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We propose the concept of fuzzy equilibrium pair for an abstract fuzzy economy and prove several theorems of equilibrium existence for abstract fuzzy economies with different types of correspondences.

AMS 2000 Subject Classification: 47H10, 55M20, 91B50.

Key words: Q-majorized correspondences, abstract fuzzy economy, fuzzy equilib- rium pair.


Most essential results concerning the existence of equilibrium of an ab- stract economy extend earlier Debreu’s works [7], [1]. Shafer and Sonnenschein [16] proved the existence of equilibrium of an economy with finite dimensional commodity space and irreflexive preferences represented as correspondences with open graph. Yannelis and Prahbakar’s main result [21] concerns the exis- tence of equilibrium when the constraint and preference correspondences have open lower sections. They work within different framework (countable infinite number of agents, infinite dimensional strategy spaces) and developed new techniques based on selection theorems and fixed-point theorems.

The concepts of K.F.-correspondences and KF-majorized correspondences were used by Borglin and Keiding [2] for their existence results. The second notion was extended by Yannelis and Prabhakar [21] to L-majorized correspon- dences. Ding, Kim and Tan [6], Tan, Yu and Yuan [17], Tulcea [18], Yannelis [20], Yannelis and Prabhakar [21] introduced different types of majorized cor- respondences. Yuan and Taradfar [23] proposed the notion of U-majorized correspondences and proved several equilibrium theorems. Liu and Cai [15]

introduced the notion of Q-majorized correspondences and gave a new fixed point theorem. As its applications, they obtained some new existence theo- rems of an abstract economy.

Zadeh [24] initiated the theory of fuzzy sets as a framework for phenome- na which cannot be characterized precisely. In Kim and Lee [12] the authors introduced the concept of a fuzzy game and proved the existence of equilibrium

MATH. REPORTS12(62),4 (2010), 373–382


for 1-person fuzzy game. Also the existence of equilibrium points of fuzzy games was studied in [4], [5], [12],[13], [14]. Fixed point theorems for fuzzy mappings were proved in [3], [9].

In this paper we define a model of fuzzy equilibrium pair for an abstract fuzzy economy. We prove the existence a equilibrium pair of abstract fuzzy economies in several cases (economies withU-majorized preference correspon- dences and upper semicontinuous constraint correspondences, or economies with Q-majorized preference correspondences and upper semicontinuous con- straint correspondences).

The paper is organized in the following way: Section 2 contains prelimi- naries and notation. The equilibrium theorems are stated in Section 3.


Throughout this paper, we shall use the following notation and defini- tions:

LetA be a subset of a topological spaceX.

1. (A) denotes the family of all non-empty finite subset of A.

2. 2A denotes the family of all subsets ofA.

3. clA denotes the closure of Ain X.

4. IfA is a subset of a vector space, coA denotes the convex hull of A.

5. IfF,T :A→2X are correspondences, then coT, clT,T∩F :A→2X are correspondences defined by (coT)(x) = coT(x), (clT)(x) = clT(x) and (T∩F)(x) =T(x)∩F(x) for eachx∈A, respectively.

6. The graph of T :X → 2Y is the set Gr(T) = {(x, y) ∈ X×Y |y ∈ T(x)}.

7. The correspondence T is defined by T(x) = {y ∈ Y : (x, y) ∈ clX×Y Gr(T)}(the set clX×Y Gr(T) is called the adherence of the graph ofT).

It is easy to see that clT(x)⊂T(x) for eachx∈X.

Definition 1. Let X, Y be topological spaces and T : X → 2Y be a correspondence.

1. T is said to beupper semicontinuous if, for eachx∈X and each open set V in Y with T(x) ⊂ V, there exists an open neighborhood U of x in X such that T(x)⊂V for each y∈U.

2. T is said to be lower semicontinuous (l.s.c.) if, for each x∈ X and each open set V in Y withT(x)∩V 6=∅, there exists an open neighborhood U of xinX such thatT(y)∩V 6=∅ for each y∈U.

3. T is said to haveopen lower sections ifT−1(y) :={x∈X:y∈T(x)}

is open in X for each y∈Y.

Remark1 ([21]). If for each y∈Y,T−1(y) is open in X, thenT is l.s.c.


Lemma 1 ([22]). Let X and Y be two topological spaces and let A be a closed(resp. open) subset of X. Suppose F1 :X→2Y,F2 :X→2Y are lower semicontinuous (resp. upper semicontinuous) such that F2(x)⊂F1(x) for all x∈A.Then the correspondence F :X →2Y defined by

F(x) =

F1(x) if x /∈A, F2(x) if x∈A

is also lower semicontinuous (resp. upper semicontinuous).

Theorem 1 ([19]). Let I be an index set. For each i ∈ I, let Xi be a nonempty convex subset of a Hausdorff locally convex space topological space Ei, Dia nonempty compact metrizable subset of XiandSi, Ti :X=Q

i∈IXi → 2Di be correspondences such that:

1. Si(x)is nonempty and cl coSi(x)⊂Ti(x) for each x∈X.

2. Si is lower semicontinuous.

Then there exists x∈D:=Q

i∈IDi such that xi∈Ti(x) for each i∈I.

Definition2 ([15]). Let X be a topological space andY be a non-empty subset of a vector space E, θ :X → E be a mapping and T :X → 2Y be a correspondence.

1. T is said to be of class Qθ (or Q) if (a) for eachx∈X,θ(x)∈/clT(x), and

(b)T is lower semicontinuous with open and convex values inY. 2. A correspondence Tx is said to be a Qθ-majorant of T at x if there exists an open neighborhood N(x) of x such thatTx:N(x)→2Y and

(a) for eachz∈N(x),T(z)⊂Tx(z) and θ(z)∈/ clTx(z);

(b)Tx is lower semicontinuous with open and convex values.

3. T is said to beQθ-majorized if for each x∈ X with T(x) 6= ∅ there exists a Qθ-majorant Tx ofT atx.

We need the following result to prove the existence theorems in the next section.

Lemma 2([15]). Let X be a regular paracompact topological vector space and Y be a non-empty subset of a vector space E. Let θ : X → E be a single-valued function and P : X → 2Y\{∅} be Qθ-majorized. Then there exists a correspondence S :X → 2Y of class Qθ such that P(x) ⊂S(x) for each x∈X.

Definition 3 ([23]). LetX be a topological space and Y be a nonempty subset of a vector space E, θ :X → E be a mapping and T :X → 2Y be a correspondence.

1. T is said to be of class Uθ (or U) if (a) for eachx∈X,θ(x)∈/T(x) and


(b)T is upper semicontinuous with closed and convex values inY. 2. A correspondence Tx is said to be a Uθ-majorant of T at x if there exists an open neighborhood N(x) of x such thatTx:N(x)→2Y such that

(a) for eachz∈N(x),T(z)⊂Tx(z) and θ(z)∈/ Tx(z);

(b)Tx is upper semicontinuous with closed and convex values.

3. T is said to be Uθ-majorized if for each x ∈X with T(x) 6=∅ there exists an U-majorant Tx ofT atx.

We need the following result to prove the existence theorems in the next section.

Lemma 3 ([23]). Let X be a paracompact space and Y be a nonempty normal subset of a vector space E. Let θ:X→E be a single-valued function and P : X → 2Y be Uθ-majorized. Then there exists a correspondence S : X →2Y of class Uθ such that P(x)⊂S(x) for each x∈X.

Definition4. LetX,Y be topological spaces andT :X →2Y be a corres- pondence. An element x∈X is called maximal element forT ifT(x) =∅.

For each i ∈ I, let Xi be a nonempty subset of a topological space Ei and Ti :X :=Q

i∈IXi →2Yi a correspondence. Then a point x∈X is called a maximal element for the family of correspondences {Ti}i∈I if Ti(x) = ∅ for all i∈I.

Notation. LetE and F be two Hausdorff topological vector spaces and X ⊂ E, Y ⊂ F be two nonempty convex subsets. We denote by F(Y) the collection of fuzzy sets on Y. A mapping from X intoF(Y) is called a fuzzy mapping. If F :X → F(Y) is a fuzzy mapping, then for each x ∈ X, F(x) (denoted by Fx in this sequel) is a fuzzy set in F(Y) and Fx(y) is the degree of membership of point y in Fx. A fuzzy mapping F : X → F(Y) is called convex, if for each x ∈ X, the fuzzy set Fx on Y is a fuzzy convex set, i.e., for any y1,y2 ∈Y, t∈[0,1], Fx(ty1+ (1−t)y2)≥min{Fx(y1), Fx(y2)}.In the sequel, we denote

(A)q={y ∈Y :A(y)≥q}, q∈[0,1] theq-cut set of A∈ F(Y).


In this section we describe the fuzzy equilibrium pair for an abstract fuzzy economy. We prove the existence of fuzzy equilibrium of abstract fuzzy economies in several cases.

LetI be a nonempty set (the set of agents). For each i∈I, let Xi be a nonempty topological vector space representing the set of actions and define X :=Q

i∈IXi; letAi,Bi:X → F(Xi) be the constraint fuzzy correspondences


and Pi :X → F(Xi) the preference fuzzy correspondence, ai, bi :X → (0,1]

fuzzy constraint functions and pi:X →(0,1] fuzzy preference function.

Definition 4. An abstract fuzzy economy is defined as an ordered family Γ = (Xi, Ai, Bi, Pi, ai, bi, pi)i∈I.

If Ai, Bi, Pi :X → 2Yi are classical correspondences, then the previous definition can be reduced to the standard definition of abstract economy due to Yuan [22].

Definition5. Afuzzy equilibrium pair for Γ is defined as a pair of points (x, y) ∈ X ×X such that, for each i ∈ I, xi ∈ (Bix)bi(x), yi ∈ cl(Pix)pi(x) and (Aix)ai(x)∩(Piy)pi(y) = ∅, where (Aix)ai(x) = {z ∈ Yi : Aix(z) ≥ ai(x)}, (Bix)bi(x)={z∈Yi :Bix(z)≥bi(x)}, (Piy)pi(y)={z∈Yi :Piy(z)≥pi(y)}.

We state some new equilibrium existence theorems for abstract fuzzy economies.

Theorem 3 is an existence theorem of fuzzy equilibrium pair for an ab- stract fuzzy economy with U-majorized correspondences x → (Pix)pi(x) and upper semicontinuous correspondences x→ (Bix)bi(x).To prove this theorem we need the following result that is Theorem 4.2 in [23].

Theorem 2 ([23]). Let X be a nonempty convex subset of a Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space E and let D be a nonempty compact subset of X. Let P : X → 2D be Uθ-majorized. Then there exists a point x∈coD such that P(x) =∅.

Theorem 3. Let Γ = (Xi, Ai, Bi, Pi, ai, bi, pi)i∈I be an abstract fuzzy economy such that for each i∈I,

(1)Xiis a nonempty compact and convex subset of a locally convex Haus- dorff topological vector space E ;

(2)Pi is such that x→(Pix)pi(x):X →2Xi has nonempty values and is Uπi-majorized on X;

(3) Ai, Bi are such that x→(Bix)bi(x) :X→2Xi is upper semicontinu- ous, each (Bix)bi(x) is a closed convex subset of Xi, x→(Aix)ai(x) :X→2Xi has nonempty closed convex values and (Aix)ai(x) ⊂(Bix)bi(x)for each x∈X.

Then there exists an equilibrium pair (x, y) ∈ X ×X such that xi ∈ (Bix)bi(x), yi∈(Pix)pi(x) and (Aix)ai(x)∩(Piy)pi(y)=∅ for each i∈I.

Proof. For each i∈ I, x → (Bix)bi(x) is upper semicontinuous and has non-empty, convex and closed values. We define B : X → 2X by B(x) = Q

i∈I(Bix)bi(x). Then B is upper semicontinuous with nonempty, convex and closed values. By Fan’s fixed-point theorem [8], there exists a fixed pointx∈X for B such that x ∈ B(x), i.e., xi ∈ (Bix)bi(x) for each i ∈ I. It remains to


show that there exists a pointy∈X such thatyi∈(Pix)pi(x) and (Aix)ai(x)∩ (Piy)pi(y) =∅for each i∈I.

SinceXis paracompact andx→(Pix)pi(x)isUπi-majorized, by Lemma 3 there exists a correspondence ϕi :X →2Xi of classUπi such that (Pix)pi(x)⊂ ϕi(x) for eachx∈X.Then,ϕi is upper semicontinuous with nonempty closed, convex values and xi ∈/ ϕi(x) for eachx∈X.

DefineTi :X→2Xi by Ti(y) =

(Aix)ai(x)∩ϕi(y) ifyi ∈int(Pix)pi(x), ϕi(y) ifyi ∈/int(Pix)pi(x).

By Lemma 1,Ti is upper semicontinuous onX, has convex closed values and yi ∈/ Ti(y). Define T : X → 2X, T(y) = Q

i∈ITi(y). T is upper semi- continuous on X, has convex closed values, and y /∈ T(y). Therefore, it is U-majorized.

By Theorem 2, there existsy∈X such thatT(y) =∅, i.e.,Ti(y) =∅ for each i∈I.

For each y ∈ X, ϕi(y) is a nonempty subset of Xi. We have yi ∈ int(Pix)pi(x) ⊂(Pix)pi(x) and (Aix)ai(x)∩ϕi(y) =∅. Since (Piy)pi(y) ⊂ ϕi(y), we have that (Aix)ai(x)∩(Piy)pi(y) =∅.Hence, xi ∈(Bix)bi(x), yi∈(Pix)pi(x) and (Aix)ai(x)∩(Piy)pi(y)=∅for each i∈I, and then (x, y) is an equilibrium pair for Γ.

Since an upper semicontinuous, irreflexive correspondence, with nonempty closed convex values is U-majorized, we get.

Corollary 1. Let Γ = (Xi, Ai, Bi, Pi, ai, bi, pi)i∈I be an abstract fuzzy economy such that for each i∈ I conditions (1) and (3) are the same as in Theorem 3 and condition (2) is:

(2)Pi is such that x→(Pix)pi(x):X→2Xi is upper semicontinuous on X, has nonempty closed convex values, and xi∈/ (Pix)pi(x) for each x∈X.

Then there exists an equilibrium pair (x, y)∈X×X.

Theorem 5 is an existence theorem of fuzzy equilibrium pair for an ab- stract fuzzy economy withQπi-majorized correspondencesx→(Pix)pi(x) and lower semicontinuous correspondences x → (Bix)bi(x). To prove this theorem we need the following result that is Theorem 7 in [19].

Theorem 4([19]). Let Γ = (Xi, Pi)i∈I be a qualitative game where I is an index set such that for each i∈I,

1) Xi is a nonempty convex compact metrizable subset of a Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space E and X:=Q

i∈IXi; 2)Pi :X→2Xi is lower semi-continuous;

3)for each x∈X, xi ∈/cl coPi(x).


Then there exists a point x∈X such that Pi(x) =∅ for all i∈I,i.e., x is a maximal element of Γ.

Theorem 5. Let Γ = (Xi, Ai, Bi, Pi, ai, bi, pi)i∈I be an abstract fuzzy economy such that, for each i∈I,

(1)Xi be a nonempty compact convex metrizable subset of a locally convex Hausdorff topological vector space E ;

(2)Pi is such that x→(Pix)pi(x):X→2Xi is Qπi-majorized on X and has nonempty values;

(3) Ai, Bi are such that x→ (Bix)bi(x) :X → 2Xi is lower semicontinu- ous, each (Bix)bi(x) is a closed convex subset of Xi, (Aix)ai(x) is nonempty convex and (Aix)ai(x) ⊂(Bix)bi(x) for each x∈X.

Then there exists an equilibrium pair (x, y) ∈ X ×X such that xi ∈ (Bix)bi(x), yi∈cl(Pix)pi(x) and (Aix)ai(x)∩(Piy)pi(y)=∅ for eachi∈I.

Proof. For each i ∈ I, x → (Bix)bi(x) is lower semicontinuous and has non-empty, convex and closed values. By Theorem 1, there existsx∈X such thatxi∈(Bix)bi(x)for eachi∈I.It remains to show that there exists a point y ∈X such that yi ∈cl(Pix)pi(x) and (Aix)ai(x)∩(Piy)pi(y)=∅for each i∈I.

SinceXis paracompact andx→(Pix)pi(x)isQπi-majorized, by Lemma 2 there exists a correspondence ϕi:X →2Xi of classQπi such that (Pix)pi(x)⊂ ϕi(x) for each x ∈X. Then ϕi is lower semicontinuous with nonempty open convex values and xi ∈/ clϕi(x) for each x∈X.

DefineTi :X→2Xi by

Ti(y) =

( (Aix)ai(x)∩ϕi(y) ifyi∈cl(Pix)pi(x), ϕi(y) ifyi∈/ cl(Pix)fpi(x).

By Lemma 1,Ti is lower semicontinuous onX. Then clTi is lower semi- continuous, it has convex values and xi ∈/ clTi(x).

By Theorem 4, there existsy∈X such that clTi(y) =∅ for each i∈I.

For each y ∈ X, ϕi(y) is a nonempty subset of Xi. We have yi ∈ cl(Pix)pi(x)and cl((Aix)ai(x)∩ϕi(y)) =∅.It follows that (Aix)ai(x)∩ϕi(y) =∅.

Since (Piy)pi(y) ⊂ ϕi(y), we have (Aix)ai(x) ∩ (Piy)pi(y) = ∅. Hence, xi ∈ (Bix)bi(x), yi ∈ (Pix)pi(x) and (Aix)ai(x) ∩(Piy)pi(y) = ∅ for each i ∈ I, and then (x, y) is an equilibrium pair for Γ.

Since a lower semicontinuous, irreflexive correspondence, with nonempty open convex values is Q-majorized, we get

Corollary 2. Let Γ = (Xi, Ai, Bi, Pi, ai, bi, pi)i∈I be an abstract fuzzy economy such that for each i∈ I conditions (1) and (3) are the same as in Theorem 5 and condition (2) is


(2)Pi is such that x→(Pix)pi(x) :X →2Xi is lower semicontinuous on X, has nonempty open convex values and xi ∈/cl(Pix)pi(x) for each x∈X.

Then there exists an equilibrium pair (x, y)∈X×X.

By Remark 1, a correspondence with open lower sections is lower semi- continuous and then we obtain.

Corollary 3. Let Γ = (Xi, Ai, Bi, Pi, ai, bi, pi)i∈I be an abstract fuzzy economy such that for each i∈ I conditions (1) and (3) are the same as in Theorem 5 and condition (2) is

(2)Pi is such that x→(Pix)pi(x):X →2Xi has open lower sections on X, has nonempty open convex values and xi ∈/cl(Pix)pi(x) for each x∈X.

Then there exists an equilibrium pair (x, y)∈X×X.

Theorem 6 is an existence theorem of fuzzy equilibrium pair for an ab- stract fuzzy economy withQπi-majorized correspondencesx→(Pix)pi(x) and upper semicontinuous correspondences x→(Bix)bi(x).

Theorem 6. Let Γ = (Xi, Ai, Bi, Pi, ai, bi, pi)i∈I be an abstract fuzzy economy such that, for each i∈I,

(1)Xi be a nonempty compact convex metrizable subset of a locally convex Hausdorff topological vector space E;

(2)Pi is such that x→(Pix)pi(x):X→2Xi is Qπi-majorized on X and has nonempty values;

(3) Ai, Bi are such that x → (Bix)bi(x) : X → 2Xi is upper semiconti- nuous, each (Bix)bi(x) is a closed convex subset of Xi,(Aix)ai(x) is nonempty closed convex and (Aix)ai(x)⊂(Bix)bi(x) for each x∈X.

Then there exists an equilibrium pair (x, y) ∈ X ×X such that xi ∈ (Bix)bi(x), yi∈(Pix)pi(x) and (Aix)ai(x)∩(Piy)pi(y)=∅ for each i∈I.

Proof. For each i∈ I, x → (Bix)bi(x) is upper semicontinuous and has non-empty, convex and closed values. We define B : X → 2X by B(x) = Q

i∈I(Bix)bi(x). Then B is upper semicontinuous with nonempty, convex and closed values. By Fan’s fixed-point theorem [8], there exists a fixed pointx∈X for B such that x ∈ B(x), i.e., xi ∈ (Bix)bi(x) for each i ∈ I. It remains to show that there exists a pointy∈X such thatyi∈(Pix)pi(x) and (Aix)ai(x)∩ (Piy)pi(y) =∅for each i∈I.

SinceXis paracompact andx→(Pix)pi(x)isQπi-majorized, by Lemma 2 there exists a correspondence ϕi:X →2Xi of classQπi such that (Pix)pi(x)⊂ ϕi(x) for each x ∈X. Then ϕi is lower semicontinuous with nonempty open convex values and xi ∈/ clϕi(x) for each x∈X.


DefineTi :X→2Xi by

Ti(y) =

( (Aix)ai(x)∩ϕi(y) ifyi ∈cl(Pix)pi(x); ϕi(y) ifyi ∈/cl(Pix)pi(x).

By Lemma 1,Ti is lower semicontinuous onX. Then clTi is lower semi- continuous, has convex values, and xi ∈/clTi(x).

By Theorem 4, there existsy∈X such that clTi(y) =∅ for each i∈I.

For each y ∈ X, ϕi(y) is a nonempty subset of Xi. We have yi ∈ cl(Pix)pi(x)and cl((Aix)ai(x)∩ϕi(y)) =∅.It follows that (Aix)ai(x)∩ϕi(y) =∅.

Since (Piy)pi(y) ⊂ ϕi(y), we have (Aix)ai(x) ∩ (Piy)pi(y) = ∅. Hence, xi ∈ (Bix)bi(x), yi ∈ (Pix)pi(x) and (Aix)ai(x) ∩(Piy)pi(y) = ∅ for each i ∈ I, and then (x, y) is an equilibrium pair for Γ.

A lower semicontinuous, irreflexive correspondence,with nonempty open convex values is Q-majorized and then we obtain

Corollary 4. Let Γ = (Xi, Ai, Bi, Pi, ai, bi, pi)i∈I be an abstract fuzzy economy such that for each i∈ I conditions (1) and (3) are the same as in Theorem 6 and condition (2) is

(2)Pi is such that x→(Pix)pi(x) :X →2Xi is lower semicontinuous on X, has nonempty open convex values and xi ∈/cl(Pix)pi(x) for each x∈X.

Then there exists an equilibrium pair (x, y)∈X×X.

By Remark 1, a correspondence with open lower sections is lower semi- continuous and then we obtain

Corollary 5. Let Γ = (Xi, Ai, Bi, Pi, ai, bi, pi)i∈I be an abstract fuzzy economy such that for each i∈ I conditions (1) and (3) are the same as in Theorem 6 and condition (2) is

(2)Pi is such that x→(Pix)pi(x):X →2Xi has open lower sections on X, has nonempty open convex values, and xi ∈/cl(Pix)pi(x) for each x∈X.

Then there exists an equilibrium pair (x, y)∈X×X.


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Received 25 May 2009 University of Bucharest

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Department of Probability

Statistics and Operations Research Str. Academiei 14, 010014 Bucharest, Romania



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The present study aims to investigate the use of four different mathematical models (Wood, Cobby and Le Du,Cappio-Borlinoand and Dhanoa) to describe camel milk lactation curves,

Mouse lemurs are generating more and more interest as models of neurodegenerative disease and references for comparative anatomy. The use of these animals in biological

random variables and independent of the synaptic weights, each component of the limit system is described as the sum of the corresponding coordinate of the initial condition with

At the equilibrium determined in this way, the fuzzy supply provides the producer with the greatest fuzzy utility of profit with respect to a given spatial