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The overheating of lead crystals


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1989

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The overheating of lead crystals

J.J. Métois, J.C. Heyraud

To cite this version:

J.J. Métois, J.C. Heyraud. The overheating of lead crystals. Journal de Physique, 1989, 50 (21),

pp.3175-3179. �10.1051/jphys:0198900500210317500�. �jpa-00211135�


Short Communication

The overheating of lead crystals

J.J. Métois and J.C. Heyraud

Centre de Recherche des Mécanismes de la Croissance Cristalline (*), Campus de Luminy, Case 913,

13288 Marseille Cedex 9, France

(Reçu le 28 juin 1989, accepté sous forme définitive le 7 septembre 1989)

Résumé. - Contrairement à la surfusion qui est très fréquemment observée, la surchauffe de cristaux

métalliques n’a que rarement été signalée. L’explication généralement avancée est que la surface des cristaux est recouverte d’un film liquide (préfusion de surface) bien avant que la température de fusion volumique ne soit atteinte. Le but de cette courte note est de montrer que la surchauffe est possible

et peut effectivement être observée (0394T ~ 3°C) lorsque les cristaux sont limités par des faces non mouillées (faces {111}) séparées par des parties courbes de très faible extension recouvertes de leur film liquide.



Overheating of crystals has scarcely been reported unlike undercooling which is fre-

quently observed. Admittedly the absence of overheating is the consequence of the crystal surface being covered by a liquid film (surface premelting) well under the bulk melting temperature. In the present letter we show that overheating is possible, and is actually observed (0394T ~ 3°C), when

the crystals are bounded by non wettable facets ({111} facets) separated by relatively small curved

regions covered by their melt.


Physics Abstracts

61. SOJ - 64.70D - 68.42

1. Introduction.

In the now accepted opinion, melting of a solid starts at the surface at temperature appre-

ciably lower than the bulk melting point This so-called surface premelting (already suggested long ago by Faraday [1] to explain the properties of ice) has been confirmed and studied in detail

using modern techniques of surface science. Premelting was detected (i) on physisorbed layers (Ar/graphite, CH4/MgO) by measuring their heat capacities [2] or by quasi-elastic neutron scat-

tering [3] ; (ii) on organic crystals (biphenyl) by ellipsometry [4] and (iii) on metallic crystals (Cu, Au, Pb, In) by optical emissivity [5], by ion scattering [6, 19] by Leed [7] and by observation of the

equilibrium shape of crystallites [8, 9].

In the case of lead crystals it seems now well established that the curved regions are covered by a liquid layer below the melting temperature whereas the {111} surface remain solide [19] ;

no equivalent clear cut situation exists for {100} (so far neither morphological studies [8] nor ion chanelling experiments [19] have definitely decided wether it is wetted).

(* ) Laboratoire Propre du CNRS associé aux Universités d’Aix-Marseille 2 et 3.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198900500210317500



’Ib understand the continuous lowering of the melting point of crystallites whose size is less than roughly 300 Â, the existence of a quasi-liquid layer in thermodynamic equilibrium with the

solid at a temperature lower than the melting point has been postulated in the past [10 - 14]. This

idea was introduced by Reiss and Wilson in 1948 [15] and later developped by Curzon in 1959 [16].

It has now been confirmed by the observation of surface premelting.

Another important consequence of surface premelting is its inhibiting role in the overheating of crystals (when overheating occurs the crystal remains in its solid state above the melting point).

In our present understanding of melting overheating is inhibited because the liquid layer thickens

when the temperature is raised, until the whole solid is molten (at the bulk melting point). This is

the currently explanation for the absence of overheating.

Th retain the solid state when the melting point has been crossed several methods can be

imagined : (i) eliminating the surface or (ii) growing crystals bounded exclusively by facets that do not premelt. Method (i) was used by Dages et aL [17] who covered a spherical Ag crystals by a continuous epitaxial layer of another metal (Au) with a higher melting point than Ag and a negligible interdiffusion coefficient. These authors were thus able to cancel surface premelting

and to observe an overheating of 25 K for Ag on some of their crystallites. However, this very

elegant experiment is not straight forwardly conclusive. Even though interdiffusion is small, it can

play an importan role in the melting since the Ag/Au interface is not stricly abrupt. Moreover a

small fraction only of the crystallites undergoes overheating, which is difficult to rationalize since all are submitted to the same treatment. Method (ii) was used by Spiller [14] who showed that tabular Pb crystallites, assumed bounded by {111} faces only, could sustain a 2 K overheating.

The experimental result cannot be doubted but its origin is questionable since no evidence was given for the existence of sharp edges on the tabular crystals.

Considering the above pieces of information we decided to investigate the overheating of Pb crystal on graphite experimentally.

2. Experiments.

Since the high temperature growth shapes of Pb seemed convenient for the type of experi-

ments planned, our goal was obtaining them with the smallest possible premelted regions.

We used a modified transmission and scanning microscope (Jeol 100C ASID 4D) with ultra high vacuum facilities in which in-sini growth experiments can be made [18].

Transmission and scanning microscope monocristalline graphite was selected as the substrate since a plane (00.1) surface can be easily obtained by air cleavage and subsequently cleaned in-situ

by heating at 800°C during 20 minutes under UHV In addition graphite is an unreactive material for Pb and has a satisfactory behaviour during thermal treatments.

As a deposit Pb has several advantages : it has a f.c.c. lattice, a small vapor pressure and a convenient melting point (MP : 327° C ; P - 10-9 Torr at 327°C), which avoids unreasonable

evaporation. Its equilibrium shape, roughening transitions and surface premelting domains are

well known [8].

A typical experiment is run in the following way : the graphite is cleaned under UHV Pb is condensed at room temperature until a continuous layer is obtained about 3000 Â in thickness.

Then this layer is annealed above the melting point of Pb. These results in the layer fragmenting

and in spherical molten droplets being formed (diameter 0.1 - 0.5 u). The droplets are then crys- tallized about 100° C below the melting point, due to their undercooling. A subsequent deposition

of Pb (3000 Â equivalent) is then made with the sample at a constant temperature between 200° C

and 326°C. A population of polyhedral crystallites is thus obtained. Most of them are cuboocta-

hedra ({111} + {100}) while a small fraction is composed of {111} octohedra and {111} tabular

crystals (Fig. 1).


Fig.1.- Typical population of Pb crystallites on graphite by our double condensation method (see text) be-

tween 2000C and 326°C.

The sample is subsequently annealed at increasing temperatures while it is observed by SEM.

Upon approaching the melting point step wise increments of temperature are realized every 1

degree (15 minutes in duration) during which the temperature is stable within 0.5°.

3. Results.

As shown by figure 1 the morphologies of the solid Pb crystals fall into two classes : (i) those (the biggest = 0 N 0.5 pm) that have a shape rather close to the equilibrium shape, display ( 1 1 1 ) and {100} facets connected by rounded regions ; (ii) those (about twice smaller than the former :

0 N 0.2 pm) that are polyhedra with sharp edges and bounded either by {111} and {100} facets

Fig. 2.- Sharp-edged polyhedra observed by TEM. The actual rounded nature of the "edges" between the

{ 111 } faces is clearly visible.



or by { 111 } only. For simplicity in the following we call the crystallites belonging to this second

class "sharp-edged polyhedra".

In the TEM mode 7 Â resolution of our microscope is much better than in the SEM mode.

By using the TEM mode the sharp-edged polyhedra are seen to have in fact rounded edges with fairly small radii of curvature (Fig. 2).

We judged that the melting point of bulk Pb was reached when the crystals belonging to the

first class (i.e. with a shape approaching the equilibrium shape) lose their {111} and {100} facets.

This is an actual signature of melting since undercooling is then always observed upon cooling the

substrate. These crystals crystallize from the Pb-graphite interface with the epitaxy relationship {111} Pb// {00.1} graphite and (110) Pb// (010) graphite and a random distribution of their

spatial orientations due to the rotational equivalence of directions in the graphite substrate plane (double positioning).

When the above defined bulk melting point is reached all crystallites melt simultaneously except for those that are sharp edged and have only {111} facets. In other words, among the

crystals belonging to the second class the sharp edged cubo-octahedra do not display overheating

whereas the sharp edged and {111} only polyhedra can be heated 2-4° above the bulk melting point. They can be maintained in this overheated state for several hours. No dependance of this phenomenon on the crystallite size can be detected. So,.neither the annealing time nor the crystal

size influences the overheating phenomenon.

Fig. 3.- A population of Pb crystallites C above the bulk melting point. Note the random co-existence

of (overheated) sharp-edged {111} only polyhedra and of molten spheres of Pb ; a) and b) represent two different regions of the sample.

This is in disagreement with Spiller’s results [14]. It was checked that the electron beam had

a negligible influence by examining portions of the sample that had escaped prior exposition to

the beam. On these "virgin" regions only sharp-edged { 111 } polyhedra where observed under the

overheating conditions. Since a random overall distribution of overheated and molten crystals was

obtained no effect of a temperature gradient along the sample can be suspected.


4. Discussion and conclusion.

We summarize our experimental observations as follows.

1) By using the SEM mode of our microscope one sees that (i) the sharp-edged 111 1} + { 100 } polyhedra melt at the same temperature as the bigger crystallites in pseudo equilibrium (i.e. with { 111 } and { 100} facets and well developed rounded regions inbetween), (ii) the sharp-edged { 111 } only polyhedra can be overheated. The overheating domain is



2) By using the TEM mode the sharp edges of the sharp-edged { 111 } only polyhedra are seen

to be in fact curved regions of very small extension and very high curvature. Since surface premelt- ing has been observed within a wide range of crystal sizes (from 1 mm [19] down to 1 pm [8]) we extrapolate and assume that the same phenomena also occurs for crystals regions having curvature

radü in the nm range. Using this reasonable assumption, Spiller’s explanation of overheating (the

existence of a nucleation barrier for creating a liquid nucleus on { 111 } does not seem valid.

In contrast Nozières [20] recently proposed a mechanism which allows an explanation of our

observation to be given, at least qualitatively. The author considers the equilibrium of two non

wetted faces separated by a quasi molten rounded region. He shows that a premolten meniscus

can exist between the two faces at temperatures lower than Tf and becomes a biconvex molten lens above Tf. The stability of this system determines the temperature domain of overheating. The

width of this domain depends on several parameters either energetical (the specific free energies

of the various faces and interfaces) or geometrical (the angle between the facets, the wetting angle

of the facets and the rounded regions, the various radü of curvature).

In the Nozières’ picture the lack of overtheating of the sharp-edged { 111 } + { 100} polyhedra

means either that {100} itself is wetted (at least at Tf) or that the molten lens between f 11 1} and {100} is unstable at Tf.


The authors wish to thank Pr. R Nozières and Pr. J.M. Bermond for helpful discussions.


[1] FARADAY M., Proc. R. Soc. London 10 (1860) 440.

[2] ZHU M. and DASH J.G., Phys. Rev. Lett. 57 (1986) 2959.

[3] BIENFAIT M., Europhys. Lett. 4 (1987) 79.

[4] CHERNOV A.A. and YAKOVLEV Y.A., Langmiur 3 (1987) 635.

[5] STOCK K.D. and MENZEL E., Surf. Sci. 61 (1976) 272.

[6] FRENKEN J.W.M. and VAN DER VEEN J.F., Phys. Rev. Lett. 54 (1985) 134.

[7] PRINCE K.C., BREUER V and BONZEL H.P., Phys. Rev. Lett. 60 (1988) 1146.

[8] HEYRAUD J.C., MÉTOIS J.J. and BERMOND J.M., to be published in Crystal Growth.

[9] PAVLOVSKA A., FAULIAN K. and BAUER E., to be published in Surf. Sci.

[10] PEPPIATT S.J. and SAMBLES J.R., Proc. R. Soc. London A 345 (1975) 387.

[11] BUFFAT PH. and BOREL J.P., Phys. Rev. A 13 (1976) 2287.

[12] WRONSKI C.R.M., Brit. J. Appl. Phys. 18 (1967) 1731.

[13] COMBES C.J., J. Phys. F : Metal Phys. 2 (1972) 441.

[14] SPILLER G.D.T, Philos. Mag. A 46 (1982) 535.

[15] REISS H. and WILSON I.B., J. Colloid Sci. 3 (1948) 551.

[16] CURZON A.E., Ph D Thesis, University of London (1960).

[17] DAGES J., GLEITER H. and PEREPEZKO J.H., Phys. lett. A 119 (1986) 79.

[18] MÉTOIS J.J., NITSCHE S. and HEYRAUD J.C., Ultramicroscopy 27 (1989) 343.


59 (1987) 2678.

[20] NOZIÈRES to be published in J. Phys. France.


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