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Effect of thickness on the thermal properties of thick specimens of low-density thermal insulation


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Effect of thickness on the thermal properties of thick specimens of

low-density thermal insulation

Shirtliffe, C. J.


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National Research Conseil national





Council Canada de recherches Canada




by C. J. Shirtliffe




Reprinted from

Thermal Insulation Performance

American Society for Testing and Materials



Special Technical Publication 7 18, 1980 I



p. 36 50 Y C? :2 r,

DBR Paper No. 966

Divirion of Building Research


Un mod'ele 'a t r i p l e couche compos6 d e deux couches s u p e r f i c i e l l e s e t d'une couche c e n t r a l e e s t c r 6 6 pour expliquer l e s effets d e 116paisseur d e 116chantillon s u r l e s propri6ti.s t h e r m i q u e s d'une 6 p a i s s e isolation. L e mod'ele p e r m e t d e p r 6 c i s e r l e s effets d u pouvoir 6 m i s s i f l i m i t e e t de l a d e n s i t e de 116chantillon s u r l e s m e s u r e s . I1 e n d6coule un r a p p o r t e n t r e l a r 6 - sistivitC t h e r m i q u e a p p a r e n t e e t l ' a c c r o i s s e m e n t d e l a r 6 s i s t a n c e p a r unit6 d 1 6 p a i s s e u r . On donne d e s Cquations c o r r e s p o n d a n t aux d e n s i t e s ob s u r v i e n t l a r 6 s i s tance t h e r mique maximale de l a couche c e n t r a l e e t de l ' e n s e m b l e de l86chantillon e t aux v a r i a t i o n s de conductivith t h e r m i q u e de l a couche c e n t r a l e e t de llCchantillon a v e c l e r a p p o r t de densit6 'a d e n s i t 6 oh s u r v i e n t l a conductivit6 minimale. L e s d e n s i t 6 s o b s u r v i e n n e n t l e s e x t r 8 m e s ne d6pendent p r a t i q u e m e n t p a s d e 1 1 6 p a i s s e u r d e llCchantillon. Au c o n t r a i r e de l a f o r me habituelle en U non s y m k t r i q u e , on p r o p o s e une f o r m e e n V pour l a v a r i a t i o n d e l a conductivit6 thermique. L ' o u v r a g e p r o p o s e Cgalement d e s Cqua- tions 'a u t i l i s e r pour l ' a j u s t e m e n t d e s c o u r b e s p a r une c o u r b u r e du s o m m e t e t un dCplacement de p o s i - tion d e l a v a l e u r minimale. -



09 021


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Authorized Reprint from Jt!mml of

Special Technical PuMicat~on 718


American Society for Tetting and Materials 1916 Race Street, PhiIadelphla, Pa. 19103

Effect of Thickness on the Thermal

Properties of Thick Specimens of

Low-Density Thermal Insulation

REFERENCE: Shirtliffe, C. 1.. "Effect of Thickness on the Thermal Properties of

Thick Specimens of Low-Density Thermal Insulation," Therntul I~tsulutiort Petjbrnl- ance, ASTM STP 718, D. L. McElroy and R. P. Tye, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, 1980, pp. 36-50.

ABSTRACT: A three-layer model comprising two surface layers and a core is devel- oped to explain the effect of specimen thickness on the thermal properties of thick insulation. T h e model explains the effect of boundary emittance and specimen density on the measurements. A relationship between the apparcnt thermal resistivity and the increase in resistance per unit thickness is derived. Equations are given for the den- sities at which the maximum thermal resistance of the core of the specimen and whole specimen occurs and for the variation of thermal conductivities of the core and the specimen with the ratio of density to density at which the minimum conductivity occurs. The densities at which the extremes occur are almost independent of specimen thickness. A V-shape and not the customary nonsymmetrical U-shape is suggested for the variation of thermal conductivity. Equations for use in curve fitting that introduce curvature at the apex and shift the position of the minimum are suggested.

KEY WORDS: thermal insulation, thermal resistance, thermal conductivity, apparent thermal conductivity, thick specimens, thickness effect, low-density and thermal radia- tion equations, plate emittance, boundary emittance

The term "thickness effect" has been given to the influence of specimen thickness on the value of apparent thermal conductivity of low-density thermal insulation measured in test apparatus. The existence of the thick- ness effect has in the last year or two been accepted by the majority of individuals involved with the characterization, specification, or production of thermal insulation.

Few individuals actually understand the effect. Most often the effect on

'Research officer, Division of Building Research, National Research Council, Ottawa. Ontario. Canada.


thermal conductivity is partially understood. Techniques for identifying or quantifying the effect are not understood. The insistence of the community always to think in terms of thermal conductivity or resistivity has been one of the major impediments.

Lao and Skochdopole [ I I 2 in 1976 attempted to convert equations in thermal conductivity to thermal resistance and to explain the effect in physical terms. This was perhaps necessary to reconcile the equations they developed with equations developed by Poltz [2] in 1962. applied by Jones [3] in 1968, interpreted in thermal resistance by Shirtliffe 141 in 1972, and incorporated in the


Test for Steady-State Thermal Transmis- sion Properties by Means of the Guarded Hot Plate


177-76) and the ASTM Test for Steady-State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter (C 51 8-76).

The concept must first be understood in terms of thermal resistance. It can then be interpreted as a thermal conductivity effect lor thick specimens of normal insulations. The interpretation is successful only because most in- sulations attenuate thermal radiation almost completely by the process of absorption and re-emission. The equations3 that are normally coupled un- couple due to the requirement for a continuity in flux within the specimen and simplify t o the same basic form (51. The inherent, though unrecognized, assumption of uncoupling in the simplified analysis is therefore correct. The equations for specimens with less ideal forms of radiation attenuation also uncoupte when the specimens are opticalIy thick. The thin heat transfer in specimens, that is, specimens with thickness less than twice the mean free path length for thermal radiation, is governed and can be explained oniy by coupled radiation-conduction (and sometimes convection) equations except when the attenuation process is solely by absorption or scattering. Coupled equations are difficult to solve and invohe parameters not normally mea- sured. Fortunately, the process within these thin layers near the surfaces of insulation is of little interest except to the designer of the insulation itself.

W h e n told about the thickness effect in low-density insulation, experts in heat-transfer phenomena immediately apply equations for conduction within the insulation and thermal radiation transfer from surface to sur- face. These equations show that thermal radiation increases the heat flow and produces a negative thickness effect. The immediate reaction is to blame the observed positive effect on errors in measurement, especially errors in surface temperature nleasurernents due to contact resistance. Contact resistances in measurement apparatus are one or two orders of magnitude less than necessary to produce such effects. The analysis and

"thinking" are in error. Thermal radiation is not transferred from surface

2The itatic numbers in brackets refer to the list of references appended to this paper.

J ~ q u a t i o n s describing the flow of energy by radiation and conduction are interdependent ' when coupled. The radiation flux depends on the conduction flux and vice-versa.



to surface in the lowest-density (normal) thermal insulation^.^ The speci-

mens are optically thick. Scattering or absorption phenomena predominate.

These phenorilena do lead to a positive thickness effect of the correct


Thick layers of thermal insulations act as three-layer materials. A layer termed as a surface layer with thickness of the same order of magnitude as the mean free path length for thermal radiation exists near each surface. The thermal resistance of this layer is approximately proportional to the inverse of the total hemispherical emittance of the plates or surface in contact with the insulation. In this one respect the thickness effect is a measurement-related phenomenon, but the phenomenon exists in almost all practical applications of insulation. The thermal resistance of these surface layers provides at least one and a half times the thermal resistance of an equal thickness of insulation in the core.

Measurements made to identify and quantify the transfer processes in thermal insulation should be made at two or more thicknesses or with two

[6] or more apparatuses, each having plate emittance of a different but

known level. One apparatus might have plates with an emittance of 0.9,

another of 0.10 [ 6 ] .

The thickness effect has a profound influence on most aspects of the characterization, the specification, and the application of thermal insula- tion.

Rearrangement of Equations

Many authors have developed equations for the heat transfer through, and therefore the apparent or effective thermal conductivity of, optically thick specimens of foam and fibrous insulations. The resulting equations are for the most part identical. The results of analysis by Stripens [7] and

Bhattacharya [8] are typical examples. These equations for the apparent

thermal conductivity of fibrous insulation can be used to give a simple explanation of the thickness effect.

The thermal resistance divided by the specimen thickness is normally termed the apparent or effective thermal conductivity. The equation devel- oped for the apparent thermal conductivity of mineral fiber insulations is

Radiation "windows" in transmittance curves carry limited amounts of energy near room temperature.



a = Stefan-Boltzmann constant for radiation,

T,,, = average of the two plate temperatures [more precisely, Tm3 should be replaced by Tm (T,,=


n T z ) where AT is T (hot plate)


T (cold plate)/2],

L = specimen thickness,

€1. €2 = emittances of the bounding surfaces,

N ' = backscattering cross section or scattering power,


= thermal conductivity of the gas phase,

f = volume fraction of the solid and is small as 1 - f is a weak function of density, f = p/p (solid),

LF = parameter related to fiber spacing, termed effective pore size ( = [7r/4 f ] X effective pore diameter)

LC = parameter related to the mean free path length between molec- ular collisions in the gas (both LF and LC are functions of gas pressure and temperature),

C = constant related to fiber contact and binder content,

p = normal bulk density for the thermal insulation, and

p, = density of the solid phase. Equation l a has the form

where a l , bo, b l , co, and do are not strong functions of thickness and do is not a strong function of density.



where M ( L , p, p, T ) is a functional representation. Equation 6 can be simplified by writing

The specimen resistance is the sum of two resistances, Ro, the apparent resistance for L = 0 and r,,,L for large thicknesses; r , is the resistivity for a specimen of infinite thickness. For thicknesses of air-filled thermal

insulation of over 30 mm, both Ro and roo are essentially independent of

specimen thickness.

In the derivation certain assumptions were made. It was assumed that

the fibers have a negligible cross section for absorption P ' compared with

the scattering cross section





is a constant for temperatures between TH and Tc and equals

l/Ar, where A, is the mean free path length for photon-fiber collisions, and

that L is large compared with A,. The term


can be represented by a

specific backscattering cross section

Using definitions implicit in Eqs la and 2, and Eq 9

and from Eq 6


The ratio R o / r w is independent of thickness and inversely proportional to the bulk density. Further, it is a function of the plate emittance. With e

= 1, that is, "black" plates, it equals A,, the mean free path length for photon-fiber


For a given apparatus and insulation structure, the value of Ro at den- sity p2 is related to Ro at density

The function a l in Eq 5 is

so a , is independent of L.

The denominator in Eq


when expanded, can be written as

and since b l = 1, equations ( 6 ) and (7) yield

k, = l/r, = M Then using Eq 11

But since R = L /




k , = k , /[1


( W E


l ) / p L N " ] = k , [1




l)/pLNu1 The quantities k , and r , are very weak functions of L since l/pNr'L = Xr/L


1 except when L approaches A,. For thick specimens they can be considered as constants for a given material.

The term Ro can be expressed in terms of X r and r , ( 2 / €


1) Ro = pN"M (17)





1) pN" (18) (19) = hrr,(2/e



As emittance decreases, Ro increases, indicating why different test ap- paratuses often give different values of Ro.

The term Ro is normally independent of L, but E + 0 and ( 2 / ~


1) + 00 L L Ro =



k g LF


CP kai (1




L G )

where k,i is the conductivity at the gas phase and what is termed r , in Eq 7 approaches zero. When E + 0 and the insulation is evacuated

L Ro



PC and rm + 0 Substituting Eq 19 into Eq 7 R = ( 2 / ~


1) r , hr


r , L (20) This can be rewritten by adding and subtracting a term

R = ( 2 / ~


1) r , Xr


t , X r


r , ( L


X r ) (21) = 2(2rm/c)(Xr/2)




2(hr/2)1 (22)


This is the three-layer model where the total resistance is the sum of the thermal resistances of two surface layers, each with thickness equal to half the mean free path length of the thermal radiation, and the core. For c =

1, the thermal resistivity is 2r, or twice the thermal resistivity of the core.

In effect, each layer acts as if it was twice as thick as it really is. At lower emittances the resistivity is even larger. If it were possible to have c = 2, the thermal resistivity would equal that of the core, rs = r,.

The surface layers could more realistically be assumed to have a thickness equal to the mean free path length for photon-fiber collisions. In this case Eq

22 becemes

For c = 1, the thermal resistivity of the surface layer is 3r, /2 or 1.5 times

the thermal resistivity of the core. The surface layer would have the same resistivity of the core, if it were possible for the plate emittance, c, to equal two.

Further assumptions are possible such as the thickness of the surface layers being 2hr, in which case rs = 1.25 r , when E = 1. No preference as

to which combined thickness is correct and the related thickness of the layers on the cold and hot surfaces can be given without further study.

The most important aspect is that the three-layer model does have a theoretical basis for thick specimens. Since the theoretical equations are approximate in any event, the equations will have to be fitted to experi- mental data to find the numerical values of Ro and r,.

Equation 7 does not contain an assumption for the thickness of the sur- face layers, so this form is preferable. However, if sufficient data on R versus L are available for thin and thick specimens the thickness of the surface layers and the core could be found; thus Eq 22 is used.

The three-layer model has a second advantage. The approximate solu- tion could be used for the core, and a more precise theoretical solution, which includes the coupling of radiation and conduction, could be derived for the thermal resistance of the surface layers.

Either the thermal resistance of the surface layers 2Rs or the constant RO can be measured for known emittance plates and corrected for plates with other emittance using the equation



If Ro, E , and r, are known, A, can be determined from Eq 19. Measure-

ments of Ro and r , made at the National Research Council, Ottawa, yield typical values of A, in the range 1.7 to 6.9 mm.

Equations with the form of Eqs 13 and 14 but containing empirical constants and p , L, and E can be derived when an empirical equation for

apparent thermal conductivity of a material in terms of density, thickness, and emittance has already been determined.6

The density at which R reaches a maximum or


reaches a minimum is often of interest. The derivative of R with respect to p at constant thickness is



19 in Eq 26, using

and setting aR/ap = 0 at the maximum

The thermal resistance does not reach a maximum and the apparent thermal conductance does not reach a minimum with respect to density when r , and


reach a maximum and minimum, respectively. The den- sity at which the thermal resistance reaches a maximum can be found from

Eq 1. This density depends on the emittance of the bounding surfaces and specimen thickness. If the conductivity of the gas phase is assumed to be independent of density, the density at which R reaches a maximum and


reaches a minimum can be determined from Eqs 13 and 20


For glass fiber insulation p,* would fall between 50 and 80 kg/m3.

The equations can be simplified if the density at which


reaches a

minimum is used as a parameter. From Eqs 13 and 15








Subscript m indicates at minimum


and subscript s indicates the solid phase.

When A, cx L, the center term is negligible and f m is considered a


For glass fiber insulation p , would fall between 35 and 70 kg/m3. Com-

bining Eqs 30 and 32

Both are small terms and have littleeffect on the results. The value of p , , becomes smaller.

be actual equation that must be satisfied would be a fourth-order equation in p,,,. The reac- tion of k ' would affect third-order and lower terms.



Equation 33 indicates that


is the sum of the conductivity of the gas phase and terms in p, / p and p / p , which include a secondary effect of the emittance of the bounding surfaces, the specimen thickness, and the con- ductivity of the gas phase. As the material is evacuated, the effects of the bounding surfaces, thickness, and of changes in gas phase increase. Both eqs 33 and 330 may be simplified by replacing k ' / ( l




by k ' and p, / p

in the Iast terms by (p, / p )


p/p,) with second-order errors.

Similar expressions for




may be obtained in terms of the respective minimum values of each, k,, and



Both equations show dependence on p / p m and pm / p . Like terms in k '



' were canceled as k ' was assumed constant with respect to density in the differentiation and since k changes significantly only at high den- sities. Equation 35 simplifies when A,


L and the relationship becomes clearer


A radiation and solid conduction term multiplies the linear function

p / p ,


1. Both terms are independent of specimen thickness. A plot of both Eqs 34 and 36 would yield V-shaped curves and not the rounded curve found in practice for apparent thermal conductivity.

Equations used to fit data should be expressed in terms of p , / p and p / p , combined with L and 2 / ~


1 and higher-order terms if necessary to ensure a reasonable fit to data.

Equation 33 can be used to find k,,


k,, k m l + 2 -


2 p , C Ps

For typical fiber glass insulation k,, would be expected to fall between

0.030 and 0.035 W/mK.

Simibr expressions for k, and k, may be derived from Eq la and an expression for C when k, is a minimum. The resulting equations are



80 Tm3












are independent of L, the specimen thickness, when



L. Note that Ram is somewhat smaller than


Fitting Curves to Data

Equation 3 3 can be rewritten as

with less than 0.1 percent added round-off error for glass fiber insulation.

All terms then are constant or reach a minimum at p = p,, which is an

advantage in curve-fitting. Higher-order terms in (p, /p)"


(pip,)" could be added to adjust the curve to the data. Such adjustments are necessary since the equations do not account for the fiber diameter, the lay of the fibers, the layering of the fibers, or distribution of binder in fibrous insula- tions, nor for cell dall thickness, cell size distribution, cell shape, or open

cell walls in cellular insulations. An equation with the same form as Eq 3 9

has already been suggested for cellulose fiber insulation [dl.

Equation 39 suggests a second type of higher-order term to use in fitting

equations for


to data. fire term is ( p m 2 / p 2


2 p / p m ) / L , though ( 2 1 ~


1 ) ( p , 2 / p 2


2 p / p m ) / L might be more useful if e is expected to vary.

Other higher-order terms of the same form are pm3/p3 4- 3p/p,, 2pm3ip3


3p2/p,2, 3p,2/p2


2p3/pm3, and 2p,/p


p2/pm2. These could be combined with other parameters as indicated by the data and theoretical

considerations. The use of a polynomial in p / p m , p2/pm2, p3/pm3 and in

p I I I / p , p,,12/P, ~ , , , ~ / p would be more difficult to combine with 1/L and ( 2 / ~


1) and would likely shift the position of the minimum in both





The thickness effect, or the dependence of measured apparent thermal conductivity of low-density insulation on specimen thickness, does exist. Conventional equations for heat transfer within the insulation correctly predict the magnitude of the effect for thick specimens with powder, cellu- lar, or fibrous structure. The three-layer model for insulation in which the specimen is divided into a core and two layers near the surfaces is a useful concept in understanding the effect. The thermal resistance of the layers

near the surface depends on the test apparatus plate emittance. 7'he con-

duction and radiation are uncoupled within the core, but coupled in the layers near the surfaces. Empirical equations may be necessary to relate the thermal resistance of these layers near the surface to the physical parameters, such as fiber diameter and lay of fibers, of the insulation. The


thickness of the layers near the surface must be determined empirically until some theoretical prediction is made. The thermal resistance of thick specimens may be corrected for surface emittance effects by simple equa- tions.

The apparent thermal conductivity and resistivity of the specimen are different from the corresponding values for the core of the specimen. The apparent thermal properties of the specimen and the core reach minimum, or corresponding maximum, values at different values of density. Equa- tions for each have been derived in terms of the ratio of density, p, to the density at which each reaches a minimum or a maximum, p,,,, and the inverse of the ratio. The extreme values of apparent thermal conductivity and resistivity are predicted closely by the equations, but, since the equa- tions fail to include the structure of the insulation, exact values cannot be found. The extreme values of the apparent thermal conductivity and thermal resistivity of thick specimens are not significantly affected by the specimen thickness.

Empirical equations must still be relied upon to interpolate or extrap- olate the performance of a given type of insulation at different densities

and thicknesses. The use of equations expressed in p/p,,,


p,,,/p and other

higher-order terms may prove more advantageous in the fitting of curves to data than the polynomials in p now used. Where sufficient data are avail- able, the coefficients of the terms in the empirical equations should be ex- amired to see if they can be correlated to the physical structure.

Equations of the form R = Ro


r , L can be fit to experimental data

and then used to determine the influence of the thickness effect on the characterization of the thermal properties of an insulation, stacking of insulation layers, and compression of a layer of insulation.


This paper is a contribution from the Division of Building Research, National Research Council of Canada and is published with the approval of the Director of the Division.


[I] Lao, B. X. and Skochdopole, R. E. in Proceedings. Society of the Plastics Industry, Inter- national Cellular Plastics Meeting, Montreal, Que., Canada, Nov. 1976, pp. 175-182. [dl Poltz, H., AIIgemeine Wiirmerechnik. Vol. 4 , 1962, pp. 64-71.

131 Jones, T. T., "The Effect of Thickness and Temperature of Heat Transfer Through Foamed Polymers." Seventh Conference on Thermal Conductivity, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C.. Sept. 1968.

[4] Shirtliffe, C. J., Canadian Building Digest. National Research Council of Canada, Division of Building ~ e s e h c h , No. 149, Ottawa, Ont., Canada, 1972.

151 Cess, R. D. and Sparrow, E. M., Radiation Heat Transjer. Hemisphere Publishing Co., Washington, D.C., 1978.



161 Pelanne, C. in Proceedings. Eighth Conference on Thermal Conductivity, Plenum Press, New York, 1969. pp. 897-91 1.

171 Stripens. A. H. in Thermal Tmnsmi~aion Mearurements of InsuB~ion. ASTM STP 660. R. P. Tye, Ed.. American Society for Testing and Materials. 1978, pp. 293-309.

181Bhattacharya, R. K., this publication, pp. 272-2M.

191 ShirtIiRe, C. 1. and Barnberg, M. in T h m a t Transmission Measurements o j lnsdation. ASTM STP 660. A. P. Tye. Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, 1978, pp.


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