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The C language


Academic year: 2022

Partager "The C language"


Texte intégral


The C language

Granet Vincent December 6, 2016


Table of contents

1 Bibliography . . . 1

2 Presentation . . . 3

3 Getting started . . . 8

4 Basic types . . . 18

5 Variable declarations . . . 31

6 Expression . . . 36

7 Statements . . . 45

8 The preprocessor (1) . . . 61

9 Functions . . . 68

10 Arrays . . . 84

11 Structures and Unions . . . 93

12 Pointers . . . 105

13 Input/Output . . . 125

14 Separate compilation . . . 136

15 The preprocessor (2) . . . 144

16 C library . . . 153

17 Programming environment . . . 157



Part 1: Bibliography


[1] American National Standard for Information Systems. Programming Language – C, ANSI X3.159-1989, 89.

[2] Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie.

The C Programming Language. Prentice-Hall, second edition, 1988. (also published in

French, ed. MASSON).

[3] Samuel P. Harbison and Guy L. Steele. C: A Reference Manual. Prentice-Hall, second edition, 1987. (also published in French, ed.


[4] P. Drix. Langage C, norme ANSI. Masson, second edition, 1994. revue et augmente.

[5] J.P. Braquelaire. Mthodologie de la

programmation en langage C. Masson, 1995.

[6] FAQ C. see comp.lang.c and




Part 2: Presentation


❍ 1972 Dennis RITCHIE – Bell Laboratories Algol 60

BCPL (1967, M. Richard) B (1970, K. Thompson)

❍ System writing language

❍ Unix – Portability

❍ Traditional – K&R 1978 (obsolete)

❍ ANSI C: 1983 (X3J11) ⇒ 1989 (X3.159-1989)

⇒ ISO/IEC 9899:1990


Part 2: Presentation

Main features

❍ Procedural typed language – type constructors

❍ Separate compilation

❍ Archaic modularity model

❍ No input/output

❍ No dynamic allocation

❍ No concurrency

❍ C standard library

Part 2: Presentation

Evaluation: advantages

❍ Simplicity

❍ Efficiency

❍ Extensive library

❍ Good portability (PPC 1978, root of most public implementations)

❍ Also used as assembly language (C++, Eiffel, Modula 3, ...)

❍ Availability on most systems


Part 2: Presentation

Evaluation: drawbacks

❍ Two level syntax (preprocessor)

❍ Type checking is too permissive (but lint and ANSI C)

❍ Use of pointers can be tricky

❍ Programmer must be responsible

❍ Old language concepts




Getting started

Part 3: Getting started

My first C program

/* Write " Hello , world !" on s t a n d a r d output */

#i n c l u d e < stdio .h >

#i n c l u d e < stdlib .h >

i n t main (v o i d) {

printf (" Hello , world !\ n ");

r e t u r n E X I T _ S U C C E S S ; }

Compilation with Gnu C compiler:

$ gcc -ansi -Wall -o hello hello.c Execution:

$ hello

Hello world!



Part 3: Getting started

compiler cpp hello.c

hello gcc

gcc -ansi -Wall -o hello hello.c

Part 3: Getting started

Multi-file program


e x t e r n v o i d s a y _ h e l l o (v o i d);

i n t{} main (v o i d) {

s a y _ h e l l o ();

r e t u r n E X I T _ S U C C E S S ; }


#i n c l u d e < stdio .h >

v o i d s a y _ h e l l o (v o i d) {

printf (" Hello , world !\ n ");



Part 3: Getting started

Compiling multi-file program


$ gcc -ansi -Wall -o hello main.c hello.c or

$ gcc -ansi -Wall -c hello.c

$ gcc -ansi -Wall -c main.c

$ gcc -o hello main.o hello.o Execution:

$ hello

Hello, world!


Part 3: Getting started


gcc -o hello main.c hello.c



main.o cpp

compiler gcc



compiler gcc

hello.o hello.c

ld (linker)


Part 3: Getting started

Simplified version of cat

/* Not in C style */

#i n c l u d e < stdio .h >

#i n c l u d e < stdlib .h >

i n t main (v o i d) {

i n t c ;

c = getchar ();

w h i l e ( c != EOF ) { putchar ( c );

c = getchar ();


r e t u r n E X I T _ S U C C E S S ; }

Part 3: Getting started

/* C style ; assignment is an expression ! */

#i n c l u d e < stdio .h >

#i n c l u d e < stdlib .h >

i n t main (v o i d) {

i n t c ;

w h i l e (( c = getchar ()) != EOF ) putchar ( c );

r e t u r n E X I T _ S U C C E S S ; }


Part 3: Getting started

Characters counting

#i n c l u d e < stdio .h >

#i n c l u d e < stdlib .h >

i n t main (v o i d) {

l o n g nbchar = 0 L ;

w h i l e ( getchar () != EOF ) nbchar ++;

printf (" I ’ ve read % ld c h a r a c t e r s \ n ", nbchar );

r e t u r n E X I T _ S U C C E S S ; }

Part 3: Getting started

#i n c l u d e < stdio .h >

#i n c l u d e < stdlib .h >

i n t main (v o i d) {

l o n g nbchar ;

f o r( nbchar = 0; getchar () != EOF ; nbchar + /* Nothing */;

printf (" I ’ ve read % ld c h a r a c t e r s \ n ", nbcha r e t u r n E X I T _ S U C C E S S ;



Basic types

Part 4: Basic types

C types

❍ void

❍ Scalar types

– Arithmetic types

∗ Integer types

∗ Real types

– Enumerated types – Pointer types

❍ Function types

❍ Structured types – Arrays

– Structures – Unions


Part 4: Basic types

void type

❍ No object can be of this type

❍ Used to define a function with no result (procedure)

❍ Also used with pointers

Part 4: Basic types

Integer types

❍ Signed integer or unsigned integer values

❍ Bit fields

❍ Boolean values (no boolean type in C!)

❍ Characters


Part 4: Basic types

Signed integers

❍ short [ int ]

❍ int

❍ long [ int ]

❍ long long [ int ]

❍ −2n1..2n1 −1, two’s complement

❍ −(2n1 −1)..2n1−1, one’s complement sizeof(short) 6 sizeof(int) 6 sizeof(long)


123 (decimal) 0173 (octal) Ox7B (hexadecimal) 123L (long int)

Note: <limits.h> defines several minimums and maximums for arithmetic types. For example,

#define INT MIN -32767

Part 4: Basic types

Unsigned integers

❍ unsigned short [ int ]

❍ unsigned int

❍ unsigned long [ int ]

❍ unsigned long long [ int ]

❍ 0..2n −1

sizeof(unsigned short) 6 sizeof(unsigned) 6 sizeof(unsigned long)

❍ arithmetic is modulo 2n (i.e. max + 1 == 0)

❍ signed + unsigned = unsigned (K&R)

❍ signed + unsigned = signed (K&R)


123 (decimal) 0173 (octal) Ox7b (hexadecimal) 123u (unsigned int) 123ul (unsigned long)


Part 4: Basic types


Character values can be used in integer expressions

❍ [ unsigned ] char

❍ character values are always positive

❍ representation depends on implementation (signed, unsigned, pseudo-unsigned)

u n s i g n e d c h a r c = 255;

i f ( c / -1 == 1) printf (" signed \ n ");

e l s e i f ( c / -1 == 0) /* K & R */

printf (" unsigned \ n ");

e l s e i f ( c / -1 == -255)

printf (" unsigned ( ansi ) or pseudo - unsign e l s e fprintf ( stderr ," weird \ n ");

❍ EOF problem


Part 4: Basic types

’\a’ (audible bell)

’\b’ (backspace) ’\f’ (form feed)

’\n’ (newline) ’\r’ (carriage return)

’\t’ (horizontal tab) ’\v’ (vertical tab)


Part 4: Basic types


❍ float

❍ double

❍ long double

sizeof(float) 6 sizeof(double) 6sizeof(long double)


0. .0 2.123 3e1 1.3E-12 2e+23 12.34f 0e-34F 0.0L 98.e-4l

Part 4: Basic types

Internal representations

❍ Sizes of simple types are not specified by the language (they depend on the machine)

❍ By definition sizeof(char) == 1

sizeof(char) 6 sizeof(short) 6 sizeof(int) 6sizeof(long)


8,16,32,32 Sparc Sun (32 bits) 8,16,32,64 PC (64 bits)

sizeof(float) 6 sizeof(double) 6 sizeof(long double)


32,64,64 DEC Alpha (32 bits) 32,64,128 PC (64 bits)


Part 4: Basic types

Enumerated types (1/2)

Similar to Pascal enumerated types

enum color { green , red , blue };

Identifiers represent integer constants, and the compiler automatically binds them to constant in increasing order (starting from 0 by default)

enum color { green =0 , red =1 , blue =2};

Part 4: Basic types

Enumerated types (2/2)

Values for constants of an enumeration may also be specified by the user:

enum color { green = 20 , red = -10 , blue };

/* blue == -9 */

enum spaces {

bell =’\ a ’, bspace =’\ b ’, newline =’\ n ’, creturn =’\ r ’, tab =’\ t ’, vtab =’\ v ’ };

Enumeration values may be equal:

enum color { green =20 , red = -10 , blue = -10};


Part 4: Basic types

Enumeration constant identifiers must be different across several enum types inside a scope

Variable declarations


Part 5: Variable declarations


Character set is a superset of ISO 646-1983 (and also trigraph notion)


❍ Sequence of letters or digits (first character must be a letter)

❍ Underscore ” ” is considered as a letter

❍ Case sensitive


ident Ident IDENT

foo x1 x123 _1234 foo_foo MAX __DATE__ (macros)

Part 5: Variable declarations


32 keywords

auto double int struct

break else long switch

case enum register typedef

char extern return union

const float short unsigned

continue for signed void

default goto sizeof volatile

do if static while

Note: * ANSI C.

Cannot be used as identifiers


Part 5: Variable declarations

Variable declarations

/* simple d e c l a r a t i o n s */

i n t x ; c h a r c ;

f l o a t foo1 , foo2 , foo3 ;

/* d e c l a r a t i o n s with i n i t i a l i z a t i o n */

u n s i g n e d i n t addr = 0 xFFFFu ; d o u b l e x1 , x2 = 123.45;

c h a r c1 = ’a ’, c2 = ’b ’, c3 = ’c ’;

/* c o n s t a n t d e c l a r a t i o n s */

c o n s t d o u b l e PI = 3 . 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 ; c o n s t max = 100; /* int by default */

/* with user defined types */

enum color { green , red , blue } light = red ; enum { empty , full } state ; /* a n o n y m o u s type */

const declarations declare variables which cannot be changed. Memory space is allocated!

Part 5: Variable declarations

Naming types: typedef

❍ typedef is used to give a name to a type

t y p e d e f i n t Integer ;

t y p e d e f enum { false , true } boolean ; t y p e d e f enum { green , red , blue } color ;

Integer i , j , k ; boolean b = true ; color light = blue ;

typedef does not define a new type, simply a syn- onym



Part 6: Expression

❍ Arithmetic operators

Integers Reals

Unary + - + -

Binary + - * / % + - * /

☞ no overflow checking

❍ Relational operators

== !=

> >= < <=

☞ type of operands: arithmetic or pointer type of result: int (0 or 1)

❍ Logical operators

|| && !

☞ type of operands: all scalar types type of result: int (0 or 1)

☞ the second operand is not evaluated, if the result can be deduced from the first



Part 6: Expression

❍ Bitwise operators

~ | ^ &

☞ type of operands: int

❍ Shift operators

<< >>

☞ left shift is 0-filled

☞ right shift fills by 0 if its first operand is unsigned, otherwise fills (maybe) by copy of sign bit

❍ Conditional operator

☞ the only ternary operator of the language condition ? expr1 : expr2

min = a < b ? a : b;

Part 6: Expression

❍ Assignment operators – Simple assignment


operand types: arithmetic, pointer, struct or union

☞ result type: (non converted) left operand type

– Compound assignment

a op= b ⇔ a = a op b (a is only evaluated once)

+= -= *= /= %=

&= ^= |=

<<= >>=

– Incrementation - decrementation (by 1) x++ x-- (postfixed)

☞ result is value of x before

incrementation (or decrementation) ++x --x (prefixed)

☞ result is value of x after incrementation (or decrementation)


Part 6: Expression

❍ sizeof operator

sizeof expr or sizeof(type)

int a;

printf("%d %d\n",sizeof a, sizeof(int));

☞ expr is not evaluated, and object size must be computed at compile time

❍ Comma operator

expr1 , expr2 , ... exprn

☞ result is the value of the last expression (i.e. exprn)

– used when several expressions must be evaluated in some place where only one is permitted

f o r( i =0 , j = MAX ; i < j ; i ++ , j - -) { /* .... */


Part 6: Expression

Precedence and order of evaluation

16 () function call

16 [] indexation

16 . field selection

16 -> indirect field selection

15 ++ -- postfixed incr/decr

14 ++ -- prefixed incr/decr

14 sizeof size

14 (type) casting

14 ~ bitwise negation

14 ! negation

14 - opposite

14 & address of

14 * indirection

13 L * / % multiplicative operators

12 L + - additive operators

11 L << >> shifts operators

10 L < <= > >= relational operators

9 L == != equality operators

8 L & bitwise and

7 L ^ bitwise exclusive or

6 L | bitwise or

5 L && and

4 L || or

3 R ?: conditional

2 R = += -= *= /= %= assignments

2 R <<= >>= &= ^= |=

1 L , comma


Part 6: Expression

Implicit type conversions (1/2)

Applied when operand types of an expression are different.

Rules are rather complex!

❍ Unary conversions

integer types shorter than int int signed integer types same size as int int unsigned integer types same size asint int

float double (K&R)

❍ Binary conversions

1 if operands are not arithmetic

or same types no conversion

2 if one op long double long double

3 if one op double double

4 if one op float float

5 if one op unsigned long unsigned long

6 if one op long long

7 if one op unsigned int unsigned int 8 else operand types are int no conversion

Part 6: Expression

Implicit type conversions (2/2)

❍ Assignment conversions

type of left and right parts are identical no conversion

left part right part

all arithmetic types all arithmetic types all pointer types integer constant 0 all pointer types void *

pointer to T array T pointer to function function

❍ Function parameter conversions Unary conversions are applied float ⇒ double


Part 6: Expression

Explicit conversions (cast)

(T) expression

to convert the result of expression into a value of type T

(i n t) 2.0 /* convert 2.0 to int ( i . e . 2) */

3 / (f l o a t) 4 /* = 0.75 whereas 3/4 = 0 */

no explicit conversion to struct or union integer integer

real integer

pointer integer

real real

integer real pointer pointer

integer pointer (0 and void *) array pointer (implicit) function pointer (implicit) any type void (but unusable)



Part 7: Statements

Elementary statement


; is an instruction terminator

to define an empty statement just put a ; w h i l e (( c = getchar ()) != SPACE )

/* do nothing */ ;

Part 7: Statements

Compound statement


[ list of declarations ] [ list of statements ] }

- to group several statements

w h i l e (a < b ) { a ++; b - -;


- to define local variables

i f (x >0) { f l o a t a , b ; a = x ; /* .... */


- to delimit a function body


Part 7: Statements

i n t main (v o i d) { /* ....} */

Part 7: Statements

If statement (1/2)

i f ( l o g i c a l _ e x p r e s s i o n ) i n s t r u c t i o n

i f ( l o g i c a l _ e x p r e s s i o n ) i n s t r u c t i o n

e l s e

i n s t r u c t i o n

☞ use a compound statement if several statements are needed in a branch

☞ logical expression is an integer expression which value is:


0 ⇔ false

not 0 ⇔ true


Part 7: Statements

If statement (2/2)

i f ( x == 0) y = 0;

i f ( x > y ) max = x ; e l s e max = y ;

i f ( isdigit ( c )) {

printf (" c is a digit \ n ");

n = c - ’0 ’; }

i f ( x == 1) i f ( y == 1)

printf (" x and y are equal to one \ n ");

e l s e

a = b = 0;

i f ( x == 1) { i f ( y == 1)

printf (" x and y are equal to one \ n ");

} e l s e

a = b = 0;

Part 7: Statements

Switch statement (1/2)

s w i t c h ( i n t e g e r _ e x p r e s s i o n ) { c a s e value1: [ i n s t r u c t i o n s1 ] c a s e value2: [ i n s t r u c t i o n s2 ] ...

c a s e valuen: [ i n s t r u c t i o n sn ] [ d e f a u l t: [ i n s t r u c t i o n sn+1 ] ] }

❍ the switch expression value is an integer or enum

❍ case label values are constant expressions compatible with the switch expression

❍ switch exit with break (or return, goto, ...) instruction.


Part 7: Statements

Switch statement (2/2)

i n t c ;

s w i t c h ( c ) {

c a s e ’_ ’: printf (" For C , ’_ ’ is a ");

c a s e ’a ’: c a s e ’A ’:

.. . c a s e ’z ’:

c a s e ’Z ’: printf (" letter \ n ");

b r e a k; c a s e ’ ’:

c a s e ’\ n ’:

c a s e ’\ t ’: printf (" space \ n ");

b r e a k;

d e f a u l t: printf (" other character \ n ");


Part 7: Statements

Loops (1/2)

w h i l e ( l o g i c a l _ e x p r e s s i o n ) i n s t r u c t i o n

do i n s t r u c t i o n

w h i l e ( l o g i c a l _ e x p r e s s i o n );

f o r ( i n i t i a l i z a t i o n ; c o n d i t i o n ; i n c r e m e n t ) i n s t r u c t i o n ;

The For loop is strictly equivalent to:

i n i t i a l i z a t i o n ;

w h i l e ( c o n d i t i o n ) { i n s t r u c t i o n ;

i n c r e m e n t ; }


Part 7: Statements

Loops (2/2)

i = 1;

w h i l e ( i < MAX ) { n *= i ;

i ++;


i = 1; j = MAX ; do {

i ++; j - -;

} w h i l e ( i < j );

f o r( i = 1; i < MAX ; i ++) n *= i ;

Part 7: Statements

f o r( ; ; )

/* infinite loop */;


Part 7: Statements

Break statement

❍ Used to exit from a switch or a loop statement

w h i l e (1) { /* ... */

i f ( e x c e p t i o n ) b r e a k; /* ... */


f o r( i = 0; i < MAX ; i ++) i f ( t [ i ] == item ) b r e a k;

Part 7: Statements

f o r( i = 0; i < MAX ; i ++) s w i t c h ( t [ i ]) {

c a s e 0: /* .... */;

c a s e 1: b r e a k; /* probably wrong */

/* .... */



Part 7: Statements

Continue statement

❍ Used in loops

❍ Go to the next iteration

❍ In for loop, incrementation part is done first

❍ In while and do loops, test part is executed immediatly

f o r( i = 0; i < MAX ; i ++) { i f ( t [ i ] < 0) c o n t i n u e; /* ... */


Part 7: Statements

w h i l e ( i ++ < MAX ) { s w i t c h ( t [ i ]) {

c a s e 0: /* .... */; c a s e 1: c o n t i n u e; /* .... */


/* .... */



Part 7: Statements

Goto statement

❍ To avoid

❍ But exceptions


/* ... */

i f ( e x c e p t i o n ) g o t o Error ; /* ... */

/* ... */

Error : /* ... */; }

The preprocessor (1)


Part 8: The preprocessor (1)

❍ Called before the compiler proper

❍ Directives start with a sharp

#command-name [ arguments ]

❍ Main functions:

– macro definitions and replacement (#define)

– file inclusion (#include)

– conditional compilation (#if, #ifdef,


❍ To write a multi-line directive use a backslash (\)

❍ E option of gcc to stop after the preprocessing stage

Part 8: The preprocessor (1)

Simple macro definition

❍ To define constants

❍ #define identifier character sequence

#d e f i n e FALSE 0

#d e f i n e EOF ( -1)

#d e f i n e PI 3 . 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3

#d e f i n e SIZE 1024

#d e f i n e SIZE2 (2 * SIZE )

#d e f i n e begin {

#d e f i n e end ;}

#d e f i n e then

#d e f i n e p r o c e d u r e v o i d

❍ One may forget a macro definition

#u n d e f SIZE

#u n d e f then


Part 8: The preprocessor (1)

Simple macro replacement

❍ replacement is only textual

i n t buf [ SIZE ] , big_buf [ SIZE2 ];

p r o c e d u r e foo (v o i d) begin

i f ( x < SIZE ) then begin x ++; z ++

end end

After pre-processing:

i n t buf [1024] , big_buf [(2 * 1024)];

v o i d foo (v o i d) {

i f ( x < 1024) { x ++; z ++


Part 8: The preprocessor (1)

Definition in compilation command line

❍ D compiler option provides a way to define macros without modifying the source file

% gcc -ansi -DMAXSIZE=100 -DDEBUG file.c


Part 8: The preprocessor (1)

Predefined macros

DATE current compilation date of source file TIME current compilation time of source file FILE current source file name

LINE current source file line number STDC must be defined in ANSI C

❍ These macros cannot be redefined or undefined

Part 8: The preprocessor (1)

Inclusion of source files

❍ Two notations

#include "filename"

#include <filename>

❍ The first one researches the file in the current directory, and in case of failure, in the

standard directories

❍ The second form researches only in the standard directories

#i n c l u d e " mine . h "

#i n c l u d e " ../../ stack . h "

#i n c l u d e < stdio .h >

#i n c l u d e < sys / stat .h >

#i n c l u d e " stdio . h "

☞ an included file may itself contain inclusion directives



Part 9: Functions

Function definition (1/3)

❍ Traditional form (K&R)

[result_type] fname([arg_list]) [arg_types]


[local declarations]



i n t max (a , b ) i n t a , b ; {

r e t u r n a > b ? a : b ; }

❍ This form is now obsolete


Part 9: Functions

Function definition (2/3)

❍ ANSI C form

result_type fname(arg_decl_list) {

[local declarations]



i n t max (i n t a , i n t b ) {

r e t u r n a > b ? a : b ; }

❍ No embedded functions

a function without argument is declared f() in K&R style, and f(void) in ansi style.

Part 9: Functions

Function definition (3/3)

❍ Result type – void

– any scalar type: integer, real, pointer, enumeration

– structure and union

– but no array (only address) – default result type is int (K&R)

❍ Argument types

– any scalar type: integer, real, pointer, enumeration

– structure and union – array

the size may not be specified int strlen(char s[MAX]) int strlen(char s[])

– types of formal and effective arguments must be compatible


Part 9: Functions

Argument passing

❍ Only one transmission mode: by value

v o i d f (i n t x ) {

x ++;

printf (" In function f : % d \ n ", x );


i n t main (v o i d) {

i n t a = 1;

f ( a );

printf (" After call to f : % d \ n ", a );

r e t u r n E X I T _ S U C C E S S ; }

In function f: 2 After call to f: 1

Part 9: Functions

❍ Evaluation order of arguments is not guaranteed


Part 9: Functions

Argument matching

❍ Formal arguments: implicit unary conversion (if needed)

❍ (K&R): no checks on effective arguments (number and type)

❍ ANSI C: the number and type of effective arguments are checked

Part 9: Functions

v o i d f (a , b ) /* K & R form */

i n t a ; d o u b l e b ; { }

v o i d g (i n t a , d o u b l e b ) /* ANSI form */

{ }

i n t main (v o i d) {

f (1); /* no c o m p i l a t i o n error */

f (1 ,2 ,4 ,5); /* no c o m p i l a t i o n error */

f (" abc ", " zzz "); /* no c o m p i l a t i o n error */

f (1.5 ,2); /* p o t e n t i a l problem */

f (1 ,2); /* p o t e n t i a l problem */

g (1); /* c o m p i l a t i o n error */

g (1 ,2 ,4 ,5); /* c o m p i l a t i o n error */

g (" abc ", " zzz "); /* c o m p i l a t i o n error */

g (1.5 ,2); /* 1.5 is c o n v e r t e d into int */

g (1 ,2); /* 2 is c o n v e r t e d into double */



Part 9: Functions

Returning from a function

Return statement: return [expr];

return statement may appear anywhere in the function body

❍ if function result type is void, expr is omitted

❍ if function result type is void, and there is no return statement, a default return is

implicitly set at the end of the function body

❍ if function result type is T, expr must exist and be of (converted, if possible) T type

i n t f (v o i d) {

r e t u r n 12.6;

/* that is return ( int ) 12.6 ( i . e . 12) */


Part 9: Functions

Variables (1/4)

❍ Global variable

Definition: outside any block

Lifetime: static = the whole program execution

Scope: from the declaration place to the end of the file (unless masked)

❍ Local variable

Definition: inside a block (variables declared in main function are local)

Lifetime: automatic = execution time of the block

Scope: the block and any nested blocks (unless masked)


Part 9: Functions

Variables (2/4)

i n t a ;

v o i d f (v o i d) { i n t b ;

x ++; /* x is unknown */

a ++; /* incrementi ng global variable */

b ++; /* incrementi ng local variable */


i n t x ;

i n t main (v o i d) {

i n t a ; /* mask global variable */

x ++; /* incrementi ng global variable */

a ++; /* incrementi ng local variable */

r e t u r n E X I T _ S U C C E S S ; }

Part 9: Functions

Variables (3/4)

❍ Static variable

Definition: inside a block, prefixed by static

Lifetime: the whole program execution Scope: the block and any nested blocks (unless masked)

❍ Register variable

Definition: inside a block (argument or variable), prefixed by register

Lifetime: execution time of the block Scope: the block and any nested blocks (unless masked)

Note: set in register if possible (only scalar values)


Part 9: Functions

Variables (4/4)

i n t f (v o i d) {

r e g i s t e r i n t c ; s t a t i c i n t x = 0;

w h i l e (( c = getchar ()) != EOF ) putchar ( c );

r e t u r n x ++;


i n t main (v o i d) {

printf (" % d % d \ n ", f () , f ());

/* 1 0 */

r e t u r n E X I T _ S U C C E S S ; }

Part 9: Functions

Function declarations

❍ Function declaration = to give its prototype (i.e. its header)

Useful if one calls

- a function defined later in the same source file

- a function defined in another source file

❍ Two forms:

K&R: type fname();

ex: double cos();

ANSI C: type fname(arg type list);

ex: double cos(double);

❍ If neither the definition nor the declaration of the function are available, the compiler

performs an implicit declaration assuming int as return type and no arguments checking


Part 9: Functions

Variable number of arguments (1/2)

❍ List of arguments denoted by ... after the last named argument (one at least)

❍ A set of macros

#include <stdarg.h>

va start(va list ap, last named parameter) va arg(va list ap, type)

va end(va list ap)

/* va_list ap represents the current argument*/

Part 9: Functions

Variable number of arguments (2/2)

#i n c l u d e < stdarg .h >

i n t max (i n t first , ...)

/* return the maximum of p o s i t i v e i n t e g e r s ; the list ending up with -1



i n t maxi = 0;

va_list ap ; /* current a r g u m e n t */

va_start ( ap , first );

w h i l e ( first != -1) {

i f ( first > maxi ) maxi = first ; first = va_arg ( ap , i n t);


va_end ( ap );

r e t u r n maxi ; }

i n t main (v o i d) {

x = max (2 , 56 , 67 , 1 , 16 , -1);

x = max (12 , 14 , 4 , -1 , 20 , 30 , -1);




Part 10: Arrays


❍ Only one dimension

❍ Multi-dimensional arrays are represented by arrays of arrays

❍ Integer index only

❍ Low bound is always 0

❍ Index within the bounds of array’s index range IS NOT checked at running time!

❍ Can be initialized with aggregates

❍ C compiler must be able to calculate statically the size of the array


Part 10: Arrays

i n t t [10]; /* t [0] t [1] ... t [9] */

f l o a t m [3][8];

/* m [0][0] m [0][1] ... m [0][7]

m [1][0] m [1][1] ... m [1][7]

m [2][0] m [2][1] ... m [2][7]


Part 10: Arrays


c h a r t [4] = { ’A ’, ’B ’, ’C ’, ’D ’ };

f l o a t m [2][3] = { { 0.0 , 0.1 , 0.2 } , { 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.2 }};

❍ Missing elements are initialized to 0

c h a r t [4] = {’A ’, ’B ’}; /* t [2]== t [3]== ’\0 ’ */

f l o a t m [2][3] = { { 0.0 } ,

{ 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.2 }};

/* m [0][1] == m [0][2] == 0.0 */

❍ First dimension can be omitted, size of array is automatically calculated by the compiler


Part 10: Arrays

c h a r t [] = { ’A ’, ’B ’, ’C ’, ’D ’ };

i n t m [][3] = { { 0 , 1 , 2 } , { 3 , 4 }

{ 5 } };

/* m = ‘\ tmpmat {} ‘ */

Part 10: Arrays

String (1/3)

❍ Array of char

❍ String litteral constants are in double quotes

❍ Ends with a nul character (’\0’) sizeof "abc"== 4

❍ It is not a type by itself

c h a r s1 [10] = {’1 ’,’2 ’,’3 ’,’4 ’,’ \0 ’};

c h a r s2 [10] = " 1234 ";

" I ’m a string "

" " /* an empty string */

" \ t \" Hello World \"\ n "

" a multi - line ...\

string !!! "


Part 10: Arrays

String (2/3)

❍ C compiler automatically sets ’\0’ at the end of litteral string constant

❍ Don’t forget to set it when defining string from array of characters

❍ No predefined operators on strings

❍ Standard library provides a lot of string functions (concatenation, copy, ...) ; string.h

❍ These string functions do not manage memory space allocation (except strdup)

Part 10: Arrays

String (3/3)

i n t strlen (c h a r s [])

/* calculate the length of the string s */


i n t i = 0;

w h i l e ( s [ i ] != ’ \0 ’) i ++;

r e t u r n i ; }


Part 10: Arrays

v o i d strcpy (c h a r s1 [] , c h a r s2 []) /*

copy the string pointed to by s2 to the string pointed to by s1



i n t i = 0;

w h i l e (( s1 [ i ] = s2 [ i ]) != ’ \0 ’) i ++;


Structures and Unions


Part 11: Structures and Unions

Structures (1/3)

❍ Collection of objects, which may be of different types

❍ Called records in Pascal

s t r u c t complexe { d o u b l e real , imag ; };

s t r u c t complexe x , y ;

s t r u c t {

/* anonymous type */

i n t day , month , year ; c h a r m o n t h _ n a m e [10];

} d ;

t y p e d e f s t r u c t { d o u b l e real , imag ; } complexe ;

Part 11: Structures and Unions

Structures (2/3)

❍ Variables of struct type can be initialized with aggregates

– K&R: only static variables

– ANSI: static and automatic variables


Part 11: Structures and Unions

s t r u c t complexe { d o u b l e real , imag ; } x = { 1.4 , 3.5 };

s t r u c t {

/* anonymous type */

i n t day , month , year ; c h a r m o n t h _ n a m e [10];

} d = { 2 , 3 , 1997 , " March " } ; s t r u c t S1 {

i n t x ;

s t r u c t { d o u b l e d ; c h a r c ; } y ; i n t z [5];


s t r u c t S1 x = { 1 , { 10.9 } };


same as struct S1 x =

{ 1 , { 10.9 , ’\0 ’} , { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } };


Part 11: Structures and Unions

Structures (3/3)

❍ Field access: member operator “.”

s t r u c t complexe x ;

x . real = 12.5; x . imag = 0.5;

i n t leap (s t r u c t date d ) {

r e t u r n d . year % 4 == 0 && d . year % 100 != 0

|| d . year % 400 == 0;


s t r u c t person {

c h a r name [ NAMESIZE ];

l o n g i n t n_insee ; s t r u c t date b i r t h d a t e ; } p ;

strcpy ( p . name ," John ");

p . b i r t h d a t e . year = 1986;


Part 11: Structures and Unions

Bit fields

❍ Bit fields can be used to access memory word at bit level

❍ Fields have to be unsigned integer values within a machine word

000000 000000 000 111111 111111 111


s page offset

31 29 23 15 0

Virtual address on XBQ-43

s t r u c t virtual \ _address { u n s i g n e d offset : 16;

u n s i g n e d page : 8;

u n s i g n e d segment : 6;

u n s i g n e d : 1; /* unused */

u n s i g n e d s u p e r v i s o r : 1;


❍ Portabililty problem

Part 11: Structures and Unions

Unions (1/4)

❍ Unions provide type union

❍ Variants in Pascal records

u n i o n S t r i n g I n t {

c h a r string [ MAXSIZE ];

i n t i ; };

u n i o n S t r i n g I n t x , y ;

But also


Part 11: Structures and Unions

u n i o n S t r i n g I n t {

c h a r string [ MAXSIZE ];

i n t i ; } x , y ; u n i o n {

/* anonymous type */

c h a r string [ MAXSIZE ];

i n t i ; } x , y ;

Part 11: Structures and Unions

Unions (2/4)

❍ Static variables of union type can be initialized with aggregates in ANSI C

❍ Only the first member is initialized

enum sexe { m , f };

s t a t i c u n i o n {

s t r u c t { enum sexe kind ; i n t shape ; } X ; s t r u c t { enum sexe kind ; d o u b l e shape ; } Y ; } U = { f , 100 };


Part 11: Structures and Unions

Unions (3/4)

❍ Field access with member operator ”.”

❍ Only one member is accessible at a time

u n i o n { i n t i , d o u b l e d } u ;

u . i = 20; /* access to u . d allowed , but u n d e f i n e d */


u . d = 1.1; /* access to u . i allowed , but u n d e f i n e d */

❍ Use a selector

Part 11: Structures and Unions

s t r u c t person {

c h a r l a s t _ n a m e [20] , f i r s t _ n a m e [20];

s t r u c t date b i r t h d a t e ;

enum { f , m } sexe ; /* s e l e c t o r */

u n i o n {

c h a r m a i d e n _ n a m e [20];

enum { false , true } army ; } info ;

} p ;

p . sexe = f ; strcpy ( p . info . maiden_name ," Monroe ");

p . sexe = m ; p . info . army = false ;


Part 11: Structures and Unions

Unions (4/4)

❍ Size of an union object = memory space for representing its largest member (+ eventually alignment requirements)

struct {


double c;

int b;

char a;

c union {


double c;

int b;

char a;

000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000

111111 111111 111111 111111 111111 111111

000000 000000 000000 111111 111111 111111 00000000

00000000 11111111 11111111

char = 8 bits, int = 32 bits, double = 64 bits

a b

a b




Part 12: Pointers

❍ A pointer contains the address of an object.

The access to the pointed object is thus performed indirectly

❍ Pointers are typed ⇒ Compatiblity needed for assignment!

❍ Conversions

– implicit to any pointer to void * (and back)

– any other pointer types need an explicit cast

❍ #define NULL ((void *) 0) in <stddef.h>

❍ Heavy use of pointers. Programs are – more compact

– more efficient

– but far less readable!

– but error prone!

Part 12: Pointers


i n t * p1 , * p2 ; /* two p o i n t e r s to integer */

c h a r * p3 , p4 ; /* one pointer to char , one char */

c h a r ** s ; /* pointer to pointer to char */

v o i d * r ; /* pointer to void ( generic ) */

f l o a t * s [10] /* array of 10 p o i n t e r s to real */

f l o a t (* t )[10] /* pointer to an array of 10 reals */

i n t (* pfunc )(v o i d); /* pointer to f u n c t i o n with no argument , r e t u r n i n g an int */

i n t (* T [5])(v o i d); /* array of 5 such p o i n t e r s */


Part 12: Pointers

Basic operations on pointers

❍ * indirection (dereferencing)

❍ & address of (referencing)

i = 10;

pi = &i;

j = *pi;


q = pi;

pi i j q


10 10


11 10

10 11

{ int *pi, i, j, *q = NULL;


Part 12: Pointers

Arithmetic operators on pointers

❍ Comparison: == != < <= > >=

❍ Adding/substracting an integer:

– pointer + integer → pointer – pointer − integer → pointer – address scaling

❍ Substracting two pointers of same type – pointer − pointer → integer

– the result is an algebraic number of objects of the type


Part 12: Pointers

Pointers and arrays (1/2)

❍ Pointers and arrays are closely related concepts

❍ An array is a constant pointer to the first element of the array

❍ t[i] ⇔ *(t+i)

❍ t[i][j] ⇔ *(*(t+i)+j)

i n t *p , t [8];

c h a r * s = " hello "; c h a r st [] = " hello ";

p = t ;

p = & t [0]; /* idem as above */


t [2]==*( t +2)==*( p +2)== p [2]

s [2]==*( s +2)==*(" hello "+2)==" hello "[2]


Part 12: Pointers

Pointers and arrays (2/2)

❍ Difference between arrays and pointers

e l l o \0 h


e l

h l o \0

char *p = "hello";

char t[8] = "hello";


p ++; /* OK */

t ++; /* KO */

printf (" % d % d \ n ",s i z e o f( p ) ,s i z e o f( t ));

/* 4 8 */


Part 12: Pointers

Pointers and structures

❍ It is illegal for a structure to reference itself

❍ Recursive declarations use pointers

s t r u c t list { i n t item ;

s t r u c t list * next ; } * l ;

❍ Access to structure (or union) members: ->

l->item is equivalent to (*l).item

Part 12: Pointers

String functions with pointers

i n t strlen (c o n s t c h a r * s )

/* calculate the length of a string s */


c h a r * p = s ;

w h i l e (* s ++) /* empty body */; r e t u r n (s -1) - p ;



Part 12: Pointers

c h a r * strcpy (c h a r * s1 , c o n s t c h a r * s2 ) /*

copy the string pointed to by s2 to the string pointed to by s1



c h a r * p = s1 ;

w h i l e (* s1 ++ = * s2 ++) /* empty body */; r e t u r n p ;


Part 12: Pointers

Simulating call by reference

❍ When a function needs to return more than one result

v o i d swap (i n t *a , i n t * b ) {

i n t aux ;

aux = * a ; * a = * b ; * b = aux ; } ...

i n t x , y ; ...

swap (& x , & y ); /* function call */

❍ Array is a pointer. There is no copying of array elements!


Part 12: Pointers

v o i d reset (f l o a t t [] , i n t n ) /* reset the t array to 0 */


i n t i = 0;

w h i l e (i < n ) t [ i ++] = 0.0;


f l o a t ftab [ MAX ];


reset ( ftab , MAX ); /* function call */

Part 12: Pointers

Pointers and constants

❍ Constant pointer. Need to be initialized at declaration time

i n t * c o n s t pconst = & x ;

❍ Pointer to constant object. The object cannot be modified through the pointer

c o n s t i n t * pconst ;

❍ Constant pointer to constant object

c o n s t i n t * c o n s t p c o n s t _ t o _ c o n s t = & x ;

c o n s t i n t i = 1;

i n t * p = & i ; /* wrong */


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