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MAY Il/MAY 18, 2009


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MAY Il/MAY 18, 2009




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Unraveling the FluThreat

How the virus spread :trompigs and bir'dsto humans, and why many nations are taking exactlythe wrong steps to prevent a full-blown global pandemie. Page16

THE ISSUE World Affairs

16 Fighting the pandemie flu threat byLaurie Garrett 23 The other Pakistan front

by Haider Ali Hussein M ullick

24 India: The Maoists threaten my kin bySudip Mazumdar 26 The dilemma ofin-house

dissent by Richard N. Haass

29 Excerpt: Insideviewoftwo Iraq wars byRichardN. Haass 31 Britain: Why New

Labour stililives by William Underhill Special Report: Travel 32 The downsized vacation by Susan H. Greenberg 34 Staycations: Home for the

holiday by Sophie Grave



GOOD GALL: Haass backed the '91 Iraq War(above), not '03


fj, .

42 The wild and cheap side ofBrazil by Mac Margolis Business

71 Where the market goes next byRuchir Sharma 72 Why stocks now ignore

bad news byBarton Biggs Society & The Arts 82 The biggest telescope, by

far byMichaelD. Lemonick DEPARTMENTS

4 Periscope 5 Perspectives 15 WorldView 85 The GoodUfe 88 The Last Word

Vol.CUII, No. 19/20. May 11IMay 18,2009@2009by NEWSWEEK,Inc., 251 west 57th Street, New York, NY10019. Printed by Roto Smeets, Weer!, Netherlands. Alirights reserved. Registered at the Post Office as a newspaper. Copy- right under the Intemational Copyright Convention. Copyright reserved under the Pan American Convention. Registered in the Philippines Patent Office. ln the U.S.A.:Postmaster: send address changes toNEWSWEEKINTERNATION-

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