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The dependence of the optical characteristics on light intensity in a semiconductor


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HAL Id: jpa-00210973


Submitted on 1 Jan 1989

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The dependence of the optical characteristics on light intensity in a semiconductor

Nguyen Ba An, Nguyen Trung Dan

To cite this version:

Nguyen Ba An, Nguyen Trung Dan. The dependence of the optical characteristics on light intensity in a semiconductor. Journal de Physique, 1989, 50 (9), pp.1009-1013.

�10.1051/jphys:019890050090100900�. �jpa-00210973�




Short Communication

The dependence of the optical characteristics on light intensity in a


Nguyen Ba An and Nguyen Trung Dan

Centre for Theoretical Physics, Academy of Sciences of Vietnam, Nghia Do, Tu Liem, Ha Noi, Viet-


(Reçu le 3 janvier 1989, accepté le 2 mars 1989)



Nous étudions les caractéristiques optiques non linéaires de semiconducteurs au voisi- nage de la résonance d’absorption de deux photons par un biexciton. Nous montrons que la bistabilité

optique apparaît au-dessous de cette résonance à très faibles intensités de lumière.



The nonlinear optical characteristics of semiconductors are studied near the two-photon

biexciton resonance. Optical bistability is shown to happen below this resonance at very low light


J. Phys. France 50 (1989) 1009-1013 ler MAI 1989


Physics Abstracts

78.20 D

The Maxwell equation forx-axis propagation of a light wave in a semiconductor is of the form :

(in the unit system with A = c = 137e 2/47r = 1)

where E and P are the electric vector on the light wave and the induced polarization of the matter.

Conventionally, one separates P into linear and nonlinear parts and at low light intensity, one

restricts oneself only to the former part whose perturbative corrections are the latter. However,

in many semiconductors like CuCI, CuBr,


large optical non-linearities have been observed in the vicinity of the two-photon biexciton resonance [1-12]. With such a huge nonlinear response the perturbational approach must not be valid and one has to develop a nonperturbational theory

wich requires considering both parts of P at the same time and on the same footing.

Let us define the nonperturbative susceptibility x and the complex dielectric function - which

are dependent on the light intensity I = IEI2 as follows :

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019890050090100900



Then, équation (1) becomes :

A possible solution of equation (3) is

which yields the dispersion law :

with n and x being the refractive index and the extinction coefficient Denoting the absorption

coefficient by A we have the following relations :

Note that (6-8) are formally the same as in the linear approximation, but in fact here they are

the nonperturbative ones describing the optical nonlinear response of the semiconductor to all

perturbation orders, without distinguishing between the effects caused by different orders of x :

X(1), X(3),


and all of them are intensity-dependent.

As we are interested in the spectral région near the biexcitonic two-photon absorption we can

write for a coherent photon-biexciton system the following effective Hamiltonian [2-11] :

where ck and b2k are bosonic operators for the photon with frequency cvk, wave vector k and the


and V-the volume of the crystaL The optical characteristics dépend on the photon density p =

tr (c+ c) inside the crystal which in turn is driven by the external classical light wave. The coupling

between the external driving field and the field mode (the inside photon) is described by [12] :

with Ek = Eo e ikx and w - wk . The total Hamiltonian then is

Taking the functional derivative of -L (Hext) with respect to the external field we could get P

which together with (2) would give :

Setting up from (9-11) the equations of motion for (c), (b) and (c+c) and solving them some-

how [12] for the stationary regime we have obtained the analytic expressions of (c) and (c+ c) which

cast (12) into :


In (13,14) r-1 (y-1 ) and T are the biexciton (photon) dephase time and the photon depopulation

time. It is provable [12] that when A > ,v’3 and 2w 2wc = Q - r (y + Av’3) / (A - ,v’3)

all the optical characteristics become three-valued functions of I in certain intensity intervals, Le.

optical bistability occurs. For illustration, we draw in the figure the dependence of the normalized

dimensionless quantities p - 0.02g2 p/I‘y, Él - ê1/103, l2 = ê2/103, ae, = 0.1r., fi = O.ln and  = 0.02A/Ç2 on i = 2wg2 TI/104,r in the intensity region where optical bistability takes place. For CuCI with the parameter = 5,n = 6.3725 eV, A = 2.76 meV, r = 0.2 meV,

,y = 0.1 meV, T-1 = 1 mev, wc = 3.18606 eV and g2 = 10-21 eV2 cm3. The threshold of

the driving light intensity for the occurence of optical bistability estimated here for CuCI is about

13 w/cm2 which is very low (see [1, 5]).



Fig. 1.- The 1 - dependences of p, £1, e2, K, fi and A for: w = 3186.16 meV (solid curves ; no bistability) ; w = wc = 3186.06 meV (dotted curves ; critical case) ; w = 3185.87 meV (dashed

curves ; bistable case) and = 3185.69 meV (dashed - dotted curves ; bistable case, too).


tion due to their interaction with the crystal valence electron (~ A) such problems as the existence

of double or strange poles in e [3-5, 8-10] and the necessity of treating the resonator [1, 5, 7] or the

local field effect [3-6] do not appear in our approach (for details see [12]).


The authors are deeply grateful to Prof. Nguyen Van Hieu and Prof. Dao Vong Duc for their

continuous supports in this work.


[1] KOCH S.W and HAUG H., Phys. Rev. Lett. 46 (1981) 450.

[2] KHADZI P.I., MOSKALENKO S.A., ROTARU A.Kh., BELKIN S.N. and KISELEVA E.S., Fiz Tverd. Tela 24 (1982) 1624.

[3] ABRAM I. and MARUANI A., Phys. Rev. B26 (1982) 4759.

[4] ABRAM I., Phys. Rev. B28 (1983) 4433; B29 (1984) 4480.

[5] SUNG C.C. and BOWDEN C.M., Phys. Rev. A29 (1984) 1957.

[6] DROR SARID, PEYGHAMBARIAN N. and GIBBS H.M., Phys. Rev. B31 (1985) 4031.

[7] GRUN J.B., HONERLAGE B. and LEVY R., J. Lumines. 30 (1985) 217.

[8] HAUG H., J. Lumines. 30 (1985) 171.

[9] HENNEBERGER F., Phys. Status Solidi. (B) 137 (1986) 371.

[10] NGUYEN BA AN, ICTP Preprint IC/86/82 (1986).

[11] NGUYEN BA AN and NGUYEN TRUNG DAN, Czech. J. Phys. B39 (1989) in print.

[12] NGUYEN BA AN and NGUYEN TRUNG DAN, to be published elsewhere.


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