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Spectroscopy of H-bonds in acetic acid crystals at 10K


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1978

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Spectroscopy of H-bonds in acetic acid crystals at 10K

J.L. Leviel, Y. Marechal

To cite this version:

J.L. Leviel, Y. Marechal. Spectroscopy of H-bonds in acetic acid crystals at 10K. Journal de Physique,

1978, 39 (11), pp.1169-1176. �10.1051/jphys:0197800390110116900�. �jpa-00208856�



J. L. LEVIEL (**) and Y. MARECHAL (***)

Département de Recherche Fondamentale, Section de Résonance Magnétique,

Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Grenoble, 85X, 38041 Grenoble Cedex, France

(Reçu le 28 mars 1978, accepté le 12 juillet 1978)



Nous décrivons dans cet article les résultats d’une étude sur les bandes vs (O-H ... O)

dans les cristaux d’acide acétique CH3COOH à 10 K ainsi que dans ses analogues deutériés CD3COOH, CH3COOD et CD3COOD. Ces raies sont en effet la principale source d’information

quantitative sur la liaison hydrogène. Par comparaison des probabilités de transition intégrées,

centres de gravité et variances de ces bandes dans les quatre composés isotopiques nous déduisons

que ces modes vs ont, en plus du couplage anharmonique fondamental avec v03C3 (O-H ... O) et éventuel-

lement des couplages de résonance, une anharmonicité propre, qui traduit une amplitude de vibration anormalement grande. Des mesures supplémentaires seront cependant nécessaires pour arriver à

une description théorique précise de la forme de ces bandes.



As most quantitative information on H-bonds originates from studies on vs bands

(O-H ... O), we describe the shapes of these specific bands at 10 K in the acetic acid crystal CH3COOH

and in the isotopic analogs CD3COOH, CH3COOD and CD3COOD. From a comparison of the integrated transition probabilities, centres of gravity and variances of the bands of these four isotopic species, we can deduce that these vs modes show, besides their fundamental anharmonic couplings with v03C3 (O-H ... O) and some resonant couplings, a strong anharmonicity in 03BDs, indicating an impor-

tant amplitude vibration. A complete theoretical description of the shape of these bands will require further experimental results.


Physics Abstracts

33.20E - 35.20G - 78.30

1. Introduction.


Stretching vibrations vs s

(0-H ... 0) of H atoms in H-bonded species show strongly marked features characteristic of H-bonds which make IR spectroscopy appear presently as the

most precise probe to study H-bonds and show the

necessity of building precise descriptions of these v s

modes if one wishes to gain some insight into the

nature of H-bonds. It is now generally established that the main characteristic features of vs modes of weak

or intermediate strength H-bonds are due to an

anharmonic coupling of vs with low frequency Va modes

(0-H ... 0) of the same bond. The physical reality of

this mechanism is demonstrated by the correlations which can be established between the shape of vs

in 0-H ... 0 and 0-D ... 0 bonds and also between this shape and the différence of 0...0 equilibrium

distances in 0-H... 0 and 0-D... 0 bonds [1].

(*) This work is part of a thesis registered at the Université Scientifique et Médicale de Grenoble.

(**) USMG.

(***) CNRS.

Vs can however, also be resonantly coupled to other

modes [2], and certain kinds of resonance couplings (Fermi resonances) have been detected on the basis of

empirical correlations of frequencies. The deter-

mination of the magnitude of these couplings and their

introduction in the theory, will require however,

a knowledge of vs bands more quantitative than only

the frequencies of the submaxima of these bands, which can be obtained from most of the experiments

which have been performed up to now.

In a preceding series of articles on formic acid

crystals [3]-[6] we have described more quantitative

studies. Formic acide molecules are small molecules which are good models of well defined H-bonds in

crystals. However, experimental spectra have shown us

that the proximity of C-H groups and H-bonds

complicate the spectra because of résonance inter- actions between vs and VCH vibrations (C-H), so we

decided to study crystals having as simple a structure

as formic acid crystals but having CH groups further apart from H-bonds. These conditions are met in acetic acid crystals which we consider to be good

models of well defined H-bonds in crystals with

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0197800390110116900



precisely known structure which are sufficiently simple and can therefore lead to more quantitative experiments.

Quantitative experiments require measurable para- meters which can be varied. Deuteration is one of these parameters, as it is equivalent to doubling the mass of

the H-atom, which can be easily taken into account by any theory. We shall therefore describe in this paper

systematic comparisons of the spectra of the four

isotopic species CH3COOH, CD3COOH, CH3COOD

and CD3COOD. These spectra have been recorded at low temperature, where it is hoped to gain the maxi-

mum of information, that is at 10 K which is the lowest temperature easily attainable under IR irradiation.

IR and Raman spectra of these four isotopic species

of acetic acid crystals at 0 °C and - 180 OC have been

previously published [7], [8]. These spectra allowed a correlation of frequencies of the submaxima of the v.,

bands with sums of frequencies of two other modes,

which strongly suggested that these submaxima could be due to resonance couplings (called Fermi reso- nances) between v., and these combination modes [9].

This suggestion, which is quite reasonable, implicitly requires, however, that the Vs mode is also strongly coupled to the low frequency mode Va, which gives

the vs band a broad contour where Fermi resonances

could be superimposed. In order to investigate this

vs - Va coupling, which can be somewhat masked by

these resonances if one only concentrates on the salient features of the shape of vs bands, we have used samples

several microns thick and have measured their thickness with precision. In such conditions the

intense vs bands never saturate, which does not alter their profiles and allows the measurement of their first moments, or more particularly of their integrated

transition probabilities, their centre of gravity and

their variances which will be most useful to determine the magnitude of these différent anharmonicities.

2. Experiment.


The different isotopic species

have been prepared using standard methods.

CH3COOH was a commercial product from Merck having a purity better than 99.9 %. CD3COOD was supplied by the Département des Radioisotopes,

Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, France. Its effective deuteration was better than 99.6 %.

CH3COOD was prepared by ’flowing DCI in liquid CH3COOH. CD3COOH was prepared in the same

way by flowing HCI in liquid CD3COOD. HCI and

DCI were anhydrous and were obtained from

C6HSOCI + H20(D20). This avoided any conta- mination of acetic acids by water. The purity of these samples was later checked on IR spectra where no

trace of CH3COOH (CD3COOD) could be found in the spectrum of CH3C00D (CD3COOH). As vs bands

are most intense, IR spectroscopy is indeed the most sensitive method to detect impurities.

Liquid acetic acids were introduced by capillarity

into an optical cell. As this cell has been already

described in detail [3] we shall only briefly sketch its

salient features in this article. It is composed of two high quality CaF2 windows which are kept separated using gold spacers of several microns. The parallelism

of the windows was checked before filling the cell by recording interferences in visible light at différent positions of the windows. After introduction of the

liquid acid, the two windows were then positioned in

an hermetic stainless steel cell which was held fixed in

an Air Liquide cryostat. Water contamination was

minimized by performing all these operations under a dry nitrogen atmosphere.

Samples were then cooled down and crystallization

and absence of bubbles were tested by setting two polarizers outside the windows of the cryostat and

illuminating the sample with visible light. Occasionaly

the sample could also be observed with a microscope equiped with polarizers, which showed that the

samples consisted of a juxtaposition of apparently

disordered monocrystals. Complete disorder in the plane of the windows was confirmed by the invariance

of the spectra after a rotation of the cell keeping the planes of the windows invariant.

IR spectra were recorded on a Beckmann IR 4240

spectrophotometer which was coupled with a mini- computer allowing the spectra to be recorded on

magnetic discs. Optical densities were recorded at

every wavenumber, which gave a sufficient definition for the rather broad bands investigated.

3. Results.


We have recorded the spectra of the

four isotopic species of acetic acid at 10 K in the

region 1 000-4 000 cm-1. As the interpretation of these

spectra can hardly be achieved without the knowledge

of the structure of the species, we shall briefly discuss

this structure and some related problems of polari-


Crystals of acetic acid CH3COOH are orthorhombic and individual molecules are bonded together by

H-bonds and form zig-zag chains [10], [11] having

average directions in planes perpendicular to the a axis.

In these planes chains are alternatively directed along

two vectors having b and c axes as bisector lines. This structure, which has been recently refined by neutron

diffraction [12] is very similar to that of formic acid HCOOH crystals. The structure of deuterated

samples has not béen described, but one can reasonably

think that it is the same as that of CH3COOH crystals,

except for a slight change in 0...0 distances of some hundredths of an Angstrôm, which has been measured in formic acid dimers [13]. This change seems indeed quite specific of H-bonded species and is a consequence of the important vs - Va anharmonic couplings [1], [14], [17].

In our preceding study of formic acid crystals [5],

we have shown that for thin crystals (- 3 pm) the

arrangement of the différent monocrystals was such

that their a axes were always perpendicular to the

plane of the windows. This is equivalent to a partial


polarization of light, as we irradiate the samples with light having its electric field always in b, c planes,

which are statistically disordered. This point has recently been confirmed for acetic acid crystals [18].

ln figures 1 to 4 we show the vs bands of the four

isotopic species at 10 K. Other bands than vs do not

show any marked différence with those reported previously [7]. We shall not therefore show these bands and will rather concentrate on the complex vs bands.

In order to analyse these bands we have decomposed

them into elementary sub-bands. This kind of

decomposition is not unique, but we looked for a

decomposition which needs a minimum of sub-bands.

This can be achieved by using elementary sub-bands

of the form h(co) = 1 /cosh (w/u) which is a function

whose Fourier transform is a function of the same

analytical form and is asymptotic to a gaussian

FIG. 1.


The Vs band of CH3COOH crystals at 10 K (full line).

Individual bands composing this spectrum are shown (dotted lines).

At the bottom of the spectrum the difference between experimental

and reconstituted spectrum is drawn at the same scale. The thickness of the sample is 1 = 3.5 gm.

FIG. 2.


The v. band of CD3COOH crystals at 10 K (full line).

Individual bands composing this spectrum are shown (dotted lines).

At the bottom of the spectrum the difference between experimental

and reconstituted spectrum is drawn at the same scale. The thickness of the sample is 1 = 3.8 gm.

FIG. 3.


The v. band of CH3COOD crystals at 10 K (full line).

Individual bands composing this spectrum are shown (dotted lines).

At the bottom of the spectrum the différence between experimental

and reconstituted spectrum is drawn at the same scale. The thickness of the sample is 1 = 3.2 gm.

FIG. 4.


The v. band of CD3COOD crystals at 10 K (full line).

Individual bands composing this spectrum are shown (dotted lines).

At the bottom of the spectrum the difference between experimental

and reconstituted spectrum is drawn at the same scale. The thickness of the sample is 1 = 3.5 ym.

function when t > 0 and asymptotic to an exponential

function when 1 t 1 -> oc [3]. The shape of h(w) is consequently intermediate between a Lorentzian and

a Gaussian shape. In figures 1 to 4 we show such a decomposition, together with experimental spectra.

In the lower part of the figures we have drawn at the



same scale the diRèrence between experimental spectra and the sum of elementary sub-bands. This gives an

idea of the fit of the decomposition with experimental


In tables I-IV we give the values of the three para- meters Ai, roi and Mi defining the ith sub-band of the spectrum. The optical density f (to) is equal to :

This decomposition will be used later to reconstitute

theoretically the shape of vs. At the present time it can be used to transmit the experimental spectra of figures 1-4. We shall also use it to calculate the first



momenta of the vs bands or more precisely to calculate

their integrated transition probabilities P, their centres

of gravity 15 and their variances a, which are defined

by :

1 is the thickness of the sample and means

summation over vs.




The transition probability is proportional to !(w)/w (the absorption coefficient at wavenumber w is equal

to w multiplied by this probability). The calculation


of these summations can be advantageously replaced by sums over the elementary sub-bands, neglecting

the widths of these sub-bands. This way of calculating

moments has the further advantage of defining

without ambiguity the limits of summations, which correspond to the limits of decompositions of figures 1-4 and tables I-IV. It introduces an error

which has been shown to be negligible when compared

to other experimental errors [5].

In table V, we show the values of P, ro and 6 for the four isotopic species calculated using the decompo-

sition. The values of the P’s are given with a precision

which is estimated to be better than 7 %. The errors

on the values of the Qj’s and a’s are thought to be less

than 5 cm-1 and 8 cm-1 respectively.


4. Discussion.


It is now well established [2], [16]

that the peculiar shape of vs is due to the fact that the

amplitude of oscillation of the H-atom along the

H-bond may be particularly large. In consequence the

potential representing this motion is strongly anhar-

monic. It has been shown [19] that for weak or inter-

mediate strength H-bonds the first kind of anharmo-

nicity to be considered is that coupling vs>, with the

low frequency mode Va of the H-bond (O-H...Õ).

This coupling can be viewed as a dependence of the frequency of vs on the 0...0 distance, that is on v,,.

In addition to this predominant anharmonic coupling

other kinds of anharmonicities can also be present.

When all. atoms except the H-atom of the H-bond

are held fixed the v., vibration can depart from an

harmonic vibration (Morse-type or double-well type anharmonicity) [17] and its degree of anharmonicity

can also be dependent on the 0...0 distance. We shall see in the following that this type of anharmo-

nicity is indeed strong even if it does not give any

particular feature to. the shape of vS. Finally vs may be resonantly coupled to othér modes and two kinds of resonance couplings may exist .: v., may be coupled

either to the vs mode of a neighbouring H-bond (harmonic coupling) or to combinations of modes of the same molecule having nearby frequencies (Fermi resonances). The first type of resonance coupling may be detected in Ui [19]. The second type of, resonance

côupling has been the object of much speculation and

it seems now well established that it can be detected




by making correlations between frequencies of sub-

maxima of vs with frequencies of combination modes

[9], and more particularly with changes of these

submaxima when passing from CH3 to CD3 acids.

We shall now discuss how we can obtain information

on these different couplings from our experimental


The first point to be considered concerns the diffe-

rences of the spectra of CH3 and CD3 acids. The

shapes of these spectra are slightly different (Figs. 1-4)

but the quantities P, c5 and a are the same for CH 3

and CD3 acids (Table V) which is therefore a simpli-

fication when compared to formic acid crystals,

where these quantities changed significantly when passing from CH acids to CD acids [3]-[5]. Let us

therefore label with an H these quantities in H-bonded

acids and by a D these quantities in D-bonded acids.

We see that the ratio PHI Pp falls in the vicinity of 1.5, which can be taken as li within experimental

errors. This is also a simplification if we compare this ratio to the ratio experimentally found for carboxylic

acid dimers, where PHIPD -- 2, which can be due to

the existence of a strong electrical anharmonicity [20].

The ratio presently obtained (,/2-) strongly suggests

that electrical anharmonicity should be weak, which

can be mathematically reflected by a variation of the

dipole moment linear in Vs.

This however implies that the P’s should be almost independent of temperature, which will later appear

as being experimentally verified [21].

In order to extract information’from the w’s and

7’s, we shall calculate these quantities for one model

H-bond. In the case of a crystal, nèighbouring H-bonds

may interact (harmonic resonance coupling), but this

interaction appears in S only when electrical anhar-

monicity is neglected [6]. We shall therefore add this interaction only when we shall consider the Qj’s.

Let then q be the coordinate of the v., mode, Q that

of the Va mode (0-e... 0) and qa be any other coor-

dinate of the CH3COOH molecule which can combine with other qlJ, to give resonance couplings with v,.

q and Q are local coordinates which are also normal modes [22], [23] (they are not therefore mass-weighted).

The q,’s are normal coordinates. If JC is the general

Hamiltonian describing such an H-bond, the Fourier transform C(t) of the transition probability f (w)w

of the vs band will be [24] :

where means thermal average and qo is the

equilibrium position of q, which can depend on Q.

As electrical anharmonicity is neglected the linear

dependence only on q of the dipole moment is consi-

dered. In the presence of resonance couplings the eigenfunctions of JC can have complicated and gene- rally unknown forms. However, as Vs has frequencies falling typically in the region 2 000-3 000 cm -1 1 and Va has frequencies falling in the region 150-200 cm-1,

an adiabatic separation between rapid oscillations

(Vs and resonant modes) and slow oscillations (va) can

be performed when v. and resonant modes are in their ground state. This is no longer true when vs is excited

and interacting with resonant modes, as slow oscilla- tions will then be able to change the mixing of vs with

these resonance modes. When vs is in its ground state 03A6o(q, Q ) the v03C3 mode will be represented by the func-

tions au’(Q) which are eigenfunctions of Ho, such

that :

In (2) we have not written the functions of the

ground states of the q6 modes, for simplicity, but we

have indicated under the ket 1 > that integration

should be performed not only on q but also on qa

(in their ground state). We can then write :

With a good approximation 00(q, Q ) can be represented by the ground state function of an harmo- nic oscillator having its equilibrium position qo and

frequency (J) depending on Q [6], [16], [19]. One can develop C(t) in powers of (it)"/n ! in (3) and Ui will be proportional to the coefficient of it. We can then

see that any term linear in q in JC will not contribute

to w if we discard the unrealistic case of a very strong

dependence of qo in Q (typically dqo/dQ is always

much smaller than 0.5 for weak or intermediate

strength H-bonds [16]). This means that resonance

terms will not appear in 00, because they are linear in q (they destroy an excitation in q while creating

a resonant excitation of other modes). In these condi-

tions, ro will only depend on the Vs - Va coupling and

also on the one-dimensional anharmonicity of VS.

When this last anharmonicity can be neglected one

can write that part of JC which depends on Vs as :

where m is the reduced mass of the H(D) atom. The

term linear in q is thought to describe general resonant

interactions of Vg with any combinations of modes b and ô’. One has then Ho = H(Q) + 1/2hm(Q)

where H(Q) is that part of JC which depends on Q only. We can then easily calculate ro and find that [6] :


if we approximate the potentiel H(Q) by that of an

harmonic oscillator 1/2 MQ 2 Q 2 (03A9 is the frequency of

the Va mode, M its reduced mass).


Labelling H-bonds and D-bonds by H or D sub- scripts, we find then that :

The ratio WH(O)/WD(O) is equal to 0.97 j2 if one

takes into account the reduced mass of H and D atoms bound to 0 atoms. Taking bH ~ 1 (we shall

see in the following that bH 1 ) and consequently b D 1/B/2 (Eq. 5), we find that wH/wD should be roughly equal to 0.95 2 with Q/WH(O) ~ 1/18

(hQ = 160 cm-1 1 [7] and WH( 0) is greater than - (~ 2 800 cm-1)). If one introduces in (5) and (6),

terms describing resonance interactions between neigh-

bour H-bonds, this ratio will not be modified because the magnitude of this interaction (~ 100 cm -1 [ 19] )

will be divided by J2 when passing from an H-bond

to a D-bond [6]. This shows that one cannot neglect

the one dimensional anharmonicity of vs if one wishes

to approach the experimental value (0.91 /2) for

w’H/wD’ If we take this anharmonicity into account by replacing the harmonic potential in q in (4) by

a Morse potential having the same curvature at the origin [6], [17],

where b(Q) is the Q dependent anharmonicity para- meter, we find that c5(0) should be at least as large

as 0.25 to obtain a ratio wH/wD equal to 0.91 J2.

lfhe Morse potential should be taken as a model

only, but the high value found for à(0) shows that the

one dimensional anharmonicity in q is indeed impor-

tant for this type of H-bond and that it should not be


From (3) and (4) one can calculate the variance a

of VS. The contribution of the v., - Va coupling is then


equal to b 03A9.p2 2 kT [6] where :

In this expression resonant coupling terms should

however be added (they have been discarded in [6]),

which show that, as UH is experimentally equal to

160 cm-1 bH is certainly smaller than 1. At the present time we cannot evaluate the respective contributions of resonance couplings and of the vs, - Va coupling

in J. This last coupling has however a temperature

dependent contribution, and the evolution of a with T is therefore hoped to allow the separation of these two


Resonance couplings have been considered on the

basis of correlations of frequencies of submaxima of Vs bands with sums of frequencies of fundamental modes. They are claimed to be general for H-bonds, which implies that they have a common origin in all

H-bonds. We will then suppose that this common

origin is a coupling of vs with the bending vibration bOH(O-H t...0) of the H-bond [25]. This means that

if qa represents this local boH vibration, there exists in J6 a term of the form qqâ, which can be viewed as

a dependence in q of the force constant of the oH vibration. q is a normal coordinate. This is not true

for q8 which has important components in various normal modes [22]. The term qqâ will consequently decompose into several terms of the form qq, qj,

(Eq. 4) where qô and qa, are normal coordinates. We shall then expect maxima or minima (Evàn’s holes)

of the Vs band at frequencies falling around the sum

+ mô, of the frequencies of these normal modes.

If we take the decomposition in normal modes of the vibrations in acetic acid monomers [22], we then see

that for CH3COOH molecules, qa has components in

vc-o, bOH and PcH3 modes, which qualitatively justifies previous assignments [7] if one discards attributions of unimportant submaxima. For CD3COOH we find

that the broad band appearing at 2 800 cm-’ 1 should

be assigned to 2 bOH and the other assignments are

those of [7]. For CH3COOD qô can be decomposed

into ÔODI PcH3, vc-c and bocr,. The presence of maxima attributed to pcH3 + boo and 2 bop is consequently logical. For CD3COOD q,, decomposes into bCD3’

5oD and vc_c. The thin line at 2 170 cm-’ 1 should then be rather attributed to boo + bcD, instead of

Vc-o + pcn3 and some extremum around 2 200 cm-1 1 should then be attributed to 2 bOD. These are the only comments which can be presently made on

resonance couplings.

5. Conclusion.


In this article we have been able to show from the spectra of the four isotopic species

of acetic acid crystals at 10 K, that beside the Vs - Va

coupling an important one dimensional anharmoni-

city of v. is present in these H-bonds. We particularly postulate such a mechanism to explain the value found for the ratio of the frequencies of the centres of gravity of vs bands in H-bonds and D-bonds. The

large value found for this anharmonicity (à = 0.25)

is indeed puzzling and will require verification. We have determined an upper value of the v. - va coupling (bH 1) but we could not determine its exact magni-

tude as its contribution to the variance 6 could not be separated from the contribution of resonance

couplings. We hope to be able to separate these two contributions when we know how a varies with temperature. Finally we have shown that electrical

anharmonicity could be neglected in these crystals.

These results therefore constitute extremely useful

information which will certainly be of much help in

giving a detailed description of the motion of H atoms

in H-bonds. At the present time we cannot go deeper



into this interprétation, and this shows the necessity

of completing our experiments by further measure-

ments on the variations of vs bands of acetic acid

crystals with temperature and also by isotopic dilu-

tions. This will be described in a subsequent publi-

cation [21].


[1] MARECHAL, Y., Chem. Phys. Lett.13 (1972) 237.

[2] HADZI, D., BRATOS, S., in The Hydrogen Bond, recent deve- lopments in theory and experiments, eds. Schuster, P., Zundel, G. and Sandorfy, C. (North Holland) 1976.

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[16] HOFACKER, G. L., MARECHAL, Y., RATNER, M. A., in The

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[18] KRAUSE, P. F., KATON, J. E., ROGERS, J. M., PHILLIPS, D. B., Appl. Spectrosc. 31 (1977) 110.

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[21 LEVIEL, J. L., MARECHAL, Y., to be published.

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Table A2: Results of measurement uncertainty calculations of ndb , nmidb PUFAindx, MUFAindx and SFAindx with in vivo parameters correspond to the expected fatty acid composition of

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Evidence from East Bear Brook in Maine, USA and modelling with the groundwater acid-base model MAGIC (Cosby et al. 1985a,b) indicate that seasonal and yearly variations in soil PCO 2