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A new statistical procedure for testing the presence of a significative correlation in the residuals of stable autoregressive processes


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A new statistical procedure for testing the presence of a significative correlation in the residuals of stable

autoregressive processes

Frédéric Proïa

Colloque Jeunes Probabilistes et Statisticiens CIRM - Marseille

16-20 avril 2012 INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux



1 Introduction

Framework of the study Hypothesis

Stability conditions

2 On the autoregressive parameter Estimation and convergence Central limit theorem Rates of convergence

3 On the serial correlation parameter Estimation and convergence Central limit theorem Rates of convergence

4 Testing the residual autocorrelation of the AR(p)process The Durbin-Watson statistic

Test statistic

Empirical power and comparisons

5 Conclusion



Framework of the study

Significance of the serial correlation in the residuals.

Autoregressive process of orderp.

For alln≥1,

( Xn = θ1Xn−1+. . .+θpXn−pn εn = ρεn−1+Vn

whereX00are square-integrable andX−1,X−2, . . . ,X−p=0.

Preliminary study.

The empirical process is asymptotically stationary.

(Xn)has an autoregressive behavior.


Sharp analysis on the least squares estimators ofθandρ.

Statistical procedure for testingH0: “ρ=0”vsH1: “ρ6=0”.

Comparison of the empirical power of the test with commonly used procedures.

Use of the Durbin-Watson statistic.

ArXiv : 1203.1871.




Causality of the model.

Compact expression, for all 1≤t≤N, A(B)Xtt

where the polynomialA(z) =1−β1z−. . .−βpzppρzp+1and β= θ1+ρ θ2−θ1ρ . . . θp−θp−1ρ0.

Ais causal :A(z)6=0 for allz∈Csuch that|z| ≤1.

kθk1<1 and|ρ|<1 imply causality.

OnN, causality often coincides with asymptotic stationarity.

Autoregressive structure of order at leastp.


Moments on the noise.

(Vn)i.i.d. such thatE[V1] =0,E[V12] =σ2andE[V14] =τ4.

Possible to do without i.i.d. assumption.



Stability conditions

Serial correlation stability.

|ρ|<1 translates moments properties from(Vn)to(εn).

Autoregression stability.

kθk1<1 translates moments properties from(εn)to(Xn).

Lemma (Stability, M. Duflo)

Assume that(Vn)is a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables such that, for some a≥1,E[|V1|a]is finite. Then,




|Xk|a=O(n) a.s. and sup


|Xk|=o(n1/a) a.s.

More generally.

For allj≥0,




Xk−jXk=O(n) a.s.



1 Introduction

Framework of the study Hypothesis

Stability conditions

2 On the autoregressive parameter Estimation and convergence Central limit theorem Rates of convergence

3 On the serial correlation parameter Estimation and convergence Central limit theorem Rates of convergence

4 Testing the residual autocorrelation of the AR(p)process The Durbin-Watson statistic

Test statistic

Empirical power and comparisons

5 Conclusion


On the autoregressive parameter

Estimation and convergence

Least squares estimator.

For alln≥0, denote by

Φpn= Xn Xn−1 . . . Xn−p+10







In the AR(p)structureXn0Φpn−1n, for alln≥1,

θbn= (Sn−1)−1





Sis a symmetric positive definite matrix added to ensure the invertibility ofSn.


On the autoregressive parameter

Estimation and convergence



We have the almost sure convergence

n→∞lim bθn a.s.

The limiting value is given by


whereIpis the identity matrix of orderp,Jpis the exchange matrix of orderpand α= (1−θpρ)−1(1+θpρ)−1.

Strong consistency whenρ=0 under the stability conditions (Lai and Wei, 1983).


On the autoregressive parameter

Central limit theorem

Central limit theorem.


Assume that(Vn)has a finite moment of order 4. Then, we have the asymptotic normality

√n θbn−θ


n→∞−→ N(0,Σθ).

The asymptotic covariance matrix is given by

Σθ2(Ip−θpρJp) ∆−1p (Ip−θpρJp) where∆pis the positive definite almost sure limiting matrix ofσ−2Sn/n.

pis the covariance matrix of the standard stationary process built from(Xn).

Whenρ=0,Σθ= ∆−1p (see e.g. Brockwell and Davis, 1991).


On the autoregressive parameter

Rates of convergence

Quadratic strong law.


Assume that(Vn)has a finite moment of order 4. Then, we have the quadratic strong law

n→∞lim 1 logn




θbk−θ θbk−θ0

= Σθ a.s.

Law of iterated logarithm.


Assume that(Vn)has a finite moment of order 4. Then, we have the law of iterated logarithm

lim sup


n 2 log logn

θbn−θn−θ 0

= Σθ a.s.



1 Introduction

Framework of the study Hypothesis

Stability conditions

2 On the autoregressive parameter Estimation and convergence Central limit theorem Rates of convergence

3 On the serial correlation parameter Estimation and convergence Central limit theorem Rates of convergence

4 Testing the residual autocorrelation of the AR(p)process The Durbin-Watson statistic

Test statistic

Empirical power and comparisons

5 Conclusion


On the serial correlation parameter

Estimation and convergence

Estimated residual set.

For all 1≤k≤n, let


Least squares estimator.

In the AR(1)structureεn=ρεn−1+Vn, for alln≥1,

n= Pn

k=1εbkk−1 Pn

k=1k−12 .



We have the almost sure convergence

n→∞lim ρbn a.s.

The limiting value is given by

ρpρθp whereθpis thep−th element ofθ.

Whenρ=0,ρbnconverges a.s. to 0.


On the serial correlation parameter

Central limit theorem

Central limit theorem.


Assume that(Vn)has a finite moment of order 4. Then, we have the joint asymptotic normality


θbn−θ ρbn−ρ


n→∞−→ N(0,Γ).

In particular,


ρbn−ρ L

n→∞−→ N(0, σ2ρ) whereσ2ρ= Γp+1,p+1is the last diagonal element ofΓ.

The asymptotic covariance matrix is given by Γ =

Σθ θpρJpΣθe θpρe0ΣθJp σ2ρ


σρ2=PL0pPL−2α−1θpΛ1p0JpPL+ α−1θp2




On the serial correlation parameter

Rates of convergence

Quadratic strong law.


Assume that(Vn)has a finite moment of order 4. Then, we have the quadratic strong law

n→∞lim 1 logn





2ρ a.s.

Law of iterated logarithm.


Assume that(Vn)has a finite moment of order 4. Then, we have the law of iterated logarithm

lim sup


n 2 log logn

ρbn−ρ 2

ρ a.s.



1 Introduction

Framework of the study Hypothesis

Stability conditions

2 On the autoregressive parameter Estimation and convergence Central limit theorem Rates of convergence

3 On the serial correlation parameter Estimation and convergence Central limit theorem Rates of convergence

4 Testing the residual autocorrelation of the AR(p)process The Durbin-Watson statistic

Test statistic

Empirical power and comparisons

5 Conclusion


Testing the residual autocorrelation of the AR(p) process

The Durbin-Watson statistic

Introduced by Durbin and Watson.

Middle of last century.

Testing residual autocorrelation in standard regression analysis.

Biased in the dependent framework.

For alln≥1,

bDn= Pn

k=1(bεk−bεk−1)2 Pn

k=0k2 .


Asymptotic equivalence


+∞2(1−ρbn) a.s.


n→∞lim Dbn=2(1−ρ) =D a.s.

Central limit theorem


Dbn−D L

n→∞−→ N(0,4σ2ρ).

Rate of convergence



log logn n



Testing the residual autocorrelation of the AR(p) process

Test statistic

Test statistic.

For alln≥1,

bZn= n 4bθp,n2


wherebθp,n2 is thep−th element ofbθn.


Assume that(Vn)has a finite moment of order 4,θp6=0andθp6=0. Then, under the null hypothesisH0: “ρ=0”,

Zbn L n→∞−→ χ2

whereχ2has a Chi-square distribution with one degree of freedom. In addition, under the alternative hypothesisH1: “ρ6=0”,

n→∞lim Zbn= +∞ a.s.

Assumption{θp 6=0}not restrictive :{θp6=0} ∩ {θp =0} ⇒ {ρ6=0}.

H0not rejected ifZbn≤za, for a risk 0<a<1.


Testing the residual autocorrelation of the AR(p) process

Empirical power and comparisons

Empirical power on simulated data.

(Vn)i.i.d.N(0,1),p=3,θ= 0.1 −0.2 0.60


On large samples.

More powerful than theportmanteautests of Box-Pierce and Ljung-Box.

Wrong variance in the asymptotic normality : theportmanteautests overestimateH0.

Equivalent to theh-testof Durbin and to the Breusch-Godfrey test.


Testing the residual autocorrelation of the AR(p) process

Empirical power and comparisons

Empirical power on simulated data.

(Vn)i.i.d.N(0,1),p=3,θ= 0.1 −0.2 0.60


On small-sized samples.

More powerful than all other tests, except underH0.

Always more sensitive to the presence of correlation in the residuals.

Performs pretty well.



1 Introduction

Framework of the study Hypothesis

Stability conditions

2 On the autoregressive parameter Estimation and convergence Central limit theorem Rates of convergence

3 On the serial correlation parameter Estimation and convergence Central limit theorem Rates of convergence

4 Testing the residual autocorrelation of the AR(p)process The Durbin-Watson statistic

Test statistic

Empirical power and comparisons

5 Conclusion



Thank you for your attention !


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Bitseki Penda, V., Djellout, H., and Proïa, F.Moderate deviations for the Durbin-Watson statistic related to the first-order autoregressive process.arXiv 1201.3579. Submitted.


Durbin, J., and Watson, G. S.Testing for serial correlation in least squares regression.

I-II-III.Biometrika 37-38-57 (1950-51-71).

Malinvaud, E.Estimation et prévision dans les modèles économiques autorégressifs.

Review of the International Institute of Statistics 29 (1961).

Nerlove, M., and Wallis, K. F.Use of the Durbin-Watson statistic in inappropriate situations.Econometrica 34 (1966).

Park, S. B.On the small-sample power of Durbin’s h test.Journal of the American Statistical Association 70 (1975).


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