tween Cases 1 and 3. The core argument is of little use and, initally, the configuration has a greater degree of freedom.

We remark that central transvections make their presence felt in a big way in Parts V, VI and VII. Indeed, without such transvections Cases 1, 2 and 3 would be virtually non-existent.

For ease of reference we continue the section numbering started in [LPR1]. We make the most use of material in Sections 1 and 2, and it is there we refer the reader to for notation and background results. Briefly the contents of this paper are as follows. Section 11 is, mostly, a warm-up for the work in Section 12 where the above mentioned structure ofVb is determined. Cases 1 and 2 are the subject of Section 13, the main con- clusions being given in Theorems 13.1 and 13.11.

11. Some preliminary results.

For this paper and Parts V and VI we assume the following hypothesis.

HYPOTHESIS11.0. If(a;a0)2C, then[Za;Za0]ˆ1anda2O(S3).

Some elementary observations on this hypothesis are gathered in our first result of this section.

LEMMA11.1. Letm2O(S3)andl2D(m).

(i) [Glm;Zm]ˆZlˆV1(Z(Glm))ˆV1(Z(Gl)).

(ii) CZm(Gm)ˆ1, GGm(Zm)ˆQm and ZmˆZl1Zl2 whenever l1;l22D(m)withl16ˆl2.

(iii) b1(2)and b>1.

(iv) If XGlmand X6Qm, then[X;Zm]ˆZlˆCZm(X).

(v) If XQlis such that[X;Vl]6ˆ1, then[X;Vl]ˆZl. (vi) [Ql;Vl]Zl.

(vii) G is transitive on paths(l1;l2;l3)of length2wherel12O(S6).

PROOF. Let (a;a0)2C. Then [Za;Za0]ˆ1 implies Za0 Z(Ga0) and henceV1(Z(Ga0 1a0))ˆZa0 Zj for allj2D(a0). Thereforeb1(2). Since Gab acts as an involution on Za, [Gab;Za]CZa(Gab)ˆV1(Z(Gab))ˆZb. Likewise [Gaa 1;Za]Za 1. Hence Za ˆZbZa 1ˆ[Gab;Za]Za 1. By


Lemma 11.1(ii) CZa(Ga)ˆ1 and thus Zb\Za 1ˆ1. Hence, by orders, Zb ˆ[Gab;Za]. SinceGacts edge-transitively uponG, we have verified (i) and (ii).

Assume bˆ1 holds. Since, by part (ii), [Za;Qb]Zb this then gives h(Gb;Qb)ˆ0, contrary to the hypothesisCGb(Qb)Qb. Thereforeb>1.

For part (iv) we haveGlmˆXQmand so (iv) follows easily from (i).

Because [X;Vl]6ˆ1 there exists j2D(l) such that [X;Zj]6ˆ1. Thus X6Qjby (ii) and now (iv) implies (v). Part (vi) is an easy consequence of (v). While (vii) follows from G being edge-transitive and, as l22O(S3), Gl1l2being transitive onD(l2)nfl1g.

Our next lemma will be put to use after we have established Theo- rem 12.1.

LEMMA 11.2. If Vb=Zb contains either a natural or orthogonal S6- module, then QaQb ˆGab and[Vb;Qb]ˆZb.

PROOF. LetVbXZbbe such thatX=Zbis a natural or orthogonal S6-module, and supposeQaQb6ˆGab. Then we haveQaQband soQjQb for allj2D(b) by Lemma 1.1(i), and henceVbZ(Qb). If [Vb;Qb]6ˆZb, then, by Lemma 11.1(v), we also haveVbZ(Qb). So, if the lemma is false, we may view Vb as aGF(2) (Gb=Qb)-module. Appealing to Lemma 2.2(iv) givesXˆYCX(Gb) withY4 or

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. In the former caseCX(Gb)ˆZb and in the latter [Zb:CX(Gb)]ˆ2. In either case (using Proposition 2.5(i) forY

4 1

) we obtainV1(Z(Gab))>Zb, against Lemma 11.1(i). There- foreQaQbˆGab and [Vb;Qb]ˆZb, as required.

LEMMA 11.3. Let(a;a0)2C and put CˆCVb(O2(Gb)). Then Za\CˆZb. PROOF. Since CZa(Ga)ˆ1,Za is a direct sum of 2-dimensional irre- ducible Ga=Qa-modules. IfZa\C>Zb were to hold, then Za\C would contain a non-zeroGa=Qa-submodule ofZa, against Lemma 1.1(ii).

LEMMA 11.4. Let (d;d0)2C. If h(Gd‡1;Vd‡1)>1, then [Vd‡1\


PROOF. Suppose the result is false and, without loss of generality, we take aˆd and a0ˆd0. So h(Gb;Vb)>1 and [Vb\Qa0;Va0]ˆ1. Since [Vb:Vb\Qa0]23, [Vb :CVb(Va0)]23. If [Va0 :Va0\Qb]22, then h(Gb;Vb)1. So [Va0 :Va0\Qb]2. Moreover,Va0\QbQaimplies that


[Va0 :CVa0(Za)]2, contrary to h(Ga0;Va0)>1. Therefore Va0\Qb6Qa

and, similarly,Va06Qb.

jZa 1j ˆ2 (11:4:1)

By Lemma 11.1(iv) CZa(Va0\Qb)ˆZb. Hence Lemma 11.1(ii) implies CZa1(Va0\Qb)ˆ1. So

1ˆZa 1\Vb\Qa0 ˆZa 1\Qa0:

Since [Va0 :Va0\Qb]2, we have [Va0:CVa0(Za 1)]22. Therefore, as h(Ga0;Va0)>1, we getjZa 1Qa0=Qa0j ˆ2, which yields (11.4.1).

Forx2Vb; [Va0 :CVa0(x)]22: (11:4:2)

Let x2Vb. From Va0\Qb6Qa and Lemma 11.1(v) [Va0\Qb;Vb]ˆZb. Thus j[Va0\Qb;x]j 2 by (11.4.1) from which, as [Va0 :Va0\Qb]2, (11.4.2) follows.

If jVbQa0=Qa0j 22, then Vb contains an element y, y62Qa0, which is not a transvection on some non central Ga0-chief factor in Va0 whence h(Ga0;Va0)1 by (11.4.2). Thus [Vb:Vb\Qa0]ˆ2 and so [Vb:CVb(Va0)]2. But then since Va0 6Qb, this gives h(Gb;Vb)1, a contradiction. So the lemma holds.

COROLLARY11.5. Let(d;d0)2C and assumeh(Gd‡1; Vd‡1)>1. Then (i) [Vd‡1\Qd0;Vd0]ˆZd0,[Vd0\Qd‡1;Vd‡1]ˆZd‡1;and

(ii) Vd0 6Qd‡1.

PROOF. Lemmas 11.1(v) and 11.4 yield [Vd‡1\Qd0;Vd0]ˆZd0. Suppose Vd0 Qd‡1. Using Lemma 11.1(vi) gives


and thus [Vd‡1;Vd0]ˆZd0 by orders. Then h(Gd0;Vd0)ˆ0 which is im- possible. Therefore Vd0 6Qd‡1. Hence we may find r2D(a0) such that (r;d‡1)2C , and Lemmas 11.1(v) and 11.4 give the remaining part of (i).

LEMMA 11.6. Let (a;a0)2C and assume that h(Gb;Vb)>1. If jVa0Qb=Qbj 22, thenjVbQa0=Qa0j ˆ2ˆ jVa0Qb=Qbj.

PROOF. By Corollary 11.5 we may find l2D(b) such that [Zl;Va0\Qb]6ˆ1. Lemma 11.1(iv) then gives CZl(Va0\Qb)ˆZb and so CZl\Qa0(Va0\Qb)ˆZb. Since [Va0 :CVa0(Zl)]2[Va0:Va0\Qb]23 and


h(Ga0;Va0)>1, we infer that [Zl:Zl\Qa0]2. Now Va0\Qb acts as an involution onZl\Qa0and hence

j[Zl\Qa0;Va0\Qb]j ˆ[Zl\Qa0 :Zb] jZbj=2:

Because [Zl\Qa0;Va0\Qb]Za0\Zbwe see that [Zb:Za0\Zb]2. Let x2Vb and put Va0 ˆVa0=Za0. Then j[Va0\Qb;x]j jZbj 2 (note that Zb Va0). Therefore [Va0 :CVa0(x)]2[Va0 :Va0\Qb]23 which, as h(Ga0;Va0)>1, forces jVbQa0=Qa0j 2. From Corollary 11.5 there exists r2D(a0) such that (r;b)2C and so, asjVbQa0=Qa0j ˆ2, we may repeat the above argument to obtainjVa0Qb=Qbj ˆ2. This proves the lemma.

LEMMA 11.7. Suppose that b>3,(a;a0)2C andh(Gb;Vb)>1. Then UaGa0.

PROOF. If Ua6Qa0 2, then there exists a 22D[2](a) such that (a 2;a0 2)2C. Applying Corollary 11.5 to (a 2;a0 2) gives

Za 1ˆ[Va0 2\Qa 1;Va 1]Va0 2Qa0;

asb>3. ThenZaˆZa 1ZbQa0, a contradiction. ThereforeUaQa0 2. Now, by Corollary 11.5, Za0 ˆ[Vb\Qa0;Va0]Vb and so [Ua;Za0]ˆ1.


UaCGa0 1(Za0)ˆGa0 1a0; as required.

LEMMA11.8. Let(a;a0)2C and suppose b>3andh(Gb;Vb)>1. Then [Ua;Va0]6Ua.

PROOF. Supposing [Ua;Va0]Ua we seek to uncover a contradiction.

SettingPbˆ hGab;Va0iandVbbˆVb=CVb(O2(Gb)) we first show that (11.8.1) (i) Pb=QbS4Z2

(ii) h(Gb;Vb)ˆ2 and Vbb is isomorphic to a direct sum of two isomorphic naturalS6-modules

(iii) jZaj ˆ24 andjZbj ˆ jZa0j ˆ22. (iv) jZaQa0=Qa0j ˆ2 andj[Za;Va0=Za0]j ˆ22

(v) CZa(Va0\Gab)ˆZb

From [Ua;Va0]Uawe have thatPbnormalizesUaand hencePb6ˆGb by Lemma 1.1 (ii). By the parabolic argument (Lemma 3.10)


[Va0 :Va0\Gab]2, and so [Va0 :Va0\Qa]22. Thus [Va0 :CVa0(Za0)]22. Thereforeh(Ga0;Va0)ˆ2 withjZaQa0=Qa0j ˆ2, [Va0:CVa0(Za)]ˆ22and both non central chief factors ofVa0 are isomorphic naturalS6-modules. Clearly Va0 6Gab and so we conclude that Pb=QbS4Z2. Combining Lemmas 2.16 and 11.1(i), (vi) gives (ii) forVba0, so proving part (ii). Because Vbbˆ hZbGabi it follows from part (ii) that jZbaj ˆ22. Hence jZaj ˆ24 and jZbj ˆ22 by Lemmas 11.1(ii) and 11.3, and we have (iii). Also, by Lemma 11.1(vi), Za acts as an involution upon Va0=Za0. By Lemma 11.1(i) h(Ga0;Va0=Za0)ˆ2 and so [Va0=Za0 :CVa0=Za0(Za)]ˆ22. Hence j[Za;Va0=Za0]j ˆ22, so establishing (iv). Finally we prove (v). If Va0\Gab Qa, then [Va0:CVa0(Za)]2 which is impossible. So Va0\Gab 6Qa and thusZbˆCZa(Va0\Gab).

(11.8.2)Pb=Qbis the parabolic with restriction 2


on the non-central chief factors inVbb.

Suppose that (11.8.2) is false. Then, by (11.8.1)(i),(ii), Pb=Qb is the parabolic with restriction 1



on all the (isomorphic) naturalS6-modules inVbb. From Lemma 11.1(i)bZaCbVb(Gab). Letdbe an element of order 3 inPb. SincedcentralizesCVbb(Gab), we infer thatZaCVb(d). Thus

Za/hGab;di ˆPb:

In particular,Va0normalizesZa0and so [Va0;Za]Za. From (11.8.1)(iv),(v) jZa\Qa0j ˆ23 and CZa(Va0\Gab)ˆZb and consequently [Za\Qa0;Va0\

\Gab]6ˆ1. So [Za\Qa0;Va0]6ˆ1 and an appeal to Lemma 11.1(ii) gives [Za\Qa0;Va0]ˆZa0. Combining this with j[Za;Va0=Za0]j ˆ22 (since jZa0j ˆ jZbj) yieldsj[Za;Va0]j ˆ24. But then

Zaˆ[Za;Va0]Va0 Qa0;

contrary to (a;a0)2C. With this contradiction we have proved (11.8.2).

jVbQa0=Qa0j 22: (11:8:3)

If jVbQa0=Qa0j 622, then VbQa0 ˆZaQa0 whence [Vb;Va0=Za0

ˆ[Za;Va0=Za0]. SinceZa0 [Vb;Va0] by Corollary 11.5, using (11.8.1)(iii),(iv) we see thatj[Vb;Va0]j ˆ24. Hence, asjZbj ˆ22,j[Va0;Vb=Zb]j ˆ22. Conse- quentlyVa0acts as a transvection upon each of the non-central chief factors in Vbb. Together (11.8.2) and Proposition 2.5(viii) imply thatO2(Pb)=Qb is the unique quadratically acting (upon each of the non-central chief factors inVbb) E(23)-subgroup of each Sylow 2-subgroup ofPb=Qb. Then Proposition 2.5(iii)


forcesVa0 O2(Pb)Gab, contradicting (11.8.1)(i). Thus we conclude that jVbQa0=Qa0j 22.

(11.8.4) A contradiction

By Corollary 11.5 there exists r2D(a0) such that (r;b)2C. If jVa0Qb=Qbj 22, then applying Lemma 11.6 to (r;b) yieldsjVbQa0=Qa0j ˆ2, against (11.8.3). Therefore, asVa0 is elementary abelian,jVa0Qb=Qbj ˆ23, and, of course, Va0 acts quadratically on Vb. Again, using (11.8.2) and Proposition 2.5(viii), we deduce the untenableVa0 O2(Pb)Gab. This is the desired contradiction which completes the proof of Lemma 11.8.

12. The structure ofVb/Zb.

THEOREM12.1. Let(a;a0)2C. Then

(i) h(Gb;Vb)ˆ1 with Vb=Zb isomorphic to a quotient of 4




(ii) jZaj ˆ22,jZbj ˆ2.

PROOF. First we suppose thatb>3 andh(Gb;Vb)>1 and argue for a contradiction. So Lemmas 11.7 and 11.8 are available to giveUaGa0and [Ua;Va0]6Ua. Also, from Corollary 11.5, [Vb;Va0]Za0. So if UaQa0 ˆ

ˆVbQa0, we then haveUaˆVb(Ua\Qa0) whence, using Lemma 11.1(vi), [Ua;Va0]ˆ[Vb;Va0]VbUa, a contradiction. ThereforeUaQa0 6ˆVbQa0. SinceUa is elementary abelian we infer thatjVbQa0=Qa0j 22. Now Lem- ma 11.6 and Corollary 11.5(ii) give

jVbQa0=Qa0j ˆ jVa0Qb=Qbj ˆ2:


PutVb ˆVb=Zb.

(12.1.2) (i) (Va0\Qb)Qa ˆGab.

(ii) h(Gb;Vb)ˆ2 and there exists Xb/Gb with Zb XbVb such thatVb ˆXbCVb(Gb) andXbis isomorphic to a quotient of

4 1

4 1

. Moreover, the two 4's inXbare isomorphic naturalS6-modules.

(iii) jZaj ˆ24,jZbj ˆ jZa0j ˆ22andh(Ga;Za)ˆ2.

By (12.1.1) [Va0 :Va0\Qb]ˆ2 and so, ash(Ga0;Va0)>1,Va0\Qb6Qa. Thus (i) holds, and [Va0 :CVa0(Za)]ˆ22 with h(Ga0;Va0)ˆ2. Applying


Lemmas 2.16 and 2.2(iv) toVa0ˆVa0=Za0yields (ii) forVa0, so proving (ii).

Using Lemmas 11.1(ii), 11.3, part (ii) and the fact thatZ(Ga)ˆ1 gives (iii).

SetD(a)ˆ fb;a 1;lg.

[Va0 :Va0\Qa 1]24: (12:1:3)

From (12.1.1) we have ZaQa0ˆVbQa0 and henceVa 1Qa0 VbQa0. By (12.1.2), UaQa0ˆVa 1Qa0. Since UaQa0 6ˆVbQa0, jVa 1Qa0=Qa0j 22 and hence, by (12.1.2)(ii) and Proposition 2.5(iii), [Xa0 :CXa0(Va0 1)]24. If [Xa0\Qa 1;Va 1]6ˆ1, then by Lemma 11.1(v)

Za 1ˆ[Xa0\Qa 1;Va 1]Va0 Qa0

whence ZaˆZa 1Zb Qa0. Hence [Xa0\Qa 1;Va 1]ˆ1 from which (12.1.3) follows.

Va0 2Qa 1 and [Ua;Va0 2]ˆ1:


Suppose Va0 26Qa 1. Then there exists r2D(a0 2) such that (r;a 1)2C. Applying Corollary 11.5 to (r;a 1) gives Za 1 [Va0 2;Va 1]Va0 2Qa0, since b>3. This is against (a;a0)2C , and therefore Va0 2Qa 1. If [Va0 2;Va 1]6ˆ1, then Lemma 11.1(v) gives Za 1ˆ[Va0 2;Va 1] which again contradicts (a;a0)2C. Thus [Va0 2;Va 1]ˆ1 and likewise [Va0 2;Vl]ˆ1, so we have (12.1.4).

[Va0 :Va0\Va0 2]24: (12:1:5)

This follows from (12.1.3) and (12.1.4).

(12:1:6)j[Ua;Va0\Qb]j24[Va0:Va0\Va0 2] and (hence)j[Ua;Va0\Qb]j28: In view of (12.1.3)Va0\Qb\Qa must act as at least a fours group on Va 1=Za 1, and thusj[Va0\Qb\Qa;Va 1]j 24 by (12.1.2)(ii) and Propo- sition 2.5(iii). Further, we observe, as [Va0\Qb\Qa;Va 1]Va0 and Va0\Qb interchangeslanda 1, that

[Va0\Qb\Qa;Va 1]ˆ[Va0\Qb\Qa;Vl]Va 1\Vl:

Let t2Va0\Qb be such that Va0\Qbˆ(Va0\Qb\Qa)hti. Then, as t normalizes Va 1Vl and Va 1\Vl, we have j[Va 1Vl=Va 1\Vl;t]j ˆ

ˆ[Va 1:Va 1\Vl]. Now

[Va0\Qb;Va 1Vl]ˆ[Va0\Qb\Qa;Va 1][t;Va 1Vl] from which we deduce that

j[Va0\Qb;Va 1Vl]j 24[Va 1:Va 1\Vl]:


So, by Lemma 11.1(vii),

j[Va0\Qb;Ua]j 24[Va0 :Va0\Va0 2]:

This, together with (12.1.5), yieldsj[Va0\Qb;Ua]j 28. Ua doesn0t act quadratically uponXa0=Za0: (12:1:7)

Suppose (12.1.7) is false. Then, combining (12.1.2)(ii), (iii) and Propo- sition 2.5(ii), we have j[Ua;Xa0]j 28. Noting that [Ua;Xa0]ˆ [Ua;Va0], (12.1.6) forces

[Ua;Va0]ˆ[Ua;Va0\Qb]Ua; contradicting Lemma 11.8. Thus (12.1.7) holds.



Set Ua(i)ˆ[Ua;Qa;i] and Vb(i)ˆ[Vb;Qa;i]. From (12.1.2)(ii) and Lemma 11.2,GabˆQaQb. HenceVb(3)6ˆ1 by Proposition 2.5(i). Our aim is to show that U(1)a 6ˆVb(1) andUa(2)6ˆVb(2). As a consequences (see Lemma 1.2(v))Ua=Ua(1),Ua(1)=Ua(2),Ua(2)=Ua(3)all contain at least one non-central chief factor for Ga. Because Gab.Vb(3)6ˆ1, Vb(3)\Zb6ˆ1 and so h(Ga;Ua(3))6ˆ0 by Lemma 1.1(ii), we then obtain (12.1.8).

Suppose Ua(1)ˆVb(1). Then [Va0;Qa0 1]ˆ[Va0 2;Qa0 1] and so, by (12.1.4), Ua centralizes [Va0;Qa0 1]ˆ[Xa0;Qa0 1], contrary to (12.1.7). If Ua(2)ˆVb(2), then likewise Ua centralizes [Xa0;Qa0 1;Qa0 1] which again contradicts (12.1.7). ThereforeUa(1)6ˆVb(1)andUa(2)6ˆVb(2), as desired.

(12.1.9) UaQa0=Qa0 is the non-quadratic E(23)-subgroup of Ga0 1a0=Qa0

acting onXa0=Za0.

Since [Za:Za\Qa0]ˆ2, (12.1.2)(i), (iii) imply that [Za\Qa0;Va0\

\Qb]6ˆ1. So there exists r2D(a0) for which [Za\Qa0;Zr]6ˆ1. Thus Za\Qa0 6Qr. Note that [Zr:Zr\Qb]2 by (12.1.1). Hence Zr\Qb 6Qa for Zr\QbQa would imply [Zr:CZr(Za\Qa0)]2 and thenceh(Gr;Zr)1, contrary to (12.1.2)(iii).



and therefore (12.1.8) forces [Ua:Ua\Qa0]ˆ23. Thus, by (12.1.7), we have established (12.1.9).

We are now in a position to deduce the desired contradiction.

Combining (12.1.9), (12.1.2)(ii) with Proposition 2.5(viii) we get


[Xa0:CXa0(Ua)]26. Therefore [Va0 :Va0\Va0 2]26 by (12.1.4). Hence (12.1.6) forces j[Ua;Va0\Qb]j 210. Since jZa0j ˆ22 and Za0[Ua;Va0], (12.1.2)(ii) impliesj[Ua;Va0]j 210. Consequently


again contradicting Lemma 11.8. This completes the proof that h(Gb;Vb)ˆ1 when b>3. Now we examine the situation h(Gb;Vb)>1 whenbˆ3.

(12.1.10) (i) Za‡2[Vb;Va0];

(ii) either jVbQa0=Qa0j ˆ jVa0Qb=Qbj ˆ2 or jVbQa0=Qa0j ˆ

ˆ jVa0Qb=Qbj ˆ23;

(iii) h(Gb;Vb)ˆ2 and, for iˆ1;2, there exists Xb(i)/Gb with ZbXb(i) such that VbˆXb(1)Xb(2) and Xb(i)=Zb4 or

4 1

. Further the 4's inX(1)b andX(2)b are isomorphic.

Part (i) follows from Corollary 11.5(i) while Corollary 11.5(ii) and Lemma 11.6 imply (ii). For (iii) we first note that (i) gives [Vb;Gb]ˆVb. If jVbQa0=Qa0j ˆ jVa0Qb=Qbj ˆ2, then [Va0 :CVa0(Za)]ˆ22 and so h(Ga0;Va0)ˆ2 with both non-central chief factors being isomorphic nat- ural modules. Using Lemma 2.16 and [Va0;Ga0]ˆVa0 yields the desired structure of Vb in this case. Turning to the latter possibility given in (ii) we deduce, just as in Lemma 11.6, that for all x2Vb [Va0 :CVa0(x)]24. Hence h(Ga0;Va0)ˆ2 and, as Vb acts as a quadraticE(23)-group on Va0, both non central chief factors are isomorphic natural modules. Appealing to Lemma 2.4 and Proposition 2.7(ii) completes the proof of (iii).

By (12.1.10)(iii) Vb=Zb is a quotient of 4




. Put Ybˆ

ˆCVb(O2(Gb)) and, foriˆ1;2, letYb(i)be such thatYb Yb(i),Yb(i)/Gband Yb(i)=Yb4 with Vb=YbˆYb(1)=YbYb(2)=Yb. Let Yb(3) denote the inverse image in Vb of the diagonal submodule. Clearly VbˆYb(i)Yb(j) for i6ˆj2 f1;2;3g so, without loss of generality, we may assume that Ya(1)0 6Qb andYa(2)0 6Qb.

Assume for the moment thatjVbQa0=Qa0j ˆ jVa0Qb=Qbj ˆ2. SoYa(1)0 acts as a transvection upon each of the non-central chief factors withinVb. If [Ya(1)0 \Qb;Vb]6ˆ1, then E(22)Zb[Ya(1)0 \Qb;Vb] whence [Ya(1)0 ;Vb

E(24). However consideringVb acting uponYa(1)0 yields, asVb acts as a transvection uponYa(1)0 =Za0, that [Vb;Ya(1)0 ]E(23). Thus we conclude that [Ya(1)0 \Qb;Vb]ˆ1 and, similarly, [Ya(2)0 \Qb;Vb]ˆ1. So Ya(i)0 \Qbˆ


a0(Vb) for iˆ1;2 and, in particular, Ya(i)0 \Qb Yb. Since


[Ya(i)0 :Ya(i)0 \Qb]ˆ2ˆ[Va0 :Va0\Qb] and, for iˆ1;2, Ya(i)0 6Qb, we see thatVa0\Qbˆ(Ya(1)0 \Qb)(Ya(2)0 \Qb)Ya(3)0 . In particularYa(3)0 Qband, since h(Ga0;Ya(3)0 )ˆ1, Ya(3)0 6Qa. Therefore Zb ˆ[Za;Ya(3)0 ]Ya(3)0 . But then Va0ˆYa(3)0 which is impossible. So now we only need consider the possibility jVbQa0=Qa0j ˆ jVa0Qb=Qbj ˆ23. Recalling that Za0[Vb;Va0], Propositio- n 2.5(ii) implies that


Xa(1)0 ;Ga0a0 1;2

Xa(2)0 ;Ga0a0 1;2 : Since [Va0;Vb]CVa0(Vb) we see that


Xa(1)0 ;Ga0a0 1;2

Xa(2)0 ;Ga0a0 1;2 :

Because [Va0 :Va0\Qb]ˆ23 we have Va0\Qb ˆ hxi[Va0;Vb] where xˆx1x2withxi2Xa(i)0. Since [Va0\Qb;Vb]ˆZbZa‡2, [x;Vb]Za‡2.

Set Va0ˆVa0=Ya0. Then Va0ˆXa(1)0 Xa(2)0 44 and by Lemma 11.3 Za‡2ˆ(Za‡2\Xa(1)0 )(Za‡2\X(2)a0 )E(22). SinceX(i)a0 /Ga0, we infer that [xi;Vb]Za‡2\Xa(i)0 (iˆ1;2). Without loss of generality we may suppose x162[Xa(1)0 ;Ga0a0 1;2] (becauseVa0\Qb6ˆ[Va0;Vb]). Sohx1i[X(1)a 1;Ga0a0 1;2]

E(23) with


Xa(1)0 ;Ga0a0 1;2

Za‡2\Xa(1)0 :

But Proposition 2.5(ix) shows this to be impossible and so we have ruled out the possibility h(Gb;Vb)>1 and bˆ3. Therefore we have shown that h(Gb;Vb)ˆ1. The remainder of the theorem follows from Proposition 2.9(i) and Lemmas 2.2(iv), 11.3.

LEMMA12.2. Let(a;a0)2C andD(a)ˆ fl1;l2;l3g.

(i) V1(Z(Gab))ˆZbZ2 andV1(Z(Qa))ˆZaˆZliZlj E(22), 1i<j3.

(ii) Gab ˆQaQb and[Vb;Qb]ˆZb. (iii) coreGaVbˆVli\Vlj, i6ˆj.

(iv) Zb V1(Z(Qb)) 1



PROOF. (i) is mostly a restatement of Theorem 12.1; V1(Z(Qa))ˆZa

follows sinceZa is a projectiveGa=Qa-module and V1(Z(Qab))ˆZb Za. Part (ii) follows from Theorem 12.1 and Lemma 11.2.

Iffi;j;kg ˆ f1;2;3g, then clearlyGalknormalizesVli\Vlj. Also, [Vli\Vlj;Qli][Vli;Qli]ZliZaVli\Vlj:


Using part (ii) we now see thatVli\Vlj/Ga, so proving (iii).

Turning to (iv), we setMˆV1(Z(Qb)). Observing thatM is aGb=Qb- module with soc(M)ˆZb we haveM,!P(1). SincejV1(Z(Gab))j ˆ2, Pro- position 2.5(i) implies that M doesn't contain submodules of type

4 1

. HenceM


by Lemma 2.4.

We will make frequent use of Lemma 12.2, often without specific re- ference.

LEMMA 12.3. Let (a;a0)2C and suppose that coreGaVb>Za0. Then Vb=Zbis isomorphic to4or

4 1


PROOF. Since coreGaVb>Za, [coreGaVb;Qa]6ˆ1 by Lemma 12.2(i).

Clearly [coreGaVb;Qa]/Ga and so Lemma 12.2(i) implies that Za [coreGaVb;Qa]. Hence


and therefore Vb ˆ[Vb;Gb]. Now the lemma is a consequence of Theo- rem 12.1.

LEMMA12.4. Let(a;a0)2C. Then

(i) [Qb;O2(Gb)]6Qa; in particular Qa\Qa6/Gb. (ii) GbˆO2(Gb)Qa.

PROOF. (i) PutRb:ˆ[Qb;O2(Gb)] and assume thatRbQa. Clearly, Rb Q:ˆQa\Qb and so Q/Gb with QˆCQb(Za)ˆCQb(Vb). Since [Qb:Q]ˆ2 we get 22 jV1(Z(Qb))j jCVb(Qb)j 


p and hence

jVbj 24, a contradiction. This proves (i).

(ii) If Lb :ˆO2(Gb)Qa6ˆGb, then [Gb:Lb]ˆ2 with Qa2SyI2Lb; so Qa\QbˆO2(Lb)/Gb, but this contradicts (i).

Let (a;a0)2C and put YbˆCVb(O2(Gb)). Assume that jYbj ˆ22. We now define

Faˆ hYljl2D(a)i ˆDYbGaE and

Hbˆ hFmjm2D(b)i ˆ FaGb



ClearlyFa/GaandHb/Gb. Some less obvious properties of these groups are given in the next lemma.


(i) h(Ga;Fa)ˆ2; and (ii) h(Gb;Hb)2.

PROOF. (i) First we observe that ZaFa and, as jYbj ˆ22, that h(Ga;Fa)2. Ifh(Ga;Fa)ˆ1, thenFaˆYbZaand hence

[Qa;Fa]ˆ[Qa;YbZa]ˆ[Qa;Yb]Zb <Za:

Since [Qa;Fa]/Ga, we then getFaV1(Z(Qa))ˆZa, which is impossible.


(ii) SinceZa Fa, clearlyVb Hb. So if (ii) is false, thenHbˆFaVb. Hence [FaVb;Qb]/Gb and


By GabˆQaQb and (i) j[Fa;Qb]j 22 and so [FaVb;Qb]ˆ[Fa;Qb].

Because Fa=Za2 or 21, we see that j[Fa;Qb]j 23 and therefore [Fa;Qb] is centralized by O2(Gb). Consequently Za6[Fa;Qb] and so Za\[Fa;Qb]ˆZb. Next we consider


Therefore [VbFa;Qa\Qb]Zb. So Qa\QbCQb(VbFa=Zb). Recalling that [FaVb;Qb]ˆ[Fa;Qb] has order at least 22 we deduce thatQa\Qb ˆ

ˆCQb(VbFa=Zb). But thenQa\Qb/Gb, contrary to Lemma 12.4(i). This completes the verification of (ii).

The groupsFaandHb will be important in later arguments in, for ex- ample, Section 13 and Part VI. Now we return to examine further the si- tuation in Lemma 12.3 in our next lemma, where Fa makes a brief ap- pearance.

LEMMA 12.6. Let (a;a0)2C, and assume that coreGaVbˆVa 1\


(i) If Vb=Zb4, then Va 1\Vbˆ[Vb;Gab] or Va 1\Vb ˆ


(ii) Assume that Vb=Zb  4


, and set Yb ˆCVb(O2(Gb)). Then Yb6Va 1\Vband Yb(Va 1\Vb)6ˆVb. Hence one of the following holds:


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