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H-Bonds of adipic acid crystals III : measurement of the various anharmonic couplings of the O-H (O-D) stretching bands


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1979

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H-Bonds of adipic acid crystals III : measurement of the various anharmonic couplings of the O-H (O-D)

stretching bands

G. Auvert, Y. Maréchal

To cite this version:

G. Auvert, Y. Maréchal. H-Bonds of adipic acid crystals III : measurement of the various anhar- monic couplings of the O-H (O-D) stretching bands. Journal de Physique, 1979, 40 (8), pp.735-747.

�10.1051/jphys:01979004008073500�. �jpa-00209158�



H-Bonds of adipic acid crystals III :

measurement of the various anharmonic couplings

of the O-H (O-D) stretching bands (*)

G. Auvert (**) and Y. Maréchal (***)

Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Grenoble, Département de Recherche Fondamentale, Section de Résonance Magnétique, 85 X, 38041 Grenoble Cedex, France

(Reçu le 7 février 1979, accepté le 23 avril 1979)

Résumé. 2014 Nous mesurons l’évolution avec la température des premiers moments de la raie 03BDs(O-H... O ou O-D ... O) de l’acide adipique en cristal et nous calculons les variations théoriques correspondantes en supposant que la vibration 03BDs d’une telle liaison isolée est fortement couplée à la vibration 03BD03C3(O-H


O) de la même liaison et aussi à des combinaisons binaires d’autres vibrations. Nous supposons aussi que le moment de transition qui

est à l’origine de cette bande 03BDs présente une anharmonicité électrique couplant aussi 03BDs avec 03BD03C3 non négligeable,

et nous avançons des arguments pour négliger en première approximation les interactions harmoniques

de résonance entre deux vibrations 03BDs voisines, interactions qui ne donnent aucune variation thermique impor-

tante. En comparant théorie et résultats expérimentaux nous pouvons déterminer les valeurs de tous ces couplages.

Le couplage 03BDs- 03BD03C3 décroît avec la température, ce qui correspond à une élongation de la distance moyenne O ... O de 0,03 Å entre 10 K et 300 K que nous attribuons à un couplage de 03BD03C3 avec des modes de vibrations de plus basse fréquence de la liaison hydrogène. L’énergie totale des couplages de résonance (80 cm-1 pour l’acide adipique H

et 50 cm-1 pour l’acide adipique D) est égale à celle que l’on peut calculer en supposant que ces couplages pro- viennent de la variation du moment d’inertie de l’atome d’hydrogène H par rapport à l’atome d’oxygène O quand

la longueur de la liaison O-H change, ce qui nous suggère que ce simple mécanisme géométrique est à l’origine des

résonances de Fermi, et nous permet de calculer simplement leur énergie. Nous pouvons aussi mesurer la grandeur

de l’anharmonicité électrique, qui semble assez importante.



We show the evolutions with temperature of the first moments of the 03BDs bands (O-H... O or O-D... O)

of adipic acid crystals and we establish theoretical relations giving the values of these first moments with the general assumption that the 03BDs vibration of a single H-bond is strongly coupled to the 03BD03C3 vibration (O-H ... O) of the same

bond and is also coupled to binary combinations or overtones of other vibrations. Both these couplings are anhar-

monic. We also assume that the transition moment at the origin of the 03BDs band shows non negligible electrical anharmonicity coupling 03BDs with 03BD03C3 and we give arguments for our neglecting, in a first approximation, harmonic

resonance terms between two neighbouring 03BDs vibrations which do not give important temperature effects. From the comparison of experimental and theoretical values of these moments we determine the magnitudes of all

these couplings. The 03BDs-03BD03C3 coupling is shown to decrease with temperature, which corresponds to an increase of the average O ... O distance of about 0.03 Å between 10 K and 300 K, which we attribute to a coupling of 03BD03C3

with lower frequency vibrations of the H-bonds. The total energy of anharmonic resonance interactions (80 cm-1

for H-adipic acid and 50 cm-1 for D-adipic acid) is shown to be that which we can calculate if we suppose that these interactions originate from the variation of the moment of inertia of the H atom with respect to the O atom when the O-H length vibrates. This strongly suggests that this simple geometrical mechanism might be at the origin

of Fermi resonances, thus defining a simple procedure for their calculation. Finally the magnitude of electrical

anharmonicity is also measured and shown to be important.


Physics Abstracts



33.20E - 35.20G - 78.30

(*) This article is part of a thesis submitted at the « Université Scientifique et Médicale de Grenoble ».

(**) C.E.A.

(***) C.N.R.S.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01979004008073500


1. Introduction. - The intense stretching bands

vs(O-H ...0) of H-bonds, which show characteristic features which are now well-known [1], are a powerful

source of information on the dynamical properties

of H-bonds, that is, on the evolution of these bonds

on a timescale of 10-1°-10-14 s. It seems therefore worthwhile to have clear and precise descriptions of the v. modes, in order to be able to get from the

corresponding IR bands information on these dyna-

mical properties. The amplitude of vibration of the H atom in H-bonds is expected to be relatively important so that anharmonicity is also expected

to be important in the description of these vs modes.

Indeed it has been shown [2, 3] that two kinds of

anharmonic couplings should be considered in the

description of these modes. The first one couples vs

with the stretching vibration v a( ô-Ii... 0) of the

H-bond. This kind of coupling is fundamental,

as it exists in the ground state of the vs vibration and can therefore have important consequences in the thermal properties of H-bonds. It has been quanti- tatively described [4, 5, 6, 7] and the energies involved

have been estimated in the simple case of cyclic

H-bonded dimers of carboxylic acids in the vapour

phase [8, 9], and in the case of simple H-bonded

systems in liquids [10,11,12], gases [13] or crystals [14, 15, 16]. The second kind of coupling is due to some

resonance interactions (often called Fermi resonances) between vg and binary combinations of other modes.

As these interactions are only apparent in the first excited state of v,,, which is thermally inaccessible, this kind of coupling appears more as an inconve-

nience than as a fundamental property of H-bonds.

Nevertheless it is now widely accepted that these

two anharmonic couplings have an influence on the shape of vs [18, 19, 20]. Recent measurements of the

integrated transition probabilities P of vs bands have

also revealed unexpected isotope effects [21, 22]

which seem to be due to the presence of a special

kind of electrical anharmonicity [23].

If we wish to have a precise description of vs, which could supply information on the dynamical properties of H-bonds it appears interesting to measure

with precision the magnitudes of these various anhar- monicities. This has never been done, except for the measurement of the Vs-Va mechanical coupling,

and we propose to describe in the present work the

measurement of these anharmonicities from the variations of the first moments of vs with temperature and after deuteration. We shall therefore first describe the experimental results which we obtained on

adipic acid crystals and we shall compare them with those theoretically predicted assuming that the motion

of the H atom of an H-bond is governed by these

various anharmonic couplings. As we discuss experi-

mental results on H-bonds with a somewhat new

language we give the theory in more details than in a preceding article concerning formic acid crystals [24]. The différence between these two

articles is that in this previous case we had discarded anharmonic resonance interactions (Fermi resonances)

which we shall introduce in this paper. We shall however discard harmonic resonance interactions between two neighbouring vs modes, justifying this

on the basis of previous work.

The experimental results which we shall describe

are those concerning adipic acid crystals which have proved to be good models of well defined and rather

simple H-bonds. In these crystals polarized IR spec- troscopy has already given interesting information

on vs modes [25]. The H-bonded dimeric cycles . -(COOH)2 of these crystals are the same as those

found in the dimers of carboxylic acid vapours which we have already studied [8, 9]. The possibility -

of studying these cycles at very low temperatures is an illustration of the interesting extension which these crystals allow and which we shall relate here.

In the second section we shall describe the experi-

mental variations of the first moments of the v. bands

of the crystals with temperature and we shall give a qualitative analysis of these variations. In the third section we shall give a theoretical description of the

motion of an H atom in an H-bond which will be

as general as possible. In the fourth section we shall then make hypotheses which will be discussed, in order to compare theory and experiments. Finally

the results of this comparison, that is the measure- ment of the magnitudes of the various anharmoni- cities, will be discussed in the fifth section. These last two sections are, in our opinion most important

because they give us the opportunity to clearly

define the problems encountered during the elabo- ration of a quantitative theory of the dynamics of

H-bonds and allow us to suggest future experiments

which should give us more precise information on

this dynamics.

2. Expérimental results and qualitative analysis of

thèse results.


We shall describe in this section the

experimental variations of the first moments of the Vs bands of H and D-adipic acids with temperature.

In a preceding article [25] we have shown the shapes

of these bands at 10 K and have described the experi-

mental conditions under which the spectra were obtained. As these bands are rather well defined, particularly with respect to their baselines, we can compare with a good precision their integrated

transition probabilities P, centres of gravity 1 and

variances at various temperatures. These quantities

are defined by the equations :


where log 1011 is the absorbance of the v., band at

wavenumber v, and 1 the thickness of the sample

crossed by the IR beam. In a preceding article [25]

we have shown that the v. band is mainly polarized

in the a, c plane and that its component along the b

axis has an intensity which is always less than 6 %

of that in the a, c plane and is too small to be precisely

studied with our thin samples. This is true at all

temperatures and all the quantities which we shall

consider are those of the component of vs in the a,

c plane. In this plane all cycles have parallel pro-

jections which allowed us to perform rather precise

measurements of the directions of the polarizations

of the different bands. From these measurements we could conclude that the polarization of the v., band is not constant but varies inside this band

by 15o at 10 K (9- at 300 K) which led us to suspect strongly that the low frequency modes of the H-bonds

might not be as simple as they are usually supposed.

We shall see in this article that we reach the same

conclusion after the analysis of the evolution of the first moments of the Vs bands with temperature. The

experimental values of these quantities P, C-0 and

are shown at various temperatures in figures 1, 2 and 5. These quantities show characteristic features which we shall briefly describe before analysing

them more precisely.



When looking

at figure 1 one can note two interesting point. First

the values of the P’s decrease with temperature by

about 20 % between 10 K and room temperature.

Fig. 1.


Variations of the integrated transition probabilities of the

v. bands of H and D-adipic acids for crystals having the same

thickness. Experimental points are shown by symbols (0). The

curves represent the best interpolations of experimental points.

This is true for H-bonds as well as for D-bonds.

As the component of v. along the b axis is always

less than 6 % that in the a, c plane, this decrease of the P’s with temperature cannot be attributed to

a transfer of intensity between the two components.

Moreover it seems that the integrated transition probabilities of the components of the vs bands along

b also decrease with temperature. This ensures that the P’s effectively decrease with temperature. The second interesting result is the value found for PH/Pl (an index H or D will always refer to an H-bond

or to a D-bond in the ollowing) which is equal to 2

at all temperatures. This value is significantly greater than the value expected for an harmonic oscillator in vs(J2) which is also the value for an harmonic oscillator in Vs having a frequency depending on

the coordinate of a low-frequency oscillator such as

Va (which leads to a Vs-Va anharmonic coupling).

This value (2) is however the same as that found in dimeric cycles of carboxylic acids in the gaseous

phase which was explained with the supposition that

the part of the moment which is at the origin of the

0 ---> 1 transition in vs increases when the 0 ... 0

distance decreases [23]. This is equivalent to intro- ducing an electrical anharmonicity, because the

development of the transition moment is no longer

linear in the coordinates. It explains why stronger H-bonds have more intense vs transitions (they have

shorter 0 ... 0 distances) and why the ratio PH JPD is

greater than J2 (D-bonds have longer 0


0 dis-

tances than H-bonds). It predicts however that the P’s increase with température if one supposes that the mean 0


0 distance does not vary with tempe-

rature. An increase of this distance with tempe-

rature seems consequently a necessary condition to inverse this tendency. This proposition that the

0...0 mean distance increases with temperature is not so new as it might appear at first sight, as it

has been already considered for various H-bonds [26, 27]. At the end of this section we shall indicate how this supposition can be introduced quantitatively. , t

2.2 CENTRES oF GRAVITY. - In figure 2 the experi-

mental values found for WH and Wo are shown at

various temperatures. The two interesting properties concerning these values are that the w’s shift towards

higher values when the temperature increases and that

WD shifts to a greater extent than - This shift,

which seems to be a general property of H-bonds [19]

can be easily explained by the supposition that the

mean 0...0 distance increases with temperature, because the mean frequency S) of the vs vibration increases when the equilibrium 0...0 distance increases [28].

2.3 VARIANCES. - The experimental values of

the variance a are shown in figure 5. As expected,

these variances which represent the half widths of

the best Gaussian functions approximating the true vs

bands, increase with temperature. A surprising obser-


Fig. 2.


Variations of the centres of gravity of the Vs bands of H and D-adipic acids. Experimental points are shown by symbols (0).

The curves represent the best interpolation of expérimental points.

vation is that they actually weakly increase : for H- bonds as well as for D-bonds the J’s do not increase of more than 13 % between 10 K and 300 K. If we

suppose that vs is anharmonically coupled to Va

through a dependence of the frequency w of the v.

harmonic vibration on the 0...0 distance [4],

which seems now widely admitted, we can rapidly

estimate the relative variation of J with T. If Q is

the coordinate of the va vibration, the 0 ... 0 distance is equal to Q plus a constant term so that QZ which is equal to ( (ro - co »)2 > becomes

if we admit that co varies linearly with Q (a non linear

variation would have the effect of giving an even more important variation of u with T, in a first approxi- mation). Supposing that the square of the variance in Q (that is the quantity S2 = ( (Q - ( Q »)2 >) is

that of an harmonic oscillator having a frequency Q,

we see that a should vary as 2 Z - 1 with tempera-

ture, where Z-1 is 1


exp - hQlkT. Taking

hQ ri 160 cm-l [29] gives a relative variation for

a of at least 60-70 % between 10 K and 300 K. Even if this coarse estimation exagerates the discrepancy

with experiments because it neglects the contribution due to Fermi resonances which will be shown to be

independent of temperature, it shows that the experi-

mental variations of the Q’s with temperature are

intriguing. Our preceding suggestion that Q >

(or the mean 0


0 distance) increases with tempe-

rature cannot explain directly why the experimental

J’s increase so weakly with temperature, as the J’s do not depend on Q) but rather depend on ( (Q - ( Q »2 > which is independent of 0.

However the or’s of our coarse estimation also depend

on the extent of the coupling of vs with v. which is represented by the quantity (dw/dQ ), and this is also true fort Q > (see eq. (21) for a more precise treat- ment). The supposition that it is this coupling which

decreases with temperature is able to explain, at least qualitatively for the moment, why the Q’s so weakly

increase with temperature. It will also define the origin

of the dilatation of the 0


0 distance with tempe-

rature. Before introducing these suppositions in a

more quantitative treatment let us point out this last supposition is different from that of Romanovski and Sobczyk [26] who supposed that the 0...0 distance increases with temperature because the

potential governing the Va vibration has anharmonic terms in v,,. In their formulation the coupling between

vs and Va has no special reason to decrease with tem-

perature, leading to a prediction of the variations of the a’s with temperature at variance with experi-

mental results. It is also different from the conclusion of Bournay and Robertson [30] on the H-bonds of self associated methanol in solution, which attributes the shift of w with T to a non linear variation of co(Q)

with Q. This supposition will however also be unable to reproduce the weak variations of the a’s with T in the present case of adipic acid crystals.

3. The 0 ---> 1 transition in v s : general theoretical considérations.


In this section we shall calculate, using general assumptions, the first moments of the

Vs band of a single H-bond. The moment Mn of order

n of an optical transition is equal to the coefficient of (it)"In ! in the development of the Fourier trans- form C(t) of the transition probability p(v) of the sample. If log 1011 is the absorbance of the spectrum

at wavenumber v, we have the relations

As a consequence of the fluctuation-dissipation

theorem the quantity C(t) for an IR transition is :

where Me is the component along the electric field of the electrical dipole moment of the whole set of H-bonds, and X is the Hamiltonian for these H-bonds.

As the H-bonded cycles are well separated we shall

consider a single cycle only. In this article we shall

even make a more severe restriction and shall consider

a single H-bond whose dipole moment will be Me

and Hamiltonian Je. In those cycles the resonant

interaction between two neighbour Vs vibrations can

be appreciable and has been found to be of the order

of 100 cm-1 in the case of carboxylic acids in the

gaseous phase [4, 8, 9], and in the case of oxalic acid


crystals [16]. The manifestation of this interaction


is found in its contribution to the absolute value of (o. However since this interaction is quadratic (or harmonic) in the coordinates of two neighbouring vs vibrations it does not give any special isotope effect.

Also the temperature shift of ro with T due to this interaction is expected to be negligible. We have

checked that its influence on a is negligible, using preceding theories which took this interaction fully

into account [4, 24]. It is clear from eq. (1) that P

cannot depend on this quantity. As we are considering

the variations of P, 5) and 6 with temperature and deuteration, we shall therefore omit this interaction,

which will make the following treatment simpler.

In a forthcoming article we shall treat the case of

two interacting H-bonds [31] and apply it to a species (imidazole) where we have measured the energy of this interaction with precision. We may anticipate

the results of this more elaborate theory by saying

that the introduction of this interaction will not

significantly modify the results described in this article.

Let q be the coordinate defining the vs vibration

of this single H-bond which is govemed by the Hamil-

tonian Je. Vs has a typical frequency of about

2 500 cm-1. It is coupled to some low frequency

vibration ( 200 cm-1) of the H-bond which we

shall define by the coordinate Q which represents

the Va vibration of this H-bond. It is also coupled

with combinations of modes which are nearly in

resonance with vs. These modes belong to the same

molecule as the H atom of this H-bond and are

defined by the set of coordinates qô. The existence of these two kinds of couplings is now widely accepted [18, 19] so that we have not introduced

up to now any special hypothesis. The potential corresponding to the last type of interaction can be written with the general form :

This part of the potential has the effect of trans-

ferring a single excitation in vs to a binary excitation

in q /J and qô, (or to an overtone 2 qa). If the energy (J)/J + úJ/J’ of this binary excitation is equal to the fre-

quency co of vs, which is the condition for resonance to occur, these terms can have appreciable effects.

We may then write the total Hamiltonian of the H-bond considered as :

Mu is the effective mass of the Q mode and h(q, Q)

is the Hamiltonian describing the v, vibration which

parametrically depends on Q. At present we shall not precise further the nature of this dependence, which

is at the origin of the Vs-Va coupling, but we shall

use the property that the frequency of the v, mode is

much lower than that of the v. and qô modes to define

an adiabatic representation for the ground states of

these modes which are the only thermally accessible

states. It has been indeed shown [4, 7] that non adia-

batic terms have a negligible effect on these states

whose wavefunctions tp"(q, qa, Q ) can then be written :

In eq. (4) we implicitely suppose that the low fre- quency vibration Q is a pure quantum motion. We also make the reasonable approximation that the different qô vibrations do not depend on Q. In order

to simplify the equations we shall not write the

wavefunctions Fo of these vibrations and the subscript

ô signifies that integration should be performed over

the set of q,, in their ground states. The uth function ocu(Q) of the Va vibration is then an eigenfunction of

the Hamiltonian Ho which is equal to :

where qo(Q ) is the mean value of q in its ground state and is defined as go(q, Q ) I q 1 90(q, Q ) )q and ea is

the total energy of the qa vibrations in their ground states. The dipole moment of the considered H-bond can

then be written in the form :

In eq. (6) we have only written the term which is responsible for a 0 --+ 1 transition in v.. Its coefficient

M’(6) can however depend on Q which defines then a special type of electrical anharmonicity which we have already mentioned. In these conditions the correlation function C(t) of eq. (1) is :



lfJ1(q, Q ) is the first excited function of h(q, Q ), It allows us to define the quantity M(Q ) by the relations :

In order to clarify the meaning of the quantity A(Q) we shall give its value in the special case where v. is an

harmonic oscillator of mass m and frequency ro which depends on Q. In that case we see that A(Q) is equal to

JFi/2 mro(Q) which is a function practically independent of Q. In the following discussion we shall not consider

specially this case, in order to be more general, but we shall consider it in some digressions which we shall make

later to precise some ideas.

When vs is in its first excited state ({Jl(q, Q ), the Hamiltonian goveming the v. vibration is no longer the Ho


of eq. (5) but Hl, which is defined as :

This equation defines the quantity co’(Q) which will be of fundamental importance in this theory. It obeys

the relation



In the special case where h(q, Q) is the Hamiltonian of an harmonic oscillator in q, whose frequency go

and equilibrium position qo depend on Q, we have ql(Q) n qo(Q) (the different states of an harmonic oscillator have all the same equilibrium positions) and (J) + (Q) =- w(Q). These relations which are true in this special

case lead us to neglect in the general case the last term of eq. (10), which is indeed not a great approximation

for intermediate strength H-bonds where tunnelling of the H atom can be neglected. In this general case we

obtain from eq. (7) :

where [A, B] is the commutator AB-BA. The substitution

has been made, so that the brackets ( ) without any reference to the coordinate to be integrated denote the

thermal average, and we have used the relation :

which can be deduced from eqs. (3) and (9). We have then :


It is of interest to discuss further eqs. (13) and (14)

which are not as complicated as they appear at first

sight. The first of these equations, which gives the

value of P, clearly indicates that the integrated transi-


tion probability of vs cannot vary with temperature if no electrical anharmonicity is present (that is if M(Q ) does not depend on Q). We can altematively

write P as :

The first term in (15) corresponds to the mean value

of M, whereas the second one describes the fluctua- tions of M around its mean value. This second term is temperature dependent but will hardly depend on

deuteration (except for a coefficient .J2 coming from

Ã(Q) of eq. (8)) because the v. vibration is almost insensitive to deuteration, and the quantity M’ of

eqs. (6) and (8) is independent of the proton mass.

This shows that having a ratio for PHI PD equal to

2 implies that MH(Q) > is greater thane MD(Q) >

which can only occur if the mean value ( Q > is not

the same in a H-bond and in a D-bond.

In eqs. (13) and (14) the expressions for ro and a are somewhat more complicated but they can neverthe-

less be easily analysed. (J) is the sum of two contri- butions which originate from the Q dependence of

both (J) + (which is the difference of energies of the

two lowest levels of vs) and M (which is the transition

dipole moment). A remarkable property of Zi is that it is independent of anharmonic resonance inter- actions even in the presence of electrical anharmoni-

city. A similar conclusion has been reached pre-

viously [36] for the case where electrical anharmoni-

city is negligible (that is when M(Q ) hardly depends

on Q), which leads to the simple result that W = co’(Q) >. Even when we cannot neglect this

electrical anharmonicity we can still obtain simple expressions for C-0 if both (J) + (Q) and M(Q ) show

linear variations with Q, which is often quite a good approximation. In this case we can then write :

which gives :


The quantity s2 which is the square of the variance

or quadratic fluctuation of Q, will be an important quantity in the following discussion. Eq. (17) shows

that in the presence of electrical anharmonicity

S not only depends on Q > but also depends on

S2 which is a function of temperature and will conse-

quently introduce a T dependence of 0153.

Eq. (13) shows that U2 is the sum of two indepen-

dent components ut. and u;-a. UF is the total contri- bution of anharmonic resonance interactions to the width of Vs and Us-a is the contribution of the Vs-Va

coupling. In eq. (14) the quantity

which appears in Op can be considered as hardly dependent on Q (for an harmonic oscillator in Vs

it is equal to 3 Fi/2 mro(Q) which we can write as

The average value of the quantity w(Q ) - Ct)(0)

will be of the same order of magnitude as the shift

of ro with T that is, less than 50 cm-1 which gives a

small contribution when divided by co(0) which is of the order of 2 500 cm-1). This means that Op will be hardly temperature dependent. This is not true for

Us-a which appears as a quadratic sum of three terms.

The first one, which will be shown to be predominant represents the contribution of the Q dependence of w+.

When electrical anharmonicity can be neglected (M(Q ) almost independent of Q ) this term is equal to (ro+(Q) - w+(Q) »)2) which is equal to (dw+/dQ)2 S2 if we admit that w+(Q) shows a linear

variation with Q. This is the expression which we

have already used in the qualitative discussion of the preceding section. The third term in u;-a is the

contribution to the width of Vs of the pure electrical

anharmonicity and will be shown later to vary as s2.

The second term in U2 , is a cross term between these

two anharmonicities and is equal to zero if either co +

or M do not depend on Q. S2 being temperature dependent, Us-a will also be temperature dependent.

From this rapid analysis of eqs. (13) and (14) we

may conclude that it will be relatively easy to separated the contributions of the different mechanisms which

are responsible of the shape of vs. Resonance inter-

actions, often called Fermi resonances, have in parti-

cular a contribution which only appears in the width of v. (P and S are independent of these interactions)

and this contribution to the width of v. is temperature independent. Before discussing in greater details these theoretical considerations, which we have intro- duced up to now with the minimum number of hypo- thesis, let us mention again that in this analysis we

have implicitely assumed that the low frequency

vibration Q (or even the whole set of Q modes in

the crystal) is a purely quantum motion, described

by a Hamiltonian, and that it has an influence in the

shape of vs through its average position ( Q ) and quadratic fluctuation s2. Therefore we have impli- citely discarded any modulation of this vibration

by a stochastic field (which can be the field due to other vibrations) and it is possible that we should

have to reexamine this implicit hypothesis more carefully. Thus, the model cannot reproduce in detail

the vs bands of H-bonds in liquids, where such a


stochastic field is supposed to hâve an important

contribution [33, 11].

4. Application to H-bonds of adipic acid.



order to compare the experimental results of section 2 with the theoretical considerations of the preceding

section we shall have to formulate further hypotheses

which are specific to adipic acid and which we shall

now precise. We shall first suppose that the Va vibra-

tion is not very different from that of an harmonic oscillator of frequency Q, so that the term quadratic

in Q in eq. (5) will be equal to t Ma Q2 Q 2. We

shall also suppose, in a first approximation, that both co’(Q) and M(Q ) vary linearly with Q. We shall

then use the following dimensionless quantities :

il has been defined in eq. (16). At first sight the quanti-

ties b and b +, which correspond respectively to Q >

and dm + /dQ seem to be independent. This is mot

true, however, because the quantity dm + /dQ repre- sents the extent of the Vs-Va coupling and we can easily

show that ( Q > also depends on this coupling. In

order to do this we shall first consider our simplified

case where the v. vibration is harmonic with a fre- quency m depending on Q. We have already seen,

from eq. (10) that, in that case, we had m + (Q) == co(Q)

so that using eq. (5) we can write Ho as :

which is a consequence of the particular form of h(q, Q ) given in that case by

The origin of Q is then defined in such a way that

for Q = 0 the potential surface goveming the v.

and Va vibrations is minimum. Hence from eq. (20)

we deduce :

which gives b = b+. In the discussion below, we

shall have to use a somewhat more complicated potential for v., (a Morse potential) but this will not alter the conclusion that b and b+ are not inde-

pendent (we shall see that their ratio is constant,

although not equal to unity as it is in that simple case

of an harmonic oscillator in vs). It might also happen that ( Q > depends not only on the Vs-Va coupling

but also on another independent mechanism. This is for instance what happens if we suppose that thé

potential goveming Va has anharmonic terms in

Q [26]. In that case Q > will be temperature depen-

dent whereas dco’IdQ will not. We have however

seen in the preceding section that we shall have difficulties with such an assumption to explain the

weak variation of the variance u of vs with tempe-

rature. We shall consequently discard this possi- bility and consider that b + is proportional to b.

Using the quantities defined in eq. (19), we have :

so that eqs. (13) and (14) can be re-written as :


These equations are similar to those established in

previous work [24] for formic acid where however anharmonic resonance interactions, such as those

considered here, were neglected. We shall now try to determine the values of b, b+ , J1 from a comparison

of eqs. (23) with experimental curves representing the


variations of P, 0153 and a with temperature. We shall first note that with eq. (23), P must increase with tem-

perature if b and u do not vary with temperature.

However the expérimental results show that P in fact decreases with temperature (see Fig. 1). Therefore we

must postulate that b or Il vary with temperature. The variation of b with T seems quite natural for H-bonds where it corresponds to a variation of the average 0


0 distance with temperature and we have seen in the qualitative discussion of the experimental

results that this was quite a reasonable assumption.

We have attempted to reconstitute the experimental results, using eqs. (23), with this supposition that only b and b+ (which, as shown earlier, is propor- tional to b) can be T dependent but that y is indepen-

dent of T. We have failed because, if y does not vary with temperature b should show a far too high varia-

tion to explain the decreases of the P’s with tempe-

rature which leads to the impossibility of correlating

the variations of the 0153’s with the variations of thé Q’s. We have then been obliged to suppose that b, b + and p are temperature dependent. We have seen

that if we assume that v. is a pure harmonic vibration whose frequency ro depends on Q we had b == b+.

With this assumption alone we find however some

difficulties in explainin the experimental value of the ratio UiH/côD ( £i 0.94 2).

We can easily overcome these difficulties by sup-

posing that, as in the case of acetic acid crystals [34],

the potential for vs is a Morse potential with anhar-

monicity parameter 5 which we shall consider as

being independent of Q in a first approximation.

We shall then write :

As the energy levels for such a potential are of

the form

we deduce from eqs. (5) the relation :

which gives

if we neglect the Q dependence of qo which does not

give any special effect apart from a new definition of the origin of the Q’s which will be translated by

almost the same amount in H-bonds and D-bonds.

From eq. (19) we then have :

which gives bH N bD J2.

From eq. (10) and with the neglect of the Q depen-

dence of ql (Q ) - qo(Q ) which we have already

discussed we may write :

Using eq. (19) for the definition of b+ we arrive at the relation :

In order to obtain the correct experimental value

for the ratio OJHfWo we find that the anharmonicity parameter l5H of eq. (24) should be of the order of 0.15 so that l50 which is equal to l5H/ J2 should be

of the order of 0.1. In obtaining this result we have considered that the ratio of the reduced masses of the H and D atoms in the H-bonds is of the order of 0.97 J2, and that 0152JJ(O)/O is of the order of 17

(hQ 160 cm-1 [29]). With these values we then find :

In order to compare eqs. (23) with experimental

results we shall proceed in the following way : we shall determine at all temperatures the values of b

and y which reproduce the theoretical curves of

figures 1 and 2 around which the experimental points fall. In figures 3 and 4 we have drawn these values of b(b+) and ,u. Using eqs. (13) and (23) we

then calculate the values of the 6’s as a function of temperature and we have drawn the corresponding

curves in figure 5 together with experimental points.

It can be seen from this figure that the expérimental points are correctly reproduced, despite their non

trivial evolution with temperature which we have discussed in a preceding section. The inflexion point

of the predicted variations of a with T is due to the variation of the quantity

at these temperatures. However the precision of

the fit is not sufficient to decide whether this inflexion


Fig. 3.


Variations of the parameters b and b+ of H and D-adipic

acids as deduced from curves of figures 1 and 2.

Fig. 4.


Variations of the electrical anharmonicity parameters of H and D-adipic acids as deduced from figures 1 and 2.

Fig. 5.


Variations of the variances of the Vs bands of H and

D-adipic acids. Expérimental points are shown by symbols (0).

The curves are deduced from theory with the parameters of figures 3

and 4.

point really exists or not. The values of the b, b + and /1’S allows us to calculate the variations of the Q’s with T but not their absolute values which also

depend on the contribution of resonance interactions in 6. The compatibility of the curves of figure 5 with experimental points allows us to determine the contri- butions of these interactions, which are :

These values are almost the same as those which

we had theoretically predicted [35] by supposing that

the origin of these Fermi resonances is purely geome- trical and originates from the variations of the inertial

moment of the H atom with respect to the 0 atom

to which it is bounded when the 0-H length vibrates (i.e. that UF should be 160 cm-1 for H-bonds and 95 cm-1 for D-bonds). We shall return to this point

in the discussion.

The accuracy of the determination of the values of b and b+ is high, being better than 10 %. The deter-

mined values for y are less precise as a change of

about 25 % would be still acceptable as it would

still reproduce the experimental results within experi-

mental errors. However the relative variations of b, b + andg with temperature are rather precise as with

all the values which we have tried we could not depart

from the given variations significantly. In particular

the choice of the value 160 cm-1 for ha has no real

importance as any value between 140 and 200 cm- i would have given almost the same result.

5. Discussion.


The quantitative analysis which

we have detailed in the preceding section allowed

us to determine from experimental points the magni-

tudes of the anharmonic interaction of v. with Va, of the resonance interaction of Vs with other vibra-

tions, and of the electrical anharmonicity coupling Vs

with Va. The first question which we should ask

concerns the validity of such a determination. The method which we have used consists of calculating

the values of the different parameters which define these various couplings, from the experimental varia-

tions of P and Ui with temperature and deuteration,

and to show that these values explain quite well the

variations of Q with temperature and deuteration.

In other words the theory which we have proposed

and which required the formulation of various successive hypotheses allowed us to establish a

correlation between the variations of P and (J) with temperature and deuteration on one hand and those of a on the other hand. Thus, the theory seems to

show some coherence, and, within the timescale

considered, there should be some validity in the

dynamical parameters extracted from it, which were

given in eqs. (30) and figures 3 and 4. However, it

should be pointed out that our theory, although

coherent, does not exclude other possibilities.


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