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3 Statistical testing of the variance


Academic year: 2022

Partager "3 Statistical testing of the variance"


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Universit´e Joseph Fourier L2/STA230

Lab 9: Statistical testing with one sample

Objectives: Compute statistical testing for one sample.

1 Statistical testing of an expectation

Exercise 1

1. UploadHER.txt, assign toEthe elbow breadth column, toWthe wrist breadth column.

2. Compute the summary of EandWand plot the distributions.

3. Compute a confidence interval of the expectations of EandWat a 90% confidence level. Comment.

4. Is the mean elbow breadth significantly larger than 6.3 in the whole population at a level of 5% ? among boys? among girls?

5. Is the mean wrist breadth significantly less than 5.8 in the whole population at a level of 5% ? among boys? among girls?

2 Statistical testing of a probability

Exercise 2

1. Upload the dataset HER.txt. Create a binary vector lowif wt(weight) is smaller than 70. Give the type of variablelow. Suggest a random variable to modellow. Compute the contingency table.

2. Test if half of the patients have a low weight using prop.test. Give the p-value and comment.

3. Apply this test only to girls.

4. Same question with boys. Comment.

3 Statistical testing of the variance

Exercise 3

1. Simulate a sample X of lengthn= 100 with a normal distribution with meanµ= 0 and standard deviation σ= 1.

2. Compute the p-value of the test at level 5% for comparing the empirical variance of X toσ20= 2, assuming the data are normal.


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