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Clique-Stable Set Separation in Perfect Graphs with no Balanced Skew-Partitions


Academic year: 2022

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Clique-Stable Set Separation in Perfect Graphs with no Balanced Skew-Partitions

A. Lagouttea,∗, T. Truncka

aLIP, UMR 5668 ENS Lyon - CNRS - UCBL - INRIA, Universit´e de Lyon, 46, all´ee de l’Italie, 69364 Lyon France.


We prove that perfect graphs with no balanced skew-partitions admits a O(n2) Clique-Stable set separator. We then prove that for every graph G in this class, there always exists two subsets of vertices V1, V2 such that |V1|,|V2| ≥ c|V(G)| for some constant c and V1 is either complete or anticomplete to V2. The method uses trigraphs, introduced by Chudnovsky [5], and relies on the good behavior of both problems with respect to 2-join decomposition proved by Chudnovsky, Trotignon, Trunck and Vuˇskovi´c [7]. Moreover we define the generalizedk-join and generalize both our results on classes of graphs admitting such a decomposition.

Keywords: Clique-Stable separation, perfect graph, trigraph, 2-join

1. Introduction

In 1990, Yannakakis [12] studies the Vertex Packing polytope of a graph (also called Stable Set polytope), and asked for the existence of an extended formulation, that is to say a simpler polytope in higher dimension whose projection would be the vertex packing polytope. He then focuses on the case of perfect graphs, on which the non-negativity and the clique constraints suffice to describe the vertex packing polytope. This leads him to a communication complexity problem which can be restated as follows, where a cut is a bipartition of the vertices of the graph: does there exists a polynomial family F of cuts such that, for every clique K and every stable set S of the graph that do not intersect, there exists a cut (U, W) ofF that separates K andS, meaningK ⊆U and S ⊆ W? Such a family of cuts separating all the cliques and the stable sets is called a Clique- Stable set separator (CS-separator for short). The existence of a polynomial CS-separator (called theClique-Stable separation) is a necessary condition for the existence of an extended formulation.

Yannakakis showed that both exist for several subclasses of perfect graphs, such as comparability graphs and their complements, chordal graphs and their complements, and Lov´asz proved it [11]

for a generalization of series-parallel graphs called t-perfect graphs. However, they were unable to prove it for the whole class of perfect graphs.

Twenty years have past since Yannakakis introduced the problem and several results may en- lighten the problem. First of all, a negative result due to Fiorini et al [8] asserts that there does not exists an extended formulation for the vertex packing polytope for all graphs. This pushes us further to the study of perfect graphs, for which great progress have been made. The most

Corresponding author

Email addresses: aurelie.lagoutte@ens-lyon.fr(A. Lagoutte),theophile.trunck@ens-lyon.fr(T. Trunck)


famous one is the Strong Perfect Graph Theorem, proving that a graph is perfect if and only if it is Berge. It was proved by Chudnovsky, Robertson, Seymour and Thomas [6], and their proof relies on a decomposition theorem: every Berge graph is either in some basic class, or has some kind of decomposition. Such results are hopefully helpful to answer Yannakakis questions on the extended formulation and the Clique-Stable separation. However one decomposition, called the balanced skew-partition is notoriously difficult to handle. Nevertheless, can we still use the other decompositions ? Extending the notion of graphs to trigraphs, as it was done in the proof of the strong perfect graph theorem [5], Chudnovsky, Trotignon, Trunck and Vuˇskovi´c [7] proved that forbidding the balanced skew-partition inductively preserves some structure. Then they were able to use that structure to build a polynomial algorithm that colors Berge graphs with no balanced skew-partition.

Using the same decomposition results which we recall in Section 3, we prove in Section 4 that any Berge graph on nvertices with no balanced skew-partition admits aO(n2) CS-separator. We then generalize the method in Section 5 by defining the operation of generalized k-join between two trigraphs. We show that if C is a class of graphs admitting a O(nc) CS-separator, its closure by generalized k-join (after an intermediate step changing C into a class of trigraphs) admits a O(nk2c) CS-separator. This extends the list of graphs admitting a polynomial CS-separator, which has recently [2] been added of random graphs, H-free graphs if H is a split graph, and graphs with no induced path of length k and its complement. Finally, we prove in Section 6 that ifG is a Berge graph with no balanced skew-partition, there always exists two subsets of vertices V1, V2 such that |V1|,|V2| ≥ n/148 andV1 is complete or anticomplete to V2. This question is motivated by this property being false on some perfect graphs for any constant factor [9] and by its link with the Erd˝os-Hajnal property [1, 10]. We end up by generalizing this result to hereditary classes of trigraphs closed by generalized k-join if the property holds in the basic class considered.

2. Definitions 2.1. Trigraphs

For a set X, we denote by X2

the set of all subsets ofX of size 2. For brevity of notation an element{u, v} of X2

is also denoted byuv orvu. AtrigraphT consists of a finite setV(T), called thevertex set ofT, and a map θ: V(T2 )

−→ {−1,0,1}, called theadjacency function.

Two distinct vertices of T are said to be strongly adjacent ifθ(uv) = 1, strongly antiadjacent if θ(uv) = −1, and semiadjacent if θ(uv) = 0. We say that u and v are adjacent if they are either strongly adjacent, or semiadjacent; andantiadjacentif they are either strongly antiadjacent, or semiadjacent. An edge (antiedge) is a pair of adjacent (antiadjacent) vertices. If u and v are adjacent (antiadjacent), we also say thatu isadjacent (antiadjacent) to v, or that u is aneighbor (antineighbor) of v. The open neighborhood N(u) of u is the set of neighbors of u, and the closed neighborhood N[u] of u is N(u)∪ {u}. If u and v are strongly adjacent (strongly antiadjacent), thenu is a strong neighbor (strong antineighbor)of v. Let η(T) be the set of all strongly adjacent pairs ofT,ν(T) the set of all strongly antiadjacent pairs ofT, andσ(T) the set of all semiadjacent pairs ofT. Thus, a trigraphT is a graph ifσ(T) is empty. A pair{u, v} ⊆V(T) of distinct vertices is a switchable pair if θ(uv) = 0, a strong edge ifθ(uv) = 1 and a strong antiedge if θ(uv) = −1.

An edgeuv (antiedge, strong edge, strong antiedge, switchable pair) is between two setsA⊆V(T) and B ⊆V(T) if u∈A and v∈B or ifu∈B and v∈A.


Let T be a trigraph. The complement T of T is a trigraph with the same vertex set as T, and adjacency function θ=−θ. Let A ⊂V(T) and b∈V(T)\A. We say that b is strongly complete to A if b is strongly adjacent to every vertex of A; b is strongly anticomplete to A if b is strongly antiadjacent to every vertex ofA;bis complete toA ifb is adjacent to every vertex ofA; andb is anticomplete toA ifb is antiadjacent to every vertex of A. For two disjoint subsets A, B of V(T), B isstrongly complete (strongly anticomplete, complete, anticomplete) toA if every vertex of B is strongly complete (strongly anticomplete, complete, anticomplete) toA.

A cliqueinT is a set of vertices all pairwise adjacent, and astrong cliqueis a set of vertices all pairwise strongly adjacent. Astable setis a set of vertices all pairwise antiadjacent, and a strongly stable setis a set of vertices all pairwise strongly antiadjacent. ForX ⊂V(T) the trigraph induced by T on X (denoted by T|X) has vertex set X, and adjacency function that is the restriction of θ to X2

. Isomorphism between trigraphs is defined in the natural way, and for two trigraphs T and H we say thatH is an induced subtrigraph of T (or T contains H as an induced subtrigraph) ifH is isomorphic toT|X for someX⊆V(T). Since in this paper we are only concerned with the induced subtrigraph containment relation, we say thatT contains HifT containsHas an induced subtrigraph. We denote byT \X the trigraph T|(V(T)\X).

LetT be a trigraph. Apath P ofT is a sequence of distinct vertices p1, . . . , pk such that either k = 1, or for i, j ∈ {1, . . . , k}, pi is adjacent to pj if |i−j| = 1 and pi is antiadjacent to pj if

|i−j|>1. Under these circumstances,V(P) ={p1, . . . , pk}and we say thatP is a pathfromp1 to pk, itsinterior is the setP =V(P)\ {p1, pk}, and the lengthofP is k−1. Sometimes, we denote P by p1-· · ·-pk. Observe that, since a graph is also a trigraph, it follows that a path in a graph, the way we have defined it, is what is sometimes in literature called a chordless path.

Aholein a trigraphT is an induced subtrigraphH ofT with verticesh1, . . . , hksuch thatk≥4, and fori, j ∈ {1, . . . , k},hi is adjacent tohj if|i−j|= 1 or|i−j|=k−1; andhi is antiadjacent to hj if 1<|i−j|< k−1. The lengthof a hole is the number of vertices in it. Sometimes we denote H by h1-· · ·-hk-h1. Anantipath(antihole) inT is an induced subtrigraph ofT whose complement is a path (hole) in T.

A semirealization of a trigraph T is any trigraph T0 with vertex set V(T) that satisfies the following: for all uv ∈ V(T2 )

, if uv ∈ η(T) then uv ∈ η(T0), and if uv ∈ ν(T) then uv ∈ ν(T0).

Sometimes we will describe a semirealization ofT as anassignment of values to switchable pairs of T, with three possible values: “strong edge”, “strong antiedge” and “switchable pair”. Arealization of T is any graph that is semirealization of T (so, any semirealization where all switchable pairs are assigned the value “strong edge” or “strong antiedge”). For S ⊆ σ(T), we denote by GTS the realization of T with edge set η(T)∪S, so in GTS the switchable pairs in S are assigned the value “edge”, and those in σ(T)\S the value “antiedge”. The realizationGTσ(T) is called the full realization ofT.

Let T be a trigraph. For X ⊆V(T), we say that X and T|X are connected (anticonnected) if the graphGTσ(T|X|X) (GT|X) is connected. A connected component (or simply component) of X is a maximal connected subset ofX, and ananticonnected component(or simply anticomponent) ofX is a maximal anticonnected subset of X.

A trigraph T is Berge if it contains no odd hole and no odd antihole. Therefore, a trigraph is Berge if and only if its complement is. We observe that T is Berge if and only if every realization (semirealization) ofT is Berge.

Finally let us define the class of trigraph we are working on. Let T be a trigraph, denote by Σ(T) the graph with vertex setV(T) and edge setσ(T) (the switchable pairs ofT). The connected


components of Σ(T) are called theswitchable componentsofT. LetF be the class of Berge trigraphs such that the following hold:

• Every switchable component of T has at most two edges (and therefore no vertex has more than two neighbors in Σ(T)).

• Let v ∈ V(T) have degree two in Σ(T), denote its neighbors by x and y. Then either v is strongly complete toV(T)\{v, x, y}inT, andxis strongly adjacent toyinT, orvis strongly anticomplete to V(T)\ {v, x, y} inT, and xis strongly antiadjacent to y inT.

Observe that T ∈ F if and only if T ∈ F.

2.2. Clique-Stable set separation

LetT be a trigraph. A cut is a pair (U, W)⊆V(T)2 such thatU∪W =V(T) andU∩W =∅.

It separates a clique K and a stable set S ifK ⊆U and S ⊆ W. Sometimes we will call U the clique side of the cut andW thestable set side of the cut. Note that a clique and a stable set can be separated if and only if they do not intersect. Moreover note that they can intersect only on a switchable component V containing only switchable pairs, i.e. such that for every u, v∈V,u=v or uv ∈ σ(T). In particular ifT ∈ F, a clique and a stable set can intersect on at most a vertex or a switchable pair. We say that a familyF of cuts is a CS-separator if for all everyK and every stable setSwhich do not intersect, there exists a cut inF that separatesK andS. Given a classC of trigraphs, the interesting question is to know whether there exists a constant csuch that every trigraph ofC admits a CS-separator of size O(nc).

Suppose there exists a CS-separator of size m on T, then we build a CS-separator of size m on T by building for every cut (U, W) the cut (W, U). Thus, the problem is auto-complementary.

Moreover, let us show that we can only focus on maximal cliques and stable sets.

Lemma 2.1. If a trigraph T of F admits a family F of cuts separating all the maximal (in the sense of inclusion) cliques from the maximal stable sets, then it admits a CS-separator of size at most |F|+O(n2).

Proof. For everyx∈V, letCut1,xbe the cut (N[x], V\N[x]) andCut2,xbe the cut (N(x), V\N(x)).

For every switchable pairxy, let Cut1,xy (resp. Cut2,xy, Cut3,xy,Cut4,xy) be the cut (U =N[x]∪ N[y], V\U) (resp. (U =N[x]∪N(y), V\U), (U =N(x)∪N[y], V\U), (U =N(x)∪N(y), V \U)).

LetF0 be the union ofF with all these cuts for every x∈V,xy ∈σ(T), and let us prove thatF0 is a CS-separator.

Let (K, S) be a pair of clique and stable set that do not intersect. ExtendK and S by adding vertices to get a maximal cliqueK0 and a maximal stable set S0. Three cases are to be considered.

EitherK0 andS0 do not intersect, and there is a cut inF that separatesK0 from S0 (thusK from S). Or K0 and S0 intersect on a vertex x : if x ∈K, then Cut1,x separatesK from S, otherwise Cut2,x does. Or else K0 and S0 intersect on a switchable pair xy (recall that a clique and a stable set can intersect on at most one vertex or one switchable pair): then the same argument can be applied with Cut1,xy, or. . ., orCut4,xy depending on the intersection between {x, y} and K.

In particular, if T has at most O(nc) maximal cliques (or stable sets) for some constantc≥2, then there is a CS-separator of size O(nc)(we just cut every maximal clique from the rest of the graph and then apply the previous Lemma).


3. Decomposing trigraphs of F

This section recall definitions and results from [7] that we use in the next section. Our goal is to state the decomposition theorem for trigraphs ofF by building the blocks of decomposition and stating the theorems showing the blocks stay in the class. First we need some definitions.

3.1. Basic trigraphs

A trigraph T is bipartite if its vertex set can be partitioned into two strongly stable sets. A trigraph T is a line trigraph if the full realization of T is the line graph of a bipartite graph and every clique of size at least 3 inT is a strong clique. Let us now define the trigraph analogue of the double split graph (first defined in [6]), namely thedoubled trigraph. Agood partition of a trigraph T is a partition (X, Y) of V(T) (possibly,X =∅ orY =∅) such that:

• Every component of T|X has at most two vertices, and every anticomponent ofT|Y has at most two vertices.

• No switchable pair of T meets bothX and Y.

• For every component CX of T|X, every anticomponent CY of T|Y, and every vertex v in CX∪CY, there exists at most one strong edge and at most one strong antiedge betweenCX

and CY that is incident tov.

A trigraph is doubled if it has a good partition. A trigraph is basic if it is either a bipartite trigraph, the complement of a bipartite trigraph, a line trigraph, the complement of a line trigraph or a doubled trigraph. Basic trigraphs behave well with respect to induced subtrigraphs and complementation as stated by the following lemma.

Lemma 3.1 ([7]). Basic trigraphs are Berge and are closed under taking induced subtrigraphs, semirealizations, realizations and complementation.

3.2. Decompositions

We now describe the decompositions that we need to state the decomposition theorem. First, a 2-join in a trigraph T is a partition (X1, X2) of V(T) such that there exist disjoint sets A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2⊆V(T) satisfying:

• X1 =A1∪B1∪C1 and X2 =A2∪B2∪C2;

• A1, A2, B1 and B2 are non-empty;

• no switchable pair meets bothX1 and X2;

• every vertex ofA1is strongly adjacent to every vertex ofA2, and every vertex ofB1is strongly adjacent to every vertex of B2;

• there are no other strong edges between X1 and X2;

• fori= 1,2 |Xi| ≥3; and

• for i= 1,2, if |Ai|= |Bi|= 1, then the full realization of T|Xi is not a path of length two joining the members ofAi and Bi.


In these circumstances, we say that (A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2) is a split of (X1, X2). The 2-join is proper if for i= 1,2, every component of T|Xi meets both Ai and Bi. Note that the fact that a 2-join is proper does not depend on the particular split that is chosen. A complement 2-join of a trigraph T is a 2-join of T. In our class we have the following useful technical lemma.

Lemma 3.2 ([7]). Let T be a trigraph from F with no balanced skew-partition, and let (A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2) be a split of a 2-join (X1, X2) in T. Then |Xi| ≥4, for i= 1,2.

In Berge trigraphs, 2-joins are odd or even according to the parity of the lengths of the paths betweenAi and Bi. The following lemma ensure the correctness of the definition.

Lemma 3.3. Let T be a Berge trigraph and (A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2)a split of a proper2-join ofT. Then all paths with one end in Ai, one end in Bi and interior in Ci, for i= 1,2, have lengths of the same parity.

Proof. Otherwise, fori= 1,2, letPi be a path with one end inAi, one end inBi and interior inCi, such thatP1 and P2 have lengths of different parity. They form an odd hole, a contradiction.

Our second decomposition is the balanced skew-partition. LetA, Bbe disjoint subsets ofV(T).

We say the pair (A, B) is balanced if there is no odd path of length greater than 1 with ends in B and interior in A, and there is no odd antipath of length greater than 1 with ends in A and interior in B. A skew-partition is a partition (A, B) of V(T) so that A is not connected and B is not anticonnected. A skew-partition (A, B) isbalancedif the pair (A, B) is.

These decompositions we just described generalize the decompositions used in [6], and in ad- dition all the “important” edges and non-edges in those graph decompositions are required to be strong edges and strong antiedges of the trigraph, respectively. We are now ready to state the decomposition theorem.

Theorem 3.4 ([7]). Every trigraph in F is either basic, or admits a balanced skew-partition, a proper 2-join, or a proper 2-join in the complement.

We now define theblocks of decomposition TX with respect to a 2-join (an illustration of blocks of decomposition can be found in Figure 2 in Section 4 where they are used with additional features, namely weights and labels).

If (X1, X2) is a proper odd 2-join and X = X1, then let (A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2) be a split of (X1, X2). We build the block of decompositionTX1 =TX as follows. We start withT|(A1∪B1∪C1).

We then add two newmarker vertices aandb such thatais strongly complete to A1,bis strongly complete to B1,abis a switchable pair, and there are no other edges between{a, b} andX1. Note that{a, b}is a switchable component ofTX.

If (X1, X2) is a proper even 2-join and X =X1, then let (A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2) be a split of (X1, X2). We build the block of decompositionTX1 =TX as follows. We start withT|(A1∪B1∪C1).

We then add three newmarker vertices a,bandcsuch thatais strongly complete toA1,bis strongly complete toB1,acand cbare switchable pairs, and there are no other edges between {a, b, c} and X1.

We define the block of decomposition of a complement 2-join (X1, X2) as the complement of the block of decomposition of the 2-join (X1, X2) in the complement of the original trigraph.

The two following theorems ensure that our blocks of decomposition stay in the class, namely are inF and do not have balanced skew-partition.

Theorem 3.5([7]). If Xis a proper2-join or a complement of a proper2-join of a trigraphT from F with no balanced skew-partition, then TX is a trigraph fromF with no balanced skew-partition.


4. Clique-Stable separation in Berge graphs with no balanced skew-partition

This part is devoted to proving that the trigraphs ofF with no balanced skew-partition admits a quadratic CS-separator. First, we handle the case of basic trigraphs:

Lemma 4.1. There exists a constantcsuch that every basic trigraph admits a CS-separator of size cn2.

Proof. Since the problem is auto-complementary, we consider only the cases of bipartite graphs, line trigraphs and doubled trigraphs. A clique in a bipartite trigraph is an edge, a switchable pair or a vertex, thus there is at most a quadratic number of them. If T is a line trigraph, then its full realization is the line graph of a bipartite graph G thus T has a linear number of maximal cliques because each of which corresponds to a vertex ofG. Thanks to Lemma 2.1, this implies the existence of a CS-separator of quadratic size.

IfT is a doubled trigraph, let (X, Y) be a good partition of it and build the cut (Y, X) together with the following ones: for every Z = {x} with x ∈ X or Z = ∅, and for every Z0 = {y} with y ∈ Y or Z0 =∅, take the cut (Y ∪Z\Z0, X∪Z0 \Z) and for every pair x, y ∈V, take the cut ({x, y}, V \ {x, y}), and (V\ {x, y},{x, y}). These cuts form a CS-separator : let (K, S) be a clique and a stable set ofT that do not intersect, then|K∩X| ≤2 and|S∩Y| ≤2. If|K∩X|= 2 (resp.

|S∩Y|= 2) then K(resp. S) is just an edge (resp. an antiedge) because by definition, the vertices ofK∩Xcan not have common neighbors inY. So the cut (K, V \K) (resp. (V\S, S) separatesK andS. Otherwise,|K∩X| ≤1 and|S∩Y| ≤1 and then (Y∪(K∩X)\(S∩Y), X∪(S∩Y)\(K∩X)) separates them.

Next, we handle the case of a 2-join in the trigraph and show how to reconstruct a CS-separator from the CS-separators on the blocks of decompositions.

Lemma 4.2. LetT be a trigraph admitting a proper2-join(X1, X2). If the blocks of decomposition TX1 and TX2) admits a CS-separator of size respectively k1 and k2, thenT admits a CS-separator of size k1+k2.

Proof. Let (A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2) be a split of (X1, X2),TX1(resp. TX2) the block of decomposition with marker vertices a1, b1, and possibly c1 (depending on the parity of the 2-join) (resp. a2, b2, and possibly c2). Observe that there is no need to distinguish between an odd or an even 2-join, becausec1andc2 play no role. LetF1 be a CS-separator ofTX1 of sizek1 andF2 be a CS-separator of TX2 of size k2. Let us build F aiming at being a CS-separator for T. For each cut (U, W)∈F1, build the cut ((U ∩X1)∪U0,(W ∩X1)∪W0 ∪C2) where U0∪W0 =A2∪B2 and A2 ⊆U0 (resp.

B2 ⊆U0) if a2 ∈U (resp. b2 ∈U), and A2 ⊆W0 (resp. B2 ⊆W0) otherwise. In other words, we putA2 on the same side asa2,B2 on the same side as b2, andC2 on the stable set side. For each cut in F2, we do the similar construction: put A1 on the same side as a1, B1 on the same side as b1, and finally putC1 on the stable set side.

F is indeed a CS-separator: let (K, S) be a pair of clique and stable set that do not intersect.

As a first case, suppose that K ⊆X1. LetS0 = (S∩X1)∪Sa2,b2 whereSa2,b2 ⊆ {a2, b2} contains a2 (resp. b2) if and only ifS intersectsA2 (resp. B2). S0 is a stable set ofTX1, so there is a cut in F1 separating the pair (K, S0). The corresponding cut in F separates (K, S). The case K⊆X2 is handled symmetrically.

As a second case, suppose K intersects both X1 and X2. Then K∩C1 =∅ and K ⊆A1∪A2

orK ⊆B1∪B2. Assume by symmetry thatK ⊆A1∪A2. Observe that S can not intersect both


A1 and A2 which are completely strongly adjacent, say it does not intersect A2 (the other case is handled symmetrically). Let K0 = (K ∩A1)∪ {a2} and S0 = (S∩X1)∪Sb2 where Sb2 = {b2} if S intersects B2, and Sb2 = ∅ otherwise. K0 is a clique and S0 is a stable set of TX1 so there exists a cut in F1 separating them, and the corresponding cut in F separates (K, S). Then F is a CS-separator.

This lead us to the main theorem of this part:

Theorem 4.3. Every trigraph of F with no balanced skew-partition admits a CS-separator of size O(n2).

Proof. Let c0 be the constant of Lemma 4.1 and c= max(c0,224). Let us prove by induction that every trigraph of T admits a CS-separator of size cn2. The initialization is concerned with basic trigraphs, for which Lemma 4.1 shows that a CS-separator of sizec0n2 exists, and with trigraphs of size less than 24. For them, one can consider every subsetU of vertices and take the cut (U, V \U) which form a trivial CS-separator of size at most 224n2.

Consequently, we can now assume that the trigraph T is not basic and has at least 25 vertices.

Applying Theorem 3.4, T has a proper 2-join (X1, X2) (or the complement of a proper 2-join, in which case we solve onT since the problem is auto-complementary). Letn1=|X1|, by Lemma 3.2 we can assume that 4≤n1≤n−4. Applying Theorem 3.5, we can apply the induction hypothesis on the blocks of decomposition TX1 and TX2 to get a CS-separator of size respectively at most k1=c(n1+ 3)2 and k2 =c(n−n1+ 3)2. By Lemma 4.2,T admits a CS-separator of sizek1+k2. The goal is to prove thatk1+k2 ≤cn2.

LetP(n1) =c(n1+ 3)2+c(n−n1+ 3)2−cn2. P is a degree 2 polynomial with leading coefficient 2c >0. Moreover,P(4) =P(n−4) =−2c(n−25)≤0 so by convexity of P,P(n1)≤0 for every 4≤n1≤n−4, which achieves the proof.

5. Closure by generalized k-join

We present here a way to extend the result of the Clique-Stable separation on Berge graphs with no balanced skew-partition to larger classes of graphs, based on a generalization of the 2-join.

Let C be a class of graphs, which should be seen as ”basic” graphs. For any integer k ≥ 1, we construct the classC≤k of trigraphs in the following way : a trigraphT belongs to C≤k if and only if there exists a partition X1, . . . , Xr ofV(T) such that

• for every 1≤i≤r, 1≤ |Xi| ≤k.

• for every 1≤i≤r, X2i


• for every 1≤i6=j≤r,Xi×Xj∩σ(T) =∅.

• there exists a graphGinC such that Gis a realization of T.

In other words, starting from a graph Gof C, we partition its vertices into small parts (of size at mostk), and change all adjacency inside the parts into switchable pairs.

We now define the generalized k-join between two trigraphs T1 and T2 (see Figure 1 for an illustration), which generalize the 2-join and is similar to the H-join [4]. Let T1 and T2 be two trigraphs having the following properties with 1≤r, s≤k:








(a) InT1,b1b2 is a switchable pair, b1 is strongly complete to A1 and A2 and strongly anticomplete to A3; b2 is strongly complete to A2 and A3and strongly anticomplete toA1. There can be any ad- jacency in the left part.







(b) In T2, {a1, a2, a3} con- tains only switchable pairs, B1 is strongly complete to {a1, a2} and strongly anti- complete toa3;B2is strongly complete to {a2, a3} and strongly anticomplete to a1. There can be any adjacency in the right part.







(c) In T, B1 is strongly com- plete to A1 and A2 and strongly anticomplete to A3; B2 is strongly complete toA2

andA3and strongly anticom- plete to A1. The adjacencies inside the left part and the right part are preserved.

Figure 1: Example of a generalized 3-joinT ofT1 andT2 withr= 3 ands= 2.

• V(T1) is partitioned into (A1, . . . , Ar, B={b1, . . . , bs}) and Aj 6=∅ for every 1≤j ≤r.

• V(T2) is partitioned into (B1, . . . , Bs, A={a1, . . . , ar}) andBi6=∅for every 1≤i≤s.


⊆σ(T1) and A2

⊆σ(T2), meaning thatA and B contain only switchable pairs.

• For every 1≤i≤s,1 ≤j ≤r,bi and aj are either both strongly complete or both strongly anticomplete to respectively Aj and Bi. In other words, there exists a bipartite graph de- scribing the adjacency between B and (A1, . . . , Ar), and the same bipartite graph describes the adjacency between (B1, . . . , Bs) and A.

Then the generalized k-join of T1 and T2 is the trigraphT whereV(T) =A1∪. . .∪Ar∪B1∪ . . .∪Bs. Let θ1 and θ2 be the adjacency function of T1 andT2, respectively. As much as possible, the adjacency function θofT followsθ1 andθ2 (meaning θ(uv) =θ1(uv) foruv ∈ V(T1)∩V2 (T)

and θ(uv) = θ2(uv) foruv ∈ V(T2)∩V2 (T)

), and fora∈Aj,b∈Bi,θ(ab) = 1 if bi and Aj are strongly complete inT1 (or, equivalently, ifaj and Bi are strongly complete in T2), and−1 otherwise.

We finally define C≤k to be the smallest class containing C≤k and closed under generalized k-join.

Lemma 5.1. If every graph Gof C admits a CS-separator of sizem, then every trigraphT of C≤k admits a CS-separator of size mk2.

Proof. First we claim that if there exist a CS-separator F of size m then F0 = {(∩ki=1Ui,∪ki=1Wi)|(U1, W1). . .(Uk, Wk) ∈ F} is a family of cuts of size mk that separates every clique from every union of at most kstable sets. Indeed if K is a clique andS1. . . Sk arek stable sets such that they do not intersect K then there exists in F k partitions (U1, W1). . .(Uk, Wk) such that (Ui, Wi) separatesK and Si. Now (∩ki=1Ui,∪ki=1Wi) is a partition that separates K from

ki=1Si. Using the same argument we can buildF00 a family of cuts of sizemk2 that separates every


union of at most k cliques from every union of at most k stable sets. Now let T be a trigraph of C≤k and letG∈ C such thatT is a realization ofG. Notice that a clique K (resp. stable set S) in T is an union of at mostkcliques (resp. stable sets) inG. For instance one can see that Σ(T)∩K (resp. Σ(T)∩S) isk-colorable and each class of color corresponds to a clique (resp. stable set) in G. Then there exists a CS-separator ofT of size mk2.

Lemma 5.2. If T1 and T2 ∈ C≤k admit CS-separators of size respectively m1 and m2, then the generalized k-join T of T1 and T2 admits a CS-separator of size m1+m2.

Proof. The proof is very similar to the one of Lemma 4.2. We follow the notations introduced in the definition of the generalized k-join. LetF1 (resp. F2) be a CS-separator of sizem1 (resp. m2) onT1 (resp. T2). Let us buildF aiming at being a CS-separator onT. For every cut (U, W) inF1, build the cut (U0, W0) according to the following two rules: for every a∈ ∪rj=0Aj (resp. b∈ Bi), a∈U0 (resp. b∈U0) if and only if a∈U (resp. bi ∈U). In other words, we take a cut similar to (U, W) by puttingBi in the same side as bi. We do the symmetric operation for every cut (U, W) inF2 by putting Aj in the same side as aj.

F is indeed a CS-separator: let (K, S) be a pair of clique and stable set that do not intersect.

Suppose as a first case that one part of the partition (A1, . . . , Ar, B1, . . . , Bs) intersects both K and S. Free to exchangeT1 and T2, and to renumber theAj, we can assume that A1∩K 6=∅ and A1∩S 6=∅. Since for everyi,A1 is either strongly complete or strongly anticomplete toBi,Bi can not intersect bothK and S. Consider inT1 the cut (K0= (K∩V(T))∪Kb, S0= (S∩V(T))∪Sb) whereKb ={bi|K∩Bi6=∅}andSb={bi|S∩Bi 6=∅}. K0 is a clique inT1,S0 is a stable set inT1, and there is a cut separating them inF1. The corresponding cut in F separatesK andS.

The other case occurs when no part of the partition intersects both K and S. Then for every i,Bi does not: the same arguments as before apply.

Theorem 5.3. If every graph of Cadmits a CS-separator of sizeO(nc), then every trigraph of C≤k admits a CS-separator of size O(nk2c). In particular, every realization of a trigraph of C≤k admits a CS-separator of size O(nk2c).

Proof. We prove by induction that there exists a CS-separator of size pnk2c with p= max(p0,2p0) wherep0 is the constant in the O of the size of a CS-separator of graphs inC and p0 is a constant to be defined later. The base case is divided into two cases: the trigraphs of C≤k, for which the property is verified according to Lemma 5.1, and the trigraphs of size at mostp0. For those, one can consider every subset U of vertices and take the cut (U, V \U) which form a trivial CS-separator of size at most 2p0nk2c.

Consequently, we can now assume that T is the generalizedk-join ofT1 and T2 with at least p0

vertices. Let n1=|T1|and n2 =|T2|with n1+n2 =n+r+s andr+s+ 1≤n1, n2,≤n−1. By induction, there exists a CS-separator of sizepnk12c onT1 and one of sizepnk22c on T2. By Lemma 5.2, there exists a CS-separator onT of sizepnk12c+pnk22c. The goal is to provepnk12c+pnk22c≤pnk2c. Notice that n1+n2 = n−1 +r +s+ 1 so by convexity of x 7→ xc on R+, nk12c+nk22c ≤ (n−1)k2c+ (r+s+ 1)k2c. Moreover,r+s+ 1≤2k+ 1. Now we can define p0 large enough such that for every n ≥p0, nk2c−(n−1)k2c ≥(2k+ 1)k2c. Then nk12c+nk22c≤ nk2c, which concludes the proof.


6. Linear strongly complete or anticomplete pseudo-bipartite subgraphs 6.1. On Berge graphs with no balanced skew-partition

Given a constant c < 1, a trigraph T of size n has a c.n strongly complete or anticomplete pseudo-bipartite subgraph if there existsV1, V2⊆V(T) such that|V1|,|V2| ≥c.n and V1 is strongly complete or strongly anticomplete toV2. The aim of this part is to prove the following theorem:

Theorem 6.1. LetT be a trigraph ofF with no balanced skew-partition, such that n=|V(T)| ≥3.

Then T has a n/148strongly complete or anticomplete pseudo-bipartite subgraph.

Let Cbe a class of graphs closed under taking induced subgraphs, such that every G∈ C has a c.n strongly complete or anticomplete pseudo-bipartite subgraph. For instance, this is the case of graphs with no induced path of lengthknor its complement [3]. Then we can deduce the existence of a O(nk(c)) CS-separator for C [2] and we can also deduce that the Erd˝os-Hajnal property is verified [1, 10] on C: there exists a constant δ(C) such that in every graph G ∈ C, there exists a clique or a stable set of size |V(G)|δ(C). It has been proved that there exist Berge graphs that do not have a c.n strongly complete or anticomplete pseudo-bipartite subgraph for anyc > 0 [9], thus Theorem 6.1 shows that Berge graphs with no balanced skew partition have some specific structure that does not exist in all Berge graphs. Unfortunately, we cannot deduce the existence of a polynomial CS-separator from Theorem 6.1, because our class is not closed under taking induced subgraphs: deleting a vertex might create balanced skew partitions. Note that the Erd˝os-Hajnal property is verified on Berge graphs (and thus, in trigraphs of F) because there always exists a clique or a stable set of size √

n(n is smaller than the product of the chromatic number and the size of the largest stable set, and then conclude using that the graph is perfect).

In the following, any trigraph T is given a weight function w : V(T)∪σ(T) → N and we require that w(v) > 0 for v ∈ V(T) and that every switchable pair of non-zero weight must be labeled “2-join” or “complement 2-join”. For every subset V0 ⊆ V(T), we denote w(V0) = P

v∈V0w(v) +P

u,v∈V0w(uv). In this context, we redefine the sizenof a trigraphT to bew(V(T)), and given a constant c < 1, we say that T has a c.n strongly complete or anticomplete pseudo- bipartite subgraph if there exists V1, V2 ⊆ V(T) such that w(V1), w(V2) ≥ c.n and V1 is strongly complete or strongly anticomplete toV2. Observe that ifwis the weight function such thatw(v) = 1 for everyv∈V(T) and w(uv) = 0 for everyuv ∈σ(T) we obtain the above notion.

The idea is to contract vertices ofT, while preserving the corresponding weight, until getting a basic one. LetT be a trigraph with a weight functionw, (X1, X2) be a proper 2-join inT or in the complement ofT such thatw(X1)≥w(X2), and (A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2) a split of (X1, X2). Let us define the trigraphT0 with weight functionw0 to be thecontraction ofT, denoted (T, w);(T0, w0).

T0 is the block of decompositionTX1 and its weight functionw0is defined as follow (see Figure2):

• On the vertices ofX1, we definew0 =w.

• On the marker verticesa, b, we definew0(a) =w(A2) and w0(b) =w(B2)

• If the marker vertex cexists, we define w0(c) =w(C2). Otherwise we define w0(ab) =w(C2) and we labelabaccording to the type of (X1, X2).

We define a(resp. b, v ∈X1) to be the representant of A2 (resp. B2, v) and for every vertex v∈A2 (resp. B2, X1) we note v→ a(resp. v→b, v→v). Depending on the existence ofc, cor abis the representant of C2 and for every vertex v∈C2 we notev→cor v→ab.





a:w(A2) c:w(C2)

b:w(B2) (a) Even 2-join inT




a:w(A2) c:w(C2)

b:w(B2) (b) Even 2-join inT





b:w(B2) ab:w(C2)


(c) Odd 2-join inT





b:w(B2) ab:w(C2)

”comp. 2-join”

(d) Odd 2-join inT

Figure 2: Description of the contraction ofT if (A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2) is a split of a 2-join inT or in the complement T. A line between a vertexx∈ {a, b, c}and a setV ∈ {A1, B1, C1}means thatxis strongly complete toV, otherwise xis strongly anticomplete to V.

If (T, w) ; (T0, w0) and V0 ⊆V(T0), we also denote V → V0 if V ={v ∈ V(T)|∃v0 ∈ V0v → v0∨ ∃u0v0 ∈V02v→u0v0}. We denote by → (resp. ;) the transitive closure of→ (resp. ;).

Lemma 6.2. If T is a trigraph with weight function w and(T, w); (T0, w0) then

• w0(V(T0)) =w(V(T))

• If T0 has a c.n strongly complete or anticomplete pseudo-bipartite subgraph (V1, V2), then T also has.

Proof. The first item is straightforward. Suppose T0 has a c.n strongly complete or anticomplete pseudo-bipartite subgraph (V1, V2). Then there exists W1, W2 ⊆ V(T) such that W1 V1 and W2 V2. Since the contraction does not create strongly adjacency and strongly antiadjacency that did not previously exist, if V1, V2 are strongly complete (resp. anticomplete), W1, W2 also are. Moreover, w(W1) = w0(V1) and w(W2) =w0(V2). So (W1, W2) is a c.n strongly complete or anticomplete pseudo-bipartite subgraph ofT0.

Lemma 6.3. Let 0 < c < 1/6. Let (T, w) be a weighted trigraph of F with no balanced skew- partition such that w(x) < c.n for every x ∈V(T)∪σ(T). Either T has c.n strongly complete or anticomplete pseudo-bipartite subgraph, or there exists a basic trigraph T0 with weight w0 such that (T, w); (T0, w0) and for every x∈V(T0)∪σ(T0), w(x)< c.n.

Proof. We prove the result by induction on T, using the decomposition result on trigraphs of F (Theorem 3.4). If T is not basic, then it admits a proper 2-join or a proper 2-join in the comple- ment. The problem being autocomplementary, we only show here the case of a 2-join (X1, X2) in T. By symmetry, suppose w(X1) ≥ w(X2) and thus w(X1) ≥ n/2. Let (A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2) be a split of (X1, X2). By property of X1, max(w(A1), w(B1), w(C1)) ≥ n/6 ≥ c.n. Thus if max(w(A2), w(B2), w(C2))≥c.n, there is ac.npseudo-bipartite strongly complete or anticomplete subgraph. Otherwise, (T, w);(T0, w0) with w0(x) < c.n for every x∈V(T0)∪σ(T0) andT0 ∈ F with no balanced skew-partition by Theorem 3.5. So we can apply the induction hypothesis and either find a basic trigraphT00 such that (T, w);(T0, w0); (T00, w00) and w00(x)< c.n for every x ∈ V(T00)∪σ(T00); or find a c.n complete or anticomplete pseudo-bipartite subgraph in T0, and thus inT by Lemma 6.2.

If T is a basic trigraph with weight function w, we want to transform T into a vertex-only weighted trigraph, by transferring the weight on the switchable pairs to new vertices. We define the extension T0 of T as the trigraph with weight function w0 : V(T0) → N\ {0} defined in the


following way: V(T0) =V(T)∪ {vab|ab∈σ(T), w(ab)>0},w0(v) =w(v) forv ∈V(T), the label of abis given to vab, w0(vab) =w(ab),θ(avab) =θ(bvab) = 0, and if u∈V \ {a, b}, then θ(uvab) =−1 if the label of ab is ”2-join” and θ(uvab) = 1 if the label is ”complement 2-join”. Observe that ab was the representant of C2 of the split (A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2) of the 2-join, and vab takes the place back as a contraction of C2, since it has same weight and same strong adjacency and strong antiadjacency with the rest of the graph. It was not possible to keep a contraction of C2 at each step and simultaneous stay inF and not create a balanced skew-partition, which is a key ingredient of Lemma 6.3. Observe finally that the newly added vertices labeled by ”2-join” form a stable set and those labeled by ”complement 2-join” form a clique.

Lemma 6.4. Let (T, w) be a weighted trigraph of F with no balanced skew-partition such that w(uv) = 0 for every uv ∈ σ(T). Suppose (T, w) ; (T0, w0) and let T00 with weight w00 be the extension of T0. If T00 admits a c.n strongly complete or anticomplete pseudo-bipartite subgraph, thenT also does.

Proof. Let (V1, V2) be a c.n strongly complete or anticomplete pseudo-bipartite subgraph in T00. Let X1 ⊆ V1 be the subset of vertices of V1 with a label. Then V1 \X1 ⊆ V(T0) and there exists W1 ⊆ V(T) such that W1 V1 \X1. Let Y1 = {v ∈ V(T)|∃vab ∈ X1, v → ab}. Then w(W1∪Y1) =w00(V1)≥c.n. We define similarlyX2,W2 and Y2 and we have the similar inequality w(W2 ∪Y2) = w00(V2) ≥ c.n. Moreover, W1 ∪Y1 is strongly complete (resp. anticomplete) to W2∪Y2 ifV1 is strongly complete (resp. anticomplete) to V2. ThusT has ac.n strongly complete or anticomplete pseudo-bipartite subgraph.

Lemma 6.5. IfT0 is the extension of a basic trigraphT ofF with no balanced skew-partition with weight functionw0andw0(x)< c.nfor everyx∈V(T)∪σ(T), thenT0 admits ac.npseudo-bipartite complete or anticomplete subgraph ifc≤1/148.

Before going to the proof, we need a technical lemma. A graph G has m multi-edges if its set of edges E is a multiset of V2 \ {xx|x ∈ V(G)} of size m: there can be several edges between two distinct vertices. An edge uv has two extremities u and v. The degree of v ∈ V(G) is d(v) =|{e∈E|v is an extremity of e}|.

Lemma 6.6. Let G be a bipartite graph (A, B) withm multi-edges and maximum degree c.mwith c < 1/3. Then there exist two subsets E1, E2 of edges of G such that |E1|,|E2| ≥ m/48 and if e1∈E1, e2∈E2 thene1 and e2 do not have a common extremity.

Proof. Ifm≤48, it is enough to find two edges with no common extremity. Such two edges always exists since the maximum degree is bounded by c.m so no vertex can be a common extremity to every edge. Otherwise, assume m > 48 and let us consider a random uniform partition (U, U0) of the vertices. For every pair of distinct edges e1, e2, consider the random variable Xe1,e2 = 1 if (e1, e2)∈(U2×U02)∪(U02×U2), and 0 otherwise. Ife1 ande2 have at least one common extremity, then Pr(Xe1,e2 = 1) = 0, otherwise Pr(Xe1,e2 = 1) = 1/8. We define the following:

p={(e1, e2)∈E2|e1 and e2 do not have a common extremity}

pA={(e1, e2)∈E2|e1 and e2 do not have a common extremity in A}

qA={(e1, e2)∈E2|e1 6=e2 and e1 and e2 have a common extremity inA}


We define similarly pB and qB. Assume that p≥ 13 m2 . Then E( X

e1,e2∈E e16=e2

Xe1,e2) = X

e1,e2∈E e16=e2

Pr(Xe1,e2 = 1) = p 8 ≥ 1

24 m



Thus there exists a partition (U, U0) such that X

e1,e2∈E e16=e2

Xe1,e2 ≥ 1 24

m 2


LetE1 =E∩U2 and E2 =E∩U02. Then|E1|,|E2| ≥m/48, otherwise X

e1,e2∈E e16=e2

Xe1,e2 =|E1| · |E2|< m 48·

1− 1


m≤ 1 24

m 2


a contradiction. So E1 and E2 satisfy the requirements of the lemma. We finally have to prove thatp≥ 13 m2

. The intermediate key result is that pA≥2qA. Number the vertices ofA from 1 to

|A|and recall thatd(i) is the degree ofi. Then P|A|

i=1d(i) =mand

pA= 1/2





= 1/2










= 1/2



i,j=1 i6=j


qA= 1/2





= 1/2






2pA−(4qA+2m) =







j=1 j6=i















d(i) (m−3d(i))

But for every i,d(i)≤c.m≤m/3 thusm−3d(i)≥0. Consequently, 2pA−(4qA+ 2m) ≥0 and thuspA≥2qA. ButpA+qA= m2

soqA13 m2

. Similarly,pB ≥2qB and qB13 m2

. Finally, p≥

m 2

−qA−qB≥ m


−2 3

m 2

≥ 1 3

m 2


Proof of Lemma 6.5. Letwbe the weight function onT0. Since the problem is autocomplementary, it suffices to prove it if T is a bipartite trigraph, a doubled trigraph or a line trigraph. IfT is a doubled trigraph, then T has a good partition (X, Y). In fact, X is the union of two stable sets X1 and X2 and Y is the union of two cliques Y1 and Y2. Thus T0 is the union of three stable sets


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