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Travail anglais (2) LM2 A2 – C. Detiège 1. Reading exercise related to unit 2 (health and diseases)


Academic year: 2022

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Travail anglais (2) LM2 A2 – C. Detiège

1. Reading exercise related to unit 2 (health and diseases)

→ Read and take the reading test.

Texting while walking is dangerous

Writing text messages and walking is dangerous. It is more dangerous than driving and texting. More people get injured while walking than driving. Walking in a straight line is not easy. We can forget how to walk properly. Dangerous things can happen. We run into people or cars. We fall over things in the street.

There are a few reasons why texting and walking is dangerous. People cannot see when they look at their keyboard. Their minds are somewhere else – they are not thinking about walking safely. Thousands of people have accidents. Some have serious head injuries.

Too much jogging could be a problem!

Running is good for our health. A recent study says that running too much is bad for us and it doesn’t always make our lives longer. A specialist said too much running can damage your heart. Long-distance runners and people who never exercise can have the same risk of having a heart attack.

Experts looked at the health of 3,300 runners. Most of them ran over 30 kilometres a week. Marathon runners had hard parts in their heart. A doctor who started running in 1967 is sad. He ran 60 kilometres every week. He thought his heart was strong. Now he has heart problems. He said we should exercise, but not too much.


2. Listening exercise related to Unit 1 (describing people)

True or false?

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Kevin: Is that your sister - the girl over there?

Maria: Yes, that’s my sister Catherine. How did you know?

Kevin: You look similar.

Maria: Do you think so?

Kevin: Yes, I mean, obviously you have different hair. Hers is blonde, yours is brown.

Maria: And Catherine’s isn’t curly, like mine.

Kevin: No, but your faces are the same.

Maria: I don’t think so. Her eyes are a different colour to mine. Hers are blue, mine are green.

Kevin: I’m not talking about eye colour. I mean, the shape of your faces. Her face is longer than yours, yes, but you have the same mouths, and the same noses.

Maria: I don’t think I look like her. She’s much slimmer than me.

Kevin: Maybe, but she isn’t any taller.

Maria: No.

Kevin: Are your personalities the same?

Maria: No! We’re nothing like each other! Catherine’s much more outgoing than me. She has lots of friends. I’m quieter. I prefer my own company. She’s bossier too. I suppose it’s because she’s older than me.

Kevin: You must have some things in common.

Maria: Well, we both like music, and the countryside, and we’re both independent. I suppose we have those things in common. What about you? Do you have a brother or a sister…?


3. Grammar.

Much, many, a lot of, a little, a few, etc.

→ Clique sur le lien et fais les trois exercices proposés.




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