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I I 关于专家委员会和研究小组会议的报告 Santé С^ш! Wor d Health Organization ^^^^ Organisation mondiale de la


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执 行 委 员 会 临 时 议 程 项 目7 Л ЕВЮО/7

第一 О О届会议 1997年5月1曰




总千事兹提交关于四次专家委员会会议( 1 )和两次研究小组会议⑵的报告。对 每个专家委员会或研究小组的建议作了陈述,强调指出对改善会员国公共卫生 状况的可能贡献及对卫生组织规划的影响。


(1)根据《专家咨询团和专家委员会条例》第4.23段(《世界卫生组织基本文 件》第41版,19%年,第102页)。



目 录

页 次 提高县区卫生系统卫生中心的绩效

世界卫生组织研究小组 3


世界卫生组织专家委员会 7


世界卫生组织专家委员会 9


粮农组织/卫生组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会 11


世界卫生组织超声波诊断研究小组 1 3

药 物 性

世界卫生组织专家委员会 15

附 件 世 界 卫 生 组 织 非 洲 锥 虫 病 控 制 和 监 测 专 家 委 员 会 一 建 议

附件2( 1):世界卫生组织诊断性超声图像检查培训研究小组:要棄,原则和标准一 建议

附件V1):世界卫生组织药物依赖性专家委员会一建议提高县区卫生系统卫生中心 的绩效

⑴ 只 有 英 、 法 文




日内瓦,1995年11月13—21日⑴ 结论和建议概要


定卫生需求和重点,使之能对确定卫生需求、发展卫生干顸措施及确保保健质量釆 取整体措施。一个中心作为卫生和发展单位,代表概念、机构和实施方面的重大进 步。研究小组确信此举代表通过卫生部门行动促进社会发展的最隹战略之一。


区内的作用;卫生中心和县区医院的关系;卫生中心和社区的相互关系;经济和管 理问题,例如成本和理財、情报系统和员工配置模式及有关事宜,议通过初级卫生 保健达到人人享有卫生保健为基础达成共识。



最有效的工具加以发展和修改以适应变化的环境。县区卫生系统更能对当地需要作 出响应,为当地以杜区为中心的卫生发展提供一个组织和管理框架》但是,随着县 区经验的发展,投资和复兴卫生中心的需要曰益明显。






位于社区内的位置及对受托地区和居民的责任。它使:£生中心易被利用,能对 当地卫生问题及其重点作出灵活有力的反应,并能够促进与社区和其它部门的 对话和交流。

多学科队伍。卫生中心队伍的互补技术使得能釆取一种整体傲法,把个人和家 庭的卫生保健与广泛意义上的卫生发展结合在一起》

卫生促进和发展展望。如果卫生服务要有效地适应快速变化的卫生环境,必须 加強认识这一做法的必要性,它以合理的治疗和顼防保健为基础。这一做法还 可对长期的问题作出更加全面反应,对当地杜広的尊严和自力更生傲出贡献。

普及临床和社区网络。当他们熟练地构成社区为基地的设施网络时,卫生中心 能够快速普及临床转诊系统和已有的社会支持系统。

可承担得起的费用和成本效益。使人民在离家近的地方以有效和文化上可接受 的方式得到高质量保健对卫生系统具有成本效益并旦是可以承担的°


5 .已 观 察 到 以 下 的 弱 点 :


(b)管理问题在两级存在:在卫生中心一级,由于在制定和实施行动计划时 缺乏协作和严重不足;在县区和国家级,由于常见的技术和管理支持不足。

(c)理財不当和缺乏权威是对卫生中心作用理解不足的原因之一;财政和物 质资源贫乏可能与工作人员不足同时存在》




6.卫生中心必须能够对他们当前环境中广泛的卫生问题作出有力的反应,提供合 格的医疗服务和一系列预防活动,例如免疫、产前保健和计划生育。但是这些活动 不管傲得多么合适,也不足以处理出现的与生活方式和其他社会条件有关的问题。


7.对市场经济和私有化的进一步兴趣将产生一系列卫生中心模式,反映了更多的 努力降低费用和在公立与私立部门及非政府组织之同寻求富有成效的合作。

8.需要一系列新的技术和能力对这些挑战进行适当反应,以便在国家和国际级提 倡一项有力的规划。对国家级主要战略的建议包括-

⑴政府在为卫生中心创立《权力授予环境”方面的中心作用。需要有强有力 的政府承诺支持的明确政策,以认可和倡导卫生中心在国家卫生政策和计划制 定中的作用》为了加強这一点,需要立法和伴随以必要的管理改变来促进地方 一级灵活的行政、财政和人力资源管理。

⑵直接支持改善卫生中心绩效的政府行动。卫生中心职工的技能和培训必须 在培训机构一致努力下进行重大变革,并应有精心计划的《培训者培训”规划。

卫生中心职工的监督通常是常规的,有时是严格和命令式的。负责支持卫生中 心队伍的县区以上的管理人员,必须具有技术技能和管理任务,更加密切地适 合卫生中心的卫生和发展作用。由此需要明确卫生中心和县区医院的作用及其 相互关系。

⑶研究开发。卫生中心从事研究和开发及吸取经验(见下面第12(2)段干中学) 的能力应该扩大。对问题和研究需要更加深刻的了解使卫生中心能够更加有效 地与其它方面协作并在它的受托地区和县区内提供卫生领导。



⑷卫生组织的作用。卫生组织在几个层次上可发挥积极的領导作用:(a)在 国家和区域级,鼓励国家间研究开发方面的经验交流,并且在所有适当论坛上 加強和支持卫生中心运动;(b)在国际级,对县区和卫生中心行动进行技术和 战略联系并辅之以国际努力。实例包括联合国开发计划署的可持续发展规划,


(5)卫生发展的财政。在现有和未来的资金政策中应反映出县区卫生系统内加 强卫生中心方面迫切而重要的需求》


有必要对重大问题进行确定和釆取特别行动:实例包括对卫生中心在卫生和发 展方面作用的有效示范;私立与公立部门以及非政府组织之间的合作;尖端通 信和信息技术;以及对卫生服务和社区教育与研究伙伴关系的初始贡献。




但它们在国家卫生政策中只受到20%的重视以及仅获得20%的国家卫生资源。如前所 述,在确定卫生中心发展的核心间题与原则方面,研究小组指出,对政策或许应给 子最紧迫的重视以纠正这一不平衡。必须制定革新政策以确保卫生中心从所有可能 的渠道获得与其作用相适应的资源。


11. 卫生组织在卫生系统发展方面的工作根植于按照初级丑生保健原则加強地方 卫生系统。实际上这意味着对卫生部门而言,加强卫生中心在县区卫生系统中的绩 效。几乎所有其它卫生组织规划(疾病控制,家庭卫生,儿童卫生,生殖卫生,药 物行动等等)含蓄或明确地以卫生中心为重点;特定干预措施,培训活动,指导原 则等在制定时均考虑到卫生中心工作人员。随着垂直方式的废除,卫生组织规划越 来越多地在加强卫生中心方面进行合作。但是,在该领域需要并将开展大量工作。





年中已做了大量工作》目前的努力包括整理资料以证实前一章节中所提到的不 早衡情况并倡导改变政策和转援资源。

⑵研究关键性措施以改善卫生中心的绩效:一个多国研究和发展项目应包舍 在引进组织和管理新方法、‘‘服务结合”和改善鏔效的其它措施时,多国研究 和发展项目应有卫生合作中心参与》“干中学”是主要途径由卫生中心制定 计划和活动以解决问题和引进变化;要把最好的实践方法记录下来以备其它卫 生中心重复作用。

⑶加强卫生中心运动:正在收集一系列关于卫生中心发展方面重要战略的实 例研究资料》巳釆取行动收集一套综合和实用的用子卫生服务提供及部门之间 发展的进程与结果指标,作为对制定评价绩效的指导方针或标准作出的贡献。

特别重视为社区诊断和基于社区的数据收集提供手段》正在支持国家一级的资 源调查和分析,以作为报告目前状况,评价进展情况以及支持政策改变和资源 转援的手段》1卯5年卫生组织与经济合作与发展组织和世界银行在加拿大蒙特 利尔共同主办了第一届国际社区卫生中心大会:卫生改革中心。来自40多个发 达国家和发展中国家的代表出席了会议,并对加强国家卫生系统中卫生中心的 核心作用表示支持。国家协会与国际团体之间的接艇表明对建立更持续性的关 系有强烈兴趣。第二次国际大会计划于19%年召开。



1995 年 11 月 21—27 日


⑴ 建 议 全 文 见 附 件







的公共卫生问题。该病给个人、家庭和社区造成的社会影响和负担仍对非洲国家经 济发展构成重大威胁。专家委员会联系关于该寄生虫的最新知识,流行痼学,诊断,

治疗,以及媒介和媒介控制措施,审核了该病的主要资料。报告对可用于评估该病 对所累及人群的负担、制定有效的监测和控制策略、以及改善规划管理方法的手殺 进行了彻底的描述。该报告包括:地理情报系统的介绍;决定分析方法;检查控制 与监测活动的指标及其在规划评价中的应用;分析不同检查和治疗对策成本效益的 费用计算方法;以及估计流行病学形势的抽样策略。因此,向国家政策制定者提供 了基本背景情报,以便作出适当的卫生政策决定和设计国家规划以控制该病的发生, 或者建立经济有效的监测系统以防止该病在他们国家中复发。



尤其是对于政策制定、重点确定以及行动计划的准备必不可少。根据专家委员会成 员关于监测和控制的观点,卫生组织已制定了一些具体目标,这些目标与目前的流 行病学形势以及睡眠病流行国家的需求相一致。巳确认,卫生组织在六个主要领域 中的行动对于使该病得以控制至关重要》这些领域是:⑴对所有受累国家提供技术 支持以帮助他们努力控制该病目前日益增长的发病率;⑵所有高危国家的监测过程 在可能和可行的情况下釆用建立综合的多种疾病监测系统的方法;⑶培训国家卫生 工作人员,以便改善和进一步开发控制疾病所需的人力资源•,⑷维持有效的供给系 统,保证国家规划随时可得到特定设备,材料,试剂和药品,从而为控制小规模突 发事件提供必要物资,避免变成大规模流行;(5)向所有层次的卫生人员收集、分析 和散发相关信息;(6)促进和参与区域规划,加强国家和国际卫生人员之间的团结。


躲 药 物 的 使 用





现有医疗系统修订基本药物标准清单。钋对日趋严重的耐药问题,強调了对抗感染 药剂的修正。考虑到抗感染药剂实验室敏感测试结果,已经修订了关于后备药剂的 章节。报告強调在发展中国家及发达国家需要建立参考实验室,以便监视重要细菌 病原体的耐药性。认识流行敏感模式对适当选择和使用抗菌素和发展适宜处方政策 至关重要。对敏感模式的认识应来源于适当的实验室调查。

17. 委员会強调严格质量保证的需要和世界卫生组织国际商业中流通的药物产品

质量合格证书制的重要性,特别是在一些缺乏适当的药物分析实验室设旅并因此不 能保证质量控制的国家中。它強调了检测药物副作用的重要性并就世界卫生组织国 际药品监督合作中心提供了信息,该中心根据卫生专业人员自发性的报告核对国家 检渊计划的报告。它更新了关于世界卫生组织国际非专利名称选择规划的信息,并 引用了 1993年第四十六届世界卫生大会通过的®HA46.19号决议。


委员会强调需要有关于所有基本药物的独立和最新信息,建议编写世界卫生 组织标准药典》这将补充世界卫生组织基本药物标准清单并可以定期充实。


报告后半部分是关于修订后的标准清单并強调了修改过程中的特别考虑。为 保持与已有政策一致,只增加了认为形成确切优势的药物。这次增加了 13个产品。







为是一个主要组成部分。特别是,世界卫生组织基本药物标准清单的定期更新保持 了修订药品战略的势头,并旦是世界卫生組织大部分会员国达到药品供销最大程度 合理性所需的有效信息的基本要素。



清单。这些清单光其用在所需药品釆购、培训卫生工作者、制定标准治疗准则,鼓 励当地生产高质量药品以及健康保险制度的费用报销。这些基本药物的选择取决子 卫生需求和多个国家卫生服务的结构和发展情况。基本药物清单应听取公共卫生、

医学、药理学、制药学和药物管理专家的建议,由地方拟定,定期更新。世界卫生 组织关于基本药物使用的报告两年更新一次并提供补充标准处方信息为发达国家和 发展中国家的技术合作提供了 一个重点》这方面的工作继续促使学术界和制药工业 通过重新评价当前的治疗措施和创新研究解决全球卫生问题。

22. 强调抗感染药剂的耐药性为全球进一步认识这个问题提供了机会,并鼓励各




双边机构都在国家级广泛地促进了基本药物的概念。报告在实施国家药物政策时仍 是有用的工具。标准清单为卫生组织内的技术规划促进成本效益最高的治疗提供了 一个重点。它巳被现在把药物提供和药物使用合理化纳入其卫生保健规划的许多国 际和双边机构所釆纳。清单的釆用在卫生保健发展方面导致了更充分的国际协调。

关子抗感染药剂耐药性的章节促使一个规划把检测抗徵生物剂敏感性直接与药物选 择相联系。



粮农组织/卫生组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会 日内瓦,19%年2月6—15日⑴


24.委员会就几种食品添加剂、多种添味剂和一种污染物提出了建议。进一步修订 并第一次使用了第四十四次会议上审查过的添味剂安全评价程序。还分析了喂食多 羟基化合物和难以消化的碳水化合物的大鼠肾上腺髓质增殖性损伤的毒理学意义》

在所审查情报的基础上,委员会认为喂食乳糖或多羟基化合物(包插异麦芽糠、乳 糖醇、麦芽醇、甘露醇、山梨糖醇和木糖醇)的大鼠肾上腺髓质发生增殖性损伤是 一个物种特有的现象,与这些物质对人类影响的毒理评价不相关。


一种乳化剂(木松香的甘油酯),一种甜味劍(atitame), 一种增稠剂(Й S粉),

包括醋酸苄酯、苯甲醇、苯甲醛、苯酸和苯酸盐在内的苯甲基类制剂,以及蔗糖醋 酸异丁酯。对多数此类物质确定了可接受的每日摄取量。委员会为进行毒理评价的 食品添加剂的特性和纯度以及34种其它物质制定了新的或修订的规格。

26.审查了B、G和M型黄曲霉毒素的毒理学和流行病学资料,但未能完成评价。委 员会建议在下一次审查食品添加剂和污染物的会议上继续评估黄曲霉素的致癌毒性 及与其摄入相关的潜在风险。计划在1明7年6月第四十九次会议上对之进行评估。

27.使用经第四十四次会议审查并在本次会议上经过修订的安全评价程序,审查了 47种添味劍,它们属子三个化学类别(乙酯,异戊醇与相关酯类,以及烯丙酯)。




的摄取水早,这些制剂尚不形成安全问题。推迟了对一种物质的评价,因为添味剂 安全评价原有程序中的一个步骤有待审查。





程序的复杂性,这需要收集和分析所有的相关数据;解释致癌性、诱变性、生殖毒 理、致畸性、以及其它影响的研究结果;由观察实验动物推断对人类的影响;以及 在现有毒理学和流行病学资料的基础上评价对人类的危害性。





用了该委员会的建议》这些标准仅限用子巳经该委员会审核并且确定了可接受的每 日摄取量(食品添加剂)或者耐受摄取量(污染物)的物质。这样可以确保国际贸 易中食物商品严格达到安全标准。





⑵《食品添加剂规格手册,增编之四》。联合国粮食及农业组织粮食与营养 文件,第52期,增编之四,19%年。



召开四次粮农/卫生组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会会议,两次针对食品添加 剂和污染物,另两次针对食品中残留的兽药。


对子掌管食品法典委员会的粮农组织/卫生组织联合食品标准规划,卫生组织 既是合作组织也是资助者。由于委员会评价特定纯度物质摄入量的安全水早,其评 估对于食品法典委员会工作的成功与否起决定作用》




世界卫生组织趄声波诊断研究小组Ш 费城,1996年3月22—26日


35.超声波诊断是一快速发展的成像技术,被广泛应用于工业化及发展中国家。自 60年代引用至今,超声波在解剖造影、血流测量、以及几乎涉及医学各个方面的生

理学评价中得到了广泛的应用。这一成像技术巳经替代或者补充了大量放射图像及 核医学程序,并且提供了诊断学研究的新领域。在射线照相已不再普遍应用的产科 学中,超声波对评估胎儿的存活和时间,胎儿发育的评价,以及胎儿、子宫和胎盘 畸形的诊断提供了一个重要手段。在多数妇科、肝、胆、胰、脾和肾病的检查方面 以及对阴囊物、膀胱和前列腺的检查,超声波现已被认为是基础影象方法。在许多 发展中国家,声象术在流行病学普查和多种寄生虫病,如阿米E病、血吸虫病、及 包虫病的诊断时可能会起重要作用。


多普乐以及其它特殊技术的医疗搡作中,超声检查搡作及其结果推断的困难则明显 增加。培训不够以及经验不足的人应用超声波可能增加不必要的检查和误诊。不论 是在工业化国家还是发展中国家,均需要对超声诊断应用进行适当的教育和培训。

⑴ 建 议 全 文 见 附 件





练一部分的少数几个工业化国家中,才有对医生和医务技术人员进行超声波诊断培 训的适当规划。羼管如此,培训医生的统一标准尚不存在。一般来说,发达国家中 的最大需求是开展培训以维持和提高能力水平。


满足需求。提供的可是一般性超声波或用于特定需求的超声波(如产科),或者钋 对特定问题的超声波,例如针对肝寄生虫、泌尿系统疾病或肠胃感染和寄生虫。所 用的超声波设备常常较陈旧,因为是捐赠的,或者不足以满足需求,因为缺乏资金 购买新设备。设备在技术方面通常是过时的,并缺少维修和零件。除了在大学医院



际性建议和指导。事实上,培训不充分或甚至未经培训的医生购置和使用超声波设 备的情况并不少见。



和高级培训的建议与拟定课程(包括对开展培训工作的教师和机构的要求),将是 改善工业化国家和发展中国家超声波诊断培训情况的一个重要机制。


在有些国家可能很难完全应用建议的原则》研究小组认为这些原则是应当要求普遍 达到的最低水平。但是,即便能部分实施这些建议,也将表示在培训过程和更充分 利用这种有用的临床技术方面取得了进展》


务专业人员的培训、制定购置超声波设备的更严格规定以及应付无法控制未经适当 培训的医务人员使用超声波设备的问题》





会开展更深入的合作,现实地评估各地对超声波诊断培训的需求,并帮助各国应用 研究小组制定的培训标准和课程。



一收集和散发关子超声波检查各方面的情报,包括确保高质超声波检查的新 技术和设备研制;




一实行资格考试并维持其标准》在有些区域,区域中心将负责具体考试,而 区域内的所有国家应承认和接受该考试。



1996 年 10 月 14

18 日






关于治疗因使用精神性物质引起的疾患方面的知识,考虑了联合国麻醉药品委员会 关子禁止海洛因的1号决议(XXXVIII)。委员会还被委托对七种精神性物质(三唑安 定,安定(苯甲二氮萆),双氢埃托啡,尼古丁,麻黄碱,

remifentani t和sumatriptan)


46. 1970年以来,该委员会没有讨论过治疗问题。第三十次会议上的大量审阅表明

最近26年取得了巨大进展,对治疗因使用精神性物质引起的疾患的工具抱有乐观有 相当的余地。









这些物质的不同法律和管理控制,并且建议适当时候对不同物质引起的疾患考虑类 似的治疗干预措施。应该強调治疗是减少对药物需求的一种方法,卫生当局应该在 制定与使用精神性物质有关的卫生问题的治疗政策中起领导作用:降低精神性物质 的消耗及有关发病率、残疾和死亡率,最大限度使使用者获得完全康复的服务和机 会。在一些国家还期待其他目标,例如减少犯罪或者提高合法商品的生产能力。不 同国家对此有不同重点,有些国家完全侧重子降低消耗,另一些国家则更重视改善 健康》


或由专家进行的专业治疗。治疗动机和服从可以通过非专业支持结构及非正式自助 和亙助活动得以提高。专业治疗与非专业干顸和支持可以有效地相亙补充。联合和 综合的干预计划和监测会提高有效性。



52.治疗方法的多样化提出了在不同服务和社会文化条件下发展合适和全面的治疗 反应方面重大变化的可能性,也需要在控制状态下试图评价治疗时确定这些范围。

治疗系统应辅助自我停止战略,并旦是许多不能自主停止或离幵这些物质的成瘾者 的重要选择。

53.确定治疗的必要性很重要。人群需求评估应能鉴别可以受益子治疗服务但由子 普及间题或不能识别该间题而不主动寻求治疗服务的那些人》对发现难以利用现有 服务的人群在委员会建议中作了详细说明。对治疗服务的保密促进了那些寻求治疗 者的接近。

54.无论是基于社区还是住宅的治疗规划涉及大量政府及其它部门,包括卫生、教 育、执法、杜会福利和职业培训。应该鼓励和协调制定能对个体使用者及其家庭的 全部需要作出响应的治疗规划。


56.对物质使用者的横向、纵向及其它研究可以确定加速停止使用和脱离依赖性的 个人和社会因素。这些研究也可以检查酒精、烟草及其它合法工业影响自然恢复、




该委员会敦促世界卫生组织根据全球发现有与物质使用有关的卫生问题的那些人的 治疗需要,优先制定战略计划,以便加强其倡导作用和通报其对活动的选择。

58. —个治疗系统的目的是作为处理卫生和社会间题的社区总资源的有机组成部分,



应加强对各种环境的卫生专业人员和社区工作者的培训。确实对精神性物质使用闽 题经济有效并且可为大量使用者获得的治疗措施应在培训手册中更充分详细地描述 及传播。



60.考虑到希望为尽可能多的物质使用者获得,令人关法的问题是对不同国家釆用 的最常见干顸措旄没有进行评价。然而,对多种治疗措施效果评价的研究已有大量 增长,这些治疗措施针对急性、慢性以及间歇性闾题,包插那些与公共卫生和安全 有关以及由于与传染病传播和犯罪有关的行为所导致的问题。

61.应鼓励和支持制定和传播成本效益分析标准方法的工作,以及根据结果制定指 导原则。在评价和质量保证方面经常被忽视且重要的因素是关于患者的优先选择和 满意度的反馈,应将此定期包括在内。

62.关于普遍提倡合法强制治疗,委员会建议应系统地分析伦理闽题,不同形式的 强制性治疗的利弊,以及机构性强制性治疗与基于社区的较少强制性治疗的成本效 益比较。

63.虽然药物使用者因不法行为可被监禁,但迫切需要把物质依赖性及其有害使用 看作为卫生问题并给子相应治疗。在多数国家中,尽管由子犯人中因物质使用所造 成的疾患极为普遍,但在监狱系统内所提供的治疗极少。

64.会员国应发展治疗服务以减少由于共用注射器具和药物制剂,或由于性行为所 导致的HIV感染以及其它传染痼的传播。委员会认识到所涉及的文化敏感性,但鉴 于这些危险对药品使用者,他们的伙伴,对于孕妇来说她们未出生的孩子的可怕性 质和程度,委员会建议制定国际指导原则,以促进在良好控制的环境中为类鸦片侬 赖性管理对使用美沙酮和其它类鸦片“维持”处方的高标准做法。

65.委员会建议,由子治疗发展和评价的快速进展,卫生组织应确保药物依赖性专 家委员会定期审查在由精神性物质使用所造成问题的治疗方面的发展情况。

对联合国麻醉药品委员会决议1 (XXXVIII)的看法

66.委员会关于该问题的意见和结论文本巳在提交给卫生组织总干事以便其就联合 国麻醉药品委员会决议1 (XXXVIII)中所提问题答复联合国国际药物管制规划主任之 前提交给执行委员会第九十九届会议。





21-27 November 1995


1 • Human African trypanosomiasis remains a major public health concern in endemic countries. National health services in those countries should reassess the priority given to national control programmes in view of the immense social impact of this disease on individuals, families and the community.

2. Adequately trained staff and training of various cadres of health workers, including those involved in research, are required for the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of sleeping sickness programmes. WHO should strengthen its capacity-building initiatives in Member States in such areas as geographical information systems and decision analysis. Guidelines for standardized methods of data collection, handbooks on the use of management tools and other technical manuals should be developed.

3. Ongoing structural readjustment and reforms in the health sector demand that sleeping sickness surveillance and control strategies be re-examined with regard to their effect on the national disease control programmes. Research should be undertaken with the aim of developing health systems compatible with sleeping sickness surveillance and control.

4. Recent observations indicate a resurgence of outbreaks of sleeping sickness in previous foci and its spread to other areas. Surveillance of the population at risk and control of vectors of the disease are recommended.

5. The introduction of the card agglutination trypanosomiasis test (CATT), a sérodiagnostic field test for Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, has improved trypanosomiasis case-finding strategies. Simple field tests are needed for detecting T. b. rhodesiense infections as well as T. b. gambiense infections that cannot be diagnosed by the CATT.

6. The transmission of sleeping sickness tends to be microfocal. Variations in incidence have been observed between villages within small areas. Transmission sites should be identified and mapped to facilitate effective, targeted vector control operations.

7. The search for a drug effective against both early and late stages of T. b. gambiense and T. b. rhodesiense forms of the disease, and that is safe and affordable and can be handled safely by the community, should be a long-term objective. In the meantime, priority should be given to improving the use and administration of existing drugs. WHO and the international community should facilitate the acquisition of adequate stocks of drugs by national health services.

8. Sleeping sickness foci often extend across national boundaries, a trend exacerbated by the migration of populations. Technical cooperation in disease surveillance and control operations is therefore essential.

Intercountry, regional and interregional cooperation and coordination are recommended for the effective

1 The full report of the Expert Committee is in preparation for publication in the WHO Technical Report Series.

2 These recommendations reflect the collective views of the Expert Committee and do not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of WHO.


require coordination within national health services as well as between different sectors.

9. The UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases has been instrumental in improving understanding of the epidemiology of African trypanosomiasis and the development of new tools for surveillance and control of the disease. Continued support is needed for the introduction of these tools into control programmes and health services, and for research into the development of strategies for their optimal use.





22-26 March 1996


1. The appropriate training of the users of medical ultrasound is the most important requisite for the improvement and rational use of diagnostic ultrasound in medical practice. The use of diagnostic ultrasound by individuals with inadequate knowledge and skills adds to the likelihood of unnecessary patient examinations and misdiagnosis, imposing additional costs on the health care system.

2. The purchase and use of medical ultrasound equipment should be restricted to those who have successfully completed an adequate training programme, or have achieved a proven level of competence, in diagnostic ultrasound. The Study Group endorses the conclusion of the WHO Scientific Group on the Future Use of New Imaging Technologies in Developing Countries that the "purchase of ultrasound equipment without making provision for the training of an operator is contrary to good health care practice and is unlikely to be cost- effective" (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 723, p. 19).

3. The Study Group strongly recommends that appropriate curricula should be adopted for the general, advanced, and specialized training of medical doctors and allied health care personnel who use diagnostic ultrasound. Examples of such curricula have been provided in the Study Group's report.

4. WHO, international governmental and nongovernmental organizations, and professional associations should be actively involved in the development of training programmes for the use of ultrasound. Such involvement could include setting training standards and organizing and carrying out training courses (with certification of trainees) together with continuing education programmes.

5. Since medical ultrasound technology is developing rapidly, regular equipment maintenance and upgrading or replacement are essential, particularly in institutions where training is provided.

6. The equipment, training, and practice of ultrasound should be oriented towards local health care problems, and should have a positive effect on the quality of health care in the country concerned.

1 The full report of the Study Group is in preparation for publication in the WHO Technical Report Series.

2 These recommendations reflect the collective views of the Study Group and do not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of WHO.




14-18 October 1996


1. Policy issues

WHO should encourage countries to give equal attention to measures to reduce illicit demand for psychoactive substances and to efforts to reduce their illicit supply. Greater emphasis should be placed on the treatment of persons dependent on psychoactive substances, and health authorities should play a leading role in the formulation of policies concerning such treatment.

WHO should work with countries to develop specific policies regarding the treatment for disorders due to the use of psychoactive substances.

In the light of rapid advances in the development and evaluation of the treatment of health problems caused by the use of psychoactive substances, WHO should ensure that the Expert Committee on Drug Dependence regularly reviews related developments.

WHO should support Member States in strengthening their regulatory compliance programmes to prevent the over-the-counter sale of prescription psychoactive drugs.

WHO's response to the questions posed by the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) should reflect the discussion reported in the Appendix.

2. Treatment services

WHO should give priority to developing a strategic plan for treatment services on the basis of a global assessment of the treatment needs of those experiencing health problems related to the use of psychoactive substances.

Noting that treatment under coercion is in widespread use and that there is significant advocacy of its even wider use, the Committee recommends that WHO should encourage analysis of the ethical issues raised by such treatment, and of the advantages and disadvantages of its different forms, including comparisons of the cost- effectiveness of enforced institutional treatment and less-coercive community-based forms.

The Committee notes the widespread adoption in many countries of the use of methadone and other similar substances for the management of opioid dependence. Such treatment is supported by ample scientific evidence of its benefits when delivered in well controlled settings conforming to high standards. WHO should support the development of international guidelines to promote high standards of practice in well controlled settings.

1 The full report of the Expert Committee is in preparation for publication in the WHO Technical Report Series.

2 These recommendations reflect the collective views of the Expert Committee and do not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of WHO.


In view of the rising prevalence in many countries of multiple substance use, WHO should support efforts to improve the treatment of persons with health problems due to the use of more than one psychoactive substance.

WHO should continue to find ways of improving the access to treatment of population groups that both are at high risk of developing health problems due to the use of psychoactive substances and have poor access to treatment. These groups include indigenous peoples, prisoners, young people, and refugees.

Greater efforts should be devoted to developing and implementing treatment measures to reduce the recidivism of persons convicted of driving while intoxicated with alcohol or other substances.

The Committee endorsed the recommendation made at its 28th meeting, that WHO "should support its Member States in developing treatment services that can reduce the transmission of HIV [human immunodeficiency virus] through needle-sharing or sexual activity among drug users" (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 836, p. 33). The Committee fiirther noted that not only the transmission of HIV but also the spread of other infectious diseases such as hepatitis В and С were facilitated through sexual activity and the sharing of injection equipment and drug preparations. The Committee again referred to the "appalling nature of the potential dangers for drug users, their partners and, in the case of pregnant women, their unborn children" and reiterated the previous recommendation for treatment with oral methadone in appropriate cases in spite of the recognized cultural sensitivities implicated by such a course of action (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 836, p. 33). The Committee also noted that other opioids had potential for use in such treatment.

3. Training

Consistent with resolutions of the Thirty-third (WHA33.27), Forty-second (WHA42.20), and Forty-third (WHA42.11) World Health Assembly to integrate the treatment of health problems due to the use of psychoactive substances into primary health care and other social services, the Committee recommends that WHO should support the training of primary health care and other community workers in the treatment of persons dependent on or experiencing health problems due to the use of psychoactive substances.

4. Dissemination of information

The Committee recommends that the WHO World-Wide-Web site should be utilized to facilitate the dissemination of information, e.g. by the availability of technical reports and papers for downloading by those who wish to read them.

WHO should support ways of increasing access to computer technology in developing countries so that treatment providers and community-based treatment services can have better access to academic sources of information that are available on the Internet on the use of psychoactive substances and related health problems.

Interventions to prevent or stop the negative health consequences of the use of psychoactive substances that are cost-effective and that can reach large numbers of affected individuals should be described more fully and information about them disseminated in training manuals.

5. Research

Given the desirability of reaching the greatest possible number of persons with health problems due to the use of psychoactive substances, the Committee expressed concern that some of the most commonly used interventions have not been evaluated for either efficacy or cost-effectiveness. The Committee accordingly


settings and other community-service agencies, as well as others that can reach large numbers of affected persons at low cost.

Treatment strategies that have been shown to be efficacious in clinical trials are not commonly found in developing countries. The Committee recommends that such treatment strategies should be examined in a range of countries by means of health services research. WHO should encourage appropriate national research institutes to support collaborative research on these strategies, as well as on untested community-based methods.

WHO should encourage and support cross-sectional, longitudinal, and other studies of persons with health problems due to the use of psychoactive substances, in order to identify those personal and social factors that facilitate the cessation of use and recovery from dependence. Such studies should also examine how messages promoted by the alcohol, tobacco, and other industries may influence the natural recovery, treatment-seeking behaviour, and recovery-in-treatment of those experiencing health problems due to the use of psychoactive substances, with a view to improving cessation rates around the world.

WHO should continue to support efforts to develop standard methods of cost and cost-effectiveness analysis of treatment for disorders due to the use of psychoactive substances. WHO should also continue to support the dissemination of these methods and case studies of their application.

WHO and national research centres should support international efforts to undertake systematic quantitative reviews of scientific studies on the effectiveness of treatment for disorders due to the harmful use of alcohol, tobacco, opioids, and other psychoactive substances, and should develop treatment guidelines in the light of findings.

6. Pre-review of psychoactive substances

Pre-review is performed by the Committee in order to determine whether a psychoactive substance should be subjected to critical review in the context of its international control.


Although pre-review of alprazolam and diazepam was recommended in the previous report of the Committee, the Committee is now of the opinion that, in light of the way opioids are calibrated and ranked against morphine in terms of abuse potential, it would be preferable to consider benzodiazepines as a class. The Committee recommends that at its next meeting a pre-review should be conducted of alprazolam, bromazepam, chlordiazepoxide, diazepam, and temazepam, and other benzodiazepines identified as being in accordance with the criteria listed below.

The following criteria are deemed to be essential:

1. Changes in the abuse and/or dependence characteristics of the benzodiazepine have occurred in two or more countries.

2. Drug-control or law-enforcement agencies have reported increased illicit trafficking of or criminal activity related to the benzodiazepine.

3. Peer-reviewed scientific reports on the high abuse liability of the benzodiazepine have appeared.

One additional criterion was identified as being useful in certain cases:

Increased abuse of the benzodiazepine has been confirmed among drug-dependent persons.


Dihydroetorphine is a hydrogenated derivative of etorphine and a potent /^-opioid-receptor agonist used as a short-acting analgesic in China. Animal tests conducted in both China and the USA have demonstrated its high dependence potential, which has been further confirmed by a number of cases of illicit diversion and abuse of sublingual preparations of dihydroetorphine in China. The Committee recommends dihydroetorphine for critical review.


Ephedrine was not controlled under the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, although its limited abuse potential was known at the time the Convention was adopted in 1971. Information now available to the Committee indicates that illicit trafficking in ephedrine has increased significantly in recent years. Though the substance is illicitly used primarily in the manufacture of stimulants, there is evidence of the increasing abuse of ephedrine preparations in some countries. The Committee recommends ephedrine for critical review.


Although nicotine is a dependence-producing substance, nicotine patches and nicotine gum do not lead to a level of nicotine in the blood high enough to produce the psychotropic effects the 1971 Convention is concerned with, namely, "hallucinations or disturbances in motor function or thinking or behaviour or perception or mood".

In the futxire, new therapeutic nicotine-replacement preparations may enable the user's blood concentration of nicotine to reach a level high enough to produce such psychotropic effects. However, there is no evidence of the significant abuse of such preparations at present. The Committee does not recommend nicotine for critical review, unless information becomes available suggesting the significant abuse liability of new therapeutic nicotine products.

However, the Committee recommends tobacco for pre-review because of the potential for a higher blood concentration of nicotine when tobacco is smoked, resulting in a greater liability for abuse and associated public health problems.

Remifentanil (INN)

Remifentanil is a selective ^u-opioid-receptor agonist of the fentanyl group recently introduced to the market for mainly analgesic use. Preclinical and human-abuse-liability tests have indicated that remifentanil has an abuse potential in its peak effects comparable to fentanyl. However, because it is an ultra-short-acting drug, very frequent administration would be required to sustain its effects. As little is known about the effect of the need for frequent dosing on abuse potential, the Committee recommended remifentanil for critical review.

Sumatriptan (INN)

Sumatriptan is a 5-HTrreceptor agonist used for the treatment of migraine. Though several cases of abuse, dependence, euphoria,or stupor have been reported as adverse reactions, there is no evidence of significant abuse. The Committee does not recommend sumatriptan for critical review.

1 In composite drug names containing both a chemical prefix and an INN, the INN is distinguished by being italicized.


The Committee considered the following questions posed by the UNDCP to the Director-General of WHO, pursuant to CND resolution 1 (XXXVIII) on what is WHO's "opinion on the growing advocacy on the non- medical use of heroin and its controlled supply to drug addicts" and what is the WHO's "opinion on whether the controlled supply of heroin to addicts could be construed as medical use of the substance". The Committee's deliberations were assisted by background papers including a site-visit report on the Swiss Scientific Studies on Medically Prescribed Narcotics to Heroin Addicts, and by a presentation by Professor Uchtenhagen, who participated only as a resource person for the Committee for the duration of discussion of this item.

The Committee easily reached consensus that the advocacy of the non-medical use of heroin and controlled supply of heroin, without medical supervision, was not founded on any scientific or practical experiments and was likely to be deleterious to any country in which such a practice was initiated.

The second question posed greater problems for the Committee in part because of its particular phraseology. The Committee found the term "controlled supply" unhelpful and assumed that the question was aimed at seeking advice on the role of carefully controlled prescription of heroin to selected heroin addicts under carefully supervised treatment conditions. The Committee was of the view that, given the present state of scientific knowledge on the subject, it was not possible to give a fully informed opinion but noted that a number of trials were underway and proposed, that would provide some additional information on the subject but were unlikely to definitively answer this complex question.

The Committee was of the view that if there were to be any future studies they should be designed to answer questions that could not be explored within the design of the Swiss Studies now underway. Such questions could include the degree to which alternative short-acting opioids other than heroin might bring the alienated, resistant injecting substance users that were the target of the Swiss Studies into contact with treatment services. Such additional studies could also emphasise a comparison of intravenous opioid substitution and oral maintenance using random assignment to treatment, as well as frequent drug testing that ideally could distinguish between prescribed and non-prescribed opioid use. The Committee did not, however, take any position on whether there should be any such additional studies.

The Committee concluded on the basis of the available scientific evidence that any treatment involving the prescription of heroin for defined therapeutic purposes would be likely to have very limited applicability.

The opinion was expressed that among the conditions for such applicability would be a well developed and comprehensive treatment system in which there are ample and accessible alternative treatments not involving intravenous opiates. The latter should include ready access to oral methadone and similar long-acting opioids in the context of a highly developed drug control system. The Committee expressed the view that most countries would find it difficult, if not impossible, to meet these conditions (Extract from the draft report of the WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence on its thirtieth meeting (October 1996),"Collaboration within the United Nations system and with other intergovernmental organizations: general matters", unpublished document EB99/21 Add.l,Annex).


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Dans ces conditions, un plan d'urgence établi en consultation avec le personnel est indispensable et des mesures préliminaires pour faire face à la situation peuvent être prises